* Thu Feb 13 2025 John Crisp <jcrisp@safeandsoundit.co.uk> 1.3.1-24.sme

- move scriptoig back to /usr/share/geoip
- Lose the LE/BE (Little/Big Endian) parts as iptables can't seme to read the file in subdirs
- Update ULOG to NFLOG in rules but restricts the number of countries
This commit is contained in:
John Crisp 2025-02-13 19:14:51 +01:00
parent a9ebb21641
commit 42ce2cced8
6 changed files with 285 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ EOF
if ($port ne '' and $servStatus eq 'enabled' and $servAccess eq 'public' and $locBC ne '') {
push @locPorts, $port;
my $multi = ( $port =~ /[,:]/ )? "-m multiport --dports" : "--dport";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -m geoip $reverse --src-cc $locBC -p tcp $multi $port -j ULOG --ulog-prefix \"GeoIP BAN: $servName\"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -m geoip $reverse --src-cc $locBC -p tcp $multi $port -j NFLOG --nflog-prefix \"GeoIP BAN: $servName\"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -m geoip $reverse --src-cc $locBC -p tcp $multi $port -j DROP\n";
@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ EOF
@locPorts = () unless $others;
if (@locPorts != 0) {
my $LocPorts = join ',', @locPorts;
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -p tcp -m geoip -m multiport ! --dports $LocPorts $reverse --src-cc $BC -j ULOG --ulog-prefix \"GeoIP BAN: OTHER\"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -p tcp -m geoip -m multiport ! --dports $LocPorts $reverse --src-cc $BC -j NFLOG --nflog-prefix \"GeoIP BAN: OTHER\"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -p tcp -m geoip -m multiport ! --dports $LocPorts $reverse --src-cc $BC -j DROP\n";
} else {
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -p tcp -m geoip $reverse --src-cc $BC -j ULOG --ulog-prefix \"GeoIP BAN: ALL\"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -p tcp -m geoip $reverse --src-cc $BC -j NFLOG --nflog-prefix \"GeoIP BAN: ALL\"\n";
$OUT .= " /sbin/iptables -A \$NEW_XTGeoIP -p tcp -m geoip $reverse --src-cc $BC -j DROP\n";

View File

@ -244,7 +244,8 @@ sub get_stat_license_key {
} ## end sub get_stat_license_key
sub get_date_update {
my $file = "/usr/share/xt_geoip/LE/A1.iv4";
#my $file = "/usr/share/xt_geoip/LE/A1.iv4";
my $file = "/usr/share/xt_geoip/A1.iv4";
my $filetime = (-e $file) ? (stat($file))[9] : 0;
return strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M", localtime($filetime)) || '';
} ## end sub get_date_update
@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ sub generateStats {
return $out;
} ## end sub generateStats
#Subroutine to list counries codes
#Subroutine to list countries codes
sub generateCodes {
my $c = shift;
my $out = '';
@ -426,7 +427,8 @@ sub must_exist {
return $c->l('xtg_ERROR_COUNTRY_MAX', $ctr) if ($ctr > 50);
foreach my $bcs (@mq_bcs) {
my $file = "/usr/share/xt_geoip/LE/" . $bcs . ".iv4";
#my $file = "/usr/share/xt_geoip/LE/" . $bcs . ".iv4";
my $file = "/usr/share/xt_geoip/" . $bcs . ".iv4";
if (!-f $file) { $listerr .= $bcs . ","; }
return $c->l('xtg_ERROR_COUNTRY_NOT_EXIST', $listerr) if $listerr;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Run the builder - this leaves all the file in /usr.share/xt_geoip
# It's messy but I don't know how to get iptables to read a sub dir
cd /usr/share/xt_geoip
if ( ./xt_geoip_dl )
/usr/libexec/xtables-addons/xt_geoip_build GeoIPCountryWhois.csv

View File

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
# Converter for MaxMind (GeoLite2) CSV database to binary, for xt_geoip
# Copyright Jan Engelhardt, 2008-2011
# Copyright Philip Prindeville, 2018
# copied from /usr/libexec/xtables-addons to work on Koozali SME v11
# cannot work out to get iptables to read from a sub directory from a here
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::CIDR::Lite;
use Socket qw(AF_INET AF_INET6 inet_pton);
use warnings;
use Text::CSV_XS; # or trade for Text::CSV
use strict;
$| = 1;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new(
{ allow_whitespace => 1,
binary => 1,
eol => $/,
); # or Text::CSV
#my $source_dir = ".";
my $source_dir = "./GeoLite2-Country-CSV";
my $quiet = 0;
my $target_dir = ".";
"D=s" => \$target_dir,
"S=s" => \$source_dir,
"q" => \$quiet,
"s" => sub { $target_dir = "/usr/share/xt_geoip"; },
if (!-d $source_dir) {
print STDERR "Source directory \"$source_dir\" does not exist.\n";
exit 1;
if (!-d $target_dir) {
print STDERR "Target directory \"$target_dir\" does not exist.\n";
exit 1;
my %countryId;
my %countryName;
sub loadCountries {
sub id;
sub cc;
sub long;
sub ct;
sub cn;
%countryId = ();
%countryName = ();
my $file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Locations-en.csv";
open(my $fh, '<', $file) || die "Couldn't open list country names\n";
# first line is headers
my $row = $csv->getline($fh);
my %header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0 .. $#{$row});
my %pairs = (
country_iso_code => 'ISO Country Code',
geoname_id => 'ID',
country_name => 'Country Name',
continent_code => 'Continent Code',
continent_name => 'Continent Name',
# verify that the columns we need are present
map { die "Table has no $pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;
my %remapping = (
id => 'geoname_id',
cc => 'country_iso_code',
long => 'country_name',
ct => 'continent_code',
cn => 'continent_name',
# now create a function which returns the value of that column #
map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }"; } keys %remapping;
while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
if ($row->[cc] eq '' && $row->[long] eq '') {
$countryId{ $row->[id] } = $row->[ct];
$countryName{ $row->[ct] } = $row->[cn];
} else {
$countryId{ $row->[id] } = $row->[cc];
$countryName{ $row->[cc] } = $row->[long];
} ## end while (my $row = $csv->getline...)
$countryName{A1} = 'Anonymous Proxy';
$countryName{A2} = 'Satellite Provider';
$countryName{O1} = 'Other Country';
# clean up the namespace
undef &id;
undef &cc;
undef &long;
undef &ct;
undef &cn;
} ## end sub loadCountries
sub lookupCountry {
my ($id, $rid, $proxy, $sat) = @_;
if ($proxy) {
return 'A1';
} elsif ($sat) {
return 'A2';
$id ||= $rid;
if ($id eq '') {
return 'O1';
die "Unknown id: $id line $.\n" unless (exists $countryId{$id});
return $countryId{$id};
} ## end sub lookupCountry
sub collect {
my ($file, $fh, $row);
my (%country, %header);
sub net;
sub id;
sub rid;
sub proxy;
sub sat;
my %pairs = (
network => 'Network',
registered_country_geoname_id => 'Registered Country ID',
geoname_id => 'Country ID',
is_anonymous_proxy => 'Anonymous Proxy',
is_satellite_provider => 'Satellite',
foreach (sort keys %countryName) {
$country{$_} = {
name => $countryName{$_},
pool_v4 => Net::CIDR::Lite->new(),
pool_v6 => Net::CIDR::Lite->new(),
} ## end foreach (sort keys %countryName)
$file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv4.csv";
open($fh, '<', $file) || die "Can't open IPv4 database\n";
# first line is headers
$row = $csv->getline($fh);
%header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0 .. $#{$row});
# verify that the columns we need are present
map { die "Table has no %pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;
my %remapping = (
net => 'network',
id => 'geoname_id',
rid => 'registered_country_geoname_id',
proxy => 'is_anonymous_proxy',
sat => 'is_satellite_provider',
# now create a function which returns the value of that column #
map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }"; } keys %remapping;
while ($row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
my ($cc, $cidr);
$cc = lookupCountry($row->[id], $row->[rid], $row->[proxy], $row->[sat]);
$cidr = $row->[net];
if (!$quiet && $. % 4096 == 0) {
print STDOUT "\r\e[2K$. entries";
} ## end while ($row = $csv->getline...)
print STDOUT "\r\e[2K$. entries total\n" unless ($quiet);
# clean up the namespace
undef &net;
undef &id;
undef &rid;
undef &proxy;
undef &sat;
$file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv6.csv";
open($fh, '<', $file) || die "Can't open IPv6 database\n";
# first line is headers
$row = $csv->getline($fh);
%header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0 .. $#{$row});
# verify that the columns we need are present
map { die "Table has no %pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;
# unlikely the IPv6 table has different columns, but just to be sure
# create a function which returns the value of that column #
map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }"; } keys %remapping;
while ($row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
my ($cc, $cidr);
$cc = lookupCountry($row->[id], $row->[rid], $row->[proxy], $row->[sat]);
$cidr = $row->[net];
if (!$quiet && $. % 4096 == 0) {
print STDOUT "\r\e[2K$. entries";
} ## end while ($row = $csv->getline...)
print STDOUT "\r\e[2K$. entries total\n" unless ($quiet);
# clean up the namespace
undef &net;
undef &id;
undef &rid;
undef &proxy;
undef &sat;
return \%country;
} ## end sub collect
sub dump {
my $country = shift @_;
foreach my $iso_code (sort keys %{$country}) {
&dump_one($iso_code, $country->{$iso_code});
} ## end sub dump
sub dump_one {
my ($iso_code, $country) = @_;
my @ranges;
@ranges = $country->{pool_v4}->list_range();
writeCountry($iso_code, $country->{name}, AF_INET, @ranges);
@ranges = $country->{pool_v6}->list_range();
writeCountry($iso_code, $country->{name}, AF_INET6, @ranges);
} ## end sub dump_one
sub writeCountry {
my ($iso_code, $name, $family, @ranges) = @_;
my $fh;
printf "%5u IPv%s ranges for %s %s\n", scalar(@ranges), ($family == AF_INET ? '4' : '6'), $iso_code, $name unless ($quiet);
my $file = "$target_dir/" . uc($iso_code) . ".iv" . ($family == AF_INET ? '4' : '6');
if (!open($fh, '>', $file)) {
print STDERR "Error opening $file: $!\n";
exit 1;
foreach my $range (@ranges) {
my ($start, $end) = split('-', $range);
$start = inet_pton($family, $start);
$end = inet_pton($family, $end);
print $fh $start, $end;
} ## end foreach my $range (@ranges)
close $fh;
} ## end sub writeCountry

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
# Original script from xtables-addons
# SME specific use of ConfigDB
# replace /usr/libexec/xtables-addons/xt_geoip_dl in /usr/share/xt_geoip/update_base
# Koozali SME v11
# Now migrated to using files in /usr/share/xt_geoip
status=$(/sbin/e-smith/config getprop geoip status)
if [[ "$status" != "enabled" ]]
@ -26,5 +29,9 @@ then
exit 2
unzip -q GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip
# unzip -q GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip
if [ ! -d "/usr/share/xt_geoip/GeoLite2-Country-CSV" ]; then
mkdir -p "/usr/share/xt_geoip/GeoLite2-Country-CSV";
unzip -o -q -j GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip -d /usr/share/xt_geoip/GeoLite2-Country-CSV
rm -f GeoLite2-Country-CSV.zip

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%define name smeserver-xt_geoip
%define version 1.3.1
%define release 23
%define release 24
Summary: smserver rpm to setup database, update and configuration for xt_geoip module with a panel.
Name: %{name}
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist
--file /usr/share/xt_geoip/geoip_stats 'attr(0755, root, root)'\
--file /usr/share/xt_geoip/xt_geoip_dl 'attr(0750, root, root)'\
--file /usr/share/xt_geoip/update_base 'attr(0750, root, root)'\
--file /usr/share/xt_geoip/xt_geoip_build_maxmind 'attr(0750, root, root)'\
> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
echo "%doc COPYING" >> %{name}-%{version}-filelist
@ -81,6 +82,11 @@ fi
* Thu Feb 13 2025 John Crisp <jcrisp@safeandsoundit.co.uk> 1.3.1-24.sme
- move scriptoig back to /usr/share/geoip
- Lose the LE/BE (Little/Big Endian) parts as iptables can't seme to read the file in subdirs
- Update ULOG to NFLOG in rules but restricts the number of countries
* Wed Feb 12 2025 John Crisp <jcrisp@safeandsoundit.co.uk> 1.3.1-23.sme
- Update dependencies for xtables addons
- Remove $ from config in templates