package SrvMngr::Model::Main; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use esmith::ConfigDB; use esmith::AccountsDB; use esmith::util; use Net::LDAP qw/LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS/; sub init_data { my %datas = (); my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro() or die("can't open Config DB"); my $sysconfig = $cdb->get("sysconfig"); $datas{'lang'} = $sysconfig->prop('Language') || 'en_US'; ## convert xx_XX lang format to xx-xx + delete .UTFxx + lowercase $datas{'lang'} =~ s/_(.*)\..*$/-${1}/; # just keep 'en-us' # $datas{'lang'} = lc( substr( $datas{'lang'},0,2 )); # just keep 'en' $datas{'releaseVersion'} = $sysconfig->prop("ReleaseVersion") || '??'; $datas{'copyRight'} = 'All rights reserved'; $datas{'PwdSet'} = ($cdb->get('PasswordSet')->value eq "yes") || '0' ; $datas{'SystemName'} = $cdb->get("SystemName")->value; $datas{'DomainName'} = $cdb->get("DomainName")->value; my $rec = $cdb->get("smanager"); $datas{'Access'} = $rec->prop('access') || 'private'; return \%datas; } sub reconf_needed { my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro() or die("can't open Config DB"); #my $unsafe = ($cdb->get('bootstrap-console') and $cdb->get('bootstrap-console')->prop('Run') eq 'yes') || # ($cdb->get('UnsavedChanges') and $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value eq 'yes') || '0'; my $unsafe = ($cdb->get('UnsavedChanges') and $cdb->get('UnsavedChanges')->value eq 'yes') || '0'; return $unsafe; } sub check_credentials { my ($c, $username, $password) = @_; return unless $username || $password; my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro() or die("can't open Configuration DB"); my $l = $cdb->get('ldap'); my $status = $l->prop('status') || "disabled"; unless ($status eq "enabled" ) { warn "Couldn't connect. LDAP service not enabled!\n"; return; } my $domain = $cdb->get('DomainName')->value; my $base = esmith::util::ldapBase ($domain); # secure & localhost !? my $LDAP_server = 'ldaps://localhost'; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $LDAP_server ) or warn("Couldn't connect to LDAP server $LDAP_server: $@"), return; # this is where we check the password my $DN = "uid=$username,ou=Users,$base"; my $login = $ldap->bind( $DN, password => $password ); # return 1 on success, 0 on failure with the ternary operator return $login->code == LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS ? 0 : 1; } sub check_adminalias { # is an alias required for admin ? return it or undef my $c = shift; my $alias; my $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro() or die("can't open Configuration DB"); if (defined $cdb->get('AdminAlias')) { $alias = $cdb->get('AdminAlias')->value; } return undef unless $alias; my $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro() or die("can't open Accounts DB"); my $arec = $adb->get( $alias ); return undef unless $arec; # $alias pseudo exists AND points to admin AND is removable (not known pseudos) => OK return ( $arec && $arec->prop('type') eq 'pseudonym' && $arec->prop('Account') eq 'admin' && ($arec->prop('Removable') || 'yes') ne 'no' ) ? $alias : undef; } 1;