- Move all routines from FormMagic still called by SM2 panels to SM2 [SME:12906] - delete all references to FormMagic
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package SrvMngr::Controller::Directory;
# heading : User management
# description : Directory
# navigation : 2000 300
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %dir_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('dir_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = $c->render_to_string(inline => $c->l('dir_DESCRIPTION'));
$dir_datas{'root'} = get_ldap_base();
$dir_datas{'access'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'access')) || 'private';
$dir_datas{'department'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultDepartment')) || '';
$dir_datas{'company'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultCompany')) || '';
$dir_datas{'street'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultStreet')) || '';
$dir_datas{'city'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultCity')) || '';
$dir_datas{'phonenumber'} = ($db->get_prop('ldap', 'defaultPhoneNumber')) || '';
$c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, dir_datas => \%dir_datas);
$c->render(template => 'directory');
} ## end sub main
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
my $access = $c->param('access');
my $department = $c->param('department');
my $company = $c->param('company');
my $street = $c->param('street');
my $city = $c->param('city');
my $phonenumber = $c->param('phonenumber');
my $existing = $c->param('existing');
my $result = "";
$db->get('ldap')->set_prop('access', $access);
$db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultDepartment', $department);
$db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultCompany', $company);
$db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultStreet', $street);
$db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultCity', $city);
$db->get('ldap')->set_prop('defaultPhoneNumber', $phonenumber);
if ($existing eq 'update') {
my $ac = esmith::AccountsDB->open() || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
my @users = $ac->users();
foreach my $user (@users) {
$user->set_prop('Phone', $phonenumber);
$user->set_prop('Company', $company);
$user->set_prop('Dept', $department);
$user->set_prop('City', $city);
$user->set_prop('Street', $street);
} ## end foreach my $user (@users)
} ## end if ($existing eq 'update')
# Update the system
system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event ldap-update") == 0
my $title = $c->l('dir_FORM_TITLE');
if ($result eq '') { $result = $c->l('dir_SUCCESS'); }
$c->stash(title => $title, modul => $result);
$c->render(template => 'module');
} ## end sub do_update
sub get_ldap_base {
return esmith::util::ldapBase(get_value('','DomainName'));
sub get_value {
my $fm = shift;
my $item = shift;
my $record = $db->get($item);
if ($record) {
return $record->value();
else {
return '';