package SrvMngr::Controller::Yum;

# heading     : System
# description : Software installer
# navigation  : 4000 300
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session ip_number_or_blank);
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::util;
use File::Basename;
our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open || die "Couldn't open config db";
my $dnf_status_file = '/var/cache/dnf/dnf.status';

#use File::stat;
our %dbs;

for (qw(available installed updates)) {
    $dbs{$_} = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro("dnf_$_")
        or die "Couldn't open dnf_$_ DB\n";

for (qw(repositories)) {
    $dbs{$_} = esmith::ConfigDB->open("yum_$_")
        or die "Couldn't open yum_$_ DB\n";

sub main {
    my $c = shift;
    my %yum_datas = ();
    my $title     = $c->l('yum_FORM_TITLE');
    my $dest      = 'yum';
    my $notif     = '';
    $yum_datas{'trt'} = 'STAT';

    if ($c->is_dnf_running()) {
        $yum_datas{'trt'} = 'LOGF';
        $dest = 'yumlogfile';
    } elsif ($cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile')) {
        $yum_datas{'trt'}    = 'PSTU';
        $yum_datas{'reconf'} = $cdb->get_value('UnsavedChanges', 'yes');
        $dest                = 'yumpostupg';
    } else {

        # normal other trt
    $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, yum_datas => \%yum_datas);
    return $c->render(template => $dest);
} ## end sub main

sub do_display {
    my $c         = shift;
    my $rt        = $c->current_route;
    my $trt       = ($c->param('trt') || 'STAT');
    my %yum_datas = ();
    my $title     = $c->l('yum_FORM_TITLE');
    my ($notif, $dest) = '';
    $yum_datas{'trt'} = $trt;

    # force $trt if current logfile
    if ($c->is_dnf_running()) {
        $trt = 'LOGF';
    } elsif ($cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile')) {
        $trt = 'PSTU';

    if ($trt eq 'UPDT') {
        $dest = 'yumupdate';

    if ($trt eq 'INST') {
        $dest = 'yuminstall';

    if ($trt eq 'REMO') {
        $dest = 'yumremove';

    if ($trt eq 'CONF') {
        $dest = 'yumconfig';

    if ($trt eq 'LOGF') {
        if ($c->is_dnf_running()) {
            $dest = 'yumlogfile';
    } ## end if ($trt eq 'LOGF')

    if ($trt eq 'PSTU') {
        if ($cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile')) {
            $dest = 'yumpostupg';
            $yum_datas{'reconf'} = $cdb->get_value('UnsavedChanges', 'yes');
    } ## end if ($trt eq 'PSTU')
    if (!$dest) { $dest = 'yum'; }
    $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $notif, yum_datas => \%yum_datas);
    return $c->render(template => $dest);
} ## end sub do_display

sub do_update {
    my $c = shift;
    my $rt        = $c->current_route;
    my $trt       = $c->param('trt');
    my %yum_datas = ();
    $yum_datas{trt} = $trt;
    my $title = $c->l('yum_FORM_TITLE');
    my ($dest, $res, $result) = '';

    if ($trt eq 'UPDT') {
        $dest = 'yumupdate';

        if (!$result) {
            $res = $c->do_yum('update');
            $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';

            if (!$result) {
                $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';

                #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
            } ## end if (!$result)
        } ## end if (!$result)
    } ## end if ($trt eq 'UPDT')

    if ($trt eq 'INST') {
        $dest = 'yuminstall';

        if (!$result) {
            $res = $c->do_yum('install');
            $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';

            if (!$result) {
                $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';

                #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
            } ## end if (!$result)
        } ## end if (!$result)
    } ## end if ($trt eq 'INST')

    if ($trt eq 'REMO') {
        $dest = 'yumremove';

        if (!$result) {
            $res = $c->do_yum('remove');
            $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';

            if (!$result) {
                $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';

                #$result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
            } ## end if (!$result)
        } ## end if (!$result)
    } ## end if ($trt eq 'REMO')

    if ($trt eq 'CONF') {
        $dest = 'yumconfig';

        if (!$result) {
            $res = $c->change_settings();
            $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';

            if (!$result) {
                $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
                $result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
        } ## end if (!$result)
    } ## end if ($trt eq 'CONF')

    if ($trt eq 'PSTU') {
        my $reconf = $c->param('reconf') || 'yes';
        $dest = 'yumpostupg';

        # 	effective reconfigure and reboot required
        if ($reconf eq 'yes') {
            $res = $c->post_upgrade_reboot();
            $result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';

            if (!$result) {
                $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
                $result = $c->l('yum_SYSTEM_BEING_RECONFIGURED');
        } else {
            $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
            $result = $c->l('yum_UPDATE_SUCCESS');
    } ## end if ($trt eq 'PSTU')

    if ($trt eq 'LOGF') {
        $dest = 'yumlogfile';

        if (!$c->is_dnf_running()) {
            $yum_datas{trt} = 'SUC';
            $result = $c->l('yum_SUCCESS');
    } ## end if ($trt eq 'LOGF')

    # do_yum ended (no message) --> forced to LOGFile
    if (!$result) {
        $dest = 'yumlogfile';
        $yum_datas{trt} = 'LOGF';
    $c->stash(title => $title, notif => $result, yum_datas => \%yum_datas);

    if ($yum_datas{trt} ne 'SUC') {
        return $c->render(template => $dest);
    my $message = "'Yum' $trt update DONE";
    $c->flash(success => $result) if $result;
} ## end sub do_update

sub get_dnf_status {

    #interrogate status file created and maintained by plugin for dnf.
    my ($c)       = @_;
    my $file_name = $dnf_status_file;
    my $content   = "resolved";

    if (-e "$file_name") {
        open my $fh, '<', $file_name or die "Can't open file: $!";
        $content = <$fh>;
        close $fh;
    } ## end if (-e "$file_name")
    return $content;
} ## end sub get_dnf_status

sub is_dnf_running {
    my ($c) = @_;
    my $dnf_status = $c->get_dnf_status();
    return $dnf_status ne "resolved" && $dnf_status ne "config" && $dnf_status ne "sack";
} ## end sub is_dnf_running

sub is_empty {
    my ($c, $yumdb) = @_;
    my $groups   = $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'group')   || 'none';
    my $packages = $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'package') || 'none';

    #Show no updates if both = none
    return 1 if ($packages eq $groups);

    #else return here
} ## end sub is_empty

sub non_empty {
    my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
    $type ||= 'both';
    return 0 unless (exists $dbs{$yumdb});
    my $groups = scalar $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'group');
    return $groups if ($type eq 'group');
    my $packages = scalar $dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => 'package');

    if ($type eq 'package') {
        return $c->package_functions_enabled ? $packages : 0;
    return ($c->package_functions_enabled or $yumdb eq 'updates') ? ($groups || $packages) : $groups;
} ## end sub non_empty

sub package_functions_enabled {
    my ($c) = @_;
    return ($cdb->get_prop("dnf", "PackageFunctions") eq "enabled");

sub get_status {
    my ($c, $prop, $localise) = @_;
    my $status = $cdb->get_prop("dnf", $prop) || 'disabled';
    return $status unless $localise;
    return $c->l($status eq 'enabled' ? 'ENABLED' : 'DISABLED');
} ## end sub get_status

sub get_options {
    my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
    my %options;

    for ($dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => $type)) {
        $options{ $_->key } = $_->key . " " . $_->prop("Version") . " - " . $_->prop("Repo");
    return \%options;
} ## end sub get_options

sub get_options2 {
    my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
    my @options;

    for ($dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => $type)) {
        push @options, [ $_->key . " " . $_->prop("Version") . " - " . $_->prop("Repo") => $_->key ];
    return \@options;
} ## end sub get_options2

sub get_names {
    return [ keys %{ get_options(@_) } ];

sub get_names2 {
    my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
    my @selected;

    for ($dbs{$yumdb}->get_all_by_prop(type => $type)) {
        push @selected, $_->key;
    return \@selected;

    #    return [ values @{get_options2(@_)} ];
} ## end sub get_names2

sub get_repository_options2 {
    my $c = shift;
    my @options;

    foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop(type => "repository")) {
        next unless ($repos->prop('Visible') eq 'yes'
            or $repos->prop('status') eq 'enabled');
        push @options, [ $repos->prop('Name') => $repos->key ];
    } ## end foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories...})
    my @opts = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @options;
    return \@opts;
} ## end sub get_repository_options2

sub get_repository_current_options {
    my $c = shift;
    my @selected;

    foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop(type => "repository")) {
        next unless ($repos->prop('Visible') eq 'yes'
            or $repos->prop('status') eq 'enabled');
        push @selected, $repos->key if ($repos->prop('status') eq 'enabled');
    } ## end foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories...})
    return \@selected;
} ## end sub get_repository_current_options

sub get_avail2 {
    my ($c, $yumdb, $type) = @_;
    return $c->get_options2("available", "package");

sub get_check_freq_opt {
    my ($c) = @_;
    return [
        [ $c->l('DISABLED')     => 'disabled' ],
        [ $c->l('yum_1DAILY')   => 'daily' ],
        [ $c->l('yum_2WEEKLY')  => 'weekly' ],
        [ $c->l('yum_3MONTHLY') => 'monthly' ]
} ## end sub get_check_freq_opt

sub print_skip_header {
    my ($c) = shift;
    return "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"skip_header\" VALUE=\"1\">\n";

sub change_settings {
    my ($c) = @_;

    for my $param (
        $cdb->set_prop("dnf", $param, $c->param("yum_$param"));
    } ## end for my $param (qw( PackageFunctions...))
    my $check4updates = $c->param("yum_check4updates");
    my $status        = 'disabled';
    if ($check4updates ne 'disabled') { $status = 'enabled'; }
    $cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'check4updates', $check4updates);
    my $deltarpm = $c->param("yum_DeltaRpmProcess");
    $cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'DeltaRpmProcess', $deltarpm);
    my $downloadonly = $c->param("yum_DownloadOnly");
    if ($downloadonly ne 'disabled') { $status = 'enabled'; }
    $cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'DownloadOnly', $downloadonly);
    my $AutoInstallUpdates = $c->param("yum_AutoInstallUpdates");
    if ($AutoInstallUpdates ne 'disabled') { $status = 'enabled'; }
    $cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'AutoInstallUpdates', $AutoInstallUpdates);
    $cdb->set_prop("dnf", 'status',             $status);
    my %selected = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $c->every_param('SelectedRepositories') };

    foreach my $repos ($dbs{repositories}->get_all_by_prop(type => "repository")) {
        $repos->set_prop("status", exists $selected{ $repos->key } ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');

    unless (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "dnf-modify") == 0) {
        return $c->l('yum_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION');
    return 'OK';
} ## end sub change_settings

sub do_yum {
    my ($c, $function) = @_;

    for (qw(SelectedGroups SelectedPackages)) {
        $cdb->set_prop("dnf", $_, join(',', (@{ $c->every_param($_) })));
    esmith::util::backgroundCommand(0, "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "dnf-$function");

    for (qw(available installed updates)) {
    return 'OK';
} ## end sub do_yum

sub get_yum_status_page {
    my ($c) = @_;
    my $yum_status;
    open(YUM_STATUS, "</var/run/yum.status");
    $yum_status = <YUM_STATUS>;
    return $yum_status;
} ## end sub get_yum_status_page

sub format_yum_log {
    my $c = shift;
    my $filepage = $cdb->get_prop('dnf', 'LogFile');
    return '' unless $filepage and (-e "$filepage");
    my $out = sprintf "<PRE>";
    open(FILE, "$filepage");

    while (<FILE>) {
        $out .= sprintf("%s", $_);
    close FILE;
    $out .= sprintf "</PRE>";
    undef $filepage;
    return $out;
} ## end sub format_yum_log

sub post_upgrade_reboot {
    my $c = shift;
    $cdb->get_prop_and_delete('dnf', 'LogFile');

    if (fork == 0) {
        exec "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade; /sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot";
        die "Exec failed";
    return 'OK';
} ## end sub post_upgrade_reboot

sub show_yum_log {
    my $c       = shift;
    my $out     = $c->format_yum_log();
    my $yum_log = $cdb->get_prop_and_delete('dnf', 'LogFile');
    return $out;
} ## end sub show_yum_log