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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
Plugin that converts ms-tnef attachments (winmail.dat) and uuencoded attachments to MIME.
perl-Convert-TNEF, perl-IO-stringy, perl-File-MMagic and perl-MIME-tools are required.
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Weinberger, neddix Stuttgart, 2005
=head1 LICENSE
GNU GPL (GNU General Public License)
use MIME::Parser;
# this is a dirty fix regarding this bug
# this way we can keep on usinhg this plugin waiting for the upstream fix
# the no warnings avoid message in qpsmtpd log on every mails saying we override the sub.
no warnings;
*MIME::Parser::Filer::output_path = sub {
my ($self, $head) = @_;
### Get the output directory:
my $dir = $self->output_dir($head);
### Get the output filename as UTF-8
my $fname = $head->recommended_filename;
### Can we use it:
if (!defined($fname)) {
$self->debug("no filename recommended: synthesizing our own");
$fname = $self->output_filename($head);
elsif ($self->ignore_filename) {
$self->debug("ignoring all external filenames: synthesizing our own");
$fname = $self->output_filename($head);
elsif ($self->evil_filename($fname)) {
### Can we save it by just taking the last element?
my $ex = $self->exorcise_filename($fname);
if (defined($ex) and !$self->evil_filename($ex)) {
$self->whine("Provided filename '$fname' is regarded as evil, ",
"but I was able to exorcise it and get something ",
$fname = $ex;
else {
$self->whine("Provided filename '$fname' is regarded as evil; ",
"I'm ignoring it and supplying my own.");
$fname = $self->output_filename($head);
$self->debug("planning to use '$fname'");
#untaint dir and fname
$self->debug("it is our own");
$fname = ($fname =~ m/^([ \w_.:%-]+)$/ig) ? $1 : $self->output_filename($head);
### Resolve collisions and return final path:
return $self->find_unused_path($dir, $fname);
use MIME::Entity;
use MIME::Head;
use File::MMagic;
use Convert::TNEF;
my $parser;
my $ent;
my $tmpdir='/var/spool/qpsmtpd';
my $count=0;
my $foundtnef=0;
my (@attachments, @blocked, @tnefs);
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, %arg) = @_;
$self->register_hook("data_post", "tnef2mime");
sub hasMessageClassProperty {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->data("Attachment");
return 0 unless $data;
return index( $data, pack( "H*", "8008" ) ) >= 0;
# for future use
sub kill_part ($)
my $part=$_;
#my $path = defined $part->bodyhandle ? $part->bodyhandle->path : "";
#my $filename = $part->head->recommended_filename || "";
return $part;
sub keep_part ($$)
my ($self,$part)=@_;
my $mm = new File::MMagic;
# when a ms-tnef attachment was sent uuencoded, its MIME type becomes application/octet-stream
# after the conversion. Therefore all application/octet-stream attachments are assumed to
# be a ms-tnef
my $path = $part->bodyhandle ? $part->bodyhandle->path : "";
if( $part->mime_type =~ /ms-tnef/i || $part->mime_type =~ /application\/octet-stream/i )
# convert tnef attachments and write to files
my $tnef = Convert::TNEF->read_ent($part,{output_dir=>$tmpdir,output_to_core=>"NONE"});
# if $tnef is undefined here, the application/octet-stream was not a ms-tnef and we are done.
return 1 if( ! defined $tnef );
my $keep_tnef=0;
for ($tnef->attachments)
next if !defined $_->datahandle;
if( hasMessageClassProperty($_) ) # Outlook MAPI object
$self->log(LOGWARN, sprintf "Outlook MAPI object #%i: %s", $keep_tnef, $_->longname);
my $mimetype = $mm->checktype_filename( $_->datahandle->path );
$attachments[$count] = MIME::Entity->build(
Type=>$mimetype );
sprintf "File attachment #%i: %s (%s, %ld bytes)", $count+1, $_->longname, $mimetype, $_->size );
if( $keep_tnef )
$attachments[$count++] = $part;
$self->log(LOGWARN, "Original TNEF file attached." );
push( @tnefs, $tnef ); # remind for cleanup
return 0;
return 1;
sub tnef2mime ( $$ )
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
# new Parser Object
$parser = new MIME::Parser;
# if you want to debug the Parser :
#use MIME::Tools; MIME::Tools->debugging(1);
# temp output directory
$parser->output_under( $tmpdir );
#untainted filename
$transaction->body_filename() =~ /^([:\-\/\w]+)\z/ or die "Disallowed characters in filename ".$transaction->body_filename();
my $bdfilename = $1;
# read message body
open BFN, "<", $bdfilename ;#$transaction->body_filename();
$ent = $parser->parse(\*BFN);
my @keep = grep { keep_part($self, $_) } $ent->parts; # @keep now holds all non-tnef attachments
close BFN;
my $founduu = $ent->parts && !$transaction->header->get('MIME-Version');
if( $foundtnef || $founduu )
my @allatt;
@allatt = map { kill_part($_) } ( @keep, @attachments );
# if message is a multipart type, but has MIME version tag, then add
# MIME version. PHP imap_fetchstructure() depends on that!
my $xac;
if( $founduu )
$transaction->header->add('MIME-Version', "1.0" );
$xac = "UUENCODE -> MIME";
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "uuencoded attachment converted to MIME" );
# delete the X-MS-TNEF-Correlator header line
if( $foundtnef )
$xac .= ( defined $xac ? ", " : "" ) . "MS-TNEF -> MIME";
$transaction->header->delete('X-MS-TNEF-Correlator' );
# add own X header
if( defined $xac )
$transaction->header->add('X-TNEF2MIME-Plugin', $xac );
# write converted message body
open BFN, ">" , $bdfilename;#$transaction->body_filename();
close BFN;
# cleaning up
for( my $i=0; $i<@tnefs; $i++ )
#untainted filename
$parser->output_dir =~ /^([:\-\/\w]+)\z/ or die "Disallowed characters in output dir ".$parser->output_dir;
my $output_dir = $1;
opendir( DIR, $output_dir ) or die "Could not open temporary output dir $output_dir: $!\n";
while( defined( my $file = readdir( DIR ) ) )
next if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/;
$file =~ s/(^.*$)//;
$file = $1;
unlink( "$output_dir/$file" );
closedir( DIR );
rmdir( $output_dir );
return DECLINED;