% layout 'default', title => "Sme server 2 - emailreceive"; % content_for 'module' => begin % use constant FALSE => 0; % use constant TRUE => 1;
% if (config->{debug} == 1) {

%= dumper $c->current_route %= dumper $mai_datas %= dumper $c->param('SMTPAuth')

% } % if ( stash 'error' ) {
%= $c->render_to_string(inline => stash 'error')

<%= $title%>

%= form_for '/emailsettingd' => (method => 'POST') => begin %=l 'mai_DESC_MODE'

%=l 'mai_LABEL_MODE' % param 'FetchmailMethod' => $mai_datas->{fetchmailmethod} unless param 'FetchmailMethod'; %= select_field 'FetchmailMethod' => $c->get_retrieval_opt(), class => 'input'

%= l "SMTP port (25) main purpose is to receive emails from another server, STARTTLS is always offered, but auth if offered is only if STARTTLS is also used by client."
%= l "SMTPS port (465) will require implicit SSL/TLS then authenticate to send."
%= l "SMTP Submission port (587) will require STARTTLS, then authenticate to send."
% my $smtp_mesg=l('SMTP port %u allow client to authenticate:');

%= sprintf($smtp_mesg,$c->get_db_prop('qpsmtpd','TCPPort',25)); % param 'SMTPAuth' => $c->get_current_smtp_auth( FALSE ) unless param 'SMTPAuth'; %= select_field 'SMTPAuth' => $c->get_smtp_auth_opt(), class => 'input'

% my $smtp_mesg=l('SMTPS SSL/TLS auth: port %u status:');

%= sprintf($smtp_mesg,$c->get_db_prop('sqpsmtpd','TCPPort',465)); % param 'sSMTPAuth' => $c->get_current_smtp_ssl_auth(FALSE,'s', TRUE) unless param 'sSMTPAuth'; %= select_field 'sSMTPAuth' => $c->get_smtp_ssl_auth_opt(), class => 'input'

%my $smtp_mesg=l('Submission port %u status:');

%= sprintf($smtp_mesg,$c->get_db_prop('uqpsmtpd','TCPPort',587)); % param 'uSMTPAuth' => $c->get_current_smtp_ssl_auth(FALSE,'u', TRUE) unless param 'uSMTPAuth'; %= select_field 'uSMTPAuth' => $c->get_smtp_ssl_auth_opt(), class => 'input'



%=l 'mai_LABEL_SECONDARY' % param 'SecondaryMailServer' => $mai_datas->{secondarymailserver} unless param 'SecondaryMailServer'; %= text_field 'SecondaryMailServer', class => 'input'


%=l 'mai_LABEL_FETCH_PERIOD' % param 'FreqOffice' => $mai_datas->{freqoffice} unless param 'FreqOffice'; %= select_field 'FreqOffice' => $c->fetchmail_freq(), class => 'input'

%=l 'mai_LABEL_FETCH_PERIOD_NIGHTS' % param 'FreqOutside' => $mai_datas->{freqoutside} unless param 'FreqOutside'; %= select_field 'FreqOutside' => $c->fetchmail_freq(), class => 'input'

%=l 'mai_LABEL_FETCH_PERIOD_WEEKENDS' % param 'FreqWeekend' => $mai_datas->{freqweekend} unless param 'FreqWeekend'; %= select_field 'FreqWeekend' => $c->fetchmail_freq(), class => 'input'

%=l 'mai_LABEL_POP_ACCOUNT' % param 'SecondaryMailAccount' => $mai_datas->{secondarymailaccount} unless param 'SecondaryMailAccount'; %= text_field 'SecondaryMailAccount', class => 'input'

%=l 'mai_LABEL_POP_PASS' % param 'SecondaryMailPassword' => $mai_datas->{secondarymailpassword} unless param 'SecondaryMailPassword'; %= password_field 'SecondaryMailPassword', class => 'input'

%=l 'mai_LABEL_SORT_METHOD' % param 'SpecifyHeader' => $mai_datas->{specifyheader} unless param 'SpecifyHeader'; %= select_field 'SpecifyHeader' => [[(l 'mai_DEFAULT') => 'off'], [(l 'mai_SPECIFY_BELOW') => 'on']], class => 'input'

%=l 'mai_LABEL_SORT_HEADER' % param 'SecondaryMailEnvelope' => $mai_datas->{secondarymailenvelope} unless param 'SecondaryMailEnvelope'; %= text_field 'SecondaryMailEnvelope', class => 'input'

% my $btn = l('SAVE'); %= submit_button "$btn", class => 'action' %= hidden_field 'trt' => 'REC' % end