- Add boot.svg image to Bug Report panel [SME: 12953] - Move report template to inside smanager tree - Add one-off systemd task to create boot.svg run from panel
34 lines
881 B
34 lines
881 B
% layout 'default', title => 'Sme server 2 - Bug report 2';
% content_for 'module' => begin
<div id='module' class='module bugreport2-panel'>
% if (config->{debug} == 1) {
(DBG)route: <%= $c->current_route %><br>
(DBG)trt: <%= $bugr_datas->{trt} %><br>
% }
<h1><%= $title %></h1>
<br><%= $modul %><br>
<% my $btn = l('bugr_Download this report'); %>
%= form_for 'bugreportD' => (method => 'POST') => begin
%= submit_button "$btn", class => 'action'
%= hidden_field 'trt' => $bugr_datas->{trt}
% end
% my $out = "================== <br />";
% $out .= "Boot anaysis image (right click and save image to download)<br />";
% $out .= "================== <br />";
% $out .= "<img src='images/boot.svg' alt='boot timing image' width=95% >";
<br><%= $c->render_to_string(inline=>$out) %><br>
%end |