* Mon Dec 30 2024 Brian Read <brianr@koozali.org> 1.1-19.sme
- Update mailstats.pl to accomodate change in log format for SME11 [SME: ]
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ use strict;
# bjr - 18Oct20 - Alter use of lc to avoid uninitialised messages - bug 11044
# bjr - 02Apr21 - Fix up lc to try to avoif uninit messages - and alter warning status - bug 11519
# bjr - 15Feb23 - Add in auth::auth_imap after change to use dovecot as incoming authorisation Bugzilla 12327
# bjr - 29Dec24 - Convert to SME11 log date format
@ -70,6 +71,11 @@ use strict;
# internal modules (part of core perl distribution)
# New format for SME11
#Dec 17 19:34:34 sme11 qpsmtpd-forkserver[441318]: 441318 (deny) logging::logterse: ` pc-00004.thereadclan.me.uk bjsystems.co.uk <biodiversityadvanced@bjsystems.co.uk> check_goodrcptto 901 relaying denied smeserver@thereadclan.me.uk msg denied before queued
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
@ -105,7 +111,7 @@ if ($cdb->get('mailstats')){
#Configuration section
my %opt = (
version => '0.7.16', # please update at each change.
version => '0.8.01', # please update at each change.
debug => 0, # guess what ?
sendmail => '/usr/sbin/sendmail', # Path to sendmail stub
from => 'spamfilter-stats', # Who is the mail from
@ -370,17 +376,30 @@ my $makeHTMLpage = "no";
# Init the hashes
my $nhour = floor( $start / 3600 );
my $nhour = 0;
#print "Hour:".$nhour."\n";
my $ncateg;
while ( $nhour < $end / 3600 ) {
$ncateg = 0;
while ( $ncateg < @categs) {
$counts{$nhour}{$categs[$ncateg-1]} = 0;
while ( $nhour < 24 ) {
$counts{$nhour} = {}; # Initialize as a hash reference
#print "Hour:".$nhour."\n";
my $ncateg = 0; # Reset $ncateg for each hour
while ( $ncateg < @categs ) {
$counts{$nhour}{$categs[$ncateg]} = 0; # Corrected index
$ncateg++; # Increment $ncateg
$nhour++; # Increment $nhour
#while ( $nhour < $end / 3600 ) {
#$ncateg = 0;
#while ( $ncateg < @categs) {
#$counts{$nhour}{$categs[$ncateg-1]} = 0;
# and grand totals, percent and display status from db entries, and column widths
$ncateg = 0;
my $colpadding = 0;
@ -402,8 +421,17 @@ while ( $ncateg < @categs) {
my $starttai = Time::TAI64::unixtai64n($start);
my $endtai = Time::TAI64::unixtai64n($end);
#foreach my $hour (sort keys %counts) {
#printf "Hour: %2d\n", $hour; # Right-aligned hour
#foreach my $categ (sort keys %{ $counts{$hour} }) {
#printf " %-12s: %d\n", $categ, $counts{$hour}{$categ}; # Left-aligned category
#my $starttai = Time::TAI64::unixtai64n($start);
#my $endtai = Time::TAI64::unixtai64n($end);
my $sum_SARules = 0;
# we remove non valid files
@ -424,13 +452,23 @@ my $count = -1; #for loop reduction in debugging mode
my $CurrentMailId = "";
LINE: while (<>) {
next LINE if !(my($tai,$log) = split(' ',$_,2));
# Use a regex to extract the date, time, and the rest of the log
if (/^(\w+\s+\d+\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s+\S+\s+\S+\[(\d+)\]:\s+(.*)/) {
my $datetime = $1; # Get the date and time
my $log_id = $2; # Get the log ID
my $log_entry = $3; # The rest of the log line
#If date specified, only process lines matching date
next LINE if ( $tai lt $starttai );
next LINE if ( $tai gt $endtai );
# Convert datetime to epoch
my $current_epoch = convert_to_epoch($datetime);
# If date specified, only process lines matching date
#print $datetime." ".$current_epoch." ".$start." ".$end."\n";
next LINE if ($current_epoch < $start);
next LINE if ($current_epoch > $end);
#print $datetime."\n";
#Count lines and skip out if debugging
@ -493,20 +531,36 @@ LINE: while (<>) {
#only select Logterse output
next LINE unless m/logging::logterse:/;
my $abstime = Time::TAI64::tai2unix($tai);
my $abshour = floor( $abstime / 3600 ); # Hours since the epoch
#my $abstime = Time::TAI64::tai2unix($tai);
#my $abshour = floor( $abstime / 3600 ); # Hours since the epoch
# Create a timestamp for the previous hour
my $previous_hour_epoch = $current_epoch - 3600; # Subtract 3600 seconds (1 hour)
# Convert epoch time to local time
my ($sec, $min, $hour) = localtime($previous_hour_epoch);
#print $sec." ".$min." ".$hour."\n";
$hour = ($hour==23)?0:$hour;
my $abshour = $hour+1;
#print "Abs:".$abshour."\n";
my ($timestamp_part, $log_part) = split('`',$_,2); #bjr 0.6.12
my (@log_items) = split $FS, $log_part;
#print "0".$log_items[0]."\n";
#print "1".$log_items[1]."\n";
#print "5".$log_items[5]."\n";
#print "7".$log_items[7]."\n";
my (@timestamp_items) = split(' ',$timestamp_part);
#print $timestamp_items[5];
#print "\n";
my $result= "rejected"; #Tag as rejected unti we know otherwise
my $result= "rejected"; #Tag as rejected unti we know otherwise
# we store the more recent recipient domain, for domain statistics
# in fact, we only store the first recipient. Could be sort of headhache
# to obtain precise stats with many recipients on more than one domain !
my $proc = $timestamp_items[1] ; #numeric Id for the email
my $proc = $timestamp_items[5] ; #numeric Id for the email
my $emailnum = $proc; #proc gets modified later...
if ($emailnum == 23244) {
@ -716,22 +770,24 @@ LINE: while (<>) {
#extract the spam score
# Remove count for rejectred as it looks as if it might get through!!
$result= "queued";
if ($log_items[8] =~ ".*score=([+-]?\\d+\.?\\d*).* required=([0-9\.]+)") {
$score = trim($1);
if ($score =~ /^[+-]?\d+\.?\d*$/ ) #check its numeric
if ($score < $SATagLevel) { $hamcount++;$counts{$abshour}{$CATHAM}++;$hamavg += $score;}
else {$spamcount++;$counts{$abshour}{$CATSPAM}++;$spamavg += $score;$result= "spam";}
if (defined($log_items[8])){
if ($log_items[8] =~ ".*score=([+-]?\\d+\.?\\d*).* required=([0-9\.]+)") {
$score = trim($1);
if ($score =~ /^[+-]?\d+\.?\d*$/ ) #check its numeric
if ($score < $SATagLevel) { $hamcount++;$counts{$abshour}{$CATHAM}++;$hamavg += $score;}
else {$spamcount++;$counts{$abshour}{$CATSPAM}++;$spamavg += $score;$result= "spam";}
} else {
print "Unexpected non numeric found in $proc:".$log_items[8]."($score)\n";
} else {
print "Unexpected non numeric found in $proc:".$log_items[8]."($score)\n";
# no SA score - treat it as ham
if ( ( $currentrcptdomain{ $proc } || '' ) ne '' ) {
$byrcptdomain{ $currentrcptdomain{ $proc } }{ 'accept' }++ ;
$currentrcptdomain{ $proc } = '' ;
} else {
# no SA score - treat it as ham
if ( ( $currentrcptdomain{ $proc } || '' ) ne '' ) {
$byrcptdomain{ $currentrcptdomain{ $proc } }{ 'accept' }++ ;
$currentrcptdomain{ $proc } = '' ;
@ -822,12 +878,16 @@ LINE: while (<>) {
#exit if $emailnum == 15858;
#print "Counts:*$abshour* ".$counts{$abshour}{$CATNONCONF}."\n";
} # end of if regexp
#total up grand total Columns
$nhour = floor( $start / 3600 );
while ( $nhour < $end / 3600 ) {
$nhour = 0;
while ( $nhour < 24 ) {
$ncateg = 0; #past the where it came from columns
while ( $ncateg < @categs) {
#total columns
@ -846,8 +906,8 @@ while ( $nhour < $end / 3600 ) {
#Compute row totals and row percentages
$nhour = floor( $start / 3600 );
while ( $nhour < $end / 3600 ) {
$nhour = 0; #floor( $start / 3600 );
while ( $nhour < 24 ){ #}$end / 3600 ) {
$counts{$nhour}{$categs[@categs-1]} = $counts{$nhour}{$categs[@categs-2]}*100/$totalexamined if $totalexamined;
@ -865,8 +925,8 @@ while ( $nhour < $end / 3600 ) {
#compute sum of row percentages
$nhour = floor( $start / 3600 );
while ( $nhour < $end / 3600 ) {
$nhour = 0; #floor( $start / 3600 );
while ( $nhour < 24 ){ #}$end / 3600 ) {
$counts{$GRANDTOTAL}{$categs[@categs-1]} += $counts{$nhour}{$categs[@categs-1]};
@ -995,15 +1055,15 @@ if ( !$disabled ) {
my $Totals; #Corresponding totals
my $Percent; # and column percentages
my $hour = floor( $start / 3600 );
my $hour = 0; #floor( $start / 3600 );
$Line1 = '';
$Line2 = '';
$Titles = '';
$Values = '';
$Totals = '';
$Percent = '';
while ( $hour < $end / 3600 ) {
if ($hour == floor( $start / 3600 )){
while ( $hour < 24){ #}$end / 3600 ) {
if ($hour == 0){ #}floor( $start / 3600 )){
#Do all the once only things
$ncateg = 0;
while ( $ncateg < @categs) {
@ -1289,13 +1349,16 @@ sub analysis_period {
#$mday="05"; #$mday="03"; #$mday="16"; #Temp!!
#print $sec." ".$min." ".$hour." ".$mday." ".$mon." ".$year." ".$wday." ".$yday."\n";
$time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year);
#print $time."\n"
my $start = str2time( $startdate );
my $end = $enddate ? str2time( $enddate ) :
$startdate ? $start + $secsininterval : $time;
$start = $startdate ? $start : $end - $secsininterval;
#print "Analysis".$start." ".$end;
return ( $start > $end ) ? ( $end, $start ) : ( $start, $end );
@ -1667,7 +1730,7 @@ sub save_data
"mailstats", "mailstats" )
or die "Cannot open mailstats db - has it beeen created?";
my $hour = floor( $start / 3600 );
my $hour = 0; #floor( $start / 3600 );
my $reportdate = strftime( "%F", localtime( $hour * 3600 ) );
my $dateid = get_dateid($dbh,$reportdate);
my $reccount = 0; #count number of records written
@ -1740,9 +1803,9 @@ sub save_data
# finally - the hourly breakdown
# need to remember here that the date might change during the 24 hour span
my $nhour = floor( $start / 3600 );
my $nhour = 0; #floor( $start / 3600 );
my $ncateg;
while ( $nhour < $end / 3600 ) {
while ( $nhour < 24){ #}$end / 3600 ) {
#see if the time record has been created
# print strftime("%H",localtime( $nhour * 3600 ) ).":00:00\n";
my $sth =
@ -1891,12 +1954,34 @@ sub get_dateid
#} else { return 0}
sub convert_to_epoch {
my ($sec, $min, $hour1, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime();
$year += 1900; # localtime returns year as years since 1900
my ($datetime) = @_;
my ($month, $day, $time) = split(' ', $datetime);
my ($hour, $minute, $second) = split(':', $time);
my $month_num = {
Jan => 0, Feb => 1, Mar => 2, Apr => 3,
May => 4, Jun => 5, Jul => 6, Aug => 7,
Sep => 8, Oct => 9, Nov => 10, Dec => 11,
return timelocal($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month_num, $year); # Adjust the year as necessary
sub test_for_private_ip {
use NetAddr::IP;
$_ = shift;
# Remove leading whitespace
return unless /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/;
my $ip = NetAddr::IP->new($1);
return unless $ip;
return $ip->is_rfc1918();
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Summary: Daily mail statistics for SME Server
%define name smeserver-mailstats
Name: %{name}
%define version 1.1
%define release 18
%define release 19
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}%{?dist}
License: GPL
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ A script that via cron.d e-mails mail statistics to admin on a daily basis.
See http://www.contribs.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=819
* Mon Dec 30 2024 Brian Read <brianr@koozali.org> 1.1-19.sme
- Update mailstats.pl to accomodate change in log format for SME11 [SME: ]
* Fri Jun 07 2024 Brian Read <brianr@koozali.org> 1.1-18.sme
- Pull in python re-write from SME11 dev [SME: ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user