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# <img src="https://www.koozali.org/images/koozali/Logo/Png/Koozali_logo_2016.png" width="25%" vertical="auto" style="vertical-align:bottom"> smeserver-gitutils
Utilities to use with smeserver on Koozali.org GITEA instance
Just a repackaging of some of Brian Read's tools with some modifications for the new git structure and some tidy-up of the ini file and debug statements
It's a good idea to have the scripts somewhere in your path (some do call others). You can put them in ~/bin (you may need to create this if it doesn't exist)
## config
sample ~/.smegit/config or /etc/smegit.ini file - fill in your details\
It will use the user config first and system ini, if user config does not exist
## git-cvs2git.sh
copy current cvs version of a package across to git in new structure
git-cvs2git.sh <repository> <organisation> [<local>]
* \<repository\> repository (package) to be migrated (e.g. smeserver-yum)
* \<organisation\> can ONLY be smeserver or smecontribs
optional parameters, can appear in any order
* \<local\> will migrate into your local GITEA (in config), otherwise remote GITEA
* \<debug\> run in debug mode
## git-get-and-build-repo.sh
bring down current git repository and run mockbuild
git-get-and-build.sh <repository> <organisation> [branch=<branch> <local> <debug>]
* \<branch=<branch\> will bring back a specific branch, otherwise Master
* \<repository\> repository (package) to be built (e.g. smeserver-yum)
* \<organisation\> can be any organisation or user on the remote GITEA instance
optional parameters, can appear in any order
* \<local\> will build from local GITEA (in config), otherwise from remote GITEA
* \<debug\> run in debug mode
## git-migrate-repo.sh
create mirror or copy of src.koozali.org repository in a local GITEA instance
git-migrate-repo.sh <repository> <organisation> [<target organisation> <copy|mirror> <local> <debug>]
* \<repository\> repository (package) to be copied (e.g. smeserver-yum)
* \<organisation\> can be any organisation or user on the remote GITEA instance
optional parameters, can appear in any order
* \<target organisation\> within your local GITEA, otherwise local user - must exist already
* \<copy|mirror\> will create local repo as either a copy or a mirror of the remote repo (default = copy)
* \<local\> use local GITEA as source (i.e. copy between organisations on local GITEA)
* \<debug\> run in debug mode
## git-transfer-repo.sh
Transfer a repo to a different user (or organisation)
git-transfer-repo.sh <repository> <source organization> <target organisation> [<local> <force> <debug> <silent>]
* \<repository\> repository name to be transferred (e.g. smeserver-clamav)
* \<source organisation\> to be transferred from (any valid organisation or user)
* \<target organisation\> to be transferred to (any valid organisation or user - you need owner privileges)
optional parameters, can appear in any order
\<local\> will use parameters set for local repository, else it will use remote
\<force\> will automagically delete an existing target repo, otherwise it will prompt
\<debug\> run in debug mode
\<silent\> suppress success message
## git-retag.sh
Create a new tag based on %version-%release in spec file (without trailing el7.sme) and optionally remove old tags
git-retag.sh <repository> <organisation> [<local> <debug> <noisy>]
* \<repository\> repository to be retagged
* \<organisation\> organisation\owner that the repository belongs to
optional parameters, can appear in any order
* \<purge\> will remove all existing tags
* \<local\> will use parameters set for local repository, else it will use remote
* \<debug\> run with debug output
* \<noisy\> will will print a line showing how it was called
## parse-list.sh
Parse a list of parameters and execute script with those parameters
parse-list.sh <param file|org='organisation'> <script> [<local> <noisy> <review> <additional*>]
* \<param file\|org='organisation'> name of file containing parameters or organisation which will be used to generate a list of all repos for input to \<script\>
* \<script\> script to run (e.g. rename-e-smith-pkg.sh)
optional params can appear in any order
* \<local\> used with org= and will use local GITEA instance, default remote - will be passed to \<script\>
* \<noisy\> show line being executed
* \<review\> show line to be executed, but NOT executing
* \<additional\> additional params to be passed (up to 3) e.g. debug,force,local
### example:
parse-list.sh org=smeserver git-migrate-repo.sh review
will echo the command that would be run for each repo in the smeserver organisation on the remote GITEA instance
git-migrate-repo.sh perl-Moo smeserver
git-migrate-repo.sh buildsys-macros smeserver
git-migrate-repo.sh clamav smeserver
## git-post-create-repo.sh
Update a repo created from a template (contribs,base or 3rd party) with things not able to be updated from the template:
* \<repository\> repository (package) to be editted (e.g. smeserver-yum)
* \<organisation\> can be any organisation or user on the remote or local GITEA instance
* \<local\> will migrate into your local GITEA (in config), otherwise remote GITEA
Rename spec file
Set current date in change log
Set Wiki and Issues links external (SME Wiki and Bugzilla)
## git-make-release.sh
Create a release and upload the rpm (src and bin) as attachments to that release
* \<repository\> repository (package) to be editted (e.g. smeserver-yum)
* \<draft | prerelease> create draft or prerelease else it will create full stable release
* \<organisation\> can be any organisation or user on the remote or local GITEA instance
* \<release-tag\> will have "SME" added to the front of it (so e.g. 10.2 -> SME10.2)
optional: (in any order)
* \<local\> used with org= and will use local GITEA instance, default remote - will be passed to \<script\>
* \<noisy\> show line being executed
* \<debug\> run in debug mode
* \<draft\> create a draft release
* \<prerelease\> create a pre-release
Note that no release type will give a full stable release
Create the release (deleting one that is the same tag),
Then uploads the .src.rpm and .rpm as an attachment (deleting any one of the same name)
## git-list-all-org-repos.sh
List the repos in any one organisation and optionally show the release and some associated fields
* \<organisation\> can be any organisation or user on the remote or local GITEA instance
optional: (in any order)
* \<local\> used with org= and will use local GITEA instance, default remote - will be passed to \<script\>
* \<noisy\> show line being executed
* \<debug\> run in debug mode
* \<draftrelease\> Show all draft releases
* \<prerelease\> Show all prereleases
* \<release\> Show all full releases
* \<allreleases\> Show all releases
* \<cloneurl\> Show the url to use to clone this repo
* \<zipurl\> Show the url to get the zipped contents of the repo
* \<asseturls\> Show the URLs of the assets associated with the release
Display a "table" of each repo and the optional extras requested.
## git-update-release-in-one-repo.sh
Update the release (draft/prerelease/release)
* \<organisation\> can be any organisation or user on the remote or local GITEA instance
* \<repo\> name of the repo (package)
* \<releasetag\> Full tag of the release (inc SME if applicable) OR
* \<id\>
* draft|prerelease|release
optional: (in any order)
* \<local\> used with org= and will use local GITEA instance, default remote - will be passed to \<script\>
* \<debug\> run in debug mode
Resets the release specified to the type specified.
## git-get-latest-tag.sh
Return the newest tag for the repo
* \<repo\> name of the repo (package)
* \<organisation\> can be any organisation or user on the remote or local GITEA instance
## github-make-push-mirror.sh
Create a repo on github.com and add a push mirror entry to the equivalent gitea repo.
* \<repo\> Name of the repo
* \<organisation\> Name of the organisation in GITEA
* \<github organisation\> Name of the organisation in GITHUB
Note that .smegit/conf needd GITHUBTOKEN and GITHUBLOGIN the token must have the necessary permissions. Either fine-grain token or one of the orginal tokens. Created through settings/developer tools/api tokens on github.com.
Also need to login in to github using `gh auth login` before running the command.