SME Server Developers --------------------- #SME 11 To change files in this directory: # if for binary and images files copy from previous iso and change in place. #if for anaconda original files : - Make the change to the anaconda/updates - Build patches against anaconda as normal - Prep new work directory - When building a new ISO use these changed files From anaconda (make prep) For SME 10 many files are copied as follows for x86_64 cd anaconda- /bin/cp pyanaconda/installclasses/ /build/smeserver/stage/10/x86_64/product/run/install/product/pyanaconda/installclasses/ /bin/cp pyanaconda/installclasses/{koozali,centos,fedora}.py /build/smeserver/stage/10/x86_64/product/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/installclasses/