package SrvMngr::Controller::Viewlogfiles; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # heading : Investigation # description : View log files # navigation : 7000 100 # # # routes : end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; #use esmith::FormMagick qw(gen_locale_date_string); use Locale::gettext; use SrvMngr::I18N; use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session); use esmith::ConfigDB; use Time::TAI64; use File::Basename; use HTML::Entities; use esmith::FormMagick qw(gen_locale_date_string); use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use constant TRUE => 1; use constant FALSE => 0; our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db"; our @logfiles = (); # with array sub main { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); my %log_datas = (); my $title = $c->l('log_FORM_TITLE'); my $notif = ''; $log_datas{default_op} = ($cdb->get('viewlogfiles')->prop('DefaultOperation')) || 'view'; $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, log_datas => \%log_datas); $c->render(template => 'viewlogfiles'); } ## end sub main sub do_action { my $c = shift; $c->app->log->info($c->log_req); my $title = $c->l('log_FORM_TITLE'); my $notif = ''; my $result = ""; my %log_datas = (); $log_datas{filename} = $c->param('Filename'); $log_datas{matchpattern} = $c->param('Matchpattern'); $log_datas{highlightpattern} = $c->param('Highlightpattern'); $log_datas{operation} = $c->param('Operation'); if ($log_datas{operation} eq 'download') { $log_datas{'trt'} = "DOWN"; } else { $log_datas{'trt'} = "SHOW"; } if ($log_datas{filename} =~ /^([\S\s]+)$/) { $log_datas{filename} = $1; } elsif ($log_datas{filename} =~ /^$/) { $log_datas{filename} = "messages"; } else { $result .= $c->l("log_FILENAME_ERROR", $log_datas{filename}) . " "; } if ($log_datas{matchpattern} =~ /^(\S+)$/) { $log_datas{matchpattern} = $1; } else { $log_datas{matchpattern} = "."; } if ($log_datas{highlightpattern} =~ /^(\S+)$/) { $log_datas{highlightpattern} = $1; } else { $log_datas{highlightpattern} = ''; } my $fullpath = "/var/log/$log_datas{filename}"; if (-z $fullpath) { $result .= $c->l("log_LOG_FILE_EMPTY", "$log_datas{filename}"); } if ($log_datas{trt} eq "SHOW") { if (!$result) { $result = $c->render_to_string(inline => showlogFile($c, %log_datas)); } if ($result) { $c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result, log_datas => \%log_datas); return $c->render(template => 'viewlogfiles2'); } } ## end if ($log_datas{trt} eq...) if ($log_datas{trt} eq 'DOWN') { my $modul = 'Log file download'; $notif = download_logFile($c, %log_datas); return undef unless defined $notif; } ## end if ($log_datas{trt} eq...) $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, log_datas => \%log_datas); $c->render(template => 'viewlogfiles'); } ## end sub do_action sub timestamp2local { $_ = shift; if (/^(\@[0-9a-f]{24})(.*)/s) { return Time::TAI64::tai64nlocal($1) . $2; } elsif (/^([0-9]{10}\.[0-9]{3})(.*)/s) { return localtime($1) . $2; } return $_; } ## end sub timestamp2local sub findlogFiles { my $c = shift; use File::Find; sub findlogfiles { my $path = $File::Find::name; if (-f) { # Remove leading /var/log/messages $path =~ s:^/var/log/::; # don't bother to collect files known to be non-text # or not log files foreach ( qw( journal lastlog btmp$ wtmp lock (?<!qpsmtpd/)state httpd/ssl_mutex.\d* httpd/ssl_scache.pag httpd/ssl_scache.dir \/config$ ) ) { return if $path =~ /$_/; } ## end foreach (qw( lastlog btmp$ wtmp...)) my ($file_base, $file_path, $file_type) = fileparse($path); if ($file_base =~ /@.*/) { #$logfiles{$path} = $file_path . timestamp2local($file_base); push @logfiles, [ $file_path . timestamp2local($file_base), $path ]; } else { #$logfiles{$path} = $path; push @logfiles, [ $path, $path ]; } } ## end if (-f) } ## end sub findlogfiles @logfiles = (); # Now go and find all the files under /var/log find({ wanted => \&findlogfiles, no_chdir => 1 }, '/var/log'); my @logf = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @logfiles; return \@logf; } ## end sub findlogFiles sub showlogFile { my ($c, %log_datas) = @_; my $fullpath = "/var/log/$log_datas{filename}"; my $out = ''; $out .= sprintf("$fullpath: \n"); $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_VIEWING_TIME", $c->gen_locale_date_string())); unless ($log_datas{matchpattern} eq '.') { #$out .= sprintf("<p>\n"); $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_MATCH_HEADER", $log_datas{matchpattern})); } ## end unless ($log_datas{matchpattern...}) if ($log_datas{highlightpattern}) { #$out .= sprintf("<p>\n"); $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_HIGHLIGHT_HEADER", "$log_datas{highlightpattern}")); } ## end if ($log_datas{highlightpattern...}) if ($log_datas{filename} =~ /\.gz$/) { my $pid = open(LOGFILE, "-|"); die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined $pid; unless ($pid) { # Child exec("/bin/zcat", $fullpath) || die "Can't exec zcat: $!"; # NOTREACHED } ## end unless ($pid) } else { open(LOGFILE, "$fullpath"); } my $somethingMatched = 0; my $fileEmpty = 1; $out .= sprintf("<PRE>"); while (<LOGFILE>) { $fileEmpty = 0; next unless /$log_datas{matchpattern}/; $somethingMatched = 1; $_ = timestamp2local($_); $_ = HTML::Entities::encode_entities($_); ($log_datas{highlightpattern} && /$log_datas{highlightpattern}/) ? $out .= sprintf("<b>$_</b>") : $out .= sprintf("$_"); } ## end while (<LOGFILE>) $out .= sprintf("</PRE>"); if ($fileEmpty) { $out .= sprintf("<p>\n"); $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_LOG_FILE_EMPTY")); } else { unless ($somethingMatched) { $out .= sprintf("<p>\n"); $out .= sprintf($c->l("log_NO_MATCHING_LINES")); } } ## end else [ if ($fileEmpty) ] close LOGFILE; return $out; } ## end sub showlogFile sub download_logFile { my ($c, %log_datas) = @_; my $fullpath = "/var/log/$log_datas{filename}"; # Save this information for later. $cdb->get('viewlogfiles')->merge_props('DefaultOperation', $log_datas{operation}); # If the client is on windows, we must handle this a little differently. my $win32 = FALSE; my $mac = FALSE; my $agent = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || ""; if ($agent =~ /win32|windows/i) { $win32 = TRUE; } elsif ($agent =~ /mac/i) { $mac = TRUE; } # Check for errors first. Once we start sending the file it's too late to # report them. my $error = ""; unless (-f $fullpath) { $error = $c->l("log_ERR_NOEXIST_FILE") . $fullpath; } local *FILE; open(FILE, "<$fullpath") or $error = $c->l("log_ERR_NOOPEN_FILE"); # Put other error checking here. return $error if $error; # Fix the filename, as it might have a directory prefixed to it. my $filename = $log_datas{filename}; if ($filename =~ m#/#) { $filename = (split /\//, $filename)[-1]; } # And send the file. my $nl = "\n"; if ($win32) { $nl = "\r\n" } elsif ($mac) { $nl = "\r" } # Otherwise, send the file. Start with the headers. # Note: The Content-disposition must be attachment, or IE will view the # file inline like it's told. It ignores the Content-type, but it likes # the Content-disposition (an officially unsupported header) for some # reason. Yay Microsoft. my $file2 = new File::Temp(UNLINK => 0); while (my $line = <FILE>) { chomp $line; my $linew = timestamp2local($line) . $nl; print $file2 $linew; } ## end while (my $line = <FILE>) close(FILE); $c->render_file( 'filepath' => "$file2", 'filename' => "$filename", 'format' => 'x-download', 'content_disposition' => 'attachment', 'cleanup' => 1, ); return undef; } ## end sub download_logFile 1;