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package SrvMngr::Controller::Review;
# heading : Support
# description : Review configuration
# navigation : 000 500
# menu : N
# routes : end
# heading-o : Configuration
# description-o : Review configuration
# navigation-o : 6000 6800
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
use SrvMngr qw(gen_locale_date_string);
#use SrvMngr::Review_sub qw(print_page);
#use smeserver::Panel::review;
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open config db";
our $domains = esmith::DomainsDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open domains";
our $networks = esmith::NetworksDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open networks";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my $title = $c->l('rvw_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('rvw_DESCRIPTION'));
my %rvw_datas = ();
$rvw_datas{'servermode'} = (get_value('', 'SystemMode') || '');
$rvw_datas{'localip'} = get_value('$c', 'LocalIP') . '/' . get_value('$c', 'LocalNetmask');
$rvw_datas{'publicip'} = $c->get_public_ip_address($c);
$rvw_datas{'gateway'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_gateway_stanza($c));
$rvw_datas{'serveronly'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_serveronly_stanza($c));
$rvw_datas{'addlocalnetworks'} = get_local_networks($c);
$rvw_datas{'dhcpserver'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_dhcp_stanza($c));
$rvw_datas{'dnsserver'} = (get_value('', 'LocalIP') || '');
$rvw_datas{'webserver'} = 'www.' . (get_local_domain());
my $port = $db->get_prop("squid", "TransparentPort") || 3128;
$rvw_datas{'proxyserver'} = 'proxy.' . get_local_domain() . ":$port";
$rvw_datas{'ftpserver'} = 'ftp.' . get_local_domain();
$rvw_datas{'smtpserver'} = 'mail.' . get_local_domain();
$rvw_datas{'domainname'} = (get_value('', 'DomainName') || '');
$rvw_datas{'virtualdomains'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => gen2_domains($c));
$rvw_datas{'primarywebsite'} = 'http://www.' . get_value('', 'DomainName');
$rvw_datas{'servermanager'} = 'https://' . (get_value('', 'SystemName') || 'localhost') . '/server-manager/';
$rvw_datas{'usermanager'} = 'https://' . (get_value('', 'SystemName') || 'localhost') . '/user-password/';
$rvw_datas{'emailaddresses'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => gen2_email_addresses($c));
#$c->stash( releaseVersion => $c->session->{releaseVersion}, copyRight => $c->session->{copyRight},
#PwdSet => $c->session->{PwdSet}, Unsafe => $c->session->{Unsafe},
title => $title,
modul => $modul,
rvw_datas => \%rvw_datas,
$c->render(template => 'review');
} ## end sub main
=head2 gen2_email_addresses
Returns a string of the various forms of email addresses that work
on an SMEServer (mojo v.)
sub gen2_email_addresses {
my $c = shift;
my $domain = get_value($c, 'DomainName');
my $useraccount = $c->l("rvw_EMAIL_USERACCOUNT");
my $firstname = $c->l("rvw_EMAIL_FIRSTNAME");
my $lastname = $c->l("rvw_EMAIL_LASTNAME");
my $out
= "<I>"
. $useraccount
. "</I>\@"
. $domain . "<BR>" . "<I>"
. $firstname
. "</I>.<I>"
. $lastname
. "</I>\@"
. $domain . "<BR>" . "<I>"
. $firstname
. "</I>_<I>"
. $lastname
. "</I>\@"
. $domain . "<BR>";
return $out;
} ## end sub gen2_email_addresses
=head2 gen2_domains
Returns a string of the domains this SME Server serves or a localized string
saying "no domains defined" (mojo ver)
sub gen2_domains {
my $c = shift;
my @virtual = $domains->get_all_by_prop(type => 'domain');
my $numvirtual = @virtual;
if ($numvirtual == 0) {
} else {
my $out = "";
my $domain;
foreach $domain (sort @virtual) {
if ($out ne "") {
$out .= "<BR>";
$out .= $domain->key;
} ## end foreach $domain (sort @virtual)
return $out;
} ## end else [ if ($numvirtual == 0) ]
} ## end sub gen2_domains
=head2 get2_local_networks
Return a <br> delimited string of all the networks this SMEServer is
serving. (mojo ver)
sub get2_local_networks {
my $c = shift;
my @nets = $networks->get_all_by_prop('type' => 'network');
my $numNetworks = @nets;
if ($numNetworks == 0) {
return $c->l('rvw_NO_NETWORKS');
} else {
my $out = "";
foreach my $network (sort @nets) {
if ($out ne "") {
$out .= "<BR>";
$out .= $network->key . "/" . get_net_prop($c, $network->key, 'Mask');
if (defined get_net_prop($c, $network->key, 'Router')) {
$out .= " via " . get_net_prop($c, $network->key, 'Router');
} ## end foreach my $network (sort @nets)
return $out;
} ## end else [ if ($numNetworks == 0)]
} ## end sub get2_local_networks
sub get_net_prop {
my $fm = shift;
my $item = shift;
my $prop = shift;
my $record = $networks->get($item);
if ($record) {
return $record->prop($prop);
else {
return '';
sub get_local_networks {
my $fm = shift;
my @nets = $networks->get_all_by_prop('type' => 'network');
my $numNetworks = @nets;
if ($numNetworks == 0) {
return $fm->localise('NO_NETWORKS');
else {
my $out = "";
foreach my $network (sort @nets) {
if ($out ne "") {
$out .= "<BR>";
$out .= $network->key."/" . get_net_prop($fm, $network->key, 'Mask');
if ( defined get_net_prop($fm, $network->key, 'Router') ) {
$out .= " via " . get_net_prop ($fm, $network->key, 'Router');
return $out;
sub get_local_domain
return (get_value('','DomainName'));
=head2 print2_gateway_stanza
If this system is a server gateway, show the external ip and gateway ip (mojo ver)
sub print2_gateway_stanza {
my $c = shift;
if (get_value($c, 'SystemMode') =~ /servergateway/) {
my $ip = get_value($c, 'ExternalIP');
my $static
= (get_value($c, 'AccessType') eq 'dedicated')
&& (get_value($c, 'ExternalDHCP') eq 'off')
&& (get_prop($c, 'pppoe', 'status') eq 'disabled');
if ($static) {
$ip .= "/" . get_value($c, 'ExternalNetmask');
my $out = $c->l('rvw_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS_SUBNET_MASK') . ':' . $ip;
if ($static) {
$out .= $c->l('rvw_GATEWAY') . ':' . get_value($c, 'GatewayIP');
return $out;
} ## end if (get_value($c, 'SystemMode'...))
} ## end sub print2_gateway_stanza
=head2 print2_serveronly_stanza
If this system is a standalone server with net access, show the external
gateway IP (mojo ver)
sub print2_serveronly_stanza {
my $c = shift;
if ( (get_value($c, 'SystemMode') eq 'serveronly')
&& get_value($c, 'AccessType')
&& (get_value($c, 'AccessType') ne "off"))
return (get_value($c, 'GatewayIP'));
} ## end if ((get_value($c, 'SystemMode'...)))
} ## end sub print2_serveronly_stanza
=head2 print2_dhcp_stanza
Prints out the current state of dhcp service (mojo ver)
sub print2_dhcp_stanza {
my $c = shift;
my $out = (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd', 'status') || 'disabled');
if (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd', 'status') eq 'enabled') {
$out .= '<br>' . $c->l('rvw_BEGINNING_OF_DHCP_ADDRESS_RANGE') . ':';
$out .= (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd', 'start') || '') . '<br>';
$out .= $c->l('rvw_END_OF_DHCP_ADDRESS_RANGE') . ':';
$out .= (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd', 'end') || '');
} ## end if (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd'...))
return $out;
} ## end sub print2_dhcp_stanza
sub get_value {
my $fm = shift;
my $item = shift;
my $record = $db->get($item);
if ($record) {
return $record->value();
else {
return '';
sub get_prop {
my $fm = shift if (ref($_[0]) ); # If we're being called in a formmagick context
# The first argument will always be a fm.
#otherwise, we don't want to grab it
my $item = shift;
my $prop = shift;
my $record = $db->get($item);
if ($record) {
return $record->prop($prop);
else {
return '';
sub get_public_ip_address
my $self = shift;
my $sysconfig = $db->get('sysconfig');
if ($sysconfig)
my $publicIP = $sysconfig->prop('PublicIP');
if ($publicIP)
return $publicIP;
return undef;