#! /bin/bash mkdir -p /tmp/check4updates.$$ TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/check4updates.$$/XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1 TMP1=`mktemp /tmp/check4updates.$$/XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1 MAILADDR=admin-dnf # SME 10 EOL message DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) if [ $DATE -ge "20290531" ]; then echo -e "===\n=== URGENT NOTICE:">> $TMPFILE echo -e "=== As per June 30th 2024, SME Server 10 is obsolete, and potentially INSECURE.">> $TMPFILE echo -e "=== Failure to upgrade may lead to the compromise of this server.">> $TMPFILE echo -e "=== NO support will be offered for any issue found with this installed version.">> $TMPFILE echo -e "=== Please migrate IMMEDIATELY to Koozali SME Server 11 or higher version." >> $TMPFILE echo -e "=== Visit https://wiki.koozali.org/SME_Server:Download \n===" >> $TMPFILE fi dnf -e 0 -d 0 check-update > $TMP1 if [ $? = 100 ]; then echo -e "===\n=== dnf reports available updates:\n===" >> $TMPFILE DownloadOnly=$(/sbin/e-smith/config getprop dnf DownloadOnly|| echo "disabled") AutoInstallUpdates=$(/sbin/e-smith/config getprop dnf AutoInstallUpdates|| echo "disabled") if [ $DownloadOnly = "disabled" ] && [ $AutoInstallUpdates = "disabled" ]; then ABRT_IGNORE_PYTHON=1 /usr/bin/dnf-automatic /etc/dnf/automatic.conf --timer --no-installupdates --no-downloadupdates >> $TMPFILE else ABRT_IGNORE_PYTHON=1 /usr/bin/dnf-automatic /etc/dnf/automatic.conf --timer >> $TMPFILE fi # we have updates, let's inform the server-manager /usr/bin/systemctl restart dnf.service fi if [ -s $TMPFILE ]; then if [ "$1" = "-m" ]; then mail -s "Updates available for `hostname`" $MAILADDR < $TMPFILE else echo "Updates available for `hostname`" cat $TMPFILE fi fi rm -f $TMPFILE $TMP1 rm -fr /tmp/check4updates.*