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package SrvMngr::Controller::Proxy;
# heading : System
# description : Proxy settings
# navigation : 4000 700
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %prx_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('prx_TITLE');
my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('prx_FIRST_PAGE_DESCRIPTION'));
$prx_datas{'http_proxy_status'} = ($db->get_prop('squid','status')) || 'disabled';
#if (system('/bin/rpm -q e-smith-email > /dev/null') == 0)
$prx_datas{'smtp_proxy_status'} = $db->get_prop('qpsmtpd','Proxy') || undef;
#(system('/bin/rpm -q e-smith-email > /dev/null') == 0) ?
$c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, prx_datas => \%prx_datas );
$c->render(template => 'proxy');
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
my $http_proxy_status = $c->param('http_proxy_status') || 'disabled';
my $smtp_proxy_status = $c->param('smtp_proxy_status') || '';
my $result = "";
my $squid = $db->get('squid') or $result = $c->l('prx_ERR_NO_SQUID_REC');
# smtpd is allowed to not exist, as the relevant packages may not be
# installed.
my $smtpd = $db->get('qpsmtpd') || undef;
$squid->set_prop('status', $http_proxy_status);
$smtpd->set_prop('Proxy', $smtp_proxy_status) if $smtpd;
# Update the system
system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event proxy-update") == 0
or $result = $c->l('prx_ERR_PROXY_UPDATE_FAILED');
my $title = $c->l('prx_TITLE');
if ( $result eq '' ) { $result = $c->l('prx_SUCCESS'); }
$c->stash( title => $title, modul => $result );
$c->render(template => 'module');