diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/templates/partials/_grp_list.html.ep b/root/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/templates/partials/_grp_list.html.ep
index 6484abb..b6fc3a5 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/templates/partials/_grp_list.html.ep
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/templates/partials/_grp_list.html.ep
@@ -39,8 +39,25 @@
%= t td => (class => 'sme-border') => $group->key
%= t td => (class => 'sme-border') => $group->prop('Description')
+ %my $modify_text = l('MODIFY'); # Localized text
+ %my $csrf_token = "TOKEN"; # CSRF token for security
+ %my $group_name = $group->key; # group name extracted from the data structure
+ %my $actionModify = qq{
+ %
+ %};
+ %my $remove_text = l('REMOVE'); # Localized text
+ %my $csrf_token = "TOKEN"; # CSRF token for security
+ %my $group_name = $group->key; # group name extracted from the data structure
+ %my $actionRemove = qq{
+ %
+ %};
+ <%= $c->render_to_string(inline => $actionModify) %> <%= $c->render_to_string(inline => $actionRemove) %>
% }
@@ -50,4 +67,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/templates/partials/_hos_list.html.ep b/root/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/templates/partials/_hos_list.html.ep
index 818e3c3..0811765 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/templates/partials/_hos_list.html.ep
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/templates/partials/_hos_list.html.ep
@@ -49,25 +49,34 @@
%= t td => (class => 'sme-border') => $_->{'IP'};
%= t td => (class => 'sme-border') => $_->{'MACAddress'};
%= t td => (class => 'sme-border') => $_->{'Comment'};
- % my ($actionModify, $actionRemove) = ' ';
- % if ($_->{'static'} ne 'yes') {
- % $actionModify = "" . "" . "";
- % $actionRemove = "" . "" . "";
- % }
- <%= $c->render_to_string(inline => $actionModify) %>
- <%= $c->render_to_string(inline => $actionRemove) %>
+ % my ($actionModify, $actionRemove) = ' ';
+ %my $static = $_->{'static'} || "no";
+ % if ($static ne 'yes') {
+ %my $modify_text = l('MODIFY'); # Localized text
+ %my $csrf_token = "TOKEN"; # CSRF token for security
+ %my $hostentries_name = $_->{'HostName'}; # hostentries name extracted from the data structure
+ %$actionModify = qq{
+ %
+ %};
+ %my $remove_text = l('REMOVE'); # Localized text
+ %my $csrf_token = "TOKEN"; # CSRF token for security
+ %#my $hostentries_name = $_->{'HostName'}; # hostentries name extracted from the data structure
+ %$actionRemove = qq{
+ %
+ %};
+ % }
+ <%= $c->render_to_string(inline => $actionModify) %> <%= $c->render_to_string(inline => $actionRemove) %>
% }
- % }
+ % }
\ No newline at end of file