package SrvMngr::Controller::Useraccounts; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # heading : User management # description : Users # navigation : 2000 100 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # routes : end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use Locale::gettext; use SrvMngr::I18N; use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session is_normal_password email_simple); #use esmith::FormMagick qw( validate_password ); #use CGI::FormMagick::Validator qw( call_fm_validation ); use esmith::AccountsDB; use esmith::ConfigDB; use esmith::util; #use esmith::FormMagick; #use esmith::cgi; #use File::Basename; #use Exporter; #use Carp qw(verbose); #use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts; our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db"; our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db"; sub main { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); my $notif = ''; my %usr_datas = (); my $title = $c->l('usr_FORM_TITLE'); $usr_datas{'trt'} = 'LIST'; my @users = $adb->get('admin'); push @users, $adb->users(); $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, usr_datas => \%usr_datas, users => \@users); $c->render(template => 'useraccounts'); } ## end sub main sub do_display { my $c = shift; my $rt = $c->current_route; my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'ADD'); my $user = ($c->param('user') || ''); my %usr_datas = (); my $title = $c->l('usr_FORM_TITLE'); my ($notif, $modul) = ''; $usr_datas{'trt'} = $trt; if ($trt eq 'ADD') { $usr_datas{user} = ''; $usr_datas{firstname} = ''; $usr_datas{lastname} = ''; $usr_datas{dept} = $c->get_ldap_value('Dept'); $usr_datas{company} = $c->get_ldap_value('Company'); $usr_datas{street} = $c->get_ldap_value('Street'); $usr_datas{city} = $c->get_ldap_value('City'); $usr_datas{phone} = $c->get_ldap_value('Phone'); } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD') if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'UPS') { my $rec = $adb->get($user); my $type = ($trt eq 'UPS') ? 'system' : 'user'; if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq $type) { $usr_datas{user} = $user; $usr_datas{firstname} = $rec->prop('FirstName'); $usr_datas{lastname} = $rec->prop('LastName'); $usr_datas{vpnclientaccess} = $rec->prop('VPNClientAccess'); $usr_datas{emailforward} = $rec->prop('EmailForward'); $usr_datas{forwardaddress} = $rec->prop('ForwardAddress'); if ($trt eq 'UPD') { $usr_datas{dept} = $rec->prop('Dept'); $usr_datas{company} = $rec->prop('Company'); $usr_datas{street} = $rec->prop('Street'); $usr_datas{city} = $rec->prop('City'); $usr_datas{phone} = $rec->prop('Phone'); } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD') } ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...) } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt...) if ($trt eq 'DEL') { my $rec = $adb->get($user); if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'user') { $usr_datas{user} = $user; $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user); } } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL') if ($trt eq 'PWD' or $trt eq 'PWS') { my $rec = $adb->get($user); my $type = ($trt eq 'PWS') ? 'system' : 'user'; if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq $type) { $usr_datas{user} = $user; $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user); } } ## end if ($trt eq 'PWD' or $trt...) if ($trt eq 'LCK') { my $rec = $adb->get($user); if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'user') { $usr_datas{user} = $user; $usr_datas{name} = $c->get_user_name($user); } } ## end if ($trt eq 'LCK') if ($trt eq 'LIST') { my @useraccounts; if ($adb) { @useraccounts = $adb->useraccounts(); } $c->stash(useraccounts => \@useraccounts); } ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST') $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, usr_datas => \%usr_datas); $c->render(template => 'useraccounts'); } ## end sub do_display sub do_update { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); my $rt = $c->current_route; my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST'); my $user = ($c->param('user') || ''); my $name = ($c->param('name') || ''); my %usr_datas = (); $usr_datas{trt} = $trt; my $title = $c->l('usr_FORM_TITLE'); my ($res, $result) = ''; if ($trt eq 'ADD') { # controls my $first = $c->param('FirstName'); my $last = $c->param('LastName'); my $mail = $c->param('ForwardAddress'); unless ($first) { $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; } unless ($last) { $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; } #unless ( $mail ) { # $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; #} $res = $c->validate_acctName($user); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; $res = $c->validate_acctName_length($user); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; $res = $c->validate_acctName_conflict($user); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; $res = $c->pseudonym_clash($first); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; if ($mail) { $res = $c->emailforward($mail); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; } #$result .= 'Blocked for testing'; if (!$result) { $res = create_user($c, $user); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; if (!$result) { $result = $c->l('usrUSER_CREATED') . ' ' . $user; $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC'; } } ## end if (!$result) } ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD') if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt eq 'UPS') { # controls my $first = $c->param('FirstName'); my $last = $c->param('LastName'); my $mail = $c->param('ForwardAddress'); unless ($first) { $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; } unless ($last) { $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; } #unless ( $mail ) { # $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; #} $res = $c->pseudonym_clash($first); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; if ($mail) { $res = $c->emailforward($mail); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; } #$result .= 'Blocked for testing'; if (!$result) { if ($trt eq 'UPS') { $res = $c->modify_admin(); } else { $res = $c->modify_user($user); } $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; if (!$result) { $result = $c->l('usr_USER_MODIFIED') . ' ' . $user; $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC'; } } ## end if (!$result) } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD' or $trt...) if ($trt eq 'PWD') { my $pass1 = $c->param('newPass'); my $pass2 = $c->param('newPassVerify'); # controls unless ($pass1) { $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; } unless ($pass1 eq $pass2) { $result .= $c->l('PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR') . ' - '; } if (!$result) { $res = check_password($c, $pass1); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; } if ($user eq 'admin') { $result .= "System password should not be reset here !"; } #$result .= 'Blocked for testing'; if (!$result) { my $res = $c->reset_password($user, $pass1); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; if (!$result) { $result = $c->l('usr_PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCEEDED', $user); $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC'; } } ## end if (!$result) } ## end if ($trt eq 'PWD') if ($trt eq 'PWS') { # system password reset (admin) my $curpass = $c->param('CurPass'); my $pass1 = $c->param('Pass'); my $pass2 = $c->param('PassVerify'); # controls if ($curpass) { $res = $c->system_authenticate_password($curpass); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; } else { $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; } unless ($pass1 and $pass2) { $result .= $c->l('FM_NONBLANK') . ' - '; } unless ($pass1 eq $pass2) { $result .= $c->l('usr_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_VERIFY_ERROR') . ' - '; } if (!$result) { $res = $c->system_validate_password($pass1); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; $res = $c->system_check_password($pass1); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; } ## end if (!$result) #$result .= 'Blocked for testing'; if (!$result) { my $res = $c->system_change_password(); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; if (!$result) { $result = $c->l('usr_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_CHANGED', $user); $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC'; } } ## end if (!$result) } ## end if ($trt eq 'PWS') if ($trt eq 'LCK') { # controls #$res = xxxxxxxxxxx(); #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; #$result .= 'Blocked for testing'; if (!$result) { my $res = $c->lock_account($user); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; if (!$result) { $result = $c->l('usr_LOCKED_ACCOUNT', $user); $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC'; } } ## end if (!$result) } ## end if ($trt eq 'LCK') if ($trt eq 'DEL') { # controls #$res = xxxxxxxxxxx(); #$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; #$result .= 'Blocked for testing'; if (!$result) { my $res = $c->remove_account($user); $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK'; if (!$result) { $result = $c->l('usr_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_USER') . ' ' . $user; $usr_datas{trt} = 'SUC'; } } ## end if (!$result) } ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL') $usr_datas{'user'} = $user; $usr_datas{'name'} = $name; $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $result, usr_datas => \%usr_datas); if ($usr_datas{trt} ne 'SUC') { return $c->render(template => 'useraccounts'); } $c->redirect_to('/useraccounts'); } ## end sub do_update sub lock_account { my $c = shift; my $user = $c->param('user'); my $acct = $adb->get($user); if ($acct->prop('type') eq "user") { undef $adb; # Untaint the username before use in system() $user =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/; $user = $1; if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-lock", $user)) { $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); return $c->l("usr_ERR_OCCURRED_LOCKING"); } $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); return 'OK'; } else { return $c->l('NO_SUCH_USER', $user); } } ## end sub lock_account sub remove_account { my ($c) = @_; my $user = $c->param('user'); my $acct = $adb->get($user); if ($acct->prop('type') eq 'user') { $acct->set_prop('type', 'user-deleted'); undef $adb; # Untaint the username before use in system() $user =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/; $user = $1; if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-delete", $user)) { $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); return $c->l("ERR_OCCURRED_DELETING"); } $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); $adb->get($user)->delete; return 'OK'; } else { return $c->l('NO_SUCH_USER', $user); } } ## end sub remove_account sub reset_password { my ($c, $user, $passw1) = @_; unless (($user) = ($user =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/)) { return $c->l('usr_TAINTED_USER'); } $user = $1; my $acct = $adb->get($user); if ($acct->prop('type') eq "user") { esmith::util::setUserPassword($user, $passw1); $acct->set_prop("PasswordSet", "yes"); undef $adb; if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "password-modify", $user)) { $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); return $c->l("usr_ERR_OCCURRED_MODIFYING_PASSWORD"); } $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); return 'OK'; } else { return $c->l('NO_SUCH_USER', $user); } } ## end sub reset_password sub check_password { my $c = shift; my $pass1 = shift; my $check_type; my $rec = $cdb->get('passwordstrength'); $check_type = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Users') || 'none') : 'none'); return validate_password($c, $check_type, $pass1); } ## end sub check_password sub validate_password { my ($c, $strength, $pass) = @_; use Crypt::Cracklib; my $reason; if ($strength eq "none") { return $c->l("Passwords must be at least 7 characters long") unless (length($pass) > 6); return "OK"; } $reason = is_normal_password($c, $pass, undef); return $reason unless ($reason eq "OK"); return "OK" unless ($strength eq "strong"); if (-f '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict.pwd') { $reason = fascist_check($pass, '/usr/lib64/cracklib_dict'); } else { $reason = fascist_check($pass, '/usr/lib/cracklib_dict'); } $reason ||= "Software error: password check failed"; return "OK" if ($reason eq "ok"); return $c->l("Bad Password Choice") . ": " . $c->l("The password you have chosen is not a good choice, because") . " " . $c->($reason) . "."; } ## end sub validate_password sub emailForward_list { my $c = shift; return [ [ $c->l('usr_DELIVER_EMAIL_LOCALLY') => 'local' ], [ $c->l('usr_FORWARD_EMAIL') => 'forward' ], [ $c->l('usr_DELIVER_AND_FORWARD') => 'both' ] ]; } ## end sub emailForward_list sub max_user_name_length { my ($c, $data) = @_; $cdb->reload(); my $max = $cdb->get('maxuserNameLength')->value; if (length($data) <= $max) { return "OK"; } else { return $c->l('usr_MAX_user_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR', $data, $max, $max); } } ## end sub max_user_name_length sub validate_acctName { my ($c, $acctName) = @_; unless ($adb->validate_account_name($acctName)) { return $c->l('usr_ACCT_NAME_HAS_INVALID_CHARS', $acctName); } return "OK"; } ## end sub validate_acctName sub validate_acctName_length { my $c = shift; my $acctName = shift; my $maxAcctNameLength = ($cdb->get('maxAcctNameLength') ? $cdb->get('maxAcctNameLength')->prop('type') : "") || 12; if (length $acctName > $maxAcctNameLength) { return $c->l('usr_ACCOUNT_TOO_LONG', $maxAcctNameLength); } else { return ('OK'); } } ## end sub validate_acctName_length sub validate_acctName_conflict { my $c = shift; my $acctName = shift; my $account = $adb->get($acctName); my $type; if (defined $account) { $type = $account->prop('type'); } elsif (defined getpwnam($acctName) || defined getgrnam($acctName)) { $type = "system"; } else { return ('OK'); } return $c->l('usr_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT', $acctName, $type); } ## end sub validate_acctName_conflict sub get_user_name { my ($c, $acctName) = @_; my $usr = $adb->get($acctName); return '' unless $usr; return $usr->prop('FirstName') . " " . $usr->prop('LastName'); } ## end sub get_user_name sub get_ldap_value { my ($c, $field) = @_; # don't do the lookup if this is a modification of an existing user if ($c->param('user')) { return $c->param($field); } my %CGIParam2DBfield = ( Dept => 'defaultDepartment', Company => 'defaultCompany', Street => 'defaultStreet', City => 'defaultCity', Phone => 'defaultPhoneNumber' ); return $cdb->get('ldap')->prop($CGIParam2DBfield{$field}); } ## end sub get_ldap_value sub get_pptp_value { return $cdb->get('pptpd')->prop('AccessDefault') || 'no'; } sub pseudonym_clash { my ($c, $first) = @_; $first ||= ""; my $last = $c->param('LastName') || ""; my $acctName = $c->param('user') || ""; my $up = "$first $last"; $up =~ s/^\s+//; $up =~ s/\s+$//; $up =~ s/\s+/ /g; $up =~ s/\s/_/g; my $dp = $up; $dp =~ s/_/./g; $dp = $adb->get($dp); $up = $adb->get($up); my $da = $dp->prop('Account') if $dp; my $ua = $up->prop('Account') if $up; if ($dp and $da and $da ne $acctName) { return $c->l('usr_PSEUDONYM_CLASH', $acctName, $da, $dp->key); } elsif ($up and $ua and $ua ne $acctName) { return $c->l('usr_PSEUDONYM_CLASH', $acctName, $ua, $up->key); } else { return "OK"; } } ## end sub pseudonym_clash sub emailforward { my ($c, $data) = @_; my $response = $c->email_simple($data); if ($response eq "OK") { return "OK"; } elsif ($data eq "") { # Blank is ok, only if we're not forwarding, which means that the # EmailForward param must be set to 'local'. my $email_forward = $c->param('EmailForward') || ''; $email_forward =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return 'OK' if $email_forward eq 'local'; return $c->l('usr_CANNOT_CONTAIN_WHITESPACE'); } else { return $c->l('usr_CANNOT_CONTAIN_WHITESPACE') if ($data =~ /\s+/); # Permit a local address. return "OK" if $data =~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\._\-]*$/; return $c->l('usr_UNACCEPTABLE_CHARS'); } ## end else [ if ($response eq "OK")] } ## end sub emailforward sub get_groups { my ($c) = shift; my @groups = $adb->groups(); return \@groups; } ## end sub get_groups sub ipsec_for_acct { my $c = shift; # Don't show ipsecrw setting unless the status property exists return '' unless ($cdb->get('ipsec') && $cdb->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorStatus')); # Don't show ipsecrw setting unless /sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior exists return '' unless -x '/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior'; my $user = $c->param('user'); return '' unless $user; my $rec = $adb->get($user); if ($rec) { my $pwset = $rec->prop('PasswordSet') || 'no'; my $VPNaccess = $rec->prop('VPNClientAccess') || 'no'; if ($pwset eq 'yes' and $VPNaccess eq 'yes') { return 'OK'; } } ## end if ($rec) return ''; } ## end sub ipsec_for_acct sub is_user_in_group { my $c = shift; my $user = shift || ''; my $group = shift || ''; return '' unless ($user and $group); return ($adb->is_user_in_group($user, $group)) ? 'OK' : ''; } ## end sub is_user_in_group sub get_ipsec_client_cert { my $c = shift; my $user = $c->param('user'); ($user) = ($user =~ /^(.*)$/); die "Invalid user: $user\n" unless getpwnam($user); open(KID, "/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior get_client_cert $user |") or die "Can't fork: $!"; my $certfile = ; close KID; require File::Basename; my $certname = File::Basename::basename($certfile); print "Expires: 0\n"; print "Content-type: application/x-pkcs12\n"; print "Content-disposition: inline; filename=$certname\n"; print "\n"; open(CERT, "<$certfile"); while () { print; } close CERT; return ''; } ## end sub get_ipsec_client_cert sub modify_user { my ($c) = @_; my $acctName = $c->param('user'); unless (($acctName) = ($acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/)) { return $c->l('usr_TAINTED_USER', $acctName); } # Untaint the username before use in system() $acctName = $1; my $acct = $adb->get($acctName); my $acctType = $acct->prop('type'); if ($acctType eq "user") { $adb->remove_user_auto_pseudonyms($acctName); my %newProperties = ( 'FirstName' => $c->param('FirstName'), 'LastName' => $c->param('LastName'), 'Phone' => $c->param('Phone'), 'Company' => $c->param('Company'), 'Dept' => $c->param('Dept'), 'City' => $c->param('City'), 'Street' => $c->param('Street'), 'EmailForward' => $c->param('EmailForward'), 'ForwardAddress' => $c->param('ForwardAddress'), 'VPNClientAccess' => $c->param('VPNClientAccess'), ); $acct->merge_props(%newProperties); $adb->create_user_auto_pseudonyms($acctName) if (($cdb->get_prop('pseudonyms', 'create') || 'enabled') eq 'enabled'); my @old_groups = $adb->user_group_list($acctName); my @new_groups = @{ $c->every_param("groupMemberships") }; # $c->app->log->info($c->dumper("groups: Old " . @old_groups .' New '. @new_groups)); $adb->remove_user_from_groups($acctName, @old_groups); $adb->add_user_to_groups($acctName, @new_groups); undef $adb; unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify", $acctName) == 0) { $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); return $c->l('usr_CANNOT_MODIFY_USER'); } $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); } ## end if ($acctType eq "user") return 'OK'; } ## end sub modify_user sub create_user { my $c = shift; my $acctName = $c->param('user'); my %userprops; foreach my $field ( qw( FirstName LastName Phone Company Dept City Street EmailForward ForwardAddress VPNClientAccess) ) { $userprops{$field} = $c->param($field); } ## end foreach my $field (qw( FirstName LastName Phone Company Dept...)) $userprops{'PasswordSet'} = "no"; $userprops{'type'} = 'user'; my $acct = $adb->new_record($acctName) or warn "Can't create new account for $acctName (does it already exist?)\n"; $acct->reset_props(%userprops); $adb->create_user_auto_pseudonyms($acctName) if (($cdb->get_prop('pseudonyms', 'create') || 'enabled') eq 'enabled'); my @groups = @{ $c->every_param("groupMemberships") }; $adb->add_user_to_groups($acctName, @groups); undef $adb; # Untaint the username before use in system() $acctName =~ /^(\w[\-\w_\.]*)$/; $acctName = $1; if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-create", $acctName)) { $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); return $c->l("usr_ERR_OCCURRED_CREATING"); } $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); $c->set_groups(); return 'OK'; } ## end sub create_user sub set_groups { my $c = shift; my $acctName = $c->param('user'); my @groups = @{ $c->every_param("groupMemberships") }; $adb->set_user_groups($acctName, @groups); } ## end sub set_groups sub modify_admin { my ($c) = @_; my $acct = $adb->get('admin'); my %newProperties = ( 'FirstName' => $c->param('FirstName'), 'LastName' => $c->param('LastName'), 'EmailForward' => $c->param('EmailForward'), 'ForwardAddress' => $c->param('ForwardAddress'), 'VPNClientAccess' => $c->param('VPNClientAccess'), ); $acct->merge_props(%newProperties); undef $adb; my $status = system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "user-modify-admin", 'admin'); $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open(); if ($status == 0) { return 'OK'; } else { return $c->l('usr_CANNOT_MODIFY_USER', 'First'); } } ## end sub modify_admin sub system_validate_password { my $c = shift; my $pass1 = shift; # If the password contains one or more printable character if ($pass1 =~ /^([ -~]+)$/) { return ('OK'); } else { return $c->l('usr_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_UNPRINTABLES_IN_PASS'); } } ## end sub system_validate_password sub system_check_password { my $c = shift; my $pass1 = shift; use esmith::ConfigDB; my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open(); my ($check_type, $rec); if ($conf) { $rec = $conf->get('passwordstrength'); } $check_type = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Admin') || 'strong') : 'strong'); return $c->validate_password($check_type, $pass1); } ## end sub system_check_password sub system_authenticate_password { my $c = shift; my $pass = shift; if (esmith::util::authenticateUnixPassword( ($cdb->get_value("AdminIsNotRoot") eq 'enabled') ? 'admin' : 'root', $pass ) ) { return "OK"; } else { return $c->l("usr_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_AUTH_ERROR"); } } ## end sub system_authenticate_password sub system_change_password { my ($c) = @_; my $pass = $c->param('Pass'); ($cdb->get_value("AdminIsNotRoot") eq 'enabled') ? esmith::util::setUnixPassword('admin', $pass) : esmith::util::setUnixSystemPassword($pass); esmith::util::setServerSystemPassword($pass); my $result = system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event password-modify admin"); if ($result == 0) { return 'OK'; } else { return $c->l("Error occurred while modifying password for admin.", 'First'); } } ## end sub system_change_password 1