Fix recipient email counts
This commit is contained in:
@ -1005,6 +1005,32 @@ def scan_mail_users():
users_info[user] = total_junk_count
return users_info
def get_first_email_with_domain(email_string, domain):
Returns the first email address in the comma-separated string that matches the specified domain.
If there is only one email, it returns that email regardless of the domain.
email_string (str): A string of comma-separated email addresses.
domain (str): The domain to filter email addresses by.
str: The first email address that matches the domain, or the single email if only one is provided, or None if no match is found.
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace and split the email string
emails = [email.strip() for email in email_string.split(',')]
# Check if there is only one email
if len(emails) == 1:
return emails[0] # Return the single email directly
# Iterate through the list of emails
for email in emails:
# Check if the email ends with the specified domain
if email.endswith('@' + domain):
return email # Return the first matching email
return None # Return None if no matching email is found
if __name__ == "__main__":
chameleon_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("Chameleon").version
@ -1226,8 +1252,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
hour = dt.hour
# parse the data
parsed_data = parse_data(data)
#if hour == 15:
# print(f"Abs:{hour} {timestamp} {parsed_data['sendurl']} {parsed_data['from-email']}")
#if parsed_data['id'] == '7787' or "7787" in data:
# print(f"{parsed_data}")
# print(f"{parsed_data['id']}")
#Take out the mailstats email
if 'mailstats' in parsed_data['from-email'] and DomainName in parsed_data['from-email']:
@ -1348,8 +1376,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Count the qpsmtpd codes
#if parsed_data['id'] == '3352':
# print(f"{parsed_data}")
if parsed_data['error-plugin'].strip() == 'naughty':
if parsed_data['error-msg'].startswith("(dnsbl)"):
columnCounts_2d[hour][RBLDNS]+= 1
@ -1378,29 +1404,38 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if match:
email =
email = "unknown"
email = "unknown (no email found in smtp reject message)"
elif parsed_data['error-plugin'] == 'check_badcountries':
email = "Unknown (Bad Country)"
elif parsed_data["to-email"]:
email = parsed_data["to-email"] # Extract email
elif not is_private_ip(parsed_data['ip']) and parsed_data["to-email"]:
#Only look at internal recipients from outside
#Take out the chevrons
email = email.replace('<', '').replace('>', '')
email = parsed_data["to-email"].replace('<', '').replace('>', '')
email = get_first_email_with_domain(email,DomainName) # Extract email
if not email:
print(f"Incoming email with no internal email address: {email} {DomainName}")
email = "Unknown (no internal email found)"
email = "Unknown (Non conf.?)"
if not is_private_ip(parsed_data['ip']):
email = "Unknown (non conf?)"
email = None
#print(f"{parsed_data['id']} {email} {action}")
record = next((item for item in recipients_found if item['email'] == email), None)
if not record:
# If email is not in the array, we add it
record = {"email": email,"accept": 0,"deny": 0,"spam-tagged": 0}
# Update the deny or accept count based on action
if action != "queued":
record["deny"] += 1
record["accept"] += 1
#and see if it is spam tagged
if Isqueuedspam:
record["spam-tagged"] += 1
if email:
record = next((item for item in recipients_found if item['email'] == email), None)
if not record:
# If email is not in the array, we add it
record = {"email": email,"accept": 0,"deny": 0,"spam-tagged": 0}
# Update the deny or accept count based on action
if action != "queued":
record["deny"] += 1
record["accept"] += 1
#and see if it is spam tagged
if Isqueuedspam:
record["spam-tagged"] += 1
#Now increment the column which the plugin name indicates
@ -1477,6 +1512,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print_progress_bar(i, log_len, prefix='Scanning for sub tables:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
# Match initial connection message
IsInternal = True
match = helo_pattern.match(data[1])
if match:
@ -1486,9 +1522,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
totalinternalsmtpsessions += 1
totalexternalsmtpsessions += 1
IsInternal = False
except Exception as e:
(print)(f" Helo pattern error {e} {data[1]} {analysis_date}")
print(f" Helo pattern error {e} {data[1]} {analysis_date}")
#Pull out Geoip countries for analysis table
Reference in New Issue
Block a user