From c1915a722ba2bc7aa8a631495dde5090d307f77e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Read
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 12:49:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Reformat Controller perl code using perltidy
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 2556 ++++++++---------
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 149 +-
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 105 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 342 +--
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 97 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 523 ++--
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 1141 +++-----
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 472 ++-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 439 ++-
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 548 ++--
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 15 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 26 +-
.../SrvMngr/Controller/ | 860 +++---
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 725 ++---
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 308 +-
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 353 +--
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 21 +-
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 12 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 54 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 469 ++-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 362 +--
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 41 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 372 ++-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 171 +-
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 178 +-
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 90 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 418 ++-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 40 +-
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 232 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 26 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 27 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 52 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 889 +++---
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 271 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 282 +-
.../lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 87 +-
.../smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ | 549 ++--
smeserver-manager.spec | 5 +-
38 files changed, 5870 insertions(+), 7437 deletions(-)
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 30328ec..0c95a00 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -7,50 +7,38 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Backup;
# Copyright (C) 2002 Mitel Networks Corporation
# routes : end
# for information - routes
# $if_admin->get('/backup')->to('backup#main')->name('backup');
# $if_admin->post('/backup')->to('backup#do_display')->name('backupd');
# $if_admin->get('/backupd')->to('backup#do_display')->name('backupc');
# $if_admin->post('/backupd')->to('backup#do_update')->name('backupu');
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use utf8;
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session ip_number_or_blank);
use Quota;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::util;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use esmith::Backup;
use esmith::BackupHistoryDB;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::lockfile;
use esmith::BlockDevices;
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_SMANAGER_DEBUG} || 0;
-our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
+our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
our $rdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open('/etc/e-smith/restore')
- || die "Couldn't open restore db";
+ || die "Couldn't open restore db";
my $es_backup = new esmith::Backup or die "Couldn't create Backup object\n";
my @directories = $es_backup->restore_list;
@directories = grep { -e "/$_" } @directories;
my @backup_excludes = $es_backup->excludes;
# Unbuffer standard output so that files and directories are listed as
@@ -60,724 +48,647 @@ $| = 1;
# Store away current gid of 'www' group.
my $www_gid = getgrnam("www");
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %bac_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('bac_BACKUP_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('bac_BACKUP_TITLE');
my $notif;
$bac_datas{'function'} = 'desktop_backup';
my ($tarsize, $dumpsize, undef, undef) = $c->CalculateSizes();
my $module = $cdb->get('backup');
if ($module) {
- $module = $module->prop('Program');
+ $module = $module->prop('Program');
# The default e-smith backup program is flexbackup.
unless (defined $module) {
- $module = "flexbackup";
+ $module = "flexbackup";
} elsif ($module eq '') {
- $module = "flexbackup";
+ $module = "flexbackup";
- $bac_datas{'tarsize'} = $tarsize;
+ $bac_datas{'tarsize'} = $tarsize;
$bac_datas{'dumpsize'} = $dumpsize;
- $bac_datas{'module'} = $module;
+ $bac_datas{'module'} = $module;
if ($tarsize =~ /Tb/ or $tarsize =~ /(\d+)Gb/ and $1 >= 2) {
- $notif = $c->l("bac_BACKUP_DESKTOP_TOO_BIG").' : '.$tarsize;
+ $notif = $c->l("bac_BACKUP_DESKTOP_TOO_BIG") . ' : ' . $tarsize;
my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
my ($backup_status, $backupwk_status) = 'disabled';
if ($rec) {
- $backup_status = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
+ $backup_status = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
if ($backup_status eq "enabled") {
- $bac_datas{'backupTime'} = $rec->prop('backupTime');
- $bac_datas{'reminderTime'} = $rec->prop('reminderTime');
+ $bac_datas{'backupTime'} = $rec->prop('backupTime');
+ $bac_datas{'reminderTime'} = $rec->prop('reminderTime');
$rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
if ($rec) {
- $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
+ $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
if ($backupwk_status eq "enabled") {
- $bac_datas{'backupwkTime'} = $rec->prop('BackupTime');
+ $bac_datas{'backupwkTime'} = $rec->prop('BackupTime');
- $bac_datas{'backupStatus'} = $backup_status;
+ $bac_datas{'backupStatus'} = $backup_status;
$bac_datas{'backupwkStatus'} = $backupwk_status;
- $c->stash( warning => $notif ) if ( $notif );
- $c->stash( title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas );
+ $c->stash(warning => $notif) if ($notif);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas);
$c->render(template => 'backup');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
my $rt = $c->current_route;
my ($res, $result) = '';
my $function = $c->param('Function');
if ($function =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
- $function = $1;
+ $function = $1;
} elsif ($function =~ /^\s*$/) {
- $function = "zoverall";
- } else {
- $result = $c->l('bac_INVALID_FUNCTION') . $function;
- $function = undef;
+ $function = "zoverall";
+ } else {
+ $result = $c->l('bac_INVALID_FUNCTION') . $function;
+ $function = undef;
- DEBUG && warn("do_display $function");
+ DEBUG && warn("do_display $function");
my %bac_datas = ();
$bac_datas{'function'} = $function;
my $title = $c->l('bac_BACKUP_TITLE');
- my $dest = '';
+ my $dest = '';
+ if ($function eq 'desktop_backup') {
+ my $CompressionLevel = $cdb->get_prop("backupconsole", "CompressionLevel") || "-6";
+ my @exclude = map (" --exclude=$_", @backup_excludes);
+ $c->stash(compressionlevel => $CompressionLevel, exclude => \@exclude, directories => \@directories);
- if ( $function eq 'desktop_backup' ) {
+ # streaming download in template
+ return $c->render("/backdown");
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'desktop_backup')
- my $CompressionLevel = $cdb->get_prop("backupconsole", "CompressionLevel") || "-6";
- my @exclude = map (" --exclude=$_",@backup_excludes);
+ if ($function eq 'tape_configure') {
+ $bac_datas{'status'} = 'unchecked';
+ my $backupTime = "2:00";
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- $c->stash( compressionlevel => $CompressionLevel, exclude => \@exclude, directories => \@directories );
+ if ($rec) {
+ $backupTime = $rec->prop('backupTime') || "2:00";
+ my $backup_status = $rec->prop('status');
- # streaming download in template
- return $c->render("/backdown");
- }
+ if (defined $backup_status && $backup_status eq "enabled") {
+ $bac_datas{'status'} = "checked";
+ }
+ } ## end if ($rec)
+ ($bac_datas{backupAMPM}, $bac_datas{reminderAMPM}) = 'AM';
+ ($bac_datas{backupHour}, $bac_datas{backupMin}) = split(":", $backupTime, -1);
- if ( $function eq 'tape_configure' ) {
- $bac_datas{'status'} = 'unchecked';
- my $backupTime = "2:00";
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- if ($rec) {
- $backupTime = $rec->prop('backupTime') || "2:00";
- my $backup_status = $rec->prop('status');
- if (defined $backup_status && $backup_status eq "enabled") {
- $bac_datas{'status'} = "checked";
- }
- }
- ($bac_datas{backupAMPM}, $bac_datas{reminderAMPM}) = 'AM';
- ($bac_datas{backupHour}, $bac_datas{backupMin}) = split (":", $backupTime, -1);
- if ($bac_datas{backupHour} > 11) {
- if ($bac_datas{backupHour} > 12) {
- $bac_datas{backupHour} -= 12;
- }
- $bac_datas{backupAMPM} = 'PM';
- }
+ if ($bac_datas{backupHour} > 11) {
+ if ($bac_datas{backupHour} > 12) {
+ $bac_datas{backupHour} -= 12;
+ }
+ $bac_datas{backupAMPM} = 'PM';
+ } ## end if ($bac_datas{backupHour...})
# Obtain time for reminder notice from the backup cron template
my $reminderTime = "14:00";
- if ($rec) {
- $reminderTime = $rec->prop('reminderTime') || "14:00";
- }
- ($bac_datas{reminderHour}, $bac_datas{reminderMin}) = split (":", $reminderTime, -1);
+ if ($rec) {
+ $reminderTime = $rec->prop('reminderTime') || "14:00";
+ }
+ ($bac_datas{reminderHour}, $bac_datas{reminderMin}) = split(":", $reminderTime, -1);
if ($bac_datas{reminderHour} > 12) {
- $bac_datas{reminderHour} -= 12;
- $bac_datas{reminderAMPM} = 'PM';
- }
- }
+ $bac_datas{reminderHour} -= 12;
+ $bac_datas{reminderAMPM} = 'PM';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'tape_configure')
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_configure' ) {
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- $bac_datas{vfstype} = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
- $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status');
- }
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_configure1' ) {
- $bac_datas{vfstype} = $c->param('VFSType');
- $bac_datas{'status'} = '';
- $bac_datas{ampm} = 'AM';
- $bac_datas{min} = '';
- $bac_datas{hour} = '';
- $bac_datas{login} = 'backup';
- $bac_datas{password} = 'backup';
- $bac_datas{station} = 'host';
- $bac_datas{folder} = 'share';
- $bac_datas{mount} = '';
- $bac_datas{setsNumber} = '';
- $bac_datas{filesinset} = '';
- $bac_datas{timeout} = '';
- $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = '';
- $bac_datas{compression} = '';
- $bac_datas{dof} = '';
- # Obtain backup informations from configuration
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_configure') {
my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- my $Time = '2:00';
+ $bac_datas{vfstype} = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
+ $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status');
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_configure')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_configure1') {
+ $bac_datas{vfstype} = $c->param('VFSType');
+ $bac_datas{'status'} = '';
+ $bac_datas{ampm} = 'AM';
+ $bac_datas{min} = '';
+ $bac_datas{hour} = '';
+ $bac_datas{login} = 'backup';
+ $bac_datas{password} = 'backup';
+ $bac_datas{station} = 'host';
+ $bac_datas{folder} = 'share';
+ $bac_datas{mount} = '';
+ $bac_datas{setsNumber} = '';
+ $bac_datas{filesinset} = '';
+ $bac_datas{timeout} = '';
+ $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = '';
+ $bac_datas{compression} = '';
+ $bac_datas{dof} = '';
+ # Obtain backup informations from configuration
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
+ my $Time = '2:00';
if ($rec) {
- $Time = $rec->prop('BackupTime') || '2:00';
- $bac_datas{login} = $rec->prop('Login') || 'backup';
- $bac_datas{password} = $rec->prop('Password') || 'backup';
- $bac_datas{station} = $rec->prop('SmbHost') || 'host';
- $bac_datas{folder} = $rec->prop('SmbShare') || 'share';
- $bac_datas{mount} = $rec->prop('Mount') || '';
- $bac_datas{setsNumber} = $rec->prop('SetsMax') || '1';
- $bac_datas{filesinset} = $rec->prop('DaysInSet') || '1';
- $bac_datas{timeout} = $rec->prop('Timeout') || '12';
- $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = $rec->prop('IncOnlyTimeout') || 'yes';
- $bac_datas{compression} = $rec->prop('Compression') || '0';
- $bac_datas{dof} = (defined $rec->prop('FullDay')) ? $rec->prop('FullDay') : '7';
- }
+ $Time = $rec->prop('BackupTime') || '2:00';
+ $bac_datas{login} = $rec->prop('Login') || 'backup';
+ $bac_datas{password} = $rec->prop('Password') || 'backup';
+ $bac_datas{station} = $rec->prop('SmbHost') || 'host';
+ $bac_datas{folder} = $rec->prop('SmbShare') || 'share';
+ $bac_datas{mount} = $rec->prop('Mount') || '';
+ $bac_datas{setsNumber} = $rec->prop('SetsMax') || '1';
+ $bac_datas{filesinset} = $rec->prop('DaysInSet') || '1';
+ $bac_datas{timeout} = $rec->prop('Timeout') || '12';
+ $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = $rec->prop('IncOnlyTimeout') || 'yes';
+ $bac_datas{compression} = $rec->prop('Compression') || '0';
+ $bac_datas{dof} = (defined $rec->prop('FullDay')) ? $rec->prop('FullDay') : '7';
+ } ## end if ($rec)
+ ($bac_datas{hour}, $bac_datas{min}) = split(':', $Time, -1);
- ($bac_datas{hour}, $bac_datas{min}) = split (':', $Time, -1);
- if ( $bac_datas{hour} > 12 ) {
- $bac_datas{hour} -= 12;
- $bac_datas{ampm} = 'PM';
- }
+ if ($bac_datas{hour} > 12) {
+ $bac_datas{hour} -= 12;
+ $bac_datas{ampm} = 'PM';
+ }
+ my $backupwk_status;
- my $backupwk_status;
- if ($rec) {
- $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status');
- }
+ if ($rec) {
+ $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status');
+ }
- if (defined $backupwk_status && $backupwk_status eq 'enabled') {
- $bac_datas{status} = 'checked';
- }
+ if (defined $backupwk_status && $backupwk_status eq 'enabled') {
+ $bac_datas{status} = 'checked';
+ }
- if (defined $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} && $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} eq 'yes') {
- $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = 'checked';
- }
- }
+ if (defined $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} && $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} eq 'yes') {
+ $bac_datas{incOnlyTimeout} = 'checked';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_configure1')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_verify') {
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_verify' ) {
+ if ($rec) {
+ $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_verify')
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- if ( $rec) {
- $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
- }
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_verify1') {
+ $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $bac_datas{function} = $function;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_verify1')
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_verify1' ) {
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $bac_datas{function} = $function;
- }
- }
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_restore' ) {
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- if ( $rec) {
- $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
- }
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_restore') {
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
+ if ($rec) {
+ $bac_datas{status} = $rec->prop('status') || 'disabled';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_restore')
$dest = "back_$function";
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $c->stash( title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas );
- return $c->render( template => $dest );
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => $dest);
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
my $function = $c->param('Function');
- DEBUG && warn("do_update $function");
+ DEBUG && warn("do_update $function");
my %bac_datas = ();
$bac_datas{function} = $function;
my $title = $c->l('bac_BACKUP_TITLE');
my ($dest, $res, $result) = '';
+ if ($function eq 'desktop_backup') {
- if ( $function eq 'desktop_backup' ) {
- # should not happen !! no desktop_backup template !!
- $result .= ' ** Function error for desktop backup ** !';
- }
+ # should not happen !! no desktop_backup template !!
+ $result .= ' ** Function error for desktop backup ** !';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'desktop_backup')
+ if ($function eq 'tape_configure') {
+ my $status = $c->param('Tapebackup');
+ my $backupHour = $c->param('BackupHour');
+ my $backupMin = $c->param('BackupMin');
+ my $bampm = $c->param('BackupAMPM');
+ my $reminderHour = $c->param('ReminderHour');
+ my $reminderMin = $c->param('ReminderMin');
+ my $rampm = $c->param('ReminderAMPM');
- if ( $function eq 'tape_configure' ) {
+ if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
+ if ($backupHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $backupHour = $1;
+ } else {
+ $backupHour = "12";
+ }
- my $status = $c->param('Tapebackup');
- my $backupHour = $c->param('BackupHour');
- my $backupMin = $c->param('BackupMin');
- my $bampm = $c->param('BackupAMPM');
- my $reminderHour = $c->param('ReminderHour');
- my $reminderMin = $c->param('ReminderMin');
- my $rampm = $c->param('ReminderAMPM');
+ if (($backupHour < 1) || ($backupHour > 12)) {
+ $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_HOUR') . $backupHour . ' ' . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12') . ' ';
+ }
- if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
- if ($backupHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $backupHour = $1;
- } else {
- $backupHour = "12";
- }
- if (($backupHour < 1) || ($backupHour > 12)) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_HOUR').$backupHour.
- ' '.$c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12').' ';
- }
+ if ($backupMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $backupMin = $1;
+ } else {
+ $backupMin = "0";
+ }
- if ($backupMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $backupMin = $1;
- } else {
- $backupMin = "0";
- }
- if (($backupMin < 0) || ($backupMin > 59)) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_MINUTE').$backupMin.
- ' '.$c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59').' ';
- }
+ if (($backupMin < 0) || ($backupMin > 59)) {
+ $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_MINUTE') . $backupMin . ' ' . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59') . ' ';
+ }
- if ($reminderHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $reminderHour = $1;
- } else {
- $reminderHour = "12";
- }
- if (($reminderHour < 1) || ($reminderHour > 12)) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_REMINDER_HOUR').$reminderHour.
- ' '.$c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12').' ';
- }
+ if ($reminderHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $reminderHour = $1;
+ } else {
+ $reminderHour = "12";
+ }
- if ($reminderMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $reminderMin = $1;
- } else {
- $reminderMin = "0";
- }
- if (($reminderMin < 0) || ($reminderMin > 59)) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_REMINDER_MINUTE').$reminderMin.
- ' '.$c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59').' ';
- }
- } else {
- # service disabled no controls
- }
+ if (($reminderHour < 1) || ($reminderHour > 12)) {
+ $result
+ . $reminderHour . ' '
+ . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12') . ' ';
+ } ## end if (($reminderHour < 1...))
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ if ($reminderMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $reminderMin = $1;
+ } else {
+ $reminderMin = "0";
+ }
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->tapeBackupConfig($status, $backupHour,
- $backupMin, $bampm, $reminderHour, $reminderMin, $rampm);
+ if (($reminderMin < 0) || ($reminderMin > 59)) {
+ $result
+ . $reminderMin . ' '
+ . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59') . ' ';
+ } ## end if (($reminderMin < 0)...)
+ } else {
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
- $result .= ($c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_ENABLED_TAPE').' '.
- $c->l('bac_WITH_BACKUP_TIME')."$backupHour:$backupMin".' '.
- $c->l('bac_WITH_REMINDER_TIME')."$reminderHour:$reminderMin");
- } else {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_DISABLED');
- }
- $cdb->reload;
- }
- }
- }
+ # service disabled no controls
+ }
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->tapeBackupConfig($status, $backupHour, $backupMin, $bampm, $reminderHour, $reminderMin, $rampm);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $function eq 'tape_restore' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
+ $result
+ .= ( $c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_ENABLED_TAPE') . ' '
+ . $c->l('bac_WITH_BACKUP_TIME')
+ . "$backupHour:$backupMin" . ' '
+ . $c->l('bac_WITH_REMINDER_TIME')
+ . "$reminderHour:$reminderMin");
+ } else {
+ $result .= $c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_DISABLED');
+ }
+ $cdb->reload;
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'tape_configure')
- my $lock_file = "/var/lock/subsys/e-smith-restore";
+ if ($function eq 'tape_restore') {
+ my $lock_file = "/var/lock/subsys/e-smith-restore";
my $file_handle = &esmith::lockfile::LockFileOrReturn($lock_file);
unless ($file_handle) {
- $result .= $c->l('bac_UNABLE_TO_RESTORE_CONF').' '.
- }
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $result .= $c->l('bac_UNABLE_TO_RESTORE_CONF') . ' ' . $c->l('bac_ANOTHER_RESTORE_IN_PROGRESS');
+ }
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = '';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->tapeRestore( $lock_file, $file_handle );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #if ( ! $result ) {
- #$result = $c->l('bac_SUCCESS');
- #}
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->tapeRestore($lock_file, $file_handle);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #if ( ! $result ) {
+ #$result = $c->l('bac_SUCCESS');
+ #}
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'tape_restore')
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_configure' ) {
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_configure') {
- # should not happen !!
- $result .= ' ** Function error for workstation configure *** !';
- }
+ # should not happen !!
+ $result .= ' ** Function error for workstation configure *** !';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_configure')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_configure1') {
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_configure1' ) {
+ #$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = '';
- #$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->updateWorkstnBackupConfig();
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->updateWorkstnBackupConfig();
- if ( ($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#|| ) {
- $res = 'OK';
- $cdb->reload;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#||) {
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $cdb->reload;
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_configure1')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_verify') {
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_verify' ) {
+ # should not happen !!
+ $result .= ' ** Function error for workstation verify *** !';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_verify')
- # should not happen !!
- $result .= ' ** Function error for workstation verify *** !';
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_verify1') {
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $result = '';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_verify1')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_restore') {
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ $res = 'NOK';
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_verify1' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->workstnRestore();
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ if (($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#||) {
+ $bac_datas{restore_log} = $result;
+ $res = 'OK';
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ }
+ $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_restore1';
+ $res = 'NEXT';
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_restore')
- $res = 'OK';
- $result = '';
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_restore1') {
+ my $state = 'unknown';
+ my $rec = $rdb->get('restore');
+ if ($rec) {
+ $state = $rec->prop('state') || 'unknown';
+ }
+ $result .= "Restore state unexpected: $state" if ($state ne 'complete');
+ $res = 'NOK';
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_restore' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->performReboot();
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing ** !';
+ if (($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#||) {
+ $res = 'OK';
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_restore1')
- $res = 'NOK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->workstnRestore();
- if ( ($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#|| ) {
- $bac_datas{restore_log} = $result;
- $res = 'OK';
- } else {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- }
- $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_restore1';
- $res = 'NEXT';
- }
- }
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore') {
+ my $backupset = $c->param('Backupset');
+ my $filterexp = $c->param('Filterexp');
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_restore1' ) {
- my $state = 'unknown';
- my $rec = $rdb->get('restore');
- if ($rec) {
- $state = $rec->prop('state') || 'unknown';
- }
- $result .= "Restore state unexpected: $state" if ($state ne 'complete');
- $res = 'NOK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->performReboot();
- if ( ($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#|| ) {
- $res = 'OK';
- } else {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_sel_restore' ) {
- my $backupset = $c->param('Backupset');
- my $filterexp = $c->param('Filterexp');
if ($filterexp =~ /^(.*)$/) {
$filterexp = $1;
- } else {
- $filterexp = '';
- }
- #$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 1 ** !';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_sel_restore1';
- $bac_datas{backupset} = $backupset;
- $bac_datas{filterexp} = $filterexp;
- $res = 'NEXT';
- }
- }
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_sel_restore1' ) {
- $bac_datas{backupset} = $c->param('Backupset');
- $bac_datas{filterexp} = $c->param('Filterexp');
- my @restorefiles = @{$c->every_param('Restorefiles')};
- my $seldatebefore = $c->param('Seldatebefore');
- if ($seldatebefore =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $seldatebefore = $1;
} else {
- $result .= 'Unsecure data : ' . $seldatebefore;
+ $filterexp = '';
- my $tymd =
- qr/((19|20)\d\d\/(?=\d\d\/\d\d-))?((0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(?=\d\d-))?((31|[123]0|[012]?[1-9])-)?/;
- my $thms =
- qr/([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])(:[0-5][0-9])?/;
+ #$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 1 ** !';
+ $res = '';
- $result .= " $seldatebefore : " . $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_SELDATE')
- unless (($seldatebefore =~ m/^$tymd$thms$/) || ($seldatebefore eq ""));
+ if (!$result) {
+ $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_sel_restore1';
+ $bac_datas{backupset} = $backupset;
+ $bac_datas{filterexp} = $filterexp;
+ $res = 'NEXT';
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore')
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 2 ** !';
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore1') {
+ $bac_datas{backupset} = $c->param('Backupset');
+ $bac_datas{filterexp} = $c->param('Filterexp');
+ my @restorefiles = @{ $c->every_param('Restorefiles') };
+ my $seldatebefore = $c->param('Seldatebefore');
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->performWorkstnSelRestore( $seldatebefore, \@restorefiles ); # restore log returned
- if ( ($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#|| ) {
- $bac_datas{restore_log} = $result;
- $res = 'OK';
- } else {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- }
- $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_sel_restore2';
- $res = 'NEXT';
- }
- }
+ if ($seldatebefore =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $seldatebefore = $1;
+ } else {
+ $result .= 'Unsecure data : ' . $seldatebefore;
+ }
+ my $tymd = qr/((19|20)\d\d\/(?=\d\d\/\d\d-))?((0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(?=\d\d-))?((31|[123]0|[012]?[1-9])-)?/;
+ my $thms = qr/([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])(:[0-5][0-9])?/;
+ $result .= " $seldatebefore : " . $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_SELDATE')
+ unless (($seldatebefore =~ m/^$tymd$thms$/) || ($seldatebefore eq ""));
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 2 ** !';
+ $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->performWorkstnSelRestore($seldatebefore, \@restorefiles); # restore log returned
- if ( $function eq 'workstn_sel_restore2' ) {
- ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 3 ** !';
- $res = 'OK';
- $result = '';
- }
+ if (($result = $res) =~ s|^#OK#||) {
+ $bac_datas{restore_log} = $result;
+ $res = 'OK';
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ }
+ $bac_datas{function} = 'workstn_sel_restore2';
+ $res = 'NEXT';
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore1')
+ if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore2') {
+ ##$result .= ' ** Blocked for testing 3 ** !';
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $result = '';
+ } ## end if ($function eq 'workstn_sel_restore2')
# common part for all functions
if ($res ne 'OK') {
- if ($res eq 'NEXT') {
- $dest = 'back_' . $bac_datas{"function"};
- } else {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $dest = "back_$function";
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas );
- return $c->render($dest);
- }
+ if ($res eq 'NEXT') {
+ $dest = 'back_' . $bac_datas{"function"};
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $dest = "back_$function";
+ }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, bac_datas => \%bac_datas);
+ return $c->render($dest);
+ } ## end if ($res ne 'OK')
my $message = "'Backup' $function updates DONE";
$c->flash(success => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub tapeBackupConfig {
- my ($c, $status, $backupHour, $backupMin, $bampm,
- $reminderHour, $reminderMin, $rampm) = @_;
+ my ($c, $status, $backupHour, $backupMin, $bampm, $reminderHour, $reminderMin, $rampm) = @_;
if (defined $status && $status eq "on") {
+ $backupMin = sprintf("%02d", $backupMin);
- $backupMin = sprintf("%02d", $backupMin);
+ if ($bampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $bampm = $1;
+ } else {
+ $bampm = "AM";
+ }
- if ($bampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $bampm = $1;
- } else {
- $bampm = "AM";
- }
- # convert to 24 hour time
- $backupHour = $backupHour % 12;
- if ($bampm eq "PM") {
- $backupHour = $backupHour + 12;
- }
+ # convert to 24 hour time
+ $backupHour = $backupHour % 12;
- $reminderMin = sprintf("%02d", $reminderMin);
+ if ($bampm eq "PM") {
+ $backupHour = $backupHour + 12;
+ }
+ $reminderMin = sprintf("%02d", $reminderMin);
- if ($rampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $rampm = $1;
- } else {
- $rampm = "AM";
- }
- # convert to 24 hour time
- $reminderHour = $reminderHour % 12;
- if ($rampm eq "PM") {
- $reminderHour = $reminderHour + 12;
- }
+ if ($rampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $rampm = $1;
+ } else {
+ $rampm = "AM";
+ }
- # variables passed validity checks, set configuration database values
- my $oldUnsav = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
+ # convert to 24 hour time
+ $reminderHour = $reminderHour % 12;
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- unless (defined $rec) {
- $rec = $cdb->new_record('backup', {type=>'service'});
- }
+ if ($rampm eq "PM") {
+ $reminderHour = $reminderHour + 12;
+ }
- $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ # variables passed validity checks, set configuration database values
+ my $oldUnsav = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- my $module = $rec->prop('Program');
+ unless (defined $rec) {
+ $rec = $cdb->new_record('backup', { type => 'service' });
+ }
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ my $module = $rec->prop('Program');
- # The default e-smith backup program is flexbackup.
- unless (defined $module) {
- $module = "flexbackup";
- } elsif ($module eq '') {
- $module = "flexbackup";
- }
- $rec->set_prop('Program', $module);
- $rec->set_prop('backupTime', "$backupHour:$backupMin");
- $rec->set_prop('reminderTime', "$reminderHour:$reminderMin");
- $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($oldUnsav);
- system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
- or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP'),"\n");
- return 'OK';
+ # The default e-smith backup program is flexbackup.
+ unless (defined $module) {
+ $module = "flexbackup";
+ } elsif ($module eq '') {
+ $module = "flexbackup";
+ }
+ $rec->set_prop('Program', $module);
+ $rec->set_prop('backupTime', "$backupHour:$backupMin");
+ $rec->set_prop('reminderTime', "$reminderHour:$reminderMin");
+ $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($oldUnsav);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
+ or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP'), "\n");
+ return 'OK';
} else {
- # set service to disabled
- my $oldUnsav = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- unless ($rec) {
- $rec = $cdb->new_record('backup', {type=>'service'});
- }
+ # set service to disabled
+ my $oldUnsav = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backup');
- $rec->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
- $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($oldUnsav);
- system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
- or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP')."\n");
- return 'OK';
- }
+ unless ($rec) {
+ $rec = $cdb->new_record('backup', { type => 'service' });
+ }
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
+ $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($oldUnsav);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
+ or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP') . "\n");
+ return 'OK';
+ } ## end else [ if (defined $status &&...)]
return undef;
+} ## end sub tapeBackupConfig
sub tapeRestore {
my ($c, $lock_file, $file_handle) = @_;
my $rec = $rdb->get('restore');
$rec->set_prop('state', 'running');
$rec->set_prop('start', time);
my $child;
if ($child = fork) {
- # Parent
- $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE';
- &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
- return 'OK';
+ # Parent
+ $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE';
+ &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
+ return 'OK';
} elsif (defined $child) {
- # Child
- # Re-establish the lock. Wait till it is relinquished by the parent.
- $file_handle = &esmith::lockfile::LockFileOrWait($lock_file);
+ # Child
+ # Re-establish the lock. Wait till it is relinquished by the parent.
+ $file_handle = &esmith::lockfile::LockFileOrWait($lock_file);
- # Close STDOUT so that the web server connection is closed.
- close STDOUT;
+ # Close STDOUT so that the web server connection is closed.
+ close STDOUT;
- # Now reopen STDOUT for the child. Redirect it to STDERR.
- open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR");
+ # Now reopen STDOUT for the child. Redirect it to STDERR.
+ open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR");
- unless(system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pre-restore") == 0) {
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE'));
- $rec->delete_prop('state');
- die ($c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE'),"\n");
- }
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pre-restore") == 0) {
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE'));
+ $rec->delete_prop('state');
+ die($c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE'), "\n");
+ } ## end unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event"...))
- unless(system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "restore-tape") == 0) {
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_FROM_TAPE'));
- $rec->delete_prop('state');
- die ($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_FROM_TAPE')."\n");
- }
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "restore-tape") == 0) {
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_FROM_TAPE'));
+ $rec->delete_prop('state');
+ die($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_FROM_TAPE') . "\n");
+ } ## end unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event"...))
- #----------------------------------------
- # regenerate configuration files
- #----------------------------------------
- unless(system("/usr/sbin/groupmod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0) {
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg').', '.
- $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID'));
- warn ($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID')."\n");
- }
- unless(system("/usr/sbin/usermod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0) {
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg').', '.
- warn ($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_INITIAL_GRP')."\n");
- }
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0,
- "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade");
- #unless(system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade") == 0) {
- # $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg').', '.
- # $rec->delete_prop('state');
- #}
+ #----------------------------------------
+ # regenerate configuration files
+ #----------------------------------------
+ unless (system("/usr/sbin/groupmod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0) {
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg') . ', ' . $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID'));
+ warn($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID') . "\n");
+ }
- my $finish = time;
- $rec->set_prop('state', 'complete');
- $rec->set_prop('finish', $finish);
+ unless (system("/usr/sbin/usermod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0) {
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg') . ', ' . $c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_INITIAL_GRP'));
+ warn($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_INITIAL_GRP') . "\n");
+ }
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade");
- my $start = $rec->prop('start');
- $start = scalar localtime($start);
- $finish = scalar localtime($finish);
- &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
- exit;
+ #unless(system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade") == 0) {
+ # $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $rec->prop('errmsg').', '.
+ # $rec->delete_prop('state');
+ #}
+ my $finish = time;
+ $rec->set_prop('state', 'complete');
+ $rec->set_prop('finish', $finish);
+ my $start = $rec->prop('start');
+ $start = scalar localtime($start);
+ $finish = scalar localtime($finish);
+ &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
+ exit;
} else {
- # Error
- $rec->delete_prop('state');
- $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_COULD_NOT_FORK'));
- die ($c->l("bac_COULD_NOT_FORK")." $!\n");
- }
+ # Error
+ $rec->delete_prop('state');
+ $rec->set_prop('errmsg', $c->l('bac_COULD_NOT_FORK'));
+ die($c->l("bac_COULD_NOT_FORK") . " $!\n");
+ } ## end else [ if ($child = fork) ]
+} ## end sub tapeRestore
sub workstnBackupConfig {
# called by template
my ($c) = @_;
my $out;
my $backupwk_status;
my $enabledIncOnlyTimeout = "";
- my $backupwkLogin = 'backup';
- my $backupwkPassword = 'backup';
- my $backupwkStation = 'host';
- my $backupwkFolder = 'share';
- my $backupwkMount = '/mnt/smb';
+ my $backupwkLogin = 'backup';
+ my $backupwkPassword = 'backup';
+ my $backupwkStation = 'host';
+ my $backupwkFolder = 'share';
+ my $backupwkMount = '/mnt/smb';
my $setsNumber;
my $filesinset;
my $backupwkTime;
@@ -790,692 +701,678 @@ sub workstnBackupConfig {
# Obtain backup informations from configuration
my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
if ($rec) {
- $backupwkTime = $rec->prop('BackupTime') || '2:00';
- $backupwkLogin = $rec->prop('Login') || 'backup';
- $backupwkPassword = $rec->prop('Password') || 'backup';
- $backupwkStation = $rec->prop('SmbHost') || 'host';
- $backupwkFolder = $rec->prop('SmbShare') || 'share';
- $backupwkMount = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
- $VFSType = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
- $setsNumber = $rec->prop('SetsMax') || '1';
- $filesinset = $rec->prop('DaysInSet') || '1';
- $backupwkTimeout = $rec->prop('Timeout') || '12';
- $backupwkIncOnlyTimeout = $rec->prop('IncOnlyTimeout') || 'yes';
- $compression = $rec->prop('Compression') || '0';
- $dof = (defined $rec->prop('FullDay')) ? $rec->prop('FullDay') : '7';
- $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status');
- }
+ $backupwkTime = $rec->prop('BackupTime') || '2:00';
+ $backupwkLogin = $rec->prop('Login') || 'backup';
+ $backupwkPassword = $rec->prop('Password') || 'backup';
+ $backupwkStation = $rec->prop('SmbHost') || 'host';
+ $backupwkFolder = $rec->prop('SmbShare') || 'share';
+ $backupwkMount = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ $VFSType = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
+ $setsNumber = $rec->prop('SetsMax') || '1';
+ $filesinset = $rec->prop('DaysInSet') || '1';
+ $backupwkTimeout = $rec->prop('Timeout') || '12';
+ $backupwkIncOnlyTimeout = $rec->prop('IncOnlyTimeout') || 'yes';
+ $compression = $rec->prop('Compression') || '0';
+ $dof = (defined $rec->prop('FullDay')) ? $rec->prop('FullDay') : '7';
+ $backupwk_status = $rec->prop('status');
+ } ## end if ($rec)
if ($rec) {
if ($VFSType eq 'usb') {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_USB').' '.$backupwkFolder.'
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_USB') . ' ' . $backupwkFolder . '
} elsif ($VFSType eq 'mnt') {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_MNT').' '.$backupwkMount.'
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_MNT') . ' ' . $backupwkMount . '
} else {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_HOST').' '.$backupwkStation.' ';
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_VFSTYPE').' '.$VFSType.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_SHARE').' '.$backupwkFolder.'
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_HOST') . ' ' . $backupwkStation . ' ';
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_VFSTYPE') . ' ' . $VFSType . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_SHARE') . ' ' . $backupwkFolder . '
- if ($VFSType eq 'cifs') {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_LOGIN').' '.$backupwkLogin.'
- $out .= $c->l('PASSWORD').' ********
- }
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_SETSNUM').' '.$setsNumber.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_DAYSINSET').' '.$filesinset.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_COMPRESSION').' '.$compression.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_TOD').' '.$backupwkTime.'
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_TIMEOUT').' '.$backupwkTimeout.' '.$c->l('bac_HOURS');
- if ( $backupwkIncOnlyTimeout eq 'yes' ) {
+ if ($VFSType eq 'cifs') {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_LOGIN') . ' ' . $backupwkLogin . '
+ $out .= $c->l('PASSWORD') . ' ********
+ }
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_SETSNUM') . ' ' . $setsNumber . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_DAYSINSET') . ' ' . $filesinset . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_COMPRESSION') . ' ' . $compression . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_TOD') . ' ' . $backupwkTime . '
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_TIMEOUT') . ' ' . $backupwkTimeout . ' ' . $c->l('bac_HOURS');
+ if ($backupwkIncOnlyTimeout eq 'yes') {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_INCONLY_TIMEOUT');
$out .= '
- if ( $dof eq '7' ) {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_FULL_BACKUP_EVERYDAY').'
+ if ($dof eq '7') {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_FULL_BACKUP_EVERYDAY') . '
} else {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_FULL_BACKUP_DAY').' '.$dlabels[$dof].'
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_FULL_BACKUP_DAY') . ' ' . $dlabels[$dof] . '
} else {
- $out = $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_NOT_CONFIGURED');
+ $out = $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_BACKUP_NOT_CONFIGURED');
return $out;
+} ## end sub workstnBackupConfig
sub workstnVerify {
my ($c) = @_;
my $out;
my $backupwkrec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- my $smbhost = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbHost');
- my $smbshare = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbShare');
- my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ my $smbhost = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbHost');
+ my $smbshare = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbShare');
+ my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
my $key;
my $error_message;
- my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id') ||
- $cdb->get('SystemName')->value .'.'. $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id')
+ || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . '.' . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
my $err;
my $VFSType = $backupwkrec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
- my $verifyref = $c->param ('Backupset');
- $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' );
+ my $verifyref = $c->param('Backupset');
+ $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ($VFSType eq 'usb');
# Mounting backup shared folder
- $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir,$smbhost,$smbshare,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir, $smbhost, $smbshare, $VFSType);
if ($error_message) {
- return $error_message .' '. $id;
+ return $error_message . ' ' . $id;
# Test if backup subdirectory for our server
my $mntbkdir = $mntdir . "/$id";
- unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
- $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR')."\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- return $error_message .' '. $id;
- }
+ unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
+ $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR') . "\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ return $error_message . ' ' . $id;
+ } ## end unless (-d $mntbkdir)
my $fullverify = $c->param('Verifyall') || '';
- if ( $fullverify eq "on" ) {
- # Test all backups needed to full restore
+ if ($fullverify eq "on") {
+ # Test all backups needed to full restore
my %backupsetfiles = ();
- my @restorefiles;
+ my @restorefiles;
my $set = $verifyref;
$set =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
my $backupsetlist = sub {
- if ( $_ =~ /\.dar/ ) {
- my $backupref = $File::Find::name;
- $backupref =~ s/\.[0-9]+\.dar//;
- $_ =~ s/\..*\.dar//;
- $_ =~ s/.*-//;
- $backupsetfiles{$_} = $backupref;
- }
- };
- # find list of available backups and verify
- # it contains all backups needed for full restore
- find { wanted => \&$backupsetlist, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w\s./]+)$| }, $set ;
+ if ($_ =~ /\.dar/) {
+ my $backupref = $File::Find::name;
+ $backupref =~ s/\.[0-9]+\.dar//;
+ $_ =~ s/\..*\.dar//;
+ $_ =~ s/.*-//;
+ $backupsetfiles{$_} = $backupref;
+ } ## end if ($_ =~ /\.dar/)
+ };
- my $key;
- my $num = 0;
- foreach $key (sort keys %backupsetfiles)
- {
- push @restorefiles, $backupsetfiles{$key};
- if ( $num == 0 ) {
- unless ( $backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/full-/ ) {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_FULL_BACKUP');
- return $out;
- }
- } else {
- my $numf = sprintf("%03d", $num);
- unless ( $backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/inc-$numf-/ ) {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_INC_BACKUP') . " " . $numf;
- return $out;
- }
- }
- $num++;
- last if ( $backupsetfiles{$key} eq $verifyref );
- }
- if (open(RD, "-|")) {
+ # find list of available backups and verify
+ # it contains all backups needed for full restore
+ find { wanted => \&$backupsetlist, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w\s./]+)$| }, $set;
+ my $key;
+ my $num = 0;
- $out .= ''.$c->l('bac_TESTING_NEEDED_BACKUPS_FOR_RESTORE').'';
- while () {
- $out .= "- $_
- }
- $out .= '
+ foreach $key (sort keys %backupsetfiles) {
+ push @restorefiles, $backupsetfiles{$key};
- my $message;
- $out .= '';
- if (!close RD) {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_RESTORE_VERIFY_FAILED');
- } else {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_VERIFY_COMPLETE');
- }
- $out .= '';
- } else {
- select(STDOUT);
- $| = 1;
+ if ($num == 0) {
+ unless ($backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/full-/) {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_FULL_BACKUP');
+ return $out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $numf = sprintf("%03d", $num);
- my $file;
- foreach $file (@restorefiles) {
- if ($file =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- } else {
- $error_message = "Unsecure data : $file\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- die ($error_message);
- }
- print $c->l('bac_TESTED_BACKUP') .' '. $file;
- system ("/usr/bin/dar", "-Q", "--test", "$file", "--noconf");
- }
+ unless ($backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/inc-$numf-/) {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_INC_BACKUP') . " " . $numf;
+ return $out;
+ }
+ } ## end else [ if ($num == 0) ]
+ $num++;
+ last if ($backupsetfiles{$key} eq $verifyref);
+ } ## end foreach $key (sort keys %backupsetfiles)
- $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- die($error_message) if $error_message;
+ if (open(RD, "-|")) {
+ $out .= '' . $c->l('bac_TESTING_NEEDED_BACKUPS_FOR_RESTORE') . '';
- exit(0);
- }
- #return;
+ while () {
+ $out .= "- $_
+ }
+ $out .= '
+ my $message;
+ $out .= '';
+ if (!close RD) {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_RESTORE_VERIFY_FAILED');
+ } else {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_VERIFY_COMPLETE');
+ }
+ $out .= '';
+ } else {
+ select(STDOUT);
+ $| = 1;
+ my $file;
+ foreach $file (@restorefiles) {
+ if ($file =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $file = $1;
+ } else {
+ $error_message = "Unsecure data : $file\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ die($error_message);
+ }
+ print $c->l('bac_TESTED_BACKUP') . ' ' . $file;
+ system("/usr/bin/dar", "-Q", "--test", "$file", "--noconf");
+ } ## end foreach $file (@restorefiles)
+ $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ die($error_message) if $error_message;
+ exit(0);
+ } ## end else [ if (open(RD, "-|")) ]
+ #return;
} else {
# verify selected backup only
# and display files saved in the backup
my $backupkey = $verifyref;
if ($backupkey =~ /^(.*)$/) {
$backupkey = $1;
} else {
- $error_message = "Unsecure data : $backupkey\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- die ($error_message);
+ $error_message = "Unsecure data : $backupkey\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ die($error_message);
- if (open(RD, "-|")) {
- $out .= ''.$c->l('bac_FILES_IN_BACKUP').'';
- my $complete = 0;
- while () {
- $complete++ if /etc\/samba\/smbpasswd$/;
- $out .= "- $_
- }
- $out .= '
+ if (open(RD, "-|")) {
+ $out .= '' . $c->l('bac_FILES_IN_BACKUP') . '';
+ my $complete = 0;
- my $status = close RD ?
- ($complete ?
- $c->l('bac_VERIFY_COMPLETE') :
- : ($c->l('bac_ERROR_READING_FILE').' : '.$backupkey);
- $out .= " $status ";
+ while () {
+ $complete++ if /etc\/samba\/smbpasswd$/;
+ $out .= "- $_
+ }
+ $out .= '
+ my $status
+ = close RD
+ ? (
+ $complete
+ ? $c->l('bac_VERIFY_COMPLETE')
+ )
+ : ($c->l('bac_ERROR_READING_FILE') . ' : ' . $backupkey);
+ $out .= " $status ";
} else {
$| = 1;
- system ("/usr/bin/dar", "-Q", "--list", "$backupkey", "--noconf") == 0
- or die ($c->l('bac_ERR_EXTRACT')." : ".$!);
- $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ system("/usr/bin/dar", "-Q", "--list", "$backupkey", "--noconf") == 0
+ or die($c->l('bac_ERR_EXTRACT') . " : " . $!);
+ $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
die($error_message) if $error_message;
- }
- }
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ } ## end else [ if (open(RD, "-|")) ]
+ } ## end else [ if ($fullverify eq "on")]
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
return $out;
+} ## end sub workstnVerify
sub workstnRestore {
my ($c) = @_;
my $out;
my $restoreref = $c->param('Backupset');
- my $set = $restoreref;
+ my $set = $restoreref;
$set =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
my %backupsetfiles = ();
my @restorefiles;
my $backupsetlist = sub {
- if ( $_ =~ /\.dar/ ) {
- my $backupref = $File::Find::name;
+ if ($_ =~ /\.dar/) {
+ my $backupref = $File::Find::name;
$backupref =~ s/\.[0-9]+\.dar//;
$_ =~ s/\..*\.dar//;
- $_ =~ s/.*-//;
- $backupsetfiles{$_} = $backupref;
- }
+ $_ =~ s/.*-//;
+ $backupsetfiles{$_} = $backupref;
+ } ## end if ($_ =~ /\.dar/)
- my $lock_file = "/var/lock/subsys/e-smith-restore";
+ my $lock_file = "/var/lock/subsys/e-smith-restore";
my $file_handle = &esmith::lockfile::LockFileOrReturn($lock_file);
unless ($file_handle) {
return "$c->l('bac_RESTORE_CANNOT_PROCEED')
my $backupwkrec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id')
- || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
- my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id')
+ || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
my $VFSType = $backupwkrec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
my $smbhost = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbHost');
my $smbshare = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbShare');
- $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' );
+ $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ($VFSType eq 'usb');
my $err;
my $error_message;
# Mounting backup shared folder
- $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir,$smbhost,$smbshare,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir, $smbhost, $smbshare, $VFSType);
if ($error_message) {
return "$c->l('bac_RESTORE_CANNOT_PROCEED') $error_message : $id";
# Test if backup subdirectory for our server
my $mntbkdir = $mntdir . "/$id";
unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
- $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR')."\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR') . "\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
return "$c->l('bac_RESTORE_CANNOT_PROCEED') $error_message : $id";
- }
- # finding list of available backups
+ } ## end unless (-d $mntbkdir)
+ # finding list of available backups
# and verifying all needed backup files are available
- find { wanted => \&$backupsetlist, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w\s./]+)$| }, $set ;
+ find { wanted => \&$backupsetlist, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w\s./]+)$| }, $set;
my $key;
my $num = 0;
- foreach $key (sort keys %backupsetfiles) {
- push @restorefiles, $backupsetfiles{$key};
- if ( $num == 0 ) {
- unless ( $backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/full-/ ) {
- return "$c->l('bac_RESTORE_CANNOT_PROCEED') $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_FULL_BACKUP')";
- }
- } else {
- my $numf = sprintf("%03d", $num);
- unless ( $backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/inc-$numf-/ ) {
- return "$c->l('bac_RESTORE_CANNOT_PROCEED') $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_INC_BACKUP') . $numf";
- }
- }
- $num++;
- last if ( $backupsetfiles{$key} eq $restoreref );
- }
- # backup is online, restoring now
+ foreach $key (sort keys %backupsetfiles) {
+ push @restorefiles, $backupsetfiles{$key};
+ if ($num == 0) {
+ unless ($backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/full-/) {
+ return "$c->l('bac_RESTORE_CANNOT_PROCEED') $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_FULL_BACKUP')";
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $numf = sprintf("%03d", $num);
+ unless ($backupsetfiles{$key} =~ /\/inc-$numf-/) {
+ return "$c->l('bac_RESTORE_CANNOT_PROCEED') $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_INC_BACKUP') . $numf";
+ }
+ } ## end else [ if ($num == 0) ]
+ $num++;
+ last if ($backupsetfiles{$key} eq $restoreref);
+ } ## end foreach $key (sort keys %backupsetfiles)
+ # backup is online, restoring now
my $rec = $rdb->get('restore');
- $rec->set_prop('state','running');
+ $rec->set_prop('state', 'running');
$rec->set_prop('start', time);
$cdb->get('bootstrap-console')->set_prop('Run', 'yes');
unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pre-restore") == 0) {
- return "$c->l('bac_OPERATION_STATUS_REPORT') $c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE')";
+ return "$c->l('bac_OPERATION_STATUS_REPORT') $c->l('bac_ERR_PRE_RESTORE')";
$| = 1;
if (open(RD, "-|")) {
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # restore system from uploaded workstation backup file
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- $out .= $c->l('bac_FILES_HAVE_BEEN_RESTORED')."\n";
- $out .= '';
- my $complete = 0;
- while () {
- $complete++ if /etc\/samba\/smbpasswd$/;
- $out .= "- $_
- }
- $out .= '
- my $message;
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ # restore system from uploaded workstation backup file
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_FILES_HAVE_BEEN_RESTORED') . "\n";
+ $out .= '';
+ my $complete = 0;
- if (!close RD) {
- $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_FAILED_MSG');
- } else {
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # if restore completed, regenerate configuration files
- #-----------------------------------------------------
+ while () {
+ $complete++ if /etc\/samba\/smbpasswd$/;
+ $out .= "- $_
+ }
+ $out .= '
+ my $message;
- if ($complete) {
- $out .= $c->l('bac_RESTORE_COMPLETE');
- system("/usr/sbin/groupmod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0
- or warn ($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID')."\n");
- system("/usr/sbin/usermod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0
- or warn ($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_INITIAL_GRP')."\n");
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0,
- "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade");
- # system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade") == 0
- # or die ($c->l('bac_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION')."\n");
- } else {
- $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_FAILED');
- }
- }
- return $message if $message;
+ if (!close RD) {
+ $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_FAILED_MSG');
+ } else {
- $rec->set_prop('state', 'complete');
- $rec->set_prop('finish', time);
- &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ # if restore completed, regenerate configuration files
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ if ($complete) {
+ $out .= $c->l('bac_RESTORE_COMPLETE');
+ system("/usr/sbin/groupmod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0
+ or warn($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_GID') . "\n");
+ system("/usr/sbin/usermod", "-g", "$www_gid", "www") == 0
+ or warn($c->l('bac_ERR_RESTORING_INITIAL_GRP') . "\n");
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade");
+ # system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade") == 0
+ # or die ($c->l('bac_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION')."\n");
+ } else {
+ $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_FAILED');
+ }
+ } ## end else [ if (!close RD) ]
+ return $message if $message;
+ $rec->set_prop('state', 'complete');
+ $rec->set_prop('finish', time);
+ &esmith::lockfile::UnlockFile($file_handle);
} else {
+ select(STDOUT);
+ $| = 1;
+ my $file;
- select(STDOUT);
- $| = 1;
- my $file;
- foreach $file (@restorefiles) {
- if ($file =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $file = $1;
- } else {
- $error_message = "Unsecure data : $file\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- die ($error_message);
- }
- system ("/usr/bin/dar", "-Q", "-x", "$file", "-v", "-N", "-R", "/", "-wa");
- }
- $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- die($error_message) if $error_message;
- exit(0);
- }
+ foreach $file (@restorefiles) {
+ if ($file =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $file = $1;
+ } else {
+ $error_message = "Unsecure data : $file\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ die($error_message);
+ }
+ system("/usr/bin/dar", "-Q", "-x", "$file", "-v", "-N", "-R", "/", "-wa");
+ } ## end foreach $file (@restorefiles)
+ $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ die($error_message) if $error_message;
+ exit(0);
+ } ## end else [ if (open(RD, "-|")) ]
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
return '#OK#' . $out;
+} ## end sub workstnRestore
sub workstnSelRestore() {
- my $c = shift;
- my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
my %backupfiles = ();
- my $mntdir = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ my $mntdir = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
my $mntbkdir;
my $key;
- my $id = $rec->prop('Id') ||
- $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . '.' . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $id = $rec->prop('Id')
+ || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . '.' . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
my %blabels = ();
my @blabels;
my $backups = 0;
my $filterexp;
- my $VFSType = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
- my $smbhost = $rec->prop('SmbHost');
+ my $VFSType = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
+ my $smbhost = $rec->prop('SmbHost');
my $smbshare = $rec->prop('SmbShare');
- $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' );
+ $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ($VFSType eq 'usb');
my $err;
my $error_message;
my $setbackuplist = sub {
- if ( $_ =~ /\.dar/ )
- {
- my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
- my $backupref;
- $dir =~ s/$mntbkdir\///;
+ if ($_ =~ /\.dar/) {
+ my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
+ my $backupref;
+ $dir =~ s/$mntbkdir\///;
$_ =~ s/\..*\.dar//;
- $backupref = $_;
- $_ =~ s/.*-//;
- @{$backupfiles{$_}}[0] = $dir;
- @{$backupfiles{$_}}[1] = $backupref;
- }
+ $backupref = $_;
+ $_ =~ s/.*-//;
+ @{ $backupfiles{$_} }[0] = $dir;
+ @{ $backupfiles{$_} }[1] = $backupref;
+ } ## end if ($_ =~ /\.dar/)
# Mounting backup shared folder
- $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir,$smbhost,$smbshare,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir, $smbhost, $smbshare, $VFSType);
if ($error_message) {
return ($error_message, $id);
# Test if backup subdirectory for our server
$mntbkdir = $mntdir . "/$id";
- unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
- $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR')."\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- return ($error_message, $id);
- }
+ unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
+ $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR') . "\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ return ($error_message, $id);
+ } ## end unless (-d $mntbkdir)
my $catalog = "$mntbkdir/dar-catalog";
- my $i = 0;
- my $j = 0;
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
my @bknum;
my @setd;
my @bkname;
- # update backups list from current catalog
- open(DAR_LIST, "/usr/bin/dar_manager -B $catalog -l |") ;
+ # update backups list from current catalog
+ open(DAR_LIST, "/usr/bin/dar_manager -B $catalog -l |");
$i = 0;
- while ()
- {
- next unless m/set/;
- chomp;
- ($bknum[$i], $setd[$i], $bkname[$i]) = split(' ', $_, 3);
- $i++;
- }
- close (DAR_LIST);
+ while () {
+ next unless m/set/;
+ chomp;
+ ($bknum[$i], $setd[$i], $bkname[$i]) = split(' ', $_, 3);
+ $i++;
+ } ## end while ()
+ close(DAR_LIST);
# set drop down list of backups
push @blabels, "0";
$blabels{"0"} = $c->l('ALL_BACKUPS');
$j = 0;
- while ($j < $i)
- {
- push @blabels, $bknum[$j];
- $blabels{$bknum[$j]} = $bkname[$j];
- $j++
- }
+ while ($j < $i) {
+ push @blabels, $bknum[$j];
+ $blabels{ $bknum[$j] } = $bkname[$j];
+ $j++;
+ } ## end while ($j < $i)
+} ## end sub workstnSelRestore
sub updateWorkstnBackupConfig {
my ($c) = @_;
- my $status = $c->param('Workstnbackup') || "";
+ my $status = $c->param('Workstnbackup') || "";
my $inconly = $c->param('IncOnlyTimeout');
- my $dof = $c->param('Dof');
+ my $dof = $c->param('Dof');
my $ampm;
my $incOnlyTimeout;
my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
unless (defined $rec) {
- $rec = $cdb->new_record('backupwk', {type=>'service'});
+ $rec = $cdb->new_record('backupwk', { type => 'service' });
my $backupwkMount = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
- unless ( $status eq 'on') {
+ unless ($status eq 'on') {
# set service to disabled
my $old = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
$rec->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
- or die($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP')."\n");
- return '#OK#'.$c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_DISABLED_WORKSTN');
- }
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # Untaint parameters and check for validity
- #--------------------------------------------------
+ or die($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP') . "\n");
+ return '#OK#' . $c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_DISABLED_WORKSTN');
+ } ## end unless ($status eq 'on')
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ # Untaint parameters and check for validity
+ #--------------------------------------------------
my $VFSType = $c->param('VFSType');
- if ( $VFSType eq 'nousb') {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_USB_DISK')
- }
- if ( $VFSType eq 'nomnt') {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_MOUNTED_DISK')
+ if ($VFSType eq 'nousb') {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_USB_DISK');
+ if ($VFSType eq 'nomnt') {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_MOUNTED_DISK');
+ }
my $backupwkStation = $c->param('BackupwkStation');
- if ( $VFSType =~ m/usb|mnt/s) { $backupwkStation = 'localhost' }
+ if ($VFSType =~ m/usb|mnt/s) { $backupwkStation = 'localhost' }
if ($backupwkStation =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
- $backupwkStation = $1;
+ $backupwkStation = $1;
} else {
$backupwkStation = "";
- if ( $backupwkStation eq "" ) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_WORKSTN')
- }
+ if ($backupwkStation eq "") {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_WORKSTN');
+ }
my $backupwkFolder = $c->param('BackupwkFolder');
if ($backupwkFolder =~ /^(.*)$/) {
$backupwkFolder = $1;
} else {
$backupwkFolder = '';
- if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' ) {
+ if ($VFSType eq 'usb') {
$backupwkFolder = 'media/' . $backupwkFolder;
- if ( $VFSType eq 'mnt' ) {
- $backupwkMount = $backupwkFolder;
- if (checkMount ($backupwkMount)){$backupwkFolder = '';}
+ if ($VFSType eq 'mnt') {
+ $backupwkMount = $backupwkFolder;
+ if (checkMount($backupwkMount)) { $backupwkFolder = ''; }
} else {
- $backupwkFolder =~ s/^\///; # remove leading /
- }
- if ( $backupwkFolder eq '') {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_FOLDER')
+ $backupwkFolder =~ s/^\///; # remove leading /
+ if ($backupwkFolder eq '') {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_FOLDER');
+ }
my $backupwkLogin = $c->param('BackupwkLogin') || '';
if ($backupwkLogin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
$backupwkLogin = $1;
} else {
$backupwkLogin = "";
- if ( ( $backupwkLogin eq "" ) && ( $VFSType eq 'cifs' ) ) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_LOGIN')
- }
+ if (($backupwkLogin eq "") && ($VFSType eq 'cifs')) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_LOGIN');
+ }
my $backupwkPassword = $c->param('BackupwkPassword') || '';
if ($backupwkPassword =~ /^(.*)$/) {
$backupwkPassword = $1;
} else {
$backupwkPassword = "";
- if ( ( $backupwkPassword eq "" ) && ( $VFSType eq 'cifs' ) ) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD')
- }
+ if (($backupwkPassword eq "") && ($VFSType eq 'cifs')) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD');
+ }
my $setsNumber = $c->param('SetsNumber');
- unless ( $setsNumber > 0 ) {
- }
+ unless ($setsNumber > 0) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_SETS_NUMBERFOLDER');
+ }
my $filesinset = $c->param('Filesinset');
- unless ( $filesinset > 0 ) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_FILES_IN_SET_NUMBER')
- }
+ unless ($filesinset > 0) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_FILES_IN_SET_NUMBER');
+ }
my $timeout = $c->param('BackupwkTimeout');
- if (( $timeout eq '') || ( $timeout == 0 )) {$timeout = 24 }
- if (( $timeout < 1 ) || ( $timeout > 24 )) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_TIMEOUT')
+ if (($timeout eq '') || ($timeout == 0)) { $timeout = 24 }
+ if (($timeout < 1) || ($timeout > 24)) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_TIMEOUT');
if (defined $inconly && $inconly eq 'on') {
- $incOnlyTimeout = 'yes';
+ $incOnlyTimeout = 'yes';
} else {
- $incOnlyTimeout = 'no';
+ $incOnlyTimeout = 'no';
my $compression = $c->param('Compression');
- if (( $compression < 0 ) || ( $compression > 9 )) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_COMPRESSION')
- }
- $rec->set_prop('SmbHost', $backupwkStation);
- $rec->set_prop('SmbShare', $backupwkFolder);
- $rec->set_prop('Mount', $backupwkMount);
- $rec->set_prop('Login', $backupwkLogin);
- $rec->set_prop('Password', $backupwkPassword);
- $rec->set_prop('SetsMax', $setsNumber);
- $rec->set_prop('DaysInSet', $filesinset);
- $rec->set_prop('Timeout', $timeout);
+ if (($compression < 0) || ($compression > 9)) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_COMPRESSION');
+ }
+ $rec->set_prop('SmbHost', $backupwkStation);
+ $rec->set_prop('SmbShare', $backupwkFolder);
+ $rec->set_prop('Mount', $backupwkMount);
+ $rec->set_prop('Login', $backupwkLogin);
+ $rec->set_prop('Password', $backupwkPassword);
+ $rec->set_prop('SetsMax', $setsNumber);
+ $rec->set_prop('DaysInSet', $filesinset);
+ $rec->set_prop('Timeout', $timeout);
$rec->set_prop('IncOnlyTimeout', $incOnlyTimeout);
- $rec->set_prop('Compression', $compression);
- $rec->set_prop('FullDay', $dof);
- $rec->set_prop('VFSType', $VFSType);
+ $rec->set_prop('Compression', $compression);
+ $rec->set_prop('FullDay', $dof);
+ $rec->set_prop('VFSType', $VFSType);
my $module = $rec->prop('Program');
# The default workstation backup program is dar.
unless (defined $module) {
$module = 'dar';
} elsif ($module eq '') {
$module = 'dar';
$rec->set_prop('Program', $module);
+ my $backupwkHour = $c->param('BackupwkHour');
- my $backupwkHour = $c->param('BackupwkHour');
- if ($backupwkHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $backupwkHour = $1;
- } else {
- $backupwkHour = '12';
- }
- if (($backupwkHour < 0) || ($backupwkHour > 12)) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_HOUR').$backupwkHour.
- $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12')
- }
- my $backupwkMin = $c->param('BackupwkMin');
- if ($backupwkMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $backupwkMin = $1;
- } else {
- $backupwkMin = '0';
- }
- if (($backupwkMin < 0) || ($backupwkMin > 59)) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_MINUTE').$backupwkMin.
- $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59');
- }
- $backupwkMin = sprintf("%02d", $backupwkMin);
- $ampm = $c->param('BackupwkAMPM');
- if ($ampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $ampm = $1;
- } else {
- $ampm = 'AM';
- }
- # convert to 24 hour time
- $backupwkHour = $backupwkHour % 12;
- if ($ampm eq 'PM') {
- $backupwkHour = $backupwkHour + 12;
- }
- # variables passed validity checks, set configuration database values
- my $old = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
- $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
- $rec->set_prop('BackupTime', "$backupwkHour:$backupwkMin");
- $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($old);
- system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
- or die($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP'),"\n");
- # we test if the remote host is reachable, else we simply display a warning
- if ( $VFSType =~ m/cifs|nfs/s ) {
- my $error_message = vmount($backupwkStation,$backupwkFolder,$backupwkMount,$VFSType);
- if (! $error_message) {
- $c->bunmount($backupwkMount,$VFSType);
- } elsif ($error_message) {
- return $c->l('bac_ERROR_WHEN_TESTING_REMOTE_SERVER'). "
- }
+ if ($backupwkHour =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $backupwkHour = $1;
+ } else {
+ $backupwkHour = '12';
- return '#OK#'.$c->l('bac_SUCCESSFULLY_ENABLED_WORKSTN'). '
- $c->l('bac_WITH_BACKUP_TIME')." $backupwkHour:$backupwkMin";
+ if (($backupwkHour < 0) || ($backupwkHour > 12)) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_HOUR') . $backupwkHour . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_12');
+ }
+ my $backupwkMin = $c->param('BackupwkMin');
+ if ($backupwkMin =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $backupwkMin = $1;
+ } else {
+ $backupwkMin = '0';
+ }
+ if (($backupwkMin < 0) || ($backupwkMin > 59)) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERR_INVALID_MINUTE') . $backupwkMin . $c->l('bac_BETWEEN_0_AND_59');
+ }
+ $backupwkMin = sprintf("%02d", $backupwkMin);
+ $ampm = $c->param('BackupwkAMPM');
+ if ($ampm =~ /^(.*)$/) {
+ $ampm = $1;
+ } else {
+ $ampm = 'AM';
+ }
+ # convert to 24 hour time
+ $backupwkHour = $backupwkHour % 12;
+ if ($ampm eq 'PM') {
+ $backupwkHour = $backupwkHour + 12;
+ }
+ # variables passed validity checks, set configuration database values
+ my $old = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ $rec->set_prop('BackupTime', "$backupwkHour:$backupwkMin");
+ $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->set_value($old);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "conf-backup") == 0
+ or die($c->l('bac_ERR_CONF_BACKUP'), "\n");
+ # we test if the remote host is reachable, else we simply display a warning
+ if ($VFSType =~ m/cifs|nfs/s) {
+ my $error_message = vmount($backupwkStation, $backupwkFolder, $backupwkMount, $VFSType);
+ if (!$error_message) {
+ $c->bunmount($backupwkMount, $VFSType);
+ } elsif ($error_message) {
+ return $c->l('bac_ERROR_WHEN_TESTING_REMOTE_SERVER') . "
+ }
+ } ## end if ($VFSType =~ m/cifs|nfs/s)
+ return
+ '#OK#'
+ . $c->l('bac_WITH_BACKUP_TIME')
+ . " $backupwkHour:$backupwkMin";
+} ## end sub updateWorkstnBackupConfig
sub performWorkstnSelRestore {
my ($c, $seldatebefore, $restorefiles) = @_;
my $out;
my @restorelist;
- foreach ( @{$restorefiles} ) {
- push @restorelist, "\"".$1."\"" if ($_ =~ /^(.*)$/);
+ foreach (@{$restorefiles}) {
+ push @restorelist, "\"" . $1 . "\"" if ($_ =~ /^(.*)$/);
my $backupwkrec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id') ||
- $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
- my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id')
+ || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
my $VFSType = $backupwkrec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
my $smbhost = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbHost');
my $smbshare = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbShare');
my $err;
my $error_message;
- $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' );
+ $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ($VFSType eq 'usb');
# Mounting backup shared folder
- $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir,$smbhost,$smbshare,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir, $smbhost, $smbshare, $VFSType);
if ($error_message) {
$error_message .= " : $id";
return $error_message;
@@ -1483,335 +1380,322 @@ sub performWorkstnSelRestore {
# Test if backup subdirectory for our server
my $mntbkdir = $mntdir . "/$id";
unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
- $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR')."\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR') . "\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
$error_message .= " : $id";
return $error_message;
- }
+ } ## end unless (-d $mntbkdir)
# backup is online, restoring now
$| = 1;
my $restorerr;
if (open(RD, "-|")) {
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # restore system from uploaded workstation backup file
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- $out .= "". $c->l('bac_FILES_HAVE_BEEN_RESTORED') ." \n";
- $out .= '';
- while () {
- $out .= "- $_
- }
- $out .= '
- my $message;
- if (!close RD) {
- $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_FAILED_MSG');
- } else {
- if ($restorerr) {
- $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_FAILED');
- } else {
- $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_COMPLETE');
- }
- }
- $out .= "$message \n";
- } else {
- select(STDOUT);
- $| = 1;
- if ($seldatebefore) {
- $restorerr = system("/usr/bin/dar_manager -B \"$mntbkdir/dar-catalog\" -Q -w $seldatebefore -e '-v -N -R / -w' -r @restorelist");
- } else {
- $restorerr = system("/usr/bin/dar_manager -B \"$mntbkdir/dar-catalog\" -Q -k -e '-v -N -R / -w' -r @restorelist");
- }
- $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
- die($error_message) if $error_message;
- exit(0);
- }
- return "#OK#" . $out;
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ # restore system from uploaded workstation backup file
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ $out .= "" . $c->l('bac_FILES_HAVE_BEEN_RESTORED') . " \n";
+ $out .= '';
+ while () {
+ $out .= "- $_
+ }
+ $out .= '
+ my $message;
+ if (!close RD) {
+ $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_FAILED_MSG');
+ } else {
+ if ($restorerr) {
+ $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_FAILED');
+ } else {
+ $message = $c->l('bac_RESTORE_COMPLETE');
+ }
+ } ## end else [ if (!close RD) ]
+ $out .= "$message \n";
+ } else {
+ select(STDOUT);
+ $| = 1;
+ if ($seldatebefore) {
+ $restorerr
+ = system(
+ "/usr/bin/dar_manager -B \"$mntbkdir/dar-catalog\" -Q -w $seldatebefore -e '-v -N -R / -w' -r @restorelist"
+ );
+ } else {
+ $restorerr
+ = system("/usr/bin/dar_manager -B \"$mntbkdir/dar-catalog\" -Q -k -e '-v -N -R / -w' -r @restorelist");
+ }
+ $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
+ die($error_message) if $error_message;
+ exit(0);
+ } ## end else [ if (open(RD, "-|")) ]
+ return "#OK#" . $out;
+} ## end sub performWorkstnSelRestore
sub performReboot {
my ($c) = @_;
#print "$c->l('bac_SERVER_REBOOT')";
#print "$c->l('bac_SERVER_WILL_REBOOT')";
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand( 2, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot" );
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(2, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot");
return "#OK#" . $c->l('bac_SERVER_WILL_REBOOT');
+} ## end sub performReboot
sub get_VFSType_options {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('cifs') => 'cifs' ], [ $c->l('nfs') => 'nfs' ],
- [ $c->l('local removable disk') => 'usb' ], [ $c->l('Mounted disk') => 'mnt' ]];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('cifs') => 'cifs' ],
+ [ $c->l('nfs') => 'nfs' ],
+ [ $c->l('local removable disk') => 'usb' ],
+ [ $c->l('Mounted disk') => 'mnt' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_VFSType_options
sub get_dow_list {
- my $c = shift;
- my @list = ();
+ my $c = shift;
+ my @list = ();
my @dlabels = split(' ', $c->l('bac_DOW'));
+ my $i = 0;
- my $i = 0;
foreach (@dlabels) {
- push @list, [ "$_" => "$i" ];
- $i++;
+ push @list, [ "$_" => "$i" ];
+ $i++;
-# put 'everyday' first
+ # put 'everyday' first
my $lastr = pop @list;
unshift @list, $lastr;
return \@list;
+} ## end sub get_dow_list
sub get_BackupwkDest_options {
my ($c, $VFSType) = @_;
my @usbdisks = ();
- if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' ) {
- my $devices = esmith::BlockDevices->new ('allowmount' => 'disabled');
+ if ($VFSType eq 'usb') {
+ my $devices = esmith::BlockDevices->new('allowmount' => 'disabled');
my ($valid, $invalid) = $devices->checkBackupDrives(0);
- if ( ${$valid}[0] ) {
- foreach ( @{$valid} ) {
+ if (${$valid}[0]) {
+ foreach (@{$valid}) {
push @usbdisks, $devices->label($_);
+ } ## end if (${$valid}[0])
+ if (!$usbdisks[0]) {
+ push(@usbdisks, $c->l('bac_No suitable local devices found'));
- if (!$usbdisks[0]){
- push (@usbdisks,$c->l('bac_No suitable local devices found'));
- }
- #foreach my $udi (qx(hal-find-by-property --key volume.fsusage --string filesystem)) {
- #$udi =~ m/^(\S+)/;
- #my $is_mounted = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key volume.is_mounted);
- #if ($is_mounted eq "false\n") {
- #my $vollbl = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key volume.label);
- #$vollbl =~ m/^(\S+)/;
- #if ($vollbl =~ /^\s/) {$vollbl = 'nolabel';}
- #chomp $vollbl;
- #push @usbdisks, $vollbl;
- #}
+ #foreach my $udi (qx(hal-find-by-property --key volume.fsusage --string filesystem)) {
+ #$udi =~ m/^(\S+)/;
+ #my $is_mounted = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key volume.is_mounted);
+ #if ($is_mounted eq "false\n") {
+ #my $vollbl = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key volume.label);
+ #$vollbl =~ m/^(\S+)/;
+ #if ($vollbl =~ /^\s/) {$vollbl = 'nolabel';}
+ #chomp $vollbl;
+ #push @usbdisks, $vollbl;
- # return undef unless ($usbdisks[0]);
- }
+ #}
+ # return undef unless ($usbdisks[0]);
+ } ## end if ($VFSType eq 'usb')
- if ( $VFSType eq 'mnt' ) {
- @usbdisks = findmnt ();
- # return undef unless ($usbdisks[0]);
- }
- return \@usbdisks
+ if ($VFSType eq 'mnt') {
+ @usbdisks = findmnt();
+ # return undef unless ($usbdisks[0]);
+ } ## end if ($VFSType eq 'mnt')
+ return \@usbdisks;
+} ## end sub get_BackupwkDest_options
sub get_function_options {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('bac_DESKTOP_BACKUP') => 'desktop_backup' ],
- [ $c->l('bac_TAPE_CONFIGURE') => 'tape_configure' ],
- [ $c->l('bac_TAPE_RESTORE') => 'tape_restore' ],
- [ $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_CONFIGURE') => 'workstn_configure' ],
- [ $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_VERIFY') => 'workstn_verify' ],
- [ $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_RESTORE') => 'workstn_restore' ],
- [ $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_SEL_RESTORE') => 'workstn_sel_restore']];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('bac_DESKTOP_BACKUP') => 'desktop_backup' ],
+ [ $c->l('bac_TAPE_CONFIGURE') => 'tape_configure' ],
+ [ $c->l('bac_TAPE_RESTORE') => 'tape_restore' ],
+ [ $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_CONFIGURE') => 'workstn_configure' ],
+ [ $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_VERIFY') => 'workstn_verify' ],
+ [ $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_RESTORE') => 'workstn_restore' ],
+ [ $c->l('bac_WORKSTN_SEL_RESTORE') => 'workstn_sel_restore' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_function_options
sub get_shared_folder_to_verify () {
my ($c) = @_;
my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
return undef unless $rec;
- my $id = $rec->prop('Id') || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
- my $smbhost = $rec->prop('SmbHost');
+ my $id = $rec->prop('Id') || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $smbhost = $rec->prop('SmbHost');
my $smbshare = $rec->prop('SmbShare');
return "$smbhost/$smbshare/$id";
+} ## end sub get_shared_folder_to_verify
sub get_Backupset_options () {
my ($c) = @_;
my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
return undef unless $rec;
my %backupfiles = ();
- my $mntdir = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
- my $id = $rec->prop('Id') || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
- my $smbhost = $rec->prop('SmbHost');
- my $smbshare = $rec->prop('SmbShare');
+ my $mntdir = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ my $id = $rec->prop('Id') || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $smbhost = $rec->prop('SmbHost');
+ my $smbshare = $rec->prop('SmbShare');
my $mntbkdir;
my $key;
my $VFSType = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
my $err;
- $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' );
+ $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ($VFSType eq 'usb');
my $setbackuplist = sub {
- if ( $_ =~ /\.dar/ ) {
- my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
- my $backupref;
- $dir =~ s/$mntbkdir\///;
+ if ($_ =~ /\.dar/) {
+ my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
+ my $backupref;
+ $dir =~ s/$mntbkdir\///;
$_ =~ s/\..*\.dar//;
- $backupref = $_;
- $_ =~ s/.*-//;
- @{$backupfiles{$_}}[0] = $dir;
- @{$backupfiles{$_}}[1] = $backupref;
- }
+ $backupref = $_;
+ $_ =~ s/.*-//;
+ @{ $backupfiles{$_} }[0] = $dir;
+ @{ $backupfiles{$_} }[1] = $backupref;
+ } ## end if ($_ =~ /\.dar/)
# Mounting backup shared folder
- my $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir,$smbhost,$smbshare,$VFSType);
+ my $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir, $smbhost, $smbshare, $VFSType);
return [] if $error_message;
# Test if backup subdirectory for our server
$mntbkdir = $mntdir . "/$id";
unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
return [];
# Finding existing backups
- find { wanted => \&$setbackuplist, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w\s./]+)$|}, $mntbkdir ;
+ find { wanted => \&$setbackuplist, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^([-+@\w\s./]+)$| }, $mntbkdir;
my %blabels = ();
my @list;
foreach $key (sort keys %backupfiles) {
- my $labkey = $mntbkdir . '/' . $backupfiles{$key}[0] . '/' . $backupfiles{$key}[1];
- $blabels{$labkey} = $backupfiles{$key}[1] . " (" . $backupfiles{$key}[0] . ")";
- push @list, [ "$blabels{$labkey}" => "$labkey" ];
- }
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ my $labkey = $mntbkdir . '/' . $backupfiles{$key}[0] . '/' . $backupfiles{$key}[1];
+ $blabels{$labkey} = $backupfiles{$key}[1] . " (" . $backupfiles{$key}[0] . ")";
+ push @list, [ "$blabels{$labkey}" => "$labkey" ];
+ } ## end foreach $key (sort keys %backupfiles)
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
return \@list;
+} ## end sub get_Backupset_options
sub get_Restoreset_options () {
my ($c) = @_;
my $rec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
return [] unless $rec;
my %backupfiles = ();
- my $mntdir = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
- my $id = $rec->prop('Id') || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
- my $smbhost = $rec->prop('SmbHost');
- my $smbshare = $rec->prop('SmbShare');
+ my $mntdir = $rec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ my $id = $rec->prop('Id') || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $smbhost = $rec->prop('SmbHost');
+ my $smbshare = $rec->prop('SmbShare');
my $mntbkdir;
my $key;
my $VFSType = $rec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
my $err;
- $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' );
+ $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ($VFSType eq 'usb');
my $setbackuplist = sub {
- if ( $_ =~ /\.dar/ ) {
- my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
- my $backupref;
- $dir =~ s/$mntbkdir\///;
+ if ($_ =~ /\.dar/) {
+ my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
+ my $backupref;
+ $dir =~ s/$mntbkdir\///;
$_ =~ s/\..*\.dar//;
- $backupref = $_;
- $_ =~ s/.*-//;
- @{$backupfiles{$_}}[0] = $dir;
- @{$backupfiles{$_}}[1] = $backupref;
- }
+ $backupref = $_;
+ $_ =~ s/.*-//;
+ @{ $backupfiles{$_} }[0] = $dir;
+ @{ $backupfiles{$_} }[1] = $backupref;
+ } ## end if ($_ =~ /\.dar/)
# Mounting backup shared folder
- my $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir,$smbhost,$smbshare,$VFSType);
+ my $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir, $smbhost, $smbshare, $VFSType);
return [] if $error_message;
# Test if backup subdirectory for our server
$mntbkdir = $mntdir . "/$id";
unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
return [];
my $catalog = "$mntbkdir/dar-catalog";
- my $i = 0; my $j = 0;
- my @bknum; my @setd; my @bkname;
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ my @bknum;
+ my @setd;
+ my @bkname;
- # update backups list from current catalog
- open(DAR_LIST, "/usr/bin/dar_manager -B $catalog -l |") ;
+ # update backups list from current catalog
+ open(DAR_LIST, "/usr/bin/dar_manager -B $catalog -l |");
$i = 0;
- while () {
- next unless m/set/;
- chomp;
- ($bknum[$i], $setd[$i], $bkname[$i]) = split(' ', $_, 3);
- $i++;
- }
- close (DAR_LIST);
+ while () {
+ next unless m/set/;
+ chomp;
+ ($bknum[$i], $setd[$i], $bkname[$i]) = split(' ', $_, 3);
+ $i++;
+ } ## end while ()
+ close(DAR_LIST);
my @list;
# set drop down list of backups
push @list, [ $c->l('bac_ALL_BACKUPS') => "0" ];
$j = 0;
while ($j < $i) {
- push @list, [ $bkname[$j] => "$bknum[$j]" ];
- $j++
+ push @list, [ $bkname[$j] => "$bknum[$j]" ];
+ $j++;
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
return \@list;
+} ## end sub get_Restoreset_options
sub get_Restorefiles_options {
my ($c, $filterexp, $backupkey) = @_;
my $rgfilter;
if ($filterexp =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $filterexp = $1;
- $rgfilter = qr/$filterexp/;
+ $filterexp = $1;
+ $rgfilter = qr/$filterexp/;
} else {
$filterexp = "";
if ($backupkey =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $backupkey = $1;
+ $backupkey = $1;
} else {
- die('Unsecure data : ' . $backupkey);
+ die('Unsecure data : ' . $backupkey);
my $seldatebf;
my $backupwkrec = $cdb->get('backupwk');
- my $smbhost = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbHost');
- my $smbshare = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbShare');
- my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
+ my $smbhost = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbHost');
+ my $smbshare = $backupwkrec->prop('SmbShare');
+ my $mntdir = $backupwkrec->prop('Mount') || '/mnt/smb';
my $key;
- my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id') ||
- $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
+ my $id = $backupwkrec->prop('Id')
+ || $cdb->get('SystemName')->value . "." . $cdb->get('DomainName')->value;
my @flabels;
my %flabels = ();
my $VFSType = $backupwkrec->prop('VFSType') || 'cifs';
my $err;
my $error_message;
- $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ( $VFSType eq 'usb' );
+ $mntdir = "/$smbshare" if ($VFSType eq 'usb');
# Mounting backup shared folder
- $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir,$smbhost,$smbshare,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->bmount($mntdir, $smbhost, $smbshare, $VFSType);
if ($error_message) {
warn "Backup - restore files: $error_message, $id \n";
return undef;
@@ -1819,308 +1703,280 @@ sub get_Restorefiles_options {
# Test if backup subdirectory for our server
my $mntbkdir = $mntdir . "/$id";
unless (-d $mntbkdir) {
- $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR')."\n";
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ $error_message = $c->l('bac_ERR_NO_HOST_DIR') . "\n";
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
warn "Backup - restore files: $error_message, $id \n";
return undef;
- }
+ } ## end unless (-d $mntbkdir)
# Read wanted file list from selected backup
if (open(RD, "-|")) {
- my $regex = qr/\[.*\] */;
- while () {
- chomp;
- $_ =~ s/$regex//;
- if ($filterexp) {next unless m/$rgfilter/};
- push @flabels, $_;
- }
- my $status = close RD ?
- $c->l('bac_READ_COMPLETE')
- : ($c->l('bac_ERROR_READING_FILE').' : '.$backupkey);
+ my $regex = qr/\[.*\] */;
+ while () {
+ chomp;
+ $_ =~ s/$regex//;
+ if ($filterexp) { next unless m/$rgfilter/ }
+ push @flabels, $_;
+ } ## end while ()
+ my $status
+ = close RD
+ ? $c->l('bac_READ_COMPLETE')
+ : ($c->l('bac_ERROR_READING_FILE') . ' : ' . $backupkey);
} else {
$| = 1;
system("/usr/bin/dar_manager", "-B", "$mntbkdir/dar-catalog", "-u", "$backupkey") == 0
- or die ($c->l('bac_ERR_EXTRACT')." : ".$!);
- $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ or die($c->l('bac_ERR_EXTRACT') . " : " . $!);
+ $error_message = $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
die($error_message) if $error_message;
- }
- $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir,$VFSType);
+ } ## end else [ if (open(RD, "-|")) ]
+ $error_message .= $c->bunmount($mntdir, $VFSType);
return \@flabels;
+} ## end sub get_Restorefiles_options
sub CalculateSizes () {
my $c = shift;
# figure out the size of the tar file.
my $tarsize = 0;
# It takes way too much time to do a du on /home/e-smith. So we'll
# estimate the current size.
# We do this by checking the quota used by each user on the system.
# Get a $dev value appropriate for use in Quota::query call.
my $dev = Quota::getqcarg("/home/e-smith/files");
- foreach my $user ($adb->users())
- {
- my $name = $user->key;
- my $uid = getpwnam($name);
- unless ($uid)
- {
- warn ($c->l('bac_NO_UID_FOR_NAME').$name."\n");
- # We shouldn't ever get here. If we do, we can't get
- # the quota value for this user, so we just skip to
- # the next one.
- next;
- }
+ foreach my $user ($adb->users()) {
+ my $name = $user->key;
+ my $uid = getpwnam($name);
- # Get current quota settings.
- my ($blocks) = Quota::query($dev, $uid, 0);
- $tarsize += $blocks;
- }
+ unless ($uid) {
+ warn($c->l('bac_NO_UID_FOR_NAME') . $name . "\n");
+ # We shouldn't ever get here. If we do, we can't get
+ # the quota value for this user, so we just skip to
+ # the next one.
+ next;
+ } ## end unless ($uid)
+ # Get current quota settings.
+ my ($blocks) = Quota::query($dev, $uid, 0);
+ $tarsize += $blocks;
+ } ## end foreach my $user ($adb->users...)
# We add to this the size of root owned firectories, estimated using du.
# If this takes too long, then the admin only has his or
# herself to blame!
# Remove /home/e-smith from backup list, and make paths absolute
- my @list = map { "/$_" } grep { !/home\/e-smith/ } @directories;
+ my @list = map {"/$_"} grep { !/home\/e-smith/ } @directories;
open(DU, "-|")
- or exec '/usr/bin/du', '-s', @list;
+ or exec '/usr/bin/du', '-s', @list;
- while () {
- my ($du) = split(/\s+/);
- $tarsize += $du;
+ while () {
+ my ($du) = split(/\s+/);
+ $tarsize += $du;
close DU;
$tarsize = showSize($tarsize);
# figure out the size of the dump files
my $dumpsize = 0;
open(DF, "-|")
- or exec '/bin/df', '-P', '-t', 'ext4', '-t', 'xfs';
+ or exec '/bin/df', '-P', '-t', 'ext4', '-t', 'xfs';
while () {
- next unless (/^\//);
- (undef, undef, my $s, undef) = split(/\s+/, $_);
- $dumpsize += $s;
- }
+ next unless (/^\//);
+ (undef, undef, my $s, undef) = split(/\s+/, $_);
+ $dumpsize += $s;
+ } ## end while ()
# increase size by 10% to cope with dump overhead.
$dumpsize *= 1.1;
close DF;
$dumpsize = showSize($dumpsize);
# how much free space is in /tmp
- my $tmpfree = 0;
+ my $tmpfree = 0;
my $halffree = 0;
open(DF, "-|")
- or exec '/bin/df', '-P', '-t', 'ext4', '-t', 'xfs', '/tmp';
+ or exec '/bin/df', '-P', '-t', 'ext4', '-t', 'xfs', '/tmp';
while () {
- next unless (/^\//);
- (undef, undef, undef, my $s) = split(/\s+/, $_);
- $tmpfree += $s;
- }
+ next unless (/^\//);
+ (undef, undef, undef, my $s) = split(/\s+/, $_);
+ $tmpfree += $s;
+ } ## end while ()
close DF;
$halffree = $tmpfree / 2;
- $tmpfree = showSize($tmpfree);
+ $tmpfree = showSize($tmpfree);
$halffree = showSize($halffree);
return ($tarsize, $dumpsize, $tmpfree, $halffree);
+} ## end sub CalculateSizes
sub showSize {
# convert size to Mb or Gb or Tb :) Remember, df reports in kb.
my $size = shift;
- my $Mb = 1024;
- my $Gb = $Mb * $Mb;
- my $Tb = $Mb * $Mb * $Mb;
+ my $Mb = 1024;
+ my $Gb = $Mb * $Mb;
+ my $Tb = $Mb * $Mb * $Mb;
if ($size >= $Tb) {
- $size /= $Tb;
- $size = int($size) . "Tb";
+ $size /= $Tb;
+ $size = int($size) . "Tb";
} elsif ($size >= $Gb) {
- $size /= $Gb;
- $size = int($size) . "Gb";
+ $size /= $Gb;
+ $size = int($size) . "Gb";
} elsif ($size >= $Mb) {
- $size /= $Mb;
- $size = int($size) . "Mb";
+ $size /= $Mb;
+ $size = int($size) . "Mb";
} else {
- $size .= "kb";
+ $size .= "kb";
return $size;
+} ## end sub showSize
sub desktopBackupRecordStatus {
my ($backup, $phase, $status) = @_;
my $now = time();
warn("Backup terminated: $phase failed - status: $status\n");
$backup->set_prop('EndEpochTime', "$now");
- $backup->set_prop('Result', "$phase:$status");
+ $backup->set_prop('Result', "$phase:$status");
+} ## end sub desktopBackupRecordStatus
sub dmount {
# mount dar unit according to dar-workstation configuration
# return nothing if mount successfull
+ my ($host, $share, $mountdir, $login, $password, $VFSType) = @_;
- my ($host,$share,$mountdir,$login,$password,$VFSType) = @_;
- if ($VFSType eq 'cifs')
- {
- return ( qx(/bin/mount -t cifs "//$host/$share" $mountdir -o credentials=/etc/dar/CIFScredentials,nounix 2>&1) );
- }
- elsif ($VFSType eq 'nfs') {
- return ( qx(/bin/mount -t nfs -o nolock "$host:/$share" $mountdir 2>&1) );
- }
- elsif ($VFSType eq 'usb') {
- my $device = "";
- my $vollbl = "";
- my $devices = esmith::BlockDevices->new ('allowmount' => 'disabled');
+ if ($VFSType eq 'cifs') {
+ return (qx(/bin/mount -t cifs "//$host/$share" $mountdir -o credentials=/etc/dar/CIFScredentials,nounix 2>&1));
+ } elsif ($VFSType eq 'nfs') {
+ return (qx(/bin/mount -t nfs -o nolock "$host:/$share" $mountdir 2>&1));
+ } elsif ($VFSType eq 'usb') {
+ my $device = "";
+ my $vollbl = "";
+ my $devices = esmith::BlockDevices->new('allowmount' => 'disabled');
my ($valid, $invalid) = $devices->checkBackupDrives(0);
- if ( ${$valid}[0] ) {
- foreach ( @{$valid} ) {
+ if (${$valid}[0]) {
+ foreach (@{$valid}) {
$vollbl = $devices->label($_);
- if ( $share eq "media/$vollbl" ) {
+ if ($share eq "media/$vollbl") {
$device = "/dev/$_";
- }
- }
+ } ## end foreach (@{$valid})
+ } ## end if (${$valid}[0])
- return ( qx (mount $device /$share 2>&1) );
+ return (qx (mount $device /$share 2>&1));
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#my $device = "";
#my $blkdev = "";
#my $vollbl = "";
#foreach my $udi (qx(hal-find-by-property --key volume.fsusage --string filesystem)) {
- #$udi =~ m/^(\S+)/;
- #my $is_mounted = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key volume.is_mounted);
- #if ($is_mounted eq "false\n") {
- #$blkdev = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key block.device);
- #if ($blkdev =~ m/^(\S+)/) {$blkdev = $1;}
- #}
- #if ($is_mounted eq "false\n") {
- #$vollbl = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key volume.label);
- #$vollbl =~ m/^(\S+)/;
- #if ($vollbl =~ /^\s/) {$vollbl = 'nolabel';}
- #}
- #chomp $vollbl;
- #chomp $blkdev;
- #$vollbl = "media/$vollbl";
- #if ($vollbl eq $share) {
- #$device = $blkdev;
- #}
+ #$udi =~ m/^(\S+)/;
+ #my $is_mounted = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key volume.is_mounted);
+ #if ($is_mounted eq "false\n") {
+ #$blkdev = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key block.device);
+ #if ($blkdev =~ m/^(\S+)/) {$blkdev = $1;}
- #return ( qx(/bin/mount $device "/$share" 2>&1) );
+ #if ($is_mounted eq "false\n") {
+ #$vollbl = qx(hal-get-property --udi $1 --key volume.label);
+ #$vollbl =~ m/^(\S+)/;
+ #if ($vollbl =~ /^\s/) {$vollbl = 'nolabel';}
+ #}
+ #chomp $vollbl;
+ #chomp $blkdev;
+ #$vollbl = "media/$vollbl";
+ #if ($vollbl eq $share) {
+ #$device = $blkdev;
+ #}
+ #}
+ #return ( qx(/bin/mount $device "/$share" 2>&1) );
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} else {
- return ("Error while mounting $host/$share : $VFSType not supported.\n");
+ return ("Error while mounting $host/$share : $VFSType not supported.\n");
+} ## end sub dmount
sub checkMount {
# check if $mountdir is mounted
my $mountdir = shift;
- $|=1; # Auto-flush
+ $| = 1; # Auto-flush
# copy STDOUT to another filehandle
- open (my $STDOLD, '>&', STDOUT);
+ open(my $STDOLD, '>&', STDOUT);
open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null");
- if ( open(MOUNTDIR, "|-", "/bin/findmnt", $mountdir)){;}
+ if (open(MOUNTDIR, "|-", "/bin/findmnt", $mountdir)) {;}
# restore STDOUT
- open (STDOUT, '>&', $STDOLD);
- return (!close(MOUNTDIR));
+ open(STDOUT, '>&', $STDOLD);
+ return (!close(MOUNTDIR));
+} ## end sub checkMount
sub bmount {
my ($c, $mntdir, $host, $share, $VFSType) = @_;
- # verify backup directory not already mounted
- if (!checkMount ($mntdir)) {
+ # verify backup directory not already mounted
+ if (!checkMount($mntdir)) {
return if ($VFSType eq 'mnt');
return ($c->l('bac_ERR_ALREADY_MOUNTED'));
} else {
if ($VFSType eq 'mnt') {
return ($c->l('bac_ERR_NOT_MOUNTED'));
- }
+ } ## end else [ if (!checkMount($mntdir...))]
# create the directory mount point if it does not exist
- my $err = createTree ($mntdir);
+ my $err = createTree($mntdir);
return ($c->l('bac_ERR_MOUNTING_SMBSHARE') . "/$host/$share>\n" . $err) if $err;
# mount the backup directory
- $err = dmount($host,$share,$mntdir,'','',$VFSType);
+ $err = dmount($host, $share, $mntdir, '', '', $VFSType);
return ($c->l('bac_ERR_MOUNTING_SMBSHARE') . "/$host/$share>\n" . $err) if $err;
# verify $mntdir is mounted
- if (checkMount ($mntdir)) {
- # The mount should have suceeded, but sometimes it needs more time,
+ if (checkMount($mntdir)) {
+ # The mount should have suceeded, but sometimes it needs more time,
# so sleep and then check again.
sleep 5;
- if (checkMount ($mntdir)) {
+ if (checkMount($mntdir)) {
return ($c->l('bac_ERR_NOT_MOUNTED'));
- }
+ } ## end if (checkMount($mntdir...))
+} ## end sub bmount
sub bunmount {
my ($c, $mount, $type) = @_;
- return if ($type eq 'mnt'); # Don't unmount for type 'mnt'
+ return if ($type eq 'mnt'); # Don't unmount for type 'mnt'
- if (!checkMount ($mount)) {
+ if (!checkMount($mount)) {
system('/bin/umount', '-f', $mount) == 0
or return ($c->l('bac_ERR_WHILE_UNMOUNTING'));
+} ## end sub bunmount
sub findmnt {
- my @mntin = qx( findmnt -n -l -o TARGET );
+ my @mntin = qx( findmnt -n -l -o TARGET );
my @mntout;
foreach my $mount (@mntin) {
@@ -2128,37 +1984,31 @@ sub findmnt {
chomp $mount;
next if ($mount eq '/');
push @mntout, $mount;
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $mount (@mntin)
return @mntout;
+} ## end sub findmnt
sub createTree {
my $tree = shift;
- if (! -d "$tree") {
- eval {make_path("$tree")};
+ if (!-d "$tree") {
+ eval { make_path("$tree") };
return ("Error while creating $tree : $@. Maybe insufficient rights directory.\n") if $@;
+} ## end sub createTree
sub vmount {
#Used to test if the remote share is mountable when you save settings in database
# mount dar unit according to dar-workstation configuration in order to test the remote host
# return nothing if mount successfull
- my ($host,$share,$mountdir,$VFSType) = @_;
+ my ($host, $share, $mountdir, $VFSType) = @_;
if ($VFSType eq 'cifs') {
- return ( qx(/bin/mount -t cifs "//$host/$share" $mountdir -o credentials=/etc/dar/CIFScredentials,nounix 2>&1) );
+ return (qx(/bin/mount -t cifs "//$host/$share" $mountdir -o credentials=/etc/dar/CIFScredentials,nounix 2>&1));
} elsif ($VFSType eq 'nfs') {
- return ( qx(/bin/mount -t nfs -o nolock,timeo=30,retrans=1,retry=0 "$host:/$share" $mountdir 2>&1) );
+ return (qx(/bin/mount -t nfs -o nolock,timeo=30,retrans=1,retry=0 "$host:/$share" $mountdir 2>&1));
+} ## end sub vmount
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 9fbbb53..5bfd3f4 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -4,172 +4,143 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Bugreport;
# heading : Investigation
# description : Report a bug
# navigation : 7000 500
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
use Text::Template;
use File::Basename;
use esmith::FormMagick qw( gen_locale_date_string );
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open or die "Couldn't open ConfigDB\n";
# Get some basic info on the current SME install
-our $sysconfig = $cdb->get('sysconfig');
-our $systemmode = $cdb->get('SystemMode')->value;
+our $sysconfig = $cdb->get('sysconfig');
+our $systemmode = $cdb->get('SystemMode')->value;
our $previoussystemmode = $sysconfig->prop('PreviousSystemMode');
-our $releaseversion = $sysconfig->prop('ReleaseVersion');
+our $releaseversion = $sysconfig->prop('ReleaseVersion');
# Prepare some filehandles for templates and reports
-our $templatefile = '/tmp/bugreport_template.txt';
+our $templatefile = '/tmp/bugreport_template.txt';
our $configreportfile = '/tmp/configreport.txt';
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %bugr_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('bugr_FORM_TITLE');
- my $modul = $c->render_to_string( inline => $c->l('bugr_DESCRIPTION'));
+ my $title = $c->l('bugr_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('bugr_DESCRIPTION'));
$bugr_datas{'trt'} = 'SHOW';
$c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, bugr_datas => \%bugr_datas);
$c->render(template => 'bugreport');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_report {
my $c = shift;
- my $title = $c->l('bugr_FORM_TITLE');
- my $trt = $c->param('trt') || 'SHOW';
+ my $title = $c->l('bugr_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $trt = $c->param('trt') || 'SHOW';
my %bugr_datas = ();
$bugr_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt eq 'SHOW' ) {
- create_configuration_report();
+ if ($trt eq 'SHOW') {
+ create_configuration_report();
my $out = $c->render_to_string(inline => show_config_report());
+ $bugr_datas{'trt'} = 'DOWN';
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $out, bugr_datas => \%bugr_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'bugreport2');
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'SHOW')
- $bugr_datas{'trt'} = 'DOWN';
- $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $out, bugr_datas => \%bugr_datas);
- $c->render(template => 'bugreport2');
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'DOWN' ) {
- my $modul = 'Bug report download';
-# $c->render_file(
-# 'filepath' => "$configreportfile",
-# 'format' => 'x-download',
-# 'content_disposition' => 'attachment',
-# 'cleanup' => 1,
-# );
- # the following in this sub will not be used !!!
-# $bugr_datas{'trt'} = 'DOWN';
-# $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, bugr_datas => \%bugr_datas);
-# $c->render(template => 'bugreport');
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'DOWN') {
+ my $modul = 'Bug report download';
+ # $c->render_file(
+ # 'filepath' => "$configreportfile",
+ # 'format' => 'x-download',
+ # 'content_disposition' => 'attachment',
+ # 'cleanup' => 1,
+ # );
+ # the following in this sub will not be used !!!
+ # $bugr_datas{'trt'} = 'DOWN';
+ # $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, bugr_datas => \%bugr_datas);
+ # $c->render(template => 'bugreport');
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DOWN')
+} ## end sub do_report
sub create_configuration_report {
my $c = shift;
# TBD: possibly check $q for a boolean value eg. from a checkbox
# indicating the user has read privacy warning etc.
# create the reporting template
- my $configreport_template = Text::Template->new(TYPE => 'FILE', SOURCE => '/etc/e-smith/web/common/configuration_report.tmpl', UNTAINT => 1);
+ my $configreport_template = Text::Template->new(
+ TYPE => 'FILE',
+ SOURCE => '/etc/e-smith/web/common/configuration_report.tmpl',
+ UNTAINT => 1
+ );
my $report_creation_time = gen_locale_date_string;
# curent kernel
my $curkernel = `uname -r`;
# get additional RPMs
my @newrpms = `/sbin/e-smith/audittools/newrpms`;
# get additional Repositories
my @repositories = `/sbin/e-smith/audittools/repositories`;
- #print @repositories;
+ #print @repositories;
# get templates
my @templates = `/sbin/e-smith/audittools/templates`;
# get events
my @events = `/sbin/e-smith/audittools/events`;
# set template variables
- my %vars = (report_creation_time => \$report_creation_time,
- releaseversion => \$releaseversion,
- curkernel => \$curkernel,
- systemmode => \$systemmode,
- previoussystemmode => \$previoussystemmode,
- newrpms => \@newrpms,
- templates => \@templates,
- events => \@events,
- repositories => \@repositories,
- );
+ my %vars = (
+ report_creation_time => \$report_creation_time,
+ releaseversion => \$releaseversion,
+ curkernel => \$curkernel,
+ systemmode => \$systemmode,
+ previoussystemmode => \$previoussystemmode,
+ newrpms => \@newrpms,
+ templates => \@templates,
+ events => \@events,
+ repositories => \@repositories,
+ );
# prcess template
my $result = $configreport_template->fill_in(HASH => \%vars);
# write processed template to file
- open (my $cfgrep, '>', $configreportfile) or die "Could not create temporary file for config report!";
+ open(my $cfgrep, '>', $configreportfile) or die "Could not create temporary file for config report!";
print $cfgrep $result;
close $cfgrep;
+} ## end sub create_configuration_report
sub show_config_report {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $out = '';
$out .= sprintf "";
- open (my $cfgrep, '<', $configreportfile) or die "Could not find temporary config report file!";
+ open(my $cfgrep, '<', $configreportfile) or die "Could not find temporary config report file!";
while (<$cfgrep>) {
- $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
+ $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
$out .= sprintf "
return $out;
+} ## end sub show_config_report
sub download_config_report {
my $c = shift;
- 'filepath' => "$configreportfile",
- 'format' => 'x-download',
- 'content_disposition' => 'attachment',
- 'cleanup' => 1,
+ 'filepath' => "$configreportfile",
+ 'format' => 'x-download',
+ 'content_disposition' => 'attachment',
+ 'cleanup' => 1,
+} ## end sub download_config_report
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index d458573..4fa374d 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -7,107 +7,84 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Clamav;
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#package esmith::FormMagick::Panel::clamav;
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %clm_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('clm_FORM_TITLE');
- my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('clm_DESC_FILESYSTEM_SCAN_PERIOD'));
- $clm_datas{'FilesystemScan'} = ($db->get_prop('clamav','FilesystemScan')) || 'disabled';
- $clm_datas{'Quarantine'} = ($db->get_prop('clamav','Quarantine')) || 'disabled';
- $clm_datas{'clam_versions'} = get_clam_versions();
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, clm_datas => \%clm_datas );
+ my $title = $c->l('clm_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('clm_DESC_FILESYSTEM_SCAN_PERIOD'));
+ $clm_datas{'FilesystemScan'} = ($db->get_prop('clamav', 'FilesystemScan')) || 'disabled';
+ $clm_datas{'Quarantine'} = ($db->get_prop('clamav', 'Quarantine')) || 'disabled';
+ $clm_datas{'clam_versions'} = get_clam_versions();
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, clm_datas => \%clm_datas);
$c->render(template => 'clamav');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
my $http_clamav_status = $c->param('http_clamav_status') || 'disabled';
my $smtp_clamav_status = $c->param('smtp_clamav_status') || '';
- my $result = "";
+ my $result = "";
# Update the system
system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event clamav-update") == 0
or $result = $c->l('clm_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION');
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('clm_SUCCESS') ;
- $c->flash( success => $result );
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('clm_SUCCESS');
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
} else {
- $c->flash( error => $result );
+ $c->flash(error => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub change_settings {
- my $c = shift;
- my $status = $c->param('status');
- my $FilesystemScan = ( $c->param('FilesystemScan') || 'disabled' );
- my $Quarantine = ( $c->param('Quarantine') || 'disabled' );
- my $DatabaseMirror = ( $c->param('DatabaseMirror') || '' );
- my $UpdateOfficeHrs = ( $c->param('UpdateOfficeHrs') || 'disabled' );
- my $UpdateNonOfficeHrs = ( $c->param('UpdateNonOfficeHrs') || 'disabled' );
- my $UpdateWeekend = ( $c->param('UpdateWeekend') || 'disabled' );
- my $HTTPProxyServer = ( $c->param('HTTPProxyServer') || '' );
- my $HTTPProxyPort = ( $c->param('HTTPProxyPort') || '' );
- my $HTTPProxyUsername = ( $c->param('HTTPProxyUsername') || '' );
- my $HTTPProxyPassword = ( $c->param('HTTPProxyPassword') || '' );
- my $clamav = $db->get('clamav') || $db->new_record('clamav', {type=>'service'});
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $status = $c->param('status');
+ my $FilesystemScan = ($c->param('FilesystemScan') || 'disabled');
+ my $Quarantine = ($c->param('Quarantine') || 'disabled');
+ my $DatabaseMirror = ($c->param('DatabaseMirror') || '');
+ my $UpdateOfficeHrs = ($c->param('UpdateOfficeHrs') || 'disabled');
+ my $UpdateNonOfficeHrs = ($c->param('UpdateNonOfficeHrs') || 'disabled');
+ my $UpdateWeekend = ($c->param('UpdateWeekend') || 'disabled');
+ my $HTTPProxyServer = ($c->param('HTTPProxyServer') || '');
+ my $HTTPProxyPort = ($c->param('HTTPProxyPort') || '');
+ my $HTTPProxyUsername = ($c->param('HTTPProxyUsername') || '');
+ my $HTTPProxyPassword = ($c->param('HTTPProxyPassword') || '');
+ my $clamav = $db->get('clamav') || $db->new_record('clamav', { type => 'service' });
$status ||= $clamav->prop('status');
- status => $status,
- FilesystemScan => $FilesystemScan,
- Quarantine => $Quarantine,
- DatabaseMirror => $DatabaseMirror,
- UpdateOfficeHrs => $UpdateOfficeHrs,
- UpdateNonOfficeHrs => $UpdateNonOfficeHrs,
- UpdateWeekend => $UpdateWeekend,
- HTTPProxyServer => $HTTPProxyServer,
- HTTPProxyPort => $HTTPProxyPort,
- HTTPProxyUsername => $HTTPProxyUsername,
- HTTPProxyPassword => $HTTPProxyPassword,
- );
+ status => $status,
+ FilesystemScan => $FilesystemScan,
+ Quarantine => $Quarantine,
+ DatabaseMirror => $DatabaseMirror,
+ UpdateOfficeHrs => $UpdateOfficeHrs,
+ UpdateNonOfficeHrs => $UpdateNonOfficeHrs,
+ UpdateWeekend => $UpdateWeekend,
+ HTTPProxyServer => $HTTPProxyServer,
+ HTTPProxyPort => $HTTPProxyPort,
+ HTTPProxyUsername => $HTTPProxyUsername,
+ HTTPProxyPassword => $HTTPProxyPassword,
+ );
+} ## end sub change_settings
-sub get_clam_versions
+sub get_clam_versions {
my $version = `/usr/bin/freshclam -V`;
chomp $version;
$version =~ s/^ClamAV //;
return $version;
+} ## end sub get_clam_versions
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 32a180a..8e8b69b 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -4,191 +4,162 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Datetime;
# heading : System
# description : Date and time
# navigation : 4000 400
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
use esmith::FormMagick;
use esmith::util;
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %dat_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('dat_FORM_TITLE');
- my $modul = $c->l('dat_INITIAL_DESC');
+ my $title = $c->l('dat_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $modul = $c->l('dat_INITIAL_DESC');
$dat_datas{ntpstatus} = 'disabled';
my $rec = $cdb->get('ntpd');
if ($rec) {
$dat_datas{'ntpserver'} = $rec->prop('NTPServer') || '';
- if ( $rec->prop('status') eq 'enabled' ) {
- $dat_datas{ntpstatus} = 'enabled'
- unless ($rec->prop('SyncToHWClockSupported') || 'yes') eq 'yes' and $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ m#^\s*$#;
- }
- }
- ($dat_datas{weekday}, $dat_datas{monthname},
- $dat_datas{month}, $dat_datas{day}, $dat_datas{year},
- $dat_datas{hour}, $dat_datas{minute}, $dat_datas{second},
- $dat_datas{ampm}) = split /\|/,
- `/bin/date '+%A|%B|%-m|%-d|%Y|%-I|%M|%S|%p'`;
+ if ($rec->prop('status') eq 'enabled') {
+ $dat_datas{ntpstatus} = 'enabled'
+ unless ($rec->prop('SyncToHWClockSupported') || 'yes') eq 'yes' and $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ m#^\s*$#;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($rec)
+ ( $dat_datas{weekday}, $dat_datas{monthname}, $dat_datas{month}, $dat_datas{day}, $dat_datas{year},
+ $dat_datas{hour}, $dat_datas{minute}, $dat_datas{second}, $dat_datas{ampm}
+ )
+ = split /\|/,
+ `/bin/date '+%A|%B|%-m|%-d|%Y|%-I|%M|%S|%p'`;
# get rid of trailing carriage return on last field
- chop ($dat_datas{ampm});
+ chop($dat_datas{ampm});
$dat_datas{'now_string'} = esmith::FormMagick->gen_locale_date_string();
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas);
+} ## end sub main
sub do_update {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my %dat_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('dat_FORM_TITLE');
- my $modul = $c->l('dat_INITIAL_DESC');
+ my $title = $c->l('dat_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $modul = $c->l('dat_INITIAL_DESC');
my $result;
my $success;
my $old_ntpstatus = $c->param('Old_ntpstatus');
$dat_datas{ntpstatus} = $c->param('Ntpstatus');
+ if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus} ne $old_ntpstatus) {
+ if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus} eq 'disabled') {
+ ( $dat_datas{weekday}, $dat_datas{monthname}, $dat_datas{month},
+ $dat_datas{day}, $dat_datas{year}, $dat_datas{hour},
+ $dat_datas{minute}, $dat_datas{second}, $dat_datas{ampm}
+ )
+ = split /\|/,
+ `/bin/date '+%A|%B|%-m|%-d|%Y|%-I|%M|%S|%p'`;
- if ( $dat_datas{ntpstatus} ne $old_ntpstatus) {
+ # get rid of trailing carriage return on last field
+ chop($dat_datas{ampm});
+ } else {
+ $dat_datas{ntpserver} = ($cdb->get_prop('ntpd', 'NTPServer')) || '';
+ }
+ $dat_datas{now_string} = esmith::FormMagick->gen_locale_date_string();
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas);
+ return $c->render('datetime');
+ } ## end if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus...})
- if ( $dat_datas{ntpstatus} eq 'disabled' ) {
- ($dat_datas{weekday},
- $dat_datas{monthname},
- $dat_datas{month},
- $dat_datas{day},
- $dat_datas{year},
- $dat_datas{hour},
- $dat_datas{minute},
- $dat_datas{second},
- $dat_datas{ampm}) = split /\|/,
- `/bin/date '+%A|%B|%-m|%-d|%Y|%-I|%M|%S|%p'`;
- # get rid of trailing carriage return on last field
- chop ($dat_datas{ampm});
- } else {
- $dat_datas{ntpserver} = ($cdb->get_prop('ntpd','NTPServer')) || '';
- }
- $dat_datas{now_string} = esmith::FormMagick->gen_locale_date_string();
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas );
- return $c->render('datetime');
- }
- if ( $dat_datas{ntpstatus} eq 'enabled' ) {
- # update ntpserver
+ if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus} eq 'enabled') {
+ # update ntpserver
$dat_datas{ntpserver} = $c->param('Ntpserver') || '';
- if ( $dat_datas{ntpserver} eq "" ) {
+ if ($dat_datas{ntpserver} eq "") {
$result .= $c->l('dat_INVALID_NTP_ADDR');
- } elsif ( $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)$/ ) {
+ } elsif ($dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)$/) {
$dat_datas{ntpserver} = $1;
-# } elsif ( $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
-# $dat_datas{ntpserver} = "";
+ # } elsif ( $dat_datas{ntpserver} =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
+ # $dat_datas{ntpserver} = "";
} else {
$result .= $c->l('dat_INVALID_NTP_ADDR');
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $success = update_ntpserver( $c, $dat_datas{ntpserver} );
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $success = update_ntpserver($c, $dat_datas{ntpserver});
+ }
} else {
- # set Locale time & clean ntpserver
+ # set Locale time & clean ntpserver
+ #my $servername = ($c->param('ServerName') || 'WS');
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = validate_change_datetime($c);
- #my $servername = ($c->param('ServerName') || 'WS');
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = validate_change_datetime( $c );
- if ( $result eq 'OK' ) {
- $success = $c->l('dat_UPDATING_CLOCK');
- $result = '';
- disable_ntp();
- $success .= '
'. $c->l('dat_SERVER_DISABLED_DESC');
- }
- }
- }
+ if ($result eq 'OK') {
+ $success = $c->l('dat_UPDATING_CLOCK');
+ $result = '';
+ disable_ntp();
+ $success .= '
' . $c->l('dat_SERVER_DISABLED_DESC');
+ } ## end if ($result eq 'OK')
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end else [ if ($dat_datas{ntpstatus...})]
+ if ($result) {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas);
+ return $c->render('datetime');
+ } ## end if ($result)
- if ( $result ) {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, dat_datas => \%dat_datas );
- return $c->render('datetime');
- }
#$result = $c->l('dat_SUCCESS');
my $message = "'Datetime' update DONE";
- $c->flash( success => $success );
+ $c->flash(success => $success);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub validate_change_datetime {
my $c = shift;
# Untaint parameters and check for validity
+ my $timezone = $c->param('Timezone');
- my $timezone = $c->param ('Timezone');
if ($timezone =~ /^([\w\-]+\/?[\w\-+]*)$/) {
$timezone = $1;
} else {
$timezone = "US/Eastern";
- my $month = $c->param ('Month');
+ my $month = $c->param('Month');
if ($month =~ /^(\d{1,2})$/) {
$month = $1;
} else {
$month = "1";
- if (($month < 1) || ($month > 12)) {
- return $c->l('dat_INVALID_MONTH')." $month. ". $c->l('dat_MONTH_BETWEEN_1_AND_12');
- }
- my $day = $c->param ('Day');
+ if (($month < 1) || ($month > 12)) {
+ return $c->l('dat_INVALID_MONTH') . " $month. " . $c->l('dat_MONTH_BETWEEN_1_AND_12');
+ }
+ my $day = $c->param('Day');
if ($day =~ /^(\d{1,2})$/) {
$day = $1;
} else {
$day = "1";
- if (($day < 1) || ($day > 31)) {
- return $c->l('dat_INVALID_DAY')." $day. ". $c->l('dat_BETWEEN_1_AND_31');
- }
- my $year = $c->param ('Year');
+ if (($day < 1) || ($day > 31)) {
+ return $c->l('dat_INVALID_DAY') . " $day. " . $c->l('dat_BETWEEN_1_AND_31');
+ }
+ my $year = $c->param('Year');
if ($year =~ /^(\d{4})$/) {
$year = $1;
} else {
@@ -196,20 +167,21 @@ sub validate_change_datetime {
if (($year < 1900) || ($year > 2200)) {
- return $c->l('dat_INVALID_YEAR')." $year. ". $c->l('dat_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR');
+ return $c->l('dat_INVALID_YEAR') . " $year. " . $c->l('dat_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR');
+ my $hour = $c->param('Hour');
- my $hour = $c->param ('Hour');
if ($hour =~ /^(\d{1,2})$/) {
$hour = $1;
} else {
$hour = "12";
- if (($hour < 1) || ($hour > 12)) {
- return $c->l('dat_INVALID_HOUR')." $hour. ". $c->l('dat_BETWEEN_1_AND_12');
- }
- my $minute = $c->param ('Minute');
+ if (($hour < 1) || ($hour > 12)) {
+ return $c->l('dat_INVALID_HOUR') . " $hour. " . $c->l('dat_BETWEEN_1_AND_12');
+ }
+ my $minute = $c->param('Minute');
if ($minute =~ /^(\d{1,2})$/) {
$minute = $1;
} else {
@@ -217,10 +189,10 @@ sub validate_change_datetime {
if (($minute < 0) || ($minute > 59)) {
- return $c->l('datINVALID_MINUTE')." $minute. ".$c->l('dat_BETWEEN_0_AND_59');
+ return $c->l('datINVALID_MINUTE') . " $minute. " . $c->l('dat_BETWEEN_0_AND_59');
- my $second = $c->param ('Second');
+ my $second = $c->param('Second');
if ($second =~ /^(\d{1,2})$/) {
$second = $1;
} else {
@@ -228,10 +200,10 @@ sub validate_change_datetime {
if (($second < 0) || ($second > 59)) {
- return $c->l('dat_INVALID_SECOND')." $second. ". $c->l('dat_BETWEEN_0_AND_59');
+ return $c->l('dat_INVALID_SECOND') . " $second. " . $c->l('dat_BETWEEN_0_AND_59');
+ my $ampm = $c->param('Ampm');
- my $ampm = $c->param ('Ampm');
if ($ampm =~ /^(AM|PM)$/) {
$ampm = $1;
} else {
@@ -239,8 +211,8 @@ sub validate_change_datetime {
# convert to 24 hour time
$hour = $hour % 12;
if ($ampm eq "PM") {
$hour = $hour + 12;
@@ -248,12 +220,12 @@ sub validate_change_datetime {
# Store time zone in configuration database
my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open();
- my $old = $conf->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
- my $rec = $conf->get('TimeZone');
+ my $old = $conf->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
+ my $rec = $conf->get('TimeZone');
unless ($rec) {
- $rec = $conf->new_record('TimeZone',undef);
+ $rec = $conf->new_record('TimeZone', undef);
@@ -262,71 +234,56 @@ sub validate_change_datetime {
# Signal event to change time zone, system time
# and hardware clock
- my $newdate = sprintf "%02d%02d%02d%02d%04d.%02d",
- $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $year, $second;
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand(2,
- "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event","timezone-update",$newdate);
+ my $newdate = sprintf "%02d%02d%02d%02d%04d.%02d", $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $year, $second;
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(2, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "timezone-update", $newdate);
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub validate_change_datetime
sub update_ntpserver {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $ntpserver = shift;
my $msg;
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- # Looks good; go ahead and change the parameters.
- #------------------------------------------------------------
+ #------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Looks good; go ahead and change the parameters.
+ #------------------------------------------------------------
my $old = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
my $rec = $cdb->get('ntpd');
if ($rec) {
- $rec->set_prop('status','enabled');
- $rec->set_prop('NTPServer',$ntpserver);
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ $rec->set_prop('NTPServer', $ntpserver);
} else {
- $rec = $cdb->new_record( 'ntpd',
- { type=>'service', status=>'enabled', SyncToHWClockSupported => 'yes', NTPServer=>$ntpserver } );
+ $rec = $cdb->new_record('ntpd',
+ { type => 'service', status => 'enabled', SyncToHWClockSupported => 'yes', NTPServer => $ntpserver });
$msg = $c->l('dat_SETTINGS_CHANGED');
- if ( $ntpserver =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
+ if ($ntpserver =~ /^\s*$/) {
$rec->set_prop('status', ($rec->prop('SyncToHWClockSupported') || 'yes') eq 'yes' ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
$rec->set_prop('NTPServer', '');
$msg = $c->l('dat_INVALID_NTP_SERVER') if ($rec->prop('SyncToHWClockSupported') || 'yes') ne 'yes';
- }
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand( 2, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "timeserver-update" );
+ } ## end if ($ntpserver =~ /^\s*$/)
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(2, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "timeserver-update");
return $msg;
+} ## end sub update_ntpserver
sub disable_ntp {
# make sure that the parameters are set for disabled
my $old = $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value;
my $rec = $cdb->get('ntpd');
if ($rec) {
$rec->set_prop('status', ($rec->prop('SyncToHWClockSupported') || 'yes') eq 'yes' ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
- $rec->set_prop('NTPServer','');
+ $rec->set_prop('NTPServer', '');
} else {
- $rec = $cdb->new_record('ntpd',
- {type=>'service', status=>'enabled', SyncToHWClockSupported => 'yes', NTPServer=>''});
+ $rec = $cdb->new_record('ntpd',
+ { type => 'service', status => 'enabled', SyncToHWClockSupported => 'yes', NTPServer => '' });
+} ## end sub disable_ntp
sub getTimezone {
@@ -336,69 +293,64 @@ sub getTimezone {
# If that is not defined, try and get it from /etc/localtime.
# If that doesn't work, default to US/Eastern.
my $localtime;
my $timezonedefault = "US/Eastern";
if (defined $cdb->get('TimeZone')) {
- $timezonedefault = $cdb->get('TimeZone')->value;
+ $timezonedefault = $cdb->get('TimeZone')->value;
} else {
- if (defined ($localtime = readlink '/etc/localtime')) {
- my $pos = index $localtime, 'zoneinfo/';
- if ( $pos > -1 ) {
- $timezonedefault = substr $localtime, ($pos + 9);
- }
- }
- }
- return $timezonedefault;
+ if (defined($localtime = readlink '/etc/localtime')) {
+ my $pos = index $localtime, 'zoneinfo/';
+ if ($pos > -1) {
+ $timezonedefault = substr $localtime, ($pos + 9);
+ }
+ } ## end if (defined($localtime...))
+ } ## end else [ if (defined $cdb->get(...))]
+ return $timezonedefault;
+} ## end sub getTimezone
sub getZone_list {
my $c = shift;
# Get a sorted list of time zones
$ENV{BASH_ENV} = '';
- if (! open (ZONES, "cd /usr/share/zoneinfo; /usr/bin/find . -type f -or -type l | /bin/grep '^./[A-Z]' |"))
- {
- warn ( $c->l('COULD_NOT_OPEN_TZ_FILE').$!.'.' );
+ if (!open(ZONES, "cd /usr/share/zoneinfo; /usr/bin/find . -type f -or -type l | /bin/grep '^./[A-Z]' |")) {
+ warn($c->l('COULD_NOT_OPEN_TZ_FILE') . $! . '.');
return undef;
- my $zone;
+ my $zone;
my @zones = ();
- while (defined ($zone = ))
- {
- chop ($zone);
+ while (defined($zone = )) {
+ chop($zone);
$zone =~ s/^.\///;
push @zones, $zone;
- }
+ } ## end while (defined($zone = ...))
close ZONES;
my @zt = sort @zones;
return \@zt;
+} ## end sub getZone_list
sub getMonth_list {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('dat_JANUARY') => '1'],
- [ $c->l('dat_FEBRUARY') => '2'],
- [ $c->l('dat_MARCH') => '3'],
- [ $c->l('dat_APRIL') => '4'],
- [ $c->l('dat_MAY') => '5'],
- [ $c->l('dat_JUNE') => '6'],
- [ $c->l('dat_JULY') => '7'],
- [ $c->l('dat_AUGUST') => '8'],
- [ $c->l('dat_SEPTEMBER') => '9'],
- [ $c->l('dat_OCTOBER') => '10'],
- [ $c->l('dat_NOVEMBER') => '11'],
- [ $c->l('dat_DECEMBER') => '12']];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('dat_JANUARY') => '1' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_FEBRUARY') => '2' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_MARCH') => '3' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_APRIL') => '4' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_MAY') => '5' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_JUNE') => '6' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_JULY') => '7' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_AUGUST') => '8' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_SEPTEMBER') => '9' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_OCTOBER') => '10' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_NOVEMBER') => '11' ],
+ [ $c->l('dat_DECEMBER') => '12' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub getMonth_list
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index ce0ff4c..0767982 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -7,91 +7,72 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Directory;
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use esmith::util qw(ldapBase);
use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::directory;
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %dir_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('dir_FORM_TITLE');
- my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('dir_DESCRIPTION'));
- $dir_datas{'root'} = get_ldap_base();
- $dir_datas{'access'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap','access')) || 'private';
- $dir_datas{'department'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap','defaultDepartment')) || '';
- $dir_datas{'company'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap','defaultCompany')) || '';
- $dir_datas{'street'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap','defaultStreet')) || '';
- $dir_datas{'city'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap','defaultCity')) || '';
- $dir_datas{'phonenumber'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap','defaultPhoneNumber')) || '';
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, dir_datas => \%dir_datas );
+ my $title = $c->l('dir_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('dir_DESCRIPTION'));
+ $dir_datas{'root'} = get_ldap_base();
+ $dir_datas{'access'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'access')) || 'private';
+ $dir_datas{'department'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultDepartment')) || '';
+ $dir_datas{'company'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultCompany')) || '';
+ $dir_datas{'street'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultStreet')) || '';
+ $dir_datas{'city'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultCity')) || '';
+ $dir_datas{'phonenumber'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultPhoneNumber')) || '';
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, dir_datas => \%dir_datas);
$c->render(template => 'directory');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $access = $c->param('access');
- my $department = $c->param('department');
- my $company = $c->param('company');
- my $street = $c->param('street');
- my $city = $c->param('city');
+ my $access = $c->param('access');
+ my $department = $c->param('department');
+ my $company = $c->param('company');
+ my $street = $c->param('street');
+ my $city = $c->param('city');
my $phonenumber = $c->param('phonenumber');
- my $existing = $c->param('existing');
- my $result = "";
- $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('access', $access);
- $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultDepartment', $department);
- $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultCompany', $company);
- $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultStreet', $street);
- $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultCity', $city);
+ my $existing = $c->param('existing');
+ my $result = "";
+ $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('access', $access);
+ $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultDepartment', $department);
+ $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultCompany', $company);
+ $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultStreet', $street);
+ $db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultCity', $city);
$db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultPhoneNumber', $phonenumber);
if ($existing eq 'update') {
- my $ac = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
- my @users = $ac->users();
- foreach my $user (@users) {
- $user->set_prop('Phone', $phonenumber);
- $user->set_prop('Company', $company);
- $user->set_prop('Dept', $department);
- $user->set_prop('City', $city);
- $user->set_prop('Street', $street);
- }
- }
+ my $ac = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
+ my @users = $ac->users();
+ foreach my $user (@users) {
+ $user->set_prop('Phone', $phonenumber);
+ $user->set_prop('Company', $company);
+ $user->set_prop('Dept', $department);
+ $user->set_prop('City', $city);
+ $user->set_prop('Street', $street);
+ } ## end foreach my $user (@users)
+ } ## end if ($existing eq 'update')
# Update the system
- system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event ldap-update") == 0
- or $result = $c->l('ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION');
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event ldap-update") == 0
+ or $result = $c->l('ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION');
my $title = $c->l('dir_FORM_TITLE');
- if ( $result eq '' ) { $result = $c->l('dir_SUCCESS'); }
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $result );
+ if ($result eq '') { $result = $c->l('dir_SUCCESS'); }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result);
$c->render(template => 'module');
+} ## end sub do_update
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 6bbabcf..63c6c7d 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -10,493 +10,412 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Domains;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use Data::Dumper;
#use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::domains;
use esmith::DomainsDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
#use URI::Escape;
-our $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open || die "Couldn't open domains db";
-our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open configuration db";
+our $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open || die "Couldn't open domains db";
+our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open configuration db";
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
our $REGEXP_DOMAIN = qq([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+);
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %dom_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('dom_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('dom_FORM_TITLE');
$dom_datas{trt} = 'LST';
my @domains;
- for ($ddb->domains())
- {
+ for ($ddb->domains()) {
my $ns = $_->prop('Nameservers') || 'internet';
- push @domains,
- { Domain => $_->key, $_->props,
- Nameservers => $ns,
- }
- }
- $dom_datas{forwarder} = $cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder');
- $dom_datas{forwarder2} = $cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder2') || '';
- $c->stash( title => $title, dom_datas => \%dom_datas, domains => \@domains );
+ push @domains,
+ {
+ Domain => $_->key,
+ $_->props,
+ Nameservers => $ns,
+ };
+ } ## end for ($ddb->domains())
+ $dom_datas{forwarder} = $cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder');
+ $dom_datas{forwarder2} = $cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder2') || '';
+ $c->stash(title => $title, dom_datas => \%dom_datas, domains => \@domains);
$c->render(template => 'domains');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = $c->param('trt');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = $c->param('trt');
my $domain = $c->param('Domain') || '';
#$trt = 'DEL' if ( $rt eq 'domaindel1' );
#$trt = 'UPD' if ( $rt eq 'domainupd1' );
#$trt = 'UP2' if ( $rt eq 'domainup21' );
#$trt = 'ADD' if ( $rt eq 'domainadd1' );
my %dom_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('dom_FORM_TITLE');
- my $result = '';
+ my $title = $c->l('dom_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $result = '';
$dom_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt ne 'ADD' and $trt ne 'UPD' and $trt ne 'UP2' and $trt ne 'DEL' ) {
- $result = "Trt unknown ( $trt ) !"
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
- #nothing
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
- my $rec = $ddb->get($domain);
- if ( $rec ) {
- $dom_datas{domain} = $domain;
- $dom_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
- $dom_datas{content} = $rec->prop('Content') || '';
- $dom_datas{nameservers} = $rec->prop('Nameservers') || 'internet';
- } else {
- $result = "Domain $domain not found !"
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'UP2' ) {
- $dom_datas{forwarder} = $cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder') || '';
- $dom_datas{forwarder2} = $cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder2') || '';
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- my $rec = $ddb->get($domain);
- if ( $rec ) {
- $dom_datas{domain} = $domain;
- $dom_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'LST' ) {
- my @domains;
- if ($adb) {
- @domains = $ddb->domains();
- }
- $c->stash( domains => \@domains );
- }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
+ if ($trt ne 'ADD' and $trt ne 'UPD' and $trt ne 'UP2' and $trt ne 'DEL') {
+ $result = "Trt unknown ( $trt ) !";
- $c->stash( title => $title, dom_datas => \%dom_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'domains' );
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
+ #nothing
+ }
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ my $rec = $ddb->get($domain);
+ if ($rec) {
+ $dom_datas{domain} = $domain;
+ $dom_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
+ $dom_datas{content} = $rec->prop('Content') || '';
+ $dom_datas{nameservers} = $rec->prop('Nameservers') || 'internet';
+ } else {
+ $result = "Domain $domain not found !";
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
+ if ($trt eq 'UP2') {
+ $dom_datas{forwarder} = $cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder') || '';
+ $dom_datas{forwarder2} = $cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder2') || '';
+ }
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ my $rec = $ddb->get($domain);
+ if ($rec) {
+ $dom_datas{domain} = $domain;
+ $dom_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
+ if ($trt eq 'LST') {
+ my @domains;
+ if ($adb) {
+ @domains = $ddb->domains();
+ }
+ $c->stash(domains => \@domains);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LST')
+ if (!$result) {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, dom_datas => \%dom_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'domains');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = $c->param('trt');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = $c->param('trt');
my %dom_datas = ();
my ($res, $result) = '';
#my $domain = uri_unescape($c->param('domain'));
my $domain = $c->param('Domain');
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
my $account = $c->param('Account');
- # controls (validate ?????)
- #? validate_new_domain_name( $c, $domain, $account );
- #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # controls (validate ?????)
+ #? validate_new_domain_name( $c, $domain, $account );
+ #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #$result .= ' blocked';
+ $res = '';
- #$result .= ' blocked';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->create_modify_domain( 'create', $domain );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('dom_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED') . " $domain";
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->create_modify_domain('create', $domain);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ }
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('dom_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED') . " $domain";
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
my $description = $c->param('Description');
- my $content = $c->param('Content');
+ my $content = $c->param('Content');
my $nameservers = $c->param('Nameservers');
- # controls
- #$res = validate_description( $c, $account );
- #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # controls
+ #$res = validate_description( $c, $account );
+ #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #$result .= 'blocked';
+ $res = '';
- #$result .= 'blocked';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->create_modify_domain('modify', $domain);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ }
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->create_modify_domain( 'modify', $domain );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('dom_SUCCESSFULLY_MODIFIED') . " $domain";
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('dom_SUCCESSFULLY_MODIFIED') . " $domain";
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'UP2' ) {
- my $forwarder = $c->param('Forwarder');
+ if ($trt eq 'UP2') {
+ my $forwarder = $c->param('Forwarder');
my $forwarder2 = $c->param('Forwarder2');
- # controls
+ # controls
+ $res = $c->ip_number_or_blank($forwarder);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->ip_number_or_blank($forwarder2);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = $c->ip_number_or_blank( $forwarder );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #$result .= 'blocked';
+ $res = '';
- $res = $c->ip_number_or_blank( $forwarder2 );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #$result .= 'blocked';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->modify_dns( $forwarder, $forwarder2 );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('SUCCESS') . " $forwarder $forwarder2";
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->modify_dns($forwarder, $forwarder2);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('SUCCESS') . " $forwarder $forwarder2";
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UP2')
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
- # controls
- #$res = validate_is_domain($c, $domain);
- #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #$result .= 'blocked';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->delete_domain( $domain );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('dom_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED') . " $domain";
- }
- }
+ # controls
+ #$res = validate_is_domain($c, $domain);
+ #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #$result .= 'blocked';
+ $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->delete_domain($domain);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('dom_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED') . " $domain";
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
# common parts
if ($res ne 'OK') {
- my $title = $c->l('dom_FORM_TITLE');
- $dom_datas{'domain'} = $domain;
- $dom_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- $c->stash( error => $result . "($res)" );
- $c->stash( title => $title, dom_datas => \%dom_datas );
- return $c->render( 'domains' );
- }
+ my $title = $c->l('dom_FORM_TITLE');
+ $dom_datas{'domain'} = $domain;
+ $dom_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
+ $c->stash(error => $result . "($res)");
+ $c->stash(title => $title, dom_datas => \%dom_datas);
+ return $c->render('domains');
+ } ## end if ($res ne 'OK')
my $message = "'Domains' updates ($trt) DONE";
- $c->flash( success => $result );
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub create_modify_domain {
my ($c, $action, $domain) = @_;
$domain = $1 if ($domain =~ /^($REGEXP_DOMAIN)$/);
- unless ($domain) {
- return ($c->l($action eq 'create' ? 'dom_ERROR_CREATING_DOMAIN'
- : 'dom_ERROR_MODIFYING_DOMAIN') . ' Ctl');
- }
+ unless ($domain) {
+ return (
+ $c->l(
+ $action eq 'create'
+ )
+ . ' Ctl'
+ );
+ } ## end unless ($domain)
my $rec = $ddb->get($domain);
if ($rec and $action eq 'create') {
return $c->l('dom_DOMAIN_IN_USE_ERROR');
if (not $rec and $action eq 'modify') {
return $c->l('dom_NONEXISTENT_DOMAIN_ERROR');
$rec ||= $ddb->new_record($domain, { type => 'domain' });
my %props;
- $props{$_} = $c->param($_) for ( qw(Content Description Nameservers) );
+ $props{$_} = $c->param($_) for (qw(Content Description Nameservers));
- if ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event",
- "domain-$action", "$domain" ) != 0 ) {
- return ($c->l($action eq 'create' ? 'dom_ERROR_CREATING_DOMAIN'
- : 'dom_ERROR_MODIFYING_DOMAIN') . " Exe $action");
- }
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "domain-$action", "$domain") != 0) {
+ return (
+ $c->l(
+ $action eq 'create'
+ )
+ . " Exe $action"
+ );
+ } ## end if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event"...))
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub create_modify_domain
sub delete_domain {
my ($c, $domain) = @_;
$domain = $1 if ($domain =~ /^($REGEXP_DOMAIN)$/);
return ($c->l('dom_ERROR_WHILE_REMOVING_DOMAIN') . ' Ctl') unless ($domain);
my $rec = $ddb->get($domain);
return ($c->l('dom_NONEXISTENT_DOMAIN_ERROR')) if (not $rec);
$rec->set_prop('type', 'domain-deleted');
if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "domain-delete", "$domain") != 0) {
- return ($c->l('dom_ERROR_WHILE_REMOVING_DOMAIN') . 'Exe');
+ return ($c->l('dom_ERROR_WHILE_REMOVING_DOMAIN') . 'Exe');
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub delete_domain
sub modify_dns {
my ($c, $forwarder, $forwarder2) = @_;
my $dnscache = $cdb->get('dnscache');
($forwarder, $forwarder2) = ($forwarder2, '')
if ($forwarder2 and not $forwarder);
if ($forwarder) {
- $dnscache->set_prop('Forwarder', $forwarder);
+ $dnscache->set_prop('Forwarder', $forwarder);
} else {
- $dnscache->delete_prop('Forwarder');
- }
- if ($forwarder2) {
- $dnscache->set_prop('Forwarder2', $forwarder2);
- } else {
- $dnscache->delete_prop('Forwarder2');
+ $dnscache->delete_prop('Forwarder');
- unless ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "dns-update" ) == 0 )
- {
+ if ($forwarder2) {
+ $dnscache->set_prop('Forwarder2', $forwarder2);
+ } else {
+ $dnscache->delete_prop('Forwarder2');
+ }
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "dns-update") == 0) {
return $c->l('dom_ERROR_UPDATING');
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub modify_dns
sub existing_accounts_list {
my $c = shift;
- my @existingAccounts = ( ['Administrator' => 'admin']);
+ my @existingAccounts = ([ 'Administrator' => 'admin' ]);
foreach my $a ($adb->get_all) {
if ($a->prop('type') =~ /(user|group)/) {
push @existingAccounts, [ $a->key => $a->key ];
if ($a->prop('type') eq "domain") {
my $target = $adb->get($a->prop('Account'));
- unless ($target)
- {
- warn "WARNING: domain (" . $a->key . ") => missing Account("
- . $a->prop('Account') . ")\n";
+ unless ($target) {
+ warn "WARNING: domain (" . $a->key . ") => missing Account(" . $a->prop('Account') . ")\n";
push @existingAccounts, [ $a->key, $a->key ]
unless ($target->prop('type') eq "domain");
- }
- }
- return(\@existingAccounts);
+ } ## end if ($a->prop('type') eq...)
+ } ## end foreach my $a ($adb->get_all)
+ return (\@existingAccounts);
+} ## end sub existing_accounts_list
sub content_options_list {
my $c = shift;
- my @options = ( [ $c->l('dom_PRIMARY_SITE') => 'Primary' ]);
+ my @options = ([ $c->l('dom_PRIMARY_SITE') => 'Primary' ]);
foreach ($adb->ibays) {
- push @options, [ $_->prop('Name') => $_->key ]
- if ($_->key ne 'Primary');
+ push @options, [ $_->prop('Name') => $_->key ]
+ if ($_->key ne 'Primary');
+ return \@options;
+} ## end sub content_options_list
- return \@options
-sub get_content_value
- my $c = shift;
+sub get_content_value {
+ my $c = shift;
my $domain = shift;
return $domain ? $ddb->get_prop($domain, 'Content') : 'Primary';
+} ## end sub get_content_value
-sub get_description_value
+sub get_description_value {
my $c = shift;
my $domain = $c->param('Domain') || undef;
return $ddb->get_prop($domain, 'Description');
+} ## end sub get_description_value
sub nameserver_options_list {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $domain = $c->param('Domain') || undef;
- my @opts = qw(localhost internet);
+ my @opts = qw(localhost internet);
push @opts, 'corporate' if ($cdb->get_prop('dnscache', 'Forwarder'));
my $ns = ($ddb->get_prop($domain, 'Nameservers') || 'internet');
- push @opts, $ns unless scalar grep { /^$ns$/ } @opts;
+ push @opts, $ns unless scalar grep {/^$ns$/} @opts;
my @options;
foreach (@opts) {
- push @options, [ $c->l( "dom_$_" ) => $_ ];
+ push @options, [ $c->l("dom_$_") => $_ ];
return \@options;
+} ## end sub nameserver_options_list
sub get_nameserver_value {
my $c = shift;
my $domain = $c->param('Domain') || undef;
return ($ddb->get_prop($domain, 'Nameservers') || 'internet');
+} ## end sub get_nameserver_value
-sub validate_Domain
- my $c = shift;
+sub validate_Domain {
+ my $c = shift;
my $domain = lc shift;
+ return ($domain =~ /^($REGEXP_DOMAIN)$/)
+ ? 'OK'
+} ## end sub validate_Domain
- return ($domain =~ /^($REGEXP_DOMAIN)$/) ? 'OK' :
+sub validate_Description {
-sub validate_Description
# We used to use the Description in the Appletalk volume name
# which meant it needed validation. I don't see any reason to
# do this any more
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $description = shift;
- return ($description =~ /^([\-\'\w][\-\'\w\s\.]*)$/) ? 'OK' :
+ return ($description =~ /^([\-\'\w][\-\'\w\s\.]*)$/)
+ ? 'OK'
+} ## end sub validate_Description
sub ip_number_or_blank {
# XXX - FIXME - we should push this down into CGI::FormMagick
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $ip = shift;
- if (!defined($ip) || $ip eq "")
- {
+ if (!defined($ip) || $ip eq "") {
return 'OK';
- return ip_number( $c, $ip );
+ return ip_number($c, $ip);
+} ## end sub ip_number_or_blank
sub ip_number {
-# from CGI::FormMagick::Validator qw( ip_number );
+ # from CGI::FormMagick::Validator qw( ip_number );
my ($c, $data) = @_;
return undef unless defined $data;
return $c->l('FM_IP_NUMBER1') unless $data =~ /^[\d.]+$/;
my @octets = split /\./, $data;
my $dots = ($data =~ tr/.//);
return $c->l('FM_IP_NUMBER2') unless (scalar @octets == 4 and $dots == 3);
foreach my $octet (@octets) {
return $c->l("FM_IP_NUMBER3", $octet) if $octet > 255;
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub ip_number
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 1df86a5..2200859 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,909 +11,721 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Emailsettings;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use constant FALSE => 0;
use constant TRUE => 1;
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session ip_number_or_blank);
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::util;
use File::Basename;
our $pattern_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open("mailpatterns");
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %mai_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('mai_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('mai_FORM_TITLE');
$mai_datas{'trt'} = 'LIST';
$mai_datas{fetchmailmethod} = $c->l($cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'Method'));
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => '', mai_datas => \%mai_datas );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => '', mai_datas => \%mai_datas);
$c->render(template => 'emailsettings');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
- my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my %mai_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('mai_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('mai_FORM_TITLE');
my ($notif, $dest) = '';
$mai_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
+ $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
- if ( $trt eq 'ACC' )
- {
- $dest = 'emailaccess';
- $mai_datas{fetchmailmethod} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'Method');
+ if ($trt eq 'ACC') {
+ $dest = 'emailaccess';
+ $mai_datas{fetchmailmethod} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'Method');
- if ( $trt eq 'FIL' )
- {
- $dest = 'emailfilter';
- $mai_datas{'virusstatus'} = $c->get_virus_status();
- $mai_datas{'spamstatus'} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'status');
- $mai_datas{'spamsensitivity'} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'Sensitivity','medium');
- $mai_datas{'spamtaglevel'} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'TagLevel') || '0';
- $mai_datas{'spamrejectlevel'} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'RejectLevel') || '0';
- $mai_datas{spamsortspam} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'SortSpam');
- $mai_datas{spamsubjecttag} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'SubjectTag');
- $mai_datas{spamsubject} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'Subject');
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'FIL') {
+ $dest = 'emailfilter';
+ $mai_datas{'virusstatus'} = $c->get_virus_status();
+ $mai_datas{'spamstatus'} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'status');
+ $mai_datas{'spamsensitivity'} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'Sensitivity', 'medium');
+ $mai_datas{'spamtaglevel'} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'TagLevel') || '0';
+ $mai_datas{'spamrejectlevel'} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'RejectLevel') || '0';
+ $mai_datas{spamsortspam} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'SortSpam');
+ $mai_datas{spamsubjecttag} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'SubjectTag');
+ $mai_datas{spamsubject} = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'Subject');
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'FIL')
- if ( $trt eq 'REC' )
- {
- $dest = 'emailreceive';
- $mai_datas{fetchmailmethod} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'Method');
- $mai_datas{freqoffice} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'FreqOffice');
- $mai_datas{freqoutside} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'FreqOutside');
- $mai_datas{freqweekend} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'FreqWeekend');
- $mai_datas{secondarymailserver} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailServer');
- $mai_datas{secondarymailaccount} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailAccount');
- $mai_datas{secondarymailpassword} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailPassword');
- $mai_datas{specifyheader} = get_secondary_mail_use_envelope();
- $mai_datas{secondarymailenvelope} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailEnvelope');
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' )
- {
- $dest = 'emaildeliver';
- $mai_datas{emailunknownuser} = $cdb->get_value('EmailUnknownUser') || '"returntosender';
- $mai_datas{delegatemailserver} = $cdb->get_value('DelegateMailServer');
- $mai_datas{smtpsmarthost} = $cdb->get_value('SMTPSmartHost');
- $mai_datas{smtpauthproxystatus} = $cdb->get_prop('smtp-auth-proxy', 'status') || 'disabled';
- $mai_datas{smtpauthproxyuserid} = $cdb->get_prop('smtp-auth-proxy', 'Userid') || '';
- $mai_datas{smtpauthproxypassword} = $cdb->get_prop('smtp-auth-proxy', 'Passwd') || '';
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, mai_datas => \%mai_datas );
- return $c->render( template => $dest );
+ if ($trt eq 'REC') {
+ $dest = 'emailreceive';
+ $mai_datas{fetchmailmethod} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'Method');
+ $mai_datas{freqoffice} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'FreqOffice');
+ $mai_datas{freqoutside} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'FreqOutside');
+ $mai_datas{freqweekend} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'FreqWeekend');
+ $mai_datas{secondarymailserver} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailServer');
+ $mai_datas{secondarymailaccount} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailAccount');
+ $mai_datas{secondarymailpassword} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailPassword');
+ $mai_datas{specifyheader} = get_secondary_mail_use_envelope();
+ $mai_datas{secondarymailenvelope} = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailEnvelope');
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'REC')
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ $dest = 'emaildeliver';
+ $mai_datas{emailunknownuser} = $cdb->get_value('EmailUnknownUser') || '"returntosender';
+ $mai_datas{delegatemailserver} = $cdb->get_value('DelegateMailServer');
+ $mai_datas{smtpsmarthost} = $cdb->get_value('SMTPSmartHost');
+ $mai_datas{smtpauthproxystatus} = $cdb->get_prop('smtp-auth-proxy', 'status') || 'disabled';
+ $mai_datas{smtpauthproxyuserid} = $cdb->get_prop('smtp-auth-proxy', 'Userid') || '';
+ $mai_datas{smtpauthproxypassword} = $cdb->get_prop('smtp-auth-proxy', 'Passwd') || '';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, mai_datas => \%mai_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => $dest);
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = $c->param('trt');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = $c->param('trt');
my %mai_datas = ();
$mai_datas{trt} = $trt;
- $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
+ $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
my $title = $c->l('mai_FORM_TITLE');
my ($dest, $res, $result) = '';
- if ( $trt eq 'ACC' )
- {
- $dest = 'emailaccess';
- # $mai_datas{xxx} = $c->param('XXX');
- # controls
- # $res = xxxxxxx( $c );
- # $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if ($trt eq 'ACC') {
+ $dest = 'emailaccess';
- if ( ! $result )
- {
- $res = $c->change_settings_access();
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result )
- {
- $result = $c->l('mai_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
- }
+ # $mai_datas{xxx} = $c->param('XXX');
+ # controls
+ # $res = xxxxxxx( $c );
+ # $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->change_settings_access();
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $trt eq 'FIL' )
- {
- $dest = 'emailfilter';
- # $mai_datas{xxx} = $c->param('XXX');
- # controls
- # $res = zzzzzz( $c );
- # $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('mai_SUCCESS');
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ACC')
- if ( ! $result )
- {
- $res = $c->change_settings_filtering();
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result )
- {
- $result = $c->l('mai_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'FIL') {
+ $dest = 'emailfilter';
- if ( $trt eq 'REC' )
- {
- $dest = 'emailreceive';
- # $mai_datas{xxx} = $c->param('XXX');
- # controls
- # $res = yyyyyyyyy( $c );
- # $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # $mai_datas{xxx} = $c->param('XXX');
+ # controls
+ # $res = zzzzzz( $c );
+ # $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->change_settings_filtering();
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result )
- {
- $res = $c->change_settings_reception();
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result )
- {
- $result = $c->l('mai_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('mai_SUCCESS');
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'FIL')
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' )
- {
- $dest = 'emaildeliver';
- # $mai_datas{xxx} = $c->param('XXX');
- # controls
- $res = $c->ip_number_or_blank( $c->param('DelegateMailServer') );
- $result .= $res . ' DMS
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if ($trt eq 'REC') {
+ $dest = 'emailreceive';
- $res = $c->validate_smarthost( $c->param('SMTPSmartHost') );
- $result .= $res . ' SH
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # $mai_datas{xxx} = $c->param('XXX');
+ # controls
+ # $res = yyyyyyyyy( $c );
+ # $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->change_settings_reception();
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = $c->nonblank_if_smtpauth( $c->param('SMTPSmartHost') );
- $result .= $res . ' SH
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('mai_SUCCESS');
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'REC')
- $res = $c->nonblank_if_smtpauth( $c->param('SMTPAUTHPROXY_Userid') );
- $result .= $res . ' USR
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ $dest = 'emaildeliver';
- $res = $c->nonblank_if_smtpauth( $c->param('SMTPAUTHPROXY_Passwd') );
- $result .= $res . ' PWD
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # $mai_datas{xxx} = $c->param('XXX');
+ # controls
+ $res = $c->ip_number_or_blank($c->param('DelegateMailServer'));
+ $result .= $res . ' DMS
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->validate_smarthost($c->param('SMTPSmartHost'));
+ $result .= $res . ' SH
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->nonblank_if_smtpauth($c->param('SMTPSmartHost'));
+ $result .= $res . ' SH
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->nonblank_if_smtpauth($c->param('SMTPAUTHPROXY_Userid'));
+ $result .= $res . ' USR
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->nonblank_if_smtpauth($c->param('SMTPAUTHPROXY_Passwd'));
+ $result .= $res . ' PWD
' unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result )
- {
- $res = $c->change_settings_delivery();
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result )
- {
- $result = $c->l('mai_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->change_settings_delivery();
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('mai_SUCCESS');
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
# common part
- if ($res ne 'OK')
- {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $c->stash( title => $title, mai_datas => \%mai_datas );
- return $c->render( $dest );
- }
+ if ($res ne 'OK') {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, mai_datas => \%mai_datas);
+ return $c->render($dest);
+ }
my $message = "emailsettings updates $trt DONE";
- $c->flash( success => $result );
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub get_virus_status {
my ($c, $localise) = @_;
my $status = $cdb->get_prop("qpsmtpd", 'VirusScan') || 'disabled';
return $localise ? $c->localise_status($status) : $status;
+} ## end sub get_virus_status
sub get_spam_status {
my ($c, $localise) = @_;
my $status = $cdb->get_prop('spamassassin', 'status') || 'disabled';
return $localise ? $c->localise_status($status) : $status;
+} ## end sub get_spam_status
sub localise_status {
my ($c, $status) = @_;
return $c->l($status eq 'enabled' ? $c->l('ENABLED') : $c->l('DISABLED'));
sub get_db_prop {
my ($c, $item, $prop, $default) = @_;
return $cdb->get_prop($item, $prop) || $default;
sub get_value {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $item = shift;
return $cdb->get_value($item) || '';
+} ## end sub get_value
sub get_emailunknownuser_status {
my ($c, $localise) = @_;
my $options = $c->get_emailunknownuser_options();
my $val = $cdb->get_value('EmailUnknownUser') || "returntosender";
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{$val}) : $val;
+} ## end sub get_emailunknownuser_status
sub get_patterns_status {
my ($c, $localise) = @_;
my $status = $cdb->get_prop("qpsmtpd", 'PatternsScan') || 'disabled';
return $localise ? $c->localise_status($status) : $status;
+} ## end sub get_patterns_status
sub adjust_patterns {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my @selected = @{ $c->every_param('BlockExecutableContent') };
- my $c = shift;
- my @selected = @{$c->every_param('BlockExecutableContent')};
- foreach my $pattern ( $pattern_db->get_all_by_prop( type => "pattern") )
- {
- my $status = (grep $pattern->key eq $_, @selected) ? 'enabled'
- : 'disabled';
+ foreach my $pattern ($pattern_db->get_all_by_prop(type => "pattern")) {
+ my $status
+ = (grep $pattern->key eq $_, @selected)
+ ? 'enabled'
+ : 'disabled';
$pattern->set_prop('Status', $status);
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $pattern ($pattern_db...)
return scalar @selected;
+} ## end sub adjust_patterns
sub get_current_pop3_access {
my ($c, $localise) = @_;
- my $pop3Status = $cdb->get_prop('pop3', 'status') || 'enabled';
- my $pop3Access = $cdb->get_prop('pop3', 'access') || 'private';
+ my $pop3Status = $cdb->get_prop('pop3', 'status') || 'enabled';
+ my $pop3Access = $cdb->get_prop('pop3', 'access') || 'private';
my $pop3sStatus = $cdb->get_prop('pop3s', 'status') || 'enabled';
my $pop3sAccess = $cdb->get_prop('pop3s', 'access') || 'private';
+ my $options = get_pop_options();
- my $options = get_pop_options();
- if ($pop3Status ne 'enabled' && $pop3sStatus ne 'enabled')
- {
+ if ($pop3Status ne 'enabled' && $pop3sStatus ne 'enabled') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{disabled}) : 'disabled';
- }
- elsif ($pop3Status eq 'enabled' && $pop3Access eq 'public')
- {
+ } elsif ($pop3Status eq 'enabled' && $pop3Access eq 'public') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{public}) : 'public';
- }
- elsif ($pop3sStatus eq 'enabled' && $pop3sAccess eq 'public')
- {
+ } elsif ($pop3sStatus eq 'enabled' && $pop3sAccess eq 'public') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{publicSSL}) : 'publicSSL';
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{private}) : 'private';
+} ## end sub get_current_pop3_access
sub get_current_imap_access {
my ($c, $localise) = @_;
- my $imapStatus = $cdb->get_prop('imap', 'status') || 'enabled';
- my $imapAccess = $cdb->get_prop('imap', 'access') || 'private';
+ my $imapStatus = $cdb->get_prop('imap', 'status') || 'enabled';
+ my $imapAccess = $cdb->get_prop('imap', 'access') || 'private';
my $imapsStatus = $cdb->get_prop('imaps', 'status') || 'enabled';
my $imapsAccess = $cdb->get_prop('imaps', 'access') || 'private';
+ my $options = get_imap_options();
- my $options = get_imap_options();
- if (($imapStatus ne 'enabled' || $imapAccess eq 'localhost') && $imapsStatus ne 'enabled')
- {
+ if (($imapStatus ne 'enabled' || $imapAccess eq 'localhost') && $imapsStatus ne 'enabled') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{disabled}) : 'disabled';
- if ($imapStatus eq 'enabled' && $imapAccess eq 'public')
- {
+ if ($imapStatus eq 'enabled' && $imapAccess eq 'public') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{public}) : 'public';
- }
- elsif ($imapsStatus eq 'enabled' && $imapsAccess eq 'public')
- {
+ } elsif ($imapsStatus eq 'enabled' && $imapsAccess eq 'public') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{publicSSL}) : 'publicSSL';
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{private}) : 'private';
+} ## end sub get_current_imap_access
sub get_current_smtp_ssl_auth {
my ($c, $localise, $soru, $debug) = @_;
die "Error: \$soru must be either 's' or 'u':$soru.\n" unless $soru eq 's' || $soru eq 'u';
- $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
+ $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
# Initialize variables with default values
my $smtpStatus = 'none';
my $smtpAccess = 'none';
- my $smtpAuth = 'disabled'; # assuming 'disabled' as a default
+ my $smtpAuth = 'disabled'; # assuming 'disabled' as a default
# Fetch SMTP settings based on the value of `$soru`
if ($soru eq "u") {
- $smtpStatus = $cdb->get_prop('uqpsmtpd', 'status') || 'enabled'; # Fetch from uqpsmtpd
+ $smtpStatus = $cdb->get_prop('uqpsmtpd', 'status') || 'enabled'; # Fetch from uqpsmtpd
$smtpAccess = $cdb->get_prop('uqpsmtpd', 'access') || 'public';
- $smtpAuth = 'enabled'; # Assuming authentication is enabled in this context
- } else {
- $smtpStatus = $cdb->get_prop('sqpsmtpd', 'status') || 'enabled'; # Fetch from sqpsmtpd
- $smtpAccess = $cdb->get_prop('sqpsmtpd', 'access') || 'public';
- $smtpAuth = 'enabled'; # Assuming authentication is enabled in this context
+ $smtpAuth = 'enabled'; # Assuming authentication is enabled in this context
+ } else {
+ $smtpStatus = $cdb->get_prop('sqpsmtpd', 'status') || 'enabled'; # Fetch from sqpsmtpd
+ $smtpAccess = $cdb->get_prop('sqpsmtpd', 'access') || 'public';
+ $smtpAuth = 'enabled'; # Assuming authentication is enabled in this context
# Retrieve SMTP SSL authentication options
my $options = $c->get_smtp_ssl_auth_options();
- if ($soru eq "u" && $debug ) {
- $c->stash('smtp'=>[$smtpStatus,$smtpAccess,$smtpAuth,$soru,$options->{$smtpAccess},$c->l($options->{$smtpAccess})]);
-# die "Stop $soru in get_current_smtp_ssl_auth";
- }
+ if ($soru eq "u" && $debug) {
+ $c->stash('smtp' =>
+ [ $smtpStatus, $smtpAccess, $smtpAuth, $soru, $options->{$smtpAccess}, $c->l($options->{$smtpAccess}) ]
+ );
+ # die "Stop $soru in get_current_smtp_ssl_auth";
+ } ## end if ($soru eq "u" && $debug)
# Return appropriate message based on SMTP settings
if ($smtpStatus eq 'enabled' && $smtpAuth eq 'enabled') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{$smtpAccess}) : $smtpAccess;
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{disabled}) : 'disabled';
+} ## end sub get_current_smtp_ssl_auth
sub get_current_smtp_auth {
my ($c, $localise) = @_;
+ my $smtpStatus = $cdb->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'status') || 'enabled';
+ my $smtpAuth = $cdb->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'Authentication') || 'enabled';
+ my $options = get_smtp_auth_options();
- my $smtpStatus = $cdb->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'status') || 'enabled';
- my $smtpAuth = $cdb->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'Authentication') || 'enabled';
- my $options = get_smtp_auth_options();
- if ($smtpStatus eq 'enabled' && $smtpAuth eq 'disabled')
- {
+ if ($smtpStatus eq 'enabled' && $smtpAuth eq 'disabled') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{public}) : 'public';
- }
- elsif ($smtpStatus eq 'enabled' && $smtpAuth eq 'enabled')
- {
+ } elsif ($smtpStatus eq 'enabled' && $smtpAuth eq 'enabled') {
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{publicSSL}) : 'publicSSL';
return $localise ? $c->l($options->{disabled}) : 'disabled';
+} ## end sub get_current_smtp_auth
sub get_current_webmail_status {
+ my ($c, $localise) = @_;
- my ($c, $localise) = @_;
+ # determine status of webmail
+ my $WebmailStatus = "disabled";
+ my $RoundcubeStatus = $cdb->get_prop('roundcube', 'status') || 'disabled';
+ my $MysqlStatus = $cdb->get_prop('mariadb', 'status') || 'disabled';
+ my $PHPStatus = $cdb->get_prop('php81-php-fpm', 'status') || 'disabled';
+ my $Networkaccess = $cdb->get_prop('roundcube', 'access') || 'disabled';
- # determine status of webmail
- my $WebmailStatus = "disabled";
- my $RoundcubeStatus = $cdb->get_prop('roundcube', 'status') || 'disabled';
- my $MysqlStatus = $cdb->get_prop('mariadb', 'status') || 'disabled';
- my $PHPStatus = $cdb->get_prop('php81-php-fpm', 'status') || 'disabled';
- my $Networkaccess = $cdb->get_prop('roundcube','access') || 'disabled';
- # all 3 components must be on for webmail to be working
- if ( ( $RoundcubeStatus eq "enabled" )
- && ( $MysqlStatus eq "enabled" )
- && ( $PHPStatus eq "enabled" )
- && ( $Networkaccess eq "public"))
+ # all 3 components must be on for webmail to be working
+ if ( ($RoundcubeStatus eq "enabled")
+ && ($MysqlStatus eq "enabled")
+ && ($PHPStatus eq "enabled")
+ && ($Networkaccess eq "public"))
- $WebmailStatus = "enabledSSL";
- }
- elsif ( ( $RoundcubeStatus eq "enabled" )
- && ( $MysqlStatus eq "enabled" )
- && ( $PHPStatus eq "enabled" )
- && ( $Networkaccess eq "private" ))
+ $WebmailStatus = "enabledSSL";
+ } elsif (($RoundcubeStatus eq "enabled")
+ && ($MysqlStatus eq "enabled")
+ && ($PHPStatus eq "enabled")
+ && ($Networkaccess eq "private"))
- $WebmailStatus = "localnetworkSSL";
- }
- my $options = get_webmail_options();
- return $localise ? $c->l($options->{$WebmailStatus})
- : $WebmailStatus;
+ $WebmailStatus = "localnetworkSSL";
+ } ## end elsif (($RoundcubeStatus ...))
+ my $options = get_webmail_options();
+ return $localise
+ ? $c->l($options->{$WebmailStatus})
+ : $WebmailStatus;
+} ## end sub get_current_webmail_status
sub get_pop_opt {
- my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ],
- [ $c->l('NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL') => 'private' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_SECURE_POP3') => 'publicSSL' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_INSECURE_POP3') => 'public' ]];
+ my $c = shift;
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ],
+ [ $c->l('NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL') => 'private' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_SECURE_POP3') => 'publicSSL' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_INSECURE_POP3') => 'public' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_pop_opt
sub get_pop_options {
- my $c = @_;
+ my $c = @_;
my %options = (
- disabled => 'DISABLED',
- private => 'NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL',
- publicSSL => 'mai_SECURE_POP3'
+ disabled => 'DISABLED',
+ private => 'NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL',
+ publicSSL => 'mai_SECURE_POP3'
my $access = $cdb->get_prop('pop3', 'access') || 'private';
$options{public} = 'mai_INSECURE_POP3' if ($access eq 'public');
+} ## end sub get_pop_options
sub get_imap_opt {
- my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ],
- [ $c->l('NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL') => 'private' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_SECURE_IMAP') => 'publicSSL' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_INSECURE_IMAP') => 'public' ]];
+ my $c = shift;
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ],
+ [ $c->l('NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL') => 'private' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_SECURE_IMAP') => 'publicSSL' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_INSECURE_IMAP') => 'public' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_imap_opt
sub get_imap_options {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my %options = (
- disabled => 'DISABLED',
- private => 'NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL',
- publicSSL => 'mai_SECURE_IMAP'
+ disabled => 'DISABLED',
+ private => 'NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL',
+ publicSSL => 'mai_SECURE_IMAP'
my $access = $cdb->get_prop('imap', 'access') || 'private';
$options{public} = 'mai_INSECURE_IMAP' if ($access eq 'public');
+} ## end sub get_imap_options
sub get_smtp_auth_opt {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('mai_SECURE_SMTP') => 'publicSSL'],
- [ $c->l('Only allow insecure access') => 'public'],
- [ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled']
- ];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('mai_SECURE_SMTP') => 'publicSSL' ],
+ [ $c->l('Only allow insecure access') => 'public' ],
+ [ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_smtp_auth_opt
sub get_smtp_auth_options {
my $c = shift;
- my %options = ( publicSSL => 'mai_SECURE_SMTP', public => 'Only allow insecure access',disabled => 'DISABLED');
+ my %options = (publicSSL => 'mai_SECURE_SMTP', public => 'Only allow insecure access', disabled => 'DISABLED');
return \%options;
+} ## end sub get_smtp_auth_options
sub get_smtp_ssl_auth_options {
my $c = shift;
- my %options = ( public => 'Allow public access', local => 'Allow local access only',disabled => 'DISABLED');
+ my %options = (public => 'Allow public access', local => 'Allow local access only', disabled => 'DISABLED');
return \%options;
+} ## end sub get_smtp_ssl_auth_options
sub get_smtp_ssl_auth_opt {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('Allow public access') => 'public'],
- [ $c->l('Allow local access only') => 'local'],
- [ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled']
- ];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('Allow public access') => 'public' ],
+ [ $c->l('Allow local access only') => 'local' ],
+ [ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_smtp_ssl_auth_opt
sub get_key_by_value {
my ($hash_ref, $target_value) = @_;
# Iterate over the hash
while (my ($key, $value) = each %$hash_ref) {
return $key if $value eq $target_value;
- return undef; # Return undef if no match is found
+ return undef; # Return undef if no match is found
+} ## end sub get_key_by_value
sub get_value_by_key {
my ($hash_ref, $key) = @_;
- return $hash_ref->{$key}; # Return the value associated with the key
+ return $hash_ref->{$key}; # Return the value associated with the key
sub get_webmail_opt {
- my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_ENABLED_SECURE_ONLY') => 'enabledSSL' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_ONLY_LOCAL_NETWORK_SSL') => 'localnetworkSSL' ]];
+ my $c = shift;
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_ENABLED_SECURE_ONLY') => 'enabledSSL' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_ONLY_LOCAL_NETWORK_SSL') => 'localnetworkSSL' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_webmail_opt
sub get_webmail_options {
- my $c = shift;
- my %options = (
- disabled => 'DISABLED',
- enabledSSL => 'mai_ENABLED_SECURE_ONLY',
- localnetworkSSL => 'mai_ONLY_LOCAL_NETWORK_SSL');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my %options = (
+ disabled => 'DISABLED',
+ enabledSSL => 'mai_ENABLED_SECURE_ONLY',
+ localnetworkSSL => 'mai_ONLY_LOCAL_NETWORK_SSL'
+ );
return \%options;
+} ## end sub get_webmail_options
sub get_retrieval_opt {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
return $cdb->get("SystemMode")->value eq "servergateway-private"
- ? [ $c->l('mai_MULTIDROP') => 'multidrop']
- : [[ $c->l('mai_STANDARD') => 'standard'],
- [ $c->l('mai_ETRN') => 'etrn' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_MULTIDROP') => 'multidrop']];
+ ? [ $c->l('mai_MULTIDROP') => 'multidrop' ]
+ : [
+ [ $c->l('mai_STANDARD') => 'standard' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_ETRN') => 'etrn' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_MULTIDROP') => 'multidrop' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_retrieval_opt
sub get_emailunknownuser_options {
- my $c = shift;
- my $accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro();
- my %existingAccounts = ('admin' => $c->l("mai_FORWARD_TO_ADMIN"),
- 'returntosender' => $c->l("mai_RETURN_TO_SENDER") );
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro();
+ my %existingAccounts = (
+ 'admin' => $c->l("mai_FORWARD_TO_ADMIN"),
+ 'returntosender' => $c->l("mai_RETURN_TO_SENDER")
+ );
foreach my $account ($accounts->get_all) {
next if $account->key eq 'everyone';
- if ($account->prop('type') =~ /(user|group|pseudonym)/) {
- $existingAccounts{$account->key} = $c->l("mai_FORWARD_TO") . " " . $account->key;
- }
- }
- return(\%existingAccounts);
+ if ($account->prop('type') =~ /(user|group|pseudonym)/) {
+ $existingAccounts{ $account->key } = $c->l("mai_FORWARD_TO") . " " . $account->key;
+ }
+ } ## end foreach my $account ($accounts...)
+ return (\%existingAccounts);
+} ## end sub get_emailunknownuser_options
sub get_emailunknownuser_opt {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro();
- my @existingAccounts = ([ $c->l("mai_FORWARD_TO_ADMIN") => 'admin'],
- [ $c->l("mai_RETURN_TO_SENDER") => 'returntosender']);
+ my @existingAccounts
+ = ([ $c->l("mai_FORWARD_TO_ADMIN") => 'admin' ], [ $c->l("mai_RETURN_TO_SENDER") => 'returntosender' ]);
foreach my $account ($accounts->get_all) {
next if $account->key eq 'everyone';
- if ($account->prop('type') =~ /(user|group|pseudonym)/) {
- push @existingAccounts, [ $c->l("mai_FORWARD_TO") . " " . $account->key => $account->key];
- }
- }
- return(\@existingAccounts);
+ if ($account->prop('type') =~ /(user|group|pseudonym)/) {
+ push @existingAccounts, [ $c->l("mai_FORWARD_TO") . " " . $account->key => $account->key ];
+ }
+ } ## end foreach my $account ($accounts...)
+ return (\@existingAccounts);
+} ## end sub get_emailunknownuser_opt
sub get_patterns_opt {
my $c = shift;
my @options;
- foreach my $pattern ( $pattern_db->get_all_by_prop( type => "pattern" ) ) {
+ foreach my $pattern ($pattern_db->get_all_by_prop(type => "pattern")) {
my %props = $pattern->props;
push @options, [ $props{'Description'} => $pattern->key ];
return \@options;
+} ## end sub get_patterns_opt
sub get_patterns_current_opt {
my $c = shift;
my @selected;
- foreach my $pattern ( $pattern_db->get_all_by_prop( type => "pattern" ) ) {
+ foreach my $pattern ($pattern_db->get_all_by_prop(type => "pattern")) {
my %props = $pattern->props;
push @selected, $pattern->key if ($props{'Status'} eq 'enabled');
return \@selected;
+} ## end sub get_patterns_current_opt
sub get_spam_level_options {
- return [ 0..20 ];
+ return [ 0 .. 20 ];
sub get_spam_sensitivity_opt {
- my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('mai_VERYLOW') => 'verylow' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_LOW') => 'low' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_MEDIUM') => 'medium' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_HIGH') => 'high' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_VERYHIGH') => 'veryhigh' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_CUSTOM') => 'custom' ]];
+ my $c = shift;
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('mai_VERYLOW') => 'verylow' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_LOW') => 'low' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_MEDIUM') => 'medium' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_HIGH') => 'high' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_VERYHIGH') => 'veryhigh' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_CUSTOM') => 'custom' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_spam_sensitivity_opt
sub fetchmail_freq {
- my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('mai_NEVER') => 'never' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_EVERY5MIN') => 'every5min' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_EVERY15MIN') => 'every15min' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_EVERY30MIN') => 'every30min' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_EVERYHOUR') => 'everyhour' ],
- [ $c->l('mai_EVERY2HRS') => 'every2hrs' ]];
+ my $c = shift;
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('mai_NEVER') => 'never' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_EVERY5MIN') => 'every5min' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_EVERY15MIN') => 'every15min' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_EVERY30MIN') => 'every30min' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_EVERYHOUR') => 'everyhour' ],
+ [ $c->l('mai_EVERY2HRS') => 'every2hrs' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub fetchmail_freq
sub display_multidrop {
my $status = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'status') || 'disabled';
# Only display ETRN/multidrop settings if relevant
# To do this, we need an "Show ETRN/multidrop settings" button
# in standard mode.
# return ($status eq 'enabled');
- return 1;
+ return 1;
+} ## end sub display_multidrop
sub change_settings_reception {
my $c = shift;
$cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
+ my $FetchmailMethod = ($c->param('FetchmailMethod') || 'standard');
+ my $FetchmailFreqOffice = ($c->param('FreqOffice') || 'every15min');
+ my $FetchmailFreqOutside = ($c->param('FreqOutside') || 'everyhour');
+ my $FetchmailFreqWeekend = ($c->param('FreqWeekend') || 'everyhour');
+ my $SpecifyHeader = ($c->param('SpecifyHeader') || 'off');
+ my $fetchmail
+ = $cdb->get('fetchmail') || $cdb->new_record("fetchmail", { type => "service", status => "disabled" });
- my $FetchmailMethod = ( $c->param('FetchmailMethod') || 'standard' );
+ if ($FetchmailMethod eq 'standard') {
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('Method', $FetchmailMethod);
+ } else {
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('Method', $FetchmailMethod);
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('SecondaryMailServer', $c->param('SecondaryMailServer'))
+ unless ($c->param('SecondaryMailServer') eq '');
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('FreqOffice', $FetchmailFreqOffice);
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('FreqOutside', $FetchmailFreqOutside);
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('FreqWeekend', $FetchmailFreqWeekend);
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('SecondaryMailAccount', $c->param('SecondaryMailAccount'))
+ unless ($c->param('SecondaryMailAccount') eq '');
+ $fetchmail->set_prop('SecondaryMailPassword', $c->param('SecondaryMailPassword'))
+ unless ($c->param('SecondaryMailPassword') eq '');
- my $FetchmailFreqOffice = ( $c->param('FreqOffice') || 'every15min' );
- my $FetchmailFreqOutside = ( $c->param('FreqOutside') || 'everyhour' );
- my $FetchmailFreqWeekend = ( $c->param('FreqWeekend') || 'everyhour' );
- my $SpecifyHeader = ( $c->param('SpecifyHeader') || 'off' );
- my $fetchmail = $cdb->get('fetchmail') || $cdb->new_record( "fetchmail",
- { type => "service", status => "disabled" } );
- if ( $FetchmailMethod eq 'standard' ) {
- $fetchmail->set_prop( 'status', 'disabled' );
- $fetchmail->set_prop( 'Method', $FetchmailMethod );
- }
- else {
- $fetchmail->set_prop( 'status', 'enabled' );
- $fetchmail->set_prop( 'Method', $FetchmailMethod );
- $fetchmail->set_prop( 'SecondaryMailServer',
- $c->param('SecondaryMailServer') )
- unless ( $c->param('SecondaryMailServer') eq '' );
- $fetchmail->set_prop('FreqOffice', $FetchmailFreqOffice );
- $fetchmail->set_prop('FreqOutside', $FetchmailFreqOutside );
- $fetchmail->set_prop('FreqWeekend', $FetchmailFreqWeekend );
- $fetchmail->set_prop('SecondaryMailAccount',
- $c->param('SecondaryMailAccount') )
- unless ( $c->param('SecondaryMailAccount') eq '' );
- $fetchmail->set_prop( 'SecondaryMailPassword',
- $c->param('SecondaryMailPassword') )
- unless ( $c->param('SecondaryMailPassword') eq '' );
- if ( $SpecifyHeader eq 'on' ) {
- $fetchmail->merge_props(
- 'SecondaryMailEnvelope' => $c->param('SecondaryMailEnvelope') );
- }
- else {
+ if ($SpecifyHeader eq 'on') {
+ $fetchmail->merge_props('SecondaryMailEnvelope' => $c->param('SecondaryMailEnvelope'));
+ } else {
- }
+ } ## end else [ if ($FetchmailMethod eq...)]
- # Need code here for all 3 options - 25, 465 ad 587
- # Options for 25 are enabled and disabled
- # for 465 and 587 are (access) public, local and (status) disabled
+ # Need code here for all 3 options - 25, 465 ad 587
+ # Options for 25 are enabled and disabled
+ # for 465 and 587 are (access) public, local and (status) disabled
#my $smtpAuth = ($c->param('SMTPAuth') || 'public');
#if ($smtpAuth eq 'public') {
- #$cdb->set_prop("qpsmtpd", "Authentication", "enabled" );
- #$cdb->set_prop("sqpsmtpd", "Authentication", "enabled" );
+ #$cdb->set_prop("qpsmtpd", "Authentication", "enabled" );
+ #$cdb->set_prop("sqpsmtpd", "Authentication", "enabled" );
#} elsif ($smtpAuth eq 'publicSSL') {
- #$cdb->set_prop("qpsmtpd", "Authentication", "disabled" );
- #$cdb->set_prop("sqpsmtpd", "Authentication", "enabled" );
+ #$cdb->set_prop("qpsmtpd", "Authentication", "disabled" );
+ #$cdb->set_prop("sqpsmtpd", "Authentication", "enabled" );
#} else {
- #$cdb->set_prop("qpsmtpd", "Authentication", "disabled" );
- #$cdb->set_prop("sqpsmtpd", "Authentication", "disabled" );
+ #$cdb->set_prop("qpsmtpd", "Authentication", "disabled" );
+ #$cdb->set_prop("sqpsmtpd", "Authentication", "disabled" );
+ my @keys = qw(qpsmtpd uqpsmtpd sqpsmtpd);
- my @keys = qw(qpsmtpd uqpsmtpd sqpsmtpd);
+ foreach my $key (@keys) {
+ my $param_name
+ = $key eq 'qpsmtpd' ? 'SMTPAuth'
+ : $key eq 'uqpsmtpd' ? 'uSMTPAuth'
+ : 'sSMTPAuth'; # Defaults to 'sSMTPAuth' for 'sqpsmtpd'
+ my $SMTPAuth = $c->param($param_name);
- foreach my $key (@keys) {
- my $param_name = $key eq 'qpsmtpd' ? 'SMTPAuth'
- : $key eq 'uqpsmtpd' ? 'uSMTPAuth'
- : 'sSMTPAuth'; # Defaults to 'sSMTPAuth' for 'sqpsmtpd'
- my $SMTPAuth = $c->param($param_name);
- if ($SMTPAuth eq 'disabled') {
- $cdb->set_prop($key, 'status', 'disabled');
- $cdb->set_prop($key, 'access', 'disabled');
- } else {
- $cdb->set_prop($key, 'status', 'enabled');
- if ($key eq 'qpsmtpd') {
- my $auth_status = $SMTPAuth eq 'publicSSL' ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
- $cdb->set_prop($key, 'Authentication', $auth_status);
- $cdb->set_prop($key, 'access', 'public');
- } else {
- $cdb->set_prop($key, 'Authentication', 'enabled');
- my $auth_key = ($key eq 'uqpsmtpd') ? 'uSMTPAuth' : 'sSMTPAuth';
- my $access_value = $c->param($auth_key) eq 'public' ? 'public' : 'local';
- $cdb->set_prop($key, 'access', $access_value);
- }
- }
- }
- unless ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update" ) == 0 )
- {
+ if ($SMTPAuth eq 'disabled') {
+ $cdb->set_prop($key, 'status', 'disabled');
+ $cdb->set_prop($key, 'access', 'disabled');
+ } else {
+ $cdb->set_prop($key, 'status', 'enabled');
+ if ($key eq 'qpsmtpd') {
+ my $auth_status = $SMTPAuth eq 'publicSSL' ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
+ $cdb->set_prop($key, 'Authentication', $auth_status);
+ $cdb->set_prop($key, 'access', 'public');
+ } else {
+ $cdb->set_prop($key, 'Authentication', 'enabled');
+ my $auth_key = ($key eq 'uqpsmtpd') ? 'uSMTPAuth' : 'sSMTPAuth';
+ my $access_value = $c->param($auth_key) eq 'public' ? 'public' : 'local';
+ $cdb->set_prop($key, 'access', $access_value);
+ } ## end else [ if ($key eq 'qpsmtpd')]
+ } ## end else [ if ($SMTPAuth eq 'disabled')]
+ } ## end foreach my $key (@keys)
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update") == 0) {
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub change_settings_reception
sub change_settings_delivery {
my ($c) = shift;
$cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
my $EmailUnknownUser = ($c->param('EmailUnknownUser') || 'returntosender');
- $cdb->set_value('SMTPSmartHost', $c->param('SMTPSmartHost'));
+ $cdb->set_value('SMTPSmartHost', $c->param('SMTPSmartHost'));
$cdb->set_value('DelegateMailServer', $c->param('DelegateMailServer'));
- $cdb->set_value('EmailUnknownUser', $EmailUnknownUser);
+ $cdb->set_value('EmailUnknownUser', $EmailUnknownUser);
my $proxy = $cdb->get('smtp-auth-proxy');
my %props = $proxy->props;
- for ( qw(Userid Passwd status) )
- {
+ for (qw(Userid Passwd status)) {
$props{$_} = $c->param("SMTPAUTHPROXY_$_");
- unless ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update" ) == 0 )
- {
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update") == 0) {
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub change_settings_delivery
sub change_settings_access {
my $c = shift;
- $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
+ $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
my $pop3Access = ($c->param('POPAccess') || 'private');
if ($pop3Access eq 'disabled') {
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "status", "disabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "status", "disabled" );
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "status", "disabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "status", "disabled");
} else {
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "status", "enabled" );
- }
- if ($pop3Access eq 'public') {
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "access", "public" );
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "access", "public" );
- } elsif ($pop3Access eq 'publicSSL') {
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "access", "private" );
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "access", "public" );
- } else {
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "access", "private" );
- $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "access", "private" );
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "status", "enabled");
- my $imapAccess = ($c->param('IMAPAccess') || 'private');
- if ($imapAccess eq 'disabled') {
- $cdb->set_prop('imap', "status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imap', "access", "localhost" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "status", "disabled" );
- } elsif ($imapAccess eq 'public') {
- $cdb->set_prop('imap', "status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imap', "access", "public" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "access", "public" );
- } elsif ($imapAccess eq 'publicSSL') {
- $cdb->set_prop('imap', "status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imap', "access", "private" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "access", "public" );
+ if ($pop3Access eq 'public') {
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "access", "public");
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "access", "public");
+ } elsif ($pop3Access eq 'publicSSL') {
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "access", "private");
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "access", "public");
} else {
- $cdb->set_prop('imap', "status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imap', "access", "private" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "access", "private" );
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3', "access", "private");
+ $cdb->set_prop('pop3s', "access", "private");
+ my $imapAccess = ($c->param('IMAPAccess') || 'private');
+ if ($imapAccess eq 'disabled') {
+ $cdb->set_prop('imap', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imap', "access", "localhost");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "status", "disabled");
+ } elsif ($imapAccess eq 'public') {
+ $cdb->set_prop('imap', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imap', "access", "public");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "access", "public");
+ } elsif ($imapAccess eq 'publicSSL') {
+ $cdb->set_prop('imap', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imap', "access", "private");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "access", "public");
+ } else {
+ $cdb->set_prop('imap', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imap', "access", "private");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('imaps', "access", "private");
+ } ## end else [ if ($imapAccess eq 'disabled')]
# Set webmail state in configuration database, and access
@@ -921,112 +733,83 @@ sub change_settings_access {
# PHP and MySQL should always be on, and are enabled by default
# We don't do anything with them here.
my $webmail = ($c->param('WebMail') || 'disabled');
- if ( $webmail eq "enabledSSL" ) {
- $cdb->set_prop('php81-php-fpm',"status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('mariadb',"status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('roundcube',"status", 'enabled' );
- $cdb->set_prop('roundcube',"access", "public" );
+ if ($webmail eq "enabledSSL") {
+ $cdb->set_prop('php81-php-fpm', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('mariadb', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('roundcube', "status", 'enabled');
+ $cdb->set_prop('roundcube', "access", "public");
+ } elsif ($webmail eq "localnetworkSSL") {
+ $cdb->set_prop('php81-php-fpm', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('mariadb', "status", "enabled");
+ $cdb->set_prop('roundcube', "status", 'enabled');
+ $cdb->set_prop('roundcube', "access", "private");
+ } else {
+ $cdb->set_prop('roundcube', "status", 'disabled');
- elsif ( $webmail eq "localnetworkSSL" ) {
- $cdb->set_prop('php81-php-fpm',"status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('mariadb',"status", "enabled" );
- $cdb->set_prop('roundcube',"status", 'enabled' );
- $cdb->set_prop('roundcube',"access", "private" );
- }
- else {
- $cdb->set_prop('roundcube',"status", 'disabled' );
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update") == 0) {
- unless ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update" ) == 0 ) {
- }
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub change_settings_access
sub change_settings_filtering {
my $c = shift;
$cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
- my $virus_status = ( $c->param('VirusStatus') || 'disabled' );
+ my $virus_status = ($c->param('VirusStatus') || 'disabled');
$cdb->set_prop("qpsmtpd", 'VirusScan', $virus_status);
- for my $param ( qw(
- status
- Sensitivity
- TagLevel
- RejectLevel
- SortSpam
- Subject
- SubjectTag) )
+ for my $param (
+ qw(
+ status
+ Sensitivity
+ TagLevel
+ RejectLevel
+ SortSpam
+ Subject
+ SubjectTag)
+ )
- $cdb->set_prop('spamassassin', $param, $c->param("Spam$param"));
- }
+ $cdb->set_prop('spamassassin', $param, $c->param("Spam$param"));
+ } ## end for my $param (qw( status...))
my $patterns_status = $c->adjust_patterns() ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
$cdb->set_prop("qpsmtpd", 'PatternsScan', $patterns_status);
- unless ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update" ) == 0 )
- {
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "email-update") == 0) {
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub change_settings_filtering
#sub blank_or_ip_number {
# my ($c, $value) = @_;
# return 'OK' unless (defined $value); # undef is blank
# return 'OK' if ($value =~ /^$/); # blank is blank
# return $c->call_fm_validation("ip_number",$value,''); # otherwise, validate the input
sub nonblank_if_smtpauth {
my ($c, $value) = @_;
return "OK" unless ($c->param("SMTPAUTHPROXY_status") eq 'enabled');
return ($value =~ /\S+/) ? "OK" : $c->l('mai_VALIDATION_SMTPAUTH_NONBLANK');
sub get_secondary_mail_use_envelope {
my $use_envelope = $cdb->get_prop('fetchmail', 'SecondaryMailEnvelope');
- if ( defined $use_envelope ) {
+ if (defined $use_envelope) {
return ('on');
} else {
return ('off');
+} ## end sub get_secondary_mail_use_envelope
sub validate_smarthost {
- my $fm = shift;
+ my $fm = shift;
my $smarthost = shift;
- return ('OK') if ( $smarthost =~ /^(\S+\.\S+)$/ );
- return ('OK') if ( $smarthost eq '' );
+ return ('OK') if ($smarthost =~ /^(\S+\.\S+)$/);
+ return ('OK') if ($smarthost eq '');
\ No newline at end of file
+} ## end sub validate_smarthost
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 45aa6c4..d3aeb6c 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,329 +11,252 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Groups;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use Data::Dumper;
#use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::groups;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
-our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open configuration db";
+our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open configuration db";
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %grp_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('grp_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('grp_FORM_TITLE');
$grp_datas{trt} = 'LST';
my @groups;
if ($adb) {
@groups = $adb->groups();
- $c->stash( title => $title, grp_datas => \%grp_datas, groups => \@groups );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, grp_datas => \%grp_datas, groups => \@groups);
$c->render(template => 'groups');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LST');
- my $group = $c->param('group');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LST');
+ my $group = $c->param('group');
my %grp_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('grp_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('grp_FORM_TITLE');
$grp_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
- #nothing
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
+ #nothing
+ }
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
- my %members = ();
- my %users = ();
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ my %members = ();
+ my %users = ();
+ my $rec = $adb->get($group);
- my $rec = $adb->get($group);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'group') {
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'group') {
+ $grp_datas{group} = $group;
+ $grp_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
+ %members = @{ $c->gen_members_list($group) };
+ } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
+ $c->stash(members => \%members, users => \%users);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
- $grp_datas{group} = $group;
- $grp_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ my %members = ();
+ my %ibays = ();
+ my $rec = $adb->get($group);
- %members = @{$c->gen_members_list( $group )};
- }
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'group') {
+ $grp_datas{group} = $group;
+ $grp_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
+ %members = @{ $c->gen_members_list($group) };
+ %ibays = @{ $c->gen_ibays_list($group) };
+ } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
+ $c->stash(members => \%members, ibays => \%ibays);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
- $c->stash( members => \%members, users => \%users );
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- my %members = ();
- my %ibays = ();
- my $rec = $adb->get($group);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'group') {
- $grp_datas{group} = $group;
- $grp_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
- %members = @{$c->gen_members_list($group)};
- %ibays = @{$c->gen_ibays_list($group)};
- }
- $c->stash( members => \%members, ibays => \%ibays );
+ if ($trt eq 'LST') {
+ my @groups;
+ if ($adb) {
+ @groups = $adb->groups();
- if ( $trt eq 'LST' ) {
- my @groups;
- if ($adb) {
- @groups = $adb->groups();
- }
- $c->stash( groups => \@groups );
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, grp_datas => \%grp_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'groups' );
+ $c->stash(groups => \@groups);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LST')
+ $c->stash(title => $title, grp_datas => \%grp_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'groups');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LST');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LST');
my $groupName = $c->param('groupName') || '';
- my $title = $c->l('grp_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('grp_FORM_TITLE');
my ($res, $result) = '';
my %grp_datas = ();
- $grp_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
+ $grp_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
$grp_datas{'group'} = $groupName;
my @members = ();
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
my $groupDesc = $c->param('groupDesc');
- @members = @{$c->every_param('groupMembers')};
+ @members = @{ $c->every_param('groupMembers') };
+ my $members = join(",", @members);
- my $members = join ( ",", @members );
+ # controls
+ $res = $c->validate_group($groupName);
+ $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->validate_group_length($groupName);
+ $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->validate_group_naming_conflict($groupName);
+ $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->validate_description($groupDesc);
+ $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->validate_group_has_members(@members);
+ $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ my %props = ('type', 'group', 'Description', $groupDesc, 'Members', $members);
+ $res = '';
- # controls
- $res = $c->validate_group( $groupName );
- $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $adb->new_record($groupName, \%props);
- $res = $c->validate_group_length( $groupName );
- $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # Untaint groupName before use in system()
+ ($groupName) = ($groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "group-create", "$groupName") == 0
+ or $result .= $c->l('qgp_CREATE_ERROR') . "\n";
+ } ## end if (!$result)
- $res = $c->validate_group_naming_conflict( $groupName );
- $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = $c->validate_description( $groupDesc );
- $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = $c->validate_group_has_members( @members );
- $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
- my %props = (
- 'type', 'group', 'Description',
- $groupDesc, 'Members', $members
- );
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $adb->new_record( $groupName, \%props );
- # Untaint groupName before use in system()
- ($groupName) = ($groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/);
- system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "group-create", "$groupName") == 0
- or $result .= $c->l('qgp_CREATE_ERROR')."\n";
- }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('grp_CREATED_GROUP') . ' ' . $groupName;
- $res = 'OK';
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('grp_CREATED_GROUP') . ' ' . $groupName;
+ $res = 'OK';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
my $groupDesc = $c->param('groupDesc');
- @members = @{$c->every_param('groupMembers')};
- my $members = join ( ",", @members );
+ @members = @{ $c->every_param('groupMembers') };
+ my $members = join(",", @members);
- # controls
- $res = '';
- $res = validate_description( $c, $groupDesc );
- $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # controls
+ $res = '';
+ $res = validate_description($c, $groupDesc);
+ $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = validate_group_has_members($c, @members);
+ $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = '';
- $res = validate_group_has_members( $c, @members );
- $result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $adb->get($groupName)->set_prop('Members', $members);
+ $adb->get($groupName)->set_prop('Description', $groupDesc);
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
+ # Untaint groupName before use in system()
+ ($groupName) = ($groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "group-modify", "$groupName") == 0
+ or $result .= $c->l('qgp_MODIFY_ERROR') . "\n";
+ } ## end if (!$result)
- $adb->get($groupName)->set_prop( 'Members', $members );
- $adb->get($groupName)->set_prop( 'Description', $groupDesc );
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('grp_MODIFIED_GROUP') . ' ' . $groupName;
+ $res = 'OK';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
- # Untaint groupName before use in system()
- ($groupName) = ($groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/);
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ if ($groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/) {
+ $groupName = $1;
+ } else {
+ $result .= $c->l('grp_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $groupName;
+ }
+ my $rec = $adb->get($groupName);
+ $result .= $c->l('grp_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $groupName unless ($rec);
+ $res = '';
- system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "group-modify", "$groupName") ==0
- or $result .= $c->l('qgp_MODIFY_ERROR')."\n";
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = delete_group($c, $groupName);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('grp_MODIFIED_GROUP') . ' ' . $groupName;
- $res = 'OK';
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- if ($groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/) {
- $groupName = $1;
- } else {
- $result .= $c->l('grp_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $groupName;
- }
- my $rec = $adb->get($groupName);
- $result .= $c->l('grp_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $groupName unless ($rec);
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = delete_group( $c, $groupName );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('grp_DELETED_GROUP') . ' ' . $groupName;
- $res = 'OK';
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('grp_DELETED_GROUP') . ' ' . $groupName;
+ $res = 'OK';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
# common parts
if ($res ne 'OK') {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- my %members = @{$c->gen_members_list($groupName)};
- $c->stash( title => $title, members => \%members, grp_datas => \%grp_datas );
- return $c->render('groups');
- }
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ my %members = @{ $c->gen_members_list($groupName) };
+ $c->stash(title => $title, members => \%members, grp_datas => \%grp_datas);
+ return $c->render('groups');
+ } ## end if ($res ne 'OK')
my $message = "'Groups' updates ($trt) DONE";
- $c->flash( success => $result );
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub delete_group {
- my ( $c, $groupName ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $groupName) = @_;
# Update the db account (1)
$adb->get($groupName)->set_prop('type', 'group-deleted');
# Untaint groupName before use in system()
($groupName) = ($groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/);
- return (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "group-delete", "$groupName") ||
- ! $adb->get($groupName)->delete()) ?
- $c->l('DELETE_ERROR') : 'OK';
+ return (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "group-delete", "$groupName") || !$adb->get($groupName)->delete())
+ ? $c->l('DELETE_ERROR')
+ : 'OK';
+} ## end sub delete_group
sub gen_members_list {
- my ( $c, $group ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $group) = @_;
my @members = ();
- my $rec = $adb->get($group);
- @members = split ( /,/, $rec->prop('Members') ) if ( $rec );
+ my $rec = $adb->get($group);
+ @members = split(/,/, $rec->prop('Members')) if ($rec);
my %names;
foreach my $m (@members) {
my $name;
- if ( $m eq 'admin' ) {
+ if ($m eq 'admin') {
$name = "Administrator";
+ } else {
+ $name = $adb->get($m)->prop('FirstName') . " " . $adb->get($m)->prop('LastName');
- else {
- $name = $adb->get($m)->prop('FirstName') . " "
- . $adb->get($m)->prop('LastName');
- }
- $names{$m} = $name;
- }
+ $names{$m} = $name;
+ } ## end foreach my $m (@members)
@members = %names;
return \@members;
+} ## end sub gen_members_list
sub gen_ibays_list {
- my ( $c, $group ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $group) = @_;
my %names;
- foreach my $ibay ( $adb->ibays ) {
- if ( $ibay->prop('Group') eq $group ) {
- $names{$ibay->key} = $ibay->prop('Name');
+ foreach my $ibay ($adb->ibays) {
+ if ($ibay->prop('Group') eq $group) {
+ $names{ $ibay->key } = $ibay->prop('Name');
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $ibay ($adb->ibays)
my @ibays = %names;
return \@ibays;
+} ## end sub gen_ibays_list
sub gen_users_list {
my $c = shift;
my @users = sort { $a->key() cmp $b->key() } $adb->users();
my %names;
- foreach my $user ( @users ) {
- $names{$user->key} = $user->prop('FirstName') . " "
- . $user->prop('LastName');
+ foreach my $user (@users) {
+ $names{ $user->key } = $user->prop('FirstName') . " " . $user->prop('LastName');
return \%names;
+} ## end sub gen_users_list
@@ -350,21 +273,17 @@ ok($panel->validate_is_group('ro2ot') eq 'NOT_A_GROUP', "Ro2ot is not a group");
sub validate_is_group () {
- my $c = shift;
- my $group = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $group = shift;
my @groups = $adb->groups();
my %groups = map { $_->key => 1 } @groups;
- unless ( exists $groups{$group} ) {
+ unless (exists $groups{$group}) {
return ($c->l('grp_NOT_A_GROUP'));
return ("OK");
+} ## end sub validate_is_group
=head2 validate_group_naming_conflict FM GROUPNAME
@@ -375,29 +294,21 @@ Returns "NAME_CONFLICT" if this group name conflicts with anything else
ok (undef, 'need testing for validate_naming_Conflicts');
-sub validate_group_naming_conflict
- my $c = shift;
+sub validate_group_naming_conflict {
+ my $c = shift;
my $groupName = shift;
- my $account = $adb->get($groupName);
+ my $account = $adb->get($groupName);
my $type;
- if (defined $account)
- {
- $type = $account->prop('type');
- }
- elsif (defined getpwnam($groupName) || defined getgrnam($groupName))
- {
- $type = "system";
- }
- else
- {
- return('OK');
+ if (defined $account) {
+ $type = $account->prop('type');
+ } elsif (defined getpwnam($groupName) || defined getgrnam($groupName)) {
+ $type = "system";
+ } else {
+ return ('OK');
return ($c->l('grp_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT', $groupName, $type));
+} ## end sub validate_group_naming_conflict
=head2 validate_group FM groupname
@@ -414,14 +325,14 @@ ok(validate_group('','f&oo') eq 'GROUP_CONTAINS_INVALD', 'f&oo is not a valid gr
sub validate_group {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $groupName = shift;
- unless ( $groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/ ) {
+ unless ($groupName =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/) {
return $c->l('grp_GROUP_NAMING');
return ('OK');
+} ## end sub validate_group
=head2 validate_group_length FM GROUPNAME
@@ -438,22 +349,21 @@ ok(($panel->validate_group_length('fooooooooooooooooo') eq 'GROUP_TOO_LONG'), "a
sub validate_group_length {
- my $c = shift;
- my $groupName = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $groupName = shift;
+ my $maxGroupNameLength = (
+ $cdb->get('maxGroupNameLength')
+ ? $cdb->get('maxGroupNameLength')->prop('type')
+ : ""
+ )
+ || 12;
- my $maxGroupNameLength = ($cdb->get('maxGroupNameLength')
- ? $cdb->get('maxGroupNameLength')->prop('type')
- : "") || 12;
- if ( length $groupName > $maxGroupNameLength ) {
+ if (length $groupName > $maxGroupNameLength) {
return $c->l('grp_GROUP_TOO_LONG', $maxGroupNameLength);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return ('OK');
+} ## end sub validate_group_length
=head2 validate_group_has_members FM MEMBERS
@@ -473,17 +383,16 @@ ok(validate_group_has_members('') eq 'NO_MEMBERS', "We do ok with a group with
sub validate_group_has_members {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my @members = (@_);
my $count = @members;
- if ( $count == 0 ) {
+ if ($count == 0) {
return ($c->l('grp_NO_MEMBERS'));
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return ('OK');
+} ## end sub validate_group_has_members
@@ -492,16 +401,13 @@ Checks the supplied description. Period is allowed in description
-sub validate_description
+sub validate_description {
my ($c, $description) = @_;
- if ( $description =~ /^([\-\'\w][\-\'\w\s\.]*)$/ ) {
+ if ($description =~ /^([\-\'\w][\-\'\w\s\.]*)$/) {
return ('OK');
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return ($c->l('FM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DESC'));
+} ## end sub validate_description
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index a828192..7f906a3 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,16 +11,12 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Hostentries;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use Data::Dumper;
#use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::hostentries;
use esmith::DomainsDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::HostsDB;
@@ -29,89 +25,73 @@ use HTML::Entities;
use Net::IPv4Addr qw(ipv4_in_network);
#use URI::Escape;
our $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open || die "Couldn't open hostentries db";
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open configuration db";
our $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open || die "Couldn't open hosts db";
our $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open || die "Couldn't open networks db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
my %hos_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('hos_FORM_TITLE');
my $notif = '';
$hos_datas{trt} = 'LIST';
my %dom_hosts = ();
- foreach my $d ( @{ domains_list() } ) {
+ foreach my $d (@{ domains_list() }) {
$dom_hosts{$d} = { COUNT => 0, HOSTS => [] };
- if ( my @hosts = $hdb->get_hosts_by_domain($d) ) {
+ if (my @hosts = $hdb->get_hosts_by_domain($d)) {
$dom_hosts{$d}{'COUNT'} = scalar(@hosts);
# my @entries;
push @{ $dom_hosts{$d}{'HOSTS'} }, host_data($_) foreach (@hosts);
- }
- }
+ } ## end if (my @hosts = $hdb->...)
+ } ## end foreach my $d (@{ domains_list...})
title => $title,
notif => $notif,
hos_datas => \%hos_datas,
dom_hosts => \%dom_hosts
- $c->render( template => 'hostentries' );
+ $c->render(template => 'hostentries');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
my $rt = $c->current_route;
my $trt = $c->param('trt') || 'LST';
my $hostname = $c->param('Hostname') || '';
- $trt = 'ADD' if ( $rt eq 'hostentryadd' );
- $trt = 'LST' if ( $trt ne 'DEL' && $trt ne 'UPD' && $trt ne 'ADD' );
+ $trt = 'ADD' if ($rt eq 'hostentryadd');
+ $trt = 'LST' if ($trt ne 'DEL' && $trt ne 'UPD' && $trt ne 'ADD');
my %hos_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('hos_FORM_TITLE');
my $notif = '';
$hos_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'DEL') {
my $rec = $hdb->get($hostname);
if ($rec) {
$hos_datas{hostname} = $rec->key;
- ( $hos_datas{name}, $hos_datas{domain} ) =
- split_hostname($hostname);
+ ($hos_datas{name}, $hos_datas{domain})
+ = split_hostname($hostname);
$hos_datas{internalip} = $rec->prop('InternalIP') || '';
$hos_datas{externalip} = $rec->prop('ExternalIP') || '';
$hos_datas{macaddress} = $rec->prop('MACAddress') || '';
$hos_datas{hosttype} = $rec->prop('HostType');
- $hos_datas{comment} =
- HTML::Entities::encode( $rec->prop('Comment') );
- }
- else {
+ $hos_datas{comment} = HTML::Entities::encode($rec->prop('Comment'));
+ } else {
$notif = "Hostname $hostname not found !";
- }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt...)
#if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
# my $rec = $hdb->get($hostname);
# if ( $rec ) {
# get_hos_datas( $rec, %hos_datas );
@@ -119,29 +99,21 @@ sub do_display {
# $notif = "Hostname $hostname not found !"
# }
- if ( $trt eq 'LIST' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, hos_datas => \%hos_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'hostentries' );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, hos_datas => \%hos_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'hostentries');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ( $c->param('trt') || 'LIST' );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my %hos_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('hos_FORM_TITLE');
my $notif = '';
my $result = '';
$hos_datas{'name'} = lc $c->param('Name');
$hos_datas{'domain'} = lc $c->param('Domain');
$hos_datas{'hostname'} = $c->param('Hostname');
@@ -151,199 +123,180 @@ sub do_update {
$hos_datas{'macaddress'} = $c->param('Macaddress');
$hos_datas{'externalip'} = $c->param('Externalip');
my $hostname = "$hos_datas{'name'}.$hos_datas{'domain'}";
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
- $hos_datas{'hostname'} = $hostname;
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
+ $hos_datas{'hostname'} = $hostname;
# controls
my $res = '';
- unless ( $hos_datas{'name'} =~ /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*$/ ) {
+ unless ($hos_datas{'name'} =~ /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*$/) {
$result .= $c->l('hos_HOSTNAME_VALIDATOR_ERROR') . '
- unless ( $hos_datas{comment} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][\_\.\-,A-Za-z0-9\s]*)$/
- || $hos_datas{comment} eq '' )
+ unless ($hos_datas{comment} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][\_\.\-,A-Za-z0-9\s]*)$/
+ || $hos_datas{comment} eq '')
$result .= $c->l('hos_HOSTNAME_COMMENT_ERROR') . '
- }
+ } ## end unless ($hos_datas{comment...})
# Look for duplicate hosts.
my $hostrec = undef;
- if ( $hostrec = $hdb->get($hostname) ) {
+ if ($hostrec = $hdb->get($hostname)) {
$result .= $c->l(
- {
- fullHostName => $hostname,
+ { fullHostName => $hostname,
type => $hostrec->prop('HostType')
) . '
- }
+ } ## end if ($hostrec = $hdb->get...)
- if ( !$result and $hos_datas{hosttype} ne 'Self' ) {
- if ( $hos_datas{hosttype} eq 'Local' ) {
+ if (!$result and $hos_datas{hosttype} ne 'Self') {
+ if ($hos_datas{hosttype} eq 'Local') {
$hos_datas{'trt'} = 'ALC'; # ADD/LOCAL
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$hos_datas{'trt'} = 'ARM'; # ADD/REMOVE
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => '', hos_datas => \%hos_datas );
- return $c->render( template => 'hostentries' );
- }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => '', hos_datas => \%hos_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => 'hostentries');
+ } ## end if (!$result and $hos_datas...)
#!#$result .= ' blocked';
- if ( !$result ) {
- $res = create_modify_hostentry( $c, $trt, %hos_datas );
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = create_modify_hostentry($c, $trt, %hos_datas);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( !$result ) {
+ if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('hos_CREATE_OR_MODIFY_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $hostname;
$trt = 'SUC';
- }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
# controls
my $res = '';
#$res = validate_description( $c, $account );
#$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- unless ( $hos_datas{comment} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][\_\.\-,A-Za-z0-9\s]*)$/
- || $hos_datas{comment} eq '' )
+ unless ($hos_datas{comment} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][\_\.\-,A-Za-z0-9\s]*)$/
+ || $hos_datas{comment} eq '')
$result .= $c->l('hos_HOSTNAME_COMMENT_ERROR') . '
- if ( !$result and $hos_datas{hosttype} ne 'Self' ) {
- if ( $hos_datas{hosttype} eq 'Local' ) {
+ if (!$result and $hos_datas{hosttype} ne 'Self') {
+ if ($hos_datas{hosttype} eq 'Local') {
$hos_datas{'trt'} = 'ULC'; # UPDATE/LOCAL
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$hos_datas{'trt'} = 'URM'; # UPDATE/REMOVE
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => '', hos_datas => \%hos_datas );
- return $c->render( template => 'hostentries' );
- }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => '', hos_datas => \%hos_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => 'hostentries');
+ } ## end if (!$result and $hos_datas...)
#!#$result .= 'blocked';
- if ( !$result ) {
- $res = create_modify_hostentry( $c, $trt, %hos_datas );
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = create_modify_hostentry($c, $trt, %hos_datas);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( !$result ) {
+ if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('hos_MODIFY_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $hostname;
$trt = 'SUC';
- }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
- if ( $trt =~ /^.LC$/ ) {
+ if ($trt =~ /^.LC$/) {
# controls
my $res = '';
- $res = ip_number( $c, $hos_datas{internalip} );
+ $res = ip_number($c, $hos_datas{internalip});
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = not_in_dhcp_range( $c, $hos_datas{internalip} );
+ $res = not_in_dhcp_range($c, $hos_datas{internalip});
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = not_taken( $c, $hos_datas{internalip} );
+ $res = not_taken($c, $hos_datas{internalip});
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = must_be_local( $c, $hos_datas{internalip} );
+ $res = must_be_local($c, $hos_datas{internalip});
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = mac_address_or_blank( $c, $hos_datas{macaddress} );
+ $res = mac_address_or_blank($c, $hos_datas{macaddress});
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
#!#$result .= 'blocked';
- if ( !$result ) {
- $res = create_modify_hostentry( $c, $trt, %hos_datas );
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = create_modify_hostentry($c, $trt, %hos_datas);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( !$result ) {
+ if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('hos_MODIFY_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $hostname;
$trt = 'SUC';
- }
+ } ## end if ($trt =~ /^.LC$/)
- if ( $trt =~ /^.RM$/ ) {
+ if ($trt =~ /^.RM$/) {
# controls
my $res = '';
- $res = ip_number_or_blank( $c, $hos_datas{externalip} );
+ $res = ip_number_or_blank($c, $hos_datas{externalip});
$result .= $res . '
' unless $res eq 'OK';
#!#$result .= 'blocked';
- if ( !$result ) {
- $res = create_modify_hostentry( $c, $trt, %hos_datas );
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = create_modify_hostentry($c, $trt, %hos_datas);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( !$result ) {
+ if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('hos_MODIFY_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $hostname;
$trt = 'SUC';
- }
+ } ## end if ($trt =~ /^.RM$/)
#if ( $trt eq 'ULC' ) {
#if ( $trt eq 'URM' ) {
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
# controls
my $res = '';
#$res = validate_is_hostentry($c, $hostname);
#$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
#!#$result .= 'blocked';
- if ( !$result ) {
- my $res = delete_hostentry( $c, $hos_datas{hostname} );
+ if (!$result) {
+ my $res = delete_hostentry($c, $hos_datas{hostname});
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( !$result ) {
+ if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('hos_REMOVE_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $hostname;
$trt = 'SUC';
- }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
$hos_datas{'hostname'} = $hostname;
$hos_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $result, hos_datas => \%hos_datas);
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $result, hos_datas => \%hos_datas );
- if ( $hos_datas{trt} ne 'SUC' ) {
- return $c->render( template => 'hostentries' );
+ if ($hos_datas{trt} ne 'SUC') {
+ return $c->render(template => 'hostentries');
+} ## end sub do_update
sub create_modify_hostentry {
- my ( $c, $trt, %hos_datas ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $trt, %hos_datas) = @_;
my $hostname = $hos_datas{hostname};
my $action;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' or $trt eq 'ALC' or $trt eq 'ARM' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD' or $trt eq 'ALC' or $trt eq 'ARM') {
$action = 'create';
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'ULC' or $trt eq 'URM' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'ULC' or $trt eq 'URM') {
$action = 'modify';
@@ -353,20 +306,20 @@ sub create_modify_hostentry {
? $c->l('hos_ERROR_CREATING_HOST')
- }
+ } ## end unless ($hostname)
# Untaint and lowercase $hostname
$hostname =~ /([\w\.-]+)/;
$hostname = lc($1);
my $rec = $hdb->get($hostname);
- if ( $rec and $action eq 'create' ) {
+ if ($rec and $action eq 'create') {
return $c->l('hos_HOSTNAME_IN_USE_ERROR');
- if ( not $rec and $action eq 'modify' ) {
+ if (not $rec and $action eq 'modify') {
my %props = (
type => 'host',
HostType => $hos_datas{hosttype},
@@ -376,224 +329,178 @@ sub create_modify_hostentry {
Comment => $hos_datas{comment},
- if ( $action eq 'create' ) {
- if ( $hdb->new_record( $hostname, \%props ) ) {
- if (
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "host-$action",
- $hostname ) != 0
- )
- {
+ if ($action eq 'create') {
+ if ($hdb->new_record($hostname, \%props)) {
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "host-$action", $hostname) != 0) {
return $c->l('hos_ERROR_WHILE_CREATING_HOST');
- }
- }
+ } ## end if ($hdb->new_record($hostname...))
+ } ## end if ($action eq 'create')
- if ( $action eq 'modify' ) {
- if ( $rec->merge_props(%props) ) {
- if (
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "host-$action",
- $hostname ) != 0
- )
- {
+ if ($action eq 'modify') {
+ if ($rec->merge_props(%props)) {
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "host-$action", $hostname) != 0) {
rturn $c->l('hos_ERROR_WHILE_MODIFYING_HOST');
- }
- }
+ } ## end if ($rec->merge_props(...))
+ } ## end if ($action eq 'modify')
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub create_modify_hostentry
sub delete_hostentry {
- my ( $c, $hostname ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $hostname) = @_;
# Untaint $hostname before use in system()
$hostname =~ /([\w\.-]+)/;
$hostname = $1;
- return ( $c->l('hos_ERROR_WHILE_REMOVING_HOST') ) unless ($hostname);
+ return ($c->l('hos_ERROR_WHILE_REMOVING_HOST')) unless ($hostname);
my $rec = $hdb->get($hostname);
- return ( $c->l('hos_NONEXISTENT_HOST_ERROR') ) if ( not $rec );
+ return ($c->l('hos_NONEXISTENT_HOST_ERROR')) if (not $rec);
- if ( $rec->delete() ) {
- if (
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "host-delete", "$hostname" )
- == 0 )
- {
+ if ($rec->delete()) {
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "host-delete", "$hostname") == 0) {
return 'OK';
- }
- return ( $c->l('hos_ERROR_WHILE_DELETING_HOST') );
+ } ## end if ($rec->delete())
+ return ($c->l('hos_ERROR_WHILE_DELETING_HOST'));
+} ## end sub delete_hostentry
sub domains_list {
my $d = esmith::DomainsDB->open_ro() or die "Couldn't open DomainsDB";
my @domains;
- for ( $d->domains ) {
- my $ns = $_->prop("Nameservers") || 'localhost';
- push @domains, $_->key if ( $ns eq 'localhost' );
- }
+ for ($d->domains) {
+ my $ns = $_->prop("Nameservers") || 'localhost';
+ push @domains, $_->key if ($ns eq 'localhost');
+ }
return \@domains;
+} ## end sub domains_list
sub host_data {
my $host_record = shift;
- my $ht = $host_record->prop('HostType');
- my $ip =
- ( $ht eq 'Self' ) ? $cdb->get_value('LocalIP')
- : ( $ht eq 'Remote' ) ? $host_record->prop('ExternalIP')
- : $host_record->prop('InternalIP');
+ my $ht = $host_record->prop('HostType');
+ my $ip
+ = ($ht eq 'Self') ? $cdb->get_value('LocalIP')
+ : ($ht eq 'Remote') ? $host_record->prop('ExternalIP')
+ : $host_record->prop('InternalIP');
my %data = (
'IP' => $ip,
'HostName' => $host_record->key(),
'HostType' => $host_record->prop('HostType'),
- 'MACAddress' => ( $host_record->prop('MACAddress') || '' ),
- 'Comment' => ( $host_record->prop('Comment') || '' ),
- 'static' => ( $host_record->prop('static') || 'no' )
+ 'MACAddress' => ($host_record->prop('MACAddress') || ''),
+ 'Comment' => ($host_record->prop('Comment') || ''),
+ 'static' => ($host_record->prop('static') || 'no')
- return \%data
+ return \%data;
+} ## end sub host_data
sub hosttype_list {
my $c = shift;
- return [
- [ $c->l('SELF') => 'Self' ],
- [ $c->l('LOCAL') => 'Local' ],
- [ $c->l('REMOTE') => 'Remote' ]
- ];
+ return [ [ $c->l('SELF') => 'Self' ], [ $c->l('LOCAL') => 'Local' ], [ $c->l('REMOTE') => 'Remote' ] ];
sub split_hostname {
my $hostname = shift;
- return ( $hostname =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.+)$/ );
+ return ($hostname =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.+)$/);
sub mac_address_or_blank {
- my ( $c, $data ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $data) = @_;
return "OK" unless $data;
- return mac_address( $c, $data );
+ return mac_address($c, $data);
+} ## end sub mac_address_or_blank
sub mac_address {
# from CGI::FormMagick::Validator::Network
- my ( $c, $data ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $data) = @_;
$_ = lc $data; # easier to match on $_
- if ( not defined $_ ) {
+ if (not defined $_) {
return $c->l('FM_MAC_ADDRESS1');
- }
- elsif (/^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f](:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){5})$/) {
+ } elsif (/^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f](:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){5})$/) {
return "OK";
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return $c->l('FM_MAC_ADDRESS2');
+} ## end sub mac_address
sub ip_number_or_blank {
# XXX - FIXME - we should push this down into CGI::FormMagick
my $c = shift;
my $ip = shift;
- if ( !defined($ip) || $ip eq "" ) {
+ if (!defined($ip) || $ip eq "") {
return 'OK';
- return ip_number( $c, $ip );
+ return ip_number($c, $ip);
+} ## end sub ip_number_or_blank
sub ip_number {
# from CGI::FormMagick::Validator qw( ip_number );
- my ( $c, $data ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $data) = @_;
return undef unless defined $data;
return $c->l('FM_IP_NUMBER1') unless $data =~ /^[\d.]+$/;
my @octets = split /\./, $data;
- my $dots = ( $data =~ tr/.// );
- return $c->l('FM_IP_NUMBER2') unless ( scalar @octets == 4 and $dots == 3 );
+ my $dots = ($data =~ tr/.//);
+ return $c->l('FM_IP_NUMBER2') unless (scalar @octets == 4 and $dots == 3);
foreach my $octet (@octets) {
- return $c->l( "FM_IP_NUMBER3", $octet ) if $octet > 255;
+ return $c->l("FM_IP_NUMBER3", $octet) if $octet > 255;
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub ip_number
sub not_in_dhcp_range {
my $c = shift;
my $address = shift;
- my $status = $cdb->get('dhcpd')->prop('status') || "disabled";
+ my $status = $cdb->get('dhcpd')->prop('status') || "disabled";
return 'OK' unless $status eq "enabled";
my $start = $cdb->get('dhcpd')->prop('start');
my $end = $cdb->get('dhcpd')->prop('end');
- return ( esmith::util::IPquadToAddr($start) <=
- esmith::util::IPquadToAddr($address)
- && esmith::util::IPquadToAddr($address) <=
- esmith::util::IPquadToAddr($end) )
- ? $c->l('hos_ADDR_IN_DHCP_RANGE')
- : 'OK';
+ return ( esmith::util::IPquadToAddr($start) <= esmith::util::IPquadToAddr($address)
+ && esmith::util::IPquadToAddr($address) <= esmith::util::IPquadToAddr($end))
+ ? $c->l('hos_ADDR_IN_DHCP_RANGE')
+ : 'OK';
+} ## end sub not_in_dhcp_range
sub not_taken {
- my $c = shift;
- my $localip = shift;
- my $server_localip = $cdb->get_value('LocalIP') || '';
- my $server_gateway = $cdb->get_value('GatewayIP') || '';
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $localip = shift;
+ my $server_localip = $cdb->get_value('LocalIP') || '';
+ my $server_gateway = $cdb->get_value('GatewayIP') || '';
my $server_extip = $cdb->get_value('ExternalIP') || '';
#$c->debug_msg("\$localip is $localip");
#$c->debug_msg("\$server_localip is $server_localip");
#$c->debug_msg("\$server_gateway is $server_gateway");
#$c->debug_msg("\$server_extip is $server_extip");
- if ( $localip eq $server_localip ) {
+ if ($localip eq $server_localip) {
return $c->l('hos_ERR_IP_IS_LOCAL_OR_GATEWAY');
- if ( $localip eq $server_gateway ) {
+ if ($localip eq $server_gateway) {
return $c->l('hos_ERR_IP_IS_LOCAL_OR_GATEWAY');
- if ( ( $cdb->get_value('SystemMode') ne 'serveronly' )
- && ( $server_extip eq $localip ) )
+ if ( ($cdb->get_value('SystemMode') ne 'serveronly')
+ && ($server_extip eq $localip))
return $c->l('hos_ERR_IP_IS_LOCAL_OR_GATEWAY');
- }
+ } ## end if (($cdb->get_value('SystemMode'...)))
- if ( $localip eq '' ) {
+ if ($localip eq '') {
return $c->l('hos_ERR_IP_IS_LOCAL_OR_GATEWAY');
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub not_taken
sub must_be_local {
my $c = shift;
my $localip = shift;
@@ -603,13 +510,13 @@ sub must_be_local {
foreach my $spec (@local_list) {
next if $spec eq '';
- if ( eval { Net::IPv4Addr::ipv4_in_network( $spec, $localip ) } ) {
+ if (eval { Net::IPv4Addr::ipv4_in_network($spec, $localip) }) {
return 'OK';
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $spec (@local_list)
# Not OK. The IP is not on any of our local networks.
return $c->l('hos_ERR_IP_NOT_LOCAL');
+} ## end sub must_be_local
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 90072a0..79a2250 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -4,289 +4,255 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Ibays;
# heading : Network
# description : Shared areas (was ibays)
# navigation : 6000 100
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw( theme_list init_session is_normal_password );
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::DomainsDB;
#use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::ibays;
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %iba_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
$iba_datas{'trt'} = 'LIST';
my @ibays;
- if ($adb)
- {
+ if ($adb) {
@ibays = $adb->ibays();
- $c->stash( title => $title, iba_datas => \%iba_datas, ibays => \@ibays );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, iba_datas => \%iba_datas, ibays => \@ibays);
$c->render(template => 'ibays');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
- my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my $ibay = $c->param('ibay') || '';
#$trt = 'DEL' if ( $ibay );
#$trt = 'ADD' if ( $rt eq 'ibayadd' );
my %iba_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
- my $modul = '';
+ my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $modul = '';
$iba_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
+ $iba_datas{ibay} = '';
+ $iba_datas{description} = '';
+ $iba_datas{group} = '';
+ $iba_datas{userAccess} = '';
+ $iba_datas{publicAccess} = '';
+ $iba_datas{CgiBin} = '';
+ $iba_datas{SSL} = '';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
- $iba_datas{ibay} = '';
- $iba_datas{description} = '';
- $iba_datas{group} = '';
- $iba_datas{userAccess} = '';
- $iba_datas{publicAccess} = '';
- $iba_datas{CgiBin} = '';
- $iba_datas{SSL} = '';
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
+ $iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
+ $iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
+ $iba_datas{group} = $rec->prop('Group') || '';
+ $iba_datas{userAccess} = $rec->prop('UserAccess') || '';
+ $iba_datas{publicAccess} = $rec->prop('PublicAccess') || '';
+ $iba_datas{CgiBin} = $rec->prop('CgiBin') || 'disabled';
+ $iba_datas{SSL} = $rec->prop('SSL') || 'disabled';
+ } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
+ $iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
+ $iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
+ $modul .= print_vhost_message($c, $ibay);
+ } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
+ if ($trt eq 'PWD') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
+ $iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
+ $iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PWD')
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
+ my @ibays;
+ $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
- my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
- $iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
- $iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
- $iba_datas{group} = $rec->prop('Group') || '';
- $iba_datas{userAccess} = $rec->prop('UserAccess') || '';
- $iba_datas{publicAccess} = $rec->prop('PublicAccess') || '';
- $iba_datas{CgiBin} = $rec->prop('CgiBin') || 'disabled';
- $iba_datas{SSL} = $rec->prop('SSL') || 'disabled';
- }
+ if ($adb) {
+ @ibays = $adb->ibays();
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
- $iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
- $iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
- $modul .= print_vhost_message( $c, $ibay );
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'PWD' ) {
- my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
- $iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
- $iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'LIST' ) {
- my @ibays;
- $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
- if ($adb)
- {
- @ibays = $adb->ibays();
- }
- $c->stash( ibays => \@ibays );
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, iba_datas => \%iba_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'ibays' );
+ $c->stash(ibays => \@ibays);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, iba_datas => \%iba_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'ibays');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my %iba_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
$iba_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
my $result = '';
my $res;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
+ my $name = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
- my $name = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
+ # controls
+ $res = validate_ibay($c, $name);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- # controls
- $res = validate_ibay( $c, $name );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = create_ibay($c, $name);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = create_ibay( $c, $name );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED_IBAY') . ' ' . $name;
- $iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED_IBAY') . ' ' . $name;
+ $iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ my $name = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
- my $name = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
+ # controls
+ $res = '';
- # controls
- $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = modify_ibay($c, $name);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = modify_ibay( $c, $name );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_MODIFIED_IBAY') . ' ' . $name;
- $iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_MODIFIED_IBAY') . ' ' . $name;
+ $iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
- if ( $trt eq 'PWD' ) {
- my $ibay = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
- my $pass1 = ($c->param('newPass') || '');
+ if ($trt eq 'PWD') {
+ my $ibay = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
+ my $pass1 = ($c->param('newPass') || '');
my $pass2 = ($c->param('newPassVerify') || '');
- # controls
+ # controls
unless ($pass1 eq $pass2) {
$result .= $c->l('iba_IBAY_PASSWD_VERIFY_ERROR') . ' - ';
- }
+ }
+ $res = check_password($c, $pass1);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = check_password( $c, $pass1 );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = reset_password( $c, $ibay, $pass1 );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_RESET_PASSWORD') . ' ' . $ibay;
- $iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = reset_password($c, $ibay, $pass1);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- my $ibay = $c->param ('ibay');
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_RESET_PASSWORD') . ' ' . $ibay;
+ $iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PWD')
- if ($ibay =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)$/) {
- $ibay = $1;
- } else {
- $result .= $c->l('iba_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $ibay;
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ my $ibay = $c->param('ibay');
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = remove_ibay( $c, $ibay );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_IBAY') . ' ' . $ibay;
- $iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
- }
- }
- }
+ if ($ibay =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)$/) {
+ $ibay = $1;
+ } else {
+ $result .= $c->l('iba_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $ibay;
+ }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = remove_ibay($c, $ibay);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_IBAY') . ' ' . $ibay;
+ $iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
# common parts
if ($res ne 'OK') {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $c->stash( title => $title, iba_datas => \%iba_datas );
- return $c->render('ibays');
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, iba_datas => \%iba_datas);
+ return $c->render('ibays');
my $message = "'Ibays' updates ($trt) DONE";
- $c->flash( success => $result );
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub validate_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg = validate_name($c, $name);
- unless ($msg eq "OK")
- {
+ unless ($msg eq "OK") {
return ($msg);
$msg = max_ibay_name_length($c, $name);
- unless ($msg eq "OK")
- {
+ unless ($msg eq "OK") {
return ($msg);
$msg = conflict_check($c, $name);
- unless ($msg eq "OK")
- {
+ unless ($msg eq "OK") {
return ($msg);
return ('OK');
+} ## end sub validate_ibay
sub create_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg;
- my $uid = $adb->get_next_uid();
- if (my $acct = $adb->new_record($name, {
- Name => $c->param('ibayDesc'),
- CgiBin => $c->param('CgiBin'),
- Group => $c->param('group'),
- PublicAccess => $c->param('publicAccess'),
- SSL => $c->param('SSL'),
- UserAccess => $c->param('userAccess'),
- Uid => $uid,
- Gid => $uid,
- PasswordSet => 'no',
- type => 'ibay',
- }) )
+ my $uid = $adb->get_next_uid();
+ if (my $acct = $adb->new_record(
+ $name,
+ { Name => $c->param('ibayDesc'),
+ CgiBin => $c->param('CgiBin'),
+ Group => $c->param('group'),
+ PublicAccess => $c->param('publicAccess'),
+ SSL => $c->param('SSL'),
+ UserAccess => $c->param('userAccess'),
+ Uid => $uid,
+ Gid => $uid,
+ PasswordSet => 'no',
+ type => 'ibay',
+ }
+ )
+ )
# Untaint $name before use in system()
- $name =~ /(.+)/; $name = $1;
- if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-create", $name) == 0) {
+ $name =~ /(.+)/;
+ $name = $1;
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-create", $name) == 0) {
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_ERROR_WHILE_CREATING_IBAY');
@@ -295,14 +261,12 @@ sub create_ibay {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_CREATE_IBAY');
return $msg;
+} ## end sub create_ibay
sub modify_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg;
if (my $acct = $adb->get($name)) {
if ($acct->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
@@ -315,10 +279,10 @@ sub modify_ibay {
# Untaint $name before use in system()
- $name =~ /(.+)/; $name = $1;
- if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-modify",
- $name) == 0)
- {
+ $name =~ /(.+)/;
+ $name = $1;
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-modify", $name) == 0) {
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_ERROR_WHILE_MODIFYING_IBAY');
@@ -329,53 +293,47 @@ sub modify_ibay {
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
return $msg;
+} ## end sub modify_ibay
sub print_vhost_message {
- my $c = shift;
- my $name = $c->param('ibay');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $name = $c->param('ibay');
+ my $result = '';
+ my $domaindb = esmith::DomainsDB->open();
+ my @domains = $domaindb->get_all_by_prop(Content => $name);
+ my $vhostListItems = join "\n", (map ($_->key . " " . $_->prop('Description'), @domains));
- my $result = '';
- my $domaindb = esmith::DomainsDB->open();
- my @domains = $domaindb->get_all_by_prop(Content => $name);
- my $vhostListItems = join "\n",
- (map ($_->key." ".$_->prop('Description'), @domains));
- if ($vhostListItems)
- {
+ if ($vhostListItems) {
$result = $c->l('iba_VHOST_MESSAGE') . "
- foreach ( $vhostListItems ) {
- $result .= "- $_
- }
- $result .= '
- }
- return $result;
+ foreach ($vhostListItems) {
+ $result .= " $_ ";
+ }
+ $result .= '';
+ } ## end if ($vhostListItems)
+ return $result;
+} ## end sub print_vhost_message
sub remove_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg = '';
if (my $acct = $adb->get($name)) {
if ($acct->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
$acct->set_prop('type', 'ibay-deleted');
my $domains_db = esmith::DomainsDB->open();
- my @domains = $domains_db->get_all_by_prop(Content=>$name);
+ my @domains = $domains_db->get_all_by_prop(Content => $name);
foreach my $d (@domains) {
$d->set_prop(Content => 'Primary');
# Untaint $name before use in system()
- $name =~ /(.+)/; $name = $1;
- if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-delete",
- $name) == 0)
- {
+ $name =~ /(.+)/;
+ $name = $1;
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-delete", $name) == 0) {
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
@@ -384,27 +342,25 @@ sub remove_ibay {
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
return $msg;
+} ## end sub remove_ibay
sub reset_password {
my ($c, $name, $newPass) = @_;
my ($msg, $acct);
if (($acct = $adb->get($name)) && ($acct->prop('type') eq 'ibay')) {
- esmith::util::setIbayPassword ($acct->key, $newPass);
+ esmith::util::setIbayPassword($acct->key, $newPass);
$acct->set_prop('PasswordSet', 'yes');
# Untaint $name before use in system()
- $name =~ /(.+)/; $name = $1;
- if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "password-modify",
- $name) == 0)
- {
+ $name =~ /(.+)/;
+ $name = $1;
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "password-modify", $name) == 0) {
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
@@ -413,52 +369,41 @@ sub reset_password {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
return $msg;
+} ## end sub reset_password
sub check_password {
my ($c, $password) = @_;
my $strength;
my $rec = $cdb->get('passwordstrength');
$strength = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Ibays') || 'none') : 'none');
- return validate_password( $c, $strength, $password );
+ return validate_password($c, $strength, $password);
+} ## end sub check_password
sub validate_password {
my ($c, $strength, $pass) = @_;
use Crypt::Cracklib;
my $reason;
if ($strength eq "none") {
return $c->l("Passwords must be at least 7 characters long") unless (length($pass) > 6);
return "OK";
$reason = is_normal_password($c, $pass, undef);
return $reason unless ($reason eq "OK");
return "OK" unless ($strength eq "strong");
- if ( -f '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict.pwd' ) {
+ if (-f '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict.pwd') {
$reason = fascist_check($pass, '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict');
} else {
$reason = fascist_check($pass, '/usr/lib/cracklib_dict');
$reason ||= "Software error: password check failed";
return "OK" if ($reason eq "ok");
- return $c->l("Bad Password Choice") . ": "
- . $c->l("The password you have chosen is not a good choice, because")
- . " " . $c->($reason) . ".";
+ return
+ $c->l("Bad Password Choice") . ": "
+ . $c->l("The password you have chosen is not a good choice, because") . " "
+ . $c->($reason) . ".";
+} ## end sub validate_password
=head2 group_list()
@@ -468,18 +413,14 @@ drop down list.
sub group_list_m {
my @groups = $adb->groups();
- my @grps = ( ['Admin' => 'admin'], ['Everyone' => 'shared']);
+ my @grps = ([ 'Admin' => 'admin' ], [ 'Everyone' => 'shared' ]);
foreach my $g (@groups) {
- push @grps, [ $g->prop('Description')." (". $g->key.")", $g->key() ];
+ push @grps, [ $g->prop('Description') . " (" . $g->key . ")", $g->key() ];
return \@grps;
+} ## end sub group_list_m
=head2 userAccess_list
@@ -489,13 +430,13 @@ drop down list.
sub userAccess_list_m {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('WARG') => 'wr-admin-rd-group'],
- [ $c->l('WGRE') => 'wr-group-rd-everyone'],
- [ $c->l('WGRG') => 'wr-group-rd-group']];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('WARG') => 'wr-admin-rd-group' ],
+ [ $c->l('WGRE') => 'wr-group-rd-everyone' ],
+ [ $c->l('WGRG') => 'wr-group-rd-group' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub userAccess_list_m
=head2 publicAccess_list
@@ -505,19 +446,18 @@ access drop down list.
sub publicAccess_list_m {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('NONE') => 'none'],
- [ $c->l('LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_PASSWORD') => 'local'],
- [ $c->l('LOCAL_NETWORK_PASSWORD') => 'local-pw'],
- [ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_NO_PASSWORD') => 'global'],
- [ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_PASSWORD') => 'global-pw'],
- [ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_PASSWORD_REMOTE') => 'global-pw-remote']];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('NONE') => 'none' ],
+ [ $c->l('LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_PASSWORD') => 'local' ],
+ [ $c->l('LOCAL_NETWORK_PASSWORD') => 'local-pw' ],
+ [ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_NO_PASSWORD') => 'global' ],
+ [ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_PASSWORD') => 'global-pw' ],
+ [ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_PASSWORD_REMOTE') => 'global-pw-remote' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub publicAccess_list_m
sub max_ibay_name_length {
my ($c, $data) = @_;
my $max = $cdb->get('maxIbayNameLength')->value;
@@ -526,52 +466,42 @@ sub max_ibay_name_length {
return "OK";
} else {
return $c->l('iba_MAX_IBAY_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR', $data, $max, $max);
- # {acctName => $data,
- # maxIbayNameLength => $max,
- # maxLength => $max});
- }
+ # {acctName => $data,
+ # maxIbayNameLength => $max,
+ # maxLength => $max});
+ } ## end else [ if (length($data) <= $max)]
+} ## end sub max_ibay_name_length
sub conflict_check {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $rec = $adb->get($name);
my $type;
- if (defined $rec)
- {
- my $type = $rec->prop('type');
- if ($type eq "pseudonym")
- {
- my $acct = $rec->prop("Account");
- my $acct_type = $adb->get($acct)->prop('type');
- return $c->l('iba_ACCT_CLASHES_WITH_PSEUDONYM', $name, $acct_type, $acct);
- }
- }
- elsif (defined getpwnam($name) || defined getgrnam($name))
- {
+ if (defined $rec) {
+ my $type = $rec->prop('type');
+ if ($type eq "pseudonym") {
+ my $acct = $rec->prop("Account");
+ my $acct_type = $adb->get($acct)->prop('type');
+ return $c->l('iba_ACCT_CLASHES_WITH_PSEUDONYM', $name, $acct_type, $acct);
+ } ## end if ($type eq "pseudonym")
+ } elsif (defined getpwnam($name) || defined getgrnam($name)) {
$type = 'system';
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
# No account record and no account
return 'OK';
return $c->l('iba_ACCOUNT_EXISTS', $name, $type);
+} ## end sub conflict_check
sub validate_name {
my ($c, $acctName) = @_;
- unless ($acctName =~ /^([a-z][\_\.\-a-z0-9]*)$/)
- {
+ unless ($acctName =~ /^([a-z][\_\.\-a-z0-9]*)$/) {
return $c->l('iba_ACCT_NAME_HAS_INVALID_CHARS', $acctName);
return "OK";
+} ## end sub validate_name
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 3cbcf76..cfd1c0a 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -9,29 +9,18 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Initial;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use SrvMngr::Model::Main;
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my $title = $c->l('initial_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('initial_FRAMES_BODY'));
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul);
$c->render(template => 'initial');
+} ## end sub main
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 580243b..ed7583b 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -10,37 +10,27 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Legacypanel;
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use SrvMngr::Model::Main;
sub main {
my $c = shift;
- my $title = $c->l('legacy panel');
- my $legacy_url = $c->param('url');
+ my $title = $c->l('legacy panel');
+ my $legacy_url = $c->param('url');
my $legacy_height = $c->param('height') | 600;
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $legacy_url, height => $legacy_height );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $legacy_url, height => $legacy_height);
$c->render(template => 'embedded');
+} ## end sub main
sub getlegacyurl {
- my $c = shift;
- my $url = shift;
- return "/smanager/legacypanel?url=$url";
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $url = shift;
+ return "/smanager/legacypanel?url=$url";
+} ## end sub getlegacyurl
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index e6f32d7..8d5b663 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Generated by SM2Gen version:0.8 Chameleon version:4.5.4 On Python:3.12.3 at 2024-11-16 10:30:16
+# Generated by SM2Gen version:0.8 Chameleon version:4.5.4 On Python:3.12.3 at 2024-11-16 10:30:16
# Routines to be edited by the developer to provide content and validation for parameters
@@ -12,461 +12,555 @@ use esmith::HostsDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::NetworksDB;
use esmith::DomainsDB;
use constant FALSE => 0;
use constant TRUE => 1;
#The most common ones
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die("Couldn't open config db");
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Accounts db");
our $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Network db");
-our $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Hosts db");
+our $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Hosts db");
our $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Domains db");
# Validation routines - parameters for each panel
+sub validate_LIST {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ # Validation for each field
+ my $ret = "";
- sub validate_LIST {
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- # Validation for each field
- my $ret = "";
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('InternalIP')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for InternalIP failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('ExternalIP')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for ExternalIP failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('InternetIP')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for InternetIP failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('Issuer')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for Issuer failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('Expiry')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for Expiry failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('NotBefore')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for NotBefore failed';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('InternalIP')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for InternalIP failed';
+ }
- sub validate_PARAMS {
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- # Validation for each field
- my $ret = "";
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('status')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for status failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('hookScript')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for hookScript failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('hostOverride')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for hostOverride failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('ACCEPT_TERMS')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for ACCEPT_TERMS failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('API')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for API failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('keysize')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for keysize failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('configure')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for configure failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('Email')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for Email failed';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('ExternalIP')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for ExternalIP failed';
+ }
- sub validate_CHECKALLDOMAINS {
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- # Validation for each field
- my $ret = "";
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('AllDomainsCheck')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for AllDomainsCheck failed';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('InternetIP')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for InternetIP failed';
+ }
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- # Validation for each field
- my $ret = "";
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('EnabledDomainsCheck')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for EnabledDomainsCheck failed';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('Issuer')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for Issuer failed';
+ }
- sub validate_CHECKONEDOMAIN {
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- # Validation for each field
- my $ret = "";
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('OneDomainToCheck')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for OneDomainToCheck failed';}
- if (! TRUE) #validate $c->param('OneDomainsCheck')
- {$ret .= 'Validation for OneDomainsCheck failed';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('Expiry')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for Expiry failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('NotBefore')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for NotBefore failed';
+ }
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub validate_LIST
+sub validate_PARAMS {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ # Validation for each field
+ my $ret = "";
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('status')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for status failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('hookScript')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for hookScript failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('hostOverride')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for hostOverride failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('ACCEPT_TERMS')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for ACCEPT_TERMS failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('API')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for API failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('keysize')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for keysize failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('configure')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for configure failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('Email')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for Email failed';
+ }
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub validate_PARAMS
+sub validate_CHECKALLDOMAINS {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ # Validation for each field
+ my $ret = "";
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('AllDomainsCheck')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for AllDomainsCheck failed';
+ }
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub validate_CHECKALLDOMAINS
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ # Validation for each field
+ my $ret = "";
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('EnabledDomainsCheck')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for EnabledDomainsCheck failed';
+ }
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub validate_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS
+sub validate_CHECKONEDOMAIN {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ # Validation for each field
+ my $ret = "";
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('OneDomainToCheck')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for OneDomainToCheck failed';
+ }
+ if (!TRUE) #validate $c->param('OneDomainsCheck')
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Validation for OneDomainsCheck failed';
+ }
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub validate_CHECKONEDOMAIN
# Get singleton data for each panel
+sub get_data_for_panel_LIST {
- sub get_data_for_panel_LIST {
- # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
- my $c = shift;
-# my ($reply, $err, $server_cert) = Net::SSLeay::sslcat('localhost', 443, '/');
-# my $issuer = Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_oneline(Net::SSLeay::X509_get_issuer_name($server_cert));
-# my $before = Net::SSLeay::P_ASN1_TIME_get_isotime(Net::SSLeay::X509_get_notBefore($server_cert));
-# my $expiry = Net::SSLeay::P_ASN1_TIME_get_isotime(Net::SSLeay::X509_get_notAfter($server_cert));
+ # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
+ my $c = shift;
- my %ret = (
- 'Data1'=>'Data for LIST', #Example
- # fields from Inputs in LIST $fields['LIST']
- 'InternalIP'=>$cdb->get_prop('InternalInterface','IPAddress'),
- 'ExternalIP'=>$cdb->get_prop('ExternalInterface','IPAddress'),
- 'InternetIP'=>$c->get_my_ip(),
- 'Issuer'=>'$issuer',
- 'Expiry'=>'$expiry',
- 'NotBefore'=>'$before',
- );
- return %ret;
- }
+ # my ($reply, $err, $server_cert) = Net::SSLeay::sslcat('localhost', 443, '/');
+ # my $issuer = Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_oneline(Net::SSLeay::X509_get_issuer_name($server_cert));
+ # my $before = Net::SSLeay::P_ASN1_TIME_get_isotime(Net::SSLeay::X509_get_notBefore($server_cert));
+ # my $expiry = Net::SSLeay::P_ASN1_TIME_get_isotime(Net::SSLeay::X509_get_notAfter($server_cert));
+ my %ret = (
+ 'Data1' => 'Data for LIST', #Example
+ # fields from Inputs in LIST $fields['LIST']
+ 'InternalIP' => $cdb->get_prop('InternalInterface', 'IPAddress'),
+ 'ExternalIP' => $cdb->get_prop('ExternalInterface', 'IPAddress'),
+ 'InternetIP' => $c->get_my_ip(),
+ 'Issuer' => '$issuer',
+ 'Expiry' => '$expiry',
+ 'NotBefore' => '$before',
+ );
+ return %ret;
+} ## end sub get_data_for_panel_LIST
- sub get_data_for_panel_PARAMS {
- # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
- my $c = shift;
- my %ret = (
- 'Data1'=>'Data for PARAMS', #Example
- # fields from Inputs in PARAMS $fields['PARAMS']
- 'status'=>$cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'status', 'disabled'),
- 'hookScript'=>$cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'hookScript', 'disabled'),
- 'hostOverride'=>$cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'hostOverride', 'disabled'),
- 'ACCEPT_TERMS'=>$cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'ACCEPT_TERMS', ''),
- 'API'=>$cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'API', '2'),
- 'keysize'=>$cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'keysize', '4096'),
- 'configure'=>$cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'configure', 'none' ),
- 'email'=>$cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'email')
- );
- return %ret;
- }
+sub get_data_for_panel_PARAMS {
- sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLDOMAINS {
- # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
- my $c = shift;
- my %ret = (
- 'Data1'=>'Data for CHECKALLDOMAINS', #Example
- # fields from Inputs in CHECKALLDOMAINS $fields['CHECKALLDOMAINS']
- 'AllDomainsCheck'=>$c->update_all_domains(),
- );
- return %ret;
- }
+ # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
+ my $c = shift;
+ my %ret = (
+ 'Data1' => 'Data for PARAMS', #Example
+ # fields from Inputs in PARAMS $fields['PARAMS']
+ 'status' => $cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'status', 'disabled'),
+ 'hookScript' => $cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'hookScript', 'disabled'),
+ 'hostOverride' => $cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'hostOverride', 'disabled'),
+ 'ACCEPT_TERMS' => $cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'ACCEPT_TERMS', ''),
+ 'API' => $cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'API', '2'),
+ 'keysize' => $cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'keysize', '4096'),
+ 'configure' => $cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'configure', 'none'),
+ 'email' => $cdb->get_prop('letsencrypt', 'email')
+ );
+ return %ret;
+} ## end sub get_data_for_panel_PARAMS
- sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS {
- # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
- my $c = shift;
- my %ret = (
- 'Data1'=>'Data for CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS', #Example
- 'EnabledDomainsCheck'=>$c->update_enabled_domains(),
- );
- return %ret;
- }
+sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLDOMAINS {
- sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKONEDOMAIN {
- # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
- my $c = shift;
- my %ret = (
- 'Data1'=>'Data for CHECKONEDOMAIN', #Example
- # fields from Inputs in CHECKONEDOMAIN $fields['CHECKONEDOMAIN']
- 'OneDomainToCheck'=>$c->param("CHECKONEDOMAIN"),
- 'OneDomainsCheck'=>$c->update_one_domain($c->param("CHECKONEDOMAIN"))
- );
- return %ret;
- }
+ # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
+ my $c = shift;
+ my %ret = (
+ 'Data1' => 'Data for CHECKALLDOMAINS', #Example
+ # fields from Inputs in CHECKALLDOMAINS $fields['CHECKALLDOMAINS']
+ 'AllDomainsCheck' => $c->update_all_domains(),
+ );
+ return %ret;
+} ## end sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLDOMAINS
+sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS {
+ # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
+ my $c = shift;
+ my %ret = (
+ 'Data1' => 'Data for CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS', #Example
+ 'EnabledDomainsCheck' => $c->update_enabled_domains(),
+ );
+ return %ret;
+} ## end sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS
+sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKONEDOMAIN {
+ # Return a hash with the fields required which will be loaded into the shared data
+ my $c = shift;
+ my %ret = (
+ 'Data1' => 'Data for CHECKONEDOMAIN', #Example
+ # fields from Inputs in CHECKONEDOMAIN $fields['CHECKONEDOMAIN']
+ 'OneDomainToCheck' => $c->param("CHECKONEDOMAIN"),
+ 'OneDomainsCheck' => $c->update_one_domain($c->param("CHECKONEDOMAIN"))
+ );
+ return %ret;
+} ## end sub get_data_for_panel_CHECKONEDOMAIN
# Get control data for table(s)
+# Define a constant hash for field name mapping
+use constant DomainList_FIELD_MAPPING => (
+ 'Table1-Domain name / HOSTNAME' => 'Domain',
+ 'Table1-Brief description' => 'Description',
+ 'Table1-Content' => 'Content',
+ 'Table1-LABEL_NAMESERVERS' => 'Nameservers',
+ 'Table1-LABEL_POINT' => 'Source-for-Table1-LABEL_POINT',
+ 'Table1-LABEL_LECERT' => 'letsencryptSSLcert',
+ 'Table1-IS_IN_CERT' => 'isincert',
+ 'Table1-CHECK' => 'Check'
- # Define a constant hash for field name mapping
- use constant DomainList_FIELD_MAPPING => (
- 'Table1-Domain name / HOSTNAME' => 'Domain',
- 'Table1-Brief description' => 'Description',
- 'Table1-Content' => 'Content',
- 'Table1-LABEL_NAMESERVERS' => 'Nameservers',
- 'Table1-LABEL_POINT' => 'Source-for-Table1-LABEL_POINT',
- 'Table1-LABEL_LECERT' => 'letsencryptSSLcert',
- 'Table1-IS_IN_CERT' => 'isincert',
- 'Table1-CHECK' => 'Check'
- #'target_field2' => 'source_field2',
- # Add more mappings as needed
- );
+ #'target_field2' => 'source_field2',
+ # Add more mappings as needed
use constant TEST_DOMAIN_LIST => (
- { "domain" => "Domain1","fred" => "fred1" , "description"=>"Description1"},
- { "domain" => "Domain2", "fred" => "fred2", "description"=>"Description2" },
- { "domain" => "Domain3", "fred" => "fred3", "description"=>"Description3" },
+ { "domain" => "Domain1", "fred" => "fred1", "description" => "Description1" },
+ { "domain" => "Domain2", "fred" => "fred2", "description" => "Description2" },
+ { "domain" => "Domain3", "fred" => "fred3", "description" => "Description3" },
# Add more test entries as needed
sub actual_DomainList {
- my $c = shift;
- # Actual code for extracting DomainList
- my @list = ();
-# my @rv = Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subjectAltNames($server_cert);
-# foreach my $element (@rv) {
-# next if $element =~ /^\d+$/; ;
-# #print $element . "\n";
-# push @list, $element;
-# }
- my @data = ();
- my $check = $c->l('Check Domain');
- for ($ddb->domains)
- {
- my $ns = $_->prop('Nameservers') || 'internet';
- my $le = $_->prop('letsencryptSSLcert') || 'disabled';#letsencrypt configure all
- my $dname= $_->key;
- my $isincert = "N";
- my $link = $c->create_link("letsencryptd","CHECKONEDOMAIN","");
- my $checklink = "".$check."";
- #my $checklink = "check";
- $isincert = "Y" if ( $dname ~~ @list);
- # domain
- push @data,
- { Domain => $_->key,
- $_->props,
- letsencryptSSLcert => $le,
- isincert => $isincert,
- Check => $checklink,
- Nameservers => $ns,
- };
- #and hosts
- for my $h ($hdb->get_hosts_by_domain($dname))
- {
- next if $ddb->get($h->key);
- next unless ($h->prop('HostType') eq "Self" || $h->prop('HostType') eq "Local");
- $le = $h->prop('letsencryptSSLcert') || 'disabled';#letsencrypt configure all
- $isincert = "N";
- $isincert = "Y" if ( $h->key ~~ @list);
- push @data,
- { Domain => "--> ". $h->key,
- $h->props,
- Description=>$h->prop('ExternalIP')|| $h->prop('InternalIP')||"",
- Content => $h->prop('HostType'),
- isincert => $isincert,
- Check => "", #$checklink
- Nameservers => $c->l($ns),
- }
- }
- }
- return @data;
+ my $c = shift;
+ # Actual code for extracting DomainList
+ my @list = ();
+ # my @rv = Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subjectAltNames($server_cert);
+ # foreach my $element (@rv) {
+ # next if $element =~ /^\d+$/; ;
+ # #print $element . "\n";
+ # push @list, $element;
+ # }
+ my @data = ();
+ my $check = $c->l('Check Domain');
+ for ($ddb->domains) {
+ my $ns = $_->prop('Nameservers') || 'internet';
+ my $le = $_->prop('letsencryptSSLcert') || 'disabled'; #letsencrypt configure all
+ my $dname = $_->key;
+ my $isincert = "N";
+ my $link = $c->create_link("letsencryptd", "CHECKONEDOMAIN", "");
+ my $checklink = "" . $check . "";
+ #my $checklink = "check";
+ $isincert = "Y" if ($dname ~~ @list);
+ # domain
+ push @data,
+ {
+ Domain => $_->key,
+ $_->props,
+ letsencryptSSLcert => $le,
+ isincert => $isincert,
+ Check => $checklink,
+ Nameservers => $ns,
+ };
+ #and hosts
+ for my $h ($hdb->get_hosts_by_domain($dname)) {
+ next if $ddb->get($h->key);
+ next unless ($h->prop('HostType') eq "Self" || $h->prop('HostType') eq "Local");
+ $le = $h->prop('letsencryptSSLcert') || 'disabled'; #letsencrypt configure all
+ $isincert = "N";
+ $isincert = "Y" if ($h->key ~~ @list);
+ push @data, {
+ Domain => "--> " . $h->key,
+ $h->props,
+ Description => $h->prop('ExternalIP') || $h->prop('InternalIP') || "",
+ Content => $h->prop('HostType'),
+ isincert => $isincert,
+ Check => "", #$checklink
+ Nameservers => $c->l($ns),
+ };
+ } ## end for my $h ($hdb->get_hosts_by_domain...)
+ } ## end for ($ddb->domains)
+ return @data;
+} ## end sub actual_DomainList
sub get_DomainList {
# Return an array of hashes of the contents for each row and column for DomainList
- my $c = shift;
- my @source_records = $c->actual_DomainList(); #TEST_DOMAIN_LIST #Replace by code or call to produce contents of table;
+ my $c = shift;
+ my @source_records
+ = $c->actual_DomainList(); #TEST_DOMAIN_LIST #Replace by code or call to produce contents of table;
my @transformed_records;
my %Field_Mapping = DomainList_FIELD_MAPPING;
# Iterate over each record in the source array
for my $source_record (@source_records) {
my %transformed_record;
# Iterate over each key-value pair in the $Field_Mapping constant
while (my ($target, $source) = each %Field_Mapping) {
# Check if the source field exists in the source record
if (exists $source_record->{$source}) {
# Assign the source field value to the target field in the transformed record
$transformed_record{$target} = $source_record->{$source};
- }
+ } ## end while (my ($target, $source...))
# Add transformed record to the array if it's not empty
push @transformed_records, \%transformed_record if %transformed_record;
- }
+ } ## end for my $source_record (...)
return \@transformed_records;
+} ## end sub get_DomainList
# Return hash with values from row in which link clicked on table
+sub get_selected_LIST {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
+ my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
+ my %ret = {};
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub get_selected_LIST
- sub get_selected_LIST {
- my $c = shift;
- my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
- my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
- my %ret = {};
- return $ret;
- }
+sub get_selected_PARAMS {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
+ my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
+ my %ret = {};
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub get_selected_PARAMS
- sub get_selected_PARAMS {
- my $c = shift;
- my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
- my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
- my %ret = {};
- return $ret;
- }
+sub get_selected_CHECKALLDOMAINS {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
+ my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
+ my %ret = {};
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub get_selected_CHECKALLDOMAINS
- sub get_selected_CHECKALLDOMAINS {
- my $c = shift;
- my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
- my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
- my %ret = {};
- return $ret;
- }
- my $c = shift;
- my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
- my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
- my %ret = {};
- return $ret;
- }
- sub get_selected_CHECKONEDOMAIN {
- my $c = shift;
- my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
- my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
- my %ret = {};
- return $ret;
- }
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
+ my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
+ my %ret = {};
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub get_selected_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS
+sub get_selected_CHECKONEDOMAIN {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $selected = shift; #Parameter is name of selected row.
+ my $is_new_record = shift; #Indicates new record required (defaults)
+ my %ret = {};
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub get_selected_CHECKONEDOMAIN
#after sucessful modify or create or whatever and submit then perfom (if the params validate)
+sub perform_LIST {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ my $ret = "";
+ my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
+ my $dbkey = 'ChangeThis';
- sub perform_LIST {
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- my $ret = "";
- my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
- my $dbkey = 'ChangeThis';
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: InternalIP e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'InternalIP',$c->param('InternalIP'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for InternalIP';}
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: ExternalIP e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'ExternalIP',$c->param('ExternalIP'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for ExternalIP';}
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: InternetIP e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'InternetIP',$c->param('InternetIP'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for InternetIP';}
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: Issuer e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'Issuer',$c->param('Issuer'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for Issuer';}
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: Expiry e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'Expiry',$c->param('Expiry'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for Expiry';}
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: NotBefore e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'NotBefore',$c->param('NotBefore'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for NotBefore';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: InternalIP e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'InternalIP',$c->param('InternalIP'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for InternalIP';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
- sub perform_PARAMS {
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- my $ret = "";
- my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
- my $dbkey = 'letsencrypt';
- # To make it write to DB as comment, delete this (regex) string in each if statement "TRUE\) \#copy or perform with value: .* e.g."
- if (! $db->set_prop($dbkey,'status',$c->param('status'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for status';}
- if (! $db->set_prop($dbkey,'hookScript',$c->param('hookScript'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for hookScript';}
- if (! $db->set_prop($dbkey,'hostOverride',$c->param('hostOverride'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for hostOverride';}
- if (! $db->set_prop($dbkey,'ACCEPT_TERMS',$c->param('ACCEPT_TERMS'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for ACCEPT_TERMS';}
- if (! $db->set_prop($dbkey,'API',$c->param('API'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for API';}
- if (! $db->set_prop($dbkey,'keysize',$c->param('keysize'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for keysize';}
- if (! $db->set_prop($dbkey,'configure',$c->param('configure'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for configure';}
- if (! $db->set_prop($dbkey,'email',$c->param('email'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for email';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
- sub perform_CHECKALLDOMAINS {
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- my $ret = "";
- my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
- my $dbkey = 'ChangeThis';
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: AllDomainsCheck e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'AllDomainsCheck',$c->param('AllDomainsCheck'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for AllDomainsCheck';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: ExternalIP e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'ExternalIP',$c->param('ExternalIP'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for ExternalIP';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- my $ret = "";
- my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
- my $dbkey = 'ChangeThis';
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: EnabledDomainsCheck e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'EnabledDomainsCheck',$c->param('EnabledDomainsCheck'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for EnabledDomainsCheck';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: InternetIP e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'InternetIP',$c->param('InternetIP'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for InternetIP';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
- sub perform_CHECKONEDOMAIN {
- my $c = shift;
- my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
- my $ret = "";
- my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
- my $dbkey = 'ChangeThis';
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: OneDomainToCheck e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'OneDomainToCheck',$c->param('OneDomainToCheck'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for OneDomainToCheck';}
- if (! TRUE) #copy or perform with value: OneDomainsCheck e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'OneDomainsCheck',$c->param('OneDomainsCheck'),type=>'service'))
- {$ret .= 'Perform/save failed for OneDomainsCheck';}
- if ($ret eq "") {$ret = 'ok';}
- return $ret;
- }
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: Issuer e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'Issuer',$c->param('Issuer'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for Issuer';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: Expiry e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'Expiry',$c->param('Expiry'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for Expiry';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
-sub create_link{
- # WIP
- my ($c,$route, $panel, $index) = @_;
- my $link = "$route?trt=$panel&Selected=$index";
- return $link;
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: NotBefore e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'NotBefore',$c->param('NotBefore'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for NotBefore';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub perform_LIST
-sub get_my_ip
+sub perform_PARAMS {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ my $ret = "";
+ my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
+ my $dbkey = 'letsencrypt';
+# To make it write to DB as comment, delete this (regex) string in each if statement "TRUE\) \#copy or perform with value: .* e.g."
+ if (!$db->set_prop($dbkey, 'status', $c->param('status'), type => 'service')) {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for status';
+ }
+ if (!$db->set_prop($dbkey, 'hookScript', $c->param('hookScript'), type => 'service')) {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for hookScript';
+ }
+ if (!$db->set_prop($dbkey, 'hostOverride', $c->param('hostOverride'), type => 'service')) {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for hostOverride';
+ }
+ if (!$db->set_prop($dbkey, 'ACCEPT_TERMS', $c->param('ACCEPT_TERMS'), type => 'service')) {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for ACCEPT_TERMS';
+ }
+ if (!$db->set_prop($dbkey, 'API', $c->param('API'), type => 'service')) { $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for API'; }
+ if (!$db->set_prop($dbkey, 'keysize', $c->param('keysize'), type => 'service')) {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for keysize';
+ }
+ if (!$db->set_prop($dbkey, 'configure', $c->param('configure'), type => 'service')) {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for configure';
+ }
+ if (!$db->set_prop($dbkey, 'email', $c->param('email'), type => 'service')) {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for email';
+ }
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub perform_PARAMS
+sub perform_CHECKALLDOMAINS {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ my $ret = "";
+ my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
+ my $dbkey = 'ChangeThis';
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: AllDomainsCheck e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'AllDomainsCheck',$c->param('AllDomainsCheck'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for AllDomainsCheck';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub perform_CHECKALLDOMAINS
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ my $ret = "";
+ my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
+ my $dbkey = 'ChangeThis';
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: EnabledDomainsCheck e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'EnabledDomainsCheck',$c->param('EnabledDomainsCheck'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for EnabledDomainsCheck';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub perform_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS
+sub perform_CHECKONEDOMAIN {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $prefix_data = shift; #Data hash as parameter
+ my $ret = "";
+ my $db = $cdb; #maybe one of the others
+ my $dbkey = 'ChangeThis';
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: OneDomainToCheck e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'OneDomainToCheck',$c->param('OneDomainToCheck'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for OneDomainToCheck';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
+ if (!TRUE
+ ) #copy or perform with value: OneDomainsCheck e.g. $db->set_prop($dbkey,'OneDomainsCheck',$c->param('OneDomainsCheck'),type=>'service'))
+ {
+ $ret .= 'Perform/save failed for OneDomainsCheck';
+ } ## end if (!TRUE)
+ if ($ret eq "") { $ret = 'ok'; }
+ return $ret;
+} ## end sub perform_CHECKONEDOMAIN
+sub create_link {
+ # WIP
+ my ($c, $route, $panel, $index) = @_;
+ my $link = "$route?trt=$panel&Selected=$index";
+ return $link;
+} ## end sub create_link
+sub get_my_ip {
my ($self, $item, $prop, $default) = @_;
my $output = `/usr/sbin/e-smith/getmyip`;
- return $output || "IP";
+ return $output || "IP";
+} ## end sub get_my_ip
-sub update_one_domain
- my ($self,$domain) = @_;
+sub update_one_domain {
+ my ($self, $domain) = @_;
return "$domain not domain" unless ($ddb->get($domain) || $hdb->get($domain));
- ($domain) = ($domain =~ /([\w\p{L}.]+)/);
+ ($domain) = ($domain =~ /([\w\p{L}.]+)/);
my $output = `/etc/e-smith/events/actions/letsencrypt-setdomains " " $domain `;
- return $output || "-empty-";
+ return $output || "-empty-";
+} ## end sub update_one_domain
-sub update_all_domains
- my $self = shift;
+sub update_all_domains {
+ my $self = shift;
my $output = `/etc/e-smith/events/actions/letsencrypt-setdomains "" "" all `;
- return $output || "-empty-";
+ return $output || "-empty-";
+} ## end sub update_all_domains
-sub update_enabled_domains
- my $self = shift;
+sub update_enabled_domains {
+ my $self = shift;
my $output = `/etc/e-smith/events/actions/letsencrypt-setdomains "" "" enabled `;
- return $output || "-empty-";
\ No newline at end of file
+ return $output || "-empty-";
+} ## end sub update_enabled_domains
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 220b439..0d3df42 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package SrvMngr::Controller::Letsencrypt;
-# Generated by SM2Gen version:0.8 Chameleon version:4.5.4 On Python:3.12.3 at 2024-12-01 15:22:43
+# Generated by SM2Gen version:0.8 Chameleon version:4.5.4 On Python:3.12.3 at 2024-12-01 15:22:43
# heading : Network
@@ -15,25 +15,19 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Letsencrypt;
# Documentation:
# Scheme of things:
# TBA!!
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use constant FALSE => 0;
use constant TRUE => 1;
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
use Data::Dumper;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::util::network;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
@@ -41,389 +35,414 @@ use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::NetworksDB;
use esmith::HostsDB;
use esmith::DomainsDB;
-require '/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/'; #The code that is to be added by the developer
+ '/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/'; #The code that is to be added by the developer
sub main {
-# Initial entry - route is "/"
-#set initial panel
-#for initial panel:
- #Specifiy panel to enter
- #load up _data hash with DB fields
- #load up stash with pointer(s) to control fields hash(= get-))
- #and a pointer to the prefix_data hash
-#render initial panel
- my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
- #The most common ones
- my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die("Couldn't open config db");
- my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Accounts db");
- my $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Network db");
- my $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Hosts db");
- my $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Domains db");
- my %lets_data = ();
- my $title = $c->l('lets_Letsencrypt_certificate');
- my $modul = '';
- $lets_data{'trt'} = 'LIST';
- #Load any DB entries into the _data area so as they are preset in the form
- # which DB - this only really works if the initial panel is a PARAMS type panel and not a TABLE
- my $db = $cdb; #pickup local or global db or Default to config
- $c->do_display($lets_data{'trt'});
-# Post request with params - submit from the form
-sub do_update {
-# Return after submit pushed on panel (this is a post) - route is "/u"
-# parameters in the params hash.
-#load up all params into prefix_data hash:
-#By panel (series of if statements - only one executed):
- #call validate-PANEL() - return ret = ok or error message
-#if validation not ok:
- #render back to current panel with error message in stash
- #By panel (series of if statements - only one executed):
- #do whatever is required: call perform-PANEL() - return "ok" or Error Message
- #call signal-event for any global actions specified (check it exists - error and continue?)
- #if action smeserver--update exists
- #signal_event smeserver--update
- #call signal-event for any specific actions for thids panel (check it exists first - error and continue)
- #set success in stash
- #if no "nextpanel" entry:
- #set firstpanel
- #else
- #set nextpanel
- #call render
+ #
+ # Initial entry - route is "/"
+ #
+ #set initial panel
+ #for initial panel:
+ #Specifiy panel to enter
+ #load up _data hash with DB fields
+ #load up stash with pointer(s) to control fields hash(= get-))
+ #and a pointer to the prefix_data hash
+ #render initial panel
my $c = shift;
- my $modul = '';
- #The most common ones - you might want to comment out any not used.
- my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die("Couldn't open config db");
- my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Accounts db");
- my $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Network db");
- my $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Hosts db");
- my $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Domains db");
+ #The most common ones
+ my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die("Couldn't open config db");
+ my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Accounts db");
+ my $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Network db");
+ my $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Hosts db");
+ my $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Domains db");
my %lets_data = ();
- my $title = $c->l('lets_Letsencrypt_certificate');
+ my $title = $c->l('lets_Letsencrypt_certificate');
+ my $modul = '';
+ $lets_data{'trt'} = 'LIST';
- # Accessing all POST parameters
+ #Load any DB entries into the _data area so as they are preset in the form
+ # which DB - this only really works if the initial panel is a PARAMS type panel and not a TABLE
+ my $db = $cdb; #pickup local or global db or Default to config
+ $c->do_display($lets_data{'trt'});
+} ## end sub main
+# Post request with params - submit from the form
+sub do_update {
+ #
+ # Return after submit pushed on panel (this is a post) - route is "/u"
+ # parameters in the params hash.
+ #
+ #load up all params into prefix_data hash:
+ #By panel (series of if statements - only one executed):
+ #call validate-PANEL() - return ret = ok or error message
+ #if validation not ok:
+ #render back to current panel with error message in stash
+ #otherwise:
+ #By panel (series of if statements - only one executed):
+ #do whatever is required: call perform-PANEL() - return "ok" or Error Message
+ #call signal-event for any global actions specified (check it exists - error and continue?)
+ #if action smeserver--update exists
+ #signal_event smeserver--update
+ #call signal-event for any specific actions for thids panel (check it exists first - error and continue)
+ #set success in stash
+ #if no "nextpanel" entry:
+ #set firstpanel
+ #else
+ #set nextpanel
+ #call render
+ my $c = shift;
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
+ my $modul = '';
+ #The most common ones - you might want to comment out any not used.
+ my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die("Couldn't open config db");
+ my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Accounts db");
+ my $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Network db");
+ my $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Hosts db");
+ my $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Domains db");
+ my %lets_data = ();
+ my $title = $c->l('lets_Letsencrypt_certificate');
+ # Accessing all POST parameters
my %params = $c->req->params->to_hash;
# Get number of POST parameters
my $num_params = keys %params;
#Params are available in the hash "params" - copy to the prefix_data hash
#while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$c->req->params->to_hash}) {
# $lets_data{$key} = $value;
- # the value of trt will tell you which panel has returned
- my $trt = $c->param('trt') || 'LIST'; #hidden control on every form.
+ # the value of trt will tell you which panel has returned
+ my $trt = $c->param('trt') || 'LIST'; #hidden control on every form.
my $ret = 'ok';
#Validate the parameters in a custom sub one for each panel (although only one of these will be executed)
my $thispanel;
- if ($trt eq 'LIST'){
- #Validate form parameters for panel LIST
- $ret = $c->validate_LIST(\%lets_data);
- $thispanel = 'LIST';
- }
- if ($trt eq 'PARAMS'){
- #Validate form parameters for panel PARAMS
- $ret = $c->validate_PARAMS(\%lets_data);
- $thispanel = 'PARAMS';
- }
- if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS'){
- #Validate form parameters for panel CHECKALLDOMAINS
- $ret = $c->validate_CHECKALLDOMAINS(\%lets_data);
- $thispanel = 'CHECKALLDOMAINS';
- }
- #Validate form parameters for panel CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS
- $ret = $c->validate_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS(\%lets_data);
- }
- if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN'){
- #Validate form parameters for panel CHECKONEDOMAIN
- $ret = $c->validate_CHECKONEDOMAIN(\%lets_data);
- $thispanel = 'CHECKONEDOMAIN';
- }
- if ($ret ne "ok"){
- $c->do_display($thispanel);
- } else {
- #Do whatever is needed, including writing values to the DB
- if ($trt eq 'LIST'){
- #do whatever is required ...
- $ret = $c->perform_LIST(\%lets_data);
- if ($ret ne "ok") {
- # return to the panel with error message
- $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
- $c->stash(
- title => $title,
- modul => $modul,
- lets_data => \%lets_data
- );
- $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
- } else {
- $c->stash( success => $c->l('lets_LIST_panel_action_was_successful')); #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
- }
- }
- if ($trt eq 'PARAMS'){
- #do whatever is required ...
- $ret = $c->perform_PARAMS(\%lets_data);
- if ($ret ne "ok") {
- # return to the panel with error message
- $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
- $c->stash(
- title => $title,
- modul => $modul,
- lets_data => \%lets_data
- );
- $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
- } else {
- $c->stash( success => $c->l('lets_PARAMS_panel_action_was_successful')); #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
- }
- }
- if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS'){
- #do whatever is required ...
- $ret = $c->perform_CHECKALLDOMAINS(\%lets_data);
- if ($ret ne "ok") {
- # return to the panel with error message
- $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
- $c->stash(
- title => $title,
- modul => $modul,
- lets_data => \%lets_data
- );
- $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
- } else {
- $c->stash( success => $c->l('lets_CHECKALLDOMAINS_panel_action_was_successful')); #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
- }
- }
- #do whatever is required ...
- $ret = $c->perform_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS(\%lets_data);
- if ($ret ne "ok") {
- # return to the panel with error message
- $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
- $c->stash(
- title => $title,
- modul => $modul,
- lets_data => \%lets_data
- );
- $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
- } else {
- $c->stash( success => $c->l('lets_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS_panel_action_was_successful')); #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
- }
- }
- if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN'){
- #do whatever is required ...
- $ret = $c->perform_CHECKONEDOMAIN(\%lets_data);
- if ($ret ne "ok") {
- # return to the panel with error message
- $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
- $c->stash(
- title => $title,
- modul => $modul,
- lets_data => \%lets_data
- );
- $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
- } else {
- $c->stash( success => $c->l('lets_CHECKONEDOMAIN_panel_action_was_successful')); #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
- }
- }
- # and call any signal-events needed
- #TBD
- # Setup shared data and call panel
- if ('none' eq 'none') {
- $lets_data{'trt'} = 'LIST';
- } else {
- $lets_data{'trt'} = 'none';
- }
- $c->do_display($lets_data{'trt'});
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
+ #Validate form parameters for panel LIST
+ $ret = $c->validate_LIST(\%lets_data);
+ $thispanel = 'LIST';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
+ if ($trt eq 'PARAMS') {
+ #Validate form parameters for panel PARAMS
+ $ret = $c->validate_PARAMS(\%lets_data);
+ $thispanel = 'PARAMS';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PARAMS')
+ if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS') {
+ #Validate form parameters for panel CHECKALLDOMAINS
+ $ret = $c->validate_CHECKALLDOMAINS(\%lets_data);
+ $thispanel = 'CHECKALLDOMAINS';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS')
+ #Validate form parameters for panel CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS
+ $ret = $c->validate_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS(\%lets_data);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS')
+ if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN') {
+ #Validate form parameters for panel CHECKONEDOMAIN
+ $ret = $c->validate_CHECKONEDOMAIN(\%lets_data);
+ $thispanel = 'CHECKONEDOMAIN';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN')
+ if ($ret ne "ok") {
+ $c->do_display($thispanel);
+ } else {
+ #Do whatever is needed, including writing values to the DB
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
+ #do whatever is required ...
+ $ret = $c->perform_LIST(\%lets_data);
+ if ($ret ne "ok") {
+ # return to the panel with error message
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
+ $c->stash(
+ title => $title,
+ modul => $modul,
+ lets_data => \%lets_data
+ );
+ $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(success => $c->l('lets_LIST_panel_action_was_successful'))
+ ; #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
+ if ($trt eq 'PARAMS') {
+ #do whatever is required ...
+ $ret = $c->perform_PARAMS(\%lets_data);
+ if ($ret ne "ok") {
+ # return to the panel with error message
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
+ $c->stash(
+ title => $title,
+ modul => $modul,
+ lets_data => \%lets_data
+ );
+ $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(success => $c->l('lets_PARAMS_panel_action_was_successful'))
+ ; #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PARAMS')
+ if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS') {
+ #do whatever is required ...
+ $ret = $c->perform_CHECKALLDOMAINS(\%lets_data);
+ if ($ret ne "ok") {
+ # return to the panel with error message
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
+ $c->stash(
+ title => $title,
+ modul => $modul,
+ lets_data => \%lets_data
+ );
+ $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(success => $c->l('lets_CHECKALLDOMAINS_panel_action_was_successful'))
+ ; #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS')
+ #do whatever is required ...
+ $ret = $c->perform_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS(\%lets_data);
+ if ($ret ne "ok") {
+ # return to the panel with error message
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
+ $c->stash(
+ title => $title,
+ modul => $modul,
+ lets_data => \%lets_data
+ );
+ $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(success => $c->l('lets_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS_panel_action_was_successful'))
+ ; #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS')
+ if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN') {
+ #do whatever is required ...
+ $ret = $c->perform_CHECKONEDOMAIN(\%lets_data);
+ if ($ret ne "ok") {
+ # return to the panel with error message
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l($ret));
+ $c->stash(
+ title => $title,
+ modul => $modul,
+ lets_data => \%lets_data
+ );
+ $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
+ } else {
+ $c->stash(success => $c->l('lets_CHECKONEDOMAIN_panel_action_was_successful'))
+ ; #A bit bland - edit it in the lex file
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN')
+ # and call any signal-events needed
+ #TBD
+ # Setup shared data and call panel
+ if ('none' eq 'none') {
+ $lets_data{'trt'} = 'LIST';
+ } else {
+ $lets_data{'trt'} = 'none';
+ }
+ $c->do_display($lets_data{'trt'});
+ } ## end else [ if ($ret ne "ok") ]
+} ## end sub do_update
sub do_display {
-# Return after link clicked in table (this is a get) - route is "/d"
-# Expects ?trt=PANEL&selected="TableRowName" plus any other required
-# OR it maybe a post from the main panel to add a new record
-#load up all supplied params into prefix_data hash
-#call get-selected-PANEL() - returns hash of all relevent parameters
-#load up returned hash into prefix_data
-#render - to called panel
- my ($c,$trt) = @_;
+ #
+ # Return after link clicked in table (this is a get) - route is "/d"
+ # Expects ?trt=PANEL&selected="TableRowName" plus any other required
+ #
+ # OR it maybe a post from the main panel to add a new record
+ #
+ #load up all supplied params into prefix_data hash
+ #call get-selected-PANEL() - returns hash of all relevent parameters
+ #load up returned hash into prefix_data
+ #render - to called panel
+ my ($c, $trt) = @_;
- #The most common ones - you might want to comment out any not used.
- my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die("Couldn't open config db");
- my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Accounts db");
- my $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Network db");
- my $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Hosts db");
- my $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Domains db");
+ #The most common ones - you might want to comment out any not used.
+ my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die("Couldn't open config db");
+ my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Accounts db");
+ my $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Network db");
+ my $hdb = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Hosts db");
+ my $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open Domains db");
my %lets_data = ();
- my $title = $c->l('lets_Letsencrypt_certificate');
- my $modul = "";
+ my $title = $c->l('lets_Letsencrypt_certificate');
+ my $modul = "";
- # Accessing all parameters
+ # Accessing all parameters
my %params = $c->req->params->to_hash;
# Get number of parameters
my $num_params = keys %params;
#Tag as Post or Get (ie. create new entry or edit existing one
my $is_new_record = ($c->req->method() eq 'POST');
#Params are available in the hash "params" - copy to the prefix_data hash
#while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$c->req->params->to_hash}) {
# $lets_data{$key} = $value;
+ # the value of trt will tell you which panel has returned
+ if (!$trt) {
+ $trt = $c->param('trt') || 'LIST'; #Indicates where to go now
+ }
- # the value of trt will tell you which panel has returned
- if (! $trt){
- $trt = $c->param('trt') || 'LIST'; #Indicates where to go now
- }
# Now add in the params from the selected row from the table
my %selectedrow;
- if ($trt eq 'LIST'){
- #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) LIST
- %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_LIST($lets_data{'Selected'},$is_new_record);
- }
- if ($trt eq 'PARAMS'){
- #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) PARAMS
- %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_PARAMS($lets_data{'Selected'},$is_new_record);
- }
- if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS'){
- #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) CHECKALLDOMAINS
- %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_CHECKALLDOMAINS($lets_data{'Selected'},$is_new_record);
- }
- #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS
- %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS($lets_data{'Selected'},$is_new_record);
- }
- if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN'){
- #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) CHECKONEDOMAIN
- %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_CHECKONEDOMAIN($lets_data{'Selected'},$is_new_record);
- }
- #Copy in the selected row params to the prefix_data hash to pass to the panel
- while (my ($key, $value) = each %selectedrow){
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
+ #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) LIST
+ %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_LIST($lets_data{'Selected'}, $is_new_record);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
+ if ($trt eq 'PARAMS') {
+ #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) PARAMS
+ %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_PARAMS($lets_data{'Selected'}, $is_new_record);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PARAMS')
+ if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS') {
+ #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) CHECKALLDOMAINS
+ %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_CHECKALLDOMAINS($lets_data{'Selected'}, $is_new_record);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS')
+ #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS
+ %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS($lets_data{'Selected'}, $is_new_record);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS')
+ if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN') {
+ #Validate Get selected row (if applicable) CHECKONEDOMAIN
+ %selectedrow = $c->get_selected_CHECKONEDOMAIN($lets_data{'Selected'}, $is_new_record);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN')
+ #Copy in the selected row params to the prefix_data hash to pass to the panel
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %selectedrow) {
$lets_data{$key} = $value;
- # Where to go now
- $lets_data{'trt'} = $trt;
- # Set up other shared data according to the panel to go to
- if ($trt eq 'LIST'){
- # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
- my %returned_hash;
- # subroutine returns a hash directly
- %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_LIST();
- # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
- while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
- $lets_data{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- if ($trt eq 'PARAMS'){
- # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
- my %returned_hash;
- # subroutine returns a hash directly
- %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_PARAMS();
- # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
- while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
- $lets_data{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS'){
- # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
- my %returned_hash;
- # subroutine returns a hash directly
- %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLDOMAINS();
- # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
- while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
- $lets_data{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
- my %returned_hash;
- # subroutine returns a hash directly
- %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS();
- # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
- while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
- $lets_data{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN'){
- # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
- my %returned_hash;
- # subroutine returns a hash directly
- %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_CHECKONEDOMAIN();
- # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
- while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
- $lets_data{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- # and table control fields
- $c->stash(DomainList=>$c->get_DomainList());
- # Data for panel
- $c->stash(
- title => $title,
- modul => $modul,
- lets_data => \%lets_data
- );
- $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
\ No newline at end of file
+ # Where to go now
+ $lets_data{'trt'} = $trt;
+ # Set up other shared data according to the panel to go to
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
+ # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
+ my %returned_hash;
+ # subroutine returns a hash directly
+ %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_LIST();
+ # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
+ $lets_data{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
+ if ($trt eq 'PARAMS') {
+ # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
+ my %returned_hash;
+ # subroutine returns a hash directly
+ %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_PARAMS();
+ # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
+ $lets_data{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PARAMS')
+ if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS') {
+ # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
+ my %returned_hash;
+ # subroutine returns a hash directly
+ %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLDOMAINS();
+ # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
+ $lets_data{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLDOMAINS')
+ # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
+ my %returned_hash;
+ # subroutine returns a hash directly
+ %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS();
+ # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
+ $lets_data{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKALLENABLEDDOMAINS')
+ if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN') {
+ # pickup any other contents needed and load them into hash shared with panel
+ my %returned_hash;
+ # subroutine returns a hash directly
+ %returned_hash = $c->get_data_for_panel_CHECKONEDOMAIN();
+ # Copy each key-value pair from the returned hash to the prefix data hash
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %returned_hash) {
+ $lets_data{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CHECKONEDOMAIN')
+ # and table control fields
+ $c->stash(DomainList => $c->get_DomainList());
+ # Data for panel
+ $c->stash(
+ title => $title,
+ modul => $modul,
+ lets_data => \%lets_data
+ );
+ $c->render(template => "letsencrypt");
+} ## end sub do_display
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index cef1763..bb74e5c 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Localnetworks;
# heading : Network
# description : Local networks
# navigation : 6000 500
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session subnet_mask get_reg_mask ip_number);
@@ -18,246 +17,223 @@ use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session subnet_mask get_reg_mask ip_number);
#use Data::Dumper;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::HostsDB;
my $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Couldn't open networks db");
my $ret = "OK";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
my %ln_datas = ();
$ln_datas{return} = "";
my $title = $c->l('ln_LOCAL NETWORKS');
my $modul = '';
$ln_datas{trt} = 'LIST';
my @localnetworks;
- if ($network_db) {
- @localnetworks = $network_db->get_all_by_prop( type => 'network' );
- }
+ if ($network_db) {
+ @localnetworks = $network_db->get_all_by_prop(type => 'network');
+ }
title => $title,
modul => $modul,
ln_datas => \%ln_datas,
localnetworks => \@localnetworks
- $c->render( template => 'localnetworks' );
+ $c->render(template => 'localnetworks');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ( $c->param('trt') || 'LIST' );
- $trt = 'DEL' if ( $rt eq 'localnetworksdel' );
- $trt = 'ADD' if ( $rt eq 'localnetworksadd' );
- $trt = 'ADD1' if ( $rt eq 'localnetworksadd1' );
- $trt = 'DEL1' if ( $rt eq 'localnetworksdel1' );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ $trt = 'DEL' if ($rt eq 'localnetworksdel');
+ $trt = 'ADD' if ($rt eq 'localnetworksadd');
+ $trt = 'ADD1' if ($rt eq 'localnetworksadd1');
+ $trt = 'DEL1' if ($rt eq 'localnetworksdel1');
my %ln_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('ln_LOCAL NETWORKS');
my $modul = '';
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
- #Add a network - called from the list panel
- # Nothing to do just need fields to input data.
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
- }
+ #Add a network - called from the list panel
+ # Nothing to do just need fields to input data.
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD1' ) {
- #Add a network - called after new network details filled in
- my %ret = add_network($c);
- #Return to list page if success
- if ((index($ret{ret},"SUCCESS") != -1)) {
- $trt = "LIST";
- } else {
- #Error - return to Add page
- $trt = "ADD";
- }
- $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Failed to open Networkdb-3"); #Refresh the network DB
- $c->stash(ret=>\%ret); #stash it away for the template
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD1') {
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL1' ) {
- #After Remove clicked on Delete network panel
- my $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Failed to open Networkdb-1");
+ #Add a network - called after new network details filled in
+ my %ret = add_network($c);
+ #Return to list page if success
+ if ((index($ret{ret}, "SUCCESS") != -1)) {
+ $trt = "LIST";
+ } else {
+ #Error - return to Add page
+ $trt = "ADD";
+ }
+ $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Failed to open Networkdb-3"); #Refresh the network DB
+ $c->stash(ret => \%ret); #stash it away for the template
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD1')
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL1') {
+ #After Remove clicked on Delete network panel
+ my $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Failed to open Networkdb-1");
my $localnetwork = $c->param("localnetwork");
- my $delete_hosts = $c->param("deletehost")||"1"; #default to deleting them.
- my $rec = $network_db->get($localnetwork)||die("Failed to find network on db:$localnetwork");
- if ( $rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'localnetwork' ) {
+ my $delete_hosts = $c->param("deletehost") || "1"; #default to deleting them.
+ my $rec = $network_db->get($localnetwork) || die("Failed to find network on db:$localnetwork");
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'localnetwork') {
$ln_datas{localnetwork} = $localnetwork;
- my %ret = remove_network($localnetwork,$delete_hosts);
- $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Failed to open Networkdb-2"); #Refresh the network DB
+ my %ret = remove_network($localnetwork, $delete_hosts);
+ $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open() || die("Failed to open Networkdb-2"); #Refresh the network DB
my @localnetworks;
- if ($network_db) {
- @localnetworks = $network_db->get_all_by_prop( type => 'network' );
- }
- # Load up ln_datas with values need by template
- $ln_datas{subnet} = $rec->prop('Mask');
- $ln_datas{router} = $rec->prop('Router');
- $c->stash( ln_datas => \%ln_datas, localnetworks => \@localnetworks ,ret =>\%ret);
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- #Initial delete panel requiring confirmation
- my $localnetwork = $c->param("localnetwork") || '';
- $c->stash(localnetwork=>$localnetwork);
+ if ($network_db) {
+ @localnetworks = $network_db->get_all_by_prop(type => 'network');
+ }
+ # Load up ln_datas with values need by template
+ $ln_datas{subnet} = $rec->prop('Mask');
+ $ln_datas{router} = $rec->prop('Router');
+ $c->stash(ln_datas => \%ln_datas, localnetworks => \@localnetworks, ret => \%ret);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL1')
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ #Initial delete panel requiring confirmation
+ my $localnetwork = $c->param("localnetwork") || '';
+ $c->stash(localnetwork => $localnetwork);
my $rec = $network_db->get($localnetwork) || die("Failed to get local network in db::$localnetwork");
my $subnet = $rec->prop('Mask');
$ln_datas{subnet} = $subnet;
$ln_datas{router} = $rec->prop('Router');
- my $numhosts = hosts_on_network($localnetwork,$subnet);
+ my $numhosts = hosts_on_network($localnetwork, $subnet);
$ln_datas{localnetwork} = $localnetwork;
- $ln_datas{deletehosts} = $numhosts>0?1:0;
- }
+ $ln_datas{deletehosts} = $numhosts > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
- if ( $trt eq 'LIST' ) {
- #List all the networks
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
+ #List all the networks
my @localnetworks;
if ($network_db) {
- @localnetworks = $network_db->get_all_by_prop( type => 'network' );
+ @localnetworks = $network_db->get_all_by_prop(type => 'network');
- $c->stash( localnetworks => \@localnetworks );
- ## $c->redirect_to('/localnetworks');
- }
+ $c->stash(localnetworks => \@localnetworks);
+ ## $c->redirect_to('/localnetworks');
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
$ln_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, ln_datas => \%ln_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'localnetworks' );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, ln_datas => \%ln_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'localnetworks');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub remove_network {
- my $network = shift;
- my $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open();
- my $record = $network_db->get($network);
- my $delete_hosts = shift;
+ my $network = shift;
+ my $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open();
+ my $record = $network_db->get($network);
+ my $delete_hosts = shift;
- if ( my $record = $network_db->get($network) ) {
+ if (my $record = $network_db->get($network)) {
my $subnet = $record->prop('Mask');
my $router = $record->prop('Router');
- $record->set_prop( type => 'network-deleted' );
+ $record->set_prop(type => 'network-deleted');
# Untaint $network before use in system()
$network =~ /(.+)/;
$network = $1;
- if ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "network-delete", $network ) == 0 ) {
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "network-delete", $network) == 0) {
if ($delete_hosts) {
- my @hosts_to_delete = hosts_on_network( $network, $subnet );
+ my @hosts_to_delete = hosts_on_network($network, $subnet);
foreach my $host (@hosts_to_delete) {
- }
+ } ## end if ($delete_hosts)
- return (ret=>'ln_SUCCESS_REMOVED_NETWORK',vars=>"$network,$subnet,$router");
- }
- else {
- return (ret=>"ln_ERROR_DELETING_NETWORK");
+ return (ret => 'ln_SUCCESS_REMOVED_NETWORK', vars => "$network,$subnet,$router");
+ } else {
+ return (ret => "ln_ERROR_DELETING_NETWORK");
+ } else {
+ return (ret => "ln_NO_SUCH_NETWORK");
- else {
- return (ret=>"ln_NO_SUCH_NETWORK");
- }
+} ## end sub remove_network
sub hosts_on_network {
my $network = shift;
my $netmask = shift;
die if not $network and $netmask;
- my $cidr = "$network/$netmask";
- my $hosts = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open hosts db");
- my @localhosts = grep { $_->prop('HostType') eq 'Local' } $hosts->hosts;
+ my $cidr = "$network/$netmask";
+ my $hosts = esmith::HostsDB->open() || die("Couldn't open hosts db");
+ my @localhosts = grep { $_->prop('HostType') eq 'Local' } $hosts->hosts;
my @hosts_on_network = ();
foreach my $host (@localhosts) {
my $ip = $host->prop('InternalIP') || "";
if ($ip) {
- if ( Net::IPv4Addr::ipv4_in_network( $cidr, $ip ) ) {
+ if (Net::IPv4Addr::ipv4_in_network($cidr, $ip)) {
push @hosts_on_network, $host;
- }
- }
+ } ## end if ($ip)
+ } ## end foreach my $host (@localhosts)
return @hosts_on_network if wantarray;
return scalar @hosts_on_network;
+} ## end sub hosts_on_network
-sub add_network
+sub add_network {
my ($fm) = @_;
my $networkAddress = $fm->param('networkAddress');
my $networkMask = $fm->param('networkMask');
my $networkRouter = $fm->param('networkRouter');
#Validate Ips and subnet mask
my $res = ip_number($fm, $networkAddress);
- return (ret=>'ln_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS', vars=>"Network Address $res") unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = subnet_mask( $networkMask );
- return (ret=>'ln_INVALID_SUBNET_MASK', vars=>"$networkMask" ) unless $res eq 'OK';
+ return (ret => 'ln_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS', vars => "Network Address $res") unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = subnet_mask($networkMask);
+ return (ret => 'ln_INVALID_SUBNET_MASK', vars => "$networkMask") unless $res eq 'OK';
$res = ip_number($fm, $networkRouter);
- return (ret=>'ln_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS' , vars=>"Routeur Address $res") unless $res eq 'OK';
+ return (ret => 'ln_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS', vars => "Routeur Address $res") unless $res eq 'OK';
# we transform bit mask to regular mask
- $networkMask = get_reg_mask( $networkAddress, $networkMask );
+ $networkMask = get_reg_mask($networkAddress, $networkMask);
my $network_db = esmith::NetworksDB->open()
- || esmith::NetworksDB->create();
- my $config_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open();
+ || esmith::NetworksDB->create();
+ my $config_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open();
my $localIP = $config_db->get('LocalIP');
my $localNetmask = $config_db->get('LocalNetmask');
- my ( $localNetwork, $localBroadcast ) =
- esmith::util::computeNetworkAndBroadcast( $localIP->value(),
- $localNetmask->value() );
- my ( $routerNetwork, $routerBroadcast ) =
- esmith::util::computeNetworkAndBroadcast( $networkRouter,
- $localNetmask->value() );
+ my ($localNetwork, $localBroadcast)
+ = esmith::util::computeNetworkAndBroadcast($localIP->value(), $localNetmask->value());
+ my ($routerNetwork, $routerBroadcast)
+ = esmith::util::computeNetworkAndBroadcast($networkRouter, $localNetmask->value());
# Note to self or future developers:
# the following tests should probably be validation routines
# in the form itself, but it just seemed too fiddly to do that
# at the moment. -- Skud 2002-04-11
# I agree --bjr 2020-04-18
- if ( $routerNetwork ne $localNetwork )
- {
+ if ($routerNetwork ne $localNetwork) {
+ }
+ my ($network, $broadcast) = esmith::util::computeNetworkAndBroadcast($networkAddress, $networkMask);
+ if ($network eq $localNetwork) {
+ return (ret => 'ln_NETWORK_ALREADY_LOCAL');
- my ( $network, $broadcast ) =
- esmith::util::computeNetworkAndBroadcast( $networkAddress, $networkMask );
- if ( $network eq $localNetwork )
- {
- return (ret=>'ln_NETWORK_ALREADY_LOCAL');
+ if ($network_db->get($network)) {
+ return (ret => 'ln_NETWORK_ALREADY_ADDED');
- if ( $network_db->get($network) )
- {
- return (ret=>'ln_NETWORK_ALREADY_ADDED');
- }
- {
- Mask => $networkMask,
+ { Mask => $networkMask,
Router => $networkRouter,
type => 'network',
@@ -266,26 +242,26 @@ sub add_network
# Untaint $network before use in system()
$network =~ /(.+)/;
$network = $1;
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "network-create", $network ) == 0
- or ( return (ret=>'ln_ERROR_CREATING_NETWORK' ));
- my ( $totalHosts, $firstAddr, $lastAddr ) =
- esmith::util::computeHostRange( $network, $networkMask );
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "network-create", $network) == 0
+ or (return (ret => 'ln_ERROR_CREATING_NETWORK'));
+ my ($totalHosts, $firstAddr, $lastAddr) = esmith::util::computeHostRange($network, $networkMask);
my $msg;
- if ( $totalHosts == 1 )
+ if ($totalHosts == 1) {
+ return (ret => 'ln_SUCCESS_SINGLE_ADDRESS', vars => "$network,$networkMask,$networkRouter");
+ } elsif (($totalHosts == 256)
+ || ($totalHosts == 65536)
+ || ($totalHosts == 16777216))
- return (ret=>'ln_SUCCESS_SINGLE_ADDRESS',vars=>"$network,$networkMask,$networkRouter");
- }
- elsif (( $totalHosts == 256 )
- || ( $totalHosts == 65536 )
- || ( $totalHosts == 16777216 ) )
- {
- return ( ret=>'ln_SUCCESS_NETWORK_RANGE',vars=>"$network,$networkMask,$networkRouter,$totalHosts,$firstAddr,$lastAddr");
- }
- else
- { my $simpleMask = esmith::util::computeLocalNetworkPrefix( $network, $networkMask );
- return ( ret => 'ln_SUCCESS_NONSTANDARD_RANGE',
- vars=>"$network,$networkMask,$networkRouter,$totalHosts,$firstAddr,$lastAddr,$simpleMask");
- }
+ return (
+ vars => "$network,$networkMask,$networkRouter,$totalHosts,$firstAddr,$lastAddr"
+ );
+ } else {
+ my $simpleMask = esmith::util::computeLocalNetworkPrefix($network, $networkMask);
+ return (
+ vars => "$network,$networkMask,$networkRouter,$totalHosts,$firstAddr,$lastAddr,$simpleMask"
+ );
+ } ## end else [ if ($totalHosts == 1) ]
+} ## end sub add_network
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 1d73f07..38e5f95 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -8,266 +8,215 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Login;
# routes : end
# for information
# $r->get('/login')->to('login#main')->name('login');
# $r->post('/login')->to('login#login')->name('signin');
# $r->get('/login2')->to('login#pwdrescue')->name('pwdresc');
# $r->get('/loginc')->to('login#confpwd')->name('resetpwdconf');
# for information
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr::Model::Main;
use SrvMngr qw( theme_list init_session );
-my $DURATION_BLOCKED = 30 * 60; # access blocked for 30 min
+my $DURATION_BLOCKED = 30 * 60; # access blocked for 30 min
-my $RESET_DURATION = 2 * 60 * 60; # 2 hours for resetting
+my $RESET_DURATION = 2 * 60 * 60; # 2 hours for resetting
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open() or die "Couldn't open DB Accounts\n";
my $allowed_user_re = qr/^\w{5,10}$/;
my %Login_Attempts;
sub main {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->stash( trt => 'NORM' );
- $c->render('login');
+ my $c = shift;
+ $c->stash(trt => 'NORM');
+ $c->render('login');
+} ## end sub main
sub login {
- my $c = shift;
- my $trt = $c->param('Trt');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $trt = $c->param('Trt');
# password reset request
- if ( $trt eq 'RESET' ) {
- my $res = $c->mail_rescue();
- if ( $res ne 'OK' ) {
- $c->stash( error => $res, trt => $trt );
- return $c->render('login');
- }
- $c->flash( success => $c->l('use_RESET_REGISTERED') );
- record_login_attempt($c, 'RESET');
- return $c->redirect_to( $c->home_page );
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'RESET') {
+ my $res = $c->mail_rescue();
+ if ($res ne 'OK') {
+ $c->stash(error => $res, trt => $trt);
+ return $c->render('login');
+ }
+ $c->flash(success => $c->l('use_RESET_REGISTERED'));
+ record_login_attempt($c, 'RESET');
+ return $c->redirect_to($c->home_page);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'RESET')
# normal loggin
- my $name = $c->param('Username');
- my $pass = $c->param('Password');
- my $from = $c->param('From');
+ my $name = $c->param('Username');
+ my $pass = $c->param('Password');
+ my $from = $c->param('From');
- if ( is_denied($c) ) {
- $c->stash( error => $c->l('use_TOO_MANY_LOGIN'), trt => 'NORM' );
- return $c->render('login');
- }
-# untaint
- unless ( ($name =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/) && ($pass =~ /^([ -~]+)$/) ) {
- record_login_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
- $c->stash( error => $c->l('use_INVALID_DATA'), trt => 'NORM' );
- return $c->render('login');
- }
- my $alias = SrvMngr::Model::Main->check_adminalias( $c );
- if ( $alias ) {
- if ( $name eq $alias ) {
- $name = 'admin';
- } elsif ( $name eq 'admin' ) {
- record_login_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
- $c->stash( error => $c->l('use_SORRY'), trt => 'NORM' );
- return $c->render('login');
+ if (is_denied($c)) {
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l('use_TOO_MANY_LOGIN'), trt => 'NORM');
+ return $c->render('login');
- }
- if (SrvMngr::Model::Main->check_credentials($name, $pass)) {
- $c->session(logged_in => 1); # set the logged_in flag
- $c->session(username => $name); # keep a copy of the username
-# if ( $name eq 'admin' || $adb->is_user_in_group($name, 'AdmiN') ) # for futur use
- if ( $name eq 'admin' ) {
- $c->session(is_admin => 1);
+ # untaint
+ unless (($name =~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/) && ($pass =~ /^([ -~]+)$/)) {
+ record_login_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l('use_INVALID_DATA'), trt => 'NORM');
+ return $c->render('login');
+ }
+ my $alias = SrvMngr::Model::Main->check_adminalias($c);
+ if ($alias) {
+ if ($name eq $alias) {
+ $name = 'admin';
+ } elsif ($name eq 'admin') {
+ record_login_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l('use_SORRY'), trt => 'NORM');
+ return $c->render('login');
+ }
+ } ## end if ($alias)
+ if (SrvMngr::Model::Main->check_credentials($name, $pass)) {
+ $c->session(logged_in => 1); # set the logged_in flag
+ $c->session(username => $name); # keep a copy of the username
+ # if ( $name eq 'admin' || $adb->is_user_in_group($name, 'AdmiN') ) # for futur use
+ if ($name eq 'admin') {
+ $c->session(is_admin => 1);
+ } else {
+ $c->session(is_admin => 0);
+ }
+ $c->session(expiration => 600); # expire this session in 10 minutes
+ $c->flash(success => $c->l('use_WELCOME'));
+ record_login_attempt($c, 'SUCCESS');
} else {
- $c->session(is_admin => 0);
- }
- $c->session(expiration => 600); # expire this session in 10 minutes
- $c->flash( success => $c->l('use_WELCOME') );
- record_login_attempt($c, 'SUCCESS');
- } else {
- record_login_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
- $c->stash( error => $c->l('use_SORRY'), trt => 'NORM' );
- return $c->render('login');
- }
- $from = $c->home_page if ( $from eq 'login' );
- $c->redirect_to( $from );
+ record_login_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
+ $c->stash(error => $c->l('use_SORRY'), trt => 'NORM');
+ return $c->render('login');
+ } ## end else [ if (SrvMngr::Model::Main...)]
+ $from = $c->home_page if ($from eq 'login');
+ $c->redirect_to($from);
+} ## end sub login
sub pwdrescue {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->stash( trt => 'RESET' );
- $c->render('login');
+ my $c = shift;
+ $c->stash(trt => 'RESET');
+ $c->render('login');
+} ## end sub pwdrescue
sub mail_rescue {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $name = $c->param('Username');
+ my $from = $c->param('From');
+ my $res;
+ $res .= $c->l('use_TOO_MANY_LOGIN') if (is_denied($c));
- my $c = shift;
- my $name = $c->param('Username');
- my $from = $c->param('From');
- my $res;
- $res .= $c->l('use_TOO_MANY_LOGIN') if ( is_denied($c) );
-# untaint
- if ( ! $res && $name !~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/ ) {
- record_login_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
- $res .= $c->l('use_ERR_NAME');
- }
- if ( ! $res && $name eq 'admin' ) {
- $res .= $c->l('use_NOT_THAT_OPER');
- }
-# user exists ?
- if ( ! $res ) {
- my $acct = $adb->get($name);
- if ( ! $acct || $acct->prop('type') ne "user" || $acct->prop('PasswordSet') ne 'yes' ) {
- $res .= $c->l('use_NOT_THAT_OPER');
- }
+ # untaint
+ if (!$res && $name !~ /^([a-z][\-\_\.a-z0-9]*)$/) {
+ record_login_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
+ $res .= $c->l('use_ERR_NAME');
+ if (!$res && $name eq 'admin') {
+ $res .= $c->l('use_NOT_THAT_OPER');
+ }
+ # user exists ?
+ if (!$res) {
+ my $acct = $adb->get($name);
+ if (!$acct || $acct->prop('type') ne "user" || $acct->prop('PasswordSet') ne 'yes') {
+ $res .= $c->l('use_NOT_THAT_OPER');
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$res)
return $res if $res;
-# send email
- my $email = $name .'@'. $c->session->{DomainName};
+ # send email
+ my $email = $name . '@' . $c->session->{DomainName};
my $until = time() + $RESET_DURATION;
+ $c->pwdrst->{$name} = {
+ email => $email,
+ date => $until,
+ confirmed => 0,
+ };
+ my $jwt = $c->jwt->claims({ username => $name })->encode;
+ my $url = $c->url_for('loginc')->to_abs->query(jwt => $jwt);
- $c->pwdrst->{$name} = {
- email => $email,
- date => $until,
- confirmed => 0,
- };
- my $jwt = $c->jwt->claims({username => $name})->encode;
- my $url = $c->url_for('loginc')->to_abs->query(jwt => $jwt);
-# $c->email( $email, $c->l('use_CONFIRM_RESET'), $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('use_GO_TO_URL', $url) ) );
-# directly (without minion)
- $c->send_email( $email, $c->l('use_CONFIRM_RESET'), $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('use_GO_TO_URL', $url) ) );
- return 'OK';
+ # $c->email( $email, $c->l('use_CONFIRM_RESET'), $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('use_GO_TO_URL', $url) ) );
+ # directly (without minion)
+ $c->send_email($email, $c->l('use_CONFIRM_RESET'), $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('use_GO_TO_URL', $url)));
+ return 'OK';
+} ## end sub mail_rescue
sub logout {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
- $c->session( expires => 1 );
- $c->flash( success => $c->l('use_BYE') );
- $c->flash( error => 'Byegood' );
- $c->redirect_to( $c->home_page );
+ my $c = shift;
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
+ $c->session(expires => 1);
+ $c->flash(success => $c->l('use_BYE'));
+ $c->flash(error => 'Byegood');
+ $c->redirect_to($c->home_page);
+} ## end sub logout
sub confpwd {
- my $c = shift;
- my $jwt = $c->param('jwt');
- my $name = $c->jwt->decode($jwt)->{username};
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $jwt = $c->param('jwt');
+ my $name = $c->jwt->decode($jwt)->{username};
# request already treated or outdated
- if ( $c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} != 0 or $c->pwdrst->{$name}{date} < time() ) {
- $c->flash( error => $c->l('use_INVALID_REQUEST'));
- return $c->redirect_to( $c->home_page );
- }
+ if ($c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} != 0 or $c->pwdrst->{$name}{date} < time()) {
+ $c->flash(error => $c->l('use_INVALID_REQUEST'));
+ return $c->redirect_to($c->home_page);
+ }
# reset password for this account
- $c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} = 1;
- $c->flash( success => $c->l('use_OK_FOR_RESET') );
+ $c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} = 1;
+ $c->flash(success => $c->l('use_OK_FOR_RESET'));
# call userpassword with encoded name
- my $url = $c->url_for('userpasswordr')->to_abs->query(jwt => $jwt);
+ my $url = $c->url_for('userpasswordr')->to_abs->query(jwt => $jwt);
# warn "confpwd: " . $url . "\n";
- return $c->redirect_to( $url );
+ return $c->redirect_to($url);
+} ## end sub confpwd
sub record_login_attempt {
+ my ($c, $result) = @_;
+ my $user = $c->param('Username');
+ my $ip_address = $c->tx->remote_address;
- my ($c, $result) = @_;
- my $user = $c->param('Username');
- my $ip_address = $c->tx->remote_address;
- if ($result eq 'RESET') {
- $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Password reset requested for : $user at ", $ip_address);
- } elsif ($result eq 'SUCCESS') {
- $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Login succeeded: $user", $ip_address);
- $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{tries} = 0; # reset the number of login attempts
- } else {
- $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Login FAILED: $user", $ip_address);
- $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{tries}++;
- if ( $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{tries} > $MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS ) {
- $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{denied_until} = time() + $DURATION_BLOCKED;
- }
- }
+ if ($result eq 'RESET') {
+ $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Password reset requested for : $user at ", $ip_address);
+ } elsif ($result eq 'SUCCESS') {
+ $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Login succeeded: $user", $ip_address);
+ $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{tries} = 0; # reset the number of login attempts
+ } else {
+ $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Login FAILED: $user", $ip_address);
+ $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{tries}++;
+ if ($Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{tries} > $MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS) {
+ $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{denied_until} = time() + $DURATION_BLOCKED;
+ }
+ } ## end else [ if ($result eq 'RESET')]
+} ## end sub record_login_attempt
sub is_denied {
- my ($c) = @_;
- my $ip_address = $c->tx->remote_address;
- return unless exists $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ my $ip_address = $c->tx->remote_address;
+ return
+ unless exists $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}
&& exists $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{denied_until};
+ return 'Denied'
+ if $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{denied_until} > time();
- return 'Denied'
- if $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{denied_until} > time();
- # TIMEOUT has expired, reset attempts
- delete $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{denied_until};
- $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{tries} = 0;
- return;
+ # TIMEOUT has expired, reset attempts
+ delete $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{denied_until};
+ $Login_Attempts{$ip_address}->{tries} = 0;
+ return;
+} ## end sub is_denied
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 64ea49a..db005f7 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -8,27 +8,18 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Logout;
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw( theme_list init_session );
sub logout {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
- $c->session( expires => 1 );
- $c->flash( success => 'Goodbye' );
- $c->redirect_to( $c->home_page );
+ my $c = shift;
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
+ $c->session(expires => 1);
+ $c->flash(success => 'Goodbye');
+ $c->redirect_to($c->home_page);
+} ## end sub logout
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index f05cfe3..5d2195e 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -10,25 +10,17 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Manual;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my $title = $c->l('manual_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('manual_DESCRIPTION'));
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul);
$c->render(template => 'manual');
+} ## end sub main
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 4cd9c0b..d9bbc90 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -1,71 +1,57 @@
package SrvMngr::Controller::Modules;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
# routes : end
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
sub bugreport {
my $c = shift;
- my $modul = $c->render_to_string( inline => "# my (\$lang, \$releaseVersion,
+ my $modul = $c->render_to_string(
+ inline => "
# my (\$lang, \$releaseVersion,
# \$c->stash\(\'lang\', \'releaseVer\'
-# \'navigation\'
- $c->stash( modul => $modul );
+# \'navigation\'
+ );
+ $c->stash(modul => $modul);
+} ## end sub bugreport
sub support {
my $c = shift;
my $modul = $c->stash('modul');
$modul .= 'Mail result is 1 + 8.';
- $c->stash( modul => $modul, PwdSet => '0', Unsafe => '0' );
+ $c->stash(modul => $modul, PwdSet => '0', Unsafe => '0');
+} ## end sub support
sub modsearch {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $module = $c->param('module');
my $redirect_url = SrvMngr->get_mod_url($module);
- if($redirect_url ne "-1"){
- #$c->render(text => "mod_search: $module to $redirect_url");
+ if ($redirect_url ne "-1") {
+ #$c->render(text => "mod_search: $module to $redirect_url");
return $c->redirect_to($redirect_url);
#return $c->redirect_to( url_for($redirect_url) );
- }
+ } ## end if ($redirect_url ne "-1")
#$c->render(text => "mod_search: $module to 'welcome'");
- return $c->redirect_to( $c->home_page );
+ return $c->redirect_to($c->home_page);
+} ## end sub modsearch
sub whatever {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $whatever = $c->param('whatever');
$c->app->log->info($c->log_req . ' ' . $whatever);
$c->render(text => "whatever: /$whatever did not match.", status => 404);
+} ## end sub whatever
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index c3254ac..603a2c5 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -10,248 +10,246 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Portforwarding;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
-#use Regexp::Common qw /net/;
+#use Regexp::Common qw /net/;
#use Data::Dumper;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::HostsDB;
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open
|| die "Can't open configuration database: $!\n";
our $tcp_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open('portforward_tcp')
|| die "Can't open portforward_tcp database: $!\n";
our $udp_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open('portforward_udp')
|| die "Can't open portforward_udp database: $!\n";
my %ret = ();
use constant FALSE => 0;
use constant TRUE => 1;
sub main {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
my %pf_datas = ();
$pf_datas{return} = "";
my $title = $c->l('pf_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = '';
$pf_datas{trt} = 'LIST';
my @tcpforwards = $tcp_db->get_all;
my @udpforwards = $udp_db->get_all;
- my $empty = 1 if not @tcpforwards and not @udpforwards;
- $c->stash(
- title => $title,
- modul => $modul,
- pf_datas => \%pf_datas,
- tcpforwards =>\@tcpforwards,
- udpforwards =>\@udpforwards,
- empty => $empty
+ my $empty = 1 if not @tcpforwards and not @udpforwards;
+ $c->stash(
+ title => $title,
+ modul => $modul,
+ pf_datas => \%pf_datas,
+ tcpforwards => \@tcpforwards,
+ udpforwards => \@udpforwards,
+ empty => $empty
- $c->render( template => 'portforwarding' );
+ $c->render(template => 'portforwarding');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ( $c->param('trt') || 'LIST' );
- $trt = 'DEL' if ( $rt eq 'portforwardingdel' );
- $trt = 'ADD' if ( $rt eq 'portforwardingadd' );
- $trt = 'ADD1' if ( $rt eq 'portforwardingadd1' );
- $trt = 'DEL1' if ( $rt eq 'portforwardingdel1' );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ $trt = 'DEL' if ($rt eq 'portforwardingdel');
+ $trt = 'ADD' if ($rt eq 'portforwardingadd');
+ $trt = 'ADD1' if ($rt eq 'portforwardingadd1');
+ $trt = 'DEL1' if ($rt eq 'portforwardingdel1');
my %pf_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('pf_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = '';
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
- # Add a portforward- called from the list panel
- # Nothing to do just need template to display fields to input data.
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
- }
+ # Add a portforward- called from the list panel
+ # Nothing to do just need template to display fields to input data.
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD1' ) {
- #Add a port forward - called after new pf details filled in
- my %ret = add_portforward($c);
- #Return to list page if success
- if ((index($ret{ret},"SUCCESS") != -1)) {
- $trt = "LIST";
- } else {
- #Error - return to Add page
- $trt = "ADD";
- }
- $c->stash(ret=>\%ret);
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD1') {
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL1' ) {
- ##After Remove clicked on Delete network panel
- my $sport = $c->param("sport") || '';
- my $proto = $c->param("proto") || '';
- #work out which protocol
+ #Add a port forward - called after new pf details filled in
+ my %ret = add_portforward($c);
+ #Return to list page if success
+ if ((index($ret{ret}, "SUCCESS") != -1)) {
+ $trt = "LIST";
+ } else {
+ #Error - return to Add page
+ $trt = "ADD";
+ }
+ $c->stash(ret => \%ret);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD1')
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL1') {
+ ##After Remove clicked on Delete network panel
+ my $sport = $c->param("sport") || '';
+ my $proto = $c->param("proto") || '';
+ #work out which protocol
my $fdb;
if ($proto eq 'TCP') {
$fdb = $tcp_db;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$fdb = $udp_db;
- #check that the sport is in the db
- my $entry = $fdb->get($sport) || die("Unable to find sport and proto $sport $proto");
+ #check that the sport is in the db
+ my $entry = $fdb->get($sport) || die("Unable to find sport and proto $sport $proto");
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "portforwarding-update") == 0
- or ( die($c->l('pf_ERR_NONZERO_RETURN_EVENT')));
- $trt = "LIST";
- my %ret = (ret=>"pf_SUCCESS");
- $c->stash(ret=>\%ret);
- }
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "portforwarding-update") == 0
+ or (die($c->l('pf_ERR_NONZERO_RETURN_EVENT')));
+ $trt = "LIST";
+ my %ret = (ret => "pf_SUCCESS");
+ $c->stash(ret => \%ret);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL1')
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- ##Initial delete panel requiring confirmation
- my $sport = $c->param("sport") || '';
- my $proto = $c->param("proto") || '';
- $c->stash(sport=>$sport);
- #work out which protocol
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ ##Initial delete panel requiring confirmation
+ my $sport = $c->param("sport") || '';
+ my $proto = $c->param("proto") || '';
+ $c->stash(sport => $sport);
+ #work out which protocol
my $fdb;
if ($proto eq 'TCP') {
$fdb = $tcp_db;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$fdb = $udp_db;
- #pull out details and pass to template
- my $entry = $fdb->get($sport) || die("Unable to find sport and proto $sport $proto");
+ #pull out details and pass to template
+ my $entry = $fdb->get($sport) || die("Unable to find sport and proto $sport $proto");
$pf_datas{proto} = $proto;
$pf_datas{sport} = $sport;
$pf_datas{dhost} = $entry->prop('DestHost');
$pf_datas{dport} = $entry->prop('DestPort') || '';
- $pf_datas{cmmnt} = $entry->prop('Comment') || '';
- $pf_datas{allow} = $entry->prop('AllowHosts') || '';
- }
+ $pf_datas{cmmnt} = $entry->prop('Comment') || '';
+ $pf_datas{allow} = $entry->prop('AllowHosts') || '';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
- if ( $trt eq 'LIST' ) {
- #List all the port forwards
- my @tcpforwards = $tcp_db->get_all;
- my @udpforwards = $udp_db->get_all;
- my $empty = 1 if not @tcpforwards and not @udpforwards;
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
- $c->stash(
- tcpforwards =>\@tcpforwards,
- udpforwards =>\@udpforwards,
- empty => $empty
- );
+ #List all the port forwards
+ my @tcpforwards = $tcp_db->get_all;
+ my @udpforwards = $udp_db->get_all;
+ my $empty = 1 if not @tcpforwards and not @udpforwards;
+ $c->stash(
+ tcpforwards => \@tcpforwards,
+ udpforwards => \@udpforwards,
+ empty => $empty
+ );
- #my %forwards = (TCP=>@tcpforwards,UDP=>@udpforwards);
- #$c->stash(portforwarding => %forwards);
- }
- $pf_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, pf_datas => \%pf_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'portforwarding' );
+ #my %forwards = (TCP=>@tcpforwards,UDP=>@udpforwards);
+ #$c->stash(portforwarding => %forwards);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
+ $pf_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, pf_datas => \%pf_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'portforwarding');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub add_portforward {
- my $c = shift;
- my $sport = $c->param("sport") || '';
- my $proto = $c->param("proto") || '';
- #work out which protocol
- my $fdb;
- if ($proto eq 'TCP') {
- $tcp_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open('portforward_tcp') || die "Can't open portforward_tcp database: $!\n";
- $fdb = $tcp_db;
- }
- else {
- $udp_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open('portforward_udp') || die "Can't open portforward_udp database: $!\n";
- $fdb = $udp_db;
- }
- #Get the other values
- my $dport = $c->param("dport");
- my $dhost = get_destination_host($c);
- my $cmmnt = $c->param("cmmnt") || "";
- my $allow = $c->param("allow") || "";
- my $deny = (($c->param("allow")) ? "" : "");
- $proto =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- $sport =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- $dport =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- $dhost =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- #Validate the values
- %ret=validate_source_port($c) ; unless (index($ret{ret},"SUCCESS")!= -1) {return %ret;}
- %ret=validate_allowed_hosts($c) ; if (index($ret{ret},"SUCCESS")== -1) {return %ret;}
- %ret=validate_destination_port($c) ; if (index($ret{ret},"SUCCESS")== -1) {return %ret;}
- %ret=validate_destination_host($c) ; if (index($ret{ret},"SUCCESS")== -1) {return %ret;}
- # and then write it to the DB and tell the exec about it.
- my $entry = $fdb->get($sport) || $fdb->new_record($sport, { type => 'forward' });
- $entry->set_prop('DestHost', $dhost);
- $entry->set_prop('DestPort', $dport) if $dport;
- $entry->set_prop('Comment', $cmmnt);
- $entry->set_prop('AllowHosts', $allow);
- $entry->set_prop('DenyHosts', $deny);
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "portforwarding-update") == 0
- or ( return (ret=>'pf_ERR_NONZERO_RETURN_EVENT' ));
- my %ret = (ret=>"pf_SUCCESS");
- return %ret;
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $sport = $c->param("sport") || '';
+ my $proto = $c->param("proto") || '';
-sub get_destination_host
- my $q = shift;
- my $dhost = $q->param("dhost");
- my $localip = $db->get_prop('InternalInterface', 'IPAddress');
+ #work out which protocol
+ my $fdb;
+ if ($proto eq 'TCP') {
+ $tcp_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open('portforward_tcp') || die "Can't open portforward_tcp database: $!\n";
+ $fdb = $tcp_db;
+ } else {
+ $udp_db = esmith::ConfigDB->open('portforward_udp') || die "Can't open portforward_udp database: $!\n";
+ $fdb = $udp_db;
+ }
+ #Get the other values
+ my $dport = $c->param("dport");
+ my $dhost = get_destination_host($c);
+ my $cmmnt = $c->param("cmmnt") || "";
+ my $allow = $c->param("allow") || "";
+ my $deny = (($c->param("allow")) ? "" : "");
+ $proto =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $sport =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $dport =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $dhost =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ #Validate the values
+ %ret = validate_source_port($c);
+ unless (index($ret{ret}, "SUCCESS") != -1) { return %ret; }
+ %ret = validate_allowed_hosts($c);
+ if (index($ret{ret}, "SUCCESS") == -1) { return %ret; }
+ %ret = validate_destination_port($c);
+ if (index($ret{ret}, "SUCCESS") == -1) { return %ret; }
+ %ret = validate_destination_host($c);
+ if (index($ret{ret}, "SUCCESS") == -1) { return %ret; }
+ # and then write it to the DB and tell the exec about it.
+ my $entry = $fdb->get($sport) || $fdb->new_record($sport, { type => 'forward' });
+ $entry->set_prop('DestHost', $dhost);
+ $entry->set_prop('DestPort', $dport) if $dport;
+ $entry->set_prop('Comment', $cmmnt);
+ $entry->set_prop('AllowHosts', $allow);
+ $entry->set_prop('DenyHosts', $deny);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "portforwarding-update") == 0
+ or (return (ret => 'pf_ERR_NONZERO_RETURN_EVENT'));
+ my %ret = (ret => "pf_SUCCESS");
+ return %ret;
+} ## end sub add_portforward
+sub get_destination_host {
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $dhost = $q->param("dhost");
+ my $localip = $db->get_prop('InternalInterface', 'IPAddress');
my $external_ip = $db->get_prop('ExternalInterface', 'IPAddress') || $localip;
- if ($dhost =~ /^(|$localip|$external_ip)$/i)
- {
+ if ($dhost =~ /^(|$localip|$external_ip)$/i) {
# localhost token gets expanded at runtime to current external IP
$dhost = 'localhost';
- }
+ } ## end if ($dhost =~ /^(|$localip|$external_ip)$/i)
return $dhost;
+} ## end sub get_destination_host
sub validate_source_port {
- my $q = shift;
+ my $q = shift;
my $sport = $q->param('sport');
$sport =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# If this is a port range, split it up and validate it individually.
my @ports = ();
- if ($sport =~ /-/)
- {
+ if ($sport =~ /-/) {
@ports = split /-/, $sport;
- if (@ports > 2)
- {
+ if (@ports > 2) {
#$self->debug_msg("found more than 2 ports: @ports");
- return (ret=>'pf_ERR_BADPORT');
- }
- }
- else
- {
+ return (ret => 'pf_ERR_BADPORT');
+ } ## end if (@ports > 2)
+ } else {
push @ports, $sport;
#$self->debug_msg("the ports array is: @ports");
- foreach my $port (@ports)
- {
+ foreach my $port (@ports) {
#$self->debug_msg("looping on port $port");
- if (! isValidPort($port))
- {
+ if (!isValidPort($port)) {
#$self->debug_msg("returning: " . $self->localise('ERR_BADPORT'));
- return (ret=>'pf_ERR_BADPORT');
+ return (ret => 'pf_ERR_BADPORT');
- }
- # Now, lets screen any duplicates.
+ } ## end foreach my $port (@ports)
+ # Now, lets screen any duplicates.
my $protocol = $q->param('protocol');
my @forwards = ();
@@ -261,152 +259,135 @@ sub validate_source_port {
} elsif ($protocol eq 'UDP') {
@forwards = map { $_->key } $udp_db->get_all;
- foreach my $psport (@forwards)
- {
- if (detect_collision($sport, $psport))
- {
- return (ret=>'pf_ERR_PORT_COLLISION');
- }
- }
- return (ret=>"pf_SUCCESS");
-sub detect_collision
+ foreach my $psport (@forwards) {
+ if (detect_collision($sport, $psport)) {
+ return (ret => 'pf_ERR_PORT_COLLISION');
+ }
+ } ## end foreach my $psport (@forwards)
+ return (ret => "pf_SUCCESS");
+} ## end sub validate_source_port
+sub detect_collision {
my $port_a = shift;
my $port_b = shift;
# If they're both single ports, see if they're the same.
- if (($port_a !~ /-/) && ($port_b !~ /-/))
- {
+ if (($port_a !~ /-/) && ($port_b !~ /-/)) {
return $port_a eq $port_b;
# If port_a is not a range but port_b is, is a in b?
- elsif ($port_a !~ /-/)
- {
+ elsif ($port_a !~ /-/) {
my ($b1, $b2) = split /-/, $port_b;
return (($port_a >= $b1) && ($port_a <= $b2));
- }
- elsif ($port_b !~ /-/)
- {
+ } elsif ($port_b !~ /-/) {
my ($a1, $a2) = split /-/, $port_a;
return (($port_b >= $a1) && ($port_b <= $a2));
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
# They're both ranges. Do they overlap?
my ($a1, $a2) = split /-/, $port_a;
my ($b1, $b2) = split /-/, $port_b;
# They can overlap in two ways. Either a1 is in b, or b1 is in a.
- if (($a1 >= $b1) && ($a1 <= $b2))
- {
+ if (($a1 >= $b1) && ($a1 <= $b2)) {
return TRUE;
- }
- elsif (($b1 >= $a1) && ($b1 <= $a2))
- {
+ } elsif (($b1 >= $a1) && ($b1 <= $a2)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
- }
+ } ## end else [ if (($port_a !~ /-/) &&...)]
+} ## end sub detect_collision
sub validate_destination_port {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $dport = $c->param('dport');
$dport =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- # If the dport is empty, that's ok.
- return (ret=>'pf_SUCCESS') if not $dport;
+ # If the dport is empty, that's ok.
+ return (ret => 'pf_SUCCESS') if not $dport;
# If this is a port range, split it up and validate it individually.
my @ports = ();
- if ($dport =~ /-/)
- {
+ if ($dport =~ /-/) {
@ports = split /-/, $dport;
- if (@ports > 2)
- {
+ if (@ports > 2) {
#$self->debug_msg("found more than 2 ports: @ports");
- return (ret=>'pf_ERR_BADPORT');
- }
- }
- else
- {
+ return (ret => 'pf_ERR_BADPORT');
+ } ## end if (@ports > 2)
+ } else {
push @ports, $dport;
#$self->debug_msg("the ports array is: @ports");
+ foreach my $port (@ports) {
- foreach my $port (@ports)
- {
#$self->debug_msg("looping on port $port");
- if (! isValidPort($port))
- {
- #$self->debug_msg("returning: " . $self->localise('ERR_BADPORT'));
- return (ret=>'pf_ERR_BADPORT');
- }
- }
- return (ret=>'pf_SUCCESS');
+ if (!isValidPort($port)) {
+ #$self->debug_msg("returning: " . $self->localise('ERR_BADPORT'));
+ return (ret => 'pf_ERR_BADPORT');
+ }
+ } ## end foreach my $port (@ports)
+ return (ret => 'pf_SUCCESS');
+} ## end sub validate_destination_port
sub isValidPort() {
my $port = shift;
return FALSE unless defined $port;
- if (($port =~ /^\d+$/) &&
- ($port > 0) &&
- ($port < 65536))
+ if ( ($port =~ /^\d+$/)
+ && ($port > 0)
+ && ($port < 65536))
return TRUE;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return FALSE;
+} ## end sub isValidPort
sub validate_destination_host {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $dhost = $c->param('dhost');
$dhost =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my $localip = $db->get_prop('InternalInterface', 'IPAddress');
my $external_ip = $db->get_prop('ExternalInterface', 'IPAddress') || $localip;
- if ($dhost =~ /^(localhost||$localip|$external_ip)$/i)
- {
- # localhost token gets expanded at runtime to current external IP
- $c->param(-name=>'dhost', -value=>'localhost');
- return (ret=>'pf_SUCCESS');
- }
+ if ($dhost =~ /^(localhost||$localip|$external_ip)$/i) {
+ # localhost token gets expanded at runtime to current external IP
+ $c->param(-name => 'dhost', -value => 'localhost');
+ return (ret => 'pf_SUCCESS');
+ } ## end if ($dhost =~ /^(localhost||$localip|$external_ip)$/i)
my $systemmode = $db->get_value('SystemMode');
if ($systemmode eq 'serveronly') {
- return (ret=>'pf_IN_SERVERONLY');
+ return (ret => 'pf_IN_SERVERONLY');
if (isValidIP($dhost)) {
- return (ret=>'pf_SUCCESS');
+ return (ret => 'pf_SUCCESS');
+ } else {
+ return (ret => 'pf_ERR_BADIP');
- else {
- return (ret=>'pf_ERR_BADIP');
- }
+} ## end sub validate_destination_host
sub validate_allowed_hosts {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $ahost = $c->param('allow');
$ahost =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- my %valid_ahost_list = (ret=>"pf_SUCCESS");
+ my %valid_ahost_list = (ret => "pf_SUCCESS");
foreach (split(/[\s,]+/, $ahost)) {
my $valid_ipnet = 0;
$valid_ipnet = 1 if ($_ =~ m/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/);
$valid_ipnet = 1 if ($_ =~ m/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+$/);
- %valid_ahost_list = (ret=>"pf_ERR_BADAHOST") if ($valid_ipnet != 1);
- }
+ %valid_ahost_list = (ret => "pf_ERR_BADAHOST") if ($valid_ipnet != 1);
+ } ## end foreach (split(/[\s,]+/, $ahost...))
return %valid_ahost_list;
+} ## end sub validate_allowed_hosts
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index b8b70f7..e98e1cc 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,236 +11,198 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Printers;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::printers;
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %prt_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('prt_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('prt_FORM_TITLE');
$prt_datas{'trt'} = 'LIST';
my @printerDrivers;
- if ($adb)
- {
+ if ($adb) {
@printerDrivers = $adb->printers();
- $c->stash( title => $title, prt_datas => \%prt_datas, printerDrivers => \@printerDrivers );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, prt_datas => \%prt_datas, printerDrivers => \@printerDrivers);
$c->render(template => 'printers');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
- my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my $printer = $c->param('printer') || '';
#$trt = 'DEL' if ( $printer );
#$trt = 'ADD' if ( $rt eq 'printeradd' );
my %prt_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('prt_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('prt_FORM_TITLE');
$prt_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
- # nothing
+ # nothing
+ }
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($printer);
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'printer') {
+ $prt_datas{printer} = $printer;
+ $prt_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- my $rec = $adb->get($printer);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'printer') {
- $prt_datas{printer} = $printer;
- $prt_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Description') || '';
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
+ my @printerDrivers;
+ if ($adb) {
+ @printerDrivers = $adb->printers();
- if ( $trt eq 'LIST' ) {
- my @printerDrivers;
- if ($adb)
- {
- @printerDrivers = $adb->printers();
- }
- $c->stash( printerDrivers => \@printerDrivers );
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, prt_datas => \%prt_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'printers' );
+ $c->stash(printerDrivers => \@printerDrivers);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
+ $c->stash(title => $title, prt_datas => \%prt_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'printers');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my %prt_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('prt_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('prt_FORM_TITLE');
$prt_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
my ($res, $result) = '';
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
- my $name = ($c->param('Name') || '');
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
+ my $name = ($c->param('Name') || '');
my $description = ($c->param('Description') || '');
- my $location = ($c->param('Location') || '');
+ my $location = ($c->param('Location') || '');
- # controls
- $res = $c->validate_printer( $name, $description, $location );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # controls
+ $res = $c->validate_printer($name, $description, $location);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $location eq 'remote' and ! $result) {
- $prt_datas{'trt'} = 'NET';
- $prt_datas{'name'} = $name;
- $prt_datas{'description'} = $description;
- $prt_datas{'location'} = $location;
- $c->stash( title => $title, prt_datas => \%prt_datas );
- return $c->render( template => 'printers' );
- }
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->new_printer( $name, $description, $location );
- #$remoteName, $address );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('prt_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY') . ' ' . $name;
- }
- }
- }
+ if ($location eq 'remote' and !$result) {
+ $prt_datas{'trt'} = 'NET';
+ $prt_datas{'name'} = $name;
+ $prt_datas{'description'} = $description;
+ $prt_datas{'location'} = $location;
+ $c->stash(title => $title, prt_datas => \%prt_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => 'printers');
+ } ## end if ($location eq 'remote'...)
+ $res = '';
- if ( $trt eq 'NET' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->new_printer($name, $description, $location);
- my $name = ($c->param('Name') || '');
+ #$remoteName, $address );
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('prt_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY') . ' ' . $name;
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
+ if ($trt eq 'NET') {
+ my $name = ($c->param('Name') || '');
my $description = ($c->param('Description') || '');
- my $location = ($c->param('Location') || '');
- my $remoteName = ($c->param ('RemoteName') || '');
- my $address = ($c->param ('Address') || '');
+ my $location = ($c->param('Location') || '');
+ my $remoteName = ($c->param('RemoteName') || '');
+ my $address = ($c->param('Address') || '');
+ $prt_datas{'name'} = $name;
+ $prt_datas{'description'} = $description;
+ $prt_datas{'location'} = $location;
- $prt_datas{'name'} = $name;
- $prt_datas{'description'} = $description;
- $prt_datas{'location'} = $location;
+ # controls
+ $res = $c->validate_network($location, $remoteName, $address);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = '';
- # controls
- $res = $c->validate_network( $location, $remoteName, $address);
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->new_printer($name, $description, $location, $remoteName, $address);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->new_printer( $name, $description, $location, $remoteName, $address );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('prt_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY') . ' ' . $name;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('prt_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY') . ' ' . $name;
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'NET')
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- my $printer = ($c->param ('printer') || '');
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ my $printer = ($c->param('printer') || '');
- if ($printer =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)$/) {
- $printer = $1;
- } else {
- $result .= $c->l('prt_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $printer;
- }
+ if ($printer =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)$/) {
+ $printer = $1;
+ } else {
+ $result .= $c->l('prt_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $printer;
+ }
+ my $rec = $adb->get($printer);
+ $result .= $c->l('prt_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $printer unless ($rec);
+ $res = '';
- my $rec = $adb->get($printer);
- $result .= $c->l('prt_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $printer unless ($rec);
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->del_printer($printer);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->del_printer( $printer );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('prt_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY') . ' ' . $printer;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('prt_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY') . ' ' . $printer;
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
# common parts
if ($res ne 'OK') {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $c->stash( title => $title, prt_datas => \%prt_datas );
- return $c->render('printers');
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, prt_datas => \%prt_datas);
+ return $c->render('printers');
my $message = "'Printers' updates ($trt) DONE";
- $c->flash( success => $result );
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
#$c->flash( error => 'No changes applied !!' ); # for testing purpose
+} ## end sub do_update
sub del_printer {
- my ( $c, $printer ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $printer) = @_;
# Update the db account (1)
my $rec = $adb->get($printer);
$rec->set_prop('type', 'printer-deleted');
- system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event printer-delete $printer") == 0
- or return $c->error('ERR_DELETING');
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event printer-delete $printer") == 0
+ or return $c->error('ERR_DELETING');
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub del_printer
sub validate_printer {
- my ($c, $name, $description, $location, $remoteName, $address ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $name, $description, $location, $remoteName, $address) = @_;
# Validate parameters and untaint them
- if ($name =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)$/) {
+ if ($name =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)$/) {
$name = $1;
- } else {
+ } else {
return $c->l('prt_ERR_UNEXPECTED_NAME') . ': ' . $name;
if ($description =~ /^([\'\w\s]+)$/) {
- $description = $1;
+ $description = $1;
} else {
return $c->l('prt_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DESC') . ': ' . $description;
- if ($location =~ /^(lp[0-9]+|remote|usb\/lp[0-9]+)$/){
+ if ($location =~ /^(lp[0-9]+|remote|usb\/lp[0-9]+)$/) {
$location = $1;
} else {
$location = "lp0";
@@ -249,26 +211,22 @@ sub validate_printer {
# Looks good. Find out if this printer has been taken
my $rec = $adb->get($name);
my $type;
if ($rec and ($type = $rec->prop('type'))) {
return $c->l('prt_ERR_EXISTS') . ' : ' . $name;
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub validate_printer
sub validate_network {
- my ($c, $location, $remoteName, $address ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $location, $remoteName, $address) = @_;
if ($location eq 'remote') {
+ my $msg = hostname_or_ip2($c, $address);
+ return $msg unless $msg eq 'OK';
- my $msg = hostname_or_ip2 ( $c, $address );
- return $msg unless $msg eq 'OK';
if ($address =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)$/) {
$address = $1;
} else {
@@ -280,82 +238,63 @@ sub validate_network {
} else {
return $c->l('prt_ERR_INVALID_REMOTE_NAME') . ' : ' . $remoteName;
- }
+ } ## end if ($location eq 'remote')
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub validate_network
sub new_printer {
- my ($c, $name, $description, $location, $remoteName, $address ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $name, $description, $location, $remoteName, $address) = @_;
- # Printer name is available! Update printers database and
+ # Printer name is available! Update printers database and
# signal the create-printer event.
my $result = '';
- my $rec = $adb->new_record($name,
- {type=>'printer',
- Description => $description,
- Address => $address,
- RemoteName => $remoteName,
- Location => $location});
- system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event printer-create $name") == 0
- or return $c->error('ERR_CREATING');
- return 'OK',
+ my $rec = $adb->new_record(
+ $name,
+ { type => 'printer',
+ Description => $description,
+ Address => $address,
+ RemoteName => $remoteName,
+ Location => $location
+ }
+ );
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event printer-create $name") == 0
+ or return $c->error('ERR_CREATING');
+ return 'OK',;
+} ## end sub new_printer
sub hostname_or_ip2 {
my ($fm, $data) = @_;
if ($data =~ /^[\d\.]+$/) {
- if (ip_number2($fm, $data) eq "OK")
- {
+ if (ip_number2($fm, $data) eq "OK") {
return "OK";
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
return $fm->l('prt_MUST_BE_VALID_HOSTNAME_OR_IP');
- }
- elsif ($data =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)$/ )
- {
+ } elsif ($data =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)$/) {
return "OK";
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
return $fm->l('prt_MUST_BE_VALID_HOSTNAME_OR_IP');
+} ## end sub hostname_or_ip2
sub ip_number2 {
# from CGI::FormMagick::Validator::ip_number($fm, $data)
my ($fm, $data) = @_;
return undef unless defined $data;
return 'FM_IP_NUMBER1' unless $data =~ /^[\d.]+$/;
my @octets = split /\./, $data;
my $dots = ($data =~ tr/.//);
return 'FM_IP_NUMBER2' unless (scalar @octets == 4 and $dots == 3);
foreach my $octet (@octets) {
- return $fm->l("FM_IP_NUMBER3", {octet => $octet}) if $octet > 255;
+ return $fm->l("FM_IP_NUMBER3", { octet => $octet }) if $octet > 255;
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub ip_number2
=head2 publicAccess_list
@@ -365,15 +304,14 @@ access drop down list.
sub printerLocation_list {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('prt_LOCAL_PRINTER_0') => 'lp0'],
- [ $c->l('prt_LOCAL_PRINTER_1') => 'lp1'],
- [ $c->l('prt_LOCAL_PRINTER_2') => 'lp2'],
- [ $c->l('prt_NET_PRINTER') => 'remote' ],
- [ $c->l('prt_FIRST_USB_PRINTER') => 'usb/lp0'],
- [ $c->l('prt_SECOND_USB_PRINTER') => 'usb/lp1']];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('prt_LOCAL_PRINTER_0') => 'lp0' ],
+ [ $c->l('prt_LOCAL_PRINTER_1') => 'lp1' ],
+ [ $c->l('prt_LOCAL_PRINTER_2') => 'lp2' ],
+ [ $c->l('prt_NET_PRINTER') => 'remote' ],
+ [ $c->l('prt_FIRST_USB_PRINTER') => 'usb/lp0' ],
+ [ $c->l('prt_SECOND_USB_PRINTER') => 'usb/lp1' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub printerLocation_list
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index b15e0e1..21fd76c 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,65 +11,50 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Proxy;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %prx_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('prx_TITLE');
- my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('prx_FIRST_PAGE_DESCRIPTION'));
- $prx_datas{'http_proxy_status'} = ($db->get_prop('squid','status')) || 'disabled';
+ my $title = $c->l('prx_TITLE');
+ my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('prx_FIRST_PAGE_DESCRIPTION'));
+ $prx_datas{'http_proxy_status'} = ($db->get_prop('squid', 'status')) || 'disabled';
#if (system('/bin/rpm -q e-smith-email > /dev/null') == 0)
- $prx_datas{'smtp_proxy_status'} = $db->get_prop('qpsmtpd','Proxy') || undef;
+ $prx_datas{'smtp_proxy_status'} = $db->get_prop('qpsmtpd', 'Proxy') || undef;
#(system('/bin/rpm -q e-smith-email > /dev/null') == 0) ?
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, prx_datas => \%prx_datas );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, prx_datas => \%prx_datas);
$c->render(template => 'proxy');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
my $http_proxy_status = $c->param('http_proxy_status') || 'disabled';
my $smtp_proxy_status = $c->param('smtp_proxy_status') || '';
- my $result = "";
+ my $result = "";
my $squid = $db->get('squid') or $result = $c->l('prx_ERR_NO_SQUID_REC');
# smtpd is allowed to not exist, as the relevant packages may not be
# installed.
my $smtpd = $db->get('qpsmtpd') || undef;
$squid->set_prop('status', $http_proxy_status);
$smtpd->set_prop('Proxy', $smtp_proxy_status) if $smtpd;
# Update the system
system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event proxy-update") == 0
or $result = $c->l('prx_ERR_PROXY_UPDATE_FAILED');
my $title = $c->l('prx_TITLE');
- if ( $result eq '' ) { $result = $c->l('prx_SUCCESS'); }
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $result );
+ if ($result eq '') { $result = $c->l('prx_SUCCESS'); }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result);
$c->render(template => 'module');
\ No newline at end of file
+} ## end sub do_update
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index a41ada0..0abf80a 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,288 +11,252 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Pseudonyms;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use Data::Dumper;
#use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::pseudonyms;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
#use URI::Escape;
-our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open configuration db";
+our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open configuration db";
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %pse_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('pse_FORM_TITLE');
- my $notif = '';
+ my $title = $c->l('pse_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $notif = '';
$pse_datas{trt} = 'LST';
my @pseudonyms;
- if ($adb)
- {
+ if ($adb) {
@pseudonyms = $adb->pseudonyms();
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, pse_datas => \%pse_datas, pseudonyms => \@pseudonyms );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, pse_datas => \%pse_datas, pseudonyms => \@pseudonyms);
$c->render(template => 'pseudonyms');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LST');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LST');
my $pseudonym = $c->param('pseudonym') || '';
- my $title = $c->l('pse_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('pse_FORM_TITLE');
my %pse_datas = ();
$pse_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
- #nothing
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
- my $rec = $adb->get($pseudonym);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'pseudonym') {
+ #nothing
+ }
- $pse_datas{pseudonym} = $pseudonym;
- $pse_datas{account} = $rec->prop('Account') || '';
- $pse_datas{internal} = is_pseudonym_internal($pseudonym);
- }
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($pseudonym);
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'pseudonym') {
+ $pse_datas{pseudonym} = $pseudonym;
+ $pse_datas{account} = $rec->prop('Account') || '';
+ $pse_datas{internal} = is_pseudonym_internal($pseudonym);
+ } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
- my $rec = $adb->get($pseudonym);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'pseudonym') {
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($pseudonym);
- $pse_datas{pseudonym} = $pseudonym;
- $pse_datas{account} = $rec->prop('Account') || '';
- $pse_datas{internal} = is_pseudonym_internal($pseudonym);
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'pseudonym') {
+ $pse_datas{pseudonym} = $pseudonym;
+ $pse_datas{account} = $rec->prop('Account') || '';
+ $pse_datas{internal} = is_pseudonym_internal($pseudonym);
+ } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'LST') {
+ my @pseudonyms;
+ if ($adb) {
+ @pseudonyms = $adb->pseudonyms();
- if ( $trt eq 'LST' ) {
- my @pseudonyms;
- if ($adb) {
- @pseudonyms = $adb->pseudonyms();
- }
- $c->stash( pseudonyms => \@pseudonyms );
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, pse_datas => \%pse_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'pseudonyms' );
+ $c->stash(pseudonyms => \@pseudonyms);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LST')
+ $c->stash(title => $title, pse_datas => \%pse_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'pseudonyms');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LST');
- my $title = $c->l('pse_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LST');
+ my $title = $c->l('pse_FORM_TITLE');
my %pse_datas = ();
$pse_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
my ($res, $result) = '';
#my $pseudonym = uri_unescape($c->param('Pseudonym'));
my $pseudonym = $c->param('Pseudonym');
$pse_datas{'pseudonym'} = $pseudonym;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
my $account = $c->param('Account');
- # controls
- $res = $c->validate_new_pseudonym_name( $pseudonym, $account );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # controls
+ $res = $c->validate_new_pseudonym_name($pseudonym, $account);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #$result .= ' blocked';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $adb->new_record( $pseudonym, { type => 'pseudonym',
- Account => $account} )
- or $result .= "Error occurred while creating pseudonym in database.";
- # Untaint $pseudonym before use in system()
- ($pseudonym) = ($pseudonym =~ /(.+)/);
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pseudonym-create", "$pseudonym",)
- == 0 or $result .= 'pse_CREATE_ERROR.';
- }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = 'OK';
- $result = $c->l('pse_CREATE_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $pseudonym;
- }
- }
+ #$result .= ' blocked';
+ $res = '';
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $adb->new_record(
+ $pseudonym,
+ { type => 'pseudonym',
+ Account => $account
+ }
+ ) or $result .= "Error occurred while creating pseudonym in database.";
- my $account = $c->param('Account');
- my $internal = $c->param ('Internal') || 'NO';
- my $removable = $adb->get($pseudonym)->prop('Removable') || 'yes';
+ # Untaint $pseudonym before use in system()
+ ($pseudonym) = ($pseudonym =~ /(.+)/);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pseudonym-create", "$pseudonym",) == 0
+ or $result .= 'pse_CREATE_ERROR.';
+ } ## end if (!$result)
- my %props = ('Account' => $account);
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $result = $c->l('pse_CREATE_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $pseudonym;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
- if ($removable eq 'yes') {
- if ($internal eq "YES") { $props{'Visible'} = 'internal'; }
- else { $adb->get($pseudonym)->delete_prop('Visible'); }
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ my $account = $c->param('Account');
+ my $internal = $c->param('Internal') || 'NO';
+ my $removable = $adb->get($pseudonym)->prop('Removable') || 'yes';
+ my %props = ('Account' => $account);
- # controls
- #$res = '';
- #$res = validate_description( $c, $account );
- #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if ($removable eq 'yes') {
+ if ($internal eq "YES") { $props{'Visible'} = 'internal'; }
+ else { $adb->get($pseudonym)->delete_prop('Visible'); }
+ }
- #$result .= 'blocked';
+ # controls
+ #$res = '';
+ #$res = validate_description( $c, $account );
+ #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #$result .= 'blocked';
+ $res = '';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $adb->get($pseudonym)->merge_props(%props)
- or $result .= "Error occurred while modifying pseudonym in database.";
- # Untaint $pseudonym before use in system()
- ($pseudonym) = ($pseudonym =~ /(.+)/);
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pseudonym-modify", "$pseudonym",)
- == 0 or $result .= "Error occurred while modifying pseudonym.";
- }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = 'OK';
- $result = $c->l('pse_MODIFY_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $pseudonym;
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $adb->get($pseudonym)->merge_props(%props)
+ or $result .= "Error occurred while modifying pseudonym in database.";
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
+ # Untaint $pseudonym before use in system()
+ ($pseudonym) = ($pseudonym =~ /(.+)/);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pseudonym-modify", "$pseudonym",) == 0
+ or $result .= "Error occurred while modifying pseudonym.";
+ } ## end if (!$result)
- # controls
- $res = '';
- $res = validate_is_pseudonym($c, $pseudonym);
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #$result .= 'blocked';
- $res = '';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->delete_pseudonym( $pseudonym );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = 'OK';
- $result = $c->l('pse_REMOVE_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $pseudonym;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $result = $c->l('pse_MODIFY_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $pseudonym;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ # controls
+ $res = '';
+ $res = validate_is_pseudonym($c, $pseudonym);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #$result .= 'blocked';
+ $res = '';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->delete_pseudonym($pseudonym);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = 'OK';
+ $result = $c->l('pse_REMOVE_SUCCEEDED') . ' ' . $pseudonym;
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
# common parts
- if ( $res ne 'OK' ) {
- $c->stash( error => $result);
- $c->stash( title => $title, pse_datas => \%pse_datas );
- return $c->render('pseudonyms');
+ if ($res ne 'OK') {
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, pse_datas => \%pse_datas);
+ return $c->render('pseudonyms');
my $message = "'Pseudonyms' updates $trt DONE";
- $c->flash( success => $result );
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub delete_pseudonym {
my ($c, $pseudonym) = @_;
my $msg = '';
# Make the pseudonym inactive, signal pseudonym-delete event
# and then delete it
my @pseudonyms = $adb->pseudonyms();
foreach my $p_rec (@pseudonyms) {
if ($p_rec->prop("Account") eq $pseudonym) {
- $adb->get($p_rec->key)->set_prop('type','pseudonym-deleted')
+ $adb->get($p_rec->key)->set_prop('type', 'pseudonym-deleted')
or $msg .= "Error occurred while changing pseudonym type.";
- }
- $adb->get($pseudonym)->set_prop('type','pseudonym-deleted')
+ } ## end foreach my $p_rec (@pseudonyms)
+ $adb->get($pseudonym)->set_prop('type', 'pseudonym-deleted')
or $msg .= "Error occurred while changing pseudonym type.";
# Untaint $pseudonym before use in system()
($pseudonym) = ($pseudonym =~ /(.+)/);
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pseudonym-delete", "$pseudonym") == 0
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "pseudonym-delete", "$pseudonym") == 0
or $msg .= "Error occurred while removing pseudonym.";
#TODO: is it ->delete or get()->delete
foreach my $p_rec (@pseudonyms) {
if ($p_rec->prop("Account") eq $pseudonym) {
or $msg .= "Error occurred while deleting pseudonym from database.";
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $p_rec (@pseudonyms)
or $msg .= "Error occurred while deleting pseudonym from database.";
- return $msg unless $msg;
+ return $msg unless $msg;
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub delete_pseudonym
sub existing_accounts_list {
my $c = shift;
- my @existingAccounts = ( ['Administrator' => 'admin']);
+ my @existingAccounts = ([ 'Administrator' => 'admin' ]);
foreach my $a ($adb->get_all) {
if ($a->prop('type') =~ /(user|group)/) {
push @existingAccounts, [ $a->key => $a->key ];
if ($a->prop('type') eq "pseudonym") {
my $target = $adb->get($a->prop('Account'));
- unless ($target)
- {
- warn "WARNING: pseudonym (" . $a->key . ") => missing Account("
- . $a->prop('Account') . ")\n";
+ unless ($target) {
+ warn "WARNING: pseudonym (" . $a->key . ") => missing Account(" . $a->prop('Account') . ")\n";
push @existingAccounts, [ $a->key, $a->key ]
unless ($target->prop('type') eq "pseudonym");
- }
- }
- return(\@existingAccounts);
+ } ## end if ($a->prop('type') eq...)
+ } ## end foreach my $a ($adb->get_all)
+ return (\@existingAccounts);
+} ## end sub existing_accounts_list
=head2 get_pseudonym_account
@@ -301,17 +265,17 @@ Returns the current Account property for this pseudonym
sub get_pseudonym_account {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $pseudonym = shift;
+ my $a = $adb->get($pseudonym)->prop('Account');
- my $a = $adb->get($pseudonym)->prop('Account');
if ($a eq "admin") {
$a = "Administrator";
} elsif ($a eq "shared") {
- $a = $c->l("EVERYONE");
+ $a = $c->l("EVERYONE");
- return($a);
+ return ($a);
+} ## end sub get_pseudonym_account
=head2 is_pseudonym_not_removable
@@ -320,13 +284,12 @@ Returns 1 if the current Account is not removable, 0 otherwise
sub is_pseudonym_not_removable {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $pseudonym = shift;
my $removable = $adb->get($pseudonym)->prop('Removable') || 'yes';
- return 1 if ($removable eq 'yes');
+ return 1 if ($removable eq 'yes');
return 0;
+} ## end sub is_pseudonym_not_removable
=head2 is_pseudonym_internal
@@ -335,13 +298,13 @@ Returns YES if the current Account property Visible is 'internal'
sub is_pseudonym_internal {
-# my $c = shift;
- my $pseudonym = shift;
+ # my $c = shift;
+ my $pseudonym = shift;
my $visible = $adb->get($pseudonym)->prop('Visible') || '';
- return 'YES' if ($visible eq 'internal');
+ return 'YES' if ($visible eq 'internal');
return 'NO';
+} ## end sub is_pseudonym_internal
=head2 validate_new_pseudonym_name FM PSEUDONYM
@@ -355,30 +318,25 @@ Returns "NAME_IN_USE" if this pseudonym is taken.
sub validate_new_pseudonym_name {
my ($c, $pseudonym, $account) = @_;
my $acct = $adb->get($pseudonym);
if (defined $acct) {
- return($c->l('pse_NAME_IN_USE'));
+ return ($c->l('pse_NAME_IN_USE'));
} elsif ($pseudonym =~ /@/) {
use esmith::DomainsDB;
my $ddb = esmith::DomainsDB->open_ro
- or die "Couldn't open DomainsDB\n";
+ or die "Couldn't open DomainsDB\n";
my ($lhs, $rhs) = split /@/, $pseudonym;
return ($c->l('pse_PSEUDONYM_INVALID_DOMAIN')) unless ($ddb->get($rhs));
return ($c->l('pse_PSEUDONYM_INVALID_SAMEACCT')) if ($lhs eq $account);
- return ('OK'); # p:' . $pseudonym . ' a:' . $account);
- } elsif ( $pseudonym !~ /^([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-_!#\?~\$\^\+&`%\/\*]*)$/ ) {
- return($c->l('pse_VALID_PSEUDONYM_NAMES'));
+ return ('OK'); # p:' . $pseudonym . ' a:' . $account);
+ } elsif ($pseudonym !~ /^([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-_!#\?~\$\^\+&`%\/\*]*)$/) {
+ return ($c->l('pse_VALID_PSEUDONYM_NAMES'));
} else {
- return('OK');
+ return ('OK');
+} ## end sub validate_new_pseudonym_name
=head2 validate_is_pseudonym FM NAME
@@ -388,19 +346,15 @@ returns "NOT_A_PSEUDONYM" if the name in question isn't an existing pseudonym
sub validate_is_pseudonym {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $pseudonym = shift;
$pseudonym = $adb->get($pseudonym);
- return($c->l('pse_NOT_A_PSEUDONYM')) unless $pseudonym;
+ return ($c->l('pse_NOT_A_PSEUDONYM')) unless $pseudonym;
my $type = $pseudonym->prop('type');
- unless (defined $type && ($type eq 'pseudonym') ) {
- return($c->l('NOT_A_PSEUDONYM'));
+ unless (defined $type && ($type eq 'pseudonym')) {
+ return ($c->l('NOT_A_PSEUDONYM'));
return ('OK');
+} ## end sub validate_is_pseudonym
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index b2649a3..723b0c5 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -10,143 +10,106 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Qmailanalog;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use esmith::FormMagick qw(gen_locale_date_string);
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my $title = $c->l('qma_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('qma_INITIAL_DESC'));
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul);
$c->render(template => 'qmailanalog');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $result = "";
+ my $result = "";
my $report_type = $c->param('report_type');
- if ($report_type =~ /^(\S+)$/)
- {
- $report_type = $1;
+ if ($report_type =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
+ $report_type = $1;
+ } elsif ($report_type =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ $report_type = "zoverall";
+ } else {
+ $result = $c->l('INVALID_REPORT_TYPE') . $report_type;
+ $report_type = undef;
- elsif ($report_type =~ /^\s*$/)
- {
- $report_type = "zoverall";
- } else {
- $result = $c->l('INVALID_REPORT_TYPE') . $report_type;
- $report_type = undef;
- }
my $title = $c->l('qma_FORM_TITLE');
$result = $c->render_to_string(inline => generateReport($c, $report_type)) if $report_type;
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $result );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result);
$c->render(template => 'module');
+} ## end sub do_update
sub generateReport {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $report_type = shift;
+ my $out = '';
- my $c = shift;
- my $report_type = shift;
+ #------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Looks good; go ahead and generate the report.
+ #------------------------------------------------------------
+ # $| = 1;
+ my $now_string = $c->gen_locale_date_string();
+ $out .= sprintf("%s %s
", $c->l('REPORT_GENERATED'), $now_string);
- my $out = '';
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- # Looks good; go ahead and generate the report.
- #------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ($report_type =~ /^qmail-q/) {
+ open(QMAILQUEUEREPORT, "/var/qmail/bin/$report_type |");
+ $out .= sprintf "";
-# $| = 1;
+ while () {
+ $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
+ }
+ $out .= sprintf "
+ $out .= sprintf("%s
", $c->l('END_OF_REPORT'));
+ return '';
+ } ## end if ($report_type =~ /^qmail-q/)
+ chdir "/var/log/qmail";
+ "/bin/cat \@* current 2>/dev/null"
+ . "| /usr/local/bin/tai64nunix"
+ . "| /usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/matchup 5>/dev/null"
+ . "| /usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/$report_type |");
+ $out .= sprintf "";
- my $now_string = $c->gen_locale_date_string();
- $out .= sprintf("%s %s
", $c->l('REPORT_GENERATED'), $now_string);
- if ($report_type =~ /^qmail-q/)
- {
- open(QMAILQUEUEREPORT, "/var/qmail/bin/$report_type |");
- $out .= sprintf "";
- while ()
- {
- $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
- }
- $out .= sprintf "
- $out .= sprintf("%s
", $c->l('END_OF_REPORT'));
- return '';
- }
- chdir "/var/log/qmail";
- "/bin/cat \@* current 2>/dev/null"
- . "| /usr/local/bin/tai64nunix"
- . "| /usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/matchup 5>/dev/null"
- . "| /usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/$report_type |"
- );
- $out .= sprintf "";
- while ()
- {
- # Cook any special HTML characters
- s/\&/\&/g;
- s/\"/\"/g;
- s/\>/\>/g;
- s/\\</g;
- $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
- }
- $out .= sprintf "
- $out .= sprintf("%s
", $c->l('END_OF_REPORT'));
- return $out;
+ while () {
+ # Cook any special HTML characters
+ s/\&/\&/g;
+ s/\"/\"/g;
+ s/\>/\>/g;
+ s/\\</g;
+ $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
+ } ## end while ()
+ $out .= sprintf "
+ $out .= sprintf("%s
", $c->l('END_OF_REPORT'));
+ return $out;
+} ## end sub generateReport
sub reportType_list {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my @array = (
-# [ $c->l('qma_LIST_OUTGOING') => 'qmail-qread' ],
-# [ $c->l('qma_SUMMARIZE_QUEUE') => 'qmail-qstat' ],
+ # [ $c->l('qma_LIST_OUTGOING') => 'qmail-qread' ],
+ # [ $c->l('qma_SUMMARIZE_QUEUE') => 'qmail-qstat' ],
[ $c->l('qma_SUCCESSFUL_DELIVERY_DELAY') => 'zddist' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_REASONS_DEFERRAL') => 'zdeferrals' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_REASONS_FAILURE') => 'zfailures' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_BASIC_STATS') => 'zoverall' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_RECIP_STATS') => 'zrecipients' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_RECIP_HOSTS') => 'zrhosts' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_RECIP_ORDERED') => 'zrxdelay' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_SENDER_STATS') => 'zsenders' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_SENDMAIL_STYLE') => 'zsendmail' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_REASONS_SUCCESS') => 'zsuccesses' ],
- [ $c->l('qma_SENDER_UIDS') => 'zsuids' ]
+ [ $c->l('qma_REASONS_DEFERRAL') => 'zdeferrals' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_REASONS_FAILURE') => 'zfailures' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_BASIC_STATS') => 'zoverall' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_RECIP_STATS') => 'zrecipients' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_RECIP_HOSTS') => 'zrhosts' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_RECIP_ORDERED') => 'zrxdelay' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_SENDER_STATS') => 'zsenders' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_SENDMAIL_STYLE') => 'zsendmail' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_REASONS_SUCCESS') => 'zsuccesses' ],
+ [ $c->l('qma_SENDER_UIDS') => 'zsuids' ]
my @sorted_array = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @array;
return \@sorted_array;
+} ## end sub reportType_list
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 46643b4..f3c7e5c 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,183 +11,149 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Quota;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::quota;
#use esmith::TestUtils;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %quo_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('quo_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('quo_FORM_TITLE');
$quo_datas{'trt'} = 'LIST';
my @userAccounts;
if ($adb) {
@userAccounts = $adb->users();
- $c->stash( title => $title, quo_datas => \%quo_datas, userAccounts => \@userAccounts );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, quo_datas => \%quo_datas, userAccounts => \@userAccounts);
$c->render(template => 'quota');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
- my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my $user = $c->param('user') || '';
- $trt = 'UPD' if ( $user );
+ $trt = 'UPD' if ($user);
my %quo_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('quo_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('quo_FORM_TITLE');
$quo_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
- my $rec = $adb->get($user);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'user') {
- $quo_datas{user} = $user;
- $quo_datas{userRec} = $rec;
- my $max = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::quota->toBestUnit($rec->prop('MaxBlocks'));
- $quo_datas{hardlim} = $max;
- $max = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::quota->toBestUnit($rec->prop('MaxBlocksSoftLim'));
- $quo_datas{softlim} = $max;
- }
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, quo_datas => \%quo_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'quota' );
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($user);
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'user') {
+ $quo_datas{user} = $user;
+ $quo_datas{userRec} = $rec;
+ my $max = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::quota->toBestUnit($rec->prop('MaxBlocks'));
+ $quo_datas{hardlim} = $max;
+ $max = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::quota->toBestUnit($rec->prop('MaxBlocksSoftLim'));
+ $quo_datas{softlim} = $max;
+ } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
+ $c->stash(title => $title, quo_datas => \%quo_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'quota');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $title = $c->l('quo_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('quo_FORM_TITLE');
my %quo_datas = ();
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
$quo_datas{trt} = $trt;
my $result = '';
my $res;
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
- $quo_datas{user} = ($c->param('user') || '');
- $quo_datas{softlim} = ($c->param('Soft') || '');
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ $quo_datas{user} = ($c->param('user') || '');
+ $quo_datas{softlim} = ($c->param('Soft') || '');
$quo_datas{hardlim} = ($c->param('Hard') || '');
- # controls
- $res = validate_quota( $c, $quo_datas{user}, $quo_datas{softlim}, $quo_datas{hardlim} );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ # controls
+ $res = validate_quota($c, $quo_datas{user}, $quo_datas{softlim}, $quo_datas{hardlim});
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('quo_SUCCESSFULLY_MODIFIED') . ' ' . $quo_datas{user};
- } else {
- $quo_datas{userRec} = $adb->get($quo_datas{user}) || undef;
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('quo_SUCCESSFULLY_MODIFIED') . ' ' . $quo_datas{user};
+ } else {
+ $quo_datas{userRec} = $adb->get($quo_datas{user}) || undef;
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
# common parts
if ($res ne 'OK') {
- $c->stash( error => $result );
- $c->stash( title => $title, quo_datas => \%quo_datas );
- return $c->render('quota');
+ $c->stash(error => $result);
+ $c->stash(title => $title, quo_datas => \%quo_datas);
+ return $c->render('quota');
my $message = "'Quota' updates ($trt) DONE";
- $c->flash( success => $result );
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
+} ## end sub do_update
sub validate_quota {
- my ($c, $acct, $softlim, $hardlim ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $acct, $softlim, $hardlim) = @_;
my $msg;
my $rec = $adb->get($acct);
- return $c->l('quo_ERR_NO_SUCH_ACCT') . ' : ' . $acct unless (defined $rec);
+ return $c->l('quo_ERR_NO_SUCH_ACCT') . ' : ' . $acct unless (defined $rec);
my $type = $rec->prop('type');
unless ($type eq "user") {
- $msg = $c->l('quo_ERR_NOT_A_USER_ACCT').$acct.$c->l('quo_ACCOUNT_IS_TYPE').$type;
- return $msg;
+ $msg = $c->l('quo_ERR_NOT_A_USER_ACCT') . $acct . $c->l('quo_ACCOUNT_IS_TYPE') . $type;
+ return $msg;
my $uid = getpwnam($acct);
- return $c->l('COULD_NOT_GET_UID').$acct unless ($uid);
+ return $c->l('COULD_NOT_GET_UID') . $acct unless ($uid);
- if (($softlim !~ /^(.+?)\s*([KMGT])?$/ ) || (!looks_like_number ($1))) {
- return $c->l('quo_SOFT_VAL_MUST_BE_NUMBER');
+ if (($softlim !~ /^(.+?)\s*([KMGT])?$/) || (!looks_like_number($1))) {
+ return $c->l('quo_SOFT_VAL_MUST_BE_NUMBER');
- my $exponent = 1; # Entries with no suffix are assumed to be in megabytes.
- if (defined ($2)) {
- $exponent = index("KMGT",$2);
- }
- $softlim = ($1 * 1024 ** $exponent);
+ my $exponent = 1; # Entries with no suffix are assumed to be in megabytes.
- if (($hardlim !~ /^(.+?)\s*([KMGT])?$/ ) || (!looks_like_number ($1))) {
- return $c->l('quo_HARD_VAL_MUST_BE_NUMBER');
+ if (defined($2)) {
+ $exponent = index("KMGT", $2);
- $exponent = 1; # Entries with no suffix are assumed to be in megabytes.
- if (defined ($2))
- {
- $exponent = index("KMGT",$2);
- }
- $hardlim = ($1 * 1024 ** $exponent);
+ $softlim = ($1 * 1024**$exponent);
+ if (($hardlim !~ /^(.+?)\s*([KMGT])?$/) || (!looks_like_number($1))) {
+ return $c->l('quo_HARD_VAL_MUST_BE_NUMBER');
+ }
+ $exponent = 1; # Entries with no suffix are assumed to be in megabytes.
+ if (defined($2)) {
+ $exponent = index("KMGT", $2);
+ }
+ $hardlim = ($1 * 1024**$exponent);
# Make sure that soft limit is less than hard limit.
unless ($hardlim == 0 or $hardlim > $softlim) {
- return $c->l('quo_ERR_HARD_LT_SOFT');
+ return $c->l('quo_ERR_HARD_LT_SOFT');
# Update accounts database and signal the user-modify event.
- $rec->set_prop('MaxBlocks', $hardlim);
+ $rec->set_prop('MaxBlocks', $hardlim);
$rec->set_prop('MaxBlocksSoftLim', $softlim);
# Untaint $acct before using in system().
- $acct =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/; $acct = $1;
- system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify", "$acct") == 0
- or die ($c->l('quo_ERR_MODIFYING')."\n");
+ $acct =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
+ $acct = $1;
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify", "$acct") == 0
+ or die($c->l('quo_ERR_MODIFYING') . "\n");
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub validate_quota
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index f1c9a51..60e4029 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -1,87 +1,77 @@
package SrvMngr::Controller::Reboot;
-# heading : System
+# heading : System
# description : Reboot or shutdown
-# navigation : 4000 700
+# navigation : 4000 700
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my $title = $c->l('rbo_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = '';
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul);
$c->render(template => 'reboot');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_action {
my $c = shift;
- my $title = $c->l('rbo_FORM_TITLE');
- my $result = "";
- my $function = $c->param ('function');
- my $debug = $c->param('debug');
+ my $title = $c->l('rbo_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $result = "";
+ my $function = $c->param('function');
+ my $debug = $c->param('debug');
if ($function eq "reboot") {
- $result = $c->l('rbo_REBOOT_SUCCEEDED') . '
' . $c->l('rbo_DESC_REBOOT');
+ $result = $c->l('rbo_REBOOT_SUCCEEDED') . '
' . $c->l('rbo_DESC_REBOOT');
unless ($debug) {
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand( 1, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot" );
- # system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot" ) == 0
- # or die ("Error occurred while rebooting.\n");
- }
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(1, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot");
+ # system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot" ) == 0
+ # or die ("Error occurred while rebooting.\n");
+ } ## end unless ($debug)
} elsif ($function eq 'shutdown') {
- $result = $c->l('rbo_SHUTDOWN_SUCCEEDED') . '
' . $c->l('rbo_DESC_SHUTDOWN');
+ $result = $c->l('rbo_SHUTDOWN_SUCCEEDED') . '
' . $c->l('rbo_DESC_SHUTDOWN');
unless ($debug) {
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand( 1, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "halt" );
- # system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "halt" ) == 0
- # or die ("Error occurred while halting.\n");
- }
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(1, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "halt");
+ # system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "halt" ) == 0
+ # or die ("Error occurred while halting.\n");
+ } ## end unless ($debug)
} elsif ($function eq 'reconfigure') {
- $result = $c->l('rbo_RECONFIGURE_SUCCEEDED') . '
' . $c->l('rbo_DESC_RECONFIGURE');
+ $result = $c->l('rbo_RECONFIGURE_SUCCEEDED') . '
' . $c->l('rbo_DESC_RECONFIGURE');
unless ($debug) {
- # esmith::util::backgroundCommand( 1, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade",
- # "; ", "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot" );
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade" ) == 0
- or die ("Error occurred while running post-upgrade.\n");
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot" ) == 0
- or die ("Error occurred while rebooting.\n");
- }
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $result );
+ # esmith::util::backgroundCommand( 1, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade",
+ # "; ", "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot" );
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "post-upgrade") == 0
+ or die("Error occurred while running post-upgrade.\n");
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "reboot") == 0
+ or die("Error occurred while rebooting.\n");
+ } ## end unless ($debug)
+ } ## end elsif ($function eq 'reconfigure')
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result);
$c->render(template => 'module');
+} ## end sub do_action
sub rebootFunction_list {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('rbo_REBOOT') => 'reboot' ],
- [ $c->l('RECONFIGURE') => 'reconfigure' ],
- [ $c->l('SHUTDOWN') => 'shutdown' ]];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('rbo_REBOOT') => 'reboot' ],
+ [ $c->l('RECONFIGURE') => 'reconfigure' ],
+ [ $c->l('SHUTDOWN') => 'shutdown' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub rebootFunction_list
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 4528444..668b8f2 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,12 +11,9 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Remoteaccess;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session ip_number subnet_mask get_reg_mask);
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::util;
use File::Basename;
@@ -25,29 +22,23 @@ use Carp;
use Socket qw( inet_aton );
#our @ISA = qw(esmith::FormMagick Exporter);
-our @EXPORT =
- qw( networkAccess_list passwordLogin_list get_ssh_permit_root_login get_ssh_access get_telnet_mode
- get_ftp_access get_ftp_password_login_access
- get_value get_prop get_ssh_password_auth
- validate_network_and_mask ip_number_or_blank subnet_mask_or_blank
- get_ipsecrw_sessions pptp_and_dhcp_range
- );
+our @EXPORT = qw( networkAccess_list passwordLogin_list get_ssh_permit_root_login get_ssh_access get_telnet_mode
+ get_ftp_access get_ftp_password_login_access
+ get_value get_prop get_ssh_password_auth
+ validate_network_and_mask ip_number_or_blank subnet_mask_or_blank
+ get_ipsecrw_sessions pptp_and_dhcp_range
# get_pptp_sessions
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || warn "Couldn't open configuration database";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
my $title = $c->l('rma_FORM_TITLE');
my $notif = '';
my %rma_datas = ();
- $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || warn "Couldn't open configuration database";
+ $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || warn "Couldn't open configuration database";
#$rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} = $c->get_ipsecrw_sessions();
#$rma_datas{pptpSessions} = $c->get_pptp_sessions();
@@ -59,106 +50,84 @@ sub main {
$rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess} = $c->get_ftp_password_login_access();
#$rma_datas{telnetAccess} = $c->get_telnet_access;
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, rma_datas => \%rma_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'remoteaccess' );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, rma_datas => \%rma_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'remoteaccess');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_action {
my $c = shift;
- $c->app->log->info( $c->log_req );
+ $c->app->log->info($c->log_req);
my $title = $c->l('rma_FORM_TITLE');
- my ( $result, $res, $trt ) = '';
+ my ($result, $res, $trt) = '';
my %rma_datas = ();
- $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || warn "Couldn't open configuration database";
- $rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} = ( $c->param('IpsecrwSess') || '' );
- $rma_datas{ipsecrwReset} = ( $c->param('IpsecrwReset') || '' );
+ $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || warn "Couldn't open configuration database";
+ $rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} = ($c->param('IpsecrwSess') || '');
+ $rma_datas{ipsecrwReset} = ($c->param('IpsecrwReset') || '');
#$rma_datas{pptpSessions} = ($c->param ('PptpSessions') || '0');
- $rma_datas{validFromNetwork} = ( $c->param('ValidFromNetwork') || '' );
- $rma_datas{validFromMask} = ( $c->param('ValidFromMask') || '' );
+ $rma_datas{validFromNetwork} = ($c->param('ValidFromNetwork') || '');
+ $rma_datas{validFromMask} = ($c->param('ValidFromMask') || '');
## my @remove = $q->param('validFromRemove'); ???????? the first one only !!
my @vals = $c->param('Remove_nets');
$rma_datas{remove_nets} = join ',', @vals;
- $rma_datas{sshaccess} = ( $c->param('SshAccess') || 'off' );
- $rma_datas{sshPermitRootLogin} =
- ( $c->param('SshPermitRootLogin') || 'no' );
- $rma_datas{sshPasswordAuthentication} =
- ( $c->param('SshPasswordAuthentication') || 'no' );
- $rma_datas{sshTCPPort} = ( $c->param('SshTCPPort') || '22' );
- $rma_datas{ftpAccess} = ( $c->param('FtpAccess') || 'off' );
- $rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess} =
- ( $c->param('FtpPasswordAccess') || 'private' );
- $rma_datas{telnetAccess} = ( $c->param('TelnetAccess') || 'off' );
+ $rma_datas{sshaccess} = ($c->param('SshAccess') || 'off');
+ $rma_datas{sshPermitRootLogin} = ($c->param('SshPermitRootLogin') || 'no');
+ $rma_datas{sshPasswordAuthentication} = ($c->param('SshPasswordAuthentication') || 'no');
+ $rma_datas{sshTCPPort} = ($c->param('SshTCPPort') || '22');
+ $rma_datas{ftpAccess} = ($c->param('FtpAccess') || 'off');
+ $rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess} = ($c->param('FtpPasswordAccess') || 'private');
+ $rma_datas{telnetAccess} = ($c->param('TelnetAccess') || 'off');
# validate
my $v = $c->validation;
return $c->render('remoteaccess') unless $v->has_data;
#$v->optional('PptpSessions')->num(0, 999)->is_valid;
- if ( $c->param('ValidFromNetwork') ne "" ) {
- $v->optional('ValidFromNetwork')->size( 7, 15 )->is_valid;
+ if ($c->param('ValidFromNetwork') ne "") {
+ $v->optional('ValidFromNetwork')->size(7, 15)->is_valid;
- if ( $c->param('ValidFromMask') ne "" ) {
- $v->optional('ValidFromMask')->size( 7, 15 )->is_valid;
- }
- $v->required('SshTCPPort')->num( 1, 65535 )->is_valid;
+ if ($c->param('ValidFromMask') ne "") {
+ $v->optional('ValidFromMask')->size(7, 15)->is_valid;
+ }
+ $v->required('SshTCPPort')->num(1, 65535)->is_valid;
$result .= 'field validation error' if $v->has_error;
- if ( !$result ) {
+ if (!$result) {
# controls
#$res = pptp_and_dhcp_range( $c, $rma_datas{pptpSessions} );
#$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = ip_number_or_blank( $c, $rma_datas{validFromNetwork} );
+ $res = ip_number_or_blank($c, $rma_datas{validFromNetwork});
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = subnet_mask_or_blank( $c, $rma_datas{validFromMask} );
+ $res = subnet_mask_or_blank($c, $rma_datas{validFromMask});
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = validate_network_and_mask(
- $c,
- $rma_datas{validFromNetwork},
- $rma_datas{validFromMask}
- );
+ $res = validate_network_and_mask($c, $rma_datas{validFromNetwork}, $rma_datas{validFromMask});
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
#$result .= ' blocked for testing !' . $rma_datas{remove_nets};
- }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
- if ( !$result ) {
- $res = change_settings( $c, %rma_datas );
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = change_settings($c, %rma_datas);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $result eq "" ) {
+ if ($result eq "") {
$result = $c->l('rma_SUCCESS');
$trt = 'SUC';
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $result, rma_datas => \%rma_datas );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $result, rma_datas => \%rma_datas);
#return $c->render( template => 'remoteaccess' );
- if ( $trt eq 'SUC' ) {
- $c->stash( title => $title,modul => $result);
- return $c->render( template => 'module' );
+ if ($trt eq 'SUC') {
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result);
+ return $c->render(template => 'module');
+ return $c->render(template => 'remoteaccess');
- return $c->render( template => 'remoteaccess' );
+} ## end sub do_action
sub networkAccess_list {
my $c = shift;
@@ -167,40 +136,33 @@ sub networkAccess_list {
[ $c->l('NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL') => 'private' ],
[ $c->l('NETWORKS_ALLOW_PUBLIC') => 'public' ]
+} ## end sub networkAccess_list
sub passwordLogin_list {
my $c = shift;
- return [
- [ $c->l('rma_PASSWORD_LOGIN_PRIVATE') => 'private' ],
- [ $c->l('rma_PASSWORD_LOGIN_PUBLIC') => 'public' ]
- ];
+ return [ [ $c->l('rma_PASSWORD_LOGIN_PRIVATE') => 'private' ], [ $c->l('rma_PASSWORD_LOGIN_PUBLIC') => 'public' ] ];
sub get_prop {
- my ( $c, $item, $prop ) = @_;
+ my ($c, $item, $prop) = @_;
warn "You must specify a record key" unless $item;
warn "You must specify a property name" unless $prop;
my $record = $db->get($item) or warn "Couldn't get record for $item";
return $record ? $record->prop($prop) : undef;
+} ## end sub get_prop
sub get_value {
my $c = shift;
my $item = shift;
- return ( $db->get($item)->value() );
+ return ($db->get($item)->value());
+} ## end sub get_value
sub get_ftp_access {
- my $status = get_prop( '', 'ftp', 'status' ) || 'disabled';
+ my $status = get_prop('', 'ftp', 'status') || 'disabled';
return 'off' unless $status eq 'enabled';
- my $access = get_prop( '', 'ftp', 'access' ) || 'private';
- return ( $access eq 'public' ) ? 'normal' : 'private';
+ my $access = get_prop('', 'ftp', 'access') || 'private';
+ return ($access eq 'public') ? 'normal' : 'private';
+} ## end sub get_ftp_access
#sub get_pptp_sessions {
# my $status = get_prop('','pptpd','status');
@@ -208,188 +170,160 @@ sub get_ftp_access {
# return(get_prop('','pptpd','sessions') || 'no');
# return '0';
sub get_ssh_permit_root_login {
- return ( get_prop( '', 'sshd', 'PermitRootLogin' ) || 'no' );
+ return (get_prop('', 'sshd', 'PermitRootLogin') || 'no');
sub get_ssh_password_auth {
- return ( get_prop( '', 'sshd', 'PasswordAuthentication' ) || 'yes' );
+ return (get_prop('', 'sshd', 'PasswordAuthentication') || 'yes');
sub get_ssh_access {
+ my $status = get_prop('', 'sshd', 'status');
- my $status = get_prop( '', 'sshd', 'status' );
- if ( defined($status) && ( $status eq 'enabled' ) ) {
- my $access = get_prop( '', 'sshd', 'access' );
- $access = ( $access eq 'public' ) ? 'public' : 'private';
+ if (defined($status) && ($status eq 'enabled')) {
+ my $access = get_prop('', 'sshd', 'access');
+ $access = ($access eq 'public') ? 'public' : 'private';
return ($access);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return ('off');
+} ## end sub get_ssh_access
sub get_ssh_port {
- return ( get_prop( '$c', 'sshd', 'TCPPort' ) || '22' );
+ return (get_prop('$c', 'sshd', 'TCPPort') || '22');
sub get_ftp_password_login_access {
- my $status = get_prop( '', 'ftp', 'status' ) || 'disabled';
+ my $status = get_prop('', 'ftp', 'status') || 'disabled';
return 'private' unless $status eq 'enabled';
- my $access = get_prop( '', 'ftp', 'LoginAccess' ) || 'private';
- return ( $access eq 'public' ) ? 'public' : 'private';
+ my $access = get_prop('', 'ftp', 'LoginAccess') || 'private';
+ return ($access eq 'public') ? 'public' : 'private';
+} ## end sub get_ftp_password_login_access
sub get_telnet_mode {
my $telnet = $db->get('telnet');
return ('off') unless $telnet;
my $status = $telnet->prop('status') || 'disabled';
return ('off') unless $status eq 'enabled';
my $access = $telnet->prop('access') || 'private';
- return ( $access eq "public" ) ? "public" : "private";
+ return ($access eq "public") ? "public" : "private";
+} ## end sub get_telnet_mode
sub get_ipsecrw_sessions {
my $status = $db->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorStatus');
- if ( defined($status) && ( $status eq 'enabled' ) ) {
- return ( $db->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorSessions') || '0' );
- }
- else {
+ if (defined($status) && ($status eq 'enabled')) {
+ return ($db->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorSessions') || '0');
+ } else {
return ('0');
+} ## end sub get_ipsecrw_sessions
sub get_ipsecrw_status {
- return undef unless ( $db->get('ipsec') );
+ return undef unless ($db->get('ipsec'));
return $db->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorStatus');
sub pptp_and_dhcp_range {
my $c = shift;
my $val = shift || 0;
- my $dhcp_status = $db->get_prop( 'dhcpd', 'status' ) || 'disabled';
- my $dhcp_end = $db->get_prop( 'dhcpd', 'end' ) || '';
- my $dhcp_start = $db->get_prop( 'dhcpd', 'start' ) || '';
+ my $dhcp_status = $db->get_prop('dhcpd', 'status') || 'disabled';
+ my $dhcp_end = $db->get_prop('dhcpd', 'end') || '';
+ my $dhcp_start = $db->get_prop('dhcpd', 'start') || '';
- if ( $dhcp_status eq 'enabled' ) {
+ if ($dhcp_status eq 'enabled') {
my $ip_start = unpack 'N', inet_aton($dhcp_start);
my $ip_end = unpack 'N', inet_aton($dhcp_end);
my $ip_count = $ip_end - $ip_start;
- return 'OK' if ( $val < $ip_count );
- return $c->l(
- );
- }
- else {
+ return 'OK' if ($val < $ip_count);
+ } else {
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub pptp_and_dhcp_range
sub _get_valid_from {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $rec = $db->get('httpd-admin');
return undef unless ($rec);
- my @vals = ( split ',', ( $rec->prop('ValidFrom') || '' ) );
+ my @vals = (split ',', ($rec->prop('ValidFrom') || ''));
return @vals;
+} ## end sub _get_valid_from
sub ip_number_or_blank {
my $c = shift;
my $ip = shift;
- if ( !defined($ip) || $ip eq "" ) {
+ if (!defined($ip) || $ip eq "") {
return 'OK';
- return ip_number( $c, $ip );
+ return ip_number($c, $ip);
+} ## end sub ip_number_or_blank
sub subnet_mask_or_blank {
my $c = shift;
my $mask = shift;
- if ( !defined($mask) || $mask eq "" ) {
+ if (!defined($mask) || $mask eq "") {
return "OK";
chomp $mask;
- return ( subnet_mask($mask) ne 'OK' )
- ? $c->l('rma_INVALID_SUBNET_MASK') . " (" . $mask . ")"
- : 'OK';
+ return (subnet_mask($mask) ne 'OK')
+ ? $c->l('rma_INVALID_SUBNET_MASK') . " (" . $mask . ")"
+ : 'OK';
+} ## end sub subnet_mask_or_blank
sub validate_network_and_mask {
my $c = shift;
my $net = shift || "";
my $mask = shift || "";
- if ( $net xor $mask ) {
- return $c->l(
- 'rma_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS' . " (" . $net . "/" . $mask . ")" );
+ if ($net xor $mask) {
+ return $c->l('rma_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS' . " (" . $net . "/" . $mask . ")");
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub validate_network_and_mask
sub change_settings {
- my ( $c, %rma_datas ) = @_;
+ my ($c, %rma_datas) = @_;
# good; go ahead and change the access.
my $rec = $db->get('telnet');
if ($rec) {
- if ( $rma_datas{telnetAccess} eq "off" ) {
- $rec->set_prop( 'status', 'disabled' );
+ if ($rma_datas{telnetAccess} eq "off") {
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
+ } else {
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ $rec->set_prop('access', $rma_datas{telnetAccess});
- else {
- $rec->set_prop( 'status', 'enabled' );
- $rec->set_prop( 'access', $rma_datas{telnetAccess} );
- }
- }
- $rec = $db->get('sshd') || $db->new_record( 'sshd', { type => 'service' } );
- $rec->set_prop( 'TCPPort', $rma_datas{sshTCPPort} );
- $rec->set_prop( 'status',
- ( $rma_datas{sshaccess} eq "off" ? 'disabled' : 'enabled' ) );
- $rec->set_prop( 'access', $rma_datas{sshaccess} );
- $rec->set_prop( 'PermitRootLogin', $rma_datas{sshPermitRootLogin} );
- $rec->set_prop( 'PasswordAuthentication',
- $rma_datas{sshPasswordAuthentication} );
+ } ## end if ($rec)
+ $rec = $db->get('sshd') || $db->new_record('sshd', { type => 'service' });
+ $rec->set_prop('TCPPort', $rma_datas{sshTCPPort});
+ $rec->set_prop('status', ($rma_datas{sshaccess} eq "off" ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'));
+ $rec->set_prop('access', $rma_datas{sshaccess});
+ $rec->set_prop('PermitRootLogin', $rma_datas{sshPermitRootLogin});
+ $rec->set_prop('PasswordAuthentication', $rma_datas{sshPasswordAuthentication});
$rec = $db->get('ftp');
if ($rec) {
- if ( $rma_datas{ftpAccess} eq "off" ) {
- $rec->set_prop( 'status', 'disabled' );
- $rec->set_prop( 'access', 'private' );
- $rec->set_prop( 'LoginAccess', 'private' );
+ if ($rma_datas{ftpAccess} eq "off") {
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
+ $rec->set_prop('access', 'private');
+ $rec->set_prop('LoginAccess', 'private');
+ } elsif ($rma_datas{ftpAccess} eq "normal") {
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ $rec->set_prop('access', 'public');
+ $rec->set_prop('LoginAccess', $rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess});
+ } else {
+ $rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
+ $rec->set_prop('access', 'private');
+ $rec->set_prop('LoginAccess', $rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess});
- elsif ( $rma_datas{ftpAccess} eq "normal" ) {
- $rec->set_prop( 'status', 'enabled' );
- $rec->set_prop( 'access', 'public' );
- $rec->set_prop( 'LoginAccess', $rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess} );
- }
- else {
- $rec->set_prop( 'status', 'enabled' );
- $rec->set_prop( 'access', 'private' );
- $rec->set_prop( 'LoginAccess', $rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess} );
- }
- }
+ } ## end if ($rec)
# if ($rma_datas{pptpSessions} == 0) {
# $db->get('pptpd')->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
@@ -397,107 +331,85 @@ sub change_settings {
# $db->get('pptpd')->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
# $db->get('pptpd')->set_prop('sessions', $rma_datas{pptpSessions});
# }
+ if ($rma_datas{validFromNetwork} && $rma_datas{validFromMask}) {
- if ( $rma_datas{validFromNetwork} && $rma_datas{validFromMask} ) {
- unless (
- add_new_valid_from(
- $c,
- $rma_datas{validFromNetwork},
- $rma_datas{validFromMask}
- )
- )
- {
+ unless (add_new_valid_from($c, $rma_datas{validFromNetwork}, $rma_datas{validFromMask})) {
return $c->l('rma_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION') . 'new net';
- }
+ } ## end if ($rma_datas{validFromNetwork...})
- if ( $rma_datas{remove_nets} ) {
- unless ( remove_valid_from( $c, $rma_datas{remove_nets} ) ) {
+ if ($rma_datas{remove_nets}) {
+ unless (remove_valid_from($c, $rma_datas{remove_nets})) {
return $c->l('rma_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION') . 'del net';
- }
+ } ## end if ($rma_datas{remove_nets...})
# reset ipsec roadwarrior CA,server,client certificates
- if ( $rma_datas{ipsecrwReset} ) {
- system( '/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior', 'reset_certs' ) == 0
- or return $c->l('rma_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION') . 'rst ipsec';
+ if ($rma_datas{ipsecrwReset}) {
+ system('/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior', 'reset_certs') == 0
+ or return $c->l('rma_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION') . 'rst ipsec';
- if ( $rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} ) {
- set_ipsecrw_sessions( $c, $rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} );
+ if ($rma_datas{ipsecrwSess}) {
+ set_ipsecrw_sessions($c, $rma_datas{ipsecrwSess});
- unless (
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "remoteaccess-update" ) == 0 )
- {
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "remoteaccess-update") == 0) {
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub change_settings
sub set_ipsecrw_sessions {
my $c = shift;
my $sessions = shift;
- if ( defined $sessions ) {
- $db->get('ipsec')->set_prop( 'RoadWarriorSessions', $sessions );
- if ( int($sessions) > 0 ) {
- $db->get('ipsec')->set_prop( 'RoadWarriorStatus', 'enabled' );
+ if (defined $sessions) {
+ $db->get('ipsec')->set_prop('RoadWarriorSessions', $sessions);
+ if (int($sessions) > 0) {
+ $db->get('ipsec')->set_prop('RoadWarriorStatus', 'enabled');
- }
+ } ## end if (defined $sessions)
return '';
+} ## end sub set_ipsecrw_sessions
sub add_new_valid_from {
my $c = shift;
my $net = shift;
my $mask = shift;
# we transform bit mask to regular mask
- $mask = get_reg_mask( $net, $mask );
+ $mask = get_reg_mask($net, $mask);
my $rec = $db->get('httpd-admin');
return $c->error('ERR_NO_RECORD') unless $rec;
my $prop = $rec->prop('ValidFrom') || '';
my @vals = split /,/, $prop;
- return '' if ( grep /^$net\/$mask$/, @vals ); # already have this entry
+ return '' if (grep /^$net\/$mask$/, @vals); # already have this entry
- if ( $prop ne '' ) {
+ if ($prop ne '') {
$prop .= ",$net/$mask";
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$prop = "$net/$mask";
- $rec->set_prop( 'ValidFrom', $prop );
+ $rec->set_prop('ValidFrom', $prop);
return 1;
+} ## end sub add_new_valid_from
sub remove_valid_from {
my $c = shift;
my $remove_nets = shift;
- my @remove = split /,/, $remove_nets;
+ my @remove = split /,/, $remove_nets;
# my @remove = $c->param('Remove_nets');
my @vals = $c->_get_valid_from();
foreach my $entry (@remove) {
return undef unless $entry;
- my ( $net, $mask ) = split( /\//, $entry );
+ my ($net, $mask) = split(/\//, $entry);
unless (@vals) {
- print STDERR
- "ERROR: unable to load ValidFrom property from conf db\n";
+ print STDERR "ERROR: unable to load ValidFrom property from conf db\n";
return undef;
@@ -506,20 +418,16 @@ sub remove_valid_from {
# added a 32 bit mask, so we don't know for sure if the value in db
# is $net alone or $net/ we have to check for both
# in this special case...
- @vals = ( grep { $entry ne $_ && $net ne $_ } @vals );
- }
+ @vals = (grep { $entry ne $_ && $net ne $_ } @vals);
+ } ## end foreach my $entry (@remove)
my $prop;
if (@vals) {
$prop = join ',', @vals;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$prop = '';
- $db->get('httpd-admin')->set_prop( 'ValidFrom', $prop );
+ $db->get('httpd-admin')->set_prop('ValidFrom', $prop);
return 1;
\ No newline at end of file
+} ## end sub remove_valid_from
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index e10643a..62e38c5 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -1,56 +1,46 @@
package SrvMngr::Controller::Request;
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
# retrieve a configuration db record
sub getconfig {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $key = $c->param('key');
$c->app->log->info($c->log_req . ' ' . $key);
if ($key) {
- use esmith::ConfigDB qw(open_ro);
- my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro;
- return getdb( $c, $cdb, $key);
- }
+ use esmith::ConfigDB qw(open_ro);
+ my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro;
+ return getdb($c, $cdb, $key);
+ } ## end if ($key)
+} ## end sub getconfig
# retrieve an accounts db record, given its name
sub getaccount {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $key = $c->param('key');
$c->app->log->info($c->log_req . ' ' . $key);
if ($key) {
- use esmith::AccountsDB qw(open_ro);
- my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro;
- return getdb( $c, $adb, $key);
- }
+ use esmith::AccountsDB qw(open_ro);
+ my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro;
+ return getdb($c, $adb, $key);
+ } ## end if ($key)
+} ## end sub getaccount
sub getdb {
my ($c, $db, $key) = @_;
- if ( my $rec = $db->get($key) ) {
- return $c->render(json => { $key => { $rec->props }} );
+ if (my $rec = $db->get($key)) {
+ return $c->render(json => { $key => { $rec->props } });
return undef;
+} ## end sub getdb
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 1132e2d..2209796 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -7,76 +7,59 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Review;
# menu : N
# routes : end
-# heading-o : Configuration
+# heading-o : Configuration
# description-o : Review configuration
# navigation-o : 6000 6800
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use SrvMngr::Review_sub qw(print_page);
#use smeserver::Panel::review;
use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::review;
-our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open config db";
-our $domains = esmith::DomainsDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open domains";
+our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open config db";
+our $domains = esmith::DomainsDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open domains";
our $networks = esmith::NetworksDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open networks";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
- my $title = $c->l('rvw_FORM_TITLE');
- my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('rvw_DESCRIPTION'));
+ my $title = $c->l('rvw_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('rvw_DESCRIPTION'));
my %rvw_datas = ();
- $rvw_datas{'servermode'} = (get_value('','SystemMode' )|| '');
- $rvw_datas{'localip'} = get_value('$c','LocalIP' )
- .'/'.get_value('$c','LocalNetmask');
- $rvw_datas{'publicip'} =
- esmith::FormMagick::Panel::review->get_public_ip_address($c);
- $rvw_datas{'gateway'} =
- $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_gateway_stanza($c));
- $rvw_datas{'serveronly'} =
- $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_serveronly_stanza($c));
+ $rvw_datas{'servermode'} = (get_value('', 'SystemMode') || '');
+ $rvw_datas{'localip'} = get_value('$c', 'LocalIP') . '/' . get_value('$c', 'LocalNetmask');
+ $rvw_datas{'publicip'} = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::review->get_public_ip_address($c);
+ $rvw_datas{'gateway'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_gateway_stanza($c));
+ $rvw_datas{'serveronly'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_serveronly_stanza($c));
$rvw_datas{'addlocalnetworks'} = get_local_networks($c);
- $rvw_datas{'dhcpserver'} =
- $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_dhcp_stanza($c));
- $rvw_datas{'dnsserver'} = (get_value('','LocalIP' )|| '');
- $rvw_datas{'webserver'} = 'www.'.(get_local_domain());
+ $rvw_datas{'dhcpserver'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => print2_dhcp_stanza($c));
+ $rvw_datas{'dnsserver'} = (get_value('', 'LocalIP') || '');
+ $rvw_datas{'webserver'} = 'www.' . (get_local_domain());
my $port = $db->get_prop("squid", "TransparentPort") || 3128;
- $rvw_datas{'proxyserver'} = 'proxy.'.get_local_domain().":$port";
- $rvw_datas{'ftpserver'} = 'ftp.'.get_local_domain();
- $rvw_datas{'smtpserver'} = 'mail.'.get_local_domain();
- $rvw_datas{'domainname'} = (get_value('','DomainName' )|| '');
- $rvw_datas{'virtualdomains'} =
- $c->render_to_string(inline => gen2_domains($c));
- $rvw_datas{'primarywebsite'} = 'http://www.'.get_value('','DomainName');
- $rvw_datas{'servermanager'} = 'https://'. (get_value('','SystemName') || 'localhost').'/server-manager/';
- $rvw_datas{'usermanager'} = 'https://'. (get_value('','SystemName') || 'localhost').'/user-password/';
- $rvw_datas{'emailaddresses'} =
- $c->render_to_string(inline => gen2_email_addresses($c));
+ $rvw_datas{'proxyserver'} = 'proxy.' . get_local_domain() . ":$port";
+ $rvw_datas{'ftpserver'} = 'ftp.' . get_local_domain();
+ $rvw_datas{'smtpserver'} = 'mail.' . get_local_domain();
+ $rvw_datas{'domainname'} = (get_value('', 'DomainName') || '');
+ $rvw_datas{'virtualdomains'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => gen2_domains($c));
+ $rvw_datas{'primarywebsite'} = 'http://www.' . get_value('', 'DomainName');
+ $rvw_datas{'servermanager'} = 'https://' . (get_value('', 'SystemName') || 'localhost') . '/server-manager/';
+ $rvw_datas{'usermanager'} = 'https://' . (get_value('', 'SystemName') || 'localhost') . '/user-password/';
+ $rvw_datas{'emailaddresses'} = $c->render_to_string(inline => gen2_email_addresses($c));
#$c->stash( releaseVersion => $c->session->{releaseVersion}, copyRight => $c->session->{copyRight},
- #PwdSet => $c->session->{PwdSet}, Unsafe => $c->session->{Unsafe},
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, rvw_datas => \%rvw_datas,
- );
+ #PwdSet => $c->session->{PwdSet}, Unsafe => $c->session->{Unsafe},
+ $c->stash(
+ title => $title,
+ modul => $modul,
+ rvw_datas => \%rvw_datas,
+ );
$c->render(template => 'review');
+} ## end sub main
=head2 gen2_email_addresses
@@ -86,20 +69,28 @@ sub main {
sub gen2_email_addresses {
- my $c = shift;
- my $domain = get_value($c,'DomainName');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $domain = get_value($c, 'DomainName');
my $useraccount = $c->l("rvw_EMAIL_USERACCOUNT");
- my $firstname = $c->l("rvw_EMAIL_FIRSTNAME");
- my $lastname = $c->l("rvw_EMAIL_LASTNAME");
- my $out = "" . $useraccount . "\@" . $domain . "
- . "" . $firstname . "." . $lastname . "\@" . $domain . "
- . "" . $firstname . "_" . $lastname . "\@" . $domain . "
- return $out;
+ my $firstname = $c->l("rvw_EMAIL_FIRSTNAME");
+ my $lastname = $c->l("rvw_EMAIL_LASTNAME");
+ my $out
+ = ""
+ . $useraccount
+ . "\@"
+ . $domain . "
" . ""
+ . $firstname
+ . "."
+ . $lastname
+ . "\@"
+ . $domain . "
" . ""
+ . $firstname
+ . "_"
+ . $lastname
+ . "\@"
+ . $domain . "
+ return $out;
+} ## end sub gen2_email_addresses
=head2 gen2_domains
@@ -109,26 +100,25 @@ sub gen2_email_addresses {
sub gen2_domains {
- my $c = shift;
- my @virtual = $domains->get_all_by_prop( type => 'domain');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my @virtual = $domains->get_all_by_prop(type => 'domain');
my $numvirtual = @virtual;
if ($numvirtual == 0) {
- }
- else {
+ } else {
my $out = "";
my $domain;
foreach $domain (sort @virtual) {
if ($out ne "") {
$out .= "
$out .= $domain->key;
- }
+ } ## end foreach $domain (sort @virtual)
return $out;
- }
+ } ## end else [ if ($numvirtual == 0) ]
+} ## end sub gen2_domains
=head2 get2_local_networks
@@ -138,33 +128,28 @@ serving. (mojo ver)
sub get2_local_networks {
- my $c = shift;
- my @nets = $networks->get_all_by_prop('type' => 'network');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my @nets = $networks->get_all_by_prop('type' => 'network');
my $numNetworks = @nets;
if ($numNetworks == 0) {
- return $c->l('rvw_NO_NETWORKS');
- }
- else {
+ return $c->l('rvw_NO_NETWORKS');
+ } else {
my $out = "";
foreach my $network (sort @nets) {
if ($out ne "") {
$out .= "
+ $out .= $network->key . "/" . get_net_prop($c, $network->key, 'Mask');
- $out .= $network->key."/" . get_net_prop($c, $network->key, 'Mask');
- if ( defined get_net_prop($c, $network->key, 'Router') ) {
- $out .= " via " . get_net_prop ($c, $network->key, 'Router');
+ if (defined get_net_prop($c, $network->key, 'Router')) {
+ $out .= " via " . get_net_prop($c, $network->key, 'Router');
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $network (sort @nets)
return $out;
- }
+ } ## end else [ if ($numNetworks == 0)]
+} ## end sub get2_local_networks
=head2 print2_gateway_stanza
@@ -172,28 +157,28 @@ If this system is a server gateway, show the external ip and gateway ip (mojo ve
-sub print2_gateway_stanza
+sub print2_gateway_stanza {
my $c = shift;
- if (get_value($c,'SystemMode') =~ /servergateway/)
- {
- my $ip = get_value($c,'ExternalIP');
- my $static =
- (get_value($c, 'AccessType') eq 'dedicated') &&
- (get_value($c, 'ExternalDHCP') eq 'off') &&
- (get_prop($c, 'pppoe', 'status') eq 'disabled');
- if ($static)
- {
- $ip .= "/".get_value($c,'ExternalNetmask');
- }
- my $out = $c->l('rvw_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS_SUBNET_MASK').':'.$ip;
- if ($static)
- {
- $out .= $c->l('rvw_GATEWAY').':'.get_value($c,'GatewayIP');
- }
- return $out
- }
+ if (get_value($c, 'SystemMode') =~ /servergateway/) {
+ my $ip = get_value($c, 'ExternalIP');
+ my $static
+ = (get_value($c, 'AccessType') eq 'dedicated')
+ && (get_value($c, 'ExternalDHCP') eq 'off')
+ && (get_prop($c, 'pppoe', 'status') eq 'disabled');
+ if ($static) {
+ $ip .= "/" . get_value($c, 'ExternalNetmask');
+ }
+ my $out = $c->l('rvw_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS_SUBNET_MASK') . ':' . $ip;
+ if ($static) {
+ $out .= $c->l('rvw_GATEWAY') . ':' . get_value($c, 'GatewayIP');
+ }
+ return $out;
+ } ## end if (get_value($c, 'SystemMode'...))
+} ## end sub print2_gateway_stanza
=head2 print2_serveronly_stanza
If this system is a standalone server with net access, show the external
@@ -202,14 +187,15 @@ gateway IP (mojo ver)
sub print2_serveronly_stanza {
- my $c = shift;
- if ( (get_value($c,'SystemMode') eq 'serveronly') &&
- get_value($c,'AccessType') &&
- (get_value($c,'AccessType') ne "off")) {
- return ( get_value($c,'GatewayIP') );
- }
+ my $c = shift;
+ if ( (get_value($c, 'SystemMode') eq 'serveronly')
+ && get_value($c, 'AccessType')
+ && (get_value($c, 'AccessType') ne "off"))
+ {
+ return (get_value($c, 'GatewayIP'));
+ } ## end if ((get_value($c, 'SystemMode'...)))
+} ## end sub print2_serveronly_stanza
=head2 print2_dhcp_stanza
@@ -220,16 +206,14 @@ Prints out the current state of dhcp service (mojo ver)
sub print2_dhcp_stanza {
my $c = shift;
- my $out = (get_prop($c,'dhcpd','status') || 'disabled' );
+ my $out = (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd', 'status') || 'disabled');
- if (get_prop($c,'dhcpd', 'status') eq 'enabled') {
- $out .= '
- $out .= (get_prop($c,'dhcpd','start') || '' ).'
- $out .= $c->l('rvw_END_OF_DHCP_ADDRESS_RANGE').':';
- $out .= (get_prop($c,'dhcpd','end') || '' );
- }
+ if (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd', 'status') eq 'enabled') {
+ $out .= '
' . $c->l('rvw_BEGINNING_OF_DHCP_ADDRESS_RANGE') . ':';
+ $out .= (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd', 'start') || '') . '
+ $out .= $c->l('rvw_END_OF_DHCP_ADDRESS_RANGE') . ':';
+ $out .= (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd', 'end') || '');
+ } ## end if (get_prop($c, 'dhcpd'...))
return $out;
+} ## end sub print2_dhcp_stanza
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index b6d5550..9d3cba3 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -10,37 +10,27 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Roundcubepanel;
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
#use SrvMngr::Model::Main;
sub main {
my $c = shift;
- my $title = $c->l('Roundcube Webmail');
- my $roundcube_url = $c->param('url');
+ my $title = $c->l('Roundcube Webmail');
+ my $roundcube_url = $c->param('url');
my $roundcube_height = $c->param('height') | 600;
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $roundcube_url, height => $roundcube_height );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $roundcube_url, height => $roundcube_height);
$c->render(template => 'roundcube');
+} ## end sub main
sub getroundcubeurl {
- my $c = shift;
- my $url = shift;
- return "/smanager/roundcube?url=$url";
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $url = shift;
+ return "/smanager/roundcube?url=$url";
+} ## end sub getroundcubeurl
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 4fad51c..0f73805 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,34 +11,25 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Support;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
use esmith::util;
sub display_licenses {
+ my $lang = shift;
+ my $lic = '';
- my $lang = shift;
- my $lic = '';
- foreach my $license (esmith::util::getLicenses($lang)) {
- $lic .= $license . '
- }
- return $lic;
+ foreach my $license (esmith::util::getLicenses($lang)) {
+ $lic .= $license . '
+ }
+ return $lic;
+} ## end sub display_licenses
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my $title = $c->l('support_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => display_licenses($c->session->{lang}));
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul);
$c->render(template => 'module');
+} ## end sub main
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 2b039a5..5b59755 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
package SrvMngr::Controller::Swttheme;
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
#use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
- my $c = shift;
- my $from = $c->param('From') || '/';
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $from = $c->param('From') || '/';
my $theme = $c->param('Theme');
$c->app->log->info(" swt theme '$from' '$theme' ");
my $oldTheme = $c->session->{CurrentTheme};
- if ( $theme ne $oldTheme ) {
-# $c->app->renderer->paths([$c->app->home->rel_file('themes/default/templates')]);
-# $c->app->static->paths([$c->app->home->rel_file('themes/default/public')]);
-# if ( $theme ne 'default' ) {
-# # Put the new theme first
-# my $t_path = $c->app->home->rel_file('themes/'.$theme);
-# unshift @{$c->app->renderer->paths}, $t_path.'/templates' if -d $t_path.'/templates';
-# unshift @{$c->app->static->paths}, $t_path.'/public' if -d $t_path.'/public';
-# }
+ if ($theme ne $oldTheme) {
+ # $c->app->renderer->paths([$c->app->home->rel_file('themes/default/templates')]);
+ # $c->app->static->paths([$c->app->home->rel_file('themes/default/public')]);
+ # if ( $theme ne 'default' ) {
+ # # Put the new theme first
+ # my $t_path = $c->app->home->rel_file('themes/'.$theme);
+ # unshift @{$c->app->renderer->paths}, $t_path.'/templates' if -d $t_path.'/templates';
+ # unshift @{$c->app->static->paths}, $t_path.'/public' if -d $t_path.'/public';
+ # }
$c->session->{CurrentTheme} = $theme;
- $db->get('smanager')->set_prop('Theme', $theme);
- system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event smanager-theme-change") == 0
- or warn "$c->l('ERROR_UPDATING')";
- }
+ $db->get('smanager')->set_prop('Theme', $theme);
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event smanager-theme-change") == 0
+ or warn "$c->l('ERROR_UPDATING')";
+ } ## end if ($theme ne $oldTheme)
## (not sure) $c->flash( warning => $c->l('swt_LOGIN_AGAIN') );
- $from = '/initial' if $from eq '/';
- $from = '/' . $from if ( $from !~ m|^\/| );
- $c->redirect_to( $from);
+ $from = '/initial' if $from eq '/';
+ $from = '/' . $from if ($from !~ m|^\/|);
+ $c->redirect_to($from);
+} ## end sub main
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 5d661ce..968c335 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -11,15 +11,13 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Useraccounts;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
-use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session
- is_normal_password email_simple);
+use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session
+ is_normal_password email_simple);
#use esmith::FormMagick qw( validate_password );
#use CGI::FormMagick::Validator qw( call_fm_validation );
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::util;
@@ -29,415 +27,369 @@ use esmith::util;
#use File::Basename;
#use Exporter;
#use Carp qw(verbose);
#use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts;
our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
- my $notif = '';
+ my $notif = '';
my %usr_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('usr_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('usr_FORM_TITLE');
$usr_datas{'trt'} = 'LIST';
my @users = $adb->get('admin');
push @users, $adb->users();
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, usr_datas => \%usr_datas, users => \@users );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, usr_datas => \%usr_datas, users => \@users);
$c->render(template => 'useraccounts');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
- my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'ADD');
- my $user = ($c->param('user') || '');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'ADD');
+ my $user = ($c->param('user') || '');
my %usr_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('usr_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('usr_FORM_TITLE');
my ($notif, $modul) = '';
$usr_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
+ $usr_datas{user} = '';
+ $usr_datas{firstname} = '';
+ $usr_datas{lastname} = '';
+ $usr_datas{dept} = $c->get_ldap_value('Dept');
+ $usr_datas{company} = $c->get_ldap_value('Company');
+ $usr_datas{street} = $c->get_ldap_value('Street');
+ $usr_datas{city} = $c->get_ldap_value('City');
+ $usr_datas{phone} = $c->get_ldap_value('Phone');
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
- $usr_datas{user} = '';
- $usr_datas{firstname} = '';
- $usr_datas{lastname} = '';
- $usr_datas{dept} = $c->get_ldap_value('Dept');
- $usr_datas{company} = $c->get_ldap_value('Company');
- $usr_datas{street} = $c->get_ldap_value('Street');
- $usr_datas{city} = $c->get_ldap_value('City');
- $usr_datas{phone} = $c->get_ldap_value('Phone');
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'UPS') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($user);
+ my $type = ($trt eq 'UPS') ? 'system' : 'user';
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq $type) {
+ $usr_datas{user} = $user;
+ $usr_datas{firstname} = $rec->prop('FirstName');
+ $usr_datas{lastname} = $rec->prop('LastName');
+ $usr_datas{vpnclientaccess} = $rec->prop('VPNClientAccess');
+ $usr_datas{emailforward} = $rec->prop('EmailForward');
+ $usr_datas{forwardaddress} = $rec->prop('ForwardAddress');
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
+ $usr_datas{dept} = $rec->prop('Dept');
+ $usr_datas{company} = $rec->prop('Company');
+ $usr_datas{street} = $rec->prop('Street');
+ $usr_datas{city} = $rec->prop('City');
+ $usr_datas{phone} = $rec->prop('Phone');
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
+ } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt...)
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($user);
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'user') {
+ $usr_datas{user} = $user;
+ $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'UPS' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'PWD' or $trt eq 'PWS') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($user);
+ my $type = ($trt eq 'PWS') ? 'system' : 'user';
- my $rec = $adb->get($user);
- my $type = ( $trt eq 'UPS' ) ? 'system' : 'user';
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq $type) {
- $usr_datas{user} = $user;
- $usr_datas{firstname} = $rec->prop('FirstName');
- $usr_datas{lastname} = $rec->prop('LastName');
- $usr_datas{vpnclientaccess} = $rec->prop('VPNClientAccess');
- $usr_datas{emailforward} = $rec->prop('EmailForward');
- $usr_datas{forwardaddress} = $rec->prop('ForwardAddress');
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' ) {
- $usr_datas{dept} = $rec->prop('Dept');
- $usr_datas{company} = $rec->prop('Company');
- $usr_datas{street} = $rec->prop('Street');
- $usr_datas{city} = $rec->prop('City');
- $usr_datas{phone} = $rec->prop('Phone');
- }
- }
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq $type) {
+ $usr_datas{user} = $user;
+ $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PWD' or $trt...)
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- my $rec = $adb->get($user);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'user') {
- $usr_datas{user} = $user;
- $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user);
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'LCK') {
+ my $rec = $adb->get($user);
+ if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'user') {
+ $usr_datas{user} = $user;
+ $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LCK')
- if ( $trt eq 'PWD' or $trt eq 'PWS' ) {
- my $rec = $adb->get($user);
- my $type = ( $trt eq 'PWS' ) ? 'system' : 'user';
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq $type) {
- $usr_datas{user} = $user;
- $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user);
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
+ my @useraccounts;
+ if ($adb) {
+ @useraccounts = $adb->useraccounts();
- if ( $trt eq 'LCK' ) {
- my $rec = $adb->get($user);
- if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'user') {
- $usr_datas{user} = $user;
- $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user);
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'LIST' ) {
- my @useraccounts;
- if ($adb)
- {
- @useraccounts = $adb->useraccounts();
- }
- $c->stash( useraccounts => \@useraccounts );
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, usr_datas => \%usr_datas );
- $c->render( template => 'useraccounts' );
+ $c->stash(useraccounts => \@useraccounts);
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, usr_datas => \%usr_datas);
+ $c->render(template => 'useraccounts');
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
- my $user = ($c->param('user') || '');
- my $name = ($c->param('name') || '');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
+ my $user = ($c->param('user') || '');
+ my $name = ($c->param('name') || '');
my %usr_datas = ();
$usr_datas{trt} = $trt;
my $title = $c->l('usr_FORM_TITLE');
my ($res, $result) = '';
+ if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
- if ( $trt eq 'ADD' ) {
- # controls
- my $first = $c->param('FirstName');
- my $last = $c->param('LastName');
- my $mail = $c->param('ForwardAddress');
- unless ( $first ) {
- $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- }
- unless ( $last ) {
- $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- }
- #unless ( $mail ) {
- # $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- #}
- $res = $c->validate_acctName( $user );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = $c->validate_acctName_length( $user );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = $c->validate_acctName_conflict( $user );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = $c->pseudonym_clash( $first );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $mail ) {
- $res = $c->emailforward( $mail );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- }
- #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = create_user( $c, $user );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('usrUSER_CREATED') . ' ' . $user;
- $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'UPS') {
- # controls
- my $first = $c->param('FirstName');
- my $last = $c->param('LastName');
+ # controls
+ my $first = $c->param('FirstName');
+ my $last = $c->param('LastName');
my $mail = $c->param('ForwardAddress');
- unless ( $first ) {
+ unless ($first) {
$result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- }
- unless ( $last ) {
+ }
+ unless ($last) {
$result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- }
+ }
#unless ( $mail ) {
# $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- #}
+ #}
+ $res = $c->validate_acctName($user);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->validate_acctName_length($user);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->validate_acctName_conflict($user);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->pseudonym_clash($first);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $res = $c->pseudonym_clash( $first );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if ($mail) {
+ $res = $c->emailforward($mail);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ }
- if ( $mail ) {
- $res = $c->emailforward( $mail );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- }
+ #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = create_user($c, $user);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('usrUSER_CREATED') . ' ' . $user;
+ $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
- #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
+ if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'UPS') {
- if ( ! $result ) {
- if ( $trt eq 'UPS' ) {
- $res = $c->modify_admin();
- } else {
- $res = $c->modify_user( $user );
- }
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('usr_USER_MODIFIED') . ' ' . $user;
- $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- }
- }
- }
+ # controls
+ my $first = $c->param('FirstName');
+ my $last = $c->param('LastName');
+ my $mail = $c->param('ForwardAddress');
+ unless ($first) {
+ $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
+ }
- if ( $trt eq 'PWD' ) {
+ unless ($last) {
+ $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
+ }
+ #unless ( $mail ) {
+ # $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
+ #}
+ $res = $c->pseudonym_clash($first);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if ($mail) {
+ $res = $c->emailforward($mail);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ }
+ #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
+ if (!$result) {
+ if ($trt eq 'UPS') {
+ $res = $c->modify_admin();
+ } else {
+ $res = $c->modify_user($user);
+ }
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('usr_USER_MODIFIED') . ' ' . $user;
+ $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt...)
+ if ($trt eq 'PWD') {
my $pass1 = $c->param('newPass');
my $pass2 = $c->param('newPassVerify');
- # controls
+ # controls
unless ($pass1) {
$result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- }
+ }
unless ($pass1 eq $pass2) {
$result .= $c->l('PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR') . ' - ';
- }
+ }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = check_password( $c, $pass1 );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = check_password($c, $pass1);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ }
- if ( $user eq 'admin' ) {
- $result .= "System password should not be reset here !";
- }
- #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- my $res = $c->reset_password( $user, $pass1 );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('usr_PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCEEDED', $user);
- $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- }
- }
- }
+ if ($user eq 'admin') {
+ $result .= "System password should not be reset here !";
+ }
- if ( $trt eq 'PWS' ) { # system password reset (admin)
+ #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
+ if (!$result) {
+ my $res = $c->reset_password($user, $pass1);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('usr_PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCEEDED', $user);
+ $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PWD')
+ if ($trt eq 'PWS') { # system password reset (admin)
my $curpass = $c->param('CurPass');
- my $pass1 = $c->param('Pass');
- my $pass2 = $c->param('PassVerify');
+ my $pass1 = $c->param('Pass');
+ my $pass2 = $c->param('PassVerify');
- # controls
+ # controls
if ($curpass) {
- $res = $c->system_authenticate_password( $curpass );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- } else {
+ $res = $c->system_authenticate_password($curpass);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ } else {
$result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- }
+ }
unless ($pass1 and $pass2) {
$result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - ';
- }
+ }
unless ($pass1 eq $pass2) {
$result .= $c->l('usr_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR') . ' - ';
- }
+ }
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->system_validate_password( $pass1 );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->system_validate_password($pass1);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ $res = $c->system_check_password($pass1);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ } ## end if (!$result)
- $res = $c->system_check_password( $pass1 );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- }
+ #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
+ if (!$result) {
+ my $res = $c->system_change_password();
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- my $res = $c->system_change_password();
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('usr_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHANGED', $user);
- $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('usr_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHANGED', $user);
+ $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PWS')
+ if ($trt eq 'LCK') {
- if ( $trt eq 'LCK' ) {
+ # controls
+ #$res = xxxxxxxxxxx();
+ #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
+ if (!$result) {
+ my $res = $c->lock_account($user);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- # controls
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('usr_LOCKED_ACCOUNT', $user);
+ $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LCK')
- #$res = xxxxxxxxxxx();
- #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
+ if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
- if ( ! $result ) {
- my $res = $c->lock_account( $user );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('usr_LOCKED_ACCOUNT', $user);
- $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'DEL' ) {
- # controls
- #$res = xxxxxxxxxxx();
- #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- my $res = $c->remove_account( $user );
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->l('usr_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_USER') . ' ' . $user;
- $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- }
- }
- }
+ # controls
+ #$res = xxxxxxxxxxx();
+ #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ #$result .= 'Blocked for testing';
+ if (!$result) {
+ my $res = $c->remove_account($user);
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->l('usr_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_USER') . ' ' . $user;
+ $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
$usr_datas{'user'} = $user;
$usr_datas{'name'} = $name;
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $result, usr_datas => \%usr_datas);
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $result, usr_datas => \%usr_datas );
if ($usr_datas{trt} ne 'SUC') {
- return $c->render(template => 'useraccounts');
+ return $c->render(template => 'useraccounts');
+} ## end sub do_update
sub lock_account {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $user = $c->param('user');
my $acct = $adb->get($user);
if ($acct->prop('type') eq "user") {
undef $adb;
- # Untaint the username before use in system()
- $user =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
- $user = $1;
+ # Untaint the username before use in system()
+ $user =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
+ $user = $1;
if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-lock", $user)) {
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
return $c->l("usr_ERR_OCCURRED_LOCKING");
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
- return 'OK';
+ return 'OK';
} else {
return $c->l('NO_SUCH_USER', $user);
+} ## end sub lock_account
sub remove_account {
- my ($c) = @_;
+ my ($c) = @_;
my $user = $c->param('user');
my $acct = $adb->get($user);
if ($acct->prop('type') eq 'user') {
$acct->set_prop('type', 'user-deleted');
undef $adb;
- # Untaint the username before use in system()
- $user =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
- $user = $1;
- if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-delete", $user))
- {
+ # Untaint the username before use in system()
+ $user =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
+ $user = $1;
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-delete", $user)) {
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
return $c->l("ERR_OCCURRED_DELETING");
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
- return 'OK';
+ return 'OK';
} else {
return $c->l('NO_SUCH_USER', $user);
+} ## end sub remove_account
sub reset_password {
my ($c, $user, $passw1) = @_;
@@ -446,87 +398,70 @@ sub reset_password {
return $c->l('usr_TAINTED_USER');
$user = $1;
my $acct = $adb->get($user);
- if ( $acct->prop('type') eq "user") {
- esmith::util::setUserPassword ($user, $passw1);
+ if ($acct->prop('type') eq "user") {
+ esmith::util::setUserPassword($user, $passw1);
$acct->set_prop("PasswordSet", "yes");
undef $adb;
- if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "password-modify", $user))
- {
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "password-modify", $user)) {
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
return 'OK';
} else {
return $c->l('NO_SUCH_USER', $user);
+} ## end sub reset_password
sub check_password {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $pass1 = shift;
my $check_type;
my $rec = $cdb->get('passwordstrength');
$check_type = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Users') || 'none') : 'none');
return validate_password($c, $check_type, $pass1);
+} ## end sub check_password
sub validate_password {
my ($c, $strength, $pass) = @_;
use Crypt::Cracklib;
my $reason;
if ($strength eq "none") {
return $c->l("Passwords must be at least 7 characters long") unless (length($pass) > 6);
return "OK";
$reason = is_normal_password($c, $pass, undef);
return $reason unless ($reason eq "OK");
return "OK" unless ($strength eq "strong");
- if ( -f '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict.pwd' ) {
+ if (-f '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict.pwd') {
$reason = fascist_check($pass, '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict');
} else {
$reason = fascist_check($pass, '/usr/lib/cracklib_dict');
$reason ||= "Software error: password check failed";
return "OK" if ($reason eq "ok");
- return $c->l("Bad Password Choice") . ": "
- . $c->l("The password you have chosen is not a good choice, because")
- . " " . $c->($reason) . ".";
+ return
+ $c->l("Bad Password Choice") . ": "
+ . $c->l("The password you have chosen is not a good choice, because") . " "
+ . $c->($reason) . ".";
+} ## end sub validate_password
sub emailForward_list {
my $c = shift;
- return [[ $c->l('usr_DELIVER_EMAIL_LOCALLY') => 'local'],
- [ $c->l('usr_FORWARD_EMAIL') => 'forward'],
- [ $c->l('usr_DELIVER_AND_FORWARD') => 'both']];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('usr_DELIVER_EMAIL_LOCALLY') => 'local' ],
+ [ $c->l('usr_FORWARD_EMAIL') => 'forward' ],
+ [ $c->l('usr_DELIVER_AND_FORWARD') => 'both' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub emailForward_list
sub max_user_name_length {
my ($c, $data) = @_;
my $max = $cdb->get('maxuserNameLength')->value;
@@ -535,40 +470,33 @@ sub max_user_name_length {
} else {
return $c->l('usr_MAX_user_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR', $data, $max, $max);
+} ## end sub max_user_name_length
sub validate_acctName {
my ($c, $acctName) = @_;
unless ($adb->validate_account_name($acctName)) {
return $c->l('usr_ACCT_NAME_HAS_INVALID_CHARS', $acctName);
return "OK";
+} ## end sub validate_acctName
sub validate_acctName_length {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $acctName = shift;
+ my $maxAcctNameLength = ($cdb->get('maxAcctNameLength') ? $cdb->get('maxAcctNameLength')->prop('type') : "") || 12;
- my $c = shift;
- my $acctName = shift;
- my $maxAcctNameLength = ($cdb->get('maxAcctNameLength')
- ? $cdb->get('maxAcctNameLength')->prop('type') : "") || 12;
- if ( length $acctName > $maxAcctNameLength ) {
+ if (length $acctName > $maxAcctNameLength) {
return $c->l('usr_ACCOUNT_TOO_LONG', $maxAcctNameLength);
} else {
return ('OK');
+} ## end sub validate_acctName_length
sub validate_acctName_conflict {
my $c = shift;
my $acctName = shift;
- my $account = $adb->get($acctName);
+ my $account = $adb->get($acctName);
my $type;
if (defined $account) {
@@ -576,26 +504,17 @@ sub validate_acctName_conflict {
} elsif (defined getpwnam($acctName) || defined getgrnam($acctName)) {
$type = "system";
} else {
- return('OK');
+ return ('OK');
return $c->l('usr_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT', $acctName, $type);
+} ## end sub validate_acctName_conflict
sub get_user_name {
my ($c, $acctName) = @_;
my $usr = $adb->get($acctName);
return '' unless $usr;
- return $usr->prop('FirstName') ." ". $usr->prop('LastName');
+ return $usr->prop('FirstName') . " " . $usr->prop('LastName');
+} ## end sub get_user_name
sub get_ldap_value {
my ($c, $field) = @_;
@@ -604,7 +523,6 @@ sub get_ldap_value {
if ($c->param('user')) {
return $c->param($field);
my %CGIParam2DBfield = (
Dept => 'defaultDepartment',
Company => 'defaultCompany',
@@ -612,54 +530,47 @@ sub get_ldap_value {
City => 'defaultCity',
Phone => 'defaultPhoneNumber'
return $cdb->get('ldap')->prop($CGIParam2DBfield{$field});
+} ## end sub get_ldap_value
sub get_pptp_value {
return $cdb->get('pptpd')->prop('AccessDefault') || 'no';
sub pseudonym_clash {
my ($c, $first) = @_;
$first ||= "";
my $last = $c->param('LastName') || "";
- my $acctName = $c->param('user') || "";
- my $up = "$first $last";
- $up =~ s/^\s+//;
- $up =~ s/\s+$//;
- $up =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- $up =~ s/\s/_/g;
- my $dp = $up;
+ my $acctName = $c->param('user') || "";
+ my $up = "$first $last";
+ $up =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $up =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $up =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $up =~ s/\s/_/g;
+ my $dp = $up;
$dp =~ s/_/./g;
$dp = $adb->get($dp);
$up = $adb->get($up);
my $da = $dp->prop('Account') if $dp;
my $ua = $up->prop('Account') if $up;
if ($dp and $da and $da ne $acctName) {
- return $c->l('usr_PSEUDONYM_CLASH',
- $acctName, $da, $dp->key);
+ return $c->l('usr_PSEUDONYM_CLASH', $acctName, $da, $dp->key);
} elsif ($up and $ua and $ua ne $acctName) {
- return $c->l('usr_PSEUDONYM_CLASH',
- $acctName, $ua, $up->key );
+ return $c->l('usr_PSEUDONYM_CLASH', $acctName, $ua, $up->key);
} else {
return "OK";
+} ## end sub pseudonym_clash
sub emailforward {
my ($c, $data) = @_;
my $response = $c->email_simple($data);
if ($response eq "OK") {
return "OK";
} elsif ($data eq "") {
# Blank is ok, only if we're not forwarding, which means that the
# EmailForward param must be set to 'local'.
my $email_forward = $c->param('EmailForward') || '';
@@ -668,91 +579,75 @@ sub emailforward {
return $c->l('usr_CANNOT_CONTAIN_WHITESPACE');
} else {
- if ( $data =~ /\s+/ );
+ if ($data =~ /\s+/);
# Permit a local address.
return "OK" if $data =~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\._\-]*$/;
return $c->l('usr_UNACCEPTABLE_CHARS');
- }
+ } ## end else [ if ($response eq "OK")]
+} ## end sub emailforward
sub get_groups {
my ($c) = shift;
my @groups = $adb->groups();
return \@groups;
+} ## end sub get_groups
sub ipsec_for_acct {
my $c = shift;
# Don't show ipsecrw setting unless the status property exists
- return '' unless ($cdb->get('ipsec')
+ return '' unless ($cdb->get('ipsec')
&& $cdb->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorStatus'));
# Don't show ipsecrw setting unless /sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior exists
return '' unless -x '/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior';
my $user = $c->param('user');
return '' unless $user;
my $rec = $adb->get($user);
- if ( $rec ) {
- my $pwset = $rec->prop('PasswordSet') || 'no';
- my $VPNaccess = $rec->prop('VPNClientAccess') || 'no';
- if ($pwset eq 'yes' and $VPNaccess eq 'yes') {
- return 'OK';
- }
- }
- return '';
+ if ($rec) {
+ my $pwset = $rec->prop('PasswordSet') || 'no';
+ my $VPNaccess = $rec->prop('VPNClientAccess') || 'no';
+ if ($pwset eq 'yes' and $VPNaccess eq 'yes') {
+ return 'OK';
+ }
+ } ## end if ($rec)
+ return '';
+} ## end sub ipsec_for_acct
sub is_user_in_group {
- my $c = shift;
- my $user = shift || '';
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $user = shift || '';
my $group = shift || '';
- return '' unless ( $user and $group );
- return ( $adb->is_user_in_group($user, $group) ) ? 'OK' : '';
+ return '' unless ($user and $group);
+ return ($adb->is_user_in_group($user, $group)) ? 'OK' : '';
+} ## end sub is_user_in_group
sub get_ipsec_client_cert {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $user = $c->param('user');
($user) = ($user =~ /^(.*)$/);
die "Invalid user: $user\n" unless getpwnam($user);
- open (KID, "/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior get_client_cert $user |")
+ open(KID, "/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior get_client_cert $user |")
or die "Can't fork: $!";
my $certfile = ;
close KID;
require File::Basename;
my $certname = File::Basename::basename($certfile);
print "Expires: 0\n";
print "Content-type: application/x-pkcs12\n";
print "Content-disposition: inline; filename=$certname\n";
print "\n";
+ open(CERT, "<$certfile");
- open (CERT, "<$certfile");
- while ()
- {
+ while () {
close CERT;
return '';
+} ## end sub get_ipsec_client_cert
sub modify_user {
my ($c) = @_;
@@ -761,193 +656,159 @@ sub modify_user {
unless (($acctName) = ($acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/)) {
return $c->l('usr_TAINTED_USER', $acctName);
# Untaint the username before use in system()
$acctName = $1;
- my $acct = $adb->get($acctName);
+ my $acct = $adb->get($acctName);
my $acctType = $acct->prop('type');
- if ($acctType eq "user")
- {
+ if ($acctType eq "user") {
my %newProperties = (
- 'FirstName' => $c->param('FirstName'),
- 'LastName' => $c->param('LastName'),
- 'Phone' => $c->param('Phone'),
- 'Company' => $c->param('Company'),
- 'Dept' => $c->param('Dept'),
- 'City' => $c->param('City'),
- 'Street' => $c->param('Street'),
- 'EmailForward' => $c->param('EmailForward'),
- 'ForwardAddress' => $c->param('ForwardAddress'),
- 'VPNClientAccess'=> $c->param('VPNClientAccess'),
+ 'FirstName' => $c->param('FirstName'),
+ 'LastName' => $c->param('LastName'),
+ 'Phone' => $c->param('Phone'),
+ 'Company' => $c->param('Company'),
+ 'Dept' => $c->param('Dept'),
+ 'City' => $c->param('City'),
+ 'Street' => $c->param('Street'),
+ 'EmailForward' => $c->param('EmailForward'),
+ 'ForwardAddress' => $c->param('ForwardAddress'),
+ 'VPNClientAccess' => $c->param('VPNClientAccess'),
- if ( ($cdb->get_prop('pseudonyms','create') || 'enabled') eq 'enabled' );
+ if (($cdb->get_prop('pseudonyms', 'create') || 'enabled') eq 'enabled');
my @old_groups = $adb->user_group_list($acctName);
- my @new_groups = @{$c->every_param("groupMemberships")};
-# $c->app->log->info($c->dumper("groups: Old " . @old_groups .' New '. @new_groups));
+ my @new_groups = @{ $c->every_param("groupMemberships") };
+ # $c->app->log->info($c->dumper("groups: Old " . @old_groups .' New '. @new_groups));
$adb->remove_user_from_groups($acctName, @old_groups);
$adb->add_user_to_groups($acctName, @new_groups);
undef $adb;
- unless (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify",
- $acctName) == 0) {
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify", $acctName) == 0) {
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
return $c->l('usr_CANNOT_MODIFY_USER');
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
- }
+ } ## end if ($acctType eq "user")
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub modify_user
sub create_user {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $acctName = $c->param('user');
my %userprops;
- foreach my $field ( qw( FirstName LastName Phone Company Dept
- City Street EmailForward ForwardAddress VPNClientAccess) )
+ foreach my $field (
+ qw( FirstName LastName Phone Company Dept
+ City Street EmailForward ForwardAddress VPNClientAccess)
+ )
$userprops{$field} = $c->param($field);
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $field (qw( FirstName LastName Phone Company Dept...))
$userprops{'PasswordSet'} = "no";
$userprops{'type'} = 'user';
my $acct = $adb->new_record($acctName)
or warn "Can't create new account for $acctName (does it already exist?)\n";
- if ( ($cdb->get_prop('pseudonyms','create') || 'enabled') eq 'enabled' );
- my @groups = @{$c->every_param("groupMemberships")};
+ if (($cdb->get_prop('pseudonyms', 'create') || 'enabled') eq 'enabled');
+ my @groups = @{ $c->every_param("groupMemberships") };
$adb->add_user_to_groups($acctName, @groups);
undef $adb;
# Untaint the username before use in system()
$acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/;
$acctName = $1;
- if (system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-create", $acctName))
- {
+ if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-create", $acctName)) {
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
return $c->l("usr_ERR_OCCURRED_CREATING");
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub create_user
sub set_groups {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $acctName = $c->param('user');
- my @groups = @{$c->every_param("groupMemberships")};
+ my @groups = @{ $c->every_param("groupMemberships") };
$adb->set_user_groups($acctName, @groups);
+} ## end sub set_groups
sub modify_admin {
- my ($c) = @_;
- my $acct = $adb->get('admin');
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ my $acct = $adb->get('admin');
my %newProperties = (
- 'FirstName' => $c->param('FirstName'),
- 'LastName' => $c->param('LastName'),
- 'EmailForward' => $c->param('EmailForward'),
- 'ForwardAddress' => $c->param('ForwardAddress'),
- 'VPNClientAccess'=> $c->param('VPNClientAccess'),
+ 'FirstName' => $c->param('FirstName'),
+ 'LastName' => $c->param('LastName'),
+ 'EmailForward' => $c->param('EmailForward'),
+ 'ForwardAddress' => $c->param('ForwardAddress'),
+ 'VPNClientAccess' => $c->param('VPNClientAccess'),
undef $adb;
- my $status =
- system ("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify-admin", 'admin');
+ my $status = system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify-admin", 'admin');
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
if ($status == 0) {
return 'OK';
} else {
- return$c->l('usr_CANNOT_MODIFY_USER', 'First');
+ return $c->l('usr_CANNOT_MODIFY_USER', 'First');
+} ## end sub modify_admin
sub system_validate_password {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $pass1 = shift;
# If the password contains one or more printable character
if ($pass1 =~ /^([ -~]+)$/) {
- return('OK');
+ return ('OK');
} else {
+} ## end sub system_validate_password
sub system_check_password {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $pass1 = shift;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open();
my ($check_type, $rec);
if ($conf) {
$rec = $conf->get('passwordstrength');
$check_type = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Admin') || 'strong') : 'strong');
return $c->validate_password($check_type, $pass1);
+} ## end sub system_check_password
sub system_authenticate_password {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $pass = shift;
- if (esmith::util::authenticateUnixPassword( ($cdb->get_value("AdminIsNotRoot") eq 'enabled') ? 'admin' : 'root', $pass)) {
+ if (esmith::util::authenticateUnixPassword(
+ ($cdb->get_value("AdminIsNotRoot") eq 'enabled') ? 'admin' : 'root', $pass
+ )
+ )
+ {
return "OK";
} else {
return $c->l("usr_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_AUTH_ERROR");
+} ## end sub system_authenticate_password
sub system_change_password {
my ($c) = @_;
my $pass = $c->param('Pass');
- ($cdb->get_value("AdminIsNotRoot") eq 'enabled') ? esmith::util::setUnixPassword('admin',$pass) : esmith::util::setUnixSystemPassword($pass);
+ ($cdb->get_value("AdminIsNotRoot") eq 'enabled')
+ ? esmith::util::setUnixPassword('admin', $pass)
+ : esmith::util::setUnixSystemPassword($pass);
my $result = system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event password-modify admin");
if ($result == 0) {
@@ -955,7 +816,5 @@ sub system_change_password {
} else {
return $c->l("Error occurred while modifying password for admin.", 'First');
+} ## end sub system_change_password
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 6b4ffd4..5f1d399 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -8,182 +8,165 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Userpassword;
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use esmith::util;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw( theme_list init_session is_normal_password );
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro || die "Couldn't open configuration db";
sub main {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my %pwd_datas = ();
- if ( $c->is_logged_in ) {
- $pwd_datas{Account} = $c->session->{username};
- $pwd_datas{trt} = 'NORM';
+ if ($c->is_logged_in) {
+ $pwd_datas{Account} = $c->session->{username};
+ $pwd_datas{trt} = 'NORM';
} else {
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $mess = '';
- my $jwt = $c->param('jwt') || '';
- my $name = $c->jwt->decode($jwt)->{username} || '';
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $mess = '';
+ my $jwt = $c->param('jwt') || '';
+ my $name = $c->jwt->decode($jwt)->{username} || '';
+ $mess = 'Invalid state' unless ($jwt and $name and $rt eq 'upwdreset');
- $mess = 'Invalid state' unless ($jwt and $name and $rt eq 'upwdreset');
# request already treated or outdated
- if ( $c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} != 1 or $c->pwdrst->{$name}{date} < time() ) {
- $mess = $c->l('use_INVALID_REQUEST').' -step 1-';
- }
+ if ($c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} != 1 or $c->pwdrst->{$name}{date} < time()) {
+ $mess = $c->l('use_INVALID_REQUEST') . ' -step 1-';
+ }
+ if ($mess) {
+ $c->stash(error => $mess);
+ return $c->redirect_to($c->home_page);
+ }
- if ( $mess ) {
- $c->stash( error => $mess );
- return $c->redirect_to ( $c->home_page );
- }
# ok for reset password for this account - step 2
- $c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} = 2;
- $pwd_datas{Account} = $name;
- $pwd_datas{trt} = 'RESET';
- $pwd_datas{jwt} = $jwt;
- $c->flash( success => $c->l('use_OK_FOR_RESET') );
- }
- $c->stash( pwd_datas => \%pwd_datas );
- $c->render( 'userpassword' );
+ $c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} = 2;
+ $pwd_datas{Account} = $name;
+ $pwd_datas{trt} = 'RESET';
+ $pwd_datas{jwt} = $jwt;
+ $c->flash(success => $c->l('use_OK_FOR_RESET'));
+ } ## end else [ if ($c->is_logged_in) ]
+ $c->stash(pwd_datas => \%pwd_datas);
+ $c->render('userpassword');
+} ## end sub main
sub change_password {
my $c = shift;
my $result;
my $res;
- my %pwd_datas = ();
- my $trt = $c->param('Trt');
- my $acctName = $c->param('User');
- my $oldPass = $c->param('Oldpass') || '';
- my $pass = $c->param('Pass');
+ my %pwd_datas = ();
+ my $trt = $c->param('Trt');
+ my $acctName = $c->param('User');
+ my $oldPass = $c->param('Oldpass') || '';
+ my $pass = $c->param('Pass');
my $passVerify = $c->param('Passverify');
- my $jwt = $c->param('jwt') || '';
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $mess = ''; my $name = '';
+ my $jwt = $c->param('jwt') || '';
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $mess = '';
+ my $name = '';
$name = $c->jwt->decode($jwt)->{username} if $jwt;
- if ( $trt eq 'RESET' ) {
- $mess = 'Invalid state' unless ($jwt and $name and ($rt eq 'upwdreset2'));
- # request already treated or outdated
- if ( $c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} != 2 or $c->pwdrst->{$name}{date} < time() ) {
- $mess = $c->l('use_INVALID_REQUEST').' -step 2-';
- }
- if ( ! $name or $c->is_logged_in or $name ne $acctName ) {
- $mess = 'Invalid reset state';
+ if ($trt eq 'RESET') {
+ $mess = 'Invalid state' unless ($jwt and $name and ($rt eq 'upwdreset2'));
+ # request already treated or outdated
+ if ($c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} != 2 or $c->pwdrst->{$name}{date} < time()) {
+ $mess = $c->l('use_INVALID_REQUEST') . ' -step 2-';
+ }
+ if (!$name or $c->is_logged_in or $name ne $acctName) {
+ $mess = 'Invalid reset state';
} else {
- if ( $name or $jwt or ! $c->is_logged_in ) {
- $mess = 'Invalid update state';
- }
- }
- if ( $mess ) {
- $c->stash( error => $mess );
- return $c->redirect_to ( $c->home_page );
- }
+ if ($name or $jwt or !$c->is_logged_in) {
+ $mess = 'Invalid update state';
+ }
+ } ## end else [ if ($trt eq 'RESET') ]
+ if ($mess) {
+ $c->stash(error => $mess);
+ return $c->redirect_to($c->home_page);
+ }
$pwd_datas{Account} = $acctName;
- $pwd_datas{trt} = $trt;
+ $pwd_datas{trt} = $trt;
# common controls
- if ( $acctName eq 'admin' ) {
+ if ($acctName eq 'admin') {
$result .= "Admin password should not be reset here !";
} else {
- unless ( $pass && $passVerify ) {
- $result .= $c->l('pwd_FIELDS_REQUIRED') . "
- } else {
- $result .= $c->l('pwd_PASSWORD_INVALID_CHARS') . "
" unless (($pass) = ($pass =~ /^([ -~]+)$/ ));
- $result .= $c->l('pwd_PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR') . "
" unless ( $pass eq $passVerify );
- }
- }
- if ( $result ne '' ) {
- $c->stash( error => $result, pwd_datas => \%pwd_datas );
- return $c->render( 'userpassword' );
+ unless ($pass && $passVerify) {
+ $result .= $c->l('pwd_FIELDS_REQUIRED') . "
+ } else {
+ $result .= $c->l('pwd_PASSWORD_INVALID_CHARS') . "
" unless (($pass) = ($pass =~ /^([ -~]+)$/));
+ $result .= $c->l('pwd_PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR') . "
" unless ($pass eq $passVerify);
+ }
+ } ## end else [ if ($acctName eq 'admin')]
+ if ($result ne '') {
+ $c->stash(error => $result, pwd_datas => \%pwd_datas);
+ return $c->render('userpassword');
# validate new password
- $res = $c->check_password( $pass );
- $result .= $res . "
" unless ( $res eq 'OK' );
+ $res = $c->check_password($pass);
+ $result .= $res . "
" unless ($res eq 'OK');
# controls old password
- if ( $trt ne 'RESET' ) {
- unless ( $oldPass ) {
- $result .= $c->l('pwd_FIELDS_REQUIRED') . "
" unless $trt eq 'RESET';
+ if ($trt ne 'RESET') {
+ unless ($oldPass) {
+ $result .= $c->l('pwd_FIELDS_REQUIRED') . "
" unless $trt eq 'RESET';
} else {
- $result .= $c->l('pwd_PASSWORD_OLD_INVALID_CHARS') . "
" unless (($oldPass) = ($oldPass =~ /^(\S+)$/ ));
+ $result .= $c->l('pwd_PASSWORD_OLD_INVALID_CHARS') . "
" unless (($oldPass) = ($oldPass =~ /^(\S+)$/));
- if ( $result ne '' ) {
- $c->stash( error => $result, pwd_datas => \%pwd_datas );
- return $c->render( 'userpassword' );
+ if ($result ne '') {
+ $c->stash(error => $result, pwd_datas => \%pwd_datas);
+ return $c->render('userpassword');
# verify old password
- if ( $trt ne 'RESET') {
- $result .= $c->l('pwd_ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGE') . "
- unless (SrvMngr::Model::Main->check_credentials($acctName, $oldPass));
- }
- }
+ if ($trt ne 'RESET') {
+ $result .= $c->l('pwd_ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGE') . "
+ unless (SrvMngr::Model::Main->check_credentials($acctName, $oldPass));
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt ne 'RESET')
# $result .= 'Blocked for test (prevents updates)
- if ( ! $result ) {
- my $res = $c->reset_password( $trt, $acctName, $pass, $oldPass );
+ if (!$result) {
+ my $res = $c->reset_password($trt, $acctName, $pass, $oldPass);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $result ) {
- record_password_change_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
- $c->stash( error => $result, pwd_datas => \%pwd_datas );
- return $c->render( 'userpassword' );
- }
+ if ($result) {
+ record_password_change_attempt($c, 'FAILED');
+ $c->stash(error => $result, pwd_datas => \%pwd_datas);
+ return $c->render('userpassword');
+ } ## end if ($result)
$c->pwdrst->{$name}{confirmed} = 9 if $trt eq 'RESET';
record_password_change_attempt($c, 'SUCCESS');
$result .= $c->l('pwd_PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS');
- $c->flash( success => $result );
- $c->redirect_to( $c->home_page );
+ $c->flash(success => $result);
+ $c->redirect_to($c->home_page);
+} ## end sub change_password
sub reset_password {
my ($c, $trt, $user, $password, $oldpassword) = @_;
my $ret;
return $c->l('usr_TAINTED_USER') unless (($user) = ($user =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/));
$user = $1;
- my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
+ my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
my $acct = $adb->get($user);
- return $c->l('NO_SUCH_USER', $user) unless ( $acct->prop('type') eq 'user' );
- $ret = esmith::util::setUserPasswordRequirePrevious( $user, $oldpassword, $password ) if $trt ne 'RESET';
- $ret = esmith::util::setUserPassword( $user, $password ) if $trt eq 'RESET';
- return $c->l('pwd_ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGE') .' '. $trt unless $ret;
+ return $c->l('NO_SUCH_USER', $user) unless ($acct->prop('type') eq 'user');
+ $ret = esmith::util::setUserPasswordRequirePrevious($user, $oldpassword, $password) if $trt ne 'RESET';
+ $ret = esmith::util::setUserPassword($user, $password) if $trt eq 'RESET';
+ return $c->l('pwd_ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGE') . ' ' . $trt unless $ret;
$acct->set_prop("PasswordSet", "yes");
undef $adb;
@@ -192,66 +175,52 @@ sub reset_password {
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open();
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub reset_password
sub record_password_change_attempt {
+ my ($c, $result) = @_;
+ my $user = $c->param('User');
+ my $ip_address = $c->tx->remote_address;
- my ($c, $result) = @_;
- my $user = $c->param('User');
- my $ip_address = $c->tx->remote_address;
- if ($result eq 'SUCCESS') {
- $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Password change succeeded: $user", $ip_address);
- } else {
- $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Password change FAILED: $user", $ip_address);
- }
+ if ($result eq 'SUCCESS') {
+ $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Password change succeeded: $user", $ip_address);
+ } else {
+ $c->app->log->info(join "\t", "Password change FAILED: $user", $ip_address);
+ }
+} ## end sub record_password_change_attempt
sub check_password {
- my $c = shift;
- my $password = shift;
- my $strength;
- my $rec = $cdb->get('passwordstrength');
- $strength = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Users') || 'none') : 'none');
- return validate_password( $c, $strength, $password );
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $password = shift;
+ my $strength;
+ my $rec = $cdb->get('passwordstrength');
+ $strength = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Users') || 'none') : 'none');
+ return validate_password($c, $strength, $password);
+} ## end sub check_password
sub validate_password {
my ($c, $strength, $pass) = @_;
use Crypt::Cracklib;
if ($strength eq "none") {
- return $c->l("Passwords must be at least 7 characters long") unless ( length( $pass ) > 6 );
+ return $c->l("Passwords must be at least 7 characters long") unless (length($pass) > 6);
return "OK";
my $reason = is_normal_password($c, $pass, undef);
return $reason unless ($reason eq "OK");
return "OK" unless ($strength eq "strong");
- if ( -f '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict.pwd' ) {
+ if (-f '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict.pwd') {
$reason = fascist_check($pass, '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict');
} else {
$reason = fascist_check($pass, '/usr/lib/cracklib_dict');
$reason ||= "Software error: password check failed";
return "OK" if ($reason eq "ok");
- return $c->l("Bad Password Choice") . ": "
- . $c->l("The password you have chosen is not a good choice, because")
- . " " . $c->($reason) . ".";
+ return
+ $c->l("Bad Password Choice") . ": "
+ . $c->l("The password you have chosen is not a good choice, because") . " "
+ . $c->($reason) . ".";
+} ## end sub validate_password
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index d583b2b..e9ee9e2 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -13,145 +13,121 @@ use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
#use esmith::FormMagick qw(gen_locale_date_string);
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use Time::TAI64;
use File::Basename;
use HTML::Entities;
use esmith::FormMagick qw(gen_locale_date_string);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
-our @logfiles = (); # with array
+our @logfiles = (); # with array
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %log_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('log_FORM_TITLE');
- my $notif = '';
- $log_datas{default_op} =
- ($cdb->get('viewlogfiles')->prop('DefaultOperation')) || 'view';
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, log_datas => \%log_datas);
+ my $title = $c->l('log_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $notif = '';
+ $log_datas{default_op} = ($cdb->get('viewlogfiles')->prop('DefaultOperation')) || 'view';
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, log_datas => \%log_datas);
$c->render(template => 'viewlogfiles');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_action {
my $c = shift;
- my $title = $c->l('log_FORM_TITLE');
- my $notif = '';
- my $result = "";
+ my $title = $c->l('log_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $notif = '';
+ my $result = "";
my %log_datas = ();
- $log_datas{filename} = $c->param('Filename');
- $log_datas{matchpattern} = $c->param('Matchpattern');
+ $log_datas{filename} = $c->param('Filename');
+ $log_datas{matchpattern} = $c->param('Matchpattern');
$log_datas{highlightpattern} = $c->param('Highlightpattern');
- $log_datas{operation} = $c->param('Operation');
- if ($log_datas{operation} eq 'download') {
- $log_datas{'trt'} = "DOWN"
- } else {
- $log_datas{'trt'} = "SHOW"
- }
+ $log_datas{operation} = $c->param('Operation');
+ if ($log_datas{operation} eq 'download') {
+ $log_datas{'trt'} = "DOWN";
+ } else {
+ $log_datas{'trt'} = "SHOW";
+ }
if ($log_datas{filename} =~ /^([\S\s]+)$/) {
- $log_datas{filename} = $1;
+ $log_datas{filename} = $1;
} elsif ($log_datas{filename} =~ /^$/) {
- $log_datas{filename} = "messages";
+ $log_datas{filename} = "messages";
} else {
- $result .= $c->l("log_FILENAME_ERROR", $log_datas{filename} )
- . " ";
- }
- if ($log_datas{matchpattern} =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
- $log_datas{matchpattern} = $1;
- } else {
- $log_datas{matchpattern} = ".";
- }
- if ($log_datas{highlightpattern} =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
- $log_datas{highlightpattern} = $1;
- } else {
- $log_datas{highlightpattern} = '';
+ $result .= $c->l("log_FILENAME_ERROR", $log_datas{filename}) . " ";
+ if ($log_datas{matchpattern} =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
+ $log_datas{matchpattern} = $1;
+ } else {
+ $log_datas{matchpattern} = ".";
+ }
+ if ($log_datas{highlightpattern} =~ /^(\S+)$/) {
+ $log_datas{highlightpattern} = $1;
+ } else {
+ $log_datas{highlightpattern} = '';
+ }
my $fullpath = "/var/log/$log_datas{filename}";
if (-z $fullpath) {
- $result .= $c->l("log_LOG_FILE_EMPTY", "$log_datas{filename}" );
+ $result .= $c->l("log_LOG_FILE_EMPTY", "$log_datas{filename}");
if ($log_datas{trt} eq "SHOW") {
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $result = $c->render_to_string(inline => showlogFile( $c, %log_datas ));
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $result = $c->render_to_string(inline => showlogFile($c, %log_datas));
+ }
- if ( $result ) {
- $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result, log_datas => \%log_datas);
- return $c->render(template => 'viewlogfiles2');
- }
- }
+ if ($result) {
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result, log_datas => \%log_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => 'viewlogfiles2');
+ }
+ } ## end if ($log_datas{trt} eq...)
- if ( $log_datas{trt} eq 'DOWN' ) {
- my $modul = 'Log file download';
- $notif = download_logFile( $c, %log_datas );
- return undef unless defined $notif;
- }
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, log_datas => \%log_datas);
+ if ($log_datas{trt} eq 'DOWN') {
+ my $modul = 'Log file download';
+ $notif = download_logFile($c, %log_datas);
+ return undef unless defined $notif;
+ } ## end if ($log_datas{trt} eq...)
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, log_datas => \%log_datas);
$c->render(template => 'viewlogfiles');
+} ## end sub do_action
-sub timestamp2local
+sub timestamp2local {
$_ = shift;
- if (/^(\@[0-9a-f]{24})(.*)/s)
- {
- return Time::TAI64::tai64nlocal($1) . $2;
- }
- elsif (/^([0-9]{10}\.[0-9]{3})(.*)/s)
- {
- return localtime($1) . $2;
+ if (/^(\@[0-9a-f]{24})(.*)/s) {
+ return Time::TAI64::tai64nlocal($1) . $2;
+ } elsif (/^([0-9]{10}\.[0-9]{3})(.*)/s) {
+ return localtime($1) . $2;
return $_;
+} ## end sub timestamp2local
sub findlogFiles {
my $c = shift;
use File::Find;
- sub findlogfiles
- {
+ sub findlogfiles {
my $path = $File::Find::name;
- if (-f)
- {
+ if (-f) {
# Remove leading /var/log/messages
$path =~ s:^/var/log/::;
# don't bother to collect files known to be non-text
# or not log files
- foreach (qw(
+ foreach (
+ qw(
@@ -161,176 +137,160 @@ sub findlogFiles {
- ))
+ )
+ )
return if $path =~ /$_/;
- }
+ } ## end foreach (qw( lastlog btmp$ wtmp...))
my ($file_base, $file_path, $file_type) = fileparse($path);
- if ( $file_base =~ /@.*/ )
- {
+ if ($file_base =~ /@.*/) {
#$logfiles{$path} = $file_path . timestamp2local($file_base);
- push @logfiles, [ $file_path . timestamp2local($file_base), $path ];
- }
- else
- {
+ push @logfiles, [ $file_path . timestamp2local($file_base), $path ];
+ } else {
#$logfiles{$path} = $path;
- push @logfiles, [ $path, $path ];
+ push @logfiles, [ $path, $path ];
- }
- }
+ } ## end if (-f)
+ } ## end sub findlogfiles
@logfiles = ();
# Now go and find all the files under /var/log
- find({wanted => \&findlogfiles, no_chdir => 1}, '/var/log');
+ find({ wanted => \&findlogfiles, no_chdir => 1 }, '/var/log');
my @logf = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @logfiles;
return \@logf;
+} ## end sub findlogFiles
sub showlogFile {
my ($c, %log_datas) = @_;
my $fullpath = "/var/log/$log_datas{filename}";
- my $out = '';
+ my $out = '';
$out .= sprintf("$fullpath: \n");
+ $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_VIEWING_TIME", $c->gen_locale_date_string()));
- $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_VIEWING_TIME", $c->gen_locale_date_string() ));
+ unless ($log_datas{matchpattern} eq '.') {
- unless ( $log_datas{matchpattern} eq '.' )
- {
#$out .= sprintf("\n");
- $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_MATCH_HEADER", $log_datas{matchpattern} ));
- }
+ $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_MATCH_HEADER", $log_datas{matchpattern}));
+ } ## end unless ($log_datas{matchpattern...})
+ if ($log_datas{highlightpattern}) {
- if ( $log_datas{highlightpattern} )
- {
#$out .= sprintf("
- $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_HIGHLIGHT_HEADER", "$log_datas{highlightpattern}" ));
- }
+ $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_HIGHLIGHT_HEADER", "$log_datas{highlightpattern}"));
+ } ## end if ($log_datas{highlightpattern...})
if ($log_datas{filename} =~ /\.gz$/) {
my $pid = open(LOGFILE, "-|");
die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
unless ($pid) {
# Child
exec("/bin/zcat", $fullpath)
- || die "Can't exec zcat: $!";
+ || die "Can't exec zcat: $!";
- }
+ } ## end unless ($pid)
} else {
open(LOGFILE, "$fullpath");
my $somethingMatched = 0;
- my $fileEmpty = 1;
+ my $fileEmpty = 1;
$out .= sprintf("
- while()
- {
+ while () {
$fileEmpty = 0;
next unless /$log_datas{matchpattern}/;
$somethingMatched = 1;
- $_ = timestamp2local($_);
- $_ = HTML::Entities::encode_entities($_);
+ $_ = timestamp2local($_);
+ $_ = HTML::Entities::encode_entities($_);
($log_datas{highlightpattern} && /$log_datas{highlightpattern}/)
- ? $out .= sprintf( "$_" )
- : $out .= sprintf("$_");
- }
+ ? $out .= sprintf("$_")
+ : $out .= sprintf("$_");
+ } ## end while ()
$out .= sprintf("
if ($fileEmpty) {
$out .= sprintf("\n");
$out .= sprintf($c->l("log_LOG_FILE_EMPTY"));
} else {
- unless ($somethingMatched)
- {
+ unless ($somethingMatched) {
$out .= sprintf("
$out .= sprintf($c->l("log_NO_MATCHING_LINES"));
- }
+ } ## end else [ if ($fileEmpty) ]
close LOGFILE;
return $out;
+} ## end sub showlogFile
sub download_logFile {
my ($c, %log_datas) = @_;
my $fullpath = "/var/log/$log_datas{filename}";
# Save this information for later.
$cdb->get('viewlogfiles')->merge_props('DefaultOperation', $log_datas{operation});
# If the client is on windows, we must handle this a little differently.
my $win32 = FALSE;
my $mac = FALSE;
my $agent = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || "";
if ($agent =~ /win32|windows/i) {
$win32 = TRUE;
- } elsif ($agent =~ /mac/i) {
+ } elsif ($agent =~ /mac/i) {
$mac = TRUE;
# Check for errors first. Once we start sending the file it's too late to
# report them.
my $error = "";
- unless (-f $fullpath) {
+ unless (-f $fullpath) {
$error = $c->l("log_ERR_NOEXIST_FILE") . $fullpath;
local *FILE;
open(FILE, "<$fullpath")
or $error = $c->l("log_ERR_NOOPEN_FILE");
- # Put other error checking here.
+ # Put other error checking here.
return $error if $error;
- # Fix the filename, as it might have a directory prefixed to it.
+ # Fix the filename, as it might have a directory prefixed to it.
my $filename = $log_datas{filename};
- if ( $filename =~ m#/# ) {
+ if ($filename =~ m#/#) {
$filename = (split /\//, $filename)[-1];
# And send the file.
my $nl = "\n";
- if ($win32) { $nl = "\r\n" }
- elsif ($mac) { $nl = "\r" }
+ if ($win32) { $nl = "\r\n" }
+ elsif ($mac) { $nl = "\r" }
# Otherwise, send the file. Start with the headers.
# Note: The Content-disposition must be attachment, or IE will view the
# file inline like it's told. It ignores the Content-type, but it likes
# the Content-disposition (an officially unsupported header) for some
# reason. Yay Microsoft.
- my $file2 = new File::Temp( UNLINK => 0 );
+ my $file2 = new File::Temp(UNLINK => 0);
while (my $line = ) {
chomp $line;
my $linew = timestamp2local($line) . $nl;
print $file2 $linew;
- }
+ } ## end while (my $line = )
- 'filepath' => "$file2",
- 'filename' => "$filename",
- 'format' => 'x-download',
- 'content_disposition' => 'attachment',
- 'cleanup' => 1,
+ 'filepath' => "$file2",
+ 'filename' => "$filename",
+ 'format' => 'x-download',
+ 'content_disposition' => 'attachment',
+ 'cleanup' => 1,
return undef;
+} ## end sub download_logFile
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 9a073ab..5bdc7b2 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -10,94 +10,71 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Workgroup;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::workgroup;
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %wkg_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('wkg_FORM_TITLE');
- my $modul = '';
- $wkg_datas{'Workgroup'} = ($db->get_prop('smb','Workgroup')) || '';
- $wkg_datas{'ServerName'} = ($db->get_prop('smb','ServerName')) || '';
- $wkg_datas{'ServerRole'} = ($db->get_prop('smb','ServerRole')) || '';
- $wkg_datas{'RoamingProfiles'} = ($db->get_prop('smb','RoamingProfiles')) || '';
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $modul, wkg_datas => \%wkg_datas );
+ my $title = $c->l('wkg_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $modul = '';
+ $wkg_datas{'Workgroup'} = ($db->get_prop('smb', 'Workgroup')) || '';
+ $wkg_datas{'ServerName'} = ($db->get_prop('smb', 'ServerName')) || '';
+ $wkg_datas{'ServerRole'} = ($db->get_prop('smb', 'ServerRole')) || '';
+ $wkg_datas{'RoamingProfiles'} = ($db->get_prop('smb', 'RoamingProfiles')) || '';
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, wkg_datas => \%wkg_datas);
$c->render(template => 'workgroup');
+} ## end sub main
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $result = "";
- my $workgroup = ($c->param('Workgroup') || 'no');
- my $servername = ($c->param('ServerName') || 'WS');
+ my $result = "";
+ my $workgroup = ($c->param('Workgroup') || 'no');
+ my $servername = ($c->param('ServerName') || 'WS');
my $roamingprofiles = ($c->param('RoamingProfiles') || 'no');
- my $serverrole = ($c->param('ServerRole') || 'WS');
+ my $serverrole = ($c->param('ServerRole') || 'WS');
# controls
my $res = validate2_workgroup($c, $workgroup, $servername);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
$res = validate2_servername($c, $servername);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if ($result eq '') {
- $db->get('smb')->set_prop('Workgroup', $workgroup);
- $db->get('smb')->set_prop('ServerRole', $serverrole);
- $db->get('smb')->set_prop('ServerName', $servername);
+ $db->get('smb')->set_prop('Workgroup', $workgroup);
+ $db->get('smb')->set_prop('ServerRole', $serverrole);
+ $db->get('smb')->set_prop('ServerName', $servername);
$db->get('smb')->set_prop('RoamingProfiles', $roamingprofiles);
- }
- system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "workgroup-update" ) == 0
- or $result = $c->l('ERROR_UPDATING') . " system";
+ } ## end if ($result eq '')
+ system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "workgroup-update") == 0
+ or $result = $c->l('ERROR_UPDATING') . " system";
my $title = $c->l('wkg_FORM_TITLE');
- if ( $result eq '' ) { $result = $c->l('wkg_SUCCESS'); }
- $c->stash( title => $title, modul => $result );
+ if ($result eq '') { $result = $c->l('wkg_SUCCESS'); }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result);
$c->render(template => 'module');
+} ## end sub do_update
sub validate2_servername {
- my $c = shift;
+ my $c = shift;
my $servername = shift;
- return ('OK') if ( $servername =~ /^([a-zA-Z][\-\w]*)$/ );
+ return ('OK') if ($servername =~ /^([a-zA-Z][\-\w]*)$/);
return $c->l('INVALID_SERVERNAME');
+} ## end sub validate2_servername
sub validate2_workgroup {
- my $c = shift;
- my $workgroup = lc(shift);
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $workgroup = lc(shift);
my $servername = lc(shift);
-# my $workgroup = $c->l(shift);
-# my $servername = $c->l(shift);
- return $c->l('INVALID_WORKGROUP') unless ( $workgroup =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][\-\w\.]*)$/ );
- return $c->l('INVALID_WORKGROUP_MATCHES_SERVERNAME') if ( $servername eq $workgroup);
- return ('OK');
+ # my $workgroup = $c->l(shift);
+ # my $servername = $c->l(shift);
+ return $c->l('INVALID_WORKGROUP') unless ($workgroup =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][\-\w\.]*)$/);
+ return $c->l('INVALID_WORKGROUP_MATCHES_SERVERNAME') if ($servername eq $workgroup);
+ return ('OK');
+} ## end sub validate2_workgroup
diff --git a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
index 7a3c8e3..5874864 100644
--- a/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
+++ b/root/usr/share/smanager/lib/SrvMngr/Controller/
@@ -10,270 +10,238 @@ package SrvMngr::Controller::Yum;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session ip_number_or_blank);
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::util;
use File::Basename;
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
-my $dnf_status_file = '/var/cache/dnf/dnf.status';
+my $dnf_status_file = '/var/cache/dnf/dnf.status';
#use File::stat;
our %dbs;
-for ( qw(available installed updates) )
- $dbs{$_} = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro("dnf_$_") or
- die "Couldn't open dnf_$_ DB\n";
+for (qw(available installed updates)) {
+ $dbs{$_} = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro("dnf_$_")
+ or die "Couldn't open dnf_$_ DB\n";
-for ( qw(repositories) )
- $dbs{$_} = esmith::ConfigDB->open("yum_$_") or
- die "Couldn't open yum_$_ DB\n";
+for (qw(repositories)) {
+ $dbs{$_} = esmith::ConfigDB->open("yum_$_")
+ or die "Couldn't open yum_$_ DB\n";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %yum_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('yum_FORM_TITLE');
- my $dest = 'yum';
- my $notif = '';
+ my $title = $c->l('yum_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $dest = 'yum';
+ my $notif = '';
$yum_datas{'trt'} = 'STAT';
- if ( $c->is_dnf_running()) {
- $yum_datas{'trt'} = 'LOGF';
- $dest = 'yumlogfile';
+ if ($c->is_dnf_running()) {
+ $yum_datas{'trt'} = 'LOGF';
+ $dest = 'yumlogfile';
} elsif ($cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile')) {
- $yum_datas{'trt'} = 'PSTU';
- $yum_datas{'reconf'} = $cdb->get_value('UnsavedChanges', 'yes');
- $dest = 'yumpostupg';
+ $yum_datas{'trt'} = 'PSTU';
+ $yum_datas{'reconf'} = $cdb->get_value('UnsavedChanges', 'yes');
+ $dest = 'yumpostupg';
} else {
- # normal other trt
+ # normal other trt
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, yum_datas => \%yum_datas );
- return $c->render( template => $dest );
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, yum_datas => \%yum_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => $dest);
+} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
- my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'STAT');
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'STAT');
my %yum_datas = ();
- my $title = $c->l('yum_FORM_TITLE');
+ my $title = $c->l('yum_FORM_TITLE');
my ($notif, $dest) = '';
$yum_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
# force $trt if current logfile
- if ( $c->is_dnf_running() ) {
- $trt = 'LOGF';
+ if ($c->is_dnf_running()) {
+ $trt = 'LOGF';
} elsif ($cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile')) {
- $trt = 'PSTU';
+ $trt = 'PSTU';
- if ( $trt eq 'UPDT' ) {
- $dest = 'yumupdate';
+ if ($trt eq 'UPDT') {
+ $dest = 'yumupdate';
+ }
+ if ($trt eq 'INST') {
+ $dest = 'yuminstall';
+ }
+ if ($trt eq 'REMO') {
+ $dest = 'yumremove';
+ }
+ if ($trt eq 'CONF') {
+ $dest = 'yumconfig';
+ }
+ if ($trt eq 'LOGF') {
+ if ($c->is_dnf_running()) {
+ $dest = 'yumlogfile';
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LOGF')
- if ( $trt eq 'INST' ) {
- $dest = 'yuminstall';
+ if ($trt eq 'PSTU') {
+ if ($cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile')) {
+ $dest = 'yumpostupg';
+ $yum_datas{'reconf'} = $cdb->get_value('UnsavedChanges', 'yes');
- if ( $trt eq 'REMO' ) {
- $dest = 'yumremove';
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'CONF' ) {
- $dest = 'yumconfig';
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'LOGF' ) {
- if ($c->is_dnf_running()) {
- $dest = 'yumlogfile';
- }
- }
- if ( $trt eq 'PSTU') {
- if ($cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile')) {
- $dest = 'yumpostupg';
- $yum_datas{'reconf'} = $cdb->get_value('UnsavedChanges', 'yes');
- }
- }
- if ( ! $dest ) { $dest = 'yum'; }
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, yum_datas => \%yum_datas );
- return $c->render( template => $dest );
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PSTU')
+ if (!$dest) { $dest = 'yum'; }
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, yum_datas => \%yum_datas);
+ return $c->render(template => $dest);
+} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
- my $rt = $c->current_route;
- my $trt = $c->param('trt');
+ my $rt = $c->current_route;
+ my $trt = $c->param('trt');
my %yum_datas = ();
$yum_datas{trt} = $trt;
my $title = $c->l('yum_FORM_TITLE');
my ($dest, $res, $result) = '';
- if ( $trt eq 'UPDT' ) {
+ if ($trt eq 'UPDT') {
+ $dest = 'yumupdate';
- $dest = 'yumupdate';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->do_yum('update');
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->do_yum('update');
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- if ( $trt eq 'INST' ) {
+ #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPDT')
- $dest = 'yuminstall';
+ if ($trt eq 'INST') {
+ $dest = 'yuminstall';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->do_yum('install');
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->do_yum('install');
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $trt eq 'REMO' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- $dest = 'yumremove';
+ #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'INST')
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->do_yum('remove');
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'REMO') {
+ $dest = 'yumremove';
- if ( $trt eq 'CONF' ) {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->do_yum('remove');
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- $dest = 'yumconfig';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $res = $c->change_settings();
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- $result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
- }
+ #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'REMO')
+ if ($trt eq 'CONF') {
+ $dest = 'yumconfig';
- if ( $trt eq 'PSTU') {
+ if (!$result) {
+ $res = $c->change_settings();
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- my $reconf = $c->param('reconf') || 'yes';
- $dest = 'yumpostupg';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ $result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
+ }
+ } ## end if (!$result)
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'CONF')
- # effective reconfigure and reboot required
- if ( $reconf eq 'yes' ) {
- $res = $c->post_upgrade_reboot();
- $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- $result = $c->l('yum_SYSTEM_BEING_RECONFIGURED');
- }
- } else {
- $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- $result = $c->l('yum_UPDATE_SUCCESS');
- }
- }
+ if ($trt eq 'PSTU') {
+ my $reconf = $c->param('reconf') || 'yes';
+ $dest = 'yumpostupg';
+ # effective reconfigure and reboot required
+ if ($reconf eq 'yes') {
+ $res = $c->post_upgrade_reboot();
+ $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
- if ( $trt eq 'LOGF' ) {
- $dest = 'yumlogfile';
- if ( ! $c->is_dnf_running()) {
- $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
- $result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
+ if (!$result) {
+ $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ $result = $c->l('yum_SYSTEM_BEING_RECONFIGURED');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ $result = $c->l('yum_UPDATE_SUCCESS');
- }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'PSTU')
+ if ($trt eq 'LOGF') {
+ $dest = 'yumlogfile';
+ if (!$c->is_dnf_running()) {
+ $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
+ $result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
+ }
+ } ## end if ($trt eq 'LOGF')
# do_yum ended (no message) --> forced to LOGFile
- if ( ! $result ) {
- $dest = 'yumlogfile';
- $yum_datas{trt} = 'LOGF';
+ if (!$result) {
+ $dest = 'yumlogfile';
+ $yum_datas{trt} = 'LOGF';
+ $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $result, yum_datas => \%yum_datas);
- $c->stash( title => $title, notif => $result, yum_datas => \%yum_datas );
if ($yum_datas{trt} ne 'SUC') {
- return $c->render(template => $dest);
+ return $c->render(template => $dest);
my $message = "'Yum' $trt update DONE";
$c->flash(success => $result) if $result;
+} ## end sub do_update
sub get_dnf_status {
#interrogate status file created and maintained by plugin for dnf.
- my ($c) = @_;
+ my ($c) = @_;
my $file_name = $dnf_status_file;
- my $content = "resolved";
- if ( -e "$file_name") {
- open my $fh, '<', $file_name or die "Can't open file: $!";
- $content = <$fh>;
- close $fh;
- }
+ my $content = "resolved";
+ if (-e "$file_name") {
+ open my $fh, '<', $file_name or die "Can't open file: $!";
+ $content = <$fh>;
+ close $fh;
+ } ## end if (-e "$file_name")
return $content;
+} ## end sub get_dnf_status
sub is_dnf_running {
my ($c) = @_;
my $dnf_status = $c->get_dnf_status();
return $dnf_status ne "resolved" && $dnf_status ne "config" && $dnf_status ne "sack";
+} ## end sub is_dnf_running
sub is_empty {
my ($c, $yumdb) = @_;
- my $groups = $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'group') || 'none';
+ my $groups = $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'group') || 'none';
my $packages = $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'package') || 'none';
#Show no updates if both = none
@@ -281,283 +249,194 @@ sub is_empty {
#else return here
+} ## end sub is_empty
sub non_empty {
my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
$type ||= 'both';
return 0 unless (exists $dbs{$yumdb});
- my $groups = scalar $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'group');
+ my $groups = scalar $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'group');
return $groups if ($type eq 'group');
my $packages = scalar $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'package');
- if ($type eq 'package')
- {
- return $c->package_functions_enabled ? $packages : 0;
+ if ($type eq 'package') {
+ return $c->package_functions_enabled ? $packages : 0;
- return ($c->package_functions_enabled or $yumdb eq 'updates') ?
- ($groups || $packages) : $groups;
+ return ($c->package_functions_enabled or $yumdb eq 'updates') ? ($groups || $packages) : $groups;
+} ## end sub non_empty
sub package_functions_enabled {
my ($c) = @_;
return ($cdb->get_prop("dnf", "PackageFunctions") eq "enabled");
sub get_status {
my ($c, $prop, $localise) = @_;
my $status = $cdb->get_prop("dnf", $prop) || 'disabled';
return $status unless $localise;
return $c->l($status eq 'enabled' ? 'ENABLED' : 'DISABLED');
+} ## end sub get_status
sub get_options {
my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
my %options;
- for ($dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => $type))
- {
- $options{$_->key} = $_->key . " " . $_->prop("Version") . " - " .
- $_->prop("Repo");
+ for ($dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => $type)) {
+ $options{ $_->key } = $_->key . " " . $_->prop("Version") . " - " . $_->prop("Repo");
return \%options;
+} ## end sub get_options
sub get_options2 {
my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
my @options;
- for ($dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => $type))
- {
- push @options, [ $_->key . " " . $_->prop("Version") . " - " .
- $_->prop("Repo") => $_->key ];
+ for ($dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => $type)) {
+ push @options, [ $_->key . " " . $_->prop("Version") . " - " . $_->prop("Repo") => $_->key ];
return \@options;
+} ## end sub get_options2
sub get_names {
- return [ keys %{get_options(@_)} ];
+ return [ keys %{ get_options(@_) } ];
sub get_names2 {
my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
my @selected;
for ($dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => $type)) {
push @selected, $_->key;
return \@selected;
-# return [ values @{get_options2(@_)} ];
+ # return [ values @{get_options2(@_)} ];
+} ## end sub get_names2
sub get_repository_options2 {
my $c = shift;
my @options;
- foreach my $repos (
- $dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop(type => "repository") )
- {
- next unless ($repos->prop('Visible') eq 'yes'
- or $repos->prop('status') eq 'enabled');
+ foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop(type => "repository")) {
+ next unless ($repos->prop('Visible') eq 'yes'
+ or $repos->prop('status') eq 'enabled');
push @options, [ $repos->prop('Name') => $repos->key ];
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories...})
my @opts = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @options;
return \@opts;
+} ## end sub get_repository_options2
-sub get_repository_current_options
+sub get_repository_current_options {
my $c = shift;
my @selected;
- foreach my $repos (
- $dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop( type => "repository" ) )
- {
- next unless ($repos->prop('Visible') eq 'yes'
- or $repos->prop('status') eq 'enabled');
+ foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop(type => "repository")) {
+ next unless ($repos->prop('Visible') eq 'yes'
+ or $repos->prop('status') eq 'enabled');
push @selected, $repos->key if ($repos->prop('status') eq 'enabled');
- }
+ } ## end foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories...})
return \@selected;
+} ## end sub get_repository_current_options
sub get_avail2 {
my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
return $c->get_options2("available", "package");
sub get_check_freq_opt {
my ($c) = @_;
- return [[ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled'],
- [ $c->l('yum_1DAILY') => 'daily'],
- [ $c->l('yum_2WEEKLY') => 'weekly'],
- [ $c->l('yum_3MONTHLY') => 'monthly']];
+ return [
+ [ $c->l('DISABLED') => 'disabled' ],
+ [ $c->l('yum_1DAILY') => 'daily' ],
+ [ $c->l('yum_2WEEKLY') => 'weekly' ],
+ [ $c->l('yum_3MONTHLY') => 'monthly' ]
+ ];
+} ## end sub get_check_freq_opt
sub print_skip_header {
my ($c) = shift;
return "\n";
sub change_settings {
my ($c) = @_;
- for my $param ( qw(
- PackageFunctions
- ) )
+ for my $param (
+ qw(
+ PackageFunctions
+ )
+ )
- $cdb->set_prop("dnf", $param, $c->param("yum_$param"));
- }
+ $cdb->set_prop("dnf", $param, $c->param("yum_$param"));
+ } ## end for my $param (qw( PackageFunctions...))
my $check4updates = $c->param("yum_check4updates");
- my $status = 'disabled';
+ my $status = 'disabled';
if ($check4updates ne 'disabled') { $status = 'enabled'; }
$cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'check4updates', $check4updates);
my $deltarpm = $c->param("yum_DeltaRpmProcess");
$cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'DeltaRpmProcess', $deltarpm);
my $downloadonly = $c->param("yum_DownloadOnly");
if ($downloadonly ne 'disabled') { $status = 'enabled'; }
$cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'DownloadOnly', $downloadonly);
my $AutoInstallUpdates = $c->param("yum_AutoInstallUpdates");
if ($AutoInstallUpdates ne 'disabled') { $status = 'enabled'; }
$cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'AutoInstallUpdates', $AutoInstallUpdates);
- $cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'status', $status);
- my %selected = map {$_ => 1} @{$c->every_param('SelectedRepositories')};
- foreach my $repos (
- $dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop(type => "repository") )
- {
- $repos->set_prop("status",
- exists $selected{$repos->key} ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
+ $cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'status', $status);
+ my %selected = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $c->every_param('SelectedRepositories') };
+ foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop(type => "repository")) {
+ $repos->set_prop("status", exists $selected{ $repos->key } ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
- unless ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "dnf-modify" ) == 0 )
- {
+ unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "dnf-modify") == 0) {
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub change_settings
sub do_yum {
my ($c, $function) = @_;
- for ( qw(SelectedGroups SelectedPackages) )
- {
- $cdb->set_prop("dnf", $_, join(',', (@{$c->every_param($_)} )));
+ for (qw(SelectedGroups SelectedPackages)) {
+ $cdb->set_prop("dnf", $_, join(',', (@{ $c->every_param($_) })));
+ esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "dnf-$function");
- esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0,
- "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "dnf-$function");
- for ( qw(available installed updates) ) {
- $dbs{$_}->reload;
+ for (qw(available installed updates)) {
+ $dbs{$_}->reload;
return 'OK';
+} ## end sub do_yum
sub get_yum_status_page {
my ($c) = @_;
my $yum_status;
open(YUM_STATUS, ";
return $yum_status;
+} ## end sub get_yum_status_page
sub format_yum_log {
my $c = shift;
my $filepage = $cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile');
- return '' unless $filepage and ( -e "$filepage" );
+ return '' unless $filepage and (-e "$filepage");
my $out = sprintf "";
- open (FILE, "$filepage");
+ open(FILE, "$filepage");
while () {
- $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
+ $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
close FILE;
$out .= sprintf "
undef $filepage;
return $out;
+} ## end sub format_yum_log
sub post_upgrade_reboot {
my $c = shift;
$cdb->get_prop_and_delete('dnf', 'LogFile');
@@ -565,17 +444,13 @@ sub post_upgrade_reboot {
exec "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade; /sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot";
die "Exec failed";
- return 'OK'
+ return 'OK';
+} ## end sub post_upgrade_reboot
sub show_yum_log {
- my $c = shift;
- my $out = $c->format_yum_log();
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $out = $c->format_yum_log();
my $yum_log = $cdb->get_prop_and_delete('dnf', 'LogFile');
return $out;
+} ## end sub show_yum_log
diff --git a/smeserver-manager.spec b/smeserver-manager.spec
index b11998e..30a2b0e 100644
--- a/smeserver-manager.spec
+++ b/smeserver-manager.spec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Summary: Sme server navigation module : manager 2
%define name smeserver-manager
Name: %{name}
%define version 11.0.0
-%define release 38
+%define release 39
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}%{?dist}
License: GPL
@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ true
+* Tue Jan 14 2025 Brian Read 11.0.0-39.sme
+- Apply perltidy to all Controller files, add .perltidy to directory and .gitignore for .tdy files (just incase) [SME: 12485]
* Sat Jan 11 2025 Brian Read 11.0.0-38.sme
- Fix password reset for admin in user panel [SME: 12655]