initial commit of file from CVS for smeserver-fetchmail on Sat Sep 7 19:53:47 AEST 2024

This commit is contained in:
Trevor Batley 2024-09-07 19:53:47 +10:00
parent 58cf9b83fd
commit 8fba4dbc1a
59 changed files with 12405 additions and 2 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Makefile for source rpm: smeserver-fetchmail
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2020/10/27 11:43:49 brianr Exp $
NAME := smeserver-fetchmail
SPECFILE = $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec))
define find-makefile-common
for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then if [ -f $$d/CVS/Root -a -w $$/Makefile.common ] ; then cd $$d ; cvs -Q update ; fi ; echo "$$d/Makefile.common" ; break ; fi ; done
MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
# attept a checkout
define checkout-makefile-common
test -f CVS/Root && { cvs -Q -d $$(cat CVS/Root) checkout common && echo "common/Makefile.common" ; } || { echo "ERROR: I can't figure out how to checkout the 'common' module." ; exit -1 ; } >&2
MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(checkout-makefile-common))

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@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
# smeserver-fetchmail
# <img src="" width="25%" vertical="auto" style="vertical-align:bottom"> smeserver-fetchmail
SMEServer Koozali developed git repo for smeserver-fetchmail smecontribs
SMEServer Koozali developed git repo for smeserver-fetchmail smecontribs
## Wiki
<br />
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## Bugzilla
Show list of outstanding bugs: [here](
## Description
<br />*This description has been generated by an LLM AI system and cannot be relied on to be fully correct.*
*Once it has been checked, then this comment will be deleted*
<br />

additional/CHANGELOG.git Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
commit 32c09bcca034480d05bbd45d812d0873df03b70b
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Fri Feb 6 10:41:14 2015 +0100
* Fri Feb 06 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-6.sme
- Corrected a typo in the detection of smtpd port in the template 90fetchmail
commit 904f003ec28bb10a660d146d1bf55a0edfb3b68b
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Fri Feb 6 10:36:15 2015 +0100
* Fri Feb 06 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-5.sme
- Corrected a typo in the detection of smtpd port in the template 90fetchmail
commit c6e92c29a06884441be51fe29c9a3b7a5973704e
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Fri Feb 6 08:37:44 2015 +0100
* Fri Feb 06 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-5.sme
- Corrected a typo in the detection of smtpd port in the template 90fetchmail
commit 3717a94ae4775f5984bd3944dc073d8c4448cb34
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Mon Jan 12 18:33:39 2015 +0100
* Mon Jan 12 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-4.sme
- Add settings if smtpd TCPPort set to a non default value [sme: 8797]
- code done by ecureuil <>
commit bb0828a37bf071891cc8b48505687d60af282e5a
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Sun Nov 2 17:10:01 2014 +0100
* Sun Nov 2 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-3.sme
- Recovery of large attachments with fetchmail [SME:8630]
commit cf19e4d194703cb12ca5f2ba98b947261b0ae85f
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Sun Oct 5 22:09:27 2014 +0200
* Sun Oct 5 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-2.sme
- bug of .gitignore in /etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager/cgi-bin
commit 1eb9409243b91133e5bc6c85002868842573ae48
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Sat Jun 21 13:29:15 2014 +0200
* Sat Jun 21 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-1.sme
- Initial release to sme9
commit 6d1036de57a0b9b111d346480a0acb4a604ff8b0
Author: Stephane de Labrusse <>
Date: Sat Jun 21 13:21:17 2014 +0200
first commit to SME Server 9

additional/COPYING Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

additional/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
smeserver-fetchmail is a contrib for SME Server, a Linux distro oriented server. see

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# $Id: smeserver-fetchmail.spec,v 1.2 2013/07/14 20:52:55 unnilennium Exp $
# Authority: unnilennium
# Name: Jean-Philippe Pialasse
Summary: sme module to generate fetchmail poll
%define name smeserver-fetchmail
Name: %{name}
%define version 1.6
%define release 6
%define smepanel FetchMails
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}%{?dist}
License: GPL
Group: Networking/Daemons
Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
BuildArchitectures: noarch
Requires: smeserver-release >= 9.0
Requires: e-smith-email >= 4.16.0-18
Requires: e-smith-formmagick >= 1.4.0-12
BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools >= 1.13.1-03
Obsoletes: sme-fetchmail
Obsoletes: smeserver-fetchmail-utf8
AutoReqProv: no
* Fri Feb 06 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-6.sme
- Corrected a typo in the detection of smtpd port in the template 90fetchmail
* Mon Jan 12 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-4.sme
- Add settings if smtpd TCPPort set to a non default value [sme: 8797]
- code done by ecureuil <>
* Sun Nov 2 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-3.sme
- Recovery of large attachments with fetchmail [SME:8630]
* Sun Oct 5 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-2.sme
- bug of .gitignore in /etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager/cgi-bin
* Sat Jun 21 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-1.sme
- Initial release to sme9
* Sun Jul 14 2013 JP Pialasse <> 1.4-2.sme
- apply locale 2013-07-14 patch
* Sun Jun 3 2012 JP PIALASSE 1.4-1.sme
- Initial version
sme server enhancement to make fetchmail more useable
perl createlinks
echo "%{version}-%{release}" >root/etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/%{smepanel}/version
(cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
/sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT > %{name}-%{version}-filelist
echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
%files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist

contriborbase Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

createlinks Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use esmith::Build::CreateLinks qw(:all);
# our event specific for updating with yum without reboot
$event = 'smeserver-fetchmail-update';
#add here the path to your templates needed to expand
#see the /etc/systemd/system-preset/49-koozali.preset should be present for systemd integration on all you yum update event
foreach my $file (qw(
templates2events( $file, $event );
#action needed in case we have a systemd unit
event_link('systemd-default', $event, '88');
event_link('systemd-reload', $event, '89');
# functions for manager panel
my $panel = "manager";
panel_link("fetchmail", $panel);
# actions for console-save event:
event_link("user-update-fetchmail", "user-create", "25");
event_link("user-update-fetchmail", "user-modify" ,"25");
event_link("user-update-fetchmail", "user-delete", "90");
event_link("fetchmail-email-group-adjust", "user-delete", "25");
# an event launched if case of routing modification
templates2events("/etc/rc.d/init.d/masq", qw(fetchmail-routing));
# an event launched if case of fetchmail conf change
templates2events("/etc/fetchmail", qw(fetchmail-change));
templates2events("/etc/crontab", qw(fetchmail-change));
templates2events("/etc/startmail", qw(fetchmail-change));
event_link("fetchmail-email-group-adjust", "fetchmail-change", "30");
event_link("conf-fetchmail-group-files", "fetchmail-change", "50");

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# copyright (C) 1999, 2000 e-smith, inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Technical support for this program is available from e-smith, inc.
# Please visit our web site for details.
package esmith;
use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::templates;
# Now regenerate the goodrcpttoo list (can be done only at the end of the process)
esmith::templates::processTemplate (
TEMPLATE_PATH => "/var/service/qpsmtpd/config/goodrcptto",
PERMS => 0644,
UID => "root",
GID => "root",
} );
exit (0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: ft=perl ts=4 sw=4 et:
use strict ;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::ConfigDB ;
use esmith::AccountsDB ;
my $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro
or die "Can't open the Config database : $!\n" ;
my $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro
or die "Can't open the Account database : $!\n" ;
my @users ;
my $fetchmail = $db->get('FetchMails') ;
my $FMStatus = 'disabled' ;
if ( defined $fetchmail ) {
$FMStatus = $fetchmail->prop('status') || 'disabled' ;
# print "$FMStatus\n" ;
# as of version 1.3.4-04, the offending fm% prefix becomes fm_fm-
# PS Apr 30, 2005
# no need to have any .qmail-fm% or .qmail-fm_fm- files
# it's better to suppress all aliases files, in case of
# a user deletion.
# The whole file are recreated after anyway.
opendir ( DIR, "/var/qmail/alias" ) ;
foreach my $fic ( grep( /^.qmail-(fm%|fm_fm-)/, readdir DIR) ) {
unlink "/var/qmail/alias/$fic" ;
closedir ( DIR ) ;
if ( $FMStatus eq 'enabled' ) {
my @users = $accountdb->get('admin');
push @users, $accountdb->users();
foreach my $u ( @users ) {
# print $u->key ;
my $MailCopyTo = '' ;
$MailCopyTo = $u->prop( 'FM-MailCopyTo' ) if ( defined $u->prop( 'FM-MailCopyTo' ) ) ;
my $TransName = '' ;
if ( defined $u->prop( 'FM-TransName' ) ) {
$TransName = $u->prop( 'FM-TransName' ) ;
if ( $TransName ne '' ) {
$TransName =~ s/\s//g ;
$TransName =~ s/:/,/g ;
if ( $MailCopyTo eq '' ) { $MailCopyTo = $TransName }
else { $MailCopyTo = $MailCopyTo . "," . $TransName }
# print "$MailCopyTo\n" ;
if ( $MailCopyTo ne '' ) {
# add the local account only if the account is not a Ghost account
if ( ( $u->prop( 'FM-Ghost' ) || 'NO' ) ne 'YES' ) {
$MailCopyTo = $u->key . "," . $MailCopyTo ;
my $Group = "fm_fm-" . $u->key ;
# PS Oct 25, 2006 : in SME 7, names can contain dot. But Qmail doesn't like dots
# in group filename.
# borrowed in /etc/e-smith/events/actions/qmail-update-group :
# $groupName =~ s/\./:/g;
$Group =~ s/\./:/g;
Members => $MailCopyTo,
OUTPUT_FILENAME => "/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-$Group",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# copyright (C) 1999, 2000 e-smith, inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Technical support for this program is available from e-smith, inc.
# Please visit our web site for details.
package esmith;
use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::templates;
# Now regenerate fetchmail
esmith::templates::processTemplate (
TEMPLATE_PATH => "/etc/fetchmail",
PERMS => 0755,
UID => "root",
GID => "root",
} );
exit (0);

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@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="bg">
<trans>Конфигуриране на изтегляне от външна пощенска кутия</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Този панел позволява конфигурирането на изтегляне на външни пощенски кутии от SME Server. Какво означава това?<br> Някои от потребителите могат да имат външни пощенски кутии. Обикновено, клиентите за електронна поща на отделните работни станции трябва да се конфигурират да теглят поща от тези външни пощенски кутии освен от нормалните пощенски кутии, предоставени от SME server. Като използвате този управляващ панел, SME server може да бъде конфигуриран да тегли (fetch) поща от външни пощенски кутии и тогава автоматично да препраща тези съобщения към вътрешни пощенски кутии. Това прави конфигурирането на клиентите за електронна поща на отделните компютри много лесно.<br> Чрез този метод на изтегляне на поща (и при условие че отделните компютри използват IMAP) значи че тези съобщения ще бъдат архивирани като част от нормалния процес по създаване на резервни копия.<br> Други функции достъпни чрез този панел са:<br> - Една кутия може да бъде разпределяна на повече кутии<br> - Можете да направите 'Призрачен акаунт' : Съобщенията изпращани към този акаунт само ще се разпределят до други пощенски кутии.<br> - записване на събития за пощенски кутии в журанал.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Включи Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail е изключен</trans>
<trans>Изключи Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail е включен</trans>
<trans>Включете достъп до външен POP и IMAP сървър</trans>
<trans>Работните станции във вътрешната LAN не могат да достъпват външни POP и IMAP сървъри</trans>
<trans>Изключете достъп до външен POP и IMAP сървър</trans>
<trans>Работните станции във вътрешната LAN могат да достъпват външни POP и IMAP сървъри</trans>
<trans>Включи достъп до външни SMTP сървъри</trans>
<trans>Работните станции във вътрешната LAN не могат да достъпват външни SMTP сървъри</trans>
<trans>Изключете достъпa до външен SMTP сървър</trans>
<trans>Работните станции във вътрешната LAN могат да достъпват външни SMTP сървъри</trans>
<trans>Форсирай SMTP връзките през SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Работните станции във вътрешната LAN имат директен достъп до външни SMTP сървъри</trans>
<trans>Включи директни връзки до SMTP</trans>
<trans>SMTP връзките от LAN към интернет преминават през proxy на SME server</trans>
<trans>Включи достъпа до външни новинарски сървъри</trans>
<trans>Работните станции във вътрешната LAN не могат да достъпват външни новинарски сървъри</trans>
<trans>Изключване на достъпа към външни новинарски сървъри</trans>
<trans>Работните станции от вътрешната LAN могат да достъпват външни новинарски сървъри</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ По-долу има таблица обобщаваща потребителите на тази система с обобщение на конфигурацията на fetchmail за всеки от тях.<br> Тук можете да създадете, промените и да премахнете правила за fetchmail за всеки потребител. ]]></trans>
<trans>Няма дефинирани потребители в момента.</trans>
<trans>Задаване на общи правила за изтегляне на поща</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Изберете общата информация за акаунтите на fetchmail.<br> Конкретните пощенски кутии за изтегляне ще бъдат зададени на следващите екрани. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Охо ! Няма краен получател за това правило.<br> Съобщенията могат да се доставят в локални акаунти. Този режим е избран ако изберете 'НЕ' за 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Съобщенията могат да се доставят до други локални акаунти. Този режим е избран при отбелязване на един или повече случая в схемата по-долу.<br> Съобщенията могат да се доставят до външна пощенска кутия. Този режим е избран ако електронната поща е зададена в полето 'ел. адрес за препращане'.<br> Трябва да зададете поне един тип получател. ]]></trans>
<trans>Потребителски акаунт</trans>
<trans>Копиране на поща в</trans>
<trans>Това 'призрачен' акаунт ли е (използван само за преразпределение на поща)?</trans>
<trans>Искате ли да правите диагностика на този акаунт (акаунтите на fetchmail се отбелязват в журнала /var/log/maillog)?</trans>
<trans>Искате ли този акаунт да бъде наблюдаван от акаунта 'admin'?</trans>
<trans>Какво искате да правите с ел. съобщения на външни сървъри?</trans>
<trans>Изтегли всички съобщения</trans>
<trans>Прочети съобщенията и и ги остави на сървърите</trans>
<trans>Изтегли само новите съобщения</trans>
<trans>Искате ли да препратите тези съобщения?</trans>
<trans>Изтегли само за този акаунт</trans>
<trans>Изтегли само за този акаунт и препрати към друга пощенска кутия</trans>
<trans>Само препрати всички съобщения към друга пощенска кутия</trans>
<trans>Ел. адрес(и) за препращане на съобщения (формат: xxx@yyy.zzz) За да зададете повече от един адрес ги разделете с двуеточие ':'</trans>
<trans>Задаване на информация за достъпа до външна поща</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Тук можете да зададете информацията, необходима за достъпа до външни пощенски кутии: име на сървъра, съдържащ пощенската кутия, тип на сървъра, име на акаунта, парола. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Име или IP адрес на външния пощенски сървър </trans>
<trans>Протокол за четене на пощата</trans>
<trans>Име на акаунта в пощенския сървър</trans>
<trans>Парола на акаунта в пощенския сървър</trans>
<trans>Опциите които можете да предадете направо на fetchmail. Внимание: тези опции не се проверяват, така че ако не знаете какво правят, по-добре оставете това поле празно!</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (експериментално)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (експериментално)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Това е списък на външните кутии вече конфигурирани за този потребител. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Това не изглежда като валидно име на сървър или IP адрес.<br> За да бъде валидно това поле трябва да съдържа или валидно име на сървър или валиден IP адрес.<br> Валидното име на сървър съдържа между две и пет части разделени от точки '.'<br> За всяка от частите, без последната позволените символи са букви, цифри и '-'. Тези части могат да са с всякакъв размер.<br> За последната част (също наречена tld), са позволени само букви, и частта трябва да съдържа между два и пет символа.<br> Валидния IP адрес се състои от четири цели числа, всяко между 0 и 255. Четирите числа се пишат заедно, разделени с точка. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Охо! Опасявам се че въведохте специален символ, който не е позволен. В тези плета можете да използвате всеки символ с ИЗКЛЮЧЕНИЕ НА pipe '|' и два много специални знака с кодове 0x1E и 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Не можете да оставите празни тези полета 'име на сървъра', 'име на потребителя' и парола на потребителя'. ]]></trans>
<trans>Валидиране на акаунта</trans>
<trans>Пощенски сървър</trans>
<trans>Тип на достъпа до пощата</trans>
<trans>Акаунт за пощенската кутия на сървъра</trans>
<trans>Парола за пощенската кутия на сървъра</trans>
<trans>'Сурови' опции за fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Изтегляне на поща</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ ]]></trans>
<trans>Промените в конфигурацията на Fetchmail бяха записани успешно.</trans>
<trans>Не може да се приложат промените в конфигурацията на Fetchmail.</trans>
<trans>Промените в достъпа до външни POP3 и IMAP4 сървъри от вътрешната мрежа бяха записани успешно.</trans>
<trans>Не може да се приложат промените в конфигурацията за достъп към IMAP и POP3.</trans>
<trans>Промените в достъпа до външни SMTP сървъри от вътрешната мрежа бяха записани успешно.</trans>
<trans>Не може да се приложат промените в конфигурацията на достъпа към SMTP.</trans>
<trans>Промените в достъпа до външни новинарски сървъри от вътрешната мрежа бяха записани успешно.</trans>
<trans>Нe може да се приложат промените в конфигурацията на достъпа към NNTP.</trans>
<trans>Промените в конфигурацията на SME SMTP Proxy бяха записани успешно.</trans>
<trans>Валидиране на промените!</trans>
<trans>Не може да бъде изтеглен запис на fetchmail от базата данни за конфигурация.</trans>
<trans>Не може да се изтегли записа за smtpfront-qmail от базата данни за конфигурация.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Електронния адрес, който въведохте не е валиден.<br> Валидният адрес съдържа само букви, цифри и долна черта в частта за име. В името могат да се използват и '-' и '.', но не в началото или в края. Частта за домейна (в дясно от знака @) трябва да съдържа само главни или малки букви, цифри и и знака '-'. Името на домейна обикновено съдържа между 1 и 4 точки (.). Последната дума (tld) може да съдържа само букви и тя трябва да има най-малко 2 знака, но не повече от 7.<br> Можете да зададете повече от една външни пощенски кутии. В този случай разделете електронните адреси със знака двоеточие ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Външна пощенска кутия</trans>
<trans>Призрачен акаунт</trans>
<trans>Кутия в режим 'диагностика'</trans>
<trans>Кутия под наблюдение</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Информация за графика</h4></center> Изтеглянето на пощата се прави на регулярни интервали. Правилата за графика са същите като правилата, зададени в панела 'Електронна поща'.<br> Ако искате да промените графика, просто го променете в панела 'Електронна поща'.<br> <b>БЕЛЕЖКА!</b>: Ако не използвате ETRN или Multi-Drop, няма да можете да промените графика!<br> За да заобиколите това ограничение, направете следното:<br> - Изберете ETRN и изберете новия график, след което направете 'Запис'.<br> - След това изберете 'Standard (SMTP)' и 'Запис' отново. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

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<lexicon lang="da">
<trans>Konfigurere afhentning af post fra ekstern postkasse</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Dette panel bruges til at konfigurere din SME server til at hente post fra eksterne postkasser. Hvad betyder det?<br> Nogle af dine brugere har måske eksterne postkasse(r). Normalt vil det være nødvendigt at konfigurere hver enkelt klient til at hente post fra disse eksterne postkasser foruden at konfigurere dem til at hente post fra SME serveren. Ved at bruge dette panel, kan SME serveren konfigureres til at hente posten fra eksterne postkasser og dernæst automatisk videresende denne post til interne postkasser. Det gør konfigurationen af postklienter meget let. <br> Ved at bruge denne metode til at hente post (og forudsat at klienterne bruger IMAP) betyder det, at post bliver sikkerhedskopieret som en del af den normale sikkerhedskopiering.<br> Yderligere tilgængelige funktioner under dette panel:<br> - En postkasse kan videresendes til mange postkasser<br> - Du kan oprette "skygge konti": Post sendt til en sådan konto videresendes til andre(s) postkasse(r).<br> - Logning af hændelser for postkasser.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Aktiver Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail er deaktiveret</trans>
<trans>Deaktiver Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail er aktiveret</trans>
<trans>Aktiver adgang til eksterne POP og IMAP servere</trans>
<trans>PC-arbejdspladser på det interne netværk har ikke adgang til eksterne POP og IMAP servere</trans>
<trans>Deaktiver adgang til eksterne POP og IMAP servere</trans>
<trans>PC-arbejdspladser på det interne netværk har adgang til eksterne POP og IMAP servere</trans>
<trans>Aktiver adgang til ekstern SMTP servere</trans>
<trans>PC-arbejdspladser på det interne netværk har ikke adgang til eksterne SMTP servere</trans>
<trans>Deaktiver adgang til ekstern SMTP servere</trans>
<trans>PC-arbejdspladser på det interne netværk har adgang til eksterne SMTP servere</trans>
<trans>Tving SMTP forbindelser til at gå gennem SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>PC-arbejdspladser på det interne netværk har direkte adgang til eksterne SMTP servere</trans>
<trans>Tillad direkte SMTP forbindelser</trans>
<trans>SMTP forbindelser fra netværk til internet sker via proxy på SME server</trans>
<trans>Aktiver adgang til ekstern nyhedsservere</trans>
<trans>PC-arbejdspladser på det interne netværk har ikke adgang til eksterne nyhedsservere</trans>
<trans>Deaktiver adgang til ekstern nyhedsserver</trans>
<trans>Pc-arbejdspladser på det interne lokale netværk har adgang til eksterne nyhedsservere</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Nedenfor er en oversigt over de nuværende brugere defineret i dette system, inklusiv en oversigt over fetchmail konfigurationen for hver bruger.<br> Her kan du oprette, redigere og fjerne fetchmail-regler for enhver bruger. ]]></trans>
<trans>Der er p.t. ikke defineret nogen brugere i dette system.</trans>
<trans>Opret generelle regler for modtagelse af mail</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Vælg de generelle informationer for fetchmail kontoen.<br> De specifikke postkasser til modtagelse angives på de næste skærmbilleder. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Ups ! Der er ikke nogen slutmodtager for denne regel.<br> Post kan leveres til den lokale konto. Det sker hvis du vælger "NEJ" for "Skygge Tilstand".<br> Post kan leveres til andre lokale konti. Denne tilstand vælges ved at aktivere et eller flere afkrydsningsfelter nedenfor.<br> Post kan leveres til en ekstern postkasse. Denne tilstand vælges, hvis der indtastes en e-mail adresse i feltet "E-mail adresse der skal videresendes til".<br> Du skal angive mindst en type modtager. ]]></trans>
<trans>Bruger konti</trans>
<trans>Kopi til</trans>
<trans>Er det en "skygge" konto (bruges kun til at videresende mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Ønsker du af fejlfinde på denne konto (fetchmail aktiviteter registreres i /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Ønsker du at denne konto skal overvåges af "admin" kontoen ?</trans>
<trans>Hvad skal der ske med post på eksterne servere ?</trans>
<trans>Modtag al post</trans>
<trans>Læs posten og lad dem forblive på serverne</trans>
<trans>Modtag kun ny post</trans>
<trans>Ønsker du at videresende denne post ?</trans>
<trans>Modtag kun for denne konto</trans>
<trans>Modtag for denne konto og videresend til anden postkasse</trans>
<trans>Videresend al post til en anden postkasse</trans>
<trans>Postadresse(r) som der skal videresendes til ( format: xxx@yyy.zz ) For at angive mere end en ekstern postkasse, adskil postadresserne med et kolon ":"</trans>
<trans>Angiv adgangsoplysninger for den eksterne postadresse</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Her kan du angive den nødvendige information for adgang til til din eksterne postkasse: Navnet på serveren med postkassen, postservertypen, kontonavn og adgangskode. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Navn eller IP adresse på den eksterne postserver</trans>
<trans>Protokol som skal bruges, når der skal læses post</trans>
<trans>Brugerkonto navn på postserveren</trans>
<trans>Brugerkonto adgangskode på postserveren</trans>
<trans>Parametre som du kan sende direkte til fetchmail. Advarsel: Disse parametre bliver ikke kontrolleret, så hvis du ikke ved, hvad de gør, så bør du lade feltet være tomt!</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Eksperimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Eksperimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Dette er liste over eksterne postkasser som allerede er konfigureret for denne bruger. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Det lader ikke til at være et gyldigt server navn eller IP adresse.<br> For at være gyldigt, skal feltet udfyldes med enten et gyldigt servernavn eller en gyldig IP adresse.<br> Et gyldigt servernavn indeholder mellem 2 og 5 dele, adskilt af punktummer "."<br> For alle dele, bortset fra den sidste, er de tilladte tegn bogstaver(eksl. æ, ø og å), tal og bindestreg "-". Delene kan være alle størrelser.<br> I den sidste del (også kaldet tld) er kun bogstaver tilladt og skal indeholde mellem 2 og 5 bogstaver.<br> En gyldig IP adresse består af tal delt i 4 dele af punktummer, hvert tal mellem 0 og 255. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Ups ! Du har desværre indsat et af de specialtegn som ikke er tilladt. I disse felter kan du bruge alle karakterer, UNDTAGEN pipe | og de 2 meget specielle tegn, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Du kan ikke lade nogen af de 3 felter "server navn", "bruger navn" eller "adgangskode" være tomme. ]]></trans>
<trans>Kontroller konto</trans>
<trans>Post Adgangs Type</trans>
<trans>Server Postkasse konto</trans>
<trans>Server Postkasse Adgangskode</trans>
<trans>"Raw" parametre for fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Modtagelse af mail</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ ]]></trans>
<trans>Dine konfigurationsændringer i Fetchmail er gemt.</trans>
<trans>Ændringerne i konfigurationen af Fetchmail mislykkedes.</trans>
<trans>Din ændringer i adgangen til eksterne POP3 og IMAP4 servere fra det interne netværk er gemt.</trans>
<trans>Det mislykkedes at ændre konfigureringen af IMAP og POP3 adgang.</trans>
<trans>Ændringerne i adgangen til eksterne SMTP servere fra det interne netværk er gemt.</trans>
<trans>Det mislykkedes at ændre konfigurationen af SMTP adgang.</trans>
<trans>Ændringerne i adgangen til eksterne nyhedsservere fra det interne netværk er gemt.</trans>
<trans>Det mislykkedes at ændre konfigurationen af NNTP adgang.</trans>
<trans>Ændringerne i konfigurationen af SME SMTP proxy er gemt.</trans>
<trans>Kontroller ændringerne !</trans>
<trans>Kan ikke modtage oplysninger om fetchmail fra konfigurationdatabasen.</trans>
<trans>Kan ikke modtage oplysninger om smtp-qmail fra konfigurationsdatabasen.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Den E-Mail adresse du gav lader ikke til at være gyldig.<br> En gyldig E-mail adresse indeholder kun bogstaver(eksl. æ, ø og å), tal og understregningstegn i navnedelen. Der kan også være bindestreg "-" og punktum "." i navnet, men ikke i begyndelsen eller enden. Domænedelen (delen til højre for @) må kun bestå af store eller små bogstaver, tal og bindestreg "-". Domænenavnet indeholder normalt mellem 1 og 4 punktummer ".". Det sidste ord kan kun indeholde bogstaver og skal bestå af mindst 2 og højst 5 tegn.<br> Du kan oprette mere end en ekstern postkasse. I så fald skal hver postkasse adskilles med et kolon ":" ]]></trans>
<trans>Ekstern postkasse</trans>
<trans>Skygge konto</trans>
<trans>Fejlfinding for postkasse er aktiveret</trans>
<trans>Overvågning af postkasse er aktiveret</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Information om intervaller</h4></center>Afhentning af post sker med regelmæssige intervaller. Reglerne er de samme som de regler der er sat i panelet "E-Post".<br> Hvis du ønsker at ændre intervallerne, så ændres de under panelet "E-post".<br> <b>BEMÆRK!</b> : Du kan kun ændre intervallerne, hvis du bruger ETRN eller multi-drop!<br> For at omgå denne begrænsning, skal du gøre følgende: <br> - Vælg ETRN og vælg dernæst de nye intervaller og gem ændringerne. <br> - Vælg så "Standard (SMTP)" og gem igen. ]]></trans>
<trans>Bekræft, at du ønsker at ændre Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Bekræft, at du ønsker at ændre status på adgang til ekstern IMAP og POP</trans>
<trans>Bekræft, at du ønsker at ændre status på adgang til ekstern NNTP</trans>

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<lexicon lang="de">
<trans><![CDATA[ Einstellungen für den Empfang externer Mailboxen <p> <align=right><a target="new" href="">Online-Handbuch</a> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Hier können die Einstellungen für den Empfang externer Mailboxen auf dem SME-Server vorgenommen werden. Was heißt das? Einige Benutzer haben eine oder mehrere externe Mailboxen. FetchMail erlaubt, Mails von diesen Mailboxen zentral auf dem SME-Server zu empfangen und den Benutzern in deren SME-Mailbox bereitzustellen.<br> Zusätzlich zur ohnehin vorhandenen Backup-Funktion können mit FetchMail folgende weitere Funktionen eingestellt werden :<br> - Verteilung einer Mailbox auf mehrere Mailboxen<br> - Es kann ein 'versteckter Benutzer' erstellt werden, dessen empfangene Mails immer an eine oder mehrere andere Mailboxen verteilt werden.<br> - Ereignisse in den Mailboxen können geloggt werden.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Fetchmail einschalten</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail ist ausgeschaltet</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail ausschalten</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail ist eingeschaltet</trans>
<trans>Zugang zu externen POP und IMAP-Servern einschalten</trans>
<trans>Stationen im internen Netz haben keinen Zugang zu externen POP und IMAP-Servern</trans>
<trans>Zugang zu externen POP und IMAP-Servern ausschalten</trans>
<trans>Stationen im internen Netz haben Zugang zu externen POP und IMAP-Servern</trans>
<trans>Zugang zu externen SMTP-Servern einschalten</trans>
<trans>Stationen im internen Netz haben keinen Zugang zu externen SMTP-Servern</trans>
<trans>Zugang zu externen SMTP-Servern ausschalten</trans>
<trans>Stationen im internen Netz haben Zugang zu externen SMTP-Servern</trans>
<trans>SMTP-Verbindungen über den SME-Proxy erzwingen</trans>
<trans>Stationen im internen Netz haben direkten Zugang zu externen SMTP-Servern</trans>
<trans>Direkte SMTP-Verbindungen zulassen</trans>
<trans>SMTP-Verbindungen vom LAN ins Internet sind durch den SME-Proxy zugelassen</trans>
<trans>Zugang zu externen News-Servern einschalten</trans>
<trans>Stationen im internen Netz haben keinen Zugang zu externen News-Servern</trans>
<trans>Zugang zu externen News-Servern ausschalten</trans>
<trans>Stationen im internen Netz haben Zugang zu externen News-Servern</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Es folgt eine Tabelle mit den aktuell im System registrierten Benutzern und eine Zusammenfassung der FetchMail-Einstellungen für jeden Benutzer.<br> Hier können die FetchMail-Regeln für die Benutzer erstellt, geändert und gelöscht werden. ]]></trans>
<trans>Derzeit sind keine Benutzer auf diesem System definiert.</trans>
<trans>Einstellen allgemeiner Regeln für den Mail-Empfang</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Auswahl der allgemeinen Informationen für die FetchMail-Benutzer.<br> Die Details zum Mail-Empfang können in der nächsten Seite eingestellt werden. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! Keine Regeln für den Empfang definiert.<br> Mails können an den lokalen Benutzer ausgelifert werden. Dieser Modus wird bei Auswahl von 'Nein' für den 'Ghost Mode' ausgewählt.<br> Mails können an andere lokale Benutzer ausgeliefert werden. Dieser Modus wird auswählt, wenn in der Tabelle ein oder mehrere Kästchen neben den Benutzern angeklickt werden.<br> Mails können an externe Mailboxen ausgeliefert werden. Dieser Modus wird ausgewählt, wenn im Feld 'E-Mail-Adresse weiterleiten an' eine E-Mail-Adresse eingetragen wird.<br> Der Mail-Empfang muss wenigstens auf eine Art eingestellt werden. ]]></trans>
<trans>Benutzer Account</trans>
<trans>Mail-Kopie an</trans>
<trans>Ist es ein 'versteckter Benutzer' (nur zur Mail-Weiterleitung) ?</trans>
<trans>Sollen Mail-Ereignisse dieses Benutzers in /var/log/maillog) geloggt werden ?</trans>
<trans>Soll dieser Benutzer durch den 'admin' kontrolliert werden ?</trans>
<trans>Was soll mit Mails auf externen Servern passieren ?</trans>
<trans>Alle Mails empfangen</trans>
<trans>Mails lesen und auf externen Servern belassen</trans>
<trans>Nur neue Mails empfangen</trans>
<trans>Sollen diese Mails weitergeleitet werden ?</trans>
<trans>Keine Weiterleitung, nur für diesen Benutzer empfangen</trans>
<trans>Für diesen Benutzer empfangen und an andere Mailbox weiterleiten</trans>
<trans>Nicht empfangen, aber immer an andere Mailbox weiterleiten</trans>
<trans>An Email-Adresse(n) weiterleiten ( Format : xxx@yyy.zz ). Bei mehr als einer externen Adresse bitte mit Semikolon':' trennen.</trans>
<trans>Informationen für den Zugang zu externen Mails</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Hier müssen die Informationen für den Zugang zu externen Mailboxen hinterlegt werden : Name des Servers, der die Mailbox enthält, Typ des Mailservers, Benutzer-Name, Benutzer-Passwort. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name des externen Mail-Servers</trans>
<trans>Verwendetes Mail-Protokoll</trans>
<trans>Benutzer-Name auf dem externen Mail-Server</trans>
<trans>Benutzer-Passwort auf dem externen Mail-Server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL POP (Experimentell)</trans>
<trans>SSL IMAP (Experimentell)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Liste der bereits eingerichtetn externen Mailboxen für diesen Benutzer. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Dies scheint kein gültiger Servername oder IP-Adresse zu sein.<br> Dieses Feld muß entweder einen gültigen Servernamen oder eine gültige IP-Adresse enthalten.<br> Ein gültiger Servername besteht aus zwei bis fünf durch Punkte '.' getrennte Teile.<br> In allen Teilen mit Ausnahme des letzten sind nur Buchstaben, Zahlen und '-' erlaubt. Diese Teile dürfen beliebig lang sein.<br> Für den letzten Teil (auch tld genannt) sind nur Buchstaben erlaubt, und zwar zwei bis sieben.<br> Eine gültige IP-Adresse besteht aus vier dezimalen Ganzzahlen, jede zwischen 0 und 255. Diese vier Zahlen werden verbunden mit je einem Punkt. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops! Es wurden nicht zugelassene Zeichen eingegeben. In diesem Feld dürfen alle Zeichen mit AUSNAHME von Pipe '|' und den zwei sehr speziellen Zeichen 0x1E und 0x1F eingegeben werden. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Die Eingabefelder 'Server-Name', 'Benutzer-Name' und 'Benutzer-Passwort' dürfen nicht leer sein. ]]></trans>
<trans>Benutzer überprüfen</trans>
<trans>Typ des Mail-Zugangs</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Konto</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>E-Mail mit FetchMail</trans>
<trans>Änderungen der FetchMail-Konfiguration wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.</trans>
<trans>Die FetchMail-Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden.</trans>
<trans>Die Änderungen für den Zugang zu externen POP3 und IMAP4-Servern wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.</trans>
<trans>Die Änderungen für den Zugang zu externen POP3 und IMAP4-Servern konnten nicht gespeichert werden.</trans>
<trans>Die Änderungen für den Zugang zu externen SMTP-Servern wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.</trans>
<trans>Die Änderungen für den Zugang zu externen SMTP-Servern konnten nicht gespeichert werden.</trans>
<trans>Die Änderungen für den Zugang zu externen News-Servern wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.</trans>
<trans>Die Änderungen für den Zugang zu externen News-Servern konnten nicht gespeichert werden.</trans>
<trans>Die Änderungen für die SME SMTP Proxy Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.</trans>
<trans>Vorherige Seite</trans>
<trans>Änderungen speichern</trans>
<trans>Kein FetchMail-Datensatz in den Einstellungen enthalten.</trans>
<trans>Kein smtpfront-qmail-Datensatz in den Einstellungen enthalten.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Die eingegebene E-Mail Adresse scheint nicht gültig zu sein.<br> Eine gültige E-Mail Adresse enthält nur Buchstaben, Zahlen oder Unterstriche im Namensteil. Ebenso dürfen '-' und '.' im Namensteil verwendet werden, aber nicht am Anfang oder Ende. Der Domänenteil (rechts vom @ Zeichen) darf nur Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben, Zahlen und das '-' Zeichen enthalten. Der Domänename enthält normalerweise zwischen 1 und 4 Punkte (.) Zeichen. Der letzte Teil (die tld) darf nur zwischen 2 und 7 Buchstaben enthalten.<br> Sie können mehr als eine externe Mailbox setzen. In diesem Fall separieren Sie jede E-Mail-Adresse mit einem Doppelpunkt ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Externe Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Versteckter Benutzer</trans>
<trans>Mailbox im 'Kontroll' -Modus</trans>
<trans>Mailbox unter Betreuung</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Information zum Zeitplan</h4></center> Der E-Mail-Abrufmodus findet in geplanten Zeitintervallen statt. Die Regeln für diesen Zeitplan können unter 'E-Mails' eingestellt werden.<br> Aber Achtung: Bei Benutzung von ETRN oder Multi-Drop kann der Zeitplan für den E-Mail-Empfang nicht geändert werden !<br> In diesem Fall folgendermaßen vorgehen :<br> - Erst unter E-Mail Abrufmodus ETRN auswählen und dann den neuen Zeitplan mit 'Speichern' absichern.<br> - Erst danach unter E-Mail Abrufmodus 'Standard (SMTP)' auswählen und erneut mit 'Speichern' absichern. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="el">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Λόγοι αποτυχίας</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
<lexicon lang="en-us">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What
does this mean?<br>
Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on
individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external
mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server.
Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external
mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This
makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br>
Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations
are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br>
Other functions available through this panel are:<br>
- A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br>
- You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are
distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br>
- logging of events for a mailboxes.<br>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
Below is a table summarizing the current
users defined on this system with a summary of
the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br>
Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for
any user.
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br>
The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens.
Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br>
Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected
if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br>
Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by
checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br>
Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected
if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br>
You must set at least one kind of recipient.
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are
logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz )
To set more than one external address, just separate them
with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
Here you can set the information needed to access your
external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox,
type of mailbox server, account name, account password.
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
This is the list of external mailboxes already configured
for this user.
This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br>
To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br>
A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br>
For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'.
The parts can be of any size.<br>
For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part
must contain between two and seven characters.<br>
A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four
numbers are put together, separated by one dot.
Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we
cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|'
and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F.
You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name'
or 'user passord' empty.
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>'Raw' options for fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been
saved successfully.
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers
from the internal network has been saved successfully.
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration
of IMAP and POP3 access.
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers
from the internal network has been saved successfully.
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration
of SMTP access.
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers
from the internal network has been saved successfully.
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration
of NNTP access.
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration
has been saved successfully.
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration
The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br>
A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part.
There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end.
The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and
lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains
between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters.
The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and
it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br>
You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each
e-mail address with a colon ':'
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center>
E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling
rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br>
If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the
E-Mail panel.<br>
<b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop,
you cannot change the schedule !<br>
To work around this limitation, do the following :<br>
- Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br>
- Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again.
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="es">
<trans>Configurar Recuperación de Casilla Externa</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Habilitar Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail esta Deshabilitado</trans>
<trans>Deshabilitar Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail esta Habilitado</trans>
<trans>Habilitar Acceso a Servidor Externo POP e IMAP</trans>
<trans>La estaciones de trabajo en la red interna LAN no pueden acceder a servidores externos POP e IMAP</trans>
<trans>Deshabilitar Acceso a Servidores Externos POP e IMAP</trans>
<trans>La estaciones de trabajo en la red interna LAN pueden acceder a servidores externos POP e IMAP</trans>
<trans>Habilitar Acceso a Servidor Externo SMTP</trans>
<trans>La estaciones de trabajo en la red interna LAN no pueden acceder a servidores externos SMTP</trans>
<trans>Deshabilitar Acceso a Servidor Externo SMTP</trans>
<trans>La estaciones de trabajo en la red interna LAN pueden acceder a servidores externos SMTP</trans>
<trans>Forzar conexiones SMTP a través del Proxy SME</trans>
<trans>La estaciones de trabajo en la red interna LAN tienen acceso directo a servidores externos SMTP</trans>
<trans>Permitir conexiones SMTP directas</trans>
<trans>Las conexiones SMTP desde la LAN a Internet pasan a través del proxy del servidor SME</trans>
<trans>Habilitar acceso a servidor externo de noticias</trans>
<trans>La estaciones de trabajo en la red interna LAN no pueden acceder a servidores externos de Noticias</trans>
<trans>Deshabilitar acceso a servidor de noticias externo</trans>
<trans>Los ordenadores de la red interna LAN pueden acceder a los servidores de Noticias externos</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>Actualmente no hay usuarios definidos en este sistema.</trans>
<trans>Configuración general de reglas de recuperación de correo</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>Cuenta de Usuario</trans>
<trans>Copiar correo a</trans>
<trans>¿ Es ésta una cuenta ghost (sólo utilizada para redistribuir los correos) ?</trans>
<trans>¿ Desea depurar esta cuenta (las acciones de fetchmail son registradas en /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>¿ Desea que esta cuenta sea monitoreada por la cuenta de 'admin' ?</trans>
<trans>¿ Qué desea hacer con los E-Mails de los servidores externos ?</trans>
<trans>Recuperar todos los correos</trans>
<trans>Leer correos y dejarlos en los servidores</trans>
<trans>Recuperar solamente nuevos correos</trans>
<trans>¿ Desea reenviar estos correos ?</trans>
<trans>Recuperar sólo para esta cuenta</trans>
<trans>Recuperar para esta cuenta y reenviar a otra casilla</trans>
<trans>Reenviar todos los correos a otra casilla única</trans>
<trans>Dirección(es) de Email para reenviar correos ( formato : xxx@yyy.zz ) Para configurar más direcciones externas, separarlas con dos puntos ':'</trans>
<trans>Establecer información de acceso de correo externo</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Nombre o IP del servidor de correo externo</trans>
<trans>Protocolo utilizado para leer los correos</trans>
<trans>El nombre de cuenta de usuario en el servidor de correo</trans>
<trans>La contraseña de cuenta de usuario en el servidor de correo</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validar Cuenta</trans>
<trans>Servidor de Correo</trans>
<trans>Tipo de Acceso al Correo</trans>
<trans>Cuenta de la Casilla del Servidor</trans>
<trans>Contraseña de la Casilla del Servidor</trans>
<trans>Razones de la falla</trans>
<trans>Recuperación de Correo</trans>
<trans>Sus cambios en la configuración de Fetchmail han sido guardados correctamente.</trans>
<trans>Imposible aplicar los cambios de configuración de Fetchmail.</trans>
<trans>Su cambio para el acceso a los servidores externos POP3 e IMAP4 desde la red interna ha sido guardado correctamente.</trans>
<trans>Imposible aplicar los cambios a la configuración de acceso IMAP y POP3</trans>
<trans>Su cambio para el acceso a servidores externos SMTP desde la red interna ha sido guardado correctamente.</trans>
<trans>Imposible aplicar los cambios a la configuración de acceso SMTP.</trans>
<trans>Sus cambios para el acceso a los servidores externos de Noticias desde la red interna han sido guardados correctamente.</trans>
<trans>Imposible aplicar los cambios a la configuración de acceso NNTP.</trans>
<trans>Sus cambios de configuración del Proxy SME SMTP han sido guardados correctamente.</trans>
<trans>¡ Validar Cambios !</trans>
<trans>No se puede recuperar el registro fetchmail desde la base de datos de configuración.</trans>
<trans>No se puede recuperar el registro smtpfront-qmail desde la base de datos de configuración.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Casilla Externa</trans>
<trans>Cuenta Ghost</trans>
<trans>Casilla en modo 'depuración'</trans>
<trans>Casilla bajo supervisión.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="et">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Reasons for failure</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="fr">
<trans>Configuration de la récupération de BALs externes</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Vous pouvez ici configurer la récupération de boites aux lettres externes sur votre serveur SME. Qu'est ce à dire ?<br> Certains de vos utilisateurs peuvent disposer de boites aux lettres situées sur des serveurs différents de votre serveur SME. D'ici, vous pouvez demander à votre serveur SME de récupérer le contenu de ces BALS dans des BALS de SME. Ceci présente l'avantage de gérer toute la configuration 'lourde' sur le serveur SME, permettant une configuration aisée du poste utilisateur. Ceci permet également le backup et le passage à l'antivirus des Mails via le serveur SME (Si vos clients utilisent IMAP et/ou WEBMAIL pour accéder à leur messagerie, et si votre serveur est doté d'un anti-virus et de sauvegardes !)<br> Ce panneau vous permet en outre d'autres opérations :<br> - Le contenu d'une boite peut être distribuée dans plusieurs boites additionnelles.<br> - Vous pouvez créer des boites 'fantômes : elles ne stockent rien, et ne font que de la redistribution.<br> - Il est possible de logguer les opérations sur une ou plusieurs boites.<br> - ... ]]></trans>
<trans>Activer la récupération de messages</trans>
<trans>La récupération de messages est désactivée</trans>
<trans>Désactiver la récupération de messages</trans>
<trans>La récupération de messages est activée</trans>
<trans>Autoriser l'accès POP3 et IMAP4</trans>
<trans>L'accès aux serveurs POP3 et IMAP4 externes depuis le réseau interne est bloqué</trans>
<trans>Interdire l'accès POP3 et IMAP4</trans>
<trans>L'accès aux serveurs POP3 et IMAP4 externes depuis le réseau interne est autorisé</trans>
<trans>Autoriser l'accès SMTP</trans>
<trans>L'accès aux serveurs SMTP externes depuis le réseau interne est bloqué</trans>
<trans>Interdire l'accès SMTP</trans>
<trans>L'accès aux serveurs SMTP externes depuis le réseau interne est autorisé</trans>
<trans>Connexions SMTP par le Proxy SME</trans>
<trans>Les Stations du LAN connectent directement les serveurs SMTP externes</trans>
<trans>Connexions SMTP directes</trans>
<trans>Les stations du LAN connectent les serveurs SMTP externes via le Proxy SME</trans>
<trans>Autoriser l'accès aux News</trans>
<trans>L'accès aux serveurs de News externes depuis le réseau interne est bloqué</trans>
<trans>Désactiver l'accès aux News</trans>
<trans>L'accès aux serveurs de News externes depuis le réseau interne est autorisé</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Vous trouverez ci-après un tableau avec la liste des utilisateurs définis sur ce serveur et un résumé de la configuration de la récupération de messages pour chacun d'eux.<br> Vous pourrez ici créer, modifier ou supprimer la configuration de cette récupération de messages pour chaque compte. ]]></trans>
<trans>Il n'y a pas de comptes définis sur ce système.</trans>
<trans>Paramètres généraux de récupération de messages</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Indiquez ici les paramètres généraux de récupération pour ce compte de messagerie.<br> Les coordonées des comptes externes seront renseignées page suivante. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! Il n'y a pas de destinataire final désigné pour cette règle.<br> Les courriels peuvent être distribués dans la boite du compte courant. Ce choix est validé en répondant 'non' à la question : 'Est-ce un compte fantôme'.<br> Les courriels peuvent être distribuées dans d'autres boites locales. Ce choix est validé en cochant une ou plusieurs des cases se trouvant dans le tableau plus bas.<br> Les courriels peuvent être renvoyés vers une adresse de courriel externe. Ce choix est validé par la présence d'une adresse courriel dans le champ 'Adresse pour le transfert des messages'<br> Vous devez choisir au moins une de ces trois solutions. ]]></trans>
<trans>Compte Utilisateur</trans>
<trans>Copier les messages vers</trans>
<trans>Est-ce un compte 'fantôme' (qui ne sert qu'à redistribuer les messages) ?</trans>
<trans>Voulez vous debugger ce compte (les opérations seront tracées dans le fichier /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Voulez vous monitorer ce compte via le compte Admin?</trans>
<trans>Quelle opération souhaitez vous effectuer sur les messages dans les boites externes ?</trans>
<trans>Récupérer tous les messages</trans>
<trans>Copier les messages et les laisser sur le serveur</trans>
<trans>Récupérer les nouveaux messages seulement</trans>
<trans>Voulez vous transférer les mails entrants ?</trans>
<trans>Récupérer pour ce compte uniquement</trans>
<trans>Récupérer pour ce compte et transférer vers une adresse de messagerie</trans>
<trans>Transférer les messages vers une adresse de messagerie uniquement</trans>
<trans>Adresse(s) pour le transfert des messages ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) Si vous avez plus d'une adresse de mail externe, séparez les par des double-point ':'</trans>
<trans>Configuration des Boites aux lettres externes</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> C'est ici que vous indiquez les références des boites aux lettres que vous souhaitez récupérer :<br> serveur, type de messagerie, nom du compte, mot de passe. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Nom ou adresse IP du serveur de messagerie externe</trans>
<trans>Protocole à utiliser pour lire les messages</trans>
<trans>Le nom du compte de messagerie sur le serveur</trans>
<trans>Le mot de passe du compte de messagerie sur le serveur</trans>
<trans>Options à passer directement à Fetchmail. Attention : ces options ne sont pas vérifiées, ainsi si vous ne savez pas ce que c'est, vous devez probablement laisser ceci vide !</trans>
<trans>Pop par ssl (Expérimental)</trans>
<trans>Imap par ssl (Expérimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Ceci est la liste des comptes externes déjà défini pour cet utilisateur. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Ceci ne semble pas être un nom ou une adresse IP de serveur valide.<br> Ce champ doit contenir soit un nom de serveur soit une adresse IP.<br> Un nom de serveur doit comprendre entre 2 et 5 groupes de caractères, séparés par des points '.'.<br> Les premiers groupes peuvent contenir des lettres, des chiffres et le signe moins '-' . <br> Le dernier groupe (à droite) peut contenir entre 2 et 5 lettres.<br> Une adresse IP valide est constituée de 4 nombres entiers compris entre 0 et 255, séparés par des points. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Votre saisie comprend des caractères interdits : Vous pouvez saisir dans ce champ n'importe quel caractère mis à part la barre verticale ( | ) et deux caractères très spéciaux (normalement insaisissables) dont voici la valeur hexadécimale : 0x1E et 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Vous ne pouvez laisser vide aucun des trois champs "nom de serveur", "nom de compte" ou "mot de passe de compte". ]]></trans>
<trans>Validation de ce compte</trans>
<trans>Serveur de messagerie</trans>
<trans>Type d'accès au serveur</trans>
<trans>compte sur le serveur</trans>
<trans>mot de passe sur le serveur</trans>
<trans>Options 'brutes' pour fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Récupération de mails</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ ]]></trans>
<trans>Vos changements à la configuration de la récupération de messages ont bien étés appliqués.</trans>
<trans>Impossible d'appliquer les changements de configuration de récupération de messages.</trans>
<trans>Vos changements de mode d'accès POP3 et IMAP4 ont bien étés pris en compte.</trans>
<trans>Impossible d'appliquer les changements de configuration de mode d'accès POP3 et IMAP4.</trans>
<trans>Vos changements de mode d'accès SMTP ont bien étés pris en compte.</trans>
<trans>Impossible d'appliquer les changements de configuration de mode d'accès SMTP.</trans>
<trans>Vos changements de mode d'accès NNTP ont bien étés pris en compte.</trans>
<trans>Impossible d'appliquer les changements de configuration de mode d'accès NNTP.</trans>
<trans>Vos changements de configuration du Proxy SMTP ont bien étés pris en compte.</trans>
<trans>Valider les changements !</trans>
<trans>Impossible de récupérer l'enregistrement de configuration de fetchmail dans la base de données de configuration.</trans>
<trans>Impossible de récupérer l'enregistrement de configuration de smtpfront-qmail dans la base de données de configuration.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ L'adresse de messagerie que vous avez saisi ne semble pas conforme.<br> Une adresse de messagerie conforme ne contient que des lettres, des chiffres et le symbole souligné "_ "<br> Il peut également y avoir des signes moins "-" et point "." mais pas au début ni à la fin. <br>La partie 'domaine' (la partie à droite du signe "@" ) ne peut contenir que des lettres, des chiffres et le signe moins "-". <br>Cette partie doit contenir entre 1 et 4 points ".". <br>La dernière partie ( entre le dernier point et la droite de l'adresse ) doit comprendre entre 2 et 5 lettres en minuscules. <br>Vous pouvez indiquer plus d'une adresse de mail externe. Il suffit de séparer chaque adresse par un double-point ":" ]]></trans>
<trans>Boite externe</trans>
<trans>Compte 'fantôme'</trans>
<trans>Boite en mode 'debug'</trans>
<trans>boite sous supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Informations de planification</h4></center> La récupération de messages est faite à intervalles réguliers. Les règles de planifications sont les mêmes que celles définies dans le panneau 'Courrier électronique'.<br> Si vous souhaitez modifier la planification, changez celle-ci dans le panneau 'Courrier électronique'.<br> Mais il y a un truc ! Si vous n'utilisez pas le mode ETRN ou le mode multidrop, vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer les changements de planification.<br> Dans ce cas, procédez ainsi :<br> 1) Choisissez le mode ETRN et faites votre nouvelle planification. Enregistrez vos changements.<br> 2) Immédiatement après, choisissez à nouveau le mode 'standard' et enregistrez à nouveau. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirmer que vous voulez changer le statut de Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Confirmer que vous voulez changer le statut du filtrage du trafic externe IMAP et POP</trans>
<trans>Confirmer que vous voulez changer le statut du filtrage du trafic externe NNTP</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="he">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>סיבות לכשלון</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="hu">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="id">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Alasan gagal</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="it">
<trans>Configura recupero da Caselle Email Esterne</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Questo pannello ti permette di configurare il recupero da caselle di email esterne al tuo Server. Cosa significa? Alcuni dei tuoi utenti potrebbero avere delle caselle email esterne. È più conveniente recuperare e smistare le email da queste caselle nel tuo Server locale. Questo ti permette di avere una configurazione molto semplice sulle postazioni degli utenti, che devono configurare un unico account, sul tuo server locale..<br> Ti permette inoltre di effettuare il backup di queste email sul server locale (se la postazione dell'utente usa IMAP e se fai il backup del tuo server, naturalmente!).<br> Ma questo pannello ti offre anche altre funzioni:<br> - Una casella email può essere distribuita a molte caselle<br> - Puoi creare un 'Account Fantasma': le email inviate a questo account sono esclusivamente distribuite ad altre caselle email.<br> - si può tenere uno storico degli eventi di una casella email.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Abilita Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail è disabilitato</trans>
<trans>Disabilita Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail è abilitato</trans>
<trans>Abilita l'accesso ai server esterni POP e IMAP</trans>
<trans>Le postazioni della LAN interna non possono accedere ai server POP e IMAP esterni</trans>
<trans>Disabilita l'accesso ai server POP e IMAP esterni</trans>
<trans>Le postazioni della LAN interna possono accedere ai server POP e IMAP esterni</trans>
<trans>Abilita l'accesso ai server SMTP esterni</trans>
<trans>Le postazioni della LAN interna non possono accedere ai server SMTP esterni</trans>
<trans>Disabilita l'accesso ai server SMTP esterni</trans>
<trans>Le postazioni della LAN interna possono accedere ai server SMTP esterni</trans>
<trans>Forza le connessioni SMTP attraverso il Proxy di SME</trans>
<trans>Le postazioni della LAN interna possono accedere DIRETTAMENTE ai server SMTP esterni</trans>
<trans>Permetti le connessioni dirette SMTP</trans>
<trans>Le connessioni SMTP dalla LAN verso Internet passano attraverso il Proxy sul server</trans>
<trans>Abilita l'accesso ai server NNTP esterni</trans>
<trans>Le postazioni della LAN interna possono accedere ai server NNTP esterni</trans>
<trans>Disabilita l'accesso ai server NNTP esterni</trans>
<trans>Le postazioni della LAN interna possono accedere ai server NNTP esterni</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Di seguito troverai una tabella che riassume gli utenti attualmente definiti in questo sistema ed un sommario della configurazione di scaricamento posta per ogni utente.<br> Da qui puoi creare, modificare e rimuovere le regole di scaricamento posta per ogni utente. ]]></trans>
<trans>Non ci sono attualmente utenti definiti in questo sistema.</trans>
<trans>Imposta le regole generali di recupero della posta</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Seleziona le informazioni generali per gli account di recupero posta esterna.<br> Le caselle specifiche da recuperare saranno impostate nelle prossime schermate. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups! Non esiste un destinatario finale per questa regola.<br> Le email possono essere smistate all'account locale. Questo modo può essere impostato se scegli 'NO' per il 'Modo Fantasma'.<br> Le email possono essere smistate ad altri account locali. Questo modo può essere impostato selezionando uno o più casi dalla tabella seguente.<br> Le email possono essere smistate ad una casella esterna. Questo modo può essere impostato se si inserisce un'email nel campo 'Indirizzo cui inoltrare le email'.<br> Devi impostare almeno un tipo di regola. ]]></trans>
<trans>Account Utente</trans>
<trans>Invia copia delle email a</trans>
<trans>È un account 'fantasma' (solo per redistribuire le email) ?</trans>
<trans>Vuoi effettuare il debug di questo account (le azioni di recupero posta saranno loggate in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Vuoi che questo account sia monitorato dall'account 'admin' ?</trans>
<trans>Cosa vuoi fare con le email sui server esterni ?</trans>
<trans>Recupera tutte le email</trans>
<trans>Leggi le email e lasciale sui server</trans>
<trans>Recupera solo le email nuove</trans>
<trans>Vuoi inoltrare queste email?</trans>
<trans>Recupera solo per questo account</trans>
<trans>Recupera per questo account ed inoltra ad un'altra casella email</trans>
<trans>Inoltra solamente tutte le email ad un'altra casella email</trans>
<trans>Gli indirizzi email cui inoltrare le email ( formato : xxx@yyy.zz ) Per impostare più di un indirizzo esterno, semplicemente separali con il carattere ':'</trans>
<trans>Imposta le informazioni di accesso alle email esterne</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Qui puoi impostare le informazioni necessarie ad accedere alle tue caselle email esterne : Nome del server dove risiede la casella email, il tipo di server email, il nome dell'account, e la password dell'account. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Nome o IP Address del server mail esterno</trans>
<trans>Protocollo da usare per leggere le email</trans>
<trans>Il nome utente dell'account sul server email</trans>
<trans>La password dell'account sul server email</trans>
<trans>Parametri che possono essere inviati direttamente a fetchmail. Attenzione: questi parametri non vengono verificati, quindi se non siete certi di quel che fate lasciate questo campo vuoto!</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Sperimentale)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Sperimentale)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Questo è un elenco delle caselle email esterne già configurate per questo utente. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Questo non sembra essere un nome o IP Address di server valido.<br> Un nome di server valido contiene da 2 a 5 parti separate da punti '.'<br> Per tutte le parti, tranne l'ultima, i caratteri permessi sono lettere, numeri e '-'. Le parti possono essere di qualsiasi lunghezza.<br> Per l'ultima parte (chiamata anche tld), sono ammesse solo lettere, e deve contenere da 2 a 5 caratteri. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! Spiacente, hai appena inserito uno dei caratteri che non sono ammessi. In queste caselle, puoi usare qualsiasi carattere a parte la 'pipe' '|' e due caratteri molto speciali, 0x1E e 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Non puoi lasciare vuote nessuna delle tre caselle 'nome server', 'nome utente' e 'password utente' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Convalida Account</trans>
<trans>Server Email</trans>
<trans>Tipo di accesso Email</trans>
<trans>Account della casella sul Server</trans>
<trans>Password della casella sul Server</trans>
<trans>Opzioni 'Raw' per fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Recupero Email</trans>
<trans>I tuoi cambiamenti alla configurazione di scaricamento posta sono stati salvati con successo.</trans>
<trans>Impossibile applicare i cambiamenti alla configurazione di scaricamento posta.</trans>
<trans>I tuoi cambiamenti di accesso a server POP3 e IMAP4 esterni dalla rete interna sono stati salvati con successo.</trans>
<trans>Impossibile applicare i cambiamenti alla configurazione di accesso a IMAP e POP3.</trans>
<trans>I tuoi cambiamenti di accesso a server SMTP esterni dalla rete interna sono stati salvati con successo.</trans>
<trans>Impossibile applicare i cambiamenti alla configurazione di accesso a SMTP.</trans>
<trans>I tuoi cambiamenti di accesso a server NNTP esterni dalla rete interna sono stati salvati con successo.</trans>
<trans>Impossibile applicare i cambiamenti alla configurazione di accesso a NNTP.</trans>
<trans>I tuoi cambiamenti alla configurazione del Proxy SMTP sono stati salvati con successo.</trans>
<trans>Convalida i cambiamenti!</trans>
<trans>Non posso recuperare il record fetchmail dal database di configurazione.</trans>
<trans>Non posso recuperare il record smtpfront-qmail dal database di configurazione.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ L'indirizzo email che hai fornito non sembra essere valido.<br> Un indirizzo email valido contiene solo lettere, numeri e trattini di sottolineatura nella parte del nome. Possono esserci anche '-' e '.' nel nome, ma non all'inizio o alla fine. La parte di dominio (a destra del simbolo @) dovrebbe contenere solo caratteri maiuscoli, minuscoli, numeri e '-'. Il nome dovrebbe contenere da 1 a 4 punti. L'ultima parola (il tld) può contenere solo lettere e dovrebbe avere almeno 2 caratteri, ma non più di 5.<br> Puoi impostare più di una casella email esterna. In questo caso, separa semplicemente ogni indirizzo email con ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Casella Email esterna</trans>
<trans>Account Fantasma</trans>
<trans>Casella Email in modalità 'debug'</trans>
<trans>Casella Email sotto supervisione</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Informazioni di programmazione</h4></center> Il recupero delle email è fatto ad intervalli regolari. Le regole di programmazione sono le stesse di quelle impostate nel pannello 'Email'.<br> Se vuoi cambiare la programmazione, semplicemente cambiala dal pannello Email.<br> Ma c'è un trucco : se non usi ETRN o Multi-Drop, non puoi cambiare la programmazione !<br> In questo caso, fai come segue :<br> - Seleziona ETRN e seleziona la tua nuova programmazione, quindi 'Salva'.<br> - Subito dopo, seleziona 'Standard (SMTP)' e 'Salva' di nuovo. ]]></trans>
<trans>Conferma la modifica dello stato di Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Conferma il cambio di stato del filtro traffico esterno IMAPe POP</trans>
<trans>Conferma il cambio di stato del filtro traffico esterno NNTP</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="ja">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>'Raw' options for fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="nb">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Grunner til feil</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="nl">
<trans>Configureer externe postbus ophaling</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Fetchmail aanzetten</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail staat uit</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail Uitzetten</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail staat Aan</trans>
<trans>Externe POP en IMAP server toegang aanzetten</trans>
<trans>Werkstations op het interne LAN hebben geen toegang tot externe POP en IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Externe POP en IMAP server toegang uitzetten</trans>
<trans>Werkstations op het interne LAN hebben toegang tot externe POP en IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Externe SMTP server toegang aanzetten</trans>
<trans>Werkstations op het interne LAN hebben geen toegang tot externe SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Externe SMTP server toegang uitzetten</trans>
<trans>Werkstations op het interne LAN hebben toegang tot externe SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Forceer SMTP verbindingen via the SME proxy</trans>
<trans>Werkstations op het interne LAN hebben rechtstreekse toegang tot externe SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Directe SMTP verbindingen toestaan</trans>
<trans>SMTP verbindingen van LAN naar Internet worden ge-proxied door de SME server</trans>
<trans>Toegang tot externe nieuws servers aanzetten</trans>
<trans>Werkstations op het interne LAN hebben geen toegang tot externe nieuws servers</trans>
<trans>Toegang tot externe nieuws servers uitzetten</trans>
<trans>Werkstations op het interne LAN hebben toegang tot externe nieuws servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>Er zijn op dit moment geen gebruikers gedefinieerd op dit systeem.</trans>
<trans>Zet algemene regels voor het ophalen van post</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>Post kopiëren naar</trans>
<trans>Is dit een 'geest' account (die alleen gebruikt wordt om post te her-distributeren)?</trans>
<trans>Wilt u fouten opsporen in dit account (fetchmail acties worden opgeslagen in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Wilt u dit account laten monitoren door het 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>Wat wilt u doen met berichten op externe servers ?</trans>
<trans>All post ophalen</trans>
<trans>Lees post en laat het op de server</trans>
<trans>Alleen nieuwe post ophalen</trans>
<trans>Wilt u deze post doorsturen?</trans>
<trans>Alleen voor deze account ophalen</trans>
<trans>Voor deze account ophalen en doorsturen naar een andere postbus</trans>
<trans>Alleen doorsturen naar een andere postbus</trans>
<trans>E-mail adres(en) voor het doorsturen van post ( formaat : xxx@yyy.zz ) Om meer dan één extern adres in te stellen dient u ze te scheiden met een dubbele punt ':'</trans>
<trans>Externe post toegangsinformatie instellingen</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Naam of IP adres van de externe mail server</trans>
<trans>Te gebruiken protocol voor lezen van post</trans>
<trans>De gebruiker accountnaam op de mail server</trans>
<trans>Het gebruikersaccount wachtwoord op de mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimenteel)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimenteel)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Account valideren</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Post Toegangs Type</trans>
<trans>Server postbusaccount</trans>
<trans>Server postbuswachtwoord</trans>
<trans>Reden voor mislukken</trans>
<trans>Post ophalen</trans>
<trans>Uw verandering aan de Fetchmail configuratie zijn met succes opgeslagen.</trans>
<trans>Aanpassen van de Fetchmail configuratie was niet mogelijk.</trans>
<trans>Uw veranderingen voor het toegankelijk maken van externe POP3 en IMAP4 servers vanuit het interne netwerk zijn met succes opgeslagen.</trans>
<trans>Aanpassen van de configuratie veranderingen voor IMAP an POP3 toegang was niet mogelijk.</trans>
<trans>Uw aanpassingen op de toegang tot externe SMTP servers vanuit het interne netwerk zijn met succes opgeslagen.</trans>
<trans>Aanpassen van de configuratie verandering voor SMTP toegang was niet mogelijk.</trans>
<trans>Uw aanpassingen op de toegang tot externe nieuws servers vanuit het interne netwerk zijn met succes opgeslagen.</trans>
<trans>Aanpassen van de configuratie veranderingen voor NNTP toegang was niet mogelijk.</trans>
<trans>Uw aanpassingen aan de SME SMTP Proxy configuratie zijn met succes opgeslagen.</trans>
<trans>Controleer veranderingen !</trans>
<trans>Kon geen fetchmail record lezen van de configuratiedatabank.</trans>
<trans>Kon geen smtpfront-qmail record lezen van de configuratiedatabank.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Externe postbus</trans>
<trans>Geest account</trans>
<trans>Postbus in 'debug' stand</trans>
<trans>Postbus onder supervisie</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="pl">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>'Raw' options for fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="pt-br">
<trans>Configurar Busca de Caixa Postal Externa</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Este painel permite a configuração de busca em caixas postais externas. O que isso significa?<br> Alguns de seus usuário podem ter outras contas de e-mail externas. Normalmente os clientes de e-mail em cada micro tem que ser configurados para fazer download destas contas e também da conta no servidor SME. Usando este painel de controle, o servidor SME pode ser configurado para buscar as mensagens nestas caixas externa e então enviá-las automaticamente para as caixas internas. Isto faz a configuração dos clientes de e-mail nos micros locais muito simples. <br> Usando este método de busca de e-mails (e assumindo que os micros da rede local estarão usando IMAP) significará que todos e-mail terão backup como parte do processo normal de backup que ocorrerá no servidor..<br> Outras funções disponível através deste painel são:<br> - Uma caixa postal pode ser distribuida para muitas caixas postais<br> - Você pode criar uma 'Conta fantasma': e-mail enviados para esta conta serão distribuidos para outras caixas-postais.<br> - logging de eventos para caixas-postais.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Habilitar Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail está desabilitado</trans>
<trans>Desabilitar Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail está Habilitado</trans>
<trans>Habilitar acesso a servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna não podem acessar servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Desabilitar acesso a servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna podem acessar servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Habilitar acesso a servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna não podem acessar servidores SMTP externos</trans>
<trans>Desabilitar acesso a servidores SMTP externos</trans>
<trans>Estações na LAN podem acessar servidores SMTP externos</trans>
<trans>Forçar conexões SMTP através do Proxy do SME</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna tem acesso direto a servidores SMTP externos</trans>
<trans>Permite conexões SMTP diretas</trans>
<trans>Conexões SMTP a partir da rede interna para a internet passam pelo proxy do servidor SME</trans>
<trans>Habilitar acesso a servidores de news externos</trans>
<trans>Estações da rede interna não podem acessar servidores de News externos</trans>
<trans>Desabilitar acesso servidor de news externo</trans>
<trans>Estações da rede interna podem acessar servidores de news externos</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Abaixo está uma tabela que resume os usuários definidos atualmente neste sistema com a configuração do fetchmail para cada um.Aqui você pode criar, modificar e remover regras de fetchmail para qualquer usuário. ]]></trans>
<trans>Atualmente não há usuários definidos neste sistema.</trans>
<trans>Definir regras gerais de busca de e-mail.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Selecione a informação geral para as contas do fetchmail.<br> As caixas postais específicas para busca serão definidas nas próximas telas. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! Não há destinatário final para esta regra.E-mails podem ser entregues para a conta local. Este modo será selecionado se você escolher 'NÃO' para o 'Modo Fantasma'.<br>E-mails podem ser entregues para outras contas locais. Este modo será selecionado se você marcar uma ou mais caixas no gráfico abaixo.<br>E-mails podem ser entregues para uma caixa postal externa. Este modo é selecionado se um e-mail é definido no campo 'Endereço de e-mail para encaminhar mensagens' .<br> Você deve definir ao menos um tipo de destinatário. ]]></trans>
<trans>Conta do Usuário</trans>
<trans>Copiar e-mail para</trans>
<trans>Esta é uma 'conta fantasma' (usada somente para redistribuir e-mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Você deseja ativar o debug para esta conta (ações do fetchmail serão logadas no arquivo /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Você deseja que esta conta seja monitorada pela conta 'admin' ?</trans>
<trans>O que você deseja fazer com os e-mails que estão nos servidores externos ?</trans>
<trans>Buscar todos e-mails</trans>
<trans>Ler os e-mail e deixá-los nos servidores</trans>
<trans>Buscar apenas os e-mails novos</trans>
<trans>Você deseja encaminhar estes e-mails ?</trans>
<trans>Buscar somente para esta conta</trans>
<trans>Buscar para esta conta e encaminhar para outra conta de e-mails</trans>
<trans>Apenas encaminhar todos e-mails para outra conta de e-mails.</trans>
<trans>Endereço(s) de e-mail para encaminhar os e-mails (o formato é xxx@yyy.zz). Para definir mais de um endereço externo, apenas separe-os com o sinal de dois pontos ':'</trans>
<trans>Definir informações de acesso ao e-mail externo</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Aqui você define as informações necessárias para acessar as caixas postais externas: Nome do servidor armazenando a caixa postal, tipo de servidor de e-mail, nome da conta e sua senha. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Nome ou endereço IP do servidor de e-mail externo</trans>
<trans>Protocolo para usar quando lendo e-mails</trans>
<trans>A conta de usuário no servidor de e-mail</trans>
<trans>A senha do usuário no servidor de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Opções que você pode passar diretamente ao fetchmail. Atenção: estas opções não são verificadas, então se você não sabe o que isso é, você provavelmente deveria deixar esse campo em branco!</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Esta é a lista de caixas postais externas já configuradas para este usuário </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Este não parece ser um nome de servidor válido ou endereço IP válido.Para ser válido este campo deve conter um nome de servidor válido ou um endereço de IP válido. <br> Um nome de servidor válido contém entre duas e cinco partes separadas por pontos '.'<br> Para todas as partes exceto a última, os caracteres permitidos são letras, números e o hifen '-'. As partes podem ser de qualquer tamanho.<br> Para a última parte (também chamada de TLD), somente letras são permitidas e a parte deve conter entre dois e sete caracteres.<br> Um endereço IP válido é feito de quatro números decimais inteiros, cada um entre 0 e 255. Os quatro números são organizados juntos, separando-os com um ponto '.' ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Ooops ! Eu receio que você digitou um dos caracteres especiais que não podemos permitir. Nestes campos, você pode usar qualquer caracter EXCETO pipe '|' e outros dois caracteres muito especiais, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Você não pode deixar nenhum dos três campos em branco: 'nome do servidor', 'nome do usuário' e 'senha do usuário'. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validar Conta</trans>
<trans>Servidor de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Tipo de acesso ao e-mail</trans>
<trans>Usuário da caixa postal no servidor</trans>
<trans>Senha da caixa postal no servidor</trans>
<trans>opções 'Raw' para o fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Busca de e-mail</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ ]]></trans>
<trans>Suas alterações na configuração do Fetchmail foram salvas com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Incapaz de aplicar as mudanças na configuração do Fetchmail.</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações no acesso externo a servidores POP3 e IMAP4 a partir da rede interna foram salvas com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Incapaz de aplicar as mudanças de configuração no acesso POP3 e IMAP4.</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações do acesso a servidores SMTP externos a partir da rede interna foi salva com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Incapaz de aplicar as mudanças na configuração do acesso SMTP.</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações do acesso a servidores NEWS externos a partir da rede interna foi salva com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Incapaz de aplicar as mudanças na configuração do acesso NNTP.</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações para a configuração de Proxy SMTP do SME foram salvas com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Validar Mudanças !</trans>
<trans>Não consigo buscar registro fetchmail do banco de dados de configurações.</trans>
<trans>Não consigo buscar registro smtpfront-qmail do banco de dados de configurações.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ O endereço de e-mail que você forneceu não parece ser válido.Um e-mail válido contém apenas letras, dígitos e sublinhados na parte do nome. O nome também pode conter '-' e '.' mas não no início ou no fim. A parte do domínio (a direita do simbolo @) deve conter apenas letras minusculas ou maiúsculas, números e o caractere '-' . O domínio normalmente contém entre 1 e 4 pontos ('.'). A última palavra (chamada TLD) somente pode conter letras e deve ter ao menos 2 caracteres e não mais do que 7.<br> Você pode definir mais do que uma caixa postal externa. Neste caso, apenas separe os endereços de e-mail usando o símbolo ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Caixa Postal Externa</trans>
<trans>Conta fantasma</trans>
<trans>Caixa Postal em modo 'debug'</trans>
<trans>Caixa Postal sob supervisão</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Informação de programação</h4></center> A busca do e-mail é feita em intervalos regulares. As regras para programação são as mesmas regras definidas no painel 'E-Mails'.<br> Se você gostaria de mudar a programação simplesmente a mude no painel de e-mail .<br> <b>NOTA!</b> : Se você não usa ETRN ou Multi-Drop, você não pode mudar a programação!<br> Para contornar essa limitação, faça o seguinte:<br> - Selecione ETRN e mude a nova programação e escolha 'Salvar'.<br> - Depois selecione 'SMTP Padrão' e salve-a novamente. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="pt">
<trans>Configurar Busca de Caixa Postal Externa</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Habilitar Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail está desabilitado</trans>
<trans>Desabilitar Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail está Habilitado</trans>
<trans>Habilitar acesso a servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna não podem acessar servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Desabilitar acesso a servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna podem acessar servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Habilitar acesso a servidores POP e IMAP externos</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna não podem acessar servidores SMTP externos</trans>
<trans>Desabilitar acesso a servidores SMTP externos</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna podem acessar servidores SMTP externos</trans>
<trans>Forçar conexões SMTP através do Proxy do SME</trans>
<trans>Estações na rede interna tem acesso direto a servidores SMTP externos</trans>
<trans>Permite conexões SMTP diretas</trans>
<trans>Conexões SMTP a partir da rede interna para a internet passam pelo proxy do servidor SME</trans>
<trans>Habilitar acesso a servidores de news externos</trans>
<trans>Estações da rede interna não podem acessar servidores de News externos</trans>
<trans>Desabilitar acesso servidor de news externo</trans>
<trans>Estações da rede interna podem acessar servidores de news externos</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>Atualmente não há usuários definidos neste sistema.</trans>
<trans>Definir regras gerais de busca de e-mail.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>Conta do Usuário</trans>
<trans>Copiar e-mail para</trans>
<trans>Esta é uma 'conta fantasma' (usada somente para redistribuir e-mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Você deseja ativar o debug para esta conta (ações do fetchmail serão logadas no arquivo /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Você deseja que esta conta seja monitorada pela conta 'admin' ?</trans>
<trans>O que você deseja fazer com os e-mails que estão nos servidores externos ?</trans>
<trans>Buscar todos e-mails</trans>
<trans>Ler os e-mail e deixá-los nos servidores</trans>
<trans>Buscar apenas os e-mails novos</trans>
<trans>Você deseja encaminhar estes e-mails ?</trans>
<trans>Buscar somente para esta conta</trans>
<trans>Buscar para esta conta e encaminhar para outra conta de e-mails</trans>
<trans>Apenas encaminhar todos e-mails para outra conta de e-mails.</trans>
<trans>Endereço(s) de e-mail para encaminhar os e-mails (o formato é xxx@yyy.zz). Para definir mais de um endereço externo, apenas separe-os com o sinal de dois pontos ':'</trans>
<trans>Definir informações de acesso ao e-mail externo</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Nome ou endereço IP do servidor de e-mail externo</trans>
<trans>Protocolo para usar quando lendo e-mails</trans>
<trans>A conta de usuário no servidor de e-mail </trans>
<trans>A senha do usuário no servidor de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validar Conta</trans>
<trans>Servidor de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Tipo de acesso ao e-mail</trans>
<trans>Usuário da caixa postal no servidor</trans>
<trans>Senha da caixa postal no servidor</trans>
<trans>Razões pela falha</trans>
<trans>Busca de e-mail</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações na configuração do Fetchmail foram salvas com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Incapaz de aplicar as mudanças na configuração do Fetchmail.</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações no acesso externo a servidores POP3 e IMAP4 a partir da rede interna foram salvas com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Incapaz de aplicar as mudanças de configuração no acesso POP3 e IMAP4.</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações do acesso a servidores SMTP externos a partir da rede interna foi salva com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Incapaz de aplicar as mudanças na configuração do acesso SMTP.</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações do acesso a servidores NEWS externos a partir da rede interna foi salva com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Incapaz de aplicar as mudanças na configuração do acesso NNTP.</trans>
<trans>Suas alterações para a configuração de Proxy SMTP do SME foram salvas com sucesso.</trans>
<trans>Validar Mudanças !</trans>
<trans>Não consigo buscar registro fetchmail do banco de dados de configurações.</trans>
<trans>Não consigo buscar registro smtpfront-qmail do banco de dados de configurações.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Caixa Postal Externa</trans>
<trans>Conta fantasma</trans>
<trans>Caixa Postal em modo 'debug'</trans>
<trans>Caixa Postal sob supervisão</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="ro">
<trans>Configurați importul de Mailuri externe</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Acest panou configurează importul de mailuri externe de către serverul SME Ce înseamnă aceasta?<br> Unii din utilizatorii serverului pot avea si conturi externe. De obicei, clientii de mail de la fiecare utilizator trebuei configurat să preia aceste mailuri externe. Utilizând acest panou de control, serverul SME poate fi configurat să preia mailurile din conturile externe direct în contul local al utilizatorului. Aceasta înlesnțte configurarea clienților locali.<br> Utilizând această metodă de import (și presupunând ca clienții de mail sunt setați in mod IMAP) înseaamnă ca mailurile vor fi salvate ca parte integrantă a salvărilor curente.<br> Alte funcționalități disponibile prin acest panou:<br> - O adresă poate fi redistribuită mai multor adrese<br> - Puteți crea 'Cont Fantomă' : Mailurile destinate acetui cont vor fi redistribuite altor conturi.<br> - rapoare pentru evenimetele casutelor de mail.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Activați import de mesaje</trans>
<trans>Importul de mailuri este dezactivat</trans>
<trans>Dezactivați import mailuri</trans>
<trans>Importul de mailuri este dezactivat</trans>
<trans>Activați acces la POP și IMAP extern</trans>
<trans>Stațiile de lucru din LAN nu pot accesa servere POP și IMAP externe</trans>
<trans>Dezactivați acces la serverul POP și IMAP din exterior </trans>
<trans>Stațiile de lucru din LAN pot accesa servere POP și IMAP externe</trans>
<trans>Activati accesul la serverul SMTP din exterior</trans>
<trans>Stațiile de lucru din LAN nu pot accesa servere SMTP externe</trans>
<trans>Dezactivati accesul la serverul SMTP din exterior</trans>
<trans>Stațiile de lucru din LAN pot accesa servere SMTP externe</trans>
<trans>Forțați conexiunile SMTP prin proxy-ul SME</trans>
<trans>Stațiile de lucru din LAN au acces direct la servere externe SMTP</trans>
<trans>Permiteți conexiuni directe SMTP</trans>
<trans>Conexiunile SMTP din LAN sunt fortate prin SME Proxy de pe server</trans>
<trans>Activați accesul la servere de știri externe</trans>
<trans>Stațiile de lucru din LAN nu pot accesa servere de știri externe</trans>
<trans>Dezactivați accesul extern la serverul de știri</trans>
<trans>Stațiile de lucru din rețeaua internă pot accesa servere de știri externe</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Mai jos este un tabel ce insumează utilizatorii curenți cu un sumar al setarilor de fetchmail pentru fiecare.<br> Aici puteți crea, modifica sau șterge regulile de fetchmail ale oricarui utilizator. ]]></trans>
<trans>Deocamdată nu sunt definiți utilizatori în sistem.</trans>
<trans>Setări generale de reguli de preluare mail</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Setați informațiile generale pentru conturile de preluare mail extern.<br> Setările specifice se vor efectua în următoarea pagină. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! Nu există destinatar final pentru această regulă.<br> Mailurile pot fi livrate contului actual. Acest mod este selectat in cazul în care alegeți 'NU' pentru 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails pot fi livrate altor conturi locale. Acest mod este selectat când bifați una sau mai multe selecțiuni din opțiunile de mai jos.<br> Mailurile pot fi livrate unui cont extern. Acest mod este selectat dacă cîmpul "Adresă externă de retransmitere" este completat.<br> Trebuie setat cel puțin un destinatar. ]]></trans>
<trans>Cont utilizator</trans>
<trans>Copiază mailul către</trans>
<trans>Este un cont 'fantomă' (doar pentu a redistribui mailurile) ?</trans>
<trans>Vreți să faciți debug la acest cont (actiunile de fethcmail vor fi notate în /var/log/mailog) ?</trans>
<trans>Doriți ca acest cont să fie monitorizat de contul de 'admin' ?</trans>
<trans>Ce doriți să se înâmple cu E-Mailurile de pe serverele externe ?</trans>
<trans>Importă toate mailurile</trans>
<trans>Citeste mailurile și lasă-le pe servere</trans>
<trans>Importă numai mailurile noi</trans>
<trans>Vreți sa retransmiteți aceste mailuri?</trans>
<trans>Importă doar pentru contul acesta</trans>
<trans>Importă pentru acest cont și retransmite la un alt cont de mail</trans>
<trans>Retransmite toate mailurile la un alt cont de mail</trans>
<trans>Adresa(e) de mail unde să retransmită ( format xxx@yyy.zz ) Pentru a seta mai multe adrese externe separați-le cu punct și virgulă (;) </trans>
<trans>Setați informațiile de acces ale mailului extern</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Aici puteți seta informațiile necesare de acces a contului de mail extern :Numele serverului, tipul servedrului, numele contului, parola contului. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Numele sau IP-ul serverului extern</trans>
<trans>Protocolul utilizat pentru citirea mailurilor</trans>
<trans>Numele contului utilizatorului pe serverul de mail</trans>
<trans>Parola utilizatorului pe serverul de mail</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL POP (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL IMAP (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Aceasta este lista casuțelor de mail deja configurate pentru acest utilizator. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Aceasta nu apre a fi un nume sau adresa de IP valide.<br> Pentru a fi valid, acest câmp trebuie să conțină fie un nume de server valid fie o adresa IP corectă.<br> Un nume de server conține într două și cinci părți alfanumerice separate prin puncte '.'<br> Pentru toate parțile mai puțin ultima, caracterele permise sunt litere, sumere și '-'. Părțile pot fi de orice dimensiune.<br> Pentru ultima parte (denumită tld), sunt eprmise numai litere, iar partea cuprinde între două și șapte caractere.<br> O adresă IPvalidă este constituită din patru numere intregi fiecare între 0 și 255. cele patru numere sunt unite la un loc, separate de un punct. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! Ați introdus caractere speciale ce nu sunt permise. în aceste câmpuri puteți utiliza orice caracter EXCEPȚIE bară '|' și cele două caractere speciale, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Nu puteți lăsa nici unul din câmpurile 'nume server', 'nume utilizator' sau 'user parola' gol. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validați cont</trans>
<trans>Server Mail</trans>
<trans>Tip de acces mail</trans>
<trans>Cont de mail pe server</trans>
<trans>Parolă căsuță poștală</trans>
<trans>Motivele de eşec</trans>
<trans>Inport mailuri</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ ]]></trans>
<trans>Modificările efectuate asupra Importului de mailuri au fost salvate cu succes.</trans>
<trans>Imposibil de aplicat modificările pentru importuld e mailuri</trans>
<trans>Modificările accesului la serverele POP3 și IMAP4 din rețeaua internă a fost salvate cu succes.</trans>
<trans>Imposibil de aplicat modificările configurației de acces POP3 și IMAP4.</trans>
<trans>Modificările accesului la serverul exterior SMTP din rețeaua internă s-au salvat cu succes.</trans>
<trans>Imposibil de aplicat modificările confugurărilor de acces SMTP</trans>
<trans>Modificările accesului la serverul exterior de stiri din rețeaua internă s-au salvat cu succes.</trans>
<trans>Imposibil de aplicat modificările confugurărilor de acces NNTP</trans>
<trans>Modificările Proxy-ului SME SMTP s-au salvat cu succes.</trans>
<trans>Validați modificări!</trans>
<trans>Nu pot prelua setări de import mailuri din baza de date de configurări.</trans>
<trans>Nu pot prelua inregistrările smtpfront-qmail din baza de configurări.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Adresa E-Mail furnizată pare a nu fi validă.<br> O adresă E-Mail validă conține doar literenumere si sublinieri în zona de nume . Pot exista deasemenea '-' și '.' în nume, dar nu la început sau sfârșit. Partea de domeniu (în dreapta semnului @ ) trebuie să conțină litere, numere, și cratimă '-' . Numele de domeniu conține de obicei între 1 și 4 puncte (.) . Ultimul cuvânt (tld-ul) poate conține doar litere și are intre 2 si 7 caractere.<br> Puteți seta mai mult de o adresă externa. În acest caz, separați-le cu punct și virgulă ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Adresa mail externă</trans>
<trans>Cont fantomă</trans>
<trans>Căsuță mail in mod 'debug'</trans>
<trans>Căsuță mail sub supraveghere</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Informații ale programarilor</h4></center> Importul de E-mailuri se face la intervale regulate. Regulile de programare sunt aceleași ca și regulile setate în panoul 'E-mails'.<br> Dacă doriți schimbarea programărilor, schimbați-le în panoul E-Mail.<br> <b>NOTĂ!</b> : Dacă nu folosiți ETRN sau Multi-Drop, nu puteți schimba programarea !<br> Ca să evitați acest neajuns, procedați astfel :<br> - Selectați ETRN și setați noua programare apoi 'Salvați'.<br> - Apoi setați 'Standard (SMTP)' și 'Salvați' din nou. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="ru">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Причины сбоев</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="sl">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Vzrok za napako</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="sv">
<trans>Konfigurera hämtning från extern e-postlåda</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Aktivera Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail är avaktiverad</trans>
<trans>Avaktivera Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail är aktiverad</trans>
<trans>Aktivera åtkomst till extern POP och IMAP-server</trans>
<trans>Arbetsstationer på det interna nätverket kan inte komma åt externa POP och IMAP-servrar</trans>
<trans>Avaktivera åtkomst till extern POP och IMAP-server</trans>
<trans>Arbetsstationer på det interna nätverket kan komma åt externa POP och IMAP-servrar</trans>
<trans>Aktivera åtkomst till extern SMTP-server</trans>
<trans>Arbetsstationer på det interna nätverket kan komma åt externa SMTP-servrar</trans>
<trans>Avaktivera åtkomst till extern SMTP-server</trans>
<trans>Arbetsstationer på det interna nätverket kan komma åt externa SMTP-servrar</trans>
<trans>Tvinga SMTP-anslutningar genom SME:s Proxy</trans>
<trans>Arbetsstationer på det interna nätverket har direktaccess till externa SMTP-servrar</trans>
<trans>Tillåt direkta SMTP-anslutningar</trans>
<trans>SMTP-anslutningar från internt nätverk till Internet går genom proxy på SME-servern</trans>
<trans>Tillåt åtkomst till extern nyhetsserver</trans>
<trans>Arbetsstationer på det interna nätverket har inte åtkomst till externa nyhetsservrar</trans>
<trans>Avaktivera åtkomst till extern nyhetsserver</trans>
<trans>Arbetsstationer på det interna nätveret har åtkomst till externa nyhetsservrar</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>Det finns för närvarande inga användare definierade på detta system.</trans>
<trans>Ange generella regler för hämtning av mail</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>Skicka kopia till</trans>
<trans>Är det ett 'spök'-konto (som endast används för att vidarebefordra e-post) ?</trans>
<trans>Vill du felsöka detta konto (fetchmailhändelser loggas i /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Vill du att detta konto skall övervakas av 'admin'-kontot ?</trans>
<trans>Vad vill du göra med e-postmeddelanden på externa servrar ?</trans>
<trans>Hämta alla e-postmeddelanden</trans>
<trans>Läs e-postmeddelanden och lämna kvar dem på servrarna</trans>
<trans>Hämta endast nya e-postmeddelanden</trans>
<trans>Vill du vidarebefordra dessa e-postmeddelanden ?</trans>
<trans>Hämta endast för detta kontot</trans>
<trans>Hämta för detta konto och vidarebefordra till annan e-postlåda</trans>
<trans>Vidarebefordra endast alla e-postmeddelanden till annan e-postlåda</trans>
<trans>E-postadress(er) som skall vidarebefordras till (format : xxx@yyy.zz ). För att ange mer än en extern adress, separera dem med ett kolon ':'</trans>
<trans>Ange åtkomstinformation till det externa e-postkontot</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Namn eller IP-adress på den externa e-postservern</trans>
<trans>Protokoll som skall användas vid läsning av e-postmeddelanden</trans>
<trans>Användarkontot på mailservern</trans>
<trans>Lösenordet för kontot på mailservern</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL POP (Experimentel)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimentel)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validera konto</trans>
<trans>Åtkomsttyp för e-post</trans>
<trans>Mailkonto på servern</trans>
<trans>Mailkontots lösenord på servern</trans>
<trans>Skäl vid misslyckande</trans>
<trans>Hämtning av mail</trans>
<trans>Dina ändringar av Fetchmails konfiguration har genomförts.</trans>
<trans>Kunde inte genomföra ändringarna av Fetchmails konfiguration.</trans>
<trans>Din ändring av åtkomst av externa POP3 och IMAP-servrar från det lokla nätverket har genomförts.</trans>
<trans>Kunde inte genomföra ändringarna av konfigurationen för IMAP och POP3 åtkomst.</trans>
<trans>Din ändring av åtkomst till externa SMTP-servrar från det interna nätverket har genomförts.</trans>
<trans>Kunde inte genomföra ändringar av konfigurationen för SMTP åtkomst.</trans>
<trans>Dina ändringar för åtkomst till externa nyhetsservrar från det lokla nätverket har genomförts.</trans>
<trans>Kunde inte genomföra ändringar av konfigurationen för NNTP åtkomst.</trans>
<trans>Dina ändringar av konfigurationen för SME SMTP proxyn har genomförts.</trans>
<trans>Validera ändringar !</trans>
<trans>Kan inte hämta Fetchmaildata från konfigurationsdatabasen.</trans>
<trans>Kan inte hämta smtpfront-qmaildata från konfigurationsdatabasen.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>Extern e-postlåda</trans>
<trans>E-postlådan i felsökningsmod</trans>
<trans>E-postlådan under övervakning</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="th">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="tr">
<trans>Configure External Mailbox Retrieval</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>Enable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Disabled</trans>
<trans>Disable Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail is Enabled</trans>
<trans>Enable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External POP and IMAP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external POP and IMAP servers</trans>
<trans>Enable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Disable External SMTP server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Force SMTP connections through the SME Proxy</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN have direct access to external SMTP servers</trans>
<trans>Allow direct SMTP connections</trans>
<trans>SMTP connections from LAN to Internet are proxyed by the SME server</trans>
<trans>Enable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN cannot access external News servers</trans>
<trans>Disable external news server access</trans>
<trans>Workstations on the internal LAN can access external News servers</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans>There are currently no users defined on this system.</trans>
<trans>Set general mail retrieval rules</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>User Account</trans>
<trans>Mail copy to</trans>
<trans>Is it a 'ghost' account (only used to redistribute mails) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want to debug this account (fetchmail actions are logged in /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>Do you want this account be monitored by the 'admin' account ?</trans>
<trans>What do you want to do with E-Mails on external servers ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve all mails</trans>
<trans>Read mails and leave them on the servers</trans>
<trans>Retrieve new mails only</trans>
<trans>Do you want to forward theses mails ?</trans>
<trans>Retrieve only for this account</trans>
<trans>Retrieve for this account and forward to another mailbox</trans>
<trans>Forward all mails to another mailbox only</trans>
<trans>Email address(es) to forward mails to ( format : xxx@yyy.zz ) To set more than one external address, just separate them with a colon ':'</trans>
<trans>Set external mail access informations</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Name or IP Address of the external mail server</trans>
<trans>Protocol to use when reading mails</trans>
<trans>The user account name on the mail server</trans>
<trans>The user account password on the mail server</trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (Experimental)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (Experimental)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Validate Account</trans>
<trans>Mail Server</trans>
<trans>Mail Access Type</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Account</trans>
<trans>Server Mailbox Password</trans>
<trans>Başarısız olma nedenleri</trans>
<trans>Mail retrieval</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the Fetchmail configuration have been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the Fetchmail configuration changes.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external POP3 and IMAP4 servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of IMAP and POP3 access.</trans>
<trans>Your change to the access of external SMTP servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of SMTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the access to external News servers from the internal network has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Unable to apply the changes to the configuration of NNTP access.</trans>
<trans>Your changes to the SME SMTP Proxy configuration has been saved successfully.</trans>
<trans>Validate Changes !</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve fetchmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans>Cannot retrieve smtpfront-qmail record from the configuration database.</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans>External Mailbox</trans>
<trans>Ghost account</trans>
<trans>Mailbox in 'debug' mode</trans>
<trans>Mailbox under supervision</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="zh-cn">
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This panel allows configuration of external mailbox retrieval by your SME Server. What does this mean?<br> Some of your users may have external mailbox(es). Usually, the email clients on individual workstations have to be configured to fetch mail from these external mailboxes as well as from the normal mailboxes provided by the SME server. Using this control panel, the SME server can be configured to fetch mail from external mailboxes and then automatically forward these mails to internal mail boxes. This makes configuration of the email clients on individual workstations very easy.<br> Using this method of mail retrieval (and provided that the individual workstations are using IMAP) means that emails are backed up as part of the normal backup process.<br> Other functions available through this panel are:<br> - A mailbox can be distributed to many mailboxes<br> - You can create 'Ghost account' : Mails sent to this account are distributed to other(s) mailbox(es) only.<br> - logging of events for a mailboxes.<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>启用 Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail 被禁用</trans>
<trans>禁用 Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail 已启用</trans>
<trans>内网至外网的SMTP连接由SME server代理</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Below is a table summarizing the current users defined on this system with a summary of the fetchmail configuration for each user.<br> Here you can create, modify, and remove fetchmail rules for any user. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Select the general information for the fetchmail accounts.<br> The specific mailboxes to retrieve will be set on the next screens. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oups ! There is no final recipient for this rule.<br> Mails can be delivered to the local account. This mode is selected if you choose 'NO' for the 'Ghost Mode'.<br> Mails can be delivered to other local accounts. This mode is selected by checking one or more cases in the chart below.<br> Mails can be delivered to an external Mailbox. This mode is selected if an E-Mail is set in the 'Email address to forward mail' field.<br> You must set at least one kind of recipient. ]]></trans>
<trans>它是一个ghost账户吗 (仅用于重发邮件) ?</trans>
<trans>是否调试这个账户 (fetchmail 行为记录在 /var/log/maillog) ?</trans>
<trans>邮件转发的地址 ( 格式: xxx@yyy.zz ) 。要设置多个地址,请用冒号“:”分隔。</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> Here you can set the information needed to access your external mailboxes : Name of the server storing the mailbox, type of mailbox server, account name, account password. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>SSL Pop (实验性的)</trans>
<trans>SSL Imap (实验性的)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> This is the list of external mailboxes already configured for this user. </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ This doesn't seems to be a valid server namei or IP address.<br> To be valid, this field must contain either a valid server name or a valid IP address.<br> A valid server name contains between two and 5 parts separated by dots '.'<br> For all parts but the last, characters allowed are letters, numbers and '-'. The parts can be of any size.<br> For the last part (also named tld), only letters are allowed, and the part must contain between two and seven characters.<br> A valid IP address is made with four decimal integers, each between 0 and 255. The four numbers are put together, separated by one dot. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ Oops ! I'm affraid you just entered one of the special characters we cannot allow. In theses fields, you can use any characters EXCEPT pipe '|' and the two very special characters, 0x1E and 0x1F. ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ You cannot leave any of the three fields 'server name', 'user name' or 'user passord' empty. ]]></trans>
<trans>Fetchmail 配置已被保存。</trans>
<trans>不能应用 Fetchmail 配置的修改。</trans>
<trans>SME SMTP 代理配置已被保存。</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ The E-Mail address you gave doesn't seems to be valid.<br> A valid E-Mail contains only letters, digits and undescores in the name part. There can also be '-' and '.' in the name, but not at begining or end. The domain part (to the right of the @ sign) should only contain upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and the '-' character. The domain name normally contains between 1 and 4 dot (.) characters. The last word (the tld) can only contains letters and it should have a least 2 characters, but not more than 7.<br> You can set more than one external mailbox. In this case, just separate each e-mail address with a colon ':' ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>Scheduling information</h4></center> E-mail retrieval is done at regular intervals. The scheduling rules are the same as the rules set in the 'E-Mails' panel.<br> If you want to change the schedule, simply change them in the E-Mail panel.<br> <b>NOTE!</b> : If you don't use ETRN or Multi-Drop, you cannot change the schedule !<br> To work around this limitation, do the following :<br> - Select ETRN and select your new schedule then 'Save'.<br> - Then select 'Standard (SMTP)' and 'Save' again. ]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
<lexicon lang="zh-tw">
<trans><![CDATA[ <p>此控制台允許您透過SME伺服器設定外埠郵箱收件。什麼意思呢<br> 您的有些使用者可能擁有外埠郵箱。通常這些在個別工作站上的郵件端點必須設定成從外埠郵箱取得郵件就像從SME伺服器所提供的一般郵箱一樣。使用此控制台SME伺服器可被設定成從外埠郵箱取得郵件然後自動轉送這些郵件到內部郵箱。這使得在個別工作站上的郵件端點之設定變得非常簡單。<br>使用此郵件接收的方式只要個別工作站亦正使用IMAP表示郵件被視為一般備份程序的一部份<br>透過此控制台可獲得的其他功能為:<br> - 單一郵箱可被配置成很多郵箱<br> - 您可建立虛無帳號'Ghost account':郵件傳送到此帳號僅可分配到其他郵箱。<br> - 為郵箱記錄事件。<br> ]]></trans>
<trans>啟用 Fetchmail</trans>
<trans>Fetchmail 被禁用</trans>
<trans>強制SMTP連線透過SME Proxy代理伺服器</trans>
<trans>由區網到網際網路的SMTP連線由SME server進行代理連線。</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[下表是系統當下定義的使用者摘要 亦摘要每位使用者fetchmail的設定值。<br>此處您可以位每位使用者建立修正與移除fetchmail的規則。]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p>為fetchmail帳號選擇通用資訊<br>恢復用的指定mailboxes將於下個畫面設定。</p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[慘了!此規則沒有最終收件者。<br>郵件可被傳送到本地端帳戶。倘若您對'Ghost Mode'選擇'NO',此模式就被選定。<br>郵件可被傳送到其他本地端帳戶。此模式可透過檢視下方其一或更多圖表中案例而選定。<br>郵件可被傳送到外埠郵箱。倘若E-Mail被設定於'Email address to forward mail'欄位中,此模式就被選定。<br>您必須至少選擇一種收件者。]]></trans>
<trans>您欲除錯此帳號嗎fetchmail 的行為被記錄在 /var/log/maillog</trans>
<trans>郵件轉送地址(格式: xxx@yyy.zz。要設置多個地址請用冒號「」分隔。</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p>此處您可設定所需的資訊來存取您的外埠郵箱:儲存郵箱的伺服器名稱,郵件伺服器類型,帳號名稱,帳號密碼。</p> ]]></trans>
<trans>Options you can pass directly to fetchmail. Warning : these options aren't checked, so if you dont know what this is, you should probably let this field blank !</trans>
<trans>加密 Pop實驗性</trans>
<trans>加密 Pop Imap (實驗性)</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <p> 這是使用者已設置的外部郵箱列表。 </p> ]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[這似乎並非是有效伺服器名稱或IP位址。<br>此區塊必須包含有效伺服器名稱或有效IP位址。<br> 一個有效的伺服器名稱涵蓋介於由2-5個逗點'.'所區分的部份。<br>除了最後以外的其他部份,字元可以是字母、數字與'-'。各部位可任意長度。<br>最後部份也稱為tld僅允許字母而且此部位必須僅涵蓋2-7字元。<br>一個有效IP位址由四個十進位的整數所組成每個整數介於0-255。四個數字被放置於一起但由逗點隔開。]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ 您不可留白此三區塊'伺服器名稱'、'使用者名稱'或'使用者密碼' 。]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ ]]></trans>
<trans>Fetchmail 設定已成功儲存。</trans>
<trans>對於您的SME SMTP Proxy代理伺服器之變更已經成功的儲存。</trans>
<trans><![CDATA[您似乎給了無效的電郵位址。<br>有效的電郵在名稱部份僅包含字母、數字與底線。名稱中可以是'-'與'.',但是不可在開頭或結尾。在網域部份(符號@的右側)應當僅包含大小寫字母、數字與'-'字元。網域名稱通常涵蓋1-4個逗點.的字元。最後一個字the tld僅能包含字元並且應當至少擁有2個字元但不應超過7個。<br>您可以設定多個外埠郵箱。在這個例子中,只要用冒號':'分隔每一個電郵位址。]]></trans>
<trans><![CDATA[ <center><h4>行事曆訊息</h4></center>郵件接收在規律的時間執行。行事曆規則如同'E-Mails'控制台設定的規則一樣。<br>倘若您欲變更行事曆,只需在電郵控制台變更。<br> <b>注意!</b>倘若您不使用ETRN或Multi-Drop您無法變更行事曆<br>要解決此限制,請依下列執行:<br> - 選擇ETRN並選擇您的新行事曆然後'Save'。<br> - 然後選擇'Standard (SMTP)'與再次'Save'。]]></trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change Fetchmail status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change IMAP and POP external traffic filtering status</trans>
<trans>Confirm you want to change NNTP external traffic filtering status</trans>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
use esmith::config;
use esmith::db;
$OUT = '';
local %services;
$services{'fetchmail'} = $fetchmail;
if ( ( $FetchMails{ status } || "disabled" ) eq "enabled" ) {
if ( ( $fetchmail{ status } || "disabled" ) eq "enabled" &&
( $fetchmail{ Method } || "standard" ) ne "standard" ) {
} else {
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# fetchmail times during office hours\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
my $FetchmailFreqOffice =
db_get_prop(\%services, "fetchmail", 'FreqOffice');
if ($FetchmailFreqOffice)
if ($FetchmailFreqOffice eq 'every5min')
$OUT .= "*/5\t8-17\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqOffice eq 'every15min')
$OUT .= "*/15\t8-17\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqOffice eq 'every30min')
$OUT .= "*/30\t8-17\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqOffice eq 'everyhour')
$OUT .= "0\t8-17\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqOffice eq 'every2hrs')
$OUT .= "0\t8-17/2\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
$OUT .= "# FetchmailFreqOffice - never\n";
$OUT .= "# FetchmailFreqOffice - not defined\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# fetchmail times outside office hours\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
my $FetchmailFreqOutside =
db_get_prop(\%services, "fetchmail", 'FreqOutside');
if ($FetchmailFreqOutside)
if ($FetchmailFreqOutside eq 'every5min')
$OUT .= "*/5\t0-7\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
$OUT .= "*/5\t18-23\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqOutside eq 'every15min')
$OUT .= "*/15\t0-7\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
$OUT .= "*/15\t18-23\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqOutside eq 'every30min')
$OUT .= "*/30\t0-7\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
$OUT .= "*/30\t18-23\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqOutside eq 'everyhour')
$OUT .= "0\t0-7\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
$OUT .= "0\t18-23\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqOutside eq 'every2hrs')
$OUT .= "0\t0-7/2\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
$OUT .= "0\t18-23/2\t*\t*\t1-5\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
$OUT .= "# FetchmailFreqOutside - never\n";
$OUT .= "# FetchmailFreqOutside - not defined\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# fetchmail times during the weekend\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
my $FetchmailFreqWeekend =
db_get_prop(\%services, "fetchmail", 'FreqWeekend');
if ($FetchmailFreqWeekend)
if ($FetchmailFreqWeekend eq 'every5min')
$OUT .= "*/5\t*\t*\t*\t6-7\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqWeekend eq 'every15min')
$OUT .= "*/15\t*\t*\t*\t6-7\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqWeekend eq 'every30min')
$OUT .= "*/30\t*\t*\t*\t6-7\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqWeekend eq 'everyhour')
$OUT .= "0\t*\t*\t*\t6-7\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
elsif ($FetchmailFreqWeekend eq 'every2hrs')
$OUT .= "0\t*/2\t*\t*\t6-7\troot\t/etc/startmail\n";
$OUT .= "# FetchmailFreqWeekend - never\n";
$OUT .= "# FetchmailFreqWeekend - not defined\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
# vim: ft=perl ts=4 sw=4 et:
package esmith;
use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::util;
# ADDs by PS :
use esmith::ConfigDB ;
use esmith::AccountsDB ;
use constant FS => "," ;
use constant RS => ";" ;
$OUT ='';
# Access to databases 'New Look' ! (PS)
my $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open
or die "Can't open the Config database : $!\n" ;
my $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open
or die "Can't open the Account database : $!\n" ;
my @users = $accountdb->get('admin');
push @users, $accountdb->users();
unless (scalar @users)
$OUT .="#\n#\n";
# In some cases, it's not adviseable to have the
# local SMTP server set as mail.$domain
# my $dom = "mail.".$db->get_value('DomainName') ;
my $dom = $db->get_value('DomainName') ;
# convert the old configuration with this
# here, we need maybe to do a doble conversion :
# old form to 1.0.2 form
# 1.0.2 to 1.3 form
my $maxmbox=20;
my $mdrop=$db->get_value('MDrop');
my $FM=$db->get('FetchMails');
if ( not defined $FM ) {
$FM = $db->new_record('FetchMails', { type => '' } ) ;
my $UsersDatasToConvert = 0 ;
if( not defined $mdrop)
# form is not 'before 1.0.2' like
my $type=$FM->prop('type') ;
if( (not defined $type) || ($type eq '') )
# FetchMails record is not defined at all
$FM->set_prop( 'type', 'service' ) ;
$FM->set_prop( 'status', 'disabled' ) ;
$FM->set_prop( 'Routing', 'YES' ) ;
} elsif ( $type eq 'custom_service' ) { # 1.0.2 like database
$UsersDatasToConvert = 1 ;
$FM->set_prop( 'type', 'service' ) ;
$FM->set_prop( 'status', 'enabled' ) ;
$FM->delete_prop('Lang') ;
# Data base is in 'before 1.0.2' format
$UsersDatasToConvert = 1 ;
$FM->set_prop( 'type', 'service' ) ;
$FM->set_prop( 'status', 'enabled' ) ;
# starting with version 1.3.4, there is a 'version' field in the
# configuration database.
# so, if the version in database is below the version of
# smeserver-fetchmail, User accounts need to be converted.
my $version = $FM->prop('version') || 0 ;
$version =~s/[-\.]/0/g ;
my $packversion = 0 ;
if ( open VER, "/etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/FetchMails/version" ) {
$packversion = <VER> ;
chomp $packversion ;
close VER ;
my $packver = $packversion ;
$packversion =~s/[-\.]/0/g ;
if ( $packversion gt $version ) {
$UsersDatasToConvert = 1 ;
$FM->set_prop('version', $packver ) ;
# Do we need to convert account Datas in user DataBases ?
if ( $UsersDatasToConvert ) {
my %ToConvert=( 'NumBox' => 'FM-NumBox',
'FetchMailAccounts' => 'FM-Accounts',
'MailCopyTo' => 'FM-MailCopyTo',
'ghost' => 'FM-Ghost',
'DebugOption' => 'FM-DebugOption',
'KeepOption' => 'FM-KeepOption',
'TransName' => 'FM-TransName' ) ;
foreach my $u ( @users ) {
# starting with version 1.3.1 : var names change in
# users database
foreach my $convert ( keys %ToConvert ) {
if ( defined ( $u->prop($convert) ) ) {
$u->set_prop($ToConvert{$convert}, $u->prop($convert) ) ;
$u->delete_prop($convert) ;
# special case : SpyOption is converted to MailCopyTo admin
if ( defined ( $u->prop( 'SpyOption' ) ) ) {
if ( $u->prop( 'SpyOption' ) eq 'YES' ) {
my $MailCopyTo = ( $u->prop( 'FM-MailCopyTo') || '' ) ;
if ( $MailCopyTo eq '' ) { $MailCopyTo = 'admin' }
else { $MailCopyTo = 'admin,' . $MailCopyTo }
$u->set_prop( 'FM-MailCopyTo', $MailCopyTo );
$u->delete_prop( 'SpyOption' ) ;
# starting with version 1.3.3, TransOption (who can conflict with
# Ghost is removed. If a transName is set, we use it. If not, we don't ;-)
# but, before removing, there a try to find a good mode for 'FM-Ghost'
# that is :
# if TransOption != 'FORWARD' no change to 'FM-Ghost'
# if 'FM-Ghost' == 'YES', no change
# if there no 'mail-copy-to' --> 'FM-Ghost' set to 'YES'
if ( defined $u->prop( 'TransOption' ) ) {
if ( $u->prop( 'TransOption' ) eq 'FORWARD' ) {
my $ghost = $u->prop( 'FM-Ghost' ) || 'NO' ;
if ( $ghost eq 'NO' ) {
my $mailCopyTo = $u->prop( 'FM-MAilCopyTo' ) || '' ;
if ( $mailCopyTo eq '' ) {
$u->set_prop( 'FM-Ghost', 'YES' ) ;
$u->delete_prop( 'TransOption' ) ;
my @MailData ; my @MailRemove ;
my $i = 0 ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 20 ; $i++ ) {
my $MS='MailServ' . $i ;
my $MT='MailType' . $i ;
my $MN='MailName' . $i ;
my $MP='MailPass' . $i ;
if ( defined ( $u->prop($MS) ) && defined ( $u->prop($MT) ) &&
defined ( $u->prop($MN) ) && defined ( $u->prop($MP) ) ) {
push @MailRemove, $i ;
my $Rec = $u->prop($MS) . FS . $u->prop($MT) . FS ;
$Rec .= unpack( "H*", $u->prop($MN) ) . FS ;
$Rec .= unpack( "H*", $u->prop($MP) ) ;
push @MailData, $Rec ;
$u->set_prop('FM-Accounts', join( RS, @MailData ) ) if scalar ( @MailData ) ;
# Old data are removed only after writing the new look datas.
foreach my $remove ( @MailRemove ) {
my $MS='MailServ' . $remove ;
my $MT='MailType' . $remove ;
my $MN='MailName' . $remove ;
my $MP='MailPass' . $remove ;
$u->delete_prop($MS) ;
$u->delete_prop($MT) ;
$u->delete_prop($MN) ;
$u->delete_prop($MP) ;
# Specials tests. Only needed for sanity check in case of
# some versions between 1.0.2 and 1.3.4 are in the wild
# should normaly not be the case...
if (defined $u->prop('FM-Accounts') ) {
my $FMAccounts = $u->prop('FM-Accounts') ;
# News fields and records separators
$FMAccounts =~ s/\037/;/g ;
$FMAccounts =~ s/\036/,/g ;
# shall we convert to hex ???
my @Recs = split ( RS, $FMAccounts ) ;
my $toconv = 0 ;
foreach my $rec ( @Recs ) {
my @R = split( FS, $rec ) ;
if ( "$R[2]$R[3]" =~ /[A-Zg-z\W]/ ) {
$toconv = 1 ;
if ( $toconv ) {
my @Recs2 ;
foreach my $rec ( @Recs ) {
my @R = split ( FS, $rec ) ;
$R[2] = unpack( "H*", $R[2] ) ;
$R[3] = unpack( "H*", $R[3] ) ;
push @Recs2, join( FS, @R ) ;
$FMAccounts = join( RS, @Recs2) ;
$u->set_prop('FM-Accounts', $FMAccounts) ;
# Here, the mails groups need to be generated...
# But we don't need to put that in this file :
# in a normal way, the database conversion is done at install time
# and at install time, the group are build after the conversion
# End of Data conversion...
# New test : if FetchMails status is 'disabled', we don't want that
# this part of /etc/fetchmail be generated.
if ( $FM->prop('status') eq 'enabled' ) {
foreach my $account ( @users ) {
my $FetchN=0;
my $Debug = $account->prop( 'FM-DebugOption' ) || '' ;
my $spy = $account->prop( 'FM-SpyOption' ) || '' ;
my $keepopt = $account->prop( 'FM-KeepOption' ) || '' ;
my $transname = $account->prop( 'FM-TransName') || '' ;
my $usergt = $account->prop( 'FM-MailCopyTo') || '' ;
my $ghost = $account->prop( 'FM-Ghost') || 'NO' ;
my $name = $account->key ;
my $comment = $name ;
my $maxcpy = 0;
if ( $transname ne '' ) {
$transname =~ s/:/,/g ;
if ( $usergt eq '' ) { $usergt = $transname }
else { $usergt = $usergt . "," . $transname }
if($usergt ne '') {
$name = "fm_fm-" . $name ;
my $comment2 = '' ;
$comment2 = $comment . "," if ( $ghost ne 'YES' ) ;
$comment = "$comment delivered to : $name = $comment2 $usergt";
# PS 2005/08/02 -> 1.3.4-05
# tristate combination for the delivering host :
# 1) if 'FetchMails->fetchhost' is set then this is the delivery host
# This should normally never be the case...
# 2) If the (systemWide) 'SMTPSmartHost is set, then this is the delivey host for fetchmail
# 3) If none of these are set, then the delivery host is set to the domain name of the computer
# BTW, correcting a bug preventing previous version to use the SMTPSmartHost value...
# PS 2005/08/19 ->1.3.4-06
# considerable mistake ! I had an automagical configuration whistle, but not the good one.
# I Said that if a smartHost is set, fetchmail must send incoming mails to the SmartHost.
# But SmartHosts are for Outgoing mails !
# Now, fetchmail automagically send mail to a DelegateMailServer, if set-up.
my $DestSMTPServer = $FM->prop( 'fetchhost' ) || '' ;
# my $SMTPSmartHost = $db->get( 'SMTPSmartHost' );
# $smarthost = $SMTPSmartHost->value || '' if ( $smarthost eq '' ) ;
# DelegateMailServer not ever exists...
if ( my $DelegateMailServer = $db->get( 'DelegateMailServer' ) ) {
$DestSMTPServer = $DelegateMailServer->value || '' if ( $DestSMTPServer eq '' ) ;
if( $DestSMTPServer ne '')
{ $DestSMTPServer = "smtpaddress $DestSMTPServer" ; }
{ $DestSMTPServer = "smtpaddress $dom" ; }
my $keep='fetchall';
if($keepopt eq "YES") { $keep='keep'; }
elsif($keepopt eq "NEW") { $keep='no fetchall'; }
# Change by PS
my $FetchMailsAcc = '' ;
if ( defined $account->prop( 'FM-Accounts' ) ) {
$FetchMailsAcc = $account->prop( 'FM-Accounts' ) ;
my @FetchMailAccounts = split RS, $FetchMailsAcc ;
foreach my $FetchMailAcount ( @FetchMailAccounts ) {
$FetchN++ ;
my ( $mserv, $mtype, $mname, $mpass, $moptions ) = split FS, $FetchMailAcount ;
if(not defined $mserv ) { $mserv='';}
if(not defined $mname ) { $mname='';}
if(not defined $mpass ) { $mpass='';}
if(not defined $mtype ) { $mtype='';}
if(not defined $moptions ) { $moptions='';}
# we need to convert the name, the password and the options from HEX to text
$mname = pack( "H*", $mname );
$mpass = pack( "H*", $mpass );
$moptions = pack( "H*", $moptions );
if ($mserv ne '') {
my $ServOpt = ' and options uidl no dns';
if($mtype =~ /IMAP/ ) { $ServOpt = ' and options no dns'; }
# ver 1.3.5-01 : add a timeout option
# this option is equal to the value timeout in the
# FetchMails service configuration
$ServOpt = ' timeout ' . ( $FM->prop('timeout') || 60 ) . $ServOpt;
if ( $mtype =~ s/^S// ) { $moptions = "ssl $moptions" }
#We retrieve the $qmail{MaxMessageSize} to fix
#the max limit where emails won't be downloaded
my $size = $db->get_prop('qmail','MaxMessageSize') || '0';
my $mdbg='-l' . $size . ' -d0 --silent --syslog';
if($Debug eq "YES") { $mdbg='-l' . $size . ' -d0 --verbose --syslog'; }
$mdbg .= " -i /var/lib/fetchmail/.fetchids "; # fix SME: 11979
my $staticvalue = "/usr/bin/fetchmail $mdbg --fetchmailrc - <<EOF\n" ;
$staticvalue .= "set postmaster \"postmaster\@$dom\"\n" ;
$staticvalue .= "set bouncemail\nset no softbounce\nset properties \"\"\n" ;
# special case : the \ must be changed to \x5c !
$mname =~ s/[\\]/\\x5c/g ;
$mpass =~ s/[\\]/\\x5c/g ;
# escape some odd characters by \ (just add them between the [] if needed
$mname =~ s/([\^\$\@\'\"\`])/\\$1/g ;
$mpass =~ s/([\^\$\@\'\"\`])/\\$1/g ;
# special case : the ' must be quoted another way
$mname =~ s/[\']/\\x27/g ;
$mpass =~ s/[\']/\\x27/g ;
#find the tcp port of smtpd
my $tcpport = $db->get_prop('smtpd','TCPPort')||'25';
$OUT .= "#\n";
$OUT .= "# Mail N$FetchN Account for : $comment\n";
$OUT .= $staticvalue;
$OUT .= "poll $mserv with proto $mtype$ServOpt\n";
$OUT .= " user '$mname' $DestSMTPServer with password '";
$OUT .= "$mpass' is $name here $keep\n";
if ( $moptions ne '' ) {
$OUT .= " options $moptions\n";
$OUT .= " smtphost$tcpport" . "\n";
$OUT .= " antispam 550\n";
$OUT .="EOF\n";
$OUT .="#\n#\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$OUT .= <<HERE;
LOCALIP=\$\(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration get LocalIP\)
if [ -z "\$LOCALIP" ]
# Set LOCALIP to internal loopback

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
$OUT = '';
my $routing = $FetchMails{ "Routing" } || "YES" ;
if ( $routing eq "NO" ) {
# Users on LAN are not allowed to access to POP3 or IMAP4
# servers on Internet.
# Block any outgoing connections to POP3 servers
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables --append FORWARD\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t-i \$INTERNALIF -p tcp ! --dst \$LOCALIP --dport 110\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t--jump LOG --log-prefix \"denylogfetchmail: \"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables --append FORWARD\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t-i \$INTERNALIF -p tcp ! --dst \$LOCALIP --dport 110 --jump DROP\n";
# Block any outgoing connections to IMAP4 servers
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables --append FORWARD\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t-i \$INTERNALIF -p tcp ! --dst \$LOCALIP --dport 143\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t--jump LOG --log-prefix \"denylogfetchmail: \"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables --append FORWARD\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t-i \$INTERNALIF -p tcp ! --dst \$LOCALIP --dport 143 --jump DROP\n";
my $routingNNTP = $FetchMails{ "RoutingNNTP" } || "YES" ;
if ( $routingNNTP eq "NO" ) {
# Users on LAN are not allowed to access to news
# servers on Internet.
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables --append FORWARD\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t-i \$INTERNALIF -p tcp ! --dst \$LOCALIP --dport 119\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t--jump LOG --log-prefix \"denylogfetchmail: \"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables --append FORWARD\\\n";
$OUT .= "\t-i \$INTERNALIF -p tcp ! --dst \$LOCALIP --dport 119 --jump DROP\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
my $status = $FetchMails{status};
my $fetchmailstatus = "disabled" ;
$fetchmailstatus = $fetchmail{ status } if ( defined $fetchmail{ status } );
if (defined $status)
if ($status eq "enabled" && $fetchmailstatus ne "enabled" )
$command = "/bin/su - qmailr -s /bin/bash -c \\\n";
$command .= "\t\"FETCHMAILHOME=/var/lock/fetchmail";
$command .= " /etc/fetchmail\"";
if ($AccessType eq 'dialup')
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# FetchMail dialup connection; if we're already connected, ";
$OUT .= "call fetchmail.\n";
$OUT .= "# otherwise, bring up the line (which will invoke ";
$OUT .= "fetchmail in\n";
$OUT .= "# the ip-up script).\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "if /sbin/ifconfig | /bin/grep -q 'ppp'\n";
$OUT .= "then\n";
$OUT .= " ${command}\n";
$OUT .= "else\n";
$OUT .= " /usr/bin/killall -USR1 diald\n";
$OUT .= "fi\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# FetchMails dedicated connection; just call fetchmail to get ";
$OUT .= "things started\n";
$OUT .= "${command}\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# This service FetchMail has been flagged as 'disabled'\n";
$OUT .= "# in the e-smith services database.\n";
$OUT .= "\n";
$OUT .= "# This service FetchMail does not exist in the e-smith services";
$OUT .= " database.\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# vim: ft=perl ts=4 sw=4 et:
use esmith::ConfigDB ;
use esmith::AccountsDB ;
$OUT = '';
# Generate qmail user assignments for groups. These will be handled
# by ~alias/.qmail-groupname and ~alias/.qmail-groupname-ext.
my $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open_ro
or die "Can't open the Config database : $!\n" ;
my $accountdb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro
or die "Can't open the Account database : $!\n" ;
my (undef, undef, $uid, $gid, undef, undef, undef, $dir, undef)
= getpwnam("alias");
# It is almost impossible to get Text::Template to output nothing
# on failure. It can be done by removing the newline at the end of
# this file but that is messy. Therefore, we'll simply return an
# error message that will make qmail-newu fail. Also send a
# warning message that will be captured in the logs.
unless (defined $uid && defined $gid && defined $dir)
my $msg =
"Failed to obtain user details for \'alias\' "
. "while processing group assignments.";
warn "$msg\n";
$OUT = $msg;
my $alias_assign = "alias:${uid}:${gid}:${dir}";
my @users ;
my $fetchmail = $db->get('FetchMails') ;
my $FMStatus = 'disabled' ;
if ( defined $fetchmail ) {
$FMStatus = $fetchmail->prop('status') || 'disabled' ;
if ( $FMStatus eq 'enabled' ) {
my @users = $accountdb->get('admin');
push @users, $accountdb->users();
foreach my $u ( @users ) {
# print $u->key ;
my $MailCopyTo = '' ;
$MailCopyTo = $u->prop( 'FM-MailCopyTo' ) if ( defined $u->prop( 'FM-MailCopyTo' ) ) ;
my $TransName = '' ;
$TransName = $u->prop( 'FM-TransName' ) if ( defined $u->prop( 'FM-TransName' ) ) ;
# print "$MailCopyTo\n" ;
if ( $MailCopyTo ne '' || $TransName ne '' ) {
my $FMGroup = "fm_fm-" . $u->key ;
# Assign mail for group@
$OUT .= "=${FMGroup}:${alias_assign}:-:${FMGroup}:\n";
# Assign mail for group-ext@
$OUT .= "+${FMGroup}-:${alias_assign}:-${FMGroup}-::\n";
# Need to remove the final newline character. Blank lines in
# /var/qmail/users/assign are prohibited.
# Failsafe: /var/qmail/users/assign cannot have blank lines.
# Therefore, if $OUT is empty, simply set up an assign for the
# alias user.
$OUT = "=alias:${alias_assign}:::" unless $OUT;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# vim: ft=perl ts=4 sw=4 et:
if ( ( $FetchMails{ status } || "disabled" ) eq "enabled" ) {
$OUT = "\n127.0.0.200\n" ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# vim: ft=perl ts=4 sw=4 et:
if ( ( $FetchMails{ status } || "disabled" ) eq "enabled" ) {
$OUT = "\n# fetchmail groups entries start\n" ;
$OUT .= "# If smeserver-fetchmail creates mailgroup for incoming fetched mails\n" ;
$OUT .= "# we need to accept these groups from outside.\n" ;
my $fetchgroup = 0 ;
my $dom = $DomainName ;
opendir ( DIR, "/var/qmail/alias" ) ;
foreach my $fic ( grep( /^\.qmail-fm_fm-/, readdir DIR) ) {
$fic =~ s/^\.qmail-//;
$fic =~ s/:/./g;
$OUT .= "$fic\@$dom\n";
$fetchgroup = 1;
closedir (DIR);
$OUT .= "### No smeserver-fetchmail groups set Now ...\n" if ( ! $fetchgroup ) ;
$OUT .= "# fetchmail groups entries end\n" ;

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# vim: ft=xml ts=4 sw=4 et:
# heading : Collaboration
# description : fetchmail
# navigation : 3000 3205
# copyright (C) 2004 Schirrm's Studio
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use strict;
use esmith::FormMagick::Panel::fetchmail;
my $form = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::fetchmail->new();
# Uncomment the next line for debugging purposes.
# $form->debug(1);
<!-- page 0 -->
<subroutine src="show_schedule_infos()" />
<subroutine src="show_fetchmail_status()" />
<subroutine src="show_fetchmail_users()" />
<!-- page 1 -->
<field type="literal" id="user" value="$q->param('user')">
<field type="literal" id="name" value="$q->param('name')">
<subroutine src="show_copy_to()" />
<!-- page 2 -->
<field type="literal" id="user2" value="get_field('user')">
<field type="literal" id="name2" value="get_field('name')">
<field type="literal" id="ValidAccount" value="show_button_validate()">
<subroutine src="show_accounts()" />
<!-- page 3
Note: This page is not used. It's a kludge to permit the next page
to work properly from a link on the front page. FormMagick needs
I Maybe don't need that ? (PS)
<!-- page 4
This is only a wrapper to start a sub, and then go direct back
to the front page.
<!-- page 5
This is only a wrapper to start a sub, and then go direct back
to the front page.
<!-- page 6
This is only a wrapper to start a sub, and then go direct back
to the front page.
<!-- page 7
This is only a wrapper to start a sub, and then go direct back
to the front page.
<!-- page 8
This is only a wrapper to start a sub, and then go direct back
to the front page.
<!-- page 9
This is only a wrapper to start a sub, and then go direct back
to the front page.
<!-- keep this one so next button display on previous one

root/usr/lib/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

root/var/lib/fetchmail/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

smeserver-fetchmail.spec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# $Id: smeserver-fetchmail.spec,v 1.15 2024/09/05 03:40:58 terryfage Exp $
# Authority: unnilennium
# Name: Jean-Philippe Pialasse
Summary: sme module to generate fetchmail poll
%define name smeserver-fetchmail
Name: %{name}
%define version 1.6
%define release 28
%define smepanel FetchMails
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}%{?dist}
License: GPL
Group: Networking/Daemons
Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
BuildArchitectures: noarch
Requires: smeserver-release >= 10.0
Requires: e-smith-email >= 5.6.0-18
Requires: e-smith-formmagick >= 1.4.0-12
# for spamcheck on SME9; on SME10 0.96-19 and 2.6.0-32
Requires: qpsmtpd >= 0.96-11
Requires: smeserver-qpsmtpd >= 2.4.0-39
BuildRequires: e-smith-devtools >= 1.13.1-03
Obsoletes: sme-fetchmail
Obsoletes: smeserver-fetchmail-utf8
AutoReqProv: no
* Sat Sep 07 2024 aka Brian Read <> 1.6-28.sme
- Roll up patches and move to git repo [SME: 12338]
* Sat Sep 07 2024 BogusDateBot
- Eliminated rpmbuild "bogus date" warnings due to inconsistent weekday,
by assuming the date is correct and changing the weekday.
* Thu Sep 05 2024 Terry Fage <> 1.6-27.sme
- Apply locale 2024-09-05.patch
* Fri Nov 11 2022 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <> 1.6-26.sme
- Apply locale 2022-11-11 patch
* Thu Jul 28 2022 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <> 1.6-24.sme
- fix fetchmail restart downloading all emails after reboot [SME: 11979]
thanks to Stefano Zamboni for debuging and original fix.
* Fri Jul 22 2022 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <> 1.6-23.sme
- apply locale patch 2022-07-22
* Wed Nov 17 2021 Jean-Philippe Pialasse <> 1.6-22.sme
- fix panel [SME: 11058]
removed SMTP proxy and blocking option and redirect to Proxy panel
TODO: module cleanup and cleanup of unused properties
* Thu Oct 21 2021 Terry Fage <> 1.6-21.sme
- fix template 60fetchmail force spamcheck [SME: 10289]
* Tue Oct 12 2021 Terry Fage <> 1.6-20.sme
- fix template 60fetchmail force spamcheck [SME: 10538]
* Sun Aug 22 2021 Terry Fage <> 1.6-19.sme
- apply locale 2021-08-22 patch
* Fri Mar 26 2021 Brian Read <> 1.6-18.sme
- Add Update event to createlinks [SME: 11058]
* Fri Mar 26 2021 BogusDateBot
- Eliminated rpmbuild "bogus date" warnings due to inconsistent weekday,
by assuming the date is correct and changing the weekday.
Fri Sep 24 2015 --> Fri Sep 18 2015 or Thu Sep 24 2015 or Fri Sep 25 2015 or ....
* Sun Dec 27 2020 Brian Read <> 1.6-17.sme
- Switch-smptd-to-qpsmtpd-in-panel-perl [SME: 11058]
* Tue Oct 27 2020 Brian Read <> 1.6-16.sme
- Initial import to SME10 tree [SME: 11058]
* Sat Dec 07 2019 SME Translation Server <> 1.6-15.sme
- apply locale 2019-12-07 patch
* Fri Dec 14 2018 John Crisp <> 1.6.14.sme
- apply locale 2018-12-14 patch
* Sun Mar 11 2018 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <> 1.6-13.sme
- Add Update event to createlinks no spamcheck anymore for fetchmail [SME: 10290]
* Sat Dec 02 2017 SME Translation Server <> 1.6-12.sme
- apply locale 2017-12-02 patch
* Fri May 26 2017 Jean-Philipe Pialasse <> 1.6-11.sme
- added option field for sslfingerprint compatibility [SME: 8287]
* Wed Jan 13 2016 Daniel Berteaud <> 1.6-10.sme
- Update event handling (remove broken symlinks) [SME: 9185]
* Fri Jan 8 2016 Daniel Berteaud <> 1.6-9.sme
- Update iptables rules to prevent warning when starting masq [SME: 9180]
* Thu Sep 24 2015 Daniel Berteaud <> 1.6-8.sme
Fri Sep 24 2015 --> Fri Sep 18 2015 or Thu Sep 24 2015 or Fri Sep 25 2015 or ....
- Fix bounce looping each time mails are fetch in case of
permanent delivery failure [SME: 9074]
* Sat Aug 22 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-7.sme
- Initial release to contribs9
* Fri Feb 06 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-6.sme
- Corrected a typo in the detection of smtpd port in the template 90fetchmail
* Mon Jan 12 2015 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-4.sme
- Add settings if smtpd TCPPort set to a non default value [sme: 8797]
- code done by ecureuil <>
* Sun Nov 2 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-3.sme
- Recovery of large attachments with fetchmail [SME:8630]
* Sun Oct 5 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-2.sme
- bug of .gitignore in /etc/e-smith/web/panels/manager/cgi-bin
* Sat Jun 21 2014 stephane de Labrusse <> 1.6-1.sme
- Initial release to sme9
* Sun Jul 14 2013 JP Pialasse <> 1.4-2.sme
- apply locale 2013-07-14 patch
* Sun Jun 3 2012 JP PIALASSE 1.4-1.sme
- Initial version
sme server enhancement to make fetchmail more useable
mkdir -p root/var/lib/fetchmail
perl createlinks
echo "%{version}-%{release}" >root/etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/%{smepanel}/version
(cd root ; find . -depth -print | cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
/sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
--dir /var/lib/fetchmail 'attr(0750,qmailr,qmail)' \
> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
%files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist