506 lines
13 KiB

package SrvMngr::Controller::Remoteaccess;
# heading : Network
# description : Remote access
# navigation : 6000 400
# routes : end
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session ip_number subnet_mask get_reg_mask);
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::util;
use File::Basename;
use Exporter;
use Carp;
use Socket qw( inet_aton );
#our @ISA = qw(esmith::FormMagick Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( networkAccess_list passwordLogin_list get_ssh_permit_root_login get_ssh_access get_telnet_mode
get_ftp_access get_ftp_password_login_access
get_value get_prop get_ssh_password_auth
validate_network_and_mask ip_number_or_blank subnet_mask_or_blank
get_ipsecrw_sessions pptp_and_dhcp_range
# get_pptp_sessions
our $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open || warn "Couldn't open configuration database";
sub main {
my $c = shift;
my $title = $c->l('rma_FORM_TITLE');
my $notif = '';
my %rma_datas = ();
#$rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} = $c->get_ipsecrw_sessions();
#$rma_datas{pptpSessions} = $c->get_pptp_sessions();
$rma_datas{sshAccess} = $c->get_ssh_access();
$rma_datas{sshPermitRootLogin} = $c->get_ssh_permit_root_login();
$rma_datas{sshPasswordAuthentication} = $c->get_ssh_password_auth();
$rma_datas{sshTCPPort} = $c->get_ssh_port();
$rma_datas{ftpAccess} = $c->get_ftp_access();
$rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess} = $c->get_ftp_password_login_access();
#$rma_datas{telnetAccess} = $c->get_telnet_access;
$c->stash( title => $title, notif => $notif, rma_datas => \%rma_datas );
$c->render(template => 'remoteaccess');
sub do_action {
my $c = shift;
my $title = $c->l('rma_FORM_TITLE');
my ($result, $res, $trt) = '';
my %rma_datas = ();
$rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} = ($c->param ('IpsecrwSess') || '');
$rma_datas{ipsecrwReset} = ($c->param ('IpsecrwReset') || '');
#$rma_datas{pptpSessions} = ($c->param ('PptpSessions') || '0');
$rma_datas{validFromNetwork} = ($c->param ('ValidFromNetwork') || '');
$rma_datas{validFromMask} = ($c->param ('ValidFromMask') || '');
## my @remove = $q->param('validFromRemove'); ???????? the first one only !!
my @vals = $c->param ('Remove_nets');
$rma_datas{remove_nets} = join ',', @vals;
$rma_datas{sshaccess} = ($c->param ('SshAccess') || 'off');
$rma_datas{sshPermitRootLogin} = ($c->param ('SshPermitRootLogin') || 'no');
$rma_datas{sshPasswordAuthentication} = ($c->param ('SshPasswordAuthentication') || 'no');
$rma_datas{sshTCPPort} = ($c->param ('SshTCPPort') || '22');
$rma_datas{ftpAccess} = ($c->param ('FtpAccess') || 'off');
$rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess} = ($c->param ('FtpPasswordAccess') || 'private');
$rma_datas{telnetAccess} = ($c->param ('TelnetAccess') || 'off');
# validate
my $v = $c->validation;
return $c->render('remoteaccess') unless $v->has_data;
#$v->optional('PptpSessions')->num(0, 999)->is_valid;
$v->optional('ValidFromNetwork')->size(7, 15)->is_valid;
$v->optional('ValidFromMask')->size(7, 15)->is_valid;
$v->required('SshTCPPort')->num(1, 65535)->is_valid;
$result .= 'field validation error' if $v->has_error;
if ( ! $result ) {
# controls
#$res = pptp_and_dhcp_range( $c, $rma_datas{pptpSessions} );
#$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
$res = ip_number_or_blank( $c, $rma_datas{validFromNetwork} );
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
$res = subnet_mask_or_blank( $c, $rma_datas{validFromMask} );
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
$res = validate_network_and_mask( $c, $rma_datas{validFromNetwork}, $rma_datas{validFromMask} );
$result .= $res . ' ' unless $res eq 'OK';
#$result .= ' blocked for testing !' . $rma_datas{remove_nets};
if ( ! $result ) {
$res = change_settings( $c, %rma_datas );
$result .= $res unless $res eq 'OK';
if ( ! $result ) {
$result = $c->l('rma_ACTION_SUCCEEDED');
$trt = 'SUC';
$c->stash( title => $title, notif => $result, rma_datas => \%rma_datas );
if ( $trt ne 'SUC' ) {
return $c->render(template => 'remoteaccess');
sub networkAccess_list {
my $c = shift;
return [[ $c->l('rma_NO_ACCESS') => 'off'],
[ $c->l('NETWORKS_ALLOW_LOCAL') => 'private'],
[ $c->l('NETWORKS_ALLOW_PUBLIC') => 'public']];
sub passwordLogin_list {
my $c = shift;
return [[$c->l('rma_PASSWORD_LOGIN_PRIVATE') => 'private'],
[$c->l('rma_PASSWORD_LOGIN_PUBLIC') => 'public']];
sub get_prop {
my ($c, $item, $prop) = @_;
warn "You must specify a record key" unless $item;
warn "You must specify a property name" unless $prop;
my $record = $db->get($item) or warn "Couldn't get record for $item";
return $record ? $record->prop($prop) : undef;
sub get_value {
my $c = shift;
my $item = shift;
return ($db->get($item)->value());
sub get_ftp_access {
my $status = get_prop('','ftp','status') || 'disabled';
return 'off' unless $status eq 'enabled';
my $access = get_prop('','ftp','access') || 'private';
return ($access eq 'public') ? 'normal' : 'private';
#sub get_pptp_sessions {
# my $status = get_prop('','pptpd','status');
# if (defined($status) && ($status eq 'enabled')) {
# return(get_prop('','pptpd','sessions') || 'no');
# return '0';
sub get_ssh_permit_root_login {
return(get_prop('','sshd','PermitRootLogin') || 'no');
sub get_ssh_password_auth {
return(get_prop('','sshd','PasswordAuthentication') || 'yes');
sub get_ssh_access {
my $status = get_prop('','sshd','status');
if (defined($status) && ($status eq 'enabled')) {
my $access = get_prop('','sshd','access');
$access = ($access eq 'public') ? 'public' : 'private';
else {
sub get_ssh_port {
return(get_prop('$c','sshd','TCPPort') || '22');
sub get_ftp_password_login_access {
my $status = get_prop('','ftp','status') || 'disabled';
return 'private' unless $status eq 'enabled';
my $access = get_prop('','ftp','LoginAccess') || 'private';
return ($access eq 'public') ? 'public' : 'private';
sub get_telnet_mode {
my $telnet = $db->get('telnet');
return('off') unless $telnet;
my $status = $telnet->prop('status') || 'disabled';
return('off') unless $status eq 'enabled';
my $access = $telnet->prop('access') || 'private';
return ($access eq "public") ? "public" : "private";
sub get_ipsecrw_sessions {
my $status = $db->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorStatus');
if (defined($status) && ($status eq 'enabled')) {
return($db->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorSessions') || '0');
else {
sub get_ipsecrw_status {
return undef unless ( $db->get('ipsec'));
return $db->get('ipsec')->prop('RoadWarriorStatus');
sub pptp_and_dhcp_range {
my $c = shift;
my $val = shift || 0;
my $dhcp_status = $db->get_prop('dhcpd','status') || 'disabled';
my $dhcp_end = $db->get_prop('dhcpd','end') || '';
my $dhcp_start = $db->get_prop('dhcpd','start') || '';
if ( $dhcp_status eq 'enabled' ) {
my $ip_start = unpack 'N', inet_aton($dhcp_start);
my $ip_end = unpack 'N', inet_aton($dhcp_end);
my $ip_count = $ip_end - $ip_start;
return 'OK' if( $val < $ip_count );
} else {
return 'OK';
sub _get_valid_from {
my $c = shift;
my $rec = $db->get('httpd-admin');
return undef unless($rec);
my @vals = (split ',', ($rec->prop('ValidFrom') || ''));
return @vals;
sub ip_number_or_blank {
my $c = shift;
my $ip = shift;
if (!defined($ip) || $ip eq "") {
return 'OK';
return ip_number($c, $ip);
sub subnet_mask_or_blank {
my $c = shift;
my $mask = shift;
if (!defined($mask) || $mask eq "") {
return "OK";
chomp $mask ;
return ( subnet_mask( $mask ) ne 'OK' ) ? $c->l('rma_INVALID_SUBNET_MASK') . " (" . $mask . ")" : 'OK';
sub validate_network_and_mask {
my $c = shift;
my $net = shift || "";
my $mask = shift || "";
if ($net xor $mask) {
return $c->l('rma_ERR_INVALID_PARAMS' . " (" . $net."/".$mask . ")");
return 'OK';
sub change_settings {
my ($c, %rma_datas) = @_;
# good; go ahead and change the access.
my $rec = $db->get('telnet');
if($rec) {
if ($rma_datas{telnetAccess} eq "off") {
} else {
$rec->set_prop('access', $rma_datas{telnetAccess});
$rec = $db->get('sshd') || $db->new_record('sshd', {type => 'service'});
$rec->set_prop('TCPPort', $rma_datas{sshTCPPort});
$rec->set_prop('status', ( $rma_datas{sshaccess} eq "off" ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'));
$rec->set_prop('access', $rma_datas{sshaccess});
$rec->set_prop('PermitRootLogin', $rma_datas{sshPermitRootLogin});
$rec->set_prop('PasswordAuthentication', $rma_datas{sshPasswordAuthentication});
$rec = $db->get('ftp');
if($rec) {
if ($rma_datas{ftpAccess} eq "off") {
$rec->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
$rec->set_prop('access', 'private');
$rec->set_prop('LoginAccess', 'private');
} elsif ($rma_datas{ftpAccess} eq "normal") {
$rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
$rec->set_prop('access', 'public');
$rec->set_prop('LoginAccess', $rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess});
} else {
$rec->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
$rec->set_prop('access', 'private');
$rec->set_prop('LoginAccess', $rma_datas{ftpPasswordAccess});
# if ($rma_datas{pptpSessions} == 0) {
# $db->get('pptpd')->set_prop('status', 'disabled');
# } else {
# $db->get('pptpd')->set_prop('status', 'enabled');
# $db->get('pptpd')->set_prop('sessions', $rma_datas{pptpSessions});
# }
if ( $rma_datas{validFromNetwork} && $rma_datas{validFromMask} ) {
unless (add_new_valid_from( $c, $rma_datas{validFromNetwork}, $rma_datas{validFromMask} )) {
return $c->l('rma_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION') . 'new net';
if ( $rma_datas{remove_nets} ) {
unless (remove_valid_from( $c, $rma_datas{remove_nets} )) {
return $c->l('rma_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION') . 'del net';
# reset ipsec roadwarrior CA,server,client certificates
if ($rma_datas{ipsecrwReset}) {
system('/sbin/e-smith/roadwarrior', 'reset_certs') == 0 or
return $c->l('rma_ERROR_UPDATING_CONFIGURATION') . 'rst ipsec';
if ( $rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} ) {
set_ipsecrw_sessions( $c, $rma_datas{ipsecrwSess} );
unless ( system( "/sbin/e-smith/signal-event", "remoteaccess-update" ) == 0 ) {
return 'OK';
sub set_ipsecrw_sessions {
my $c = shift;
my $sessions = shift;
if (defined $sessions) {
$db->get('ipsec')->set_prop('RoadWarriorSessions', $sessions);
if (int($sessions) > 0) {
$db->get('ipsec')->set_prop('RoadWarriorStatus', 'enabled');
return '';
sub add_new_valid_from {
my $c = shift;
my $net = shift;
my $mask = shift;
# we transform bit mask to regular mask
$mask = get_reg_mask( $net, $mask );
my $rec = $db->get('httpd-admin');
return $c->error('ERR_NO_RECORD') unless $rec;
my $prop = $rec->prop('ValidFrom') || '';
my @vals = split /,/, $prop;
return '' if (grep /^$net\/$mask$/, @vals); # already have this entry
if ($prop ne '') {
$prop .= ",$net/$mask";
} else {
$prop = "$net/$mask";
$rec->set_prop('ValidFrom', $prop);
return 1;
sub remove_valid_from {
my $c = shift;
my $remove_nets = shift;
my @remove = split /,/, $remove_nets;
# my @remove = $c->param('Remove_nets');
my @vals = $c->_get_valid_from();
foreach my $entry (@remove) {
return undef unless $entry;
my ($net, $mask) = split (/\//, $entry);
unless (@vals) {
print STDERR "ERROR: unable to load ValidFrom property from conf db\n";
return undef;
# what if we don't have a mask because someone added an entry from
# the command line? by the time we get here, the panel will have
# added a 32 bit mask, so we don't know for sure if the value in db
# is $net alone or $net/ we have to check for both
# in this special case...
@vals = (grep { $entry ne $_ && $net ne $_ } @vals);
my $prop;
if (@vals) {
$prop = join ',',@vals;
} else {
$prop = '';
$db->get('httpd-admin')->set_prop('ValidFrom', $prop);
return 1;