#!/usr/bin/perl -p # tinydns log formatting utility # based on Faried Nawaz's logfile formatter for dnscache # by Kenji Rikitake 29-JUL-2000 # please put this on dnscache.com ftp site. # convert addresses in hex to dotted decimal notation. s/\b([a-f0-9]{8})\b/join(".", unpack("C*", pack("H8", $1)))/eg; ### clean up some messages # convert stuff like to something more descriptive. # query tai64n host:port:qid flag qtype thing # keep tai64n header as is - use tai64nlocal to convert it to TAI s/^(@[a-f0-9]+) \b([\d.]+):(\w+):(\w+) ([\+\-\I\/]) \b([a-f0-9]+) \b([-.\w]+)/$1." ".printQueryLine($2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)/e; ### subs sub printQueryLine { my ($host, $port, $query_id, $flag, $query_type, $query) = @_; # pad hostname my $ret = "$host:"; $ret .= hex($port); $ret .= ":" . hex($query_id); $ret .= " " . $flag; $ret .= " " . queryType(hex($query_type)) . " $query"; return $ret; } sub queryType { my ($type) = shift; my $ret = ""; # i only list the ones that are in dnscache's dns.h. SWITCH: { ($type == 1) && do { $ret = "a"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 2) && do { $ret = "ns"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 5) && do { $ret = "cname"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 6) && do { $ret = "soa"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 12) && do { $ret = "ptr"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 13) && do { $ret = "hinfo"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 15) && do { $ret = "mx"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 16) && do { $ret = "txt"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 17) && do { $ret = "rp"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 24) && do { $ret = "sig"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 25) && do { $ret = "key"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 28) && do { $ret = "aaaa"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 252) && do { $ret = "axfr"; last SWITCH; }; ($type == 255) && do { $ret = "any"; last SWITCH; }; do { $ret .= "$type "; last SWITCH; }; } return $ret; }