diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Backup.pm b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Backup.pm
index 30328ec..0c95a00 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Backup.pm
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Backup.pm
@@ -7,50 +7,38 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Backup;
# Copyright (C) 2002 Mitel Networks Corporation
# routes : end
# for information - routes
# $if_admin->get('/backup')->to('backup#main')->name('backup');
# $if_admin->post('/backup')->to('backup#do_display')->name('backupd');
# $if_admin->get('/backupd')->to('backup#do_display')->name('backupc');
# $if_admin->post('/backupd')->to('backup#do_update')->name('backupu');
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use utf8;
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session ip_number_or_blank);
use Quota;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::util;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use esmith::Backup;
use esmith::BackupHistoryDB;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::lockfile;
use esmith::BlockDevices;
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_SMANAGER_DEBUG} || 0;
-our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
+our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
our $rdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open('/etc/e-smith/restore')
- || die "Couldn't open restore db";
+ || die "Couldn't open restore db";
my $es_backup = new esmith::Backup or die "Couldn't create Backup object\n";
my @directories = $es_backup->restore_list;
@directories = grep { -e "/$_" } @directories;
my @backup_excludes = $es_backup->excludes;
# Unbuffer standard output so that files and directories are listed as
@@ -60,724 +48,647 @@ $| = 1;
# Store away current gid of 'www' group.
my $www_gid = getgrnam("www");
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %bac_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('bac_BACKUP_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('bac_BACKUP_TITLE');
my $notif;
$bac_datas{'function'} = 'desktop_backup';
my ($tarsize, $dumpsize, undef, undef) = $c->CalculateSizes();
my $module = $cdb->get('backup');
if ($module) {
- $module = $module->prop('Program');
+ $module = $module->prop('Program');
# The default e-smith backup program is flexbackup.
unless (defined $module) {
- $module = "flexbackup";
+ $module = "flexbackup";
} elsif ($module eq '') {
- $module = "flexbackup";
+ $module = "flexbackup";
- $bac_datas{'tarsize'} = $tarsize;
+ $bac_datas{'tarsize'} = $tarsize;
$bac_datas{'dumpsize'} = $dumpsize;
- $bac_datas{'module'} = $module;
+ $bac_datas{'module'} = $module;
if ($tarsize =~ /Tb/ or $tarsize =~ /(\d+)Gb/ and $1 >= 2) {
- $notif = $c->l("bac_BACKUP_DESKTOP_TOO_BIG").' : '.$tarsize;
+ $notif = $c->l("bac_BACKUP_DESKTOP_TOO_BIG") . ' : ' . $tarsize;
my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
my ($backup_status, $backupwk_status) = 'disabled';
if ($rec) {
- $backup_status = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
+ $backup_status = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
if ($backup_status eq "enabled") {
- $bac_datas{'backupTime'} = $rec->prop('backupTime');
- $bac_datas{'reminderTime'} = $rec->prop('reminderTime');
+ $bac_datas{'backupTime'} = $rec->prop('backupTime');
+ $bac_datas{'reminderTime'} = $rec->prop('reminderTime');
$rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
if ($rec) {
- $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
+ $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
if ($backupwk_status eq "enabled") {
- $bac_datas{'backupwkTime'} = $rec->prop('BackupTime');
+ $bac_datas{'backupwkTime'} = $rec->prop('BackupTime');
- $bac_datas{'backupStatus'} = $backup_status;
+ $bac_datas{'backupStatus'} = $backup_status;
$bac_datas{'backupwkStatus'} = $backupwk_status;
- $c->stash( warning => $notif ) if ( $notif );
- $c->stash( title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas );
+ $c->stash(warning => $notif) if ($notif);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas);
$c->render(template => 'backup');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
my $rt = $c->current_route;
my ($res, $result) = '';
my $function = $c->param('Function');
if ($function =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
- $function = $1;
+ $function = $1;
} elsif ($function =~ /^\s*$/) {
- $function = "zoverall";
- } else {
- $result = $c->l('bac_INVALID_FUNCTION') . $function;
- $function = undef;
+ $function = "zoverall";
+ } else {
+ $result = $c->l('bac_INVALID_FUNCTION') . $function;
+ $function = undef;
- DEBUG && warn("do_display $function");
+ DEBUG && warn("do_display $function");
my %bac_datas = ();
$bac_datas{'function'} = $function;
my $title = $c->l('bac_BACKUP_TITLE');
- my $dest = '';
+ my $dest = '';
+ if ($function eq 'desktop_backup') {
+ my $CompressionLevel = $cdb->get_prop("backupconsole", "CompressionLevel") || "-6";
+ my @exclude = map (" --exclude=$_", @backup_excludes);
+ $c->stash(compressionlevel => $CompressionLevel, exclude => \@exclude, directories => \@directories);
- if ( $function eq 'desktop_backup' ) {
+ # streaming download in template
+ return $c->render("/backdown");
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'desktop_backup')
- my $CompressionLevel = $cdb->get_prop("backupconsole", "CompressionLevel") || "-6";
- my @exclude = map (" --exclude=$_",@backup_excludes);
+ if ($function eq 'tape_configure') {
+ $bac_datas{'status'} = 'unchecked';
+ my $backupTime = "2:00";
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- $c->stash( compressionlevel => $CompressionLevel, exclude => \@exclude, directories => \@directories );
+ if ($rec) {
+ $backupTime = $rec->prop('backupTime') || "2:00";
+ my $backup_status = $rec->prop('status');
- # streaming download in template
- return $c->render("/backdown");
- }
+ if (defined $backup_status && $backup_status eq "enabled") {
+ $bac_datas{'status'} = "checked";
+ }
+ } ## end if ($rec)
+ ($bac_datas{backupAMPM}, $bac_datas{reminderAMPM}) = 'AM';
+ ($bac_datas{backupHour}, $bac_datas{backupMin}) = split(":", $backupTime, -1);
- if ( $function eq 'tape_configure' ) {
- $bac_datas{'status'} = 'unchecked';
- my $backupTime = "2:00";
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- if ($rec) {
- $backupTime = $rec->prop('backupTime') || "2:00";
- my $backup_status = $rec->prop('status');
- if (defined $backup_status && $backup_status eq "enabled") {
- $bac_datas{'status'} = "checked";
- }
- }
- ($bac_datas{backupAMPM}, $bac_datas{reminderAMPM}) = 'AM';
- ($bac_datas{backupHour}, $bac_datas{backupMin}) = split (":", $backupTime, -1);
- if ($bac_datas{backupHour} > 11) {
- if ($bac_datas{backupHour} > 12) {
- $bac_datas{backupHour} -= 12;
- }
- $bac_datas{backupAMPM} = 'PM';
- }
+ if ($bac_datas{backupHour} > 11) {
+ if ($bac_datas{backupHour} > 12) {
+ $bac_datas{backupHour} -= 12;
+ }
+ $bac_datas{backupAMPM} = 'PM';
+ } ## end if ($bac_datas{backupHour...})
# Obtain time for reminder notice from the backup cron template
my $reminderTime = "14:00";
- if ($rec) {
- $reminderTime = $rec->prop('reminderTime') || "14:00";
- }
- ($bac_datas{reminderHour}, $bac_datas{reminderMin}) = split (":", $reminderTime, -1);
+ if ($rec) {
+ $reminderTime = $rec->prop('reminderTime') || "14:00";
+ }
+ ($bac_datas{reminderHour}, $bac_datas{reminderMin}) = split(":", $reminderTime, -1);
if ($bac_datas{reminderHour} > 12) {
- $bac_datas{reminderHour} -= 12;
- $bac_datas{reminderAMPM} = 'PM';
- }
- }
+ $bac_datas{reminderHour} -= 12;
+ $bac_datas{reminderAMPM} = 'PM';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'tape_configure')
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_configure' ) {
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- $bac_datas{vfstype} = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
- $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status');
- }
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_configure1' ) {
- $bac_datas{vfstype} = $c->param('VFSType');
- $bac_datas{'status'} = '';
- $bac_datas{ampm} = 'AM';
- $bac_datas{min} = '';
- $bac_datas{hour} = '';
- $bac_datas{login} = 'backup';
- $bac_datas{password} = 'backup';
- $bac_datas{station} = 'host';
- $bac_datas{folder} = 'share';
- $bac_datas{mount} = '';
- $bac_datas{setsNumber} = '';
- $bac_datas{filesinset} = '';
- $bac_datas{timeout} = '';
- $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = '';
- $bac_datas{compression} = '';
- $bac_datas{dof} = '';
- # Obtain backup informations from configuration
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_configure') {
my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- my $Time = '2:00';
+ $bac_datas{vfstype} = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
+ $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status');
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_configure')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_configure1') {
+ $bac_datas{vfstype} = $c->param('VFSType');
+ $bac_datas{'status'} = '';
+ $bac_datas{ampm} = 'AM';
+ $bac_datas{min} = '';
+ $bac_datas{hour} = '';
+ $bac_datas{login} = 'backup';
+ $bac_datas{password} = 'backup';
+ $bac_datas{station} = 'host';
+ $bac_datas{folder} = 'share';
+ $bac_datas{mount} = '';
+ $bac_datas{setsNumber} = '';
+ $bac_datas{filesinset} = '';
+ $bac_datas{timeout} = '';
+ $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = '';
+ $bac_datas{compression} = '';
+ $bac_datas{dof} = '';
+ # Obtain backup informations from configuration
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
+ my $Time = '2:00';
if ($rec) {
- $Time = $rec->prop('BackupTime') || '2:00';
- $bac_datas{login} = $rec->prop('Login') || 'backup';
- $bac_datas{password} = $rec->prop('Password') || 'backup';
- $bac_datas{station} = $rec->prop('SmbHost') || 'host';
- $bac_datas{folder} = $rec->prop('SmbShare') || 'share';
- $bac_datas{mount} = $rec->prop('Mount') || '';
- $bac_datas{setsNumber} = $rec->prop('SetsMax') || '1';
- $bac_datas{filesinset} = $rec->prop('DaysInSet') || '1';
- $bac_datas{timeout} = $rec->prop('Timeout') || '12';
- $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = $rec->prop('IncOnlyTimeout') || 'yes';
- $bac_datas{compression} = $rec->prop('Compression') || '0';
- $bac_datas{dof} = (defined $rec->prop('FullDay')) ? $rec->prop('FullDay') : '7';
- }
+ $Time = $rec->prop('BackupTime') || '2:00';
+ $bac_datas{login} = $rec->prop('Login') || 'backup';
+ $bac_datas{password} = $rec->prop('Password') || 'backup';
+ $bac_datas{station} = $rec->prop('SmbHost') || 'host';
+ $bac_datas{folder} = $rec->prop('SmbShare') || 'share';
+ $bac_datas{mount} = $rec->prop('Mount') || '';
+ $bac_datas{setsNumber} = $rec->prop('SetsMax') || '1';
+ $bac_datas{filesinset} = $rec->prop('DaysInSet') || '1';
+ $bac_datas{timeout} = $rec->prop('Timeout') || '12';
+ $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = $rec->prop('IncOnlyTimeout') || 'yes';
+ $bac_datas{compression} = $rec->prop('Compression') || '0';
+ $bac_datas{dof} = (defined $rec->prop('FullDay')) ? $rec->prop('FullDay') : '7';
+ } ## end if ($rec)
+ ($bac_datas{hour}, $bac_datas{min}) = split(':', $Time, -1);
- ($bac_datas{hour}, $bac_datas{min}) = split (':', $Time, -1);
- if ( $bac_datas{hour} > 12 ) {
- $bac_datas{hour} -= 12;
- $bac_datas{ampm} = 'PM';
- }
+ if ($bac_datas{hour} > 12) {
+ $bac_datas{hour} -= 12;
+ $bac_datas{ampm} = 'PM';
+ }
+ my $backupwk_status;
- my $backupwk_status;
- if ($rec) {
- $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status');
- }
+ if ($rec) {
+ $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status');
+ }
- if (defined $backupwk_status && $backupwk_status eq 'enabled') {
- $bac_datas{status} = 'checked';
- }
+ if (defined $backupwk_status && $backupwk_status eq 'enabled') {
+ $bac_datas{status} = 'checked';
+ }
- if (defined $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} && $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} eq 'yes') {
- $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = 'checked';
- }
- }
+ if (defined $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} && $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} eq 'yes') {
+ $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = 'checked';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_configure1')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_verify') {
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_verify' ) {
+ if ($rec) {
+ $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_verify')
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- if ( $rec) {
- $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
- }
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_verify1') {
+ $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $bac_datas{function} = $function;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_verify1')
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_verify1' ) {
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $bac_datas{function} = $function;
- }
- }
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_restore' ) {
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- if ( $rec) {
- $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
- }
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_restore') {
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
+ if ($rec) {
+ $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_restore')
$dest = "back_$function";
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $c->stash( title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas );
- return $c->render( template => $dest );
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => $dest);
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
my $function = $c->param('Function');
- DEBUG && warn("do_update $function");
+ DEBUG && warn("do_update $function");
my %bac_datas = ();
$bac_datas{function} = $function;
my $title = $c->l('bac_BACKUP_TITLE');
my ($dest, $res, $result) = '';
+ if ($function eq 'desktop_backup') {
- if ( $function eq 'desktop_backup' ) {
- # should not happen !! no desktop_backup template !!
- $result .= ' ** Function error for desktop backup ** !';
- }
+ # should not happen !! no desktop_backup template !!
+ $result .= ' ** Function error for desktop backup ** !';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'desktop_backup')
+ if ($function eq 'tape_configure') {
+ my $status = $c->param('Tapebackup');
+ my $backupHour = $c->param('BackupHour');
+ my $backupMin = $c->param('BackupMin');
+ my $bampm = $c->param('BackupAMPM');
+ my $reminderHour = $c->param('ReminderHour');
+ my $reminderMin = $c->param('ReminderMin');
+ my $rampm = $c->param('ReminderAMPM');
- if ( $function eq 'tape_configure' ) {
+ if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
+ if ($backupHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $backupHour = $1;
+ } else {
+ $backupHour = "12";
+ }
- my $status = $c->param('Tapebackup');
- my $backupHour = $c->param('BackupHour');
- my $backupMin = $c->param('BackupMin');
- my $bampm = $c->param('BackupAMPM');
- my $reminderHour = $c->param('ReminderHour');
- my $reminderMin = $c->param('ReminderMin');
- my $rampm = $c->param('ReminderAMPM');
+ if (($backupHour < 1) || ($backupHour > 12)) {
+ $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_HOUR') . $backupHour . ' ' . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12') . ' ';
+ }
- if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
- if ($backupHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $backupHour = $1;
- } else {
- $backupHour = "12";
- }
- if (($backupHour < 1) || ($backupHour > 12)) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_HOUR').$backupHour.
- ' '.$c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12').' ';
- }
+ if ($backupMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $backupMin = $1;
+ } else {
+ $backupMin = "0";
+ }
- if ($backupMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $backupMin = $1;
- } else {
- $backupMin = "0";
- }
- if (($backupMin < 0) || ($backupMin > 59)) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_MINUTE').$backupMin.
- ' '.$c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59').' ';
- }
+ if (($backupMin < 0) || ($backupMin > 59)) {
+ $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_MINUTE') . $backupMin . ' ' . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59') . ' ';
+ }
- if ($reminderHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $reminderHour = $1;
- } else {
- $reminderHour = "12";
- }
- if (($reminderHour < 1) || ($reminderHour > 12)) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_REMINDER_HOUR').$reminderHour.
- ' '.$c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12').' ';
- }
+ if ($reminderHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $reminderHour = $1;
+ } else {
+ $reminderHour = "12";
+ }
- if ($reminderMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $reminderMin = $1;
- } else {
- $reminderMin = "0";
- }
- if (($reminderMin < 0) || ($reminderMin > 59)) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_REMINDER_MINUTE').$reminderMin.
- ' '.$c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59').' ';
- }
- } else {
- # service disabled no controls
- }
+ if (($reminderHour < 1) || ($reminderHour > 12)) {
+ $result
+ . $reminderHour . ' '
+ . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12') . ' ';
+ } ## end if (($reminderHour < 1...))
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ if ($reminderMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $reminderMin = $1;
+ } else {
+ $reminderMin = "0";
+ }
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->tapeBackupConfig($status, $backupHour,
- $backupMin, $bampm, $reminderHour, $reminderMin, $rampm);
+ if (($reminderMin < 0) || ($reminderMin > 59)) {
+ $result
+ . $reminderMin . ' '
+ . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59') . ' ';
+ } ## end if (($reminderMin < 0)...)
+ } else {
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
- $result .= ($c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_ENABLED_TAPE').' '.
- $c->l('bac_WITH_BACKUP_TIME')."$backupHour:$backupMin".' '.
- $c->l('bac_WITH_REMINDER_TIME')."$reminderHour:$reminderMin");
- } else {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_DISABLED');
- }
- $cdb->reload;
- }
- }
- }
+ # service disabled no controls
+ }
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->tapeBackupConfig($status, $backupHour, $backupMin, $bampm, $reminderHour, $reminderMin, $rampm);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $function eq 'tape_restore' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
+ $result
+ .= ( $c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_ENABLED_TAPE') . ' '
+ . $c->l('bac_WITH_BACKUP_TIME')
+ . "$backupHour:$backupMin" . ' '
+ . $c->l('bac_WITH_REMINDER_TIME')
+ . "$reminderHour:$reminderMin");
+ } else {
+ $result .= $c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_DISABLED');
+ }
+ $cdb->reload;
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'tape_configure')
- my $lock_file = "/var/lock/subsys/e-smith-restore";
+ if ($function eq 'tape_restore') {
+ my $lock_file = "/var/lock/subsys/e-smith-restore";
my $file_handle = &esmith::lockfile::LockFileOrReturn($lock_file);
unless ($file_handle) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_UNABLE_TO_RESTORE_CONF').' '.
- }
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $result .= $c->l('bac_UNABLE_TO_RESTORE_CONF') . ' ' . $c->l('bac_ANOTHER_RESTORE_IN_PROGRESS');
+ }
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = '';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->tapeRestore( $lock_file, $file_handle );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #if ( ! $result ) {
- #$result = $c->l('bac_SUCCESS');
- #}
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->tapeRestore($lock_file, $file_handle);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #if ( ! $result ) {
+ #$result = $c->l('bac_SUCCESS');
+ #}
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'tape_restore')
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_configure' ) {
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_configure') {
- # should not happen !!
- $result .= ' ** Function error for workstation configure *** !';
- }
+ # should not happen !!
+ $result .= ' ** Function error for workstation configure *** !';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_configure')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_configure1') {
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_configure1' ) {
+ #$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = '';
- #$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->updateWorkstnBackupConfig();
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->updateWorkstnBackupConfig();
- if ( ($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#|| ) {
- $res = 'OK';
- $cdb->reload;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#||) {
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $cdb->reload;
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_configure1')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_verify') {
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_verify' ) {
+ # should not happen !!
+ $result .= ' ** Function error for workstation verify *** !';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_verify')
- # should not happen !!
- $result .= ' ** Function error for workstation verify *** !';
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_verify1') {
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $result = '';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_verify1')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_restore') {
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = 'NOK';
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_verify1' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->workstnRestore();
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ if (($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#||) {
+ $bac_datas{restore_log} = $result;
+ $res = 'OK';
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ }
+ $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_restore1';
+ $res = 'NEXT';
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_restore')
- $res = 'OK';
- $result = '';
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_restore1') {
+ my $state = 'unknown';
+ my $rec = $rdb->get('restore');
+ if ($rec) {
+ $state = $rec->prop('state') || 'unknown';
+ }
+ $result .= "Restore state unexpected: $state" if ($state ne 'complete');
+ $res = 'NOK';
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_restore' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->performReboot();
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ if (($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#||) {
+ $res = 'OK';
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_restore1')
- $res = 'NOK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->workstnRestore();
- if ( ($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#|| ) {
- $bac_datas{restore_log} = $result;
- $res = 'OK';
- } else {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- }
- $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_restore1';
- $res = 'NEXT';
- }
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore') {
+ my $backupset = $c->param('Backupset');
+ my $filterexp = $c->param('Filterexp');
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_restore1' ) {
- my $state = 'unknown';
- my $rec = $rdb->get('restore');
- if ($rec) {
- $state = $rec->prop('state') || 'unknown';
- }
- $result .= "Restore state unexpected: $state" if ($state ne 'complete');
- $res = 'NOK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->performReboot();
- if ( ($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#|| ) {
- $res = 'OK';
- } else {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_sel_restore' ) {
- my $backupset = $c->param('Backupset');
- my $filterexp = $c->param('Filterexp');
if ($filterexp =~ /^(.*)$/) {
$filterexp = $1;
- } else {
- $filterexp = '';
- }
- #$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 1 ** !';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_sel_restore1';
- $bac_datas{backupset} = $backupset;
- $bac_datas{filterexp} = $filterexp;
- $res = 'NEXT';
- }
- }
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_sel_restore1' ) {
- $bac_datas{backupset} = $c->param('Backupset');
- $bac_datas{filterexp} = $c->param('Filterexp');
- my @restorefiles = @{$c->every_param('Restorefiles')};
- my $seldatebefore = $c->param('Seldatebefore');
- if ($seldatebefore =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $seldatebefore = $1;
} else {
- $result .= 'Unsecure data : ' . $seldatebefore;
+ $filterexp = '';
- my $tymd =
- qr/((19|20)\d\d\/(?=\d\d\/\d\d-))?((0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(?=\d\d-))?((31|[123]0|[012]?[1-9])-)?/;
- my $thms =
- qr/([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])(:[0-5][0-9])?/;
+ #$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 1 ** !';
+ $res = '';
- $result .= " $seldatebefore : " . $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_SELDATE')
- unless (($seldatebefore =~ m/^$tymd$thms$/) || ($seldatebefore eq ""));
+ if (!$result) {
+ $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_sel_restore1';
+ $bac_datas{backupset} = $backupset;
+ $bac_datas{filterexp} = $filterexp;
+ $res = 'NEXT';
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore')
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 2 ** !';
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore1') {
+ $bac_datas{backupset} = $c->param('Backupset');
+ $bac_datas{filterexp} = $c->param('Filterexp');
+ my @restorefiles = @{ $c->every_param('Restorefiles') };
+ my $seldatebefore = $c->param('Seldatebefore');
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->performWorkstnSelRestore( $seldatebefore, \@restorefiles ); # restore log returned
- if ( ($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#|| ) {
- $bac_datas{restore_log} = $result;
- $res = 'OK';
- } else {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- }
- $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_sel_restore2';
- $res = 'NEXT';
- }
- }
+ if ($seldatebefore =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $seldatebefore = $1;
+ } else {
+ $result .= 'Unsecure data : ' . $seldatebefore;
+ }
+ my $tymd = qr/((19|20)\d\d\/(?=\d\d\/\d\d-))?((0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(?=\d\d-))?((31|[123]0|[012]?[1-9])-)?/;
+ my $thms = qr/([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])(:[0-5][0-9])?/;
+ $result .= " $seldatebefore : " . $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_SELDATE')
+ unless (($seldatebefore =~ m/^$tymd$thms$/) || ($seldatebefore eq ""));
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 2 ** !';
+ $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->performWorkstnSelRestore($seldatebefore, \@restorefiles); # restore log returned
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_sel_restore2' ) {
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 3 ** !';
- $res = 'OK';
- $result = '';
- }
+ if (($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#||) {
+ $bac_datas{restore_log} = $result;
+ $res = 'OK';
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ }
+ $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_sel_restore2';
+ $res = 'NEXT';
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore1')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore2') {
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 3 ** !';
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $result = '';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore2')
# common part for all functions
if ($res ne 'OK') {
- if ($res eq 'NEXT') {
- $dest = 'back_' . $bac_datas{"function"};
- } else {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $dest = "back_$function";
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas );
- return $c->render($dest);
- }
+ if ($res eq 'NEXT') {
+ $dest = 'back_' . $bac_datas{"function"};
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $dest = "back_$function";
+ }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas);
+ return $c->render($dest);
+ } ## end if ($res ne 'OK')
my $message = "'Backup' $function updates DONE";
$c->flash(success => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub tapeBackupConfig {
- my ($c, $status, $backupHour, $backupMin, $bampm,
- $reminderHour, $reminderMin, $rampm) = @_;
+ my ($c, $status, $backupHour, $backupMin, $bampm, $reminderHour, $reminderMin, $rampm) = @_;
if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
+ $backupMin = sprintf("%02d", $backupMin);
- $backupMin = sprintf("%02d", $backupMin);
+ if ($bampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $bampm = $1;
+ } else {
+ $bampm = "AM";
+ }
- if ($bampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $bampm = $1;
- } else {
- $bampm = "AM";
- }
- # convert to 24 hour time
- $backupHour = $backupHour % 12;
- if ($bampm eq "PM") {
- $backupHour = $backupHour + 12;
- }
+ # convert to 24 hour time
+ $backupHour = $backupHour % 12;
- $reminderMin = sprintf("%02d", $reminderMin);
+ if ($bampm eq "PM") {
+ $backupHour = $backupHour + 12;
+ }
+ $reminderMin = sprintf("%02d", $reminderMin);
- if ($rampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $rampm = $1;
- } else {
- $rampm = "AM";
- }
- # convert to 24 hour time
- $reminderHour = $reminderHour % 12;
- if ($rampm eq "PM") {
- $reminderHour = $reminderHour + 12;
- }
+ if ($rampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $rampm = $1;
+ } else {
+ $rampm = "AM";
+ }
- # variables passed validity checks, set configuration database values
- my $oldUnsav = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
+ # convert to 24 hour time
+ $reminderHour = $reminderHour % 12;
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- unless (defined $rec) {
- $rec = $cdb->new_record('backup', {type=>'service'});
- }
+ if ($rampm eq "PM") {
+ $reminderHour = $reminderHour + 12;
+ }
- $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ # variables passed validity checks, set configuration database values
+ my $oldUnsav = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- my $module = $rec->prop('Program');
+ unless (defined $rec) {
+ $rec = $cdb->new_record('backup', { type => 'service' });
+ }
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ my $module = $rec->prop('Program');
- # The default e-smith backup program is flexbackup.
- unless (defined $module) {
- $module = "flexbackup";
- } elsif ($module eq '') {
- $module = "flexbackup";
- }
- $rec->set_prop('Program', $module);
- $rec->set_prop('backupTime', "$backupHour:$backupMin");
- $rec->set_prop('reminderTime', "$reminderHour:$reminderMin");
- $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($oldUnsav);
- system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
- or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP'),"\n");
- return 'OK';
+ # The default e-smith backup program is flexbackup.
+ unless (defined $module) {
+ $module = "flexbackup";
+ } elsif ($module eq '') {
+ $module = "flexbackup";
+ }
+ $rec->set_prop('Program', $module);
+ $rec->set_prop('backupTime', "$backupHour:$backupMin");
+ $rec->set_prop('reminderTime', "$reminderHour:$reminderMin");
+ $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($oldUnsav);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
+ or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP'), "\n");
+ return 'OK';
} else {
- # set service to disabled
- my $oldUnsav = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- unless ($rec) {
- $rec = $cdb->new_record('backup', {type=>'service'});
- }
+ # set service to disabled
+ my $oldUnsav = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- $rec->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
- $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($oldUnsav);
- system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
- or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP')."\n");
- return 'OK';
- }
+ unless ($rec) {
+ $rec = $cdb->new_record('backup', { type => 'service' });
+ }
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
+ $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($oldUnsav);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
+ or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP') . "\n");
+ return 'OK';
+ } ## end else [ if (defined $status &&...)]
return undef;
+} ## end sub tapeBackupConfig
sub tapeRestore {
my ($c, $lock_file, $file_handle) = @_;
my $rec = $rdb->get('restore');
$rec->set_prop('state', 'running');
$rec->set_prop('start', time);
my $child;
if ($child = fork) {
- # Parent
- $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE';
- &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
- return 'OK';
+ # Parent
+ $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE';
+ &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
+ return 'OK';
} elsif (defined $child) {
- # Child
- # Re-establish the lock. Wait till it is relinquished by the parent.
- $file_handle = &esmith::lockfile::LockFileOrWait($lock_file);
+ # Child
+ # Re-establish the lock. Wait till it is relinquished by the parent.
+ $file_handle = &esmith::lockfile::LockFileOrWait($lock_file);
- # Close STDOUT so that the web server connection is closed.
- close STDOUT;
+ # Close STDOUT so that the web server connection is closed.
+ close STDOUT;
- # Now reopen STDOUT for the child. Redirect it to STDERR.
- open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR");
+ # Now reopen STDOUT for the child. Redirect it to STDERR.
+ open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR");
- unless(system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pre-restore") == 0) {
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE'));
- $rec->delete_prop('state');
- die ($c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE'),"\n");
- }
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pre-restore") == 0) {
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE'));
+ $rec->delete_prop('state');
+ die($c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE'), "\n");
+ } ## end unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event"...))
- unless(system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "restore-tape") == 0) {
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_FROM_TAPE'));
- $rec->delete_prop('state');
- die ($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_FROM_TAPE')."\n");
- }
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "restore-tape") == 0) {
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_FROM_TAPE'));
+ $rec->delete_prop('state');
+ die($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_FROM_TAPE') . "\n");
+ } ## end unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event"...))
- #----------------------------------------
- # regenerate configuration files
- #----------------------------------------
- unless(system("/usr/sbin/groupmod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0) {
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg').', '.
- $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID'));
- warn ($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID')."\n");
- }
- unless(system("/usr/sbin/usermod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0) {
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg').', '.
- warn ($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_INITIAL_GRP')."\n");
- }
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0,
- "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade");
- #unless(system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade") == 0) {
- # $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg').', '.
- # $rec->delete_prop('state');
- #}
+ #----------------------------------------
+ # regenerate configuration files
+ #----------------------------------------
+ unless (system("/usr/sbin/groupmod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0) {
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg') . ', ' . $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID'));
+ warn($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID') . "\n");
+ }
- my $finish = time;
- $rec->set_prop('state', 'complete');
- $rec->set_prop('finish', $finish);
+ unless (system("/usr/sbin/usermod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0) {
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg') . ', ' . $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_INITIAL_GRP'));
+ warn($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_INITIAL_GRP') . "\n");
+ }
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade");
- my $start = $rec->prop('start');
- $start = scalar localtime($start);
- $finish = scalar localtime($finish);
- &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
- exit;
+ #unless(system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade") == 0) {
+ # $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg').', '.
+ # $rec->delete_prop('state');
+ #}
+ my $finish = time;
+ $rec->set_prop('state', 'complete');
+ $rec->set_prop('finish', $finish);
+ my $start = $rec->prop('start');
+ $start = scalar localtime($start);
+ $finish = scalar localtime($finish);
+ &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
+ exit;
} else {
- # Error
- $rec->delete_prop('state');
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_COULD_NOT_FORK'));
- die ($c->l("bac_COULD_NOT_FORK")." $!\n");
- }
+ # Error
+ $rec->delete_prop('state');
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_COULD_NOT_FORK'));
+ die($c->l("bac_COULD_NOT_FORK") . " $!\n");
+ } ## end else [ if ($child = fork) ]
+} ## end sub tapeRestore
sub workstnBackupConfig {
# called by template
my ($c) = @_;
my $out;
my $backupwk_status;
my $enabledIncOnlyTimeout = "";
- my $backupwkLogin = 'backup';
- my $backupwkPassword = 'backup';
- my $backupwkStation = 'host';
- my $backupwkFolder = 'share';
- my $backupwkMount = '/mnt/smb';
+ my $backupwkLogin = 'backup';
+ my $backupwkPassword = 'backup';
+ my $backupwkStation = 'host';
+ my $backupwkFolder = 'share';
+ my $backupwkMount = '/mnt/smb';
my $setsNumber;
my $filesinset;
my $backupwkTime;
@@ -790,692 +701,678 @@ sub workstnBackupConfig {
# Obtain backup informations from configuration
my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
if ($rec) {
- $backupwkTime = $rec->prop('BackupTime') || '2:00';
- $backupwkLogin = $rec->prop('Login') || 'backup';
- $backupwkPassword = $rec->prop('Password') || 'backup';
- $backupwkStation = $rec->prop('SmbHost') || 'host';
- $backupwkFolder = $rec->prop('SmbShare') || 'share';
- $backupwkMount = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
- $VFSType = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
- $setsNumber = $rec->prop('SetsMax') || '1';
- $filesinset = $rec->prop('DaysInSet') || '1';
- $backupwkTimeout = $rec->prop('Timeout') || '12';
- $backupwkIncOnlyTimeout = $rec->prop('IncOnlyTimeout') || 'yes';
- $compression = $rec->prop('Compression') || '0';
- $dof = (defined $rec->prop('FullDay')) ? $rec->prop('FullDay') : '7';
- $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status');
- }
+ $backupwkTime = $rec->prop('BackupTime') || '2:00';
+ $backupwkLogin = $rec->prop('Login') || 'backup';
+ $backupwkPassword = $rec->prop('Password') || 'backup';
+ $backupwkStation = $rec->prop('SmbHost') || 'host';
+ $backupwkFolder = $rec->prop('SmbShare') || 'share';
+ $backupwkMount = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ $VFSType = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
+ $setsNumber = $rec->prop('SetsMax') || '1';
+ $filesinset = $rec->prop('DaysInSet') || '1';
+ $backupwkTimeout = $rec->prop('Timeout') || '12';
+ $backupwkIncOnlyTimeout = $rec->prop('IncOnlyTimeout') || 'yes';
+ $compression = $rec->prop('Compression') || '0';
+ $dof = (defined $rec->prop('FullDay')) ? $rec->prop('FullDay') : '7';
+ $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status');
+ } ## end if ($rec)
if ($rec) {
if ($VFSType eq 'usb') {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_USB').' '.$backupwkFolder.'
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_USB') . ' ' . $backupwkFolder . '
} elsif ($VFSType eq 'mnt') {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_MNT').' '.$backupwkMount.'
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_MNT') . ' ' . $backupwkMount . '
} else {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_HOST').' '.$backupwkStation.' ';
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_VFSTYPE').' '.$VFSType.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_SHARE').' '.$backupwkFolder.'
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_HOST') . ' ' . $backupwkStation . ' ';
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_VFSTYPE') . ' ' . $VFSType . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_SHARE') . ' ' . $backupwkFolder . '
- if ($VFSType eq 'cifs') {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_LOGIN').' '.$backupwkLogin.'
- $out .= $c->l('PASSWORD').' ********
- }
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_SETSNUM').' '.$setsNumber.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_DAYSINSET').' '.$filesinset.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_COMPRESSION').' '.$compression.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_TOD').' '.$backupwkTime.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_TIMEOUT').' '.$backupwkTimeout.' '.$c->l('bac_HOURS');
- if ( $backupwkIncOnlyTimeout eq 'yes' ) {
+ if ($VFSType eq 'cifs') {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_LOGIN') . ' ' . $backupwkLogin . '
+ $out .= $c->l('PASSWORD') . ' ********
+ }
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_SETSNUM') . ' ' . $setsNumber . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_DAYSINSET') . ' ' . $filesinset . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_COMPRESSION') . ' ' . $compression . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_TOD') . ' ' . $backupwkTime . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_TIMEOUT') . ' ' . $backupwkTimeout . ' ' . $c->l('bac_HOURS');
+ if ($backupwkIncOnlyTimeout eq 'yes') {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_INCONLY_TIMEOUT');
$out .= '
- if ( $dof eq '7' ) {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_FULL_BACKUP_EVERYDAY').'
+ if ($dof eq '7') {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_FULL_BACKUP_EVERYDAY') . '
} else {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_FULL_BACKUP_DAY').' '.$dlabels[$dof].'
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_FULL_BACKUP_DAY') . ' ' . $dlabels[$dof] . '
} else {
- $out = $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_NOT_CONFIGURED');
+ $out = $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_NOT_CONFIGURED');
return $out;
+} ## end sub workstnBackupConfig
sub workstnVerify {
my ($c) = @_;
my $out;
my $backupwkrec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- my $smbhost = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbHost');
- my $smbshare = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbShare');
- my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ my $smbhost = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbHost');
+ my $smbshare = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbShare');
+ my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
my $key;
my $error_message;
- my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id') ||
- $cdb->get('SystemName')->value .'.'. $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id')
+ || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . '.' . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
my $err;
my $VFSType = $backupwkrec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
- my $verifyref = $c->param ('Backupset');
- $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' );
+ my $verifyref = $c->param('Backupset');
+ $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ($VFSType eq 'usb');
# Mounting backup shared folder
- $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir,$smbhost,$smbshare,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir, $smbhost, $smbshare, $VFSType);
if ($error_message) {
- return $error_message .' '. $id;
+ return $error_message . ' ' . $id;
# Test if backup subdirectory for our server
my $mntbkdir = $mntdir . "/$id";
- unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
- $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR')."\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- return $error_message .' '. $id;
- }
+ unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
+ $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR') . "\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ return $error_message . ' ' . $id;
+ } ## end unless (-d $mntbkdir)
my $fullverify = $c->param('Verifyall') || '';
- if ( $fullverify eq "on" ) {
- # Test all backups needed to full restore
+ if ($fullverify eq "on") {
+ # Test all backups needed to full restore
my %backupsetfiles = ();
- my @restorefiles;
+ my @restorefiles;
my $set = $verifyref;
$set =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
my $backupsetlist = sub {
- if ( $_ =~ /\.dar/ ) {
- my $backupref = $File::Find::name;
- $backupref =~ s/\.[0-9]+\.dar//;
- $_ =~ s/\..*\.dar//;
- $_ =~ s/.*-//;
- $backupsetfiles{$_} = $backupref;
- }
- };
- # find list of available backups and verify
- # it contains all backups needed for full restore
- find { wanted => \&$backupsetlist, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w\s./]+)$| }, $set ;
+ if ($_ =~ /\.dar/) {
+ my $backupref = $File::Find::name;
+ $backupref =~ s/\.[0-9]+\.dar//;
+ $_ =~ s/\..*\.dar//;
+ $_ =~ s/.*-//;
+ $backupsetfiles{$_} = $backupref;
+ } ## end if ($_ =~ /\.dar/)
+ };
- my $key;
- my $num = 0;
- foreach $key (sort keys %backupsetfiles)
- {
- push @restorefiles, $backupsetfiles{$key};
- if ( $num == 0 ) {
- unless ( $backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/full-/ ) {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_FULL_BACKUP');
- return $out;
- }
- } else {
- my $numf = sprintf("%03d", $num);
- unless ( $backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/inc-$numf-/ ) {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_INC_BACKUP') . " " . $numf;
- return $out;
- }
- }
- $num++;
- last if ( $backupsetfiles{$key} eq $verifyref );
- }
- if (open(RD, "-|")) {
+ # find list of available backups and verify
+ # it contains all backups needed for full restore
+ find { wanted => \&$backupsetlist, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w\s./]+)$| }, $set;
+ my $key;
+ my $num = 0;
- $out .= ''.$c->l('bac_TESTING_NEEDED_BACKUPS_FOR_RESTORE').'
"; - - open (my $cfgrep, '<', $configreportfile) or die "Could not find temporary config report file!"; + open(my $cfgrep, '<', $configreportfile) or die "Could not find temporary config report file!"; while (<$cfgrep>) { - $out .= sprintf("%s", $_); + $out .= sprintf("%s", $_); } - $out .= sprintf ""; - return $out; - -} - +} ## end sub show_config_report sub download_config_report { my $c = shift; - $c->render_file( - 'filepath' => "$configreportfile", - 'format' => 'x-download', - 'content_disposition' => 'attachment', - 'cleanup' => 1, + 'filepath' => "$configreportfile", + 'format' => 'x-download', + 'content_disposition' => 'attachment', + 'cleanup' => 1, ); -} - - +} ## end sub download_config_report 1; - diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Clamav.pm b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Clamav.pm index d458573..4fa374d 100644 --- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Clamav.pm +++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Clamav.pm @@ -7,107 +7,84 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Clamav; # # routes : end #------------------------------ - use strict; use warnings; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; - use Locale::gettext; use SrvMngr::I18N; use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session); #package esmith::FormMagick::Panel::clamav; - our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db"; sub main { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); - my %clm_datas = (); - my $title = $c->l('clm_FORM_TITLE'); - my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('clm_DESC_FILESYSTEM_SCAN_PERIOD')); - - $clm_datas{'FilesystemScan'} = ($db->get_prop('clamav','FilesystemScan')) || 'disabled'; - $clm_datas{'Quarantine'} = ($db->get_prop('clamav','Quarantine')) || 'disabled'; - - $clm_datas{'clam_versions'} = get_clam_versions(); - - $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, clm_datas => \%clm_datas ); + my $title = $c->l('clm_FORM_TITLE'); + my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('clm_DESC_FILESYSTEM_SCAN_PERIOD')); + $clm_datas{'FilesystemScan'} = ($db->get_prop('clamav', 'FilesystemScan')) || 'disabled'; + $clm_datas{'Quarantine'} = ($db->get_prop('clamav', 'Quarantine')) || 'disabled'; + $clm_datas{'clam_versions'} = get_clam_versions(); + $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, clm_datas => \%clm_datas); $c->render(template => 'clamav'); -}; - +} ## end sub main sub do_update { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); - my $http_clamav_status = $c->param('http_clamav_status') || 'disabled'; my $smtp_clamav_status = $c->param('smtp_clamav_status') || ''; - - my $result = ""; - + my $result = ""; $c->change_settings(); # Update the system system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event clamav-update") == 0 or $result = $c->l('clm_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION'); - if ( ! $result ) { - $result = $c->l('clm_SUCCESS') ; - $c->flash( success => $result ); + if (!$result) { + $result = $c->l('clm_SUCCESS'); + $c->flash(success => $result); } else { - $c->flash( error => $result ); + $c->flash(error => $result); } - $c->redirect_to('/clamav'); -}; - +} ## end sub do_update sub change_settings { - my $c = shift; - - my $status = $c->param('status'); - - my $FilesystemScan = ( $c->param('FilesystemScan') || 'disabled' ); - my $Quarantine = ( $c->param('Quarantine') || 'disabled' ); - - my $DatabaseMirror = ( $c->param('DatabaseMirror') || 'db.us.clamav.net' ); - my $UpdateOfficeHrs = ( $c->param('UpdateOfficeHrs') || 'disabled' ); - my $UpdateNonOfficeHrs = ( $c->param('UpdateNonOfficeHrs') || 'disabled' ); - my $UpdateWeekend = ( $c->param('UpdateWeekend') || 'disabled' ); - - my $HTTPProxyServer = ( $c->param('HTTPProxyServer') || '' ); - my $HTTPProxyPort = ( $c->param('HTTPProxyPort') || '' ); - my $HTTPProxyUsername = ( $c->param('HTTPProxyUsername') || '' ); - my $HTTPProxyPassword = ( $c->param('HTTPProxyPassword') || '' ); - - my $clamav = $db->get('clamav') || $db->new_record('clamav', {type=>'service'}); + my $c = shift; + my $status = $c->param('status'); + my $FilesystemScan = ($c->param('FilesystemScan') || 'disabled'); + my $Quarantine = ($c->param('Quarantine') || 'disabled'); + my $DatabaseMirror = ($c->param('DatabaseMirror') || 'db.us.clamav.net'); + my $UpdateOfficeHrs = ($c->param('UpdateOfficeHrs') || 'disabled'); + my $UpdateNonOfficeHrs = ($c->param('UpdateNonOfficeHrs') || 'disabled'); + my $UpdateWeekend = ($c->param('UpdateWeekend') || 'disabled'); + my $HTTPProxyServer = ($c->param('HTTPProxyServer') || ''); + my $HTTPProxyPort = ($c->param('HTTPProxyPort') || ''); + my $HTTPProxyUsername = ($c->param('HTTPProxyUsername') || ''); + my $HTTPProxyPassword = ($c->param('HTTPProxyPassword') || ''); + my $clamav = $db->get('clamav') || $db->new_record('clamav', { type => 'service' }); $status ||= $clamav->prop('status'); - $clamav->merge_props( - status => $status, - FilesystemScan => $FilesystemScan, - Quarantine => $Quarantine, - DatabaseMirror => $DatabaseMirror, - UpdateOfficeHrs => $UpdateOfficeHrs, - UpdateNonOfficeHrs => $UpdateNonOfficeHrs, - UpdateWeekend => $UpdateWeekend, - HTTPProxyServer => $HTTPProxyServer, - HTTPProxyPort => $HTTPProxyPort, - HTTPProxyUsername => $HTTPProxyUsername, - HTTPProxyPassword => $HTTPProxyPassword, - ); + status => $status, + FilesystemScan => $FilesystemScan, + Quarantine => $Quarantine, + DatabaseMirror => $DatabaseMirror, + UpdateOfficeHrs => $UpdateOfficeHrs, + UpdateNonOfficeHrs => $UpdateNonOfficeHrs, + UpdateWeekend => $UpdateWeekend, + HTTPProxyServer => $HTTPProxyServer, + HTTPProxyPort => $HTTPProxyPort, + HTTPProxyUsername => $HTTPProxyUsername, + HTTPProxyPassword => $HTTPProxyPassword, + ); +} ## end sub change_settings - -} - -sub get_clam_versions -{ +sub get_clam_versions { my $version = `/usr/bin/freshclam -V`; chomp $version; $version =~ s/^ClamAV //; - return $version; -} +} ## end sub get_clam_versions 1; diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Datetime.pm b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Datetime.pm index 32a180a..8e8b69b 100644 --- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Datetime.pm +++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/Datetime.pm @@ -4,191 +4,162 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Datetime; # heading : System # description : Date and time # navigation : 4000 400 - # routes : end #------------------------------ - use strict; use warnings; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; - use Locale::gettext; use SrvMngr::I18N; use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session); - use esmith::FormMagick; use esmith::util; - our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db"; sub main { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); - my %dat_datas = (); - my $title = $c->l('dat_FORM_TITLE'); - my $modul = $c->l('dat_INITIAL_DESC'); - - + my $title = $c->l('dat_FORM_TITLE'); + my $modul = $c->l('dat_INITIAL_DESC'); $dat_datas{ntpstatus} = 'disabled'; - my $rec = $cdb->get('ntpd'); + if ($rec) { $dat_datas{'ntpserver'} = $rec->prop('NTPServer') || ''; - if ( $rec->prop('status') eq 'enabled' ) { - $dat_datas{ntpstatus} = 'enabled' - unless ($rec->prop('SyncToHWClockSupported') || 'yes') eq 'yes' and $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ m#^\s*$#; - } - } - ($dat_datas{weekday}, $dat_datas{monthname}, - $dat_datas{month}, $dat_datas{day}, $dat_datas{year}, - $dat_datas{hour}, $dat_datas{minute}, $dat_datas{second}, - $dat_datas{ampm}) = split /\|/, - `/bin/date '+%A|%B|%-m|%-d|%Y|%-I|%M|%S|%p'`; + if ($rec->prop('status') eq 'enabled') { + $dat_datas{ntpstatus} = 'enabled' + unless ($rec->prop('SyncToHWClockSupported') || 'yes') eq 'yes' and $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ m#^\s*$#; + } + } ## end if ($rec) + ( $dat_datas{weekday}, $dat_datas{monthname}, $dat_datas{month}, $dat_datas{day}, $dat_datas{year}, + $dat_datas{hour}, $dat_datas{minute}, $dat_datas{second}, $dat_datas{ampm} + ) + = split /\|/, + `/bin/date '+%A|%B|%-m|%-d|%Y|%-I|%M|%S|%p'`; # get rid of trailing carriage return on last field - chop ($dat_datas{ampm}); - + chop($dat_datas{ampm}); $dat_datas{'now_string'} = esmith::FormMagick->gen_locale_date_string(); - - $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas ); + $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas); $c->render('datetime'); -}; - +} ## end sub main sub do_update { - - my $c = shift; - + my $c = shift; my %dat_datas = (); - my $title = $c->l('dat_FORM_TITLE'); - my $modul = $c->l('dat_INITIAL_DESC'); + my $title = $c->l('dat_FORM_TITLE'); + my $modul = $c->l('dat_INITIAL_DESC'); my $result; my $success; - my $old_ntpstatus = $c->param('Old_ntpstatus'); $dat_datas{ntpstatus} = $c->param('Ntpstatus'); + if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus} ne $old_ntpstatus) { + if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus} eq 'disabled') { + ( $dat_datas{weekday}, $dat_datas{monthname}, $dat_datas{month}, + $dat_datas{day}, $dat_datas{year}, $dat_datas{hour}, + $dat_datas{minute}, $dat_datas{second}, $dat_datas{ampm} + ) + = split /\|/, + `/bin/date '+%A|%B|%-m|%-d|%Y|%-I|%M|%S|%p'`; - if ( $dat_datas{ntpstatus} ne $old_ntpstatus) { + # get rid of trailing carriage return on last field + chop($dat_datas{ampm}); + } else { + $dat_datas{ntpserver} = ($cdb->get_prop('ntpd', 'NTPServer')) || ''; + } + $dat_datas{now_string} = esmith::FormMagick->gen_locale_date_string(); + $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas); + return $c->render('datetime'); + } ## end if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus...}) - if ( $dat_datas{ntpstatus} eq 'disabled' ) { - ($dat_datas{weekday}, - $dat_datas{monthname}, - $dat_datas{month}, - $dat_datas{day}, - $dat_datas{year}, - $dat_datas{hour}, - $dat_datas{minute}, - $dat_datas{second}, - $dat_datas{ampm}) = split /\|/, - `/bin/date '+%A|%B|%-m|%-d|%Y|%-I|%M|%S|%p'`; - - # get rid of trailing carriage return on last field - chop ($dat_datas{ampm}); - - } else { - - $dat_datas{ntpserver} = ($cdb->get_prop('ntpd','NTPServer')) || ''; - } - - $dat_datas{now_string} = esmith::FormMagick->gen_locale_date_string(); - - $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas ); - return $c->render('datetime'); - } - - if ( $dat_datas{ntpstatus} eq 'enabled' ) { - - # update ntpserver + if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus} eq 'enabled') { + # update ntpserver $dat_datas{ntpserver} = $c->param('Ntpserver') || ''; - if ( $dat_datas{ntpserver} eq "pool.ntp.org" ) { + if ($dat_datas{ntpserver} eq "pool.ntp.org") { $result .= $c->l('dat_INVALID_NTP_ADDR'); - } elsif ( $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)$/ ) { + } elsif ($dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)$/) { $dat_datas{ntpserver} = $1; -# } elsif ( $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ /^\s*$/ ) { -# $dat_datas{ntpserver} = ""; + + # } elsif ( $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ /^\s*$/ ) { + # $dat_datas{ntpserver} = ""; } else { $result .= $c->l('dat_INVALID_NTP_ADDR'); } - if ( ! $result ) { - $success = update_ntpserver( $c, $dat_datas{ntpserver} ); - } - + if (!$result) { + $success = update_ntpserver($c, $dat_datas{ntpserver}); + } } else { - # set Locale time & clean ntpserver + # set Locale time & clean ntpserver + #my $servername = ($c->param('ServerName') || 'WS'); + if (!$result) { + $result = validate_change_datetime($c); - #my $servername = ($c->param('ServerName') || 'WS'); - if ( ! $result ) { - $result = validate_change_datetime( $c ); - if ( $result eq 'OK' ) { - $success = $c->l('dat_UPDATING_CLOCK'); - $result = ''; - disable_ntp(); - $success .= '
# my (\$lang, \$releaseVersion, + my $modul = $c->render_to_string( + inline => "
# my (\$lang, \$releaseVersion,
# \$c->stash\(\'lang\', \'releaseVer\'
-# \'navigation\'
"; -# $| = 1; + while ("; + $out .= sprintf(") { + $out .= sprintf("%s", $_); + } + close QMAILQUEUEREPORT; + $out .= sprintf "
"; - my $now_string = $c->gen_locale_date_string(); - $out .= sprintf(""; + $out .= sprintf("%s %s
", $c->l('REPORT_GENERATED'), $now_string); - - if ($report_type =~ /^qmail-q/) - { - open(QMAILQUEUEREPORT, "/var/qmail/bin/$report_type |"); - - $out .= sprintf ""; - - while ("; - - $out .= sprintf(") - { - $out .= sprintf("%s", $_); - } - - close QMAILQUEUEREPORT; - $out .= sprintf " %s
", $c->l('END_OF_REPORT')); - return ''; - } - - chdir "/var/log/qmail"; - - open(QMAILANALOG, - "/bin/cat \@* current 2>/dev/null" - . "| /usr/local/bin/tai64nunix" - . "| /usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/matchup 5>/dev/null" - . "| /usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/$report_type |" - ); - - $out .= sprintf ""; - - while ("; - - - $out .= sprintf(") - { - # Cook any special HTML characters - - s/\&/\&/g; - s/\"/\"/g; - s/\>/\>/g; - s/\\</g; - - $out .= sprintf("%s", $_); - } - - close QMAILANALOG; - $out .= sprintf " %s
", $c->l('END_OF_REPORT')); - return $out; - -} + while () { + # Cook any special HTML characters + s/\&/\&/g; + s/\"/\"/g; + s/\>/\>/g; + s/\\</g; + $out .= sprintf("%s", $_); + } ## end while ( ) + close QMAILANALOG; + $out .= sprintf "
\n"); - $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_MATCH_HEADER", $log_datas{matchpattern} )); - } + $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_MATCH_HEADER", $log_datas{matchpattern})); + } ## end unless ($log_datas{matchpattern...}) + + if ($log_datas{highlightpattern}) { - if ( $log_datas{highlightpattern} ) - { #$out .= sprintf("
\n"); - $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_HIGHLIGHT_HEADER", "$log_datas{highlightpattern}" )); - } + $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_HIGHLIGHT_HEADER", "$log_datas{highlightpattern}")); + } ## end if ($log_datas{highlightpattern...}) if ($log_datas{filename} =~ /\.gz$/) { my $pid = open(LOGFILE, "-|"); die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined $pid; + unless ($pid) { + # Child exec("/bin/zcat", $fullpath) - || die "Can't exec zcat: $!"; + || die "Can't exec zcat: $!"; + # NOTREACHED - } + } ## end unless ($pid) } else { open(LOGFILE, "$fullpath"); } - my $somethingMatched = 0; - my $fileEmpty = 1; + my $fileEmpty = 1; $out .= sprintf("
"); - while("); if ($fileEmpty) { $out .= sprintf(") - { + + while ( ) { $fileEmpty = 0; next unless /$log_datas{matchpattern}/; $somethingMatched = 1; - - $_ = timestamp2local($_); - $_ = HTML::Entities::encode_entities($_); + $_ = timestamp2local($_); + $_ = HTML::Entities::encode_entities($_); ($log_datas{highlightpattern} && /$log_datas{highlightpattern}/) - ? $out .= sprintf( "$_" ) - : $out .= sprintf("$_"); - } + ? $out .= sprintf("$_") + : $out .= sprintf("$_"); + } ## end while ( ) $out .= sprintf("
\n"); $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_LOG_FILE_EMPTY")); } else { - unless ($somethingMatched) - { + + unless ($somethingMatched) { $out .= sprintf("
$out .= sprintf($c->l("log_NO_MATCHING_LINES"));
- }
+ } ## end else [ if ($fileEmpty) ]
close LOGFILE;
return $out;
+} ## end sub showlogFile
sub download_logFile {
my ($c, %log_datas) = @_;
my $fullpath = "/var/log/$log_datas{filename}";
# Save this information for later.
$cdb->get('viewlogfiles')->merge_props('DefaultOperation', $log_datas{operation});
# If the client is on windows, we must handle this a little differently.
my $win32 = FALSE;
my $mac = FALSE;
my $agent = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || "";
if ($agent =~ /win32|windows/i) {
$win32 = TRUE;
- } elsif ($agent =~ /mac/i) {
+ } elsif ($agent =~ /mac/i) {
$mac = TRUE;
# Check for errors first. Once we start sending the file it's too late to
# report them.
my $error = "";
- unless (-f $fullpath) {
+ unless (-f $fullpath) {
$error = $c->l("log_ERR_NOEXIST_FILE") . $fullpath;
local *FILE;
open(FILE, "<$fullpath")
or $error = $c->l("log_ERR_NOOPEN_FILE");
- # Put other error checking here.
+ # Put other error checking here.
return $error if $error;
- # Fix the filename, as it might have a directory prefixed to it.
+ # Fix the filename, as it might have a directory prefixed to it.
my $filename = $log_datas{filename};
- if ( $filename =~ m#/# ) {
+ if ($filename =~ m#/#) {
$filename = (split /\//, $filename)[-1];
# And send the file.
my $nl = "\n";
- if ($win32) { $nl = "\r\n" }
- elsif ($mac) { $nl = "\r" }
+ if ($win32) { $nl = "\r\n" }
+ elsif ($mac) { $nl = "\r" }
# Otherwise, send the file. Start with the headers.
# Note: The Content-disposition must be attachment, or IE will view the
# file inline like it's told. It ignores the Content-type, but it likes
# the Content-disposition (an officially unsupported header) for some
# reason. Yay Microsoft.
- my $file2 = new File::Temp( UNLINK => 0 );
+ my $file2 = new File::Temp(UNLINK => 0);
while (my $line = ";
- open (FILE, "$filepage");
+ open(FILE, "$filepage");
while (
undef $filepage;
return $out;
+} ## end sub format_yum_log
sub post_upgrade_reboot {
my $c = shift;
$cdb->get_prop_and_delete('dnf', 'LogFile');
@@ -565,17 +444,13 @@ sub post_upgrade_reboot {
exec "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade; /sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot";
die "Exec failed";
- return 'OK'
+ return 'OK';
+} ## end sub post_upgrade_reboot
sub show_yum_log {
- my $c = shift;
- my $out = $c->format_yum_log();
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $out = $c->format_yum_log();
my $yum_log = $cdb->get_prop_and_delete('dnf', 'LogFile');
return $out;
+} ## end sub show_yum_log
diff --git a/smeserver-manager.spec b/smeserver-manager.spec
index b11998e..30a2b0e 100644
--- a/smeserver-manager.spec
+++ b/smeserver-manager.spec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Summary: Sme server navigation module : manager 2
%define name smeserver-manager
Name: %{name}
%define version 11.0.0
-%define release 38
+%define release 39
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}%{?dist}
License: GPL
@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ true
+* Tue Jan 14 2025 Brian Read