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package esmith::php;
use strict;
use warnings;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
our $PHPDEFAULT = 74;
our $BASEPHP = 54;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( listPHPVersionFPM listPHPVersionShort listPHPVersionHash listPHPVersionHashShort PHPdefault PHPbase VersionToUse PhpFpmVersionToUse $defaultdisabledfunc %defaultPHPproperties);
our $defaultdisabledfunc='system,show_source,' .
'symlink,exec,dl,shell_exec,' .
'passthru,phpinfo,' .
my $configdb = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
our %defaultPHPproperties = (
MemoryLimit => '128M',
MaxExecutionTime => '30',
MaxInputTime => '60',
AllowUrlFopen => 'disabled',
PostMaxSize => '20M',
UploadMaxFilesize => '10M',
FileUpload => 'enabled',
PHPBaseDir => '/home/e-smith/files/ibays/$key:/var/lib/php/$key',
DisabledFunctions => $defaultdisabledfunc,
MailForceSender => "admin@".$configdb->get_value('DomainName'),
AllowPHTML => 'disabled',
AutoPrependFile => 'enabled',
=head1 NAME
esmith::php - A few tools to help with php-fpm installed versions
use esmith::php;
my @phps=listPHPVersionFPM('enabled');
This is intended to help playing with installed php versions.
=head1 Methods
=head2 listPHPVersionFPM
param = (enabled, disabled, all) , if empty default to all
this will return you an array of php-fpm versions available php version
print "'$_'\n" for listPHPVersionFPM('all');
this will return only available and enabled
print "'$_'\n" for listPHPVersionFPM('enabled');
sub listPHPVersionFPM {
my $status = shift || 'all';
my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
my @list = $conf->get_all_by_prop( type => 'service' );
my @keys = map {$_->key; } @list;
my @FPM;
foreach my $service ( grep(/^(php[0-9]{2}-)?php-fpm$/,@keys) ) {
my $s = $conf->get($service);
next unless ($s) ;
next unless (-f "/usr/lib/systemd/system/$service.service") ;
next unless ( $status eq "all" || ($s->prop('status') || "disabled") eq $status );
push @FPM, $service;
return @FPM
=head2 listPHPVersionShort
param1 = (enabled, disabled, all) , if empty default to all
param2 = will use "" as output for base php
this will return you an array of numerical available php version
print "'$_'\n" for listPHPVersionShort('all');
this will returnonly available and enabled
print "'$_'\n" for listPHPVersionShort('enabled');
sub listPHPVersionShort {
my $status = shift || 'all';
my $emptyforbase = shift;
my @FPM = listPHPVersionFPM($status);
s/^php([0-9]{2})-php-fpm$/$1/ for @FPM ;
my $base= (defined $emptyforbase) ? "" : $BASEPHP;
s/^php-fpm$/$base/ for @FPM ;
return @FPM;
=head2 listPHPVersionHash
param1 = (enabled, disabled, all) , if empty default to all
param2 = if defined will use "" as key for php-fpm
this will return you a hash order by version
my %list= listPHPVersionHash();
print "$_ => $list{$_}\n" for (sort keys %list);
54 => php-fpm
55 => php55-php-fpm
56 => php56-php-fpm
70 => php70-php-fpm
71 => php71-php-fpm
72 => php72-php-fpm
73 => php73-php-fpm
74 => php74-php-fpm
80 => php80-php-fpm
81 => php81-php-fpm
82 => php82-php-fpm
83 => php83-php-fpm
sub listPHPVersionHash {
my $status = shift || 'all';
my $emptyforbase = shift;
my @FPM = listPHPVersionFPM($status);
my %myfpm;
my $base= (defined $emptyforbase) ? "" : $BASEPHP;
for my $php ( @FPM) {
$myfpm{$base}="$php" for ( $php=~/^php-fpm$/);
$myfpm{$_}="$php" for ( $php=~/^php([0-9]{2})-php-fpm$/);
return %myfpm;
=head2 listPHPVersionHashShort
param1 = (enabled, disabled, all) , if empty default to all
param2 = if defined will use "" as key for php-fpm
this will return you a hash order by version
my %list= listPHPVersionHashShort();
print "$_ => $list{$_}\n" for (sort keys %list);
54 => php
55 => php55
56 => php56
70 => php70
71 => php71
72 => php72
73 => php73
74 => php74
80 => php80
81 => php81
82 => php82
83 => php83
sub listPHPVersionHashShort {
my $status = shift || 'all';
my $emptyforbase = shift;
my %myfpm = listPHPVersionHash($status, $emptyforbase);
my %rfpm;
foreach my $key (keys %myfpm) {
my $php = $myfpm{$key};
($rfpm{$key}= $php)=~s/(^php[0-9]{0,2}).*/$1/;
return %rfpm;
=head2 PHPdefault
return the php default version for the system, i.e. default chosen by rpm or the one overrided by the admin in php PHPVersion property.
one optional argument is to display 54 as empty string (i.e. base php-fpm)
sub PHPdefault {
my $emptyforbase = shift;
my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
my $php = $conf->get('php') ;
my $PHPVersion = ( defined $php->prop('PHPVersion') ) ? $php->prop('PHPVersion') : $PHPDEFAULT;
$PHPVersion = ($PHPVersion eq "") ? $BASEPHP : $PHPVersion;
$PHPVersion = ($PHPVersion =~ /([0-9]{2})/) ? $1 : $PHPDEFAULT;
return $PHPVersion unless defined $emptyforbase;
$PHPVersion = ( $PHPVersion eq $BASEPHP ) ? "" : $PHPVersion;
return $PHPVersion;
=head2 PHPbase
return the php base, i.e. 54 for php-fpm provided by CentOS 7.
sub PHPbase {
return $BASEPHP;
=head2 VersionToUse
argument 1 : output from $account->get('ibayname') or similar (shares,custom)
it is expected to find in this entry a property PHPVersion
artgument 2 : optional, a locally forced PHP version, if you do not want to trust globally prefered one.
output : a two digit php version : 74 for php 7.4 . 54 will be for php-fpm 5.4 as default php on CentOS 7 /SME 9
my $ibay=$account->get('ibayname');
my $version = VersionToUse($ibay,'80');
# if not defined => $PHPDEFAULT
# if defined and empty strin => $BASEPHP
# if defined and not empty => its value
# defined entry (e.g. ibay) PHPVersion property override
- defined forced PHPVersion provided (2nd argument, if provided) which override
- php PHPVersion property which override
- default $PHPDEFAULT
sub VersionToUse {
my $entry = shift or return "need a db entry";
my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro or die "Could not open accounts db";
my $PHPVersion = PHPdefault();
my $forcedefault = shift ;
$forcedefault = ( defined $forcedefault ) ? $forcedefault : $PHPVersion;
$forcedefault = ($forcedefault eq "") ? $BASEPHP : $forcedefault;
$forcedefault = ($forcedefault =~ /([0-9]{2})/) ? $1 : $PHPVersion;
my $entryPHPVersion = (defined $entry->prop('PHPVersion') ) ? $entry->prop('PHPVersion') : $forcedefault;
$entryPHPVersion = ($entryPHPVersion eq "") ? $BASEPHP : $entryPHPVersion;
$entryPHPVersion = ($entryPHPVersion =~ /([0-9]{2})/) ? $1 : $forcedefault;
# we currently assume that it is installed and enabled, but could test it here
my $version= $entryPHPVersion ;
#$version = " $PHPDEFAULT - $PHPVersion - $forcedefault - $entryPHPVersion";
return $version;
=head2 PhpFpmVersionToUse
same as VersionToUse except it will return null string in place of $BASEPHP (i.e. "" in place of 54)
argument 1 : output from $account->get('ibayname') or similar (shares,custom)
it is expected to find in this entry a property PHPVersion
artgument 2 : optional, a locally forced PHP version, if you do not want to trust globally prefered one.
output : a two digit php version : 74 for php 7.4 or empty string, as '' will take place of 54 for php-fpm 5.4 as default php on CentOS 7 /SME 9
sub PhpFpmVersionToUse {
#my $entry = shift or return "need a db entry";
#my $forcedefault = shift ;
my $version ;
$version = VersionToUse(@_) ;#$entry,$forcedefault);# if defined $forcedefault;
#$version = VersionToUse($entry) unless defined $forcedefault;
# here we convert $BASEPHP to empty string
$version = ( $version eq $BASEPHP ) ? "" : $version;
return $version;