Jean-Philippe Pialasse c2427189d5 * Fri Feb 21 2025 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <> 11.0.0-57.sme
- upgrade validate_password sub to use esmith::util [SME: 12937]
  and deduplicate code
2025-02-21 01:35:33 -05:00

489 lines
14 KiB

package SrvMngr::Controller::Ibays;
# heading : Network
# description : Shared areas (was ibays)
# navigation : 6000 100
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw( theme_list init_session validate_password );
use esmith::AccountsDB;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::DomainsDB;
#our $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
#our $cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
my ($adb,$cdb);
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my %iba_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
$cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
$iba_datas{'trt'} = 'LIST';
my @ibays;
if ($adb) {
@ibays = $adb->ibays();
$c->stash(title => $title, iba_datas => \%iba_datas, ibays => \@ibays);
$c->render(template => 'ibays');
} ## end sub main
sub do_display {
my $c = shift;
my $rt = $c->current_route;
my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my $ibay = $c->param('ibay') || '';
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
$cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
#$trt = 'DEL' if ( $ibay );
#$trt = 'ADD' if ( $rt eq 'ibayadd' );
my %iba_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
my $modul = '';
$iba_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
$iba_datas{ibay} = '';
$iba_datas{description} = '';
$iba_datas{group} = '';
$iba_datas{userAccess} = '';
$iba_datas{publicAccess} = '';
$iba_datas{CgiBin} = '';
$iba_datas{SSL} = '';
} ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
$iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
$iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
$iba_datas{group} = $rec->prop('Group') || '';
$iba_datas{userAccess} = $rec->prop('UserAccess') || '';
$iba_datas{publicAccess} = $rec->prop('PublicAccess') || '';
$iba_datas{CgiBin} = $rec->prop('CgiBin') || 'disabled';
$iba_datas{SSL} = $rec->prop('SSL') || 'disabled';
} ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
} ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
$iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
$iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
$modul .= print_vhost_message($c, $ibay);
} ## end if ($rec and $rec->prop...)
} ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
if ($trt eq 'PWD') {
my $rec = $adb->get($ibay);
if ($rec and $rec->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
$iba_datas{ibay} = $ibay;
$iba_datas{description} = $rec->prop('Name') || '';
} ## end if ($trt eq 'PWD')
if ($trt eq 'LIST') {
my @ibays;
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
if ($adb) {
@ibays = $adb->ibays();
$c->stash(ibays => \@ibays);
} ## end if ($trt eq 'LIST')
$c->stash(title => $title, modul => $modul, iba_datas => \%iba_datas);
$c->render(template => 'ibays');
} ## end sub do_display
sub do_update {
my $c = shift;
my $rt = $c->current_route;
my $trt = ($c->param('trt') || 'LIST');
my %iba_datas = ();
my $title = $c->l('iba_FORM_TITLE');
$iba_datas{'trt'} = $trt;
my $result = '';
my $res;
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open || die "Couldn't open accounts db";
$cdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open() || die "Couldn't open config db";
if ($trt eq 'ADD') {
my $name = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
# controls
$res = validate_ibay($c, $name);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if (!$result) {
$res = create_ibay($c, $name);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED_IBAY') . ' ' . $name;
$iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
} ## end if (!$result)
} ## end if ($trt eq 'ADD')
if ($trt eq 'UPD') {
my $name = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
# controls
$res = '';
if (!$result) {
$res = modify_ibay($c, $name);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_MODIFIED_IBAY') . ' ' . $name;
$iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
} ## end if (!$result)
} ## end if ($trt eq 'UPD')
if ($trt eq 'PWD') {
my $ibay = ($c->param('ibay') || '');
my $pass1 = ($c->param('newPass') || '');
my $pass2 = ($c->param('newPassVerify') || '');
# controls
unless ($pass1 eq $pass2) {
$result .= $c->l('iba_IBAY_PASSWD_VERIFY_ERROR') . ' - ';
$res = check_password($c, $pass1);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if (!$result) {
$res = reset_password($c, $ibay, $pass1);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_RESET_PASSWORD') . ' ' . $ibay;
$iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
} ## end if (!$result)
} ## end if ($trt eq 'PWD')
if ($trt eq 'DEL') {
my $ibay = $c->param('ibay');
if ($ibay =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)$/) {
$ibay = $1;
} else {
$result .= $c->l('iba_ERR_INTERNAL_FAILURE') . ':' . $ibay;
if (!$result) {
$res = remove_ibay($c, $ibay);
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if (!$result) {
$result = $c->l('iba_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_IBAY') . ' ' . $ibay;
$iba_datas{trt} = 'LST';
} ## end if (!$result)
} ## end if ($trt eq 'DEL')
# common parts
if ($res ne 'OK') {
$c->stash(error => $result);
$c->stash(title => $title, iba_datas => \%iba_datas);
return $c->render('ibays');
my $message = "'Ibays' updates ($trt) DONE";
$c->flash(success => $result);
} ## end sub do_update
sub validate_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg = validate_name($c, $name);
unless ($msg eq "OK") {
return ($msg);
$msg = max_ibay_name_length($c, $name);
unless ($msg eq "OK") {
return ($msg);
$msg = conflict_check($c, $name);
unless ($msg eq "OK") {
return ($msg);
return ('OK');
} ## end sub validate_ibay
sub create_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg;
my $uid = $adb->get_next_uid();
if (my $acct = $adb->new_record(
{ Name => $c->param('ibayDesc'),
CgiBin => $c->param('CgiBin'),
Group => $c->param('group'),
PublicAccess => $c->param('publicAccess'),
SSL => $c->param('SSL'),
UserAccess => $c->param('userAccess'),
Uid => $uid,
Gid => $uid,
PasswordSet => 'no',
type => 'ibay',
# Untaint $name before use in system()
$name =~ /(.+)/;
$name = $1;
if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-create", $name) == 0) {
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_ERROR_WHILE_CREATING_IBAY');
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_CREATE_IBAY');
return $msg;
} ## end sub create_ibay
sub modify_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg;
if (my $acct = $adb->get($name)) {
if ($acct->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
Name => $c->param('ibayDesc'),
CgiBin => $c->param('CgiBin'),
Group => $c->param('group'),
PublicAccess => $c->param('publicAccess'),
SSL => $c->param('SSL'),
UserAccess => $c->param('userAccess'),
# Untaint $name before use in system()
$name =~ /(.+)/;
$name = $1;
if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-modify", $name) == 0) {
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_ERROR_WHILE_MODIFYING_IBAY');
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
return $msg;
} ## end sub modify_ibay
sub print_vhost_message {
my $c = shift;
my $name = $c->param('ibay');
my $result = '';
my $domaindb = esmith::DomainsDB->open();
my @domains = $domaindb->get_all_by_prop(Content => $name);
my $vhostListItems = join "\n", (map ($_->key . " " . $_->prop('Description'), @domains));
if ($vhostListItems) {
$result = $c->l('iba_VHOST_MESSAGE') . "<br><ul>";
foreach ($vhostListItems) {
$result .= "<li> $_ </li>";
$result .= '</ul>';
} ## end if ($vhostListItems)
return $result;
} ## end sub print_vhost_message
sub remove_ibay {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $msg = '';
if (my $acct = $adb->get($name)) {
if ($acct->prop('type') eq 'ibay') {
$acct->set_prop('type', 'ibay-deleted');
my $domains_db = esmith::DomainsDB->open();
my @domains = $domains_db->get_all_by_prop(Content => $name);
foreach my $d (@domains) {
$d->set_prop(Content => 'Primary');
# Untaint $name before use in system()
$name =~ /(.+)/;
$name = $1;
if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "ibay-delete", $name) == 0) {
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_ERROR_WHILE_DELETING_IBAY');
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
return $msg;
} ## end sub remove_ibay
sub reset_password {
my ($c, $name, $newPass) = @_;
my ($msg, $acct);
if (($acct = $adb->get($name)) && ($acct->prop('type') eq 'ibay')) {
esmith::util::setIbayPassword($acct->key, $newPass);
$acct->set_prop('PasswordSet', 'yes');
# Untaint $name before use in system()
$name =~ /(.+)/;
$name = $1;
if (system("/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "password-modify", $name) == 0) {
$msg = 'OK';
} else {
} else {
$msg = $c->l('iba_CANT_FIND_IBAY');
return $msg;
} ## end sub reset_password
sub check_password {
my ($c, $password) = @_;
my $strength;
my $rec = $cdb->get('passwordstrength');
$strength = ($rec ? ($rec->prop('Ibays') || 'none') : 'none');
return validate_password($c, $strength, $password);
} ## end sub check_password
=head2 group_list()
Returns a hash of groups for the Create/Modify screen's group field's
drop down list.
sub group_list_m {
my @groups = $adb->groups();
my @grps = ([ 'Admin' => 'admin' ], [ 'Everyone' => 'shared' ]);
foreach my $g (@groups) {
push @grps, [ $g->prop('Description') . " (" . $g->key . ")", $g->key() ];
return \@grps;
} ## end sub group_list_m
=head2 userAccess_list
Returns the hash of user access settings for showing in the user access
drop down list.
sub userAccess_list_m {
my $c = shift;
return [
[ $c->l('WARG') => 'wr-admin-rd-group' ],
[ $c->l('WGRE') => 'wr-group-rd-everyone' ],
[ $c->l('WGRG') => 'wr-group-rd-group' ]
} ## end sub userAccess_list_m
=head2 publicAccess_list
Returns the hash of public access settings for showing in the public
access drop down list.
sub publicAccess_list_m {
my $c = shift;
return [
[ $c->l('NONE') => 'none' ],
[ $c->l('LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_PASSWORD') => 'local' ],
[ $c->l('LOCAL_NETWORK_PASSWORD') => 'local-pw' ],
[ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_NO_PASSWORD') => 'global' ],
[ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_PASSWORD') => 'global-pw' ],
[ $c->l('ENTIRE_INTERNET_PASSWORD_REMOTE') => 'global-pw-remote' ]
} ## end sub publicAccess_list_m
sub max_ibay_name_length {
my ($c, $data) = @_;
my $max = $cdb->get('maxIbayNameLength')->value;
if (length($data) <= $max) {
return "OK";
} else {
return $c->l('iba_MAX_IBAY_NAME_LENGTH_ERROR', $data, $max, $max);
# {acctName => $data,
# maxIbayNameLength => $max,
# maxLength => $max});
} ## end else [ if (length($data) <= $max)]
} ## end sub max_ibay_name_length
sub conflict_check {
my ($c, $name) = @_;
my $rec = $adb->get($name);
my $type;
if (defined $rec) {
my $type = $rec->prop('type');
if ($type eq "pseudonym") {
my $acct = $rec->prop("Account");
my $acct_type = $adb->get($acct)->prop('type');
return $c->l('iba_ACCT_CLASHES_WITH_PSEUDONYM', $name, $acct_type, $acct);
} ## end if ($type eq "pseudonym")
} elsif (defined getpwnam($name) || defined getgrnam($name)) {
$type = 'system';
} else {
# No account record and no account
return 'OK';
return $c->l('iba_ACCOUNT_EXISTS', $name, $type);
} ## end sub conflict_check
sub validate_name {
my ($c, $acctName) = @_;
unless ($acctName =~ /^([a-z][\_\.\-a-z0-9]*)$/) {
return $c->l('iba_ACCT_NAME_HAS_INVALID_CHARS', $acctName);
return "OK";
} ## end sub validate_name