Properly align links at top of web page and add header text to page
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,19 +33,23 @@ tfoot tr {
tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #dfdfdf}
div.linksattop {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
a.prevlink {
float: left;
text-align: left;
div.divseeinbrowser {
float: right;
div.divshowindex {
flex-grow: 1;
text-align: center;
a.nextlink {
float: right;
text-align: right;
.cssclass1 {background-color:#ffff99;}
.cssclass2 {background-color:lightcoral;}
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
<!---Navigation here-->
<br />
<br />
<!---Add in header information here -->
<br />
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;">
@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
# Mailstats
# optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# -d DATE, --date DATE Specify a valid date (yyyy-mm-dd) for the analysis
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# -d DATE, --date DATE Specify a valid date (yyyy-mm-dd) for the analysis
# -ef EMAILFILE, --emailfile EMAILFILE
# Save an html file of the email sent (y/N)
# Re-written in python from (Perl) to conform to SME11 / Postfix / qpsmtpd log formats
# and html output added
@ -16,6 +18,9 @@
# Todo
# 2 Other stats
# 3. Extra bits for sub tables
# 4. Percent char causes sort to fail - look at adding it in the template
# 5. Chase disparity in counts betweeen old mailstats and this
# 6. Count emails delivered over 25/587/465
# Centos7:
# yum install python3-chameleon --enablerepo=epel
@ -155,7 +160,6 @@ def is_private_ip(ip):
# Check if the IP address is within any of these ranges
for private_range in private_ranges:
if ip_addr in private_range:
@ -387,12 +391,9 @@ def insert_string_after(original:str, to_insert:str, after:str) -> str:
:return: The new string with to_insert inserted after after.
position = original.find(after)
if position == -1:
# 'after' string is not found in 'original'
print(f"insert_string_after:({after}) string is not found in original")
return original
# Position of the insertion point
insert_pos = position + len(after)
@ -575,6 +576,53 @@ def replace_between(text, start, end, replacement):
# Using re.DOTALL to match any character including newline
replaced_text = re.sub(pattern, replacement, text, flags=re.DOTALL)
return replaced_text
def get_heading():
# Needs from anaytsis
# SATagLevel - done
# SARejectLevel - done
# warnnoreject - done
# totalexamined - done
# emailperhour - done
# spamavg - done
# rejectspamavg - done
# hamavg - done
# DMARCSendCount - done
# hamcount - done
# DMARCOkCount - deone
# Clam Version/DB Count/Last DB update
clam_output = subprocess.getoutput("freshclam -V")
clam_info = f"Clam Version/DB Count/Last DB update: {clam_output}"
# SpamAssassin Version
sa_output = subprocess.getoutput("spamassassin -V")
sa_info = f"SpamAssassin Version: {sa_output}"
# Tag level and Reject level
tag_reject_info = f"Tag level: {SATagLevel}; Reject level: {SARejectLevel} {warnnoreject}"
# SMTP connection stats
smtp_stats = f"All External SMTP connections accepted: {totalexternalsmtpsessions}\n"\
f"All Internal SMTP connections accepted: {totalinternalsmtpsessions}\n"\
f"Emails per hour: {emailperhour:.1f}/hr\n"\
f"Average spam score (accepted): {spamavg or 0:.2f}\n"\
f"Average spam score (rejected): {rejectspamavg or 0:.2f}\n"\
f"Average ham score: {hamavg or 0:.2f}\n"\
f"Number of DMARC reporting emails sent: {DMARCSendCount or 0} (not shown on table)"
# DMARC approved emails
dmarc_info = ""
if hamcount != 0:
dmarc_ok_percentage = DMARCOkCount * 100 / hamcount
dmarc_info = f"Number of emails approved through DMARC: {DMARCOkCount or 0} ({dmarc_ok_percentage:.2f}% of Ham count)"
# Accumulate all strings
header_str = "\n".join([clam_info, sa_info, tag_reject_info, smtp_stats, dmarc_info])
# switch newlines to <br />
header_str = header_str.replace("\n","<br />")
return header_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -620,6 +668,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
SARejectLevel = int(get_value(ConfigDB, "spamassassin", "RejectLevel","12")) #12 #$cdb->get('spamassassin')->prop('RejectLevel');
SATagLevel = int(get_value(ConfigDB, "spamassassin", "TagLevel","4")) #4 #$cdb->get('spamassassin')->prop('TagLevel');
if SARejectLevel == 0:
warnnoreject = "(*Warning* 0 = no reject)"
warnnoreject = ""
EmailAddress = get_value(ConfigDB,"mailstats","Email","admin@"+DomainName)
if '@' not in EmailAddress:
@ -699,10 +751,19 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initial call to print the progress bar
#unless none to show
if sorted_len > 0:
spamavg = 0;
spamqueuedcount = 0
hamcount = 0
hamavg = 0
rejectspamcount = 0
rejectspamavg = 0
DMARCSendCount = 0
totalexamined = 0
if isThonny:
print_progress_bar(0, sorted_len, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
for timestamp, data in sorted_log_dict.items():
i += 1
totalexamined += 1
if isThonny:
print_progress_bar(i, sorted_len, prefix='Scanning for main table:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
@ -728,23 +789,42 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if parsed_data['action'] == '(queue)':
columnCounts_2d[hour][Ham] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][Ham] += 1
# spamassassin not rejected
if parsed_data.get('spam-status') is not None and isinstance(parsed_data['spam-status'], str):
if parsed_data['spam-status'].lower().startswith('no'):
#Extract other parameters from this string
# example: No, score=-3.9
spam_pattern = r'score=(-?\d+\.\d+) required=(-?\d+\.\d+)'
match =, parsed_data['spam-status'])
if match:
score = float(
if score < SATagLevel:
# Accumulate allowed score (inc negatives?)
hamavg += score
hamcount += 1
spamavg += score
spamqueuedcount += 1
#spamassasin rejects
if parsed_data.get('spam-status') is not None and isinstance(parsed_data['spam-status'], str):
if parsed_data['spam-status'].lower().startswith('yes'):
#Extract other parameters from this string
# example: Yes, score=10.3 required=4.0 autolearn=disable
spam_pattern = r'score=([\d.]+)\s+required=([\d.]+)'
spam_pattern = r'score=(-?\d+\.\d+) required=(-?\d+\.\d+)'
match =, parsed_data['spam-status'])
if match:
score = float(
required = float(
#print(f"{parsed_data['spam-status']} / {score} {required}")
rejectspamavg += score
rejectspamcount += 1
if score >= SARejectLevel:
columnCounts_2d[hour][DelSpam] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][DelSpam] += 1
elif score >= required:
columnCounts_2d[hour][QuedSpam] += 1
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][QuedSpam] += 1
#Local send
elif DomainName in parsed_data['sendurl']:
columnCounts_2d[hour][Local] += 1
@ -778,8 +858,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
#my $logemail = $log_items[4];
if DMARCDomain in parsed_data['from-email']: #(index($DMARC_Report_emails,$logemail)>=0) or
localflag = 1;
DMARCSendCount += 1
#localflag = 1;
# ignore incoming localhost spoofs
if not 'msg denied before queued' in parsed_data['error-msg']:
@ -843,12 +923,24 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
columnCounts_2d[ColTotals][PERCENT] = '100%'
columnCounts_2d[ColPercent][TOTALS] = '100%'
#other stats
emailperhour = (totalexamined / 24)
if not spamqueuedcount == 0:
spamavg = spamavg / spamqueuedcount
if not rejectspamcount == 0:
rejectspamavg = rejectspamavg / rejectspamcount
if not hamcount == 0:
hamavg = hamavg / hamcount
# Now scan for the other lines in the log of interest
found_countries = defaultdict(int)
geoip_pattern = re.compile(r".*check_badcountries: GeoIP Country: (.*)")
dmarc_pattern = re.compile(r".*dmarc: pass")
helo_pattern = re.compile(r"Accepted connection.*?from (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) \/ ([\w.-]+)")
total_countries = 0
DMARCOkCount = 0
totalinternalsmtpsessions = 0
totalexternalsmtpsessions = 0
i = 0
j = 0
@ -860,22 +952,35 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
i += 1
if isThonny:
print_progress_bar(i, log_len, prefix='Scanning for sub tables:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
# Match initial connection message
match = helo_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
ip =
fqdn =
if is_private_ip(ip):
totalinternalsmtpsessions += 1
totalexternalsmtpsessions += 1
#Pull out Geoip countries for analysis table
if "check_badcountries: GeoIP Country" in data:
j += 1
match = geoip_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
country =
found_countries[country] += 1
total_countries += 1
match = geoip_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
country =
found_countries[country] += 1
total_countries += 1
#Pull out DMARC approvals
match = dmarc_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
DMARCOkCount += 1
#print(f"J:{j} I:{i}")
#Now apply the results to the chameleon template - main table
# Path to the template file
template_path = template_dir+''
@ -894,7 +999,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Chameleon render Exception {e}")
total_html = rendered_html
#Now apply the results to the chameleon template - subservient tables
# Add in the header information
rendered_html = get_heading()
total_html = insert_string_after(total_html,rendered_html, "<!---Add in header information here -->")
#add in the subservient tables..
#qpsmtd codes
qpsmtpd_headers = ["Code",'Count','Percent','Reason']
qpsmtpd_title = 'Qpsmtpd codes league table:'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user