package SrvMngr::Controller::Bugreport; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # heading : Investigation # description : Report a bug # navigation : 7000 500 # routes : end #------------------------------ use strict; use warnings; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use Locale::gettext; use SrvMngr::I18N; use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session); use Text::Template; use File::Basename; use SrvMngr qw( gen_locale_date_string ); our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open or die "Couldn't open ConfigDB\n"; use constant FALSE => 0; use constant TRUE => 1; # Get some basic info on the current SME install our $sysconfig = $cdb->get('sysconfig'); our $systemmode = $cdb->get('SystemMode')->value; our $previoussystemmode = $sysconfig->prop('PreviousSystemMode'); our $releaseversion = $sysconfig->prop('ReleaseVersion'); # Prepare some filehandles for templates and reports our $templatefile = '/tmp/bugreport_template.txt'; our $configreportfile = '/tmp/configreport.txt'; sub main { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); my %bugr_datas = (); my $title = $c->l('bugr_FORM_TITLE'); my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('bugr_DESCRIPTION')); $bugr_datas{'trt'} = 'SHOW'; $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, bugr_datas => \%bugr_datas); $c->render(template => 'bugreport'); } ## end sub main sub do_report { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); my $title = $c->l('bugr_FORM_TITLE'); my $trt = $c->param('trt') || 'SHOW'; my %bugr_datas = (); $bugr_datas{'trt'} = $trt; if ($trt eq 'SHOW') { create_configuration_report(); my $out = $c->render_to_string(inline => show_config_report()); $bugr_datas{'trt'} = 'DOWN'; $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $out, bugr_datas => \%bugr_datas); $c->render(template => 'bugreport2'); } ## end if ($trt eq 'SHOW') if ($trt eq 'DOWN') { my $modul = 'Bug report download'; # $c->render_file( # 'filepath' => "$configreportfile", # 'format' => 'x-download', # 'content_disposition' => 'attachment', # 'cleanup' => 1, # ); # the following in this sub will not be used !!! # $bugr_datas{'trt'} = 'DOWN'; # $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, bugr_datas => \%bugr_datas); # $c->render(template => 'bugreport'); } ## end if ($trt eq 'DOWN') } ## end sub do_report sub create_configuration_report { my $c = shift; # TBD: possibly check $q for a boolean value eg. from a checkbox # indicating the user has read privacy warning etc. # create the reporting template my $configreport_template = Text::Template->new( TYPE => 'FILE', SOURCE => '/usr/share/smanager/themes/default/public/configuration_report.tmpl', UNTAINT => 1 ); my $report_creation_time = gen_locale_date_string; # curent kernel my $curkernel = `uname -r`; # get additional RPMs my @newrpms = `/sbin/e-smith/audittools/newrpms`; # get additional Repositories my @repositories = `/sbin/e-smith/audittools/repositories`; #print @repositories; # get templates my @templates = `/sbin/e-smith/audittools/templates`; # get events my @events = `/sbin/e-smith/audittools/events`; # set template variables my %vars = ( report_creation_time => \$report_creation_time, releaseversion => \$releaseversion, curkernel => \$curkernel, systemmode => \$systemmode, previoussystemmode => \$previoussystemmode, newrpms => \@newrpms, templates => \@templates, events => \@events, repositories => \@repositories, ); # prcess template my $result = $configreport_template->fill_in(HASH => \%vars); #take out any multiple blank lines #$result =~ s/\n{3,}/\n/g; # write processed template to file open(my $cfgrep, '>', $configreportfile) or die "Could not create temporary file for config report!"; print $cfgrep $result; close $cfgrep; #check if boot phase has completed. if (wait_for_boot_completion()) { #And create boot analysis image - now run externally following boot. $result = `/usr/bin/systemctl start bootsequence.service`; if (!$? == 0) { warn "/usr/bin/systemd-analyze plot Command failed \n"; } } } ## end sub create_configuration_report sub wait_for_boot_completion { my $timeout = 60; # 1-minute timeout my $end_time = time() + $timeout; while (time() < $end_time) { if (`systemctl list-jobs 2>&1` =~ /No jobs running/) { return TRUE; # Success } sleep 5; } warn "Boot did not complete within $timeout seconds.\n"; return FALSE; # Failure } ## end wait_for_boot_completion sub show_config_report { my $c = shift; my $out = ''; $out .= sprintf "
    open(my $cfgrep, '<', $configreportfile) or die "Could not find temporary config report file!";

    while (<$cfgrep>) {
        $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
    $out .= sprintf "
"; return $out; } ## end sub show_config_report sub download_config_report { my $c = shift; $c->render_file( 'filepath' => "$configreportfile", 'format' => 'x-download', 'content_disposition' => 'attachment', 'cleanup' => 1, ); } ## end sub download_config_report 1;