package SrvMngr::Plugin::I18N; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use Mojo::URL; use I18N::LangTags; use I18N::LangTags::Detect; our $VERSION = '1.6'; # "Can we have Bender burgers again? # No, the cat shelter’s onto me." sub register { my ($plugin, $app, $conf) = @_; # Initialize my $namespace = $conf->{namespace} || ( (ref $app) . '::I18N' ); my $default = $conf->{default } || 'en'; $default =~ tr/-A-Z/_a-z/; $default =~ tr/_a-z0-9//cd; my $langs = $conf->{support_url_langs}; my $hosts = $conf->{support_hosts }; # Default Handler my $handler = sub { shift->stash->{i18n} = SrvMngr::Plugin::I18N::_Handler->new(namespace => $namespace, default => $default) ; }; # Add hook $app->hook( before_dispatch => sub { my $self = shift; # Handler $handler->( $self ); # Header detection my @languages = $conf->{no_header_detect} ? () : I18N::LangTags::implicate_supers( I18N::LangTags::Detect->http_accept_langs( $self->req->headers->accept_language ) ) ; # Host detection my $host = $self->req->headers->header('X-Host') || $self->req->headers->host; if ($conf->{support_hosts} && $host) { warn $host; $host =~ s/^www\.//; # hack if (my $lang = $conf->{support_hosts}->{ $host }) { $self->app->log->debug("Found language $lang, Host header is $host"); unshift @languages, $lang; } } # Set default language $self->stash(lang_default => $languages[0]) if $languages[0]; # URL detection if (my $path = $self->req->url->path) { my $part = $path->parts->[0]; if ($part && $langs && grep { $part eq $_ } @$langs) { # Ignore static files return if $self->res->code; $self->app->log->debug("Found language $part in URL $path"); unshift @languages, $part; # Save lang in stash $self->stash(lang => $part); # Clean path shift @{$path->parts}; $path->trailing_slash(0); } } # Languages $self->languages(@languages, $default); } ); # Add "i18ns" helper $app->helper(i18ns => sub { my $self = shift; $handler->( $self ) unless $self->stash('i18n'); $self->stash->{i18n}->i18namespace(@_); }); # Add "languages" helper $app->helper(languages => sub { my $self = shift; $handler->( $self ) unless $self->stash('i18n'); $self->stash->{i18n}->languages(@_); }); # Add "l" helper $app->helper(l => sub { my $self = shift; $handler->( $self ) unless $self->stash('i18n'); $self->stash->{i18n}->localize(@_); }); # Reimplement "url_for" helper my $mojo_url_for = *Mojolicious::Controller::url_for{CODE}; my $i18n_url_for = sub { my $self = shift; my $url = $self->$mojo_url_for(@_); # Absolute URL return $url if $url->is_abs; # Discard target if present shift if (@_ % 2 && !ref $_[0]) || (@_ > 1 && ref $_[-1]); # Unveil params my %params = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_; # Detect lang if (my $lang = $params{lang} || $self->stash('lang')) { my $path = $url->path || []; # Root if (!$path->[0]) { $path->parts([ $lang ]); } # No language detected elsif ( ref $langs ne 'ARRAY' or not scalar grep { $path->contains("/$_") } @$langs ) { unshift @{ $path->parts }, $lang; } } $url; }; { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine'; *Mojolicious::Controller::url_for = $i18n_url_for; } } package SrvMngr::Plugin::I18N::_Handler; use Mojo::Base -base; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_I18N_DEBUG} || 0; # "Robot 1-X, save my friends! And Zoidberg!" sub i18namespace { my $self = shift; my ($namespace, $language) = @_; return $self->{namespace} unless $namespace && $language; $language =~ s/-/_/g if $language; $language = $self->{language} unless $language; # Load Lang Module $self->_load_module($namespace => $language); if (my $handle = $namespace->get_handle($language)) { $handle->fail_with(sub { $_[1] }); $self->{handle} = $handle; $self->{language} = $handle->language_tag; $self->{namespace} = $namespace; } return $self; } sub languages { my ($self, @languages) = @_; unless (@languages) { my $lang = $self->{language}; # lang such as en-us $lang =~ s/_/-/g; return $lang; } # Handle my $namespace = $self->{namespace}; # Load Lang Module $self->_load_module($namespace => $_) for @languages; if (my $handle = $namespace->get_handle(@languages)) { $handle->fail_with(sub { $_[1] }); $self->{handle} = $handle; $self->{language} = $handle->language_tag; $self->{namespace} = $namespace; } return $self; } sub localize { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; return $key unless my $handle = $self->{handle}; return $handle->maketext($key, @_); } sub _load_module { my $self = shift; my($namespace, $lang) = @_; return unless $namespace && $lang; # lang such as en-us $lang =~ s/-/_/g; unless ($namespace->can('new')) { DEBUG && warn("Load default namespace $namespace"); (my $file = $namespace) =~ s{::|'}{/}g; eval qq(require "$"); if ($@) { DEBUG && warn("Create default namespace $namespace"); eval "package $namespace; use base 'Locale::Maketext'; 1;"; die qq/Couldn't initialize I18N default class "$namespace": $@/ if $@; } } for ($self->{default}, $lang) { my $module = "${namespace}::$_"; unless ($module->can('new')) { DEBUG && warn("Load the I18N class $module"); (my $file = $module) =~ s{::|'}{/}g; eval qq(require "$"); my $default = $self->{default}; if ($@ || not eval "\%${module}::Lexicon") { if ($_ eq $default) { DEBUG && warn("Create the I18N class $module"); eval "package ${module}; use base '$namespace';" . 'our %Lexicon = (_AUTO => 1); 1;'; die qq/Couldn't initialize I18N class "$namespace": $@/ if $@; } } } } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N - Internationalization Plugin for Mojolicious =head1 SYNOPSIS # Mojolicious $self->plugin('I18N'); % languages 'de'; %=l 'hello' # Mojolicious::Lite (detect language from URL, i.e. /en/ or /de/) plugin I18N => {namespace => 'MyApp::I18N', support_url_langs => [qw(en de)]}; %=l 'hello' # Lexicon package MyApp::I18N::de; use Mojo::Base 'MyApp::I18N'; our %Lexicon = (hello => 'hallo'); 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION L is internationalization plugin for Mojolicious It works with Mojolicious 4.0+. Old namespace is L. =head1 OPTIONS L supports the following options. =head2 C plugin I18N => {support_url_langs => [qw(en de)]}; Detect language from URL. =head2 C plugin I18N => {support_hosts => { '' => 'ru', '' => 'en' }}; Detect Host header and use language for that host. =head2 C plugin I18N => {no_header_detect => 1}; Off header detect. =head2 C plugin I18N => {default => 'en'}; Default language for i18n, defaults to C. =head2 C plugin I18N => {namespace => 'MyApp::I18N'}; Lexicon namespace, defaults to the application class followed by C<::I18N>. =head1 HELPERS L implements helpers same as L. =head2 C %=l 'hello' $self->l('hello'); Translate sentence. =head2 C % languages 'de'; $self->languages('de'); Change languages. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and reimplements the following new ones. =head2 C $plugin->register; Register plugin hooks and helpers in L application. =head1 DEBUG MODE L has debug mode. # debug mode on BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_I18N_DEBUG} = 1 }; # or MOJO_I18N_DEBUG=1 perl =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =head1 AUTHORS 2011-2014 Anatoly Sharifulin 2010-2012 Sebastian Riedel =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through the web interface at L. We will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as we make changes. =over 5 =item * Github L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPANTS: CPAN Testing Service L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * Search CPAN L =back =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Anatoly Sharifulin. Copyright (C) 2008-2012, Sebastian Riedel. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. =cut