#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# copyright (C) 1999-2006 Mitel Networks Corporation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
package esmith;
use strict;
use constant SMNGR_LIB     => '/usr/share/smanager/lib';
use constant I18NMODULES   => 'SrvMngr/I18N/Modules';
use constant WEBFUNCTIONS  => 'SrvMngr/Controller';
use constant NAVDIR        => '/home/e-smith/db';
use constant NAVIGATIONDIR => 'navigation2';
use constant DEBUG         => 0;
use esmith::NavigationDB;
use esmith::I18N;
use Data::Dumper;    # activate if DEBUG
binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)");
my $navigation_ignore = "(\.\.?|Swttheme\.pm|Login\.pm|Request\.pm|Modules\.pm(-.*)?)";
my $i18n              = new esmith::I18N;
my %navdbs;
    or die "Couldn't open ", SMNGR_LIB . '/' . WEBFUNCTIONS, "\n";
my @files = grep (!/^${navigation_ignore}$/, readdir(FUNCTIONS));
closedir FUNCTIONS;
my @langs = $i18n->availableLanguages();

#my @langs = ('tr');  #Temp override
foreach my $lang (@langs) {
    my $long_lex = SMNGR_LIB . '/' . I18NMODULES . "/General/general_$lang.lex";
    next unless (-e $long_lex);
    open(LEX, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $long_lex)
        or die "Couldn't open ", $long_lex, " for reading.\n";
    my @gen_lex = <LEX>;
    close LEX;

    #my @files = ('Portforwarding.pm');  #Temp override
    foreach my $file (@files) {
        next if (-d SMNGR_LIB . '/' . WEBFUNCTIONS . "/$file");

        #        next unless ( $file =~ m/D.*\.pm$/ );
        next unless ($file =~ m/[A-Z].*\.pm$/);
        my $file2 = lc($file);
        $file2 =~ s/\.pm$//;

        # extract heading, description and weight information
        # from Mojo controller
        open(SCRIPT, SMNGR_LIB . '/' . WEBFUNCTIONS . "/$file");
        my $heading            = undef;
        my $description        = undef;
        my $heading_weight     = undef;
        my $description_weight = undef;
        my $menucat            = undef;
        my $routes             = undef;

        while (<SCRIPT>) {
            $heading     = $1 if (/^\s*#\s*heading\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/);
            $description = $1
                if (/^\s*#\s*description\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/);
            ($heading_weight, $description_weight) = ($1, $2)
                if (/^\s*#\s*navigation\s*:\s*(\d+?)\s+(\d+?)\s*$/);
            $menucat = $1
                if (/^\s*#\s*menu\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/);
                if (defined $heading
                and defined $description
                and defined $heading_weight
                and defined $description_weight
                and defined $menucat);

            # routes : end  (stop before eof if 'menu' is not here before 'routes'!!!
            $routes = $1 if (/^\s*#\s*routes\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/);
            last         if (defined $routes and $routes eq 'end');
        } ## end while (<SCRIPT>)
        close SCRIPT;
        print "updating script $file for lang $lang\n" if DEBUG;
        my $navdb   = $navdbs{$lang};
        my $navinfo = NAVDIR . '/' . NAVIGATIONDIR . "/navigation.$lang";
        $navdb ||= esmith::NavigationDB->open($navinfo);
        $navdb ||= esmith::NavigationDB->create($navinfo)
            or die "Couldn't create $navinfo\n";
        $navdbs{$lang} ||= $navdb;
        my $rec = $navdb->get($file2)
            || $navdb->new_record($file2, { type => 'panel' });
        my @panel_lex = ();
        $long_lex = SMNGR_LIB . '/' . I18NMODULES . '/' . ucfirst($file2) . "/${file2}_$lang.lex";

        if (-e $long_lex) {
            open(LEX, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $long_lex)
                or die "Couldn't open ", $long_lex, " for reading.\n";
            @panel_lex = <LEX>;
            close LEX;
        } ## end if (-e $long_lex)

        #Extract the prefix for this module
        my @keys   = values @panel_lex;    # Get all values from the array
        my $i      = 0;                    # Initialize the index
        my $found  = 0;                    # Flag to check if the prefix was found
        my $prefix = "xx_";                # Probably never match!!

        while ($i < @keys) {               # Loop until we run out of entries
            my $extracted_value = $keys[$i] || "";    # The current entry
                                                      #print("Extracted val: ".$extracted_value."\n");

            # Extract prefix from the second value (up to and including the first underscore)
            #my ($prefix) = $second_value =~ /^'(.*?_)/;  # Match everything up to and including the first underscore
            ($prefix) = $extracted_value =~ /^'(.*?_)/;    # Match everything up to and including the first underscore

            if (defined $prefix) {
                $found = 1;                                # Set found flag to true
                last;                                      # Exit the loop if prefix is found
            } else {

                #print("Extracted Val: " . $extracted_value . "\n");
            $i++;                                          # Increment the index to check the next entry
        } ## end while ($i < @keys)

        if (!$found) {
            #print(STDERR "No valid prefix found in any entries: " . $file2 . " (" . $lang . ")\n");    # if DEBUG;
            $prefix = "xx_";    # Probably never match!!

        #print("Prefix: ".$prefix." ".$file2." (".$lang.")\n");
        my %Lexicon = ();
        push(@panel_lex, @gen_lex);
        my $top_error = 0;
        chomp @panel_lex;

        for (@panel_lex) {
            next unless $_;     # first one empty
            my ($k, $v) = split / => /, $_;

            #	errors on split to $v (use DEBUG to see)
            if ($k and $v) {
                $k =~ s/\'//g;
                $v =~ s/\'//g;
                $v =~ s/,$//g;
                $Lexicon{ lc($k) } = $v;
            } else {
                $k = "?" unless ($k);
                print STDERR "Error for $lang $file2 on $k \n" if DEBUG;
        } ## end for (@panel_lex)

        if ($top_error > 0) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                print STDERR "$top_error errors for $lang $file2\n";

                #		print Dumper(\@panel_lex);
                #		print Dumper(\%Lexicon);
                #		exit 1;
            } ## end if (DEBUG)
        } ## end if ($top_error > 0)
        $heading     = "" unless defined $heading;
        $description = "" unless defined $description;

        # Get the base language code from $lang
        my $base_lang       = (split('-', $lang))[0];
        my $loc_heading     = process_localization(\%Lexicon, $heading,     $lang, $prefix);
        my $loc_description = process_localization(\%Lexicon, $description, $lang, $prefix);
        $loc_heading     =~ s/^\s*(\w.*?)\s*$/$1/;
        $loc_description =~ s/^\s*(\w.*?)\s*$/$1/;
            Heading           => $loc_heading,
            Description       => $loc_description,
            HeadingWeight     => localise(\%Lexicon, $heading_weight),
            DescriptionWeight => localise(\%Lexicon, $description_weight),
            MenuCat           => (defined $menucat ? $menucat : 'A')
    } ## end foreach my $file (@files)

    #warn "trying to close for lang $lang\n";
    my $navdb = $navdbs{$lang};
} ## end foreach my $lang (@langs)

sub localise {
    my ($lexicon, $string) = @_;

    #print("Looking up:".$string."\n");
    $string = "" unless defined $string;
    my $lc_string = lc($string);
    my $res       = $lexicon->{$lc_string} || $string;

    return $res;
} ## end sub localise

# Subroutine to process localization
sub process_localization {
    my ($lexicon_ref, $heading, $lang, $prefix) = @_;

    # Localized heading based on original heading
    my $loc_heading = localise($lexicon_ref, $heading);

    # Get the base language code from $lang
    my $base_lang = (split('-', $lang))[0];

    # Check the condition
    if ($loc_heading eq $heading && $base_lang ne 'en') {

        # Construct the new key by combining the prefix and the original heading
        my $key = $prefix . $heading;

        # Localize using the constructed key
        $loc_heading = localise($lexicon_ref, $key);

        # See if it got a hit
        if ($loc_heading eq $key) {
            $loc_heading = $heading;
    } ## end if ($loc_heading eq $heading...)
    return $loc_heading;    # Optionally return the localized heading
} ## end sub process_localization