320 lines
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320 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: tinydns-readstats.txt,v 1.9 2005/02/01 14:40:22 nate Exp $
# Formatting functionality adapted from:
# tinydns log formatting utility
# based on Faried Nawaz's logfile formatter for dnscache
# by Kenji Rikitake <kenji.rikitake@acm.org> 29-JUL-2000
# The idea of opening up multilog for writing and sending
# log output to it was taken from tinydns-rrd by Ask Bj<42>rn
# Hansen, along with a code snippit or two.
# What's left was written by me, Nate Campi <nate@campin.net>
# Usage:
# If you have a high traffic tinydns server leave out the --log
# option and pipe to multilog in order to minimize I/O. This is
# an example daemontools log run file (e.g. /service/tinydns/log/run):
# #!/bin/sh
# exec setuidgid dnslog tinydns-readstats.pl
# If you want pretty logs sent to multilog use the option --logpretty.
# To run multilog you need a log run script something like this:
# #!/bin/sh
# exec setuidgid dnslog tinydns-readstats.pl --logpretty -- multilog t ./main
# If you simply want to use this script to prettify your logs, use the
# --nostats option in your log/run script:
# #!/bin/sh
# exec setuidgid dnslog tinydns-readstats.pl --nostats --logpretty -- multilog t ./main
# You can use this with dnscache now as well,just add the --dnscache
# option (/service/dnscache/log/run):
# #!/bin/sh
# exec setuidgid dnslog tinydns-readstats.pl --dnscache --log -- multilog t ./main
# To query these stats over SNMP use these lines in net-snmp snmpd.conf:
# exec bindstats /bin/cat /home/zoneaxfr/stats/stats_file
# See http://www.campin.net/DNS/graph.html for the rest of what you need to
# graph the stats.
# Hmm, each time I implemented this on a box, the stats file was already
# in place and valid from a prototype version of these scripts. I totally
# spaced on whether it did the right thing when no file existed, the
# script should take some care to make sure things are in order.
# Make sure the file is there, readable, and has some valid values in
# it by running UNIX commands like this:
# $ mkdir -p /home/zoneaxfr/stats
# $ echo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > /home/zoneaxfr/stats/stats_file
# $ chown -R dnslog /home/zoneaxfr/stats
# Just be sure that if your logging account isn't named "dnslog" that
# you substitute the correct username in the chown command ("Gdnslog"
# perhaps).
use Getopt::Long;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use strict;
my $stats_file = "/home/zoneaxfr/stats/stats_file";
my $stats_file_temp = "/home/zoneaxfr/stats/stats_file.temp";
my $stats_flush_interval = 60; # between 60 and 300 seconds is probably best
my $time = time();
my $stats_flush_time = ( $time + $stats_flush_interval );
# Scott Middlebrooks <scott DOT middlebrooks AT harrynorman DOT com> had
# a problem with zombies, contributed the following to reap them
sub REAPER {
my $waitedpid;
while (($waitedpid = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG)) > 0) {
my ( $total, $srv, $any, $a, $ns,
$cname, $soa, $aaaa, $mx, $ptr,
$other, @line,
$oldtotal, $oldsrv, $oldany, $olda, $oldns,
$oldcname, $oldsoa, $oldaaaa, $oldmx, $oldptr,
$total_a, $total_any, $total_srv, $total_total,
$total_ns, $total_soa, $total_cname, $total_aaaa,
$total_mx, $total_ptr,
) = 0;
my (
$DEBUG, $query_types, %opts, $pid, $i, @stats, $dnscache,
%opts = ('log' => 0,
'logpretty' => 0,
'nostats' => 0,
'dnscache' => $dnscache,
'debug' => $DEBUG,
GetOptions (\%opts,
or exit 2;
$DEBUG = $opts{debug};
$dnscache = $opts{dnscache};
die "Can't use both --log and --logpretty at once\n" if $opts{log} and $opts{logpretty};
if ( $opts{log} || $opts{logpretty} ) { # pipe to multilog
$| = 1;
my $command = join " ", @ARGV;
open (MULTI, "|$command") or die "Could not open $command: $!";
my $oldfh = select MULTI;
$| = 1;
select $oldfh;
while (<STDIN>) {
$time = time();
# increment the running total - unless it is a "starting tinydns" line,
# I don't know of any other non-query lines, let me know if there are any
if ($dnscache) {
$total++ if /^query/ ;
} else { # then we're running tinydns
$total++ unless /starting tinydns/ ;
print "INPUT before transformation is $_\n" if $DEBUG;
print MULTI "$_" if $opts{log}; # output for multilog's pleasure
unless ($dnscache) {
# convert addresses in hex to dotted decimal notation.
s/\b([a-f0-9]{8})\b/join(".", unpack("C*", pack("H8", $1)))/eg;
# clean up the rest
s/^([\d.]+):(\w+):(\w+) ([\+\-\/]) \b([a-f0-9]+) \b([-.\w]+)/printQueryLine($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)/e;
print "INPUT after transformation is $_\n" if $DEBUG;
print MULTI "$_" if $opts{logpretty}; # output in pretty format for multilog's pleasure
@line = split(/\s+/); # split it for easy parsing
if ( $line[2] eq "soa" ) { $soa++; last SWITCH; }
if ( $line[2] eq "ptr" ) { $ptr++; last SWITCH; }
if ( $line[2] eq "mx" ) { $mx++; last SWITCH; }
if ( $line[2] eq "a" ) { $a++; last SWITCH; }
if ( $line[2] eq "srv" ) { $srv++; last SWITCH; }
if ( $line[2] eq "ns" ) { $ns++; last SWITCH; }
if ( $line[2] eq "cname" ) { $cname++; last SWITCH; }
if ( $line[2] eq "any" ) { $any++; last SWITCH; }
if ( $line[2] eq "aaaa" ) { $aaaa++; last SWITCH; }
if ( !($opts{nostats}) && ($time >= $stats_flush_time) ) { #flush the stats with a child proc
$stats_flush_time += $stats_flush_interval; # set the time to flush stats again
$pid = fork();
die "Cannot fork: $!" unless defined($pid);
if ($pid == 0) {
# Child process
exit(0); # Child process exits when it is done.
# clear out the stats now that we've flushed them to disk
( $total, $srv, $any, $a, $ns,
$cname, $soa, $aaaa, $mx, $ptr,
$other, @line, ) = 0;
} # else 'tis the parent process, which goes back to processing logs
### subs
sub printQueryLine {
my ($host, $port, $query_id, $flag, $query_type, $query) = @_;
# pad hostname
my $ret = "$host:";
$ret .= hex($port);
$ret .= ":" . hex($query_id);
$ret .= " " . $flag;
$ret .= " " . queryType(hex($query_type)) . " $query";
return $ret;
sub queryType {
my ($type) = shift;
my $ret = "";
# i only list the ones that are in dnscache's dns.h.
($type == 1) && do { $ret = "a"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 2) && do { $ret = "ns"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 5) && do { $ret = "cname"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 6) && do { $ret = "soa"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 12) && do { $ret = "ptr"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 13) && do { $ret = "hinfo"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 15) && do { $ret = "mx"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 16) && do { $ret = "txt"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 17) && do { $ret = "rp"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 24) && do { $ret = "sig"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 25) && do { $ret = "key"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 28) && do { $ret = "aaaa"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 252) && do { $ret = "axfr"; last SWITCH; };
($type == 255) && do { $ret = "any"; last SWITCH; };
do { $ret .= "$type "; last SWITCH; };
return $ret;
sub updateStats {
sysopen(STATS_FILE,"$stats_file", O_RDWR|O_CREAT) ||
die "Sorry, I couldn't open $stats_file for writing: $!\n";
or die "Can't write-lock $stats_file: $!\n";
sysopen(STATS_FILE_TEMP,"$stats_file_temp", O_RDWR|O_CREAT) ||
die "Sorry, I couldn't open $stats_file_temp for writing: $!\n";
or die "Can't write-lock $stats_file_temp: $!\n";
while (<STATS_FILE>) {
@stats = split(/\s+/); # split it for easy parsing
$olda = $stats[0];
$oldptr = $stats[1];
$oldany = $stats[2];
$oldmx = $stats[3];
$oldns = $stats[4];
$oldcname = $stats[5];
$oldsoa = $stats[6];
$oldsrv = $stats[7];
$oldaaaa = $stats[8];
$oldtotal = $stats[9];
print "oldA oldPTR oldANY oldMX oldNS oldCNAME oldSOA oldSRV oldAAAA oldTOTAL\n" if $DEBUG;
print "$olda $oldptr $oldany $oldmx $oldns $oldcname $oldsoa $oldsrv $oldaaaa $oldtotal\n" if $DEBUG;
print "$a $ptr $any $mx $ns $cname $soa $srv $aaaa $total\n" if $DEBUG;
$total_a = ( $olda + $a );
$total_ptr = ( $oldptr + $ptr );
$total_any = ( $oldany + $any );
$total_any = ( $oldany + $any );
$total_mx = ( $oldmx + $mx );
$total_ns = ( $oldns + $ns );
$total_cname = ( $oldcname + $cname );
$total_soa = ( $oldsoa + $soa );
$total_srv = ( $oldsrv + $srv );
$total_aaaa = ( $oldaaaa + $aaaa );
$total_total = ( $oldtotal + $total );
# be careful and truncate it
seek(STATS_FILE_TEMP, 0, 0) or die "can't rewind numfile : $!";
truncate(STATS_FILE_TEMP, 0) or die "can't truncate $stats_file: $!";
print STATS_FILE_TEMP "$total_a $total_ptr $total_any $total_mx $total_ns $total_cname $total_soa $total_srv $total_aaaa $total_total\n";
rename("$stats_file_temp","$stats_file") || die "Can't rename $stats_file_temp to $stats_file: $!";
print "$total_a $total_ptr $total_any $total_mx $total_ns $total_cname $total_soa $total_srv $total_aaaa $total_total\n" if $DEBUG;