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SMEServer Koozali developed git repo for smeserver-dynamicdns-yi smeserver



Show list of outstanding bugs: here
And a list of outstanding Legacy bugs: (e-smith-dynamicdns-yi) here


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smeserver-dynamicdns-yi is a software package developed by smeserver Inc. that allows users to create and manage Dynamic DNS (DDNS) records. It has a simple but powerful web-based interface for setting up and managing DDNS records, and provides a secure and reliable way to manage your DNS records. It also offers advanced features such as remote access, email notifications, and automatic updates for DDNS records. With smeserver-dynamicdns-yi, users can easily access their websites from anywhere in the world and keep their DNS records up to date. All in all, smeserver-dynamicdns-yi makes it easy for users to manage their own DNS records without any technical knowledge.