#!perl -w =head1 NAME forcespamcheck - SpamAssassin integration for qpsmtpd =head1 DESCRIPTION Plugin that forces check if the mail is spam by using the "spamd" daemon from the SpamAssassin package. F =head1 CONFIG This plugins needs spamassassin like arguments Refer to spamassassin plugin On top of that it uses a config file with an ip per line corresponding of local_ip of the qpsmtpd server on which the remote client is trying to deliver the mail. Please be cautious this is not the remote client ip ! THe initial idea is to force spam check for some deamons by making them sending to so other daemons trying to deliver on or LAN client delivering on will avoid the spam check, unless you also specify those ips in forcespamcheck file. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Qpsmtpd::Constants; use Qpsmtpd::DSN; use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf); use IO::Handle; sub register { my ($self, $qp, %args) = @_; $self->log(LOGERROR, "Bad parameters for the forcespamcheck plugin") if @_ % 2; #first if spamassassin already loaded return DECLINED; not to load it twice my @datahooked = $qp->hooks('data_post'); for my $item (@datahooked) { $self->log(LOGNOTICE,"spamassassin aleady loaded") if $item->{name} eq "spamassassin"; return DECLINED if $item->{name} eq "spamassassin"; } # else we can go on my $param = join(q{ }, map{qq{$_ $args{$_}}} keys %args); my $ip = $self->qp->connection->local_ip; # read here list of ip from file; or default on my %forcespamcheck = map { $_ => 1 } $self->qp->config('forcespamcheck'); # we force spamcheck on as used by fetchmail $forcespamcheck{''} = 1; return DECLINED unless (exists $forcespamcheck{$ip}); my $plugin_line = "spamassassin " . $param; my $this_plugin = $self->qp->_load_plugin($plugin_line, $self->qp->plugin_dirs); $self->register_hook('data', 'data_handler'); } sub data_handler { my ($self, $transaction) = @_; my $ip = $self->qp->connection->local_ip; # logged only there to avoid double line in log in register. $self->log(LOGINFO, "forcing spamassassin check for connection on $ip"); }